The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 13, 1958, Page 11, Image 11

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    for sale
Thiele’s Dairy Cattle
TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle
sfn hahd ant times Wiscon
sin bred, fresh and heavy
he!fenfl'S an<1 srcond
Arnold Thiele
2M- miles southwest of Clear
Phone 17 on 12. tf
^9^ SALE: Purred Spotted Po
iand China boars, veterinary
vaccinated. — Martin Hoffman
Spencer, phone 3781. 26tf
Surge Dairy
COMPLETE line of parts. Dll
ion Sales & Service, Long Pine,
phone 2127, or Harvey Tomiv
kins. Inman.
WI; ARE still trying to trade about
51;»00 worth of merchandise
even up for an ear of com Yes
sir, for the ear with the most
kernels we will allow you one
cent per kernