Riverside News The Rodney Pollock family of Ownli spent Christmas weekend •1 the Dave Pollock home. Other euest*. Christmas day were the Art Bassivirdt and Kenneth Pollock bundles of Neligh. Mr and Mrs Howard Miller left Tuesday, December 23, to spend Christmas holidays with Oetsot- Haddock family, Denver, Oafc Mrs. Jessie Crnnk of Page ■aaampanied them. TV*- Marvin Pribnow family of Oda Rapids visited Wednesday asetnr.. at Earl Pierson home Mr and Mrs Web Napier and ■aascll. Mr and Mrs. John Na pwr and family and the Richard Naper family were supper guests gpphsesday night at the Glen TIbhii ~ home. Mrs Flo Lautenschlager. the Wayne Lautenschlager and Rich ard Chaddwick families were Oristmas dinner guests at Ralph SArader home Evening guests awre the Joe Luziv family at Em «mi Bus Napier, I>ewis Shrader Vhgme Shrader, Harold Bennett, Maynard Morrow families anti Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett. Mrs Anna Miller and the Joe Miller family were Christmas day fwrsri at John Miller home. The Lorraine Montgomery and Lyrm Fry families were dinner and supper guests, Thursday at Flayd Napier home, Mr. and Mrs Dale Napier were also evening guests The Leo Miller and Lee Fink families had coffee Friday even ing at the Lynn Fry home after the Riverside school Christmas ‘ program Mrs Kitty Fry, Ina Bennett, Vfr and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett, the Hrehie Johnston, Gerald Wetlauf fer, Lewis Shrader, Joe Luziv, B. Napier, Maynard Morrow, WUlie Shrader and Harold Bennett fam ilies were Christmas day dinner guests at Will Shrader's home. The Frank Emsick family of Omaha, Duane Jensen family of Newman Grove, Wayne Fry fam ily, Richard Napier family and Mr and Mrs Dale Napier were Christmas dinner guests at the Z. H. Fry homo. Mrs. Dave Pol kxk and Mrs Art Busshardt were afternoon callers. Peggy and Joan Emsick are spending a few days at Z. H. Fry home. They were overnight guests Friday at the Richard Na- | pier home O’Neill News Sunday guests of Mrs. C. E. Jones were her brothers and their wives, Mr and Mrs. Ben Peter son and Mr and Mrs. Enoch Pet erson, all of Polk. Mr and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser were turkey dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kliment, sr., of Atkinson. Others present were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kliment and family of Wausa. Mrs. Iaa>n Thompson, Susan and 1 »avid of Bloomfield, Mr. and Mrs Raymond Soucek and family of Verdigre, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Kliment and family, Ivan Kliment, Mr and Mrs. James Dobias and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dobias find family, all of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Jaszkowiak and daughter, Miss Nyla, went to Gordon to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry DeWolfe. Afterwards they drove to Eli where she and the Misses Henrietta and Claire Linenbring left to spend several days in Den ver, Colo. Nyla and Henrietta are classmates at the College of St. Mary at Xavier, Kans. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Streeter were hosts at a family dinner in honor of the Harold Hue berts of Wichita, Kans. Mr. and Mrs. C. G Shellhase had as their guests Sunday her mother, Mrs. Minnie Schnitker and her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Aurand and their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Aurand, all of Kansas. They came to see I,t. Donna Shell hase, who was on leave and will be stationed in Germany soon Holiday Party— Mr. and Mrs A. P. Jaskowiak were hosts Sunday at an egg nog party at their home. O’Neill Production Credit Association Phone 42 — O’Neill Dr. Donald E. David OPTOMETRI/T Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Piwnr 2101 Spencer Ray Lawrence O’NEILL — PHONE 114 Dealer of Nixon A On. F-E-E-D-S General Livestock Haudnc I i i, FROM EVERYONE At ? HARRY R. SMITH IMPLEMENTS s Your John Deere Dealer O’Neill, Nebr. Appleby . . . cattle buyer. Charles Appleby, 67, Succumbs at Norfolk Funeral services were to be conducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday, December 31, for Ovaries Chase Appleby, 67. retired cattle buyer and a resident of Holt county many years. The rites were to be held at Billin's funeral chapel. He died at 10 p.m. Sunday, Do cember 28, in a Norfolk hospital. Pallbearers were to be Fred Ap pleby, Robert Appleby, Richard Appleby, Oral Tubbs, Fred Krug man and Harold Asher. Burial was to he in Prospect Hill cem etery. Military graveside rites will be conducted by Simonson post 93 of the American Legion. The late Mr. Appleby, who never married, was Ivom Septem ber 23, 1891, at Norfolk, a son of Frank Odell Appleby and Lettie Arvilla Chase Appleby. His par ents were natives of Ohio. He was reared in the Ewing community, t rough t cattle there and also at Grand Island, where he lived many years. During World War I he partic ipated in heavy fighting in France and was wounded. Survivors include: Sisters -Mrs. Lillie Green of Lodge Grass, Mont.; Mrs. Lettie Hart of Kear ney, and Mrs. Roy Tubbs of Clear water; brothers—Robert Appleby of Mamomeck, N.Y., and Harry of O'Neill. Martin-Hickey Nuptials Read St. Patrick's Catholic church here was the scene Saturday morn ing, December 27, of the wedding of Mrs. Irene Martin and Patrick V. Hickey, both of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. J. VV. Hickey were the attendants. The 8 o'clock ceremony was per formed by Very Rev. Timothy O’Sullivan. Immediately following the cere mony. a wedding breakfast was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Robertson for mem bers of the immediate family, also Mrs. J. F. Conway, Father O’Sul livan and Rev. Carl Kucera. The cake was baked by Mrs. Edward Martin of Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Hickey will make their home in O’Neill following a wedding trip to California. Reservations Being Filled for Banquet Reservations are beginning to pour in for the Frank Leahy homecoming banquet to be held here Monday evening, January 26, at the American Legion auditor ium. The Frontier and radio station KBRX are jointly sponsoring the event and $1.75 per plate tickets are available by mail or by call ing at. either firm. McKenzies Hosts— Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie were hosts at a family Christmas dinner. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Huebert and girls of Wich ita, Kans., Mr. and Mrs. Dean Streeter and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Streeter. Monuments of lasting beauty from the factory to the con sumer.—Emmet Crabb. O’Neill, made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Go. . . . monuments Count the hands and divide by two and you’ll have an Idea how many were in contention for the loose ball in Friday’s O’Neill Atkinson game. The Eagles are in dark uniforms; the Balers are in white. Church Notes METHODIST (1‘uge In man) Rev. Lisle E. Mewmaw, pastor PAGE - Sunday. aJnuary 4: Sunday school. 10 a.m.; worship. 11 a.m , with holy communion; children's session of school of missions,, 11 a.m.; youth and adult opening session of, school of mis sions, 7:30 p.m., featuring the tape recording of Carroll French's wedding. This annual school of missions will continue on Sun days during January. Plan now to attend! Tuesday. January 6: Miss Al ice Young of O'Neill, Internation al Farm Exchange student in Bel gium recently, will show pictures of Belgium at 8 p.m., sponsored by the King s Daughters. Every one is cordially invited to att< nd. Wednesday, January 7: Chancel choir practice. 8 p.m. INMAN Sunday, January 4: Morning worship, ’ 9:45 a.m , with holy Communion; Sunday school, 10:45. Wednesday, January 7: Choir practice, 7:30 p.m., and MYF. Thursday, January 8: Woman's society of Christian Service meet ing, 2:30 p.m. FOR BOTH CHURC11ES Sunday, January 4: Church music workshop for all church and Sunday school musicians in Norfolk Methodist church, 2:30 to 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, January 7: Mid week prayer hour, 9 a.m. Read Luke 18:1-8 Thursday, January 8: Sub-dis trict evangelism workshop in At kinson Methodist church during the evening. All commission on membership and evangelism momliers and any other interest ! ed are urged to attend. Did You Remember Shutins with Cards? ROCK FALLS Inasmuch as this | reporter didn't get the news : roundup turned in last week there may lie some items which are car ried over that might be of inter est. With last minute shopping and various preparations for the com ing holidays, there wasn’t too much in the line of news. Did you all remember to send a card to that shut-in or hospital patient? In case you forgot, it isn’t too late yet and it might bring a little ray of sunshine to a less fortunate soul. From all of us at our house to everyone at your house, a merry, merry Christmas! Other Rock Fall News Mr. and Mrs. Heber Breiner of Grand Island brought Mrs. Ther esa Breiner home Monday after noon. She had been visiting there the past two weeks. Miss L/)is Breiner also accompanied them. They returned later that after , noon. Mrs. Lou Brown took time out of a busy schedule Monday morn ing, December 15, to call on Mrs. John Schultz and had a cup of coffee while discussing things in common to both. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson were Sunday visitors of the Lowell Johnson family. Other guests in cluded their daughter, Mrs. Dave Anderson and husband, of New Jersey, and son, Jim. of Manhat tan, Kans., who came that evening. All spent the holidays here, also Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gipson and two little daughters of Ainsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Linda were guests at a birth day supper in the John Schultz home Thursday. December 18, honoring the 10th birthday anniv ersary of their oldest daughter, Gwenda Ra. Aldon Breiner and son, Russel had dinner, Wednesday, Decem ber 17. with the Floyd Johnson family. Levi Hull had supper Tuesday, December 16, with the Ernest family. Mrs. Fanny Ernst Thursday vis ited her sister, Mrs. Emma Laur ence in O’Neill. The Eagle Creek 4-H club had a Christmas party Saturday eve ning at the Fred Ernst home. Ev eryone was present except Mary Jo Curran. Each member, and younger brother and sister, re ceived a Christmas gift from the leaders, Mrs Lyle Vequist and Mrs. Albert Widtfeldt. METHODIST (O’Neill) Rev- Glen Kennicott, pastor 0 'N FILL— Friday, January 2: Dorcas, 2:00 pm. Saturday, January 3: Junior choir, 10:30 a m. Sunday, January 4: Church school, 9 45 am.; worship, 11 a. m.; schol of missions, 7:15 p.m. Monday, January 5: Inter mediate Youth Fellowship, 7 :QU p.m. Wednesday, January 7: High school choir, 7:15; adult choir, 8 p.m.; senior MYF. 8 p.m. Thursday, January 8: 10 a. m. Prayer circle, Claude Bates home; IXircas, 2:00 p.m. EMM FT Sunday, January 4: Children's Sunday school and morning wor ship, 9:30 a.m. PKKSBl TERIAN (O'Neill) Rev. John Hart, pastor Sunday. January 4.: Church school 9:45; morning worship 11 a.m., sacrament of the Lord's ; Supper will lie administered dur ing the worship hour. Monday. January 5: 3:00 p.m., Bible study. Wednesday, January 6: Junior high fellowship; 7 p. m , choir practice, 7 p.m.; trustees' meet ing. 8 p.m. Thursday, January 7: Senior high fellowship, 7 p.m. CENTER l NT ON (O’Neill) Rev. C. P. Turner, pastor Sunday, January 4: Sunday Ischool at 10 a.m.; preaching ser vice at 11 a.m.; young peoples' meeting at 7:30 in the evening. Prayer meeting and Bible study will be in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lorenz