The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 25, 1958, Image 3

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    Annual Christmas
Party Is. Held
LYNCH—First Methodist church
Women's Society met at the
church basement Thursday after
noon for their annual Christmas
party Mrs Frederick King was
program chairman. A no-host
lunch was served.
Other I,yneh News
Mr. and Mrs Guy Keller were
Tuesday, December 16, Creighton
and Norfolk visitors.
Mr and Mrs Albert Schindler,
Belinda and Vicki Sieler of Mon
owi; Mr. and Mrs Edward May
and Duane of Verdel, Mr. and
Mrs. Harlan Holtz and Mr. and
Mrs. Orvil Holtz of Sunshine I5ot
tom, attended the district 32
Paul Shierk
Insurance of All
Barnes, teacher.
Christmas party with Eleanor
The J. Kubick farm sale. Mon
day, December 15, was well at
Mr and Mrs. Beryl Moody and
family were Tuesday, December
16. business visitors in O’Neill.
Miss Eleanor Barnes and the
pupils of district 31’ presented
their Christmas program Thurs
day evening to a packed house.
The mothers served pie and
coffee after the program.
Mr. and Mrs Clarence Kolund
and family spent Tuesday even
ing, December 16, at the Jack
Tarr home.
Joe Bosk a visisted Wednesday
at the Tom Boska home near
Mrs. Clarence Kolund and child
ren called Thursday, on Mrs,
Martin Johorek.
Mike and Steven Anderson are
visiting with their grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pitha. in
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Broekemaier
and baby visited Sunday, Decem
ber 14, at the Oliver Whitley
home in Napier.
Dr. and Mrs. Donald David of
Spencer were Sunday,. Decemlier
14, dinner guests at the Dr. Jo
seph David liome.
Phone 32 — O’Neill
'*35Vu '*&*« 'QXv
t A
I fer BANK \
Mr and Mrs. BiU Bentz and
son' of Spencer called Thursday
evening at the Joe Micanek home.
Wallace Moffett and son Rus
sell were business visitors in Nor
folk Thursday. Miss Mable MuJ
hair accompanied them to Norfolk
to look after business matters
Mr and Mrs. Harold Micanek
and family left Saturday morning.
December JO, for Miami, Fla.,
and also other points in the south
for a two week's vacation,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weeder
and Margene were Thursday
business visitors in Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stewart
were O'Neill visitors Wednesday.
Deeemlier 17. They visited Mr
and Mrs. Bernard Allen while
Rev. Lester Spraugge and Mrs.
I^eslie Stewart took 15 young peo
ple, belonging to the Methodist
church MYF, to a district meet
ing at Spencer Sunday, December
7. Sixty-two young people attend
ed the meeting. Panel discus
sions and singing provided the en
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weeder
spent Sunday at the Raymond
Kayl home.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Streit
were Yankton. S. D., visitors one
day last week
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hull, Mrs.
Billy Spencer, Mrs. Leo Kalkow
ski, Mrs. Ray Lowry of O'Neill
and Mrs. Leonard Havranek were
Wednesday, December 14, Norfolk
Mrs. Nata Bjornsen, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Papstein and son were
Monday evening visitors at the
Alvin Carsen home in O'Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fish and
jan spt ru liiuisuajf
nard Havranck home.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rosicky
were Sunday. December 14, din
ner guests at the Merle Sieler
home in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Rosieky's birthday anniversaries
which occurred during the pre
vious week.
Miss Cora Lee of Denver, Colo.,
came Sunday to spend Christmas
holidays with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. William Stauffer
visited at the Veldon Leo home in
Bristow Thursday. They also at
tended the Christmas school pro
gram there that afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. George Barta
were in Verdigre Sunday, Decem
ber 14, to visit George's mother.
The Lynch high school junior
class play, "Miss Mischief", a
three-act comedy, was presented
to large crowds Wednesday anil
Thursday, December 17-18.
Beverly Alford of Omaha came
Friday to spend vacation with her
parents, here.
Francis Stenger was a Tuesday,
December 16, Butte visitor.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vomacka
and Nola Jean of Gregory, S. D.,
spent Sunday, December 14, at the
Martin Jehorek home.
Mr. and Mrs. B^ryl Moody and
family visited Sunday evening at
he Dale Audiss home in Anoka.
Mr and Mrs. Clarence Kolund
and family of the Pleasant View
Community attended the Chnst
nas program Thursday in disti ict
2 Jimmy Maly and Reggie Pink
■rman of O'Neill were business
.isitors at the Mrs. Nata Bjom
icn home. ,,
Tuesday, December 16, Margai
>t Stenger visited the Dennis Kube
WMrs. Bill Havranek of Gross
ipent Thursday evening at the
Leonard Havranek home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Christensen!
and family of Stuart, la., visited
at Louie Christensen home the
forepart of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Havran
ek spent Tuesday evening, Dec
ember 16, at the Dick Hull home
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kube and
children were Wednesday, Decem
ber 17, O'Neill visitors.
Mrs. Leslie Stewart. Tuesday,
December 16, visited Mrs. Nata
Bjornsen. , , „.
Jerry Hull spent Thursday at
the Leonard Havranck home.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Sieler and
family visited Thursday at the
Dale Audiss home in Anoka.
Dorothy Mulhair of Lincoln ar
rived home Saturday to spend the
holidays with home folks.
Mr ‘ and Mrs. Lorie Micanek,
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Micanek,
Mrs. Delbert Haselhorst and Sus
an and Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Moody
and family were six o’clock din
ner guests at the Edward Streit
home Tuesday, December 16. in
honor of Elaine Streit s sixth
birthday anniversary.
Mr and Mrs. Clarence Kolund
were Tuesday, December 16, bus
iness visitors in Butte.
Rev and Mrs. Harold Lloyds
anil Tommy Courtney and child
ren and Mr. and Mrs Leslie
Stewart attended the Highland
school Christmas party Thursday
Sattire on TV
Show Is Featured
Better Ways extension club held
a Christmas party Thursday eve
ning, December 18, with 12 mem
bers present. Following dinner at
the Town House, the group met at
the home of Mrs. E. W. Kramer.
Roll call was taken by attempting
to identify their mystery sisters
for the past year.
Games were played including a
takeoff on the television program,
"The Price Is Right.” Mrs. Joe
Menish, Mrs. Virgil Tomlinson,
Mrs. Lowell Nesbitt and Mrs. Nor
bert Clark played the game, with
Mrs. Joe Schmidt acting as mas
ter of ceremonies.
Mrs. Richard Hovey won the
scrambled word game and Mrs.
E. E. Cleveland, jr., won the guess
ing game. An exchange of gifts
was held and mystery sisters were
revealed and new names drawn
for next year.
A white elephant auction, pro
ceeds going to the polio fund, will
be held at the January' meeting,
which will be at the home of Mrs.
E. W. Kramer.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nelson
had as their guests from Tuesday
December 16, until last Thursday
were Mr. Nelson's brother and
wife. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nelson of
Ashby. Minn. They were on their
way to California to spend the
holidays. The Richard Nelson's
daughter, Miss Sharon, a fresh
man at Gustavus Adolphus col
lege in St. Peter, Minn., arrived
Friday for the holidays.
O’Neill News
Miss Hilda Gallagher left Sat
urday for La Crosse. Wise., to
spend the holidays with hr broth
er and wife. Dr. and Mrs. Frank
Gallagher and five children, and
spend the holidays with her broth
her uncle. Dr. Erwin Gallagher.
Mrs. Mary Zastrow expects as
her guests during the holidays,
her daughter and husband. Mr
and Mrs Sidney Falhauber of Or
chard and their daughter and hus
band. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baker
and Susie of Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Morgan and
her sister. Mrs. F J. Dishnei.
plan to spend Christmas day with
Mr. and Mrs Ivan Kinsman of
Miss Elizabeth Schaffer, who
teaches in Sidney, arrived home
Saturday evening to spend the
holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. C. Schaffer.
Paul Fritton of Albion was a
weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Campbell and their son
and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- |
wart! Campbell of Green Bay,
Monuments of lasting beaut'
from the factory to the eon
turner.—Emmet Crabb, O'Neill,
made by skilled craftsmen of the
J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monuments
Mr. and Mrs. George Janousek
expect her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl O. Ilile of Columbus for
Christmas dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Donohoe and
family will lie her mother. Mrs.
M. P. Sullivan and Mrs. Clar
ence Donohoe and family.
Pete Becker of Ashby was a
weekend guest of Mrs. H. J. Bir
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Mernman
e.\ix*ct to leave Wednesday for
Omaha to spend Christmas with
their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
James Merriman and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watson
plan to have Christmas dinner
with their daughter and her hus
band, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Burk
of Ewing. Members of the Wat
son and Burk families will be pre
Mrs. F. J. Kubitschek left Mon
day fdr Tremont, 111., to spend
(he Christmas holidays with her
son and wife, Dr. and Mrs. Paul
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Francis Tighe were her parents, ;
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Botsford
and Mrs. Botsford s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Guy Henlnger all of
Tilden. Mrs. Botsford remained
at the Tighe home to help care
for her little grandson and his
sister, Mickey, who had her ton
sils removed Monday. Little
Sherry Tighe went home with her
great-grandmother to stay until
Christmas. Mrs. Botsford return
ed home Tuesday .
Mr. and Mrs. Richard London
and family of Spalding spent the
weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Mike London. They ex
pect to return to spend Christ
mas here .
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gallagh-1
er left Sunday for Northbrook,
111., to spend the holidays with
their daughter and her husband.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Larson and
three sons.
George Shoemaker, a student
at Conception ' seminary in Con
ception, Mo., and his sister, Miss
Sharlene, a student at Mt. St.
Scholastic at Atchison, Kans., are |
home with their mother, Mrs. !
Leona Shoemaker, for the holi
Miss Genevieve Biglin and Miss
Nora McAuliffe of Sioux City, la.,
are expected Wednesday to spend
the holidays with Mr. and Mrs.
F. N. Cronin.
Mr. and Mrs. I^ee Jackson and
family expect to spend Christmas
in Springfield, Mo., with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Jack
son and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hilter
Africa Wedding,
Life in Alaska
to Be Discussed
PAGE A special service of re
membrance was conducted Thurs
day afternoon by Mrs. Lisle Mew
maw at Page Methodist church
for Aunt Lou Heiss, using the
theme of "The Open Door". In
scripture, prayer, poetry and song,
the thought was brought out that
those who have gone before pre
sent themselves at the o[>en door,
candidates for larger life Their
work has been well done. We reap
the harvest of their planning.
The lesson. "If the Heart Is Fill
ed with Christmas." was present
ed by Mrs Harry Harper assisted
by Mesdames Elmer Trowbridge,
Jesse Kelly. Edgar Stauffer, Ralph
Prill, Merwyn French, sr., Ray
mond Heiss. and J. W Finch, jr.,
gave meditations on remembrance,
good will, charity, love, praise,
forgiveness and peace. As each
finished their meditation they hung
their card on the Christmas tree.
Mrs. Cordes Walker gave a mu
sical reading while Mrs. Lisle
Mewmavv played, "Oh Cbme All
Ye Faithful”.
During the business meeting,
presided over by Mrs. Jesse Kelly,
president, announcement was
made of the mission study to lie
given each Sunday evening in Jan
uary. Hawaii and Alaska will lie
the study countries. The program
will tie varied by the tape record
ing of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll
French's wedding. Mrs. Irl Todd
will speak on life in Alaska. The
Todds lived there until little more
than a year ago.
The mid-winter, MYF institute
will he held at Page December 28,
The mothers will prepare and
serve all meals at the church
Mrs. Harry Tegler thanked the
group for the card sent to her
mother, Mrs. Mina Stauffer, who
is spending the winter in Minnes
Mrs. Ralph Prill and Mrs. Elmer
Trowbridge served refreshments.
Mrs. Don Nissen
Is Cl ub Hostess
PAGE Yule traditions were
discussed Tuesday. December 16,
when members of the Golden
Rule extension club were enter
tained in the home of Mrs. Don
Nissen for their Christmas party.
A covered dish dinner was serv
Roll call was answered by nam
ing the lovelest word in the lan
guage. Among those listed wen'
mother, friend, neighbor, lbve and
Christmas, with duplications.
Mrs. Robert Nissen was a guest
Mrs. William Sorensen gave a
rejxirt ob the Christmas pageant
given at Minden by the townspeo
ple. More than 11,000 light bulbs
Figure in the lighting and make up
the decorative pattern that dis
tinguishes the courthouse square
it Christmas time and which has
given to the town the title of “The
Christmas City”.
Small articles were taken and
lacked for the Children's home at
Decorations were in keeping
vith Christmas.
Mrs. Ivan Heiss will be the Jan
jary hostess for the lesson on pic
ture study. The date of meeting
vill be announced when it is learn
ed when the pictures will be made
available to them.
Mrs. Harold Freemyer and Mrs.
R. V. Crum Iy were absentee mem
RNA Meeting Plans
Installation of Officers—
PAGE—During tne business ses
sion Wednesday, Dec. 17 when
members of the RNA met at the
I OOF hall for their regular meet
ing, plans were made for the Jan
uary 7 installation of officers. A
covered dish lunch will lie served, i
| V/1LL J 1 rt T L 1\ 11 |
1959 motor vehicle licenses will go on sale Jan. 2. No licenses
can be issued until that date. Your 1959 Tax statements will be
mailed to you before Jan. 1. These Tax statements, your i958
certificate and the proper amount of tax and license must be
brought in or sent in if by mail. We must have your 1958 cer
Business hours for Jan. 2 through Jan. 24 and Feb. lfi through
Feb. 28 will be, Open at 9 a.m., open during the noon hour and
close the door at 4 p.m., except Saturdays when we close at noon.
We will be required to charge SI .00 for lost or mutulated
plates, or change of plates, except where an applicant comes
into Holt County from another County. They will be required
to turn in previous County plates and we will Issue Holt plates
for no additional fee.
All fees will be the same as 1958,
Don’t forget that we MI ST have your 1958 certificate when apply
ing for 1959 Licenses. No postage will be necessary this year
because we won’t be issuing 1959 plates, just 1959 tabs to be
attached to 1958 plates.
Be sure your Motor vehicle tax statement shows your proper
precinct, proper School district and that the statement is for the
vehicle you wish to license. If not correct take it to the County
Assessor for correction.
J. Ed Hancock,
Mrs Ray Snell was appointed
special auditor.
. Mrs Jesse Kelly will be the in
stalling officer.
Following the lodge session 21
members were seated at the table,
centered with a Christmas table
cloth on which reposed the Christ
mas centerpiece flanked on either
side by two candles in holders.
Other Christmas models continued
down the table's length at regular
intervals and completed the ar
The gift table was also decorated
for the occasion, in the traditional
manner. Gifts were exchanged.
Contest Winners
Seated Together—
PAGE — The members of the
Help-U club were dinner guests
Wednesday. December 17. of Mrs.
I Alta Finch with 12 members pres
ent. Mrs. Arthur Sufficool and son.
Craig, of Winnetoon were guests. i
The winners in the attendance
j contest were seated at a table to
gether. They were Mesdames
Francis Boelter, Bryan Finch,
i Clarence Finch, Ervin Held. Otto
Matschuilat, Kenneth Waring and
Ethel Waring. Table decorations
carried out the Christmas theme.
Each of the contest winners re
ceived a ball point pen.
Contest games were played at
the afternoon session with small
prizes going to the winners. Mrs
Otto Matschuilat received the dix>r
Mrs. Bryan Finch will entertain
the group Wednesday, January 7.
