I Church Notes METHODIST (O’Neill Emmet) Rev. Glen Kennicott, pastor O'NEILL_ Friday. December 26: Dorcas, 2 p.m. Saturday, December 27: Junior choir, 10.30 a.m. Sunday, December 28: Church school, 9:45 a.m.; morning wor ship, 11 a.m., (Special invitation to all students home for vacation); annual school of mission begins in the evening with a fellowship supper at 6; films and study at 7:15; district MYF institute begins at Page, 3 p.m. Monday, December 29: District MYF institute continues at Page. Tuesday, December 30: District MYF institute closes at noon. Wednesday, December 31: High school choir, 7:15 p.m.; adult choir, 8 p.m. EMMET- _ Sunday, December 28: Chil dren's Sunday school and morning worship, 9:30 a.m. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN (Atkinson) Rev. A. S. Gedwillo, pastor Wednesday: 8 p.m., Christmas Eve worship service by the Sun day school children. Thursday: 9 a.m., Christmas day worship. Sunday: 9 a.m., Divine wor ship. 10:15 a.m., Sunday school Ray Lawrence O'NEILL — PHONE 111 Dealer ol Nixon A Os F-E-E-D-S General Livestock Hauling II—— ■ ■ — S H. Brauer, SupL Thursday: 10:30 a.m.. New Year's day worship. JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES (O'Neill) Friday, December 26: Theocrat ic ministry school, 7:30 p.m., sub ject, "Kingship and Priesthood Why Separate?”; service meeting, 8:30 p.m., theme, "Walk in the Principles of the Worship of Je hovah”. Sunday, December 28: Watch tower study, 6 p.m., subject, "Reading the Meaning of the Signs and Wonders”, Isa. 8:18. CHRIST LI THE RAN (O’Neill) Rev. A. S. Gedwillo, pastor Thursday: 10:30 a.m., Christ mas day worship service. Sunday: 9:45 a.m., Sunday school. Wm. Fricke Supt. 11 a.m , divine worship. 4 p.m., "The Lu theran Hour” on WJAG. Thursday, January 1: 9 a.m., divine worship. March of Dimes Directors Named The appointment of Nebraska county directors for the January, 1959, march of dimes has been completed according to Ted R. Hughes of Seward, state march of dimes chairman. The appointments include the following from this area: Jack Rohrberg of Orchard, Antelope county; Mack Mahannah of Butte, Boyd; Mrs. Irene L. Barrett of Greeley, Greeley; Mrs. Robert Martens of Atkinson, Holt; Mrs. Grace Gibson of Springview, Keya Paha; Larry Martin of Bassett, Rock; and S. L. Westcott of Bart lett, Wheeler. | Open Thursday nights Instead of Saturday nights frum now on. jj | Rogers Specials! j — COMPARE THESE PRICES — A-l FEEDS — GUARANTEED ANALYSIS J i 80% Com Cubes _ 58.00 jj ! Hi Lass (Cattle Conditioner) _ 56.00 % { 40% Range Cubes_ 75.00 j; 132% Range Cubes _ 71.00 jj 40% Natural Cubes _1_ 81.00 i 41 % Old Process \ 5% Fat Cotton Cake Wafers .... 82.50 jj PER 100 LB8. r 5 40% Hog Supplement __- 4.50 jj jj 18% Pig Creep _ 5.00 j f 25% Hog Builder _ 4.60 120% Lay Pellets _ 4.00 32% Lay Concentrate_ 4.70 ROGERS MINERALS Cudahy Gold Bricks — Mineral Blocks and All Purpose R 12P — R 8P — 13% Phos. Range 6% Range CALF MANNA — SUCKLE — SCOTCH O LASS — BRAN SHORTS — MEAT SCRAPS — ROLLED OATS ROLLED BARLEY 11 Linseed — Soybean — Cotton Cake Meals Veterinary Supplies TRI-BACTERIUM — ANTIBIOTICS ? MYZON PLUS WORMER — CATTLE SPRAYS | Buy and Save at ROGERS PRODUCTS | North of BorBft— Depot Fhooo TT1 irm-tirrrirr— Hospital Notes I ST. ANTHONY’S (O’Neill) Admissions December 17, Mrs. Leroy Lyons of Emmet; Mrs. J. M. Gallagher of Inman; December 18, Mrs. Frank Sullivan of O'Neill; December 19, Mrs. Richard Min ton of O'Neill; Debra Peterson of O'Neill; Daniel Holsclaw of O’ Neill; Miss Patricia Wilson of O’ Neill, Felix Sullivan of O'Neill; December 21, Thomas Wayne San ders of Inman; Vernon Slaymak er of Atkinson; Gwenda Schultz of O'Neill; Mark Tharrush of O' Neill: Alvin Heese of Page; De cember 22, Mickey Tighe of O’ Neill; Mrs. Gordon Hamilton of Venus; Mrs. William C. Kelly of Inman; Mrs. Bruce Morrow of O' Neill; December 23, Bobbie Jo Sanders of O'Neill! Miss Margie Finch of Page. Dismissals: December 17, Rob ert Kersch of Spencer; December 18, Mrs. Donald Borg and baby boy of O'Neill; December 19. Mrs. i Vem Sageser of Amelia; Henry Winkler of O'Neill; Miss Viola Graham of O'Neill; Debra Peter son of O'Neill; Mrs. Richard Min ton of O'Neill; December 20, Dale Revell of O'Neill; Mrs. William Grothe, sr., of Emmet; Mrs. Fred Appleby of O'Neill; Mrs. Henry Grunke of O'Neill; Mrs. Leroy Ly ons of Emmett; December 21, Master James Soukup of O’Neill; | Mrs. Frank Sullivan of O’Neill; December 22, Mrs. J. M Gallagh er of Inman; Alvin Heese of Page; Helmut Arnold of O'Neill; Thom I as Wayne Sanders of Inman; Me lissa Jean Jones of O'Neill; Frank I Wilson of Ewing; Joseph Jareske of O'Neill. Hospitalized: Mark Thamish of O'Neill, Vernon Slaymaker of At kinson. Gwenda Schultz of O' Neill, Mrs. Jettie Shorthill of O’ Neill, Bruce Morrow of O'Neill, Mrs. Gordon Hamilton of Venus, I Bobbie Jo Sanders of O'Neill, Ed ward Boshart of O’Neill, Mickey Tighe of O'Neill, Miss Margie Finch of Page, Felix Sullivan of O'Neill, C. N Biglow of Stuart, Mrs. William C. Kelly of Inman, Mrs. Jennie Crosser of Inman, Mrs. John Carr of O’Neill, Miss Patricia Wilson of O’Neill, Roy Parker of O’Neill, Daniel Hols claw of O’Neill, Ann Lorraine Ap pleby of O’Neill. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: December 15, William Woodward of Stuart, medical; Mrs. Anna Humphrys of Newport, medical; December 16, Mrs. Aug ust Kramer of Stuart, medical; December 18, Mrs. Maynard Cole man of Atkinson, surgical; De cember 19, Mrs. Maude Hansen of Atkinson, medical; December 20, Mrs. Fred Kunz of Stuart, med ical; Aimer Griffeth of Newport, surgical, Charles Spann of Cham bers, medical; December 21, Lois ■ Schrader of Mills, accident; Mrs. J. D. Berkheimer of Long Pine, medical. Dismissed: December 15, Roy Nilson of Newport; Mrs. William Kostic and son of O’Neill; Gregory Frahm of Amelia; December 16, Mrs. Ralph Adair and son of Amelia; Mrs. Max Hamik and son of Atkinson; Jeanette Tasler of Atkinson; December 17, Mrs. Charles McMillan of Atkinson; De cember 18, Nick Simons of Stuart; December 19, William Woodward of Stuart; Mrs. Maynard Coleman of Atkinson; December 20, Mrs. Anna Humphrys of Newport; De cember 21, Lois Schrader of Mills; Mrs. Fred Kunz ot Stuart. Expired: John Gallagher of At kinson, December 18; Mrs. William Poessnecker of Atkinson, Decem ber 21. Hospitalized: Aimer Griffith of Newport, Charles Spann of Cham bers, Mrs. Maude Hansen of At kinson, Rose Monahan of Atkinson, Mrs. J. D. Berkheimer of Long Pine, Mrs. Julia Samples of At kinson, Mrs. August Kramer of Stuart. SACRED HEART (Lynch) Present: Mrs. William Bentz and babies of Spencer, Mrs. Bertha Bright of Butte, Mrs. Mary Clas sen of Spencer, Mrs. Carl Gne wuch of Norfolk, Mrs. E. M. Guth miller of Anoka, Fernando Grimm of Lynch, Ruben Johnson of Bris tow, Baby Nielsen of Lynch, Mrs. Caroline Peterson of Bonesteel, Mrs. Harry Helenbolt and baby of Naper, Mrs. Bill Martz of Lynch, Arthur Nemitz of Gross, Mrs. J. B. Roush of Butte, Mrs. Joe Slechta and baby of Lynch, Mrs. Hannah Streit of Lynch, Mrs. Ruth Tal bert of Bristow, Mrs. Edward Tunink of Butte, Mrs. Nick Web i er of Butte,’ James E. Wiley of 1 Dorsey, Edward Winkler of Em met. - 1 Dismissed; December 16, Mrs. i i Charles Kern of Naper; Richard : Hull of Lynch; Mrs Howard An- i derson and baby of Lynch; De- i cember 17, Mrs. Delbert Nielsen 1 of Lynch; Baby Kem Thomas ] David of Spencer; December 20, Mrs Robert Bridge of Spencer, Victor Schmitz of Bonesteel. Ll'NDBERG MEMORIAL (Orel* Mon) Admitted; Mrs. Gail Peterson of , Niobrara, John Rogers of Creigh- : ton, James Hildreth of Creighton. Mrs. Joe Fuchtman of Creighton, Mrs. Mervtn Hurtig of Creighton, ' Robert Dannert of Winnetoon. Dismissed: John Rogers o f 1 Creighton, Mrs. Mary Janovec of Niobrara, Mrs. Gail Peterson and daughter of Niobrara, Mrs. Tom Prochaska of Winnetoon, Ann Marie Prochaska of Winnetoon. Ewing News Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies went; to Norfolk on Friday to visit his brother, Ray Boies at the hospital and they also called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Durward Lough rey and family, former residents of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies, ac companied by Mrs. Rose Bauer and family, Leonora Tuttle and Julian Sojka jr., attended the Christmas program at the rural school north of O'Neill taught by Miss Catherine Bauer of Ewing. Mrs. W. E. Wanser of Page at tended the grade school operetta of the Ewing public school held Thursday evening at the school* auditorium. She had two grand children participating in the pro gram. Jerry Wanser, student at the Peru state teachers college, came home Wednesday for a two weeks | vacation, at the home of his par- J ents, Mr. and Mrr. Max Wanser. Larry Wanser went to Grand Island on Saturday where he met Gary Holly, U. S. Navy, coming from California on a holiday leave. Miss Judy Wanser who is em ployed in Omaha, is expected home for the Christmas weekend. The lossers of the Clearwater Ewing pinochle club entertained the winners at dinner at the M&M Cafe in O'Neill on Monday even ing. The group then returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies in Ewing for the card games and Christmas party. Mr. Boies and Mrs. Roy Stevens won high score and low score went to Pat Knapp and Mrs. Art Jaake. Mrs. Everett Ruby who teach es a rural school near Ewing, had a Christmas party on Friday. School Was then dismissed for a two weeks vacation. Mrs. J. H. Wunner is planning on spending the holiday weekend with relatives at Stanton. Mrs. J. H. Wunner was a week end guest at the home of Mrs. Daisy Miller. On Sunday she was the guest of honor at dinner, the occasion to celebrate her birthday anniversary. The home of Mrs. Laura Spit tler will be the place for a gath ering of the family on Christmas day. Expected guests are Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bar tak and son all of Ewing, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Spittler and daughter of Valentine and Miss Shirly Melchor of Omaha who re mained for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartak and son and Mrs. Laura Spittler spent Thursday visiting with Dr. and Mrs. Leo Spittler and family at Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bartak were six o’clock dinner guests at the home of their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartak Wed nesday, the occasion in honor of Mrs. Stanley Bartak’s birthday anniversary. Holiday weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk are his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Decker of Omaha. John Spittler plans to spend Christmas day with his son. King Spittler and family at Norfolk. The high and grade children of the Ewing public school had their Christmas parties Friday after noon with an exchange of gifts. They were dismissed at three for a two week's vacation. Why not consider a gift sub scription for THAT family this Christmas? Danny Watson Is S— Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watson were- guests of their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Wat son of Chambers to celebrate Dan ny Watson's fifth birthday anniver sary. Other guests were Emmett Slaight, Mrs. Mary Peterson and Mrs Henry Martin. Page News Mr. and Mrs. George Pongratz. Hugh Troshynski and Miss Rita Lydon accompanied Dan Tro shynski to Alliance Sunday where they were dinner guests in the home of the latter's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Powell and children, Mary Jo and Larry Daniel. The group at tended christening services at the Holy Rosary Catholic church at 2 p.m , Sunday for Larry Daniel, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pow’ell. Sponsors were Mrs. Or ville Gilpin and Hugh Troshynski. Mrs. Troshynski, who had spent the past week assisting in the Powell household, returned home with them Sunday evening. A complete rehearsal was held Saturday at 10 a m., at the Page Methodist church for the Sunday evening Christmas program. Each family brought sandwiches or cookies and the teachers furnish ed jello and drink for the noon meal. Teachers supervised the recreation and the children re mained until it was time to at tend the free show and the Santa Claus visit which followed. Treats were passed out. Mr. ana Mrs. wniiam intuuau er Sunday entertained Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Iekes and Dennis, all of Page. Miss Viola Haynes of Hastings and Lionel Iekes of Ft. Collins. Pfc. Wayne Dorr, lately of Ft. Carson, Colo., arrived Saturday to spend a leave with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dorr. He will go to New Jersey at the con clusion of his leave and will be sent to Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher and children, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and sons were Saturday evening guests in the home of Mrs. Frieda Asher to greet Mr. and Mrs. Richard Asher and family of Powell, Wyo., who arrived that moniing to spend a two week vacation with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weir, Joyce and James o f Hartington were Sunday guests in the home of her mother, Mrs. Dora Town send. Mrs. Townsend has been ill. Mr. and Mrs. William Hock and sons left Monday for Minataire, where they will spend a week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Knaub. Messrs. Ben Wamke of Tilden, Otto Matschullat and Clarence Dobbins of Page were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. An ton Nissen. Robert Sorensen, who attends the Creighton University at Omaha, is spending the Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr., anc with other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Steinberp of Orchard were afternoon visit ors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sternberg. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wood met their son.. Noel Wood, at Marys ville; Kans.. Mid brought him to Page Saturday evening where the former were overnight guests in the home of Mrs. Wood's mother, Mrs. Hester Edmisten. On Sun day this group and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and sons were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Kenneth Asher and children. Mr. and Mrs. Woods returned to Lincoln Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lewie Copple and children of Wosner were Fridas overnight and Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trombridge. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trow bridge and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink at Ew ing. Jessie Cronk accompanied them to the Howard Miller home where she went with the Millers to Aurora. Colo. Tuesday for a vacation over the holidays svith the Miller’s daughters, Mrs. Ger ald Hadduek and family and Miss j Altha Lou Miller. Mr and Mrs. Duane William- I son, former Page residents, were j in Omaha last weekend where Mrs. Williamson went to receive radio-active iodine treatments from a radio-ologist at the Meth odist hospital for a thyroid dis turbance. The Misses Judy Simmons, Margie Finch, Kathy Walker. Janice, Lura Ann and Sharon Crumly, Eddie Walker. Hugh Tro shynski, Gary Bowen, Dick Cork, Arlee Waring. All students at the WSTC arrived for a two week vacation. Pvt. Dennis Cumngnam arriv ed Sunday for a ten day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs LeRoy Cunningham, and brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Bob Cunningham of O'Neill and ! his brother and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Dick Cunningham. Miss Alice Young of O'Neill, who was an exchange student last summer, will show slides Tues day evening, January 6, taken on her tour, at the Page Methodist church. The King's Daughters group w’ill sponsor the event and Miss Young will be the narrator for the pictures shown. The pub lic is cordially invited to attend. The Misses Faye Rutherford and Marilyn Terrill and Larry Parks of Miltonvale. Kans., arriv ed Friday evening for a two week vacation with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Smith and family of Neligh and Mr and Mrs. Verne Wrede and family ot O'Neill were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stevens Sunday for their family holiday dinner. Expected guests at the Dick Trowbridge home for the Christ mas day dinner are Mr. and Mrs. Marion Parks. Teddy and Marilyn and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Parks and family of O’Neill. Mrs. Gatz Hostess— Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz will be her mother, Mrs. Mary MacLeod, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lohaus and daugh ters. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gatz, Eve lyn Stannard, Mr. and Mrs. Hom er Mullen and Mr. and Mrs. John L Baker of Omaha. Also Miss Mary Elizabeth Gatz and Eddie Gatz, both college students. \ ! ' from all the staff: j ERIC DANKERT, Chamber. | RALPH SEGER, O’Neill ; BERNARD RICKARD, Chamber, j JOHN L. FARRIER, Chamber. | CALVIN COOLIDGE, O’Neill | WILLIE RITTERBUSH, Chamber, and their families ! Dankert's Service | ONEILL and CHAMBERS Ben Hanlop, Prop. Phone 30 A A 3 1 9 9 A A A A A A 3 May wo oxtond a truly slncoro wfshi for a Mony Christmas and may ovoryl * st good thing bo yogrt during tha ooming Now Yoarl | i M & M BAKERY & CAFE \ A ___ .. . — - A NOTICE: We will be closed all day jj Christmas! 2 .. .. __ .. ____A " A MwaaswMaaii>Miwwi»wiiiwaiMafliM*»>»a^»iM« . .... • * ’ Th# word* may bo j old kdiiontd but tho wi*h •into* • and now . . . boot wMiot for tho vory bopptori of holiday*! MARCELLUS IMPL. CO. M. B. Marcellus — Bill Marcellus Phone 5 West O’Neill FOURTH STREET MARKET George Janousek, Prop. — Phone 93 I I ! l | O’Neill Production Credit Assn. s O’Neill, Nebr. I B ft y y y 1 y I y y y y y y I y y y y y y y y y _■ Mrs. S. Downey, Prop. | | Phone 1 — O’Neill j