The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 04, 1958, Page 5, Image 5

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    Mary Lou Kitto,
Marvin E. Mitchell
Nuptials at Omaha
STl ART St. Paul Methodist
church in Omaha was the scene
of a 7:30 p.m., wedding Saturday
November 22, when Miss Mary
Lou Kitto of Omaha, foster daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs Elmer Rinne
of Burchard, and Marvin Earl
Mitchell of Omaha, son of Mr. and
Mrs Berlin Mitchell of Stuart,
were united in marriage.
Rev. Alva Clark performed the
double-ring ceremony at the flow
er-flanked altar in the church
Vocal selections were "Story of
Ruth" and "Wedding Prayer".
Given in marriage by her foster
father, the bride appeared in a
ballerina-length gown of imported
tulle and french lace over taffeta.
The elongated, pointed bodice
featured a V-neckUne outlined
with an overlay of lace and with
folds of tulle. The sleeves of tulle
were long with bridal points. A
bouffant skirt featured an apron
ette effect of tulle edged with
French lace and revealing a cas
cade of tulle ruffles down the back
Her oltiow length veil of imported
illusion was held by a jeweled
crown. She carried a bridal i>ou
quet of Imtterfly orchids and steph
anotis on a white Bible.
Miss Ruth Merrill, friend of the
bride, as maid-of-honor wore a cop
per colored taffeta sheath with
scoop neckline and cap sleeves. A
velvet cummerbund topped the
slim skirt and the bouffant harem
overskirt worn over the sheath.
She carried an arrangement of cop
per colored mums.
Warren Mitchell of Lincoln, twin
brother of the bridegroom, served
ns bestman.
T iwam Vt’o/1 if ohnll f
Columbus, brother of the bride
groom and Eugene VanHove of
Omaha The men wore dark suits
with white carnation boutonnieres.
The bride's foster mother chose
mosiac blue, and the bridegroom's
mother wore grey suit dresses and
each wore white rosebud corsages.
The bride's grandmother also
wore a rosebud corsage.
A reception in the church par
lor followed, the ceremony.
Mrs. Jack McDermott was in
charge of the guest hook, Miss
Jeanette Gordon and Mrs, Jnmes
Schlichtcmier arranged the gifts.
Mrs, Mitchell is a graduate of
St Mary’s high school, Spring
field, S. D., and Nebraska Metho
dist school of nursing. She is em
ployed at the Methodist hospital
in Omaha.
Mr. Mitchell is a graduate of
Stuart high school, attended Nor
folk Junior college and one year
attended Ihe University of Nebras
ka at Lincoln. He is employed by
Nebraska department of roads.
Following a trip to Denver, Colo,
the couple will reside in Omaha
98 T rirrv .1 TV>vlf
of O'Neill, operating motor ve
hicle without driver's license, fin
ed $5 and $4 costs; officer—R. L.
Gude. .
November 28 James A Ollen
dick, of O'Neill, careless driving,
fined 525 and $4 costs; officer
E. M. Hastreiter.
November 28 Clarence E. San
derson of Chambers, speeding
night, fined $20.50 and $4 costs;
officer—E. M Hastreiter.
November 29 Alvin R. Posej
of Offut AFB in Omaha, speeding
night, fined $17.50 and $4 costs
officer E. M. Hastreiter.
Novemlier 29 Keith Gibson o
Neligh. drunken driving, finer
$100 and $4 costs and license re
voked for 6 months; officer—E
M Hastreiter.
Doccinbcr 1 — M&rsn Hflinc
of Hitchcock. S.n.. speeding nigh
fined $23 and $4 costs; officer E
M. Hastreiter.
December 2—Howard Soper o
Burke. S. D., speeding night, fin
r*d $10 and $4 costs; officer—R
L. Gude. „ .. .„
December 8 George Todd Mead
driver for Fairmont Food, Inc.
of Omaha, overload on axle, fin
ed $70 and $4 costs; officer-Don
aid F Richardson.
December 3—I .eon L. Jones
driver for Meeks Rent-A-Car, Inc.
of Omaha, overweight on eapn
city plate fined $10 and $4 costs
officer IVmald F. Richardson
December 2 LaVeme L. Thur
low of Stuart, procuring liquor fo
minor, fined $50 and wilful reck
less driving, fined $50 and $
costs and license revoked for i
months; officer—E. M. Hastreiter
Clyde Wabs of Burwell, former
ly of Holt county was taken inti
custody by Sheriff Leo Tomjac
Wednesday. Judge Louis Reime
issued the order after Wabs' wif
charged non-support. The coupl
was divorced last year.
Mr. and Mrs. James Tangemai
of Osceola and Mr and Mrs. Ken
netli Young and family of Ravenn.
were Thanksgiving guests of th
ladies' mother, Mrs. Doris Hynes
Engaged to Wed
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Young of Or
chard announce the engagement
of their daughter. Miss Carolyn
i above i, to Jerome Tuttle, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Vearl Tuttle of
Clearwater. Miss Young is a grad
uate of Orchard high school and
of Norfolk Beauty school. She is
employed at Melcina's Beauty
Shop in O'Neill. Mr. Tuttle is a
graduate of Ewing high school
and has completed two years
service in the armed forces. He
farms with his father south of
Ewing. No wedding date has
Itecn set. O'Neill Photo Co.
Winkler Farm Sells
for $85 Per Acre;
Fahrenholz, $68
Mr. ana Mrs. William Grothe,
jr., of Emmet were successful
bidders In the Tuesday, Novem
ber 25, auction of the 160-acre im
proved farm belonging to George
and Velda Winkler. The place is
located northeast of Emmet.
Purchase price was $85 per acre
and there was considerable com
petitive bidding.
Grothes earlier had purchased
the John Kee place across the
An enormous crowd attended the
sale. Many of the purebred Hamp
shire hogs went considerable dis
tance. Two top boars brought $102
, each. The boars averaged $75.
Top 10 gilts averaged $94. Many
of the hogs were purchased by
South Dakotans.
The L. C. and Nancy Fahrenholz
ranch, 456 acres near Chambers,
Friday sold at public auction to
W. A. ("Bill*’) Hobbs and L. A
Hobbs, both of Ewing. Purchase
price was $68 per acre.
Personal property sold at good
Col. Vern Reynoldson of O'Neill
was real estate broker and Col.
Wallace O’Connell of O’Neill was
auctioneer at both sales. The
Frontier handled advertising ar
rangements for both sales.
The Winklers and their children
have moved into the Mrs. Edith
Young residence in the southwest ,
part of the city.
Mr. and Mis. Fahrenholz have
purchased the dwelling in the
Spelt s-Ray addition formerly
owrned by Mr. and Mi's. L, C. Nut
■ ter, who moved to Lincoln several
i months ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fritton of
Emmet, who recently held a farm
sale, have purchased the V. J.
5 Towle residence on East Clay st.
and plan to move in during the
The Harry Spall family, which
f has been residing in the Towle res
. idence. will return to Valentine,
although Mr. Spall will continue
as game conservation officer here.
; Catherine Rotherham
Fatally Stricken
’ | EWING Funeral sen ices for
Miss Catherine Rotherham, 57,
" who was a food sen-ice employee
' I at the Norfolk state hospital for
_ i 16 years, will be held at 9 a.m.
. today (Thursday) at Sacred Heart
1 Catholic church in Norfolk. Burial
1 will be at Norfolk.
; A rosary was said at 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday at the Hillview chapel
1 in Norfolk
, Miss Rotherham became ill Mon
c day morning, December 1, while
r at work and died unexpectedly
> about noon.
? Sun-ivors include: Sister Mrs.
A1 Thramer of Ewing; brother
Mike Rotherham of Norfolk.
i Mr. Rotherham is in Veterans
- hospital in Omaha for lung surg
i ery and his sister, Mrs. Thramer.
? was near him when they learned
. of the death of their sister.
infested FARMl I
fcl hiartJ about d-CON._ And beillev^ “•■atdgJJJ *
■ really *© » I» >ra rat infested
I results. d-CON c.1®a?eCON Pwas a great break
I farm Switching to d-CON was a a
I for mel"
It'« • fact — in the great corn and ing that every bite puta another naQ
wheat belts of America, where farm- in their coffins. d-CON actually
ers really know how to get rid of makes rats commit suicide
rats, d-CON outsells all other rat d-CON isTHERMO-SEALED —
and mouse killers combined! always reaches you “factory fresh.”
_ _ i. „„ ,1,., j rnN ih« Economical, too. One package of
Farmer, know that d-CON is the d.CON raakeg Btation*
quick, sure, easy way to nd their
property of destructive, disease- Remember, d-CON, used as di
bearing rata For rats hungrily eat rected, is safe to use around small
d-CON's exclusive LX 3-2-1 for- children, pets, poultry and livestock,
mula never suspect it’s bait, never yet is guaranteed to keep your prop
het bait-shy. devour it without guess- erty rat and mouse free forever!
YMW Hears Talk
on Legal Problems
The Holt county chapter of th
Young Married Workers club met
Monday evening at the courthouse
William W Griffin, Holt county
attorney, gave an informative talk
on various legal matters. Some of
the items discussed were real
estate, deeds, fencing rights, li
ability insurance, wills, court costs
and law suits.
After the program, memlrers
played several games and a lunch
was served by the executive com
Next meeting will be held the
first part of January. The follow
ing committees were appointed
for the forthcoming meeting: Pro
gram Mr. and Mrs. I tale Butter
field of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs
Bob Summerer of Ewing; lunch
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mellor of
Atkinson and Helen Martens of
Atkinson: recreation Mr. and
Mrs. Carroll Marcellus of Stuart
and Mr. and Mrs. Benton Mellor
of Atkinson.
Attending this meeting were:
Gerald Rurold of Ewing, Helen
and Boh Martens of Atkinson. Mr,
and Mrs. Benton Mellor of Atkin
son. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mel
lor of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs.
George Mellor of Spencer, Mr. and
Mrs. Carroll D. Marcellus of Stu
art. Mr. and Mrs Frank Soukup
of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs Kenneth
Ruggles of Clearwater. Orville In
dia of O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Boh
Summerer of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Butterfield of Ewing, Mr.
and Mrs Harold Coburn of O’
Neill, Catherine India and A. Neil
Maurine Smith Is
New Noble Grand
INMAN Arbutus Reltekah lodge
met Wednesday evening, Novem
l*>r 2fi, at the IOOF hall. Mrs.
Elsie Keyes, noble grand, was in
charge. Plans were made for
Christmas at the IOOF home
Election of officers followed:
Maurine Smith, noble grand;
Mildred Keyes, vice grand; Hazel
Lorenz, secretary, and Grace Ru
ben. treasurer.
The Wednesday, December 10,
meeting will be the Christmas
party with a gift evehange. Com
mittee in charge includes Ada
Clark and Mary Tomlinson.
A covered dish lunch will be
Kenneth and Faye Smith were
hosts at last week’s meeting and
served lunch.
Glacier National
Park Films Shown
INMAN The Inman Community
club met Monday evening at the
high school for a regular monthly
Karl Keyes, president, was in
charge. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Hutton and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Sohotka were in charge of enter- J
Mr. Hutton reviewed a chapter
in the book. Mr. and Mrs. Gray
don Hutton of Ewing showed
slides taken in Glacier National
park where they have spent the
past five summers.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fick and
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sohotka j
were on the coffee committee, j
Lunch was served.
CD A Supper Planned
December 13—
The Catholic Daughters met
Tuesday evening at the Knights
of Columbus hall for a business
session. About 50 members were
Plans were made to serve a
1 chicken and noodle luncheon at
| Shelhamer’s snack bar on Satur
I day. December 13. The Christmas
party will be held on December
: 16, with a potluck supper at 6:30
i followed by a gift exchange and
! social evening. The ladies will
decorate a tree at St. Anthony’s
A sewing project will be started
! in January. Mrs. Jerome Spittler
j was appointed chairman.
Intermediates in
I %-Hour Session—
The intermediate Methodist
youth fellowship met for 1 % hours
Monday, December 1, at the Meth
odist church in O’Neill.
Devotions were held and a film
was shown. Members went down
stairs to the basement and play
ed games after the business ses
Refreshments were served by
Judy Smith.
Miss Coventry Is
Shower Honoree—
INMAN — Miss Kay Coventry
was feted at a prenuptial miscel
laneous shower at the Methodist
church annex Friday evening by
a group of friends.
There were 50 guests present.
Miss Coventry received many gifts
Refreshments were served.
O’Neill News
Mr. and Mrs. Don Templemeyer
and daughters were in Louisville
for the Thanksgiving holidays
with their mothers. Mrs. Rose
Templemeyer and Mrs. Andrew
Standee. On the way home they
stopped in at Schuyler to visit Dr.
and Mrs. Merlin Suca and daugh
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tighe had
as their guest on Thanksgiving
\ her father, Charles Penwell of Til
den. Sunday guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Botsford and
| Mrs. Guy Heninger all of Tilden
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Horn
and Bradley of Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. A F Stanton had
as their guests from Thanksgiving
until Sunday their daughter and
her husband, Mr and Mrs. John
Cuddy and family of Sioux Falls,
S. D. WilHam Cuddy of Sioux FaUs
accompanied them and visited his
daughter and husband, Mr. and
Mrs. John Jensen and daughters.
Mr. and Mrs. Cuddy also visited
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Stowell and
\ family.
Ray White of Omaha visited
with Mr. and Mrs. M. B Higgins
on Saturday, November 29
MKtm m 'I hmm t
Hubei ... a 1641-poll rulor with pulmed antlers.—The Frontier Photo
Mr and Mrs. Alvin had as din- West Point and Mr. and Mrs. Plan
ner guests on Sunday Mr. and eis Curran and girls. Patty Aden
Mrs. Boh Oswald and family of and Mr and Mrs. L. A Ott
Fallow Deer Killed
with Bow-and-Arrow
Carl Hubei, 42. of Kw mg Tues
day checked in a 150-pound fal
low buck deer he felled with Inm
and arrow along the Heaver rivet
m Wheeler county.
It was his third doer and sec
ond fallow Kick in three seasons
via the OO-pound Bear-Kodiak bow
and-arrow i-oute. He fired only
one arrow from Bu yards. The
white deer with palmed antlers
took oil with Hubei's homemade
arrow penetrating to the innards ;
and finally collapsed
The fallows were imported from
the Ukraine and Mediterranean
area over 20 years ago. It was the
first arrow kill checked in here
this year.
Meanwhile. Hubei, a taxiderm
ist. reports James Boies' Canadian
lynx, bagged nearly a fortnight
ago. is soaking in brine prepara
tory to mounting.
Mr. and Mrs. George McKim
and daughter of Albuquerque. N
M., were Thanksgiving dinner
guests of Mr and Mrs. l.yle Mc
William Mayberry
Rites at Niobrara
NIOBRARA Raymond May
tarry, 56, who had been in ill
health several years, died Friday
November L’S, at Sacred Heart
hospital in Yankton, S O
Funeral serv ices were conduc
ted Monday, IVcember l, at the
l.utlieran church m Niobrara. Rev
John Heidbreider, church pastor
officiated. Burial was in I.Kau
Out Court cemetery here under
direction of the Jones funeral
The late Mr Mayberry, who
never married, had lived at Nio
brara until moving to South Da
kota where he resided many
years Six years ago he returned
here and made his home with his
brother. William Mayberry, south
east of Niobrara.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Higgins and !
family of Omaha were supfior j
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hig-1
gins on Saturday They came to
attend the wedding of Mrs Hig
gins brother. Paul Waters, and
Sandra 1 Merks He is a nephew of
Mike Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Sargent re
turned Monday after s(>ending
three weeks with their son-in-law
and daughter. Mr and Mrs Rob
ert Parks and family at tiering.
Mr. and Mrs Robert Scott went
to tiering on Monday after spend
ing three weeks with their son-in
law and daughter, Mr and Mrs.
Roliert Parks and family at tier
ing. Mr and Mrs. Robert Scott
went to tiering on Monday and
visited over Thanksgiving. Mr.
Sargent was winner of a turkey
while there.
Mary Dusatko entertained at
dinner Sunday Guests were Wil
liam Roche. Mr and Mrs Jerome
Allen. Jenelle and Kick of Page,
Mr and Mrs John Allen. Julia
and Elizabeth of Grand Island. Mr.
and Mrs I,eo Hines, and Mrs.
Mrs. Margaret Pribil of O'Neill.
Don O Lyons struck and killed
a deer with his car near Norfolk.
PKGS.... ^ I
Crackers 2-lb. bx 55c Gum — 6 pack. 19c |
*; KRAFT — ■
Bleach .. i-gal. 33c Dinner 2 pkgs. 31c >
... ■—— 8TUROEON BAY SOS rail ■
tX)RN MEAL — i'll • m a - m
Mush . 16-oz cn 15c Cherries _ 4 cans $| 1
- B KRAFT — ■
Nu Soft. bottle 49cj_ |Carmels... lb. 39c <
Sno Fresh Scotch Maid Stan Wood Lucky Lady Mix Em i
CUT liREEN BEANS mr/lfi ^ _ M.
"^Ssr FROZEN VEGETABLES 6 p $f-00 Match i
I adams - f Adler’s Assorted ]*KD DOT “ # #w-oz. m
(iraperr t Juice 3 46-oz cn 98c AQf f l/C^ Potato Chips .. jumbo pk. (
SESSIONS — Wm flP mm M\ W Mm 9m BAKE^VsTNOE^,^^KE^^™™™,,,™™™™,,,™ ■
Peanut Butter.. 4-lb jar $1.59 lfjft7 nft Coconut.... 14-oz. pkg. 65c I
Pancake Mix - 10-lb. bg. $ 1.09 v JARS_ * Pineapple _ 3 / 16-oz cans 69c I
• M 'll 100% ('I'M - (
FREsTr"^™^ SPICED — " 1
Pork Roast_lb. 45c Lunch Meat_lb. 59c i
Sliced Bacon_lb. 45c Spare Ribs _ lb. 49cli
ji-bo, -$1.29! 1
< Spuds .100-lbs 51.79 > I
i Grapefruit. 10for49c | 1
* JUICE — | ■
J Oranges_Doz. 29c > J