The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 04, 1958, Page 14, Image 14

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    Amelia News
Mr and Mrs Rusty Adair and
Allen visited at the Leonard Du
satko home near Emmet Thanks
giving evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White and
Venita, H. S. White, Mrs Lindsey
and Florence enjoyed Thanksgiv
ing day and dinner with Mr and
Mrs. S. C. Barnett.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams and
Don were Norfolk shoppers Satur
day Mrs Blake Ott carried the
mail for Mrs. Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. C F. Small and
Gary were Thanksgiving guests
of the Roy Fullerton family.
Mrs. Leo Lydon of Ewing and
Mrs. Mervin Arter and children of
Norfolk were calling on Amelia
friends Friday. They had difficul
ty in finding folks home, but cal
led on Mrs. Stella Sparks and
Mrs. Dick Doolittle. The ladies are
the former Toots and Tiny Mc
Caffrey, and nieces of Frank
Pierce The Arter family will
leave the first of the week for
California to make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Orland Fryrear
and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gruen
berg and daughters were Thanks
giving guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Will Fryrear.
Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Widman
and Marcia, Sandra Sageser,
Lloyd Waldo and George Fuller
ton w'ere Saturday Norfolk callers.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilman, Mr.
and Mrs. Harlan Dierking and
Cynthia, Mr. and Mrs. [.eon Skaia
and Gene, Mrs. DeHarte, Mr and
Mrs. Marvin Doolittle and l>oys
were dinner guests Sunday of Mr.
and Mrs. George Fullerton and
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Waldo, Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo and family
were dinner guests Sunduy of the
Kenneth Werner family at Cham
Mrs. Arthur Hiatt is enjoying a
visit from her sister, Florence.
Miss Edith Pokorny, Hubert
Dye and Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Ol
son of Lincoln were Saturday
night and Sunday guests of Mrs.
Helen Pokorny and Don.
Mrs. Edith Andersen, Mrs. S. C.
Barnett and Mrs. Lew Backhaus
drove to Atkinson Sunday after
noon and called on Mrs. Bertha
Sammons at the hospital and til
so at the home of Mrs. Julia
White. Mrs. Sammons was im
proved and thought she would be
home in a few days.
Thanksgiving day dinner guests
of Mrs Helen Pokorny and Don
were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Vavra
and daughters, Geraldine, Mary
Ann and Helen Mae of Bushnell.
Mr. and Mrs. Stev,e Sladek and
family, Mrs. Julia Sladek and
George of Chambers, Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Schmit and Danny
of McLean and Miss Mary Sladek^
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brau of
Omaha came Saturday night and
visited until Monday with her
Ponton Insurance
Insurance of All Kinds
and Bonds
Phone 106 Golden Bldg.
Beauty Salon
Phone MS tor appointment
Located across street from
bakery. Closed Jgnmj In
day morning.
Corkle Bros.
to be held at the
Norfolk, Nebraska
Wednesday, Dec. 17
50 — Bulls — 50
Well grown rugged bulls
| including:
n 40 coming two-year-old and
• 10 Senior Bulls
The kind to sell market top
ping feeder calves.
| Sale at 1:00 P. M.
Write for catalog
Corkle Bros.
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mr and Mrs. Jerry Vavra and
family of BushneU arrived Wed
nesday night, November 26, and
spent Thanksgiving day and the
weekend at the Mrs Helen Po
komy home, also visiting friends
and relatives in Atkinson and O’
Neill. Mrs. Vavra is the former
Margie Coxbill of Atkinson.
The Amelia Methodist church
installed their new piano Monday. [
The piano is a memorial to Rich
ard Dale Fullerton, the late son,
of Mr and Mrs. George Fullerton
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ninham and
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gillman visit
ed at the Dunk Peterson home Sun
day afternoon und evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schade vis
ited Sunday at the Lindsey home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees visit
ed Sunday at the William Matt
hauser home in Burwell.
Mr and Mrs. Art Doolittle, Mr
and Mrs. Bob Adair, Jerry and
Diane were Sunday visitors at the
Edgar Peterson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Fix and sons
and Mrs. Doris Baker were Thanks
giving guests at the Elmer Fix
Mrs Stella Sparks attended the
show in O'Neill Sunday afternoon,
then drove to Atkinson and visited
Mrs. Bertha Sammons at the hos
pital and sjxmt the evening at the
Bus EnlKxly home.
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott, Mrs.
Gloria Landrum and Sally visited
Mrs. Bertha Sammons at the At
kinson hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Earnie Johnston,
i Mrs. Vent Sageser, Mrs. link Sag
eser, Mrs. Edith Andersen, Mrs.
: Lindsey and Florence attended the
i films and family night at the Cham
I hers Methodist church Sunday
I evening.
Art Waldman returned home
Monday, November 24, from a vis
it with his bn it her Tom, and sis
ter, Anna at Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Sammie Young
have lieen visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Young, who
live in Chambers. Sammie is in
the armed forces in Alabama and
was having a short leave.
Gene Carr, who has been serv
ing in the airborne division of the
armed services, will receive his
separation papers and expects to
be home the early part of Decem
ber. He is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Carr of O’Neill, for
merly of Amelia.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blackmore
and daughters, Luann, Julie and
Susan of Cheyenne, Wyo., were
visiting their respective parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Watson and Mr.
and Mrs. Bernard Blackmore dur
ing the Thanksgiving holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Robak and
sons, Lee, Frank and Jeffrey and
daughter, Lisbeth, and Mrs. Mar
jorie Sammons, all of Sioux City,
la., were visiting at the Bill Sam
ruuns lUl i UttimaBivmg.
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus
were dinner guests at the home of
Mrs. Eva Backhaus and Caroline
in Atkinson Thanksgiving day.
Other guests there were Mr and
Mrs. Dick Porter and sons, Mar
vin and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. George
Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin
Grossnicklaus and family of
Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Backhaus of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs.
Milton McKathnie and family,
Mrs Emma McKathnie, Mrs. Ce
celia Backhaus, all of Atkinson,
and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hoerle
of Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo and
family entertained his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Waldo, and the
Kenneth Werner family of Cham
bers and the Lew Sterling family
of Cotesfield and John Zinkon at
a turkey dinner Thanksgiving.
Don Peterson, who is attending
school in Casper, Wyo., spent the
Thanksgiving vacation with his |
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dunk Pet-,
terson. „ „
Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton
and Phyllis, Gene Skala, and Mrs.
Edith Andersen were dinner guests
Thanksgiving at the Eamie John
ston home.
Mr. and Mrs Bernard Black
more spent Thanksgiving at Lucas,
S. D., visiting his sister and bro
ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gene
Scott and family.
Mr and Mrs. Clyde Burge, Rob
ert, Joyce and Bruce and Mrs.
Nellie Holcomb went to Omaha
Wednesday afternoon, Novermber
26 and visited over Thanksgiving
holidays with their daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Nielsen, and his brother, the
Dean Burge family.
Miss Dorothy Fisher of McPher
son, Kans., spent her vacation
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Fisher. Mr. Fisher took her
back to her school duties at Mc
Pherson Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Thompson
and daughters, Evelyn and Shir
ley, were Thanksgiving guests at
the Hank Whitcomb home.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams and
Don were Thanksgiving guests of
Cleta and Demaris Murray and
their father, Tom Murray, in O’
Neill. |
I Best Gift Idea |
of All • • • &
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HERE’S A SUGGESTION on what to «
give that child or grandchild
for Christmas: |g
Sometimes it’s a problem. Why not consider a W
20-PAY LIFE INSURANCE policy . . . and let them
grow up together? A
National Fidelity Life Insurance Company has a
very attractive policy that will fit into your Christ- ^3
mas plans.
Call 279-J Evenings
y if you wish:
M P. O. Box 401 — O’Neill ^ I
| ^ S
O’Neill News
Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold L. Lind berg and Mrs.
P. H. Lindberg were Mr. and Mrs.
John Olson and daughters Ardis
and Eileen of Minden. Mrs. Olson
is the daughter of Mrs. P. H. Lind
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkins
spent Thanksgiving in Omaha with
their son and his wife. Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Parkins, and family.
Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Reimer, sr., were Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Nelson of Oma
ha, Mr. and Mrs. I* B. Taylor and
family of Grand Island, and Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Reimer and fam
ily of Niobrara. They were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reimer
jr. Another guest at the junior
Reimer home was her mother,
Mrs. Helen Brown of Gretna.
Monuments of lasting beaut)
made by skilled craftsmen of the
J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monuments
from the faetory to the con
sumer.—Emmet Orabb, O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shierk were
in Norfolk on business Friday.
Sunday. November 23, guests of
Mr. and Mrs. William W. McIn
tosh were her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Beatty, and the Beat
I tys’ son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs
| Richard Beatty and family, all of
Edward McCarthy of Columbus
spent Tuesday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George M. McCar
' thy.
Miss Elizabeth Schaffer, who
| teaches at Sidney, was home with
| her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C.
j Schaffer, for the Thanksgiving hol
I idays.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jackson had
as their guests for Thanksgiving
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Sloan of Kansas
City, Mo. The Sloans were guests
until Sunday.
Miss Jane Petersen, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Petersen, was
home for the Thanksgiving holi
days from Hastings college.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Melena and
famiy has as their guests for
Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Max
Marshall of Verdigre and Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Melena.
I Mr. and Mrs. Harold William
son had as their Thanksgiving
guests Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pet
ers, Mr. and Mrs. Orville McKim
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Timm and Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs.
Owen Parkinson and family, Mr
i and Mrs. Billie MarceUus and
family, Emerson Steele and Miss
Lois Nelson.
Mr. and Mrs. How'ard Manson
and her mother, Mrs. Sidney E.
) <2? ft & ft Sf ft <s* ft*» ft ft or ftto ft ftto ft 10 ft ft,«a
Anderson of Elgin, spent Thanks
giving with Mr. and Mrs. Athel
Fuller and son, Dana, of Chadron.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McManus
and family were guests at Thanks
giving at the home of her parents.
Mr and Mrs. Harry Ressel. Mr
and Mrs. Ankney of Atkinson were
also there.
Miss Sharlene Shoemaker, a stu
dent at Mt. St. Scholastica at Atch
ison. Kans., was home for the
Thanksgiving holidays. She is the
daughter of Mrs. Leona Shoemak
er. George Shoemaker, a student
at Conception seminary, Concep
tion, Mo., met his mother and fam
ily in West Point where they spent
Thanksgiving with relatives.
Miss Betty Schultz, daughter of
Mrs John Kersenbroek. was home
for the Thanksgiving holidays from
Hastings college. Her sister, Miss
Shirley, a student nurse at St.
Francis hospital in Grand Island,
arrived home Friday from Omaha
where she has been in psychiatric
study for three months. She ex
pects to return to St. Francis hos
pital in Grand Island Sunday.
Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and
Mi's. L. M. Merriman were her
sister and her husband, Mr. and
Mrs. D. B. Lyons, and Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Lyons and four children
of near Winner, S.D.
Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Joe McLeish and family were
bj*TPb^Tf hj+9 DiCCP;' > * fc »r-» a h nrmh »ilk k ,^k
his mother, Mrs, Goldie McLeish
of Schuyler, ami Mr. and Mrs. Rob
McLeish and Rodney and Bobby of
Correctionville, la. Joe took his
mother back to Schuyler Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wray and
family spent Thanksgiving in Kil
gore with his sister and husband,
Mr. and Mrs Russell Pike.
Thanksgiving guests of Mr, and
Mrs. C. E. Worth were Mr. ami
Mrs. Roy Worth and family of
Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
Wetzler and family of Verdigre.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kerr of Spen
cer, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miller
and family and Mrs. Mary Wet
Mrs. John G. Stuifbergen and
family went to North Platte to
spend the Thanksgix ing holidays
w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E
T. Blinn. They returned Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carrol H. McKay
and family went to Spalding for
Thanksgiving to the Larry Bauer
home. Mrs. McKay’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Glaser of Spalding
were also there.
Thanksgiving guests of 7 . and
Mrs. William W. McIntosh were
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McIntosh
and family and Mrs. Maude Mc
Intosh, all of Meadow Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham
had as their guests their son and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gra
ham of Alma, and Mr. and Mrs.
David Maugham and son of Til
Mr. and Mrs. Duane S. Gray
and family were Thanksgiving
guests in Plainview at the E. K
i Eyer home.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. liaker and
family of Grand Island were
Thanksgiving guests of her par
ents, Mr. and Mi's. Elmer Hagen
sick. Weekend guests at the Hag
ensick home were Mr. and Mrs.
IVn Flanagan of Ijneoln
Mr. and Mrs I Km Berg and fam
ily of IVnvor, Ct>k>„ and Miss Ann
Waters of Omaha were Thanks
gn ing guests of Mrs. William Big*
lin The Beigs stayed until Sun
I day.
Frontier Want Ads bring quick
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TRIPOD PLANTER — Sturdy, stylish and practical.
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GOSSIP BENCH — Walnut grain plastic top; pad
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