for sale Thiele's Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle on hand at all times. Wiscon bred, fresh and heavy springers, first and second calf heifers. Arnold Thiele 1*h miles southwest of Clear water, Phone 17 on 12. tf Buy and benefit SAVE NOW on new 350 and 450 Farmall tractors — the leaders in their field! AI-SO ON HAND 1—350 diesel Farmall tractor Big Special on Grain Drills 14x7, 16x7, 18x7, 24x6 YOU'LL FIND the best deal of the century right here at — Keating Impl. Co. — ATKINSON — FOR SAIJS: 1956 Chevrolet V4-ton pickup, long wheel base —W. C. Knowles, Route 1, O’Neill, or 1% miles north of Inman. 28tf SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone: Contois Motor Co., Neligh. 30 tf HOLT COUNTY Hereford Associa tion sale Tuesday, February 17 at O'Neill. 34-42c FOR SALE: White enameled space heater or trash burner, excellent condition. ■— Robert Whetham Spencer, 34-35p 1958 SINGER Sewing Machine to lie sold in this area to close ac count, It has a buttonholer, round bobbin, sews reverse also, huv it for 7 payments of $6.35 each or will discount for cash. Write Credit Manager, Box 123, Lincoln. Nebraska. 34-35c FOR REASONABLE prices try miS FERN BEAUTY SHOPPE 2 blks. west of postoffice. Can serve you days or evenings by appointment or without. 24tf Curtiss Breeding IS THE result of many dollars j spent on research, breeding and testing. Take advantage of this, that you would never be able to accomplish by yourself. — Call 470, O’Neill, Duane Gray._ 26tf. FOR SALE: White enameled wood or coal space heater, excellent condition. — Robert Whotham, Spencer. 34-35p New Machinery New HM 26 International complck ers, two-row, special —__$1,400 SPECIAL LOW prices on 350 and 450 Farmall tractors Used Equipment 1951 Farmall M, fuel burner, com pletely overhauled 1946 M Farmall, fuel burner, com pletely overhauled OLDER TRACTORS 1948 H 1940 JD A • 1946 JD A 1946 JD B Used Trucks, Pickups 1955 International 160 2-ton, just taken in 1955 Chevrolet cab-over, two-ton, just taken in 1955 Ford half-ton Several used half and three-quar ter-ton pickups 1949 Dodge two-ton truck 195.3 Chevrolet 4-dr. Bel Aire sedan 1954 Chevrolet 4-door Several used JD roughage mills Storjohann Equip. Co. Lowest equipment prices in USA! Burwell, Nebr. 22tf LIKE NEW full automatic Zig Zag Sewing Machine to be sold in this area to close account. Does not require attachments to sew on buttonholes and buttons and fancy designs. Small payments or will discount for cash. Write i Credit Manager, Box 123, Lin coln. Nebraska. 34-35c Mobile Homes FOR THE BEST DEAL SEE US LOWEST prices, delivered, Finan ced. set up, serviced, trade for Open Evenings & Sundays. 14 to 52 ft., 8 & 10 Wide 1 & 2 & 3 Bedrooms Prices from $695 00 & up. New 36 ft. 8 Wide — *£95.00 New 42 ft., 8 Wide • J3595-0) New 46 ft,. 10 Wide - £245.00 New 50 ft., 10 Wide-$4495.00 Other Sizes in proportion. WE WILL give you a good deal on your Used Trailer or we will pay you cash for it. WE HAVE some good buys on Used Trailers. See us before you buy. Miller Trailer Sales Phone 460 Albion, Nebr. 133tf FOR SALE: GMC l^-ton truck. 13-ft. combination cattle and grain box, dual wheels, 1947 model, with 1953 motor. Price S350— Johnny's Mkt.. Clearwat er. 34 tf SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolis $16.50 a ton: American $20 50 a ton; wdiite block 75c—Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks. north of traffic light. Everett Gorgan, Ph. 164, O’Neill. 5itf FOR SALE: Aermotor wlndwills, one -6 ft. at |55; 8 ft.—$75. Both in good repair.—BRUNSWICK PLUMBING & HEATING, Brunswick. 35-38c Harry R. Smith Imp. Phone 562 ' O'Neill NEW COMFORT COVERS for John Deere tractor TRACTORS— 48 A J-D 48 B J-D 44 B J-D '44 A J-D, wide front end, good 40 B J-D * '37 B J-D, good tires THESE used tractors and several others in the age bracket. 1952 GMC \ ton pickup 10 A J-D hammermill J-D No. 9 comsheller M-M 14-ft. grain drill, good con dition Plows, all sizes FOR SALE: One Tennessee Walk er stallion, coming 4 yrs old. papered. Call or write: ROBERT SIREK, Brunswick. 35-38c ADLER Sewing Center SAIES OF NFW AND USED O'NEILL, NEBR. — PH 269 SEWING MACHINES WE REPAIR all makes We un dersell anybody In price and outsell anybody In quality. 52tf Registered Hampshire Gilts FOR SALE: Breeding stock of high merit To farrow in Feb ruary and March. Walter Sojka & Sons Hi mi. N. and 4 E of Page. 21 tf FOR SALE: Prairie hay, stacked or baled. — Roger Rosenkrans, Redbird. 22ctf FOR SALE: Terriflex vinyl tile. Now carried in stock. Select your color.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co.. O'Neill. 47ctf FOR SALE: Oil, wood and cob burning stock tank heaters. — Coyne Hdw, O'Neill. 34-36c FOR SALE: 1949 Plymouth cav good condition. — George Wink ler, phone 286, O’Neill. 34p35 FOR SALE: Four year old Brown Swiss bull. — G. Rzeszotarski, Emmet. _, 35-36p60 FOR SALE: Allis Chalmers 66 combine; 2-row mounted AC com picker; 4-row JD eli; 8-ft. IHC windrower; 2-row mounted AC cultivator.—Donald Marcel lus, Atkinson. 3S-36p FOR SALE: An electric DeLaval cream separator. Also Dodge truck with flat semi-trailer — | Robert Tams, sr., Ewing. 34-35c WANTED L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson — Reo —Clinton. MONEY TO LOAN on farms, ranches and town residential property. See Virgil Laursen ot the O’Neill Loan Oo., O’Neill, phone 434. 13tf Wick’s BODY SHOP Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone II1W — O'NEILL — for Any Job 25tf WANTED: Upholstering and car pentry work.—W C. Knowles, Route 1, O'Neill, or 1% miles north of Inman. 28tf WANTED: To care for men or women in rest home in Spencer —For information call Maude Kersch, phone 3291. Spencer, Nebr. 33-36pd WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week —Dwaine Lockman, Stuart, ph 3741. tf WANTED! DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! Ideal Cleaners Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctf EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY— Reliable man or woman from this area to distribute complete line of cigarettes, candy, nuts, or gum through new automatic vendors. No selling or soliciting as accounts are established for you. To qualify party must have car, references, and cash capital of $700 which is secured by in ventory. Earnings up to $300 month part time — Full time more. For personal interview give phone etc Write P O. Box 156, Rochester, Minnesota. 35pd. WANTED: Couple to work on ranch immediately. — Write to Box OS, % The Frontier, 0' 34-35c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Three bedroom house good location, utility room and garage, fenced in yard, nice garden spot. Close to grocery store. One block north of New Way cafe Priced at $5,500. See Fred Appleby at Green Arrow Bar. 33tf FOR SALE Residential building lots 3 bedroom home —Kleth Abart. 32tf FOR SALE1: Seven-room modem home, tile stucco, full basement and garage Close In. — Phone 515, O'Neill. 30ctf FOR SALE: 4-room house and other out buildings on IVz lots. —Minnie Sanders, O'Neill, box 566 14tf FOR SALE OR RENT: Farm, 520 acres. Possession March 1, 1959 —Mrs. Mary K. Henning, or John Henning, Atkinson. 32-34p85 FOR RENT All modem furnish ed apartment Gas heated, close in-Phone O'Neiil 440-J. 28tf FOR SALE: 400 acre well improved stock farm located in Elkhom valley on paved highway. 240 acre well improved stock farm located in Elkhom valley on good rock road.