Wednesday eve at 8:00. All are cordially invited to attend all of these meetings. BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN (RET) Ewing) Rev. John Hart, pastor Sunday, January 4: Morning worship and the sacrament of the lord’s Supper 9:30 a.m.; church school 10:30; Pot-luck dinner and congregational meeting 12 noon Gibson Being Held in County Jail Albert Nelson Gibson, 34, At kinson truck driver, is being held in Holt county jail awaiting ar raignment in district court. Last week he pleaded innocent to charges of assault with intent to inflict great bodily harm. Charges were brought by his mo ther-in-law, Mrs. Florence Scripter of Atkinson. Gibson also assaulted his wife, Marjorie. Com Division in Final Meeting— PAGE Mr. and Mrs. Garhardt Luebeke hosted the final meeting of the com division of the Eagle Hustler’s 4-H club Friday evening. Those competing were Tommy and Jimmie Melcher, Randall, Kent and Val Stauffer, Bruce Bowen, Tommy Scheinost, Wayne lleese and Mary Lou, Jerilyn and Seal Luebeke. It has been announced that Tom my Scheinost received the second place award in the irrigated plot and Randall Stauffer placed first in the county in dry land farming. The records were completed. | Mr. LLuebeke has been the leader of the corn projects. Burge Family in Yule Reunion — EMMET All members of Mrs. Bessie Burge’s family met at her home Saturday evening for din ner. Afterward they opened their gifts. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burge and family of Cham- j bers; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge j and family of Amelia, including j their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dickerson of Enid, Okla., and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Diehlson of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Dean Burge and faimly of Omaha and Clayton Burge of Amelia. There were 27 present. 55 Guests Present— Fifty - five guests were pres ent for Christmas dinner and af ternoon visitors at the Sylvester Zakrzewski home. The guests in cluded Mr. and Mrs. William Po dany and family of Butte, Mr. and IVIrs. Herbert Fox and family of Blue Earth, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zakrzewski and family, all of Star, Mr. and Mrs. : Leonard Fox and family of Hast- ( ings, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Grib ble of Chambers, Bob Kile of 1 Butte and Mrs. Elizabeth Vent- ; eicher. i Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brown and faimly of North Plate visited Monday with Mrs. Bessie Burge and June. SELLING AT AUCTION Complete Household Furniture The following personal property belonging to the late Jennie Her shlser will be sold at public auction at the residence, 22B Wesl Douglas (or first house west of New Outlaw store) on — Saturday, January 10 — 1 P.M. Gas kitchen range, 8-ft Frigidaire refrigerator, kitchen table and chairs, medicine cabinet, wall cabinet, davenport and chair, two platform rockers, oil heater. Floor lamp, Singer sewing machine ]nearly new), Speed Queen washing machine, two end tables, two stands, two folding chairs, card table, 1958 model Zenith 21-in. television set with antenna (used three months). Three beds (complete), three chests of drawers, one dresser, garden tools, cooking utensils, dishes, many misc. articles. 1947 4-door Chevrolet, 31,000 actual miles, good tires __ TERMS OF SALE: CASH. WALLY O’CONNELL, Auctioneer ED MURPHY, Clerk .... ® mm niiBii i »»'*a»..^ s *. Mm. Adams ... II children. Widow of Chambers Banker Is Honored CHAMBERS Mrs. Edward Adams, widow of a longtime Chambers hanker, was honored on her 85th birthday anniversary Wednesday, December 2-1, in an o|>en-house affair from 2 until 4 o’clock at her home, arranged by her four daughters. Mrs. Adams resides in the "old Adams home". Seventy-seven relatives and friends registered and Miss Doreen deed, who at tends Morningside college at Sioux City, received and register ed the arrivals. Mrs. Adams’ maiden name was Sarah McMillin. She was born l>ecember 24. 