The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 18, 1958, Page 11, Image 11

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    £-ngaged to O’Neillite
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Oeltjen
of Palmer announce the en
gagement of their daughter,
Miss Ethel Margaret (above),
to Russell D. Miner, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Everett L. Miner of
O’Neill. Miss Oeltjen is a grad
duate of Wolbach high school
and is a senior at the Univer
sity of Nebraska. Her ■ fiance
was graduated from the O'Neill
high school, attended die Uni
versity of Nebraska, and is
presently serving in the army.
No date has been set for the
Nicest Christmas’
fold by Members
CHAMBERS The Valley Center
extension club met Friday, De
cember 12, at the home of Mrs.
Glen Grimes. Sixteen members
answered roll call by telling about
their "nicest Christmas". Four of
these are new members Mrs.
Ralph Maas, Mrs. Lloyd Winter
mote, Mrs. Jot* Homolke and Mrs.
Paul Lidgett. Another new mem
ber, Mrs Duane Miller, was un
able to l>e present.
Mrs. Lloyd (deed conducted the
business session. It was decided
to have the executive committee
fill out the year books and devote
the time at the January meeting
to making flowers.
The lesson, “Christmas tradi
tions in Nebraska" was presented
in the form of a program with
music, reading and dialogues. Fol
lowing the program names were
drawn for next year's mystery
sisters and gifts were exchanged.
Lunch was served by the hostess.
Tangemans Off
Again for Honolulu
CHAMBERS Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Tangeman left Tuesday,
December 15, for Honolulu. T.H.,
to spend several weeks with their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Willard Stanton and family.
They left by plane from Grand
Island. .
The Tangemans visited the Ha
waiian Islands about Iwo years
ago. __
Other Chambers News
Mrs Henry Wood returned re
cently from La Grande, Ore.,
Where she had spent two weeks
with her son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Smock and
family, and helped care for her
new granddaughter.
Mary Ellen Gillette armed
home Friday evening, December
12 from Greeley, Colo., where she
is'a student at Greeley college.
She will spend three weeks vaca
tioning with her parents, Mr and
Mrs. Darrel Gillette and Darrel
Mr. and Mrs. William Cavanaugh
of Pennsylvania came recently to
spend the Christmas holidays with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Cavanaugh, and two sisters. Bus
Cavanaugh and Mrs. Rita Gilligan
of Omaha accompanied them here
to visit the Charles Cavanaugh
family. Bus returned to Omaha,
but his sister remained or a long
er visit.
Douglas Dankcrt came from
Wayne for the weekend.
Leonard Wintermote went to
Wayne Friday, December 12. to
register at Wayne college for he
second semester. He attended the
»_ \ nnr fit (ilin*
IirSl St’imaiti .
nlRev.C°and Mrs. Charles Co?’
Charles and Bill and granddaugn
tor Cheryl Ann, were Sunday din
ner guests of Mr and Mrs. Guais
WlEtonIMedcalf of Ainsworth spent
the weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. H. Medcalf.
Winona Rebekah lodge held a
regular meeting and a Christmas
party Friday evening at the
Fmige rooms. Twenty-four were
present. Entertainment consisted
Sf game. pertaining to Christmas^
There was an exchange of gifts
and lunch was served.
The young adult group of
Methodist church held its Christ
♦he usual devotions followed by
JJ* tWty at the I .avei n Hoerle
Se singing of carols andagUt
home Sunday evening. There were
CXMranandLMrs. T vT Medcalf
and Mr and Mrs Dellie Fauquier
Saturday evening guests of
S!? Anna Alt™ Sunday evening
Raymond Gail Shoemaker came
Raymond Shoemaker, s
Arabian Mission
Worker Writes
amFI JA -The Women's Mission
ary^sotdety of the Free Methodist
ar> sov worinesdav. Decern
£”To aTthe home ot Mrs Glenn
White ’ Mrs. Milton Clemens had
t thp lesson and read a
report" on Dr. Paul Harrison, a
missionary’ doctor in 1 a 1 ' t
op. pn members were pie^em
-nd arSwered roll call by reciting
a verse of a Christmas song.
Glenn White read the Oinstma^
Story of the birth of Christ rrom
the Gospel of Luke. ■ it
Aftpr the lesson, Mrs. wnue
sen-ed luncheon. The guests were
seated at the table and around thi
S^nas centerpiece were wrap
j*d S^SST place 3 setting. The
guests pulled die string and re
ceived the attached package.
Famliy Yuletide
I raditions Told
EWING The Christmas meet- ,
ing of the Help Eaeh Other club
was held Thursday, December 13,
with Mrs Frank Miller for a pot
luck dinner
“Christmas Traditions We Cher
ish” was the theme of the lesson
conducted by Mrs Lambert Bar
tak Each member answered roll
call with a family tradition. Sev
eral members brought table cen
terpieces that could be made for
the holiday table. Instead of hav
ing a gift exchange, members do
nated money to the opportunity
renter at Norfolk.
It was decided to maintain a i
scrapbook of club activities of the 1
coming year, also to have a mys
tery box at each meeting. The one
guessing its contents would get
the gift and in turn bring a mys
tery* box to the next meeting.
At the close of the meeting, cof
fee and cookies were served. Each
member brought a plate of cook
ies and the recipe.
The January* meeting will be
with Mrs. Clarence Schmiser for
a 12:30 potluck diner.
Mrs W. H. Harty. chief clerk of
the Holt county selective service
affiee. has announced that her of
fice will be closed from Monday, I
December 22, through Tuesday,
December 30.'
Try* Frontier want ads!
Fortune magazine forecasts a
spectacular boom in capital spend
ing during the next two years. Ac
cording to it, even conservative
estimates show that the total cap
ital gods market by ihe second
quarter of 1961 probably will
amount to a record $53 billion a
year 30 percent above the cur
rent market.
I’.S news & World Report says
The busines recovery, after se\
oral months of rapid progress, is
now running into some rtouble
The trouble comes in the form of
strikes, which tie up factories,
cause cancellations of orders for
supplies, and cut off worker*’ pay
for days or even weeks. ’*
There are 35,866,977 Cuthotte*
and 59,823,777 Protestants in this
country, according to Newsweek.
Of the Protestants, the Baptist*
are much the most numerous with
19,766.121 communicants
Touti House;
choice quality
Cocktail |
No. 2Vi Cans
i l
| Bel-air; frozen,
> French style or Cut — J5
i ' »
! Green Beans |
i *
! or Broccoli
i y
‘ 10-oz. Packages |
i 2i39<!
z\ For your Christmas baking —
Powdered or
Brown Sugar
1-lb. Packages
® A Smooth, rich,
$ Jk for your pie-yuy!
i Libby's
• Pumpkin
No. 303 Cans
! 2:23c
l 2 No. 2 V* Cans 33c
| Moon Beam Pumpkin, S No. SOS Oans Sis
Stuffing Bread SJSSS3..2 33c
Irn froam Luc®m® Party Prld®: try ^-gal. IQr
llC II CQIII the new Christmas Special ....Carton I 7L
Lucerne Butter<*£!>« 69c
Marshmallows ISS deiidou..i£: 25c
Sweet Potatoes fancy quality.2 Cans 49c
Cream Cheese fS 35c
Sweet Pickles Ma Brown; Dlll-lclous.Jar 35c
Stuffed Olives SZSSTSi*.*&S 39c
Aluminum Foil Rejmolds; Heavy Duty.Roll 59c
Waxed Paper BCiSS-t..!3£ 23c
Delicious with Christmas Turkey, 0
^ ^ Ocean Spray, whole or jellied —- S
No. 300 Cans |
2:43c 1
□The very finest ring cake, filled with
choic^fruits and nuts—Holiday
3-lb. Cake
Manor House, U.S.D.A. Qrade-A, U.S. inspected, fresh-frozen
16 to 24-lb. Avg. ^ 8 fo 16-!b. Avg. | 4 'o 8-lb. Avq.
<*>Oc s
lb. I lb. f
x=?Qrl Serve the finest.. ♦ First Quality Brands 1=£Q=l
Ready-to-Eat HAMS |
14 to 16-lb. Average
Whole or Full Half l
Canned Hams MndMsPUntan Can 5 4.3 9
Pork Sausage ean, deiicious.Roll 35c
^ I Q ■ Fresh (Boston Butt) Whole or ^ Q
KOrK IvOuSTshoulder,sliced,lb.49c piece,Lb. JyC
All meat at Safeway is guaranteed to please you in all ways
or your money will be cheerfully refunded!
| California Navel Variety, Sunhist
I »
Medium sizes, seedless,
\ easy to peel and
S segment, rich juice
5-lb. Bag
■jp* • Nature’s zipper fruit, for H
I angerines hearty holiday appetites Lb. 1/ C
• jk | Red Delicious, Washington, ^
/ApDieS crisp, medium size.Mm lbs. C
p ■ Waldorf Brand; 2-lb. g ^
l l-resn yOl©SCahfomia-grown-Pkg. J JC
8 1
Crisp Celery crisp and crunchy.Lb. 15<
*» * * *• „ . * *
° a * - *
Shop Safeway for a complete line of Christmas
Nuts and Candies
Brach Cherries “efSThrStma812B0ozx 59c
Chocolates milk and dark chocolates.... Box 51.59
Mixed Nuts Holiday Brand; In the shell .. .Pkg. 53c
English Walnuts ESfi?£?&...49c
I Prices effective thru WEDNESDAY, DECEMKR 24, in O’NEILL
| *• Mtf wmj vM«... I
8 |
j I
I Homonenizi'd, evaporated
I Carnation
jj MM.K
|. Tall 5
I Can:)
« Case of 48 Cans. .. $6.81 8
| "It's in
| thehaz”
I ...the
world’s h 4]
freshest ^
a 67 < l it $1JJ
I iirLu \A/ii*n A delicious Btt-om.
mLRy win p dessert topping ..Can
g Instant Coffee Sr".. 6£ $1.29
II .... r__„ Breakfast Gem; USDA M fm
l-Orge tggeOrade-A, fresh ...Do*. 4/c
Orange Juiced: .2 c6^ 57c
Mince MeatElTch.“S 59c
1 Cake Decorrticns SZy ...jar 19c
| Cocoa Mix SS*.Pkg.- 49c
tt Am:am Ca..^ Upton's. ftive fla- 2-o* 4 A i!
| vBIOII JOV? vor to cheese dip Pkg 10C
l Poultry Seasoning §LTy 17c
\ Assorted Gelatin jeii o 4PktA 35c i
^rrT*rnrr~rr~'"~'r~irrT'r~i- r~ify-nrrnrBWfiWfM»M>aA—jj