—John Thor Agency, Stanton, Nebr. 33-35c MISCELLANEOUS SEASON’S GREETINGS ! Because L am grateful for every opportunity given me to serve j you 1 send this message of ap preeiation and patronage! May you and youi's enjoy A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Mrs. M. W. Ellen wood World-Herald Rop. Atkinson-, Nebr. 35c AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Phone 207 — O’Neill Auctions ED THORIN IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr._34tf. EXPERT Watch Repairing! McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair. — Write Box 562, phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL CO., O’Neill 3 blks W & 3% blks N stoplight FOR RENT FOR RENT: A one-story, two bedroom home with electricity and water, adjacent to highway 20. For a 3 or 5-year lease. Small acreage optional. Would make a good place for retire ment.—Mrs. N. D. Ickes, Page. 34-35c FOR RENT: Modem furnished apartment, heated, close in. — Elmer Hagensick, phone 538-R, O’Neill. 23tf. FOR RENT: Three - room apart ments on ground floor, 527 per month, Vt block north of New Deal Oil Co. — Tony Asimus, O’Neill, phone 510.l*f FOR RENT: Furnished apartment, this apartment is nice for a working girl. Private entrance. --Marie L. Crook, 129 E. Clay St., Ph. 388-j 35-37p FOR RENT: 4-room uptown apartment, water and heat fur nished — George Welngartner, O’Neill, phone 15F11. 26tfc FOR RENT: Improved 400 acres near O’Neill. Inquire at The Frontier. 32-35c FOR RENT: Modem apartment —A. E. Bowen, 705 E. Douglas, O’Neill, phone 515. 12tf FOR RENT: Sleeping room*. — Phone 537, O’Neill. 16tf FOR RENT: Basement Apt., close in.—George Petersen, O’Neill. 32tf CARDS of THANKS MERE WORDS cannot express how very deeply we appreciate all the acts of kindness shown us during Dale’s hospitalization resulting from his accident. Our wonderful neighbors who hauled hay and picked com. the doctors and nurses and each of you who remembered him with cards and letters. God bless you and may each of you have a truly happy Christmas. — DALE. VERNA. BOB and BILLY REVELL 35p50 IN DEEP sincerity, I wish to ex press my thanks to the St. An thony’s hospital staff, friends, relatives, a special thanks to Gratton Farmerettes club and neighbbrs — Mrs. V. C. John I son. 35c50 I WISH to e-vpress my thanks to< all of you who remembered me with cards, visits and other acts of kindness during my recent illness. MRS. IVAN HEISS. 35c 50 I WISH to thank all my friends and relatives for cards and let ters I received during my stay in the hospital. Also a special thanks to the Sisters and nurses and to Dr. Wilson and Dr. Wat ers for their kindness and care. All this was greatly appreciated. 1 Mrs. A. G. BRAD1XXK 35c 50 THANK YOU to friends and neigh bors for the farewell party that was held for us. Your kindness will always be remembered EARI. STORJOHANN FAMILY 35p50 ___—■ Former Lynch Resident Expires —————— j LYNCH Funeral services for Abbie Gray Wright. 60, were con ducted Saturday, December 20, in Richland, W'ash. Burial was at Richland. The late Mrs. Wright, a native of Lynch, attended the grade and high school here. She left Lynch for Oregon 37 years ago and taught school in Oregon. She met and married John Wright. Several years later they | moved to Richland. Her husband died 12 years ago Mrs. Wright resumed teaching after her husband’s death, and was teaching when she became ill last November. Survivors include: three sons on the W7est coast: sister- Mrs I^at osca Spencer of Lynch; brother Scott Gray of Lynch. __ To Iowa for 50th Wedding Event RIVERSIDE Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Nap ier, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier, ■ Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier and j Russel and Mrs. Beulah Napier I and Glen Harpsters left early Sat- j urday for Cedar Rapids, la., to attend open house Sunday after noon at the Arthur Rose residence. The occasion was the Arthur Rose's golden wedding anniver sary. . Mrs. Arthur Rose is a sister of Web and Floyd Napier. The Al fred Napier family left Friday eve ning to attend the open house. They plan to spend Christmas day with the James V. Gunter family near Moline Illinois. Riverside News The Riverside Women’s Mission ary society met Thursday after noon with Mrs. Don Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink visited Tuesday at the Lee Fink home near Page. They also plan to spend Christmas day at the Lee Fink home. A „ Rev. John Turner went to Mc Pherson, Kans., Friday to bring Ronnie Mott and Wayne Turner home from school for Christmas holidays. , , ,, T Mrs. Dale Napier and Mrs. Lynn Fry and Sheila were O’Neill vis itors Thursday. Russel Napier and Larry Larson came home from Sterling college for Christmas vacation. The Dewitt Hoke and Alvin Nel son families left early Saturday morning for Fayetteville, N.C., to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hobbs. Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry and Mrs. Richard Napier were O’Neill vis itors Friday. _ . . Mrs. Jean Rogers had a Christ mas program Friday evening at Riverside school house. _ School is closed for a 10-day Christmas v a cation. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson vis ited Wednesday at the Marvin Pribnow home Wednesday. The Pribnow baby has throat infection. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sturbaum will leave Monday for Texas to spend Christmas with daughter, Helen, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson talk ed to Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Pier son at Seattle, Wash., on the tele phone Monday evening. They wished Mrs. Marcus Pierson a happy birthday. . Mr. and Mrs. °tt° Re!£f Bob are staying at the Richard Napier home over the weekend and Susan, Reta and Nancy Nap ipr are stflvinc the £*• n* " o home while the Richard Napiers are visiting in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson and Mrs. Walter Woepple visited Mrs. Edith McClanahan at Brunswick Thursday afternoon. Dave Pollock was able to re turn home from Neligh hospital Wednesday. . - Mrs. Dave Anson helped part of last week at the Walter Spangle i h°Bmce and Mark Hutton and Dennis Napier spent Thursday at the R. A. Hood home. Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier and Russel and Mrs. Beulah Nap1^ were visitors Friday evening at the John Napier home. Mrs. Emily Johnston was an overnight guest at the Archie Johnston home Thursday. The Willie Shrader family, Ger ald Wetlauffer family, and Archie Johnston family were supper guests at the Will Shrader home Sunday in honor of Dorothy John ston. Mary Wetlauffer and Eddy Shrader’s birthday anniversaries. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Naier were Sioux City’ shoppers last Wednes day. Phone us your nev~ 51! O'Neill News Miss Kathleen Spitzenberger daughter of Mr. and Mrs Oscar Spitzenberger, is home from Mt. Marty college in Yankton. S.D. Jim Becker, a student in Kansas City. Mo., arrived Saturday. He is the son of Mr and Mrs. L. A Becker. Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mike London w^l be Mr. and Mrs. Michael London and Cindy of Omaha and Mr and Mrs Richard London and family of Spalding. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Brown ex pect to spend the winter in Ari zona. Miss Nyla Jaszkowiak. daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P Jas zkowiak, is home from the college of St. Mary at Xavier. Kans. Matthew G, Beha, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Beha, sr., arrived Friday from the University of Ne brska for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Krause and son of Le Mars, la., spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. DeBolt. Mr. and Mrs DeBolt expect to go to Rapid City, S.D.. to spend Christmas with an other daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Farrier and family. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beha left Tuesday, December 16, for Osh kosh, Wise., to spend Christmas with Mr. Beha’s sister, Mrs. Stephen Wiatrowski. Miss Marilyn Beha, who is employed in Fond du Lac, and her sister, Miss Nan cy, who is employed in New York, will join their parents at Oshkosh for the holidays. Gary Waller, a student at the University of Nebraska, is home for tlie holiday's He is the son of Mr. and Mrs W. W Waller His sister, Miss Rita, a student in Nor folk. will also be home for the hol idays. Mr. anti Mrs Mike Smith and son of Lincoln will be here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Guy ! Cole, between Christmas and New Year's. Miss Bar tiara McCarthy, a stu dent' nurse at St. Catherine's school of nursing in Omaha, ar rived home Friday to spend until Christmas day with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Mc Carthy. Edward McCarthy of Co lumbus is arriving Wednesday to spend the holiday's at home. Leaves for Wichita— ATKINSON Mrs. Maliel Ham merherg expected to leave Tues day of Wichita, Kans , to spend the holidays with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mi's. E. W. Samms, and family. Accompany ing her will be Mrs. Vera Humph reys. who will visit tier daughter, Janice, and Miss Marquita Hend ricks, who will visit in McPher son, Kans., with her brother, Robert and family. Attend “The Messiah”— RIVERSIDE The Willie Shrad er and Archie Johnston families attended "The Messiah" Sunday evening, which was given in the new auditorium at Wayne. Sandra Shrader sang in the col lege chorus. She will spend her Christmas vacation with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hornby and daughters have moved into their new home in orthewest O’ Neill. __ j 9^ C/bttifcuM B|j| Eby’s Conoco Service UtilaBl «' \, MnHa SFCTVNO IHM iil.AS STS. HBflBjjBH j s' Phone 365 — O’Neill , T1 BQnPi -| AS WE HAVE decided to change our farming operations, we will sell the following described personal property, on the premises, located I J/2 miles north of Atkinson on State Highway 1 1, on — Friday, January 2nd Sale Starts at 1 P.M. Lunch by Presbyterian Ladies _____ ■— | 30 - Head of CATTLE - 30 I 1—Registered Hereford BULL from the Ed Belsky herd 1—Guernsey HEIFER, 2-yrs.-old 6—Hereford HEIFERS, 2-yrs.-old 1—Whiteface Hereford COW 10—Lightweight Heifer CALVES 1—Holstein MILK COW, fresh 1—Whiteface MILK COW, fresh 5—Black-Whiteface MILK COWS 1—Jersey-Guernsey Cross MILK COW Above cows to freshen in Jan. and Feb. 3—Steer CALVES Machinery Farmall A Tractor and Sweep 2—F-12 Farmall Tractors Slide Stacker, like new, with Folding Arms and Cage 2—IHC 12-ft. Hay Rakes No. 7 IHC Trailer Mower 8-Inch Burr Grinder Manure Spreader — 14-Ft. Disc Set of Bombardier Snow Tracks for Ford Tractor Heavy Duty Hay Cabling Rack Mandrel Buzz Saw — Bob Sled 26-Ft. Elevator on Wheels 12-Ft. Press Drill — 2 Stock Saddles Several 30-Gal. Oil Drums Some Shop Tools Other articles too numerous to mention Household Goods Coal and Wood Enamel Range Piano Sewing Machine Davenport and Chair Maytag Electric Washing Machine 9’ x 12’ Wool Rug Dining Room Table 12-Gauge Single Shot Gun 2—Rocking Chairs Boy’s Bicycle — Baby Bed Plus many other household and personal property items too numerous to men tion here. | TERMS: CASH OR SEE YOUR BANKER I Mr. Mrs. Floyd Butterfield — OWNERS — COL. ED THORIN, O’Neill FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Auctioneer Atkinson, Clerk —^1^———waf ,iim