187,'i, on a farm near Bennett, about 15 miles from Lincoln. Her parents were Thom as A. McMillin and Sarah Jane Hunt McMillin. At the age of nine she moved with her parents by covered wa gon to a farm near the present site of Page. She attended rural school and was reared in that lo cality. On May 7, 1890 she was married to Edward Adams, who was associated with Gene Smith in the lumber and linking busin ess. In 1901 Mr. Adams sold his interest to Mr. Smith and moved to Stuart where ho spent the sum mer working for the William Krot ter company. On November 1, 1901, the fam ily moved to Chambers where Mr. Adams founded the Chambers State Bank. He headed the in stitution until his death April 20, 1941, having been in the banking business more than a half-century. Mr. Adams died 18 days before be and his wife would have cele brated their 50th wedding anni versary. Mr. Adams became the mother >f 11 children — seven of whom ire now living. All hut one,— John M. Adams of Austin, Tex.— were present for the open-house event. Mrs. Adam’s other living child ren are: Mrs. J. E. (Lovena) Crimes of Chambers: Leo T., who ,s vice-president of the First Nat ional Bank of Atkinson; Mrs. Lloyd (Leona) Gleed of Cham bers, who is active in 4-H club A’ork; John of Austin, Tex., who s in municipal subdivision real estate work; Glenn, who is pres dent of the Chambers bank found ed by his father; Mrs. Arthur (Etha) Walters, a teacher in the TNeill city schools; Mrs. E. J. (Wilma) Salstrand of Turlock, Ualif., a teacher at Turlock. Leo and Leona are twins. Deceased children are: Albert, ■vho died in 1920 at the age of 26; Vliss Jennie, a Baptist missionary nurse who was executed by the Japanese military during the Nip wn invasion of the Philippine Is lands early in World War II: Harold, who died at the age of 18-months- old; Irwin, who lived jn the orginal Adams family farm in Ohio, near Plain City, and lied in 1944. Mrs. Adams counts 19 grand children and 27 great-grandchild ren. She had maintained her borne in the same dwelling in the cast part of town for 57 years. She shares the home with Mrs. Bert Lybolt. They have separate apartments, and do their own aousework. Mi;s. Adams has l>een a mem aer of the Methodist chrch 46 /ears and has been a faithful mem aer. She enjoys excellent health md conducts devotional meetings >f her church circle. Her closest friends are obliged o search hard to find a gray hair is she apjaears to be much young *r than four score and five. Mrs. Grimes poured coffee at he reception; Mrs. Salstrand ser ved punch and Mrs. Walter and VIrs. Gleed served the anniver ---- ■ sary cake. Out - of - town relatives and friends who registered included: Mrs. Dora Hunt 1\iwjisend of Page ta cousin); Mr. awl Mrs. 1V via Id Townsend of Frontier, Wyx>.; Mr. and .Airs. Henry- Flem ing of Ewing (Mrs Fleming is a cousin); Mr awl Mrs. 17. J. Sal strand of Turlock, Calif.; Mrs. Lawrence Barnett of Greeley, Colo ; Mrs. Clarence Grimes of Milford; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner of Kearney. Bowling Scores STREAMLINERS W L Popper Uppers .. .. 31 Vi 134 Heinz 57 . 25 20 Methodist Men . 24 Vi IX) Vs Page Oilei-s .... 22 23 Kohrs Tractor St Eqpt. 22 23 Splits .21 Vi 234 Farmers Store 184 264 Legion Blue 15 30 HIG Ed. Hancock, Fehrs Trac tor iV Eqpt., 224; John Brady, Pep Ik'I' Uppers, 224. HIS John Brady, Pepper Up |>ors, 585. HTG PepjH'r Uppers, 851. 1 ITS Pepper Uppers, 2368. BOOSTER W L j Caterpillar 30 15 Ten Pin Dines .. .. 28 17 1 tick’s Bar .. 25 20 I. M. McDonalds 22 23 Nite Owls . 20 25 Pin Pals 19 26 Town House 19 26 Hunt's Plumbing 17 28 HIG Dorothy Yantzi, Dick's Bar, 212. HIS Dorothy Yantzi, Dick's Bar.-193. HTG Dick’s Bar, 746. I ITS Ten Pin Danes, 2006. ItOtMM t‘ VV L Ye Okie Farmers 33 15 Haymakers ... .. 29 19 Bazelman’s Service .. 27 21 K of C Red 24 24 New Outlaw . 23 25 Dick’s Bar .. 20 28 j Shelhamer Oil 20 28 Proutj Bros 16 32, HIG Dave Eby, Shelhamer Oil, 222. HIS Dave Eby, Shelhamer Oil, 5-16. HTG Haymakers, 829. I ITS Haymakers, 2350. IICh-lMS _ t . VARSITY W I. O'Neill Cleaners . . 31 14 Old Home Bread 27 18 Orchard Legion ...... ... 26 19 Drayton Elevator 21 24 Johnson Jewelry 20 25 Legion Gold _ ... 20 25 Bright's Store ... ... 19 26 Coast-1 o-Coast . 16 29 HIG John Brady, O’Neill Clean ers, 222. HIS John Brady, O'Neill Clean ers, 571. HTG—Orchard Legion, 894. HTS Orchard Legion, 2562. STRIKETTES I • W L Candy BUI * Cafe 31 17 Melcina's Pvvdr. Puffs 25 23 Chamber's Chiv 25 23 Pinkerman's TV 24 24 ' Harding’s Creamery 24 24 Rollettes .. 234 24 4 Pin Quins 214 264 O'Neill Auto Supply 19 29 IIKKF W L New Peal Oil Co. 30 15 Harley Oil Q>. 26 19 Page Oil .... 25 20 Sam's Bar 23 22 O'Neill Auto Supply 204 24 4 Lohaus Motors 204 24 4 Wick’s Body Sliop 20 25 Force Tire & Supply 15 30 Mid Clara Carroll (sub), O' Neill Auto Supply, 203 SHAMROCK W L Shonka Agency 36 12 O'Neill National Brink 294 184 O'Neill Ixvokers 25 23 Hamm’s 22 26 Virg lxiursen Ins. 22 26 Western Auto 204 274 Marcellus Chevrolet 19 29 Ash Grove 18 30 HIG Robert Borgian, Hamm’s, 201. HIS Fritz Krugmnn, Ash Grove, 526. HTG O’Neill National Bank, 839 1 ITS O'Neill Lockers, 2418 STREAMLINE VV L Pepper Uppers 32*4 15*4 Methodist Men 26*4 21*4 Page Oilers 25 23 Heinz 57 _ 25 23 Splitz 23Vfc 24tt Fehrs Tractor & Eqpt. 23 25 Farmers Store 1914 28*4 Legion Blue 17 31 HIG John Brady, Pepper Up pers, 211. IHS - John Brady, Pepper Up pers, 578. HTG Splitz, 847. HTS Splitz, 2314. VARSITY W L O'Neill Cleaners 34 14 Old Home Bread 29 19 Orchard lx»gion 27 21 Drayton Elevator 22 26 I region Gold 23 25 Johnson Jewelry 20 28 Bright’s Store ... 21 27 Coast-to-Coast 16 32 HIG Gordon Drayton, Dray ton’s Elevator, 224. HIS—Don Franklin, Old Home Bread, 560. HTG Drayton Elevator, 896 HTS—O’Neill Cleaners, 2475 ROUNDUP W L Ye Olde Farmers 35 16 Haymakers 30 21 Bazelman’s Service 28 23 New Outlaw 25 26 K of C Red 24 27 Shelhamers Oil _ 22 29 Dick's Bar _ 21 30 Prouty Bros. _ 19 32 HIG- Bernard Hoffman, Ye Olde Farmers, 224. ms — D. Hoffman, Ye Olde Farmers, 535. HTG—Haymakers, 839. HTS—Ye Olde Farmers, 2301. ----1 NOTICE . 1959 motor vehicle licenses will go on sale Jan. 2. No licenses can be Issued until that date. Your 1959 Tax statements will be mailed to you before Jan. 1. These Tax statements, your J958 certificate and the proper amount of tax and license must be brought in or sent in If by mall. We must have your 1958 cer tificate. Business hours for Jan. 2 through Jan. 24 and Feb. 1R through Feb. 28 will be, Open at 9 a.m., open during the noon hour and close the door at 4 p.m., except Saturdays when we close at noon. We will be required to charge $1.00 for lost or miitiilatod plates, or change of plates, except where an applicant conies Into Holt County from another County. They will be required to turn in previous County plates and we will Issue Holt plates for no additional fee. j I All fees will be the same as 1958. Don’t forget that we MUST have your 1958 certificate when apply ing for 1959 Licenses. No postage will be necessary this year * because we won’t bo issuing 1959 plates, just 1959 tabs to be | attached to 1958 plates. Be sure your Motor vehicle tax statement shows your proper precinct, proper School district and that the statement Is for the vehicle you wish to license. H not correct take it to the County j Assessor for correction. J. Ed Hancock, COUNTY TREASURER * * ...to express our sincerest wishes to ell our patrons for the most joyous of New Years! May we continue to serve you throughout the months Niobrara Valley Electric Membership Corp. O'NEILL, NEBR.