•Christina* Traditions
Are Studied—
PAGE All members of the East
Side Kountry Klub were present
Wednesday, December 17, when
Mrs. Dale Stauffer was hostess for
the Christmas meeting.
Mrs. Norman Saltz and Mrs.
Ron Park gave the lesson on
“Christmas Traditions".
The entertainment consisted of
games and the singing of Christ
mas carols.
Mrs. Warren Cronk received the
traveling award offered to the one
who avoided the use of a pre-ar
ranged word.
Mrs. Cronk will lie the January
hostess when the lesson on picture
study will be given.
Page News
Miss Viola Haynes, a teacher in
the senior high school at Hast
ings, arrived Saturday to spend
the Christmas vacation with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Haynes. Miss Haynes will take
Mrs. Jerry Lamason's place at
the Page Co-Operative bank this j
week while Mr. and Mrs.' Lama
son take a short vacation. Miss j
Haynes will go to Lincoln January j
2 for a medical check-up and he
an overnight guest of her brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Haynes, at Denton lhat
night, returning to Hastings Jan
uary 3. , .
Kenneth McIntosh and son of
Blair came Saturday for his
mother. Mrs. Nell McIntosh, who
will he a guest in their home until
Northeast Corner
of 4th & Douglas
Ph. 1B7 — Office hr*. 9 to 5
Eye* Examined — ttuutaea VI tied
Monday Thru Saturday
Closed Wednesday
after Christmas. Her son. Ray
McIntosh, who submitted to sur
gery for cataracts on the eyes
December 15 at the University
hospital at Omaha, will join his
mother at the home of his brother
when lie is able to leave the hos
Following an exchange of gifts,
Mr. Sc hi It/ gave each pupil of the
high school a cup cake and the
faculty treated them to gum and
candy twus Wednesday, lieoem
ber 17. Leonard Sawyer gave each
band member a candy bar and an
orange. The band members pre
sented him with an aprcciation
Christmas gift
Mr, and Mrs. Soren Sorensen
and N. I). Ickes, sr., accompanied
Mr. and Mis William Sorensen to
the school program where Miss
Karen Miller is teacher. 'Hie pro
gram was presented to a packed
house. Santa Claus distributed
gifts and treats. Coffee and do
nuts were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Sorensen, sr.,
were overnight visitors Wednes
day, December 17, in the home of
their son and daughter-in-law, Mr
and Mrs. Russell Sorensen, nt
Members of the K M C club 1
met at the home of Mr. and Mrs '
Clarence lxtbhms Thursday for an
evening at pitch. Mrs. Clarence
Stevens aixt Anton Nissen held
the high scores and Mrs Anton
Nissen and Clarence I\>bbins
were the low scorers. Mr. and
Mrs Stevens will host the party
January 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Asher
and family of Powell. Wyo., ar
rived early Saturday morning to
spend two weeks .visiting his
mother, Mrs. Frieda Asher, and
her ivirents, Mr. and Mrs. Har
old lleiss.
The pupils of district 57 and
their teacher. Miss Delores Meti
er, presented a program Thurs
day evening. Santa Claus assist
ed the teachers with the gifts and
passed out the treats. A lunch of
pie and coffee was served.
Phone us your ne'"s 51!
Ponton Insurance
Insurance of All Kinds
and Bonds
Phone 106 Golden Bldg.
mwcwcwmwcMHCx, c««:i«<c<c
I "' i
I s
May you receive Into your hearts and homes this A
year the true spirit of Christmas, and enjoy the ful
SP fillment of the angels’ message . . . I’eaee on Earth,
flood Will Toward Men! 4
1 _ 1
9 s
If you received a gift which was purch
ased at our store and the size or color
doesn’t suit you, why not stop in? We
still have a large selection.
__ flk
For the Entire Family
...from our
more than 1,100 employees
On the job the year around to bring you the
best possible service at rates among the
lowest in the nation, Consumers’ employees join
in this expression of warmest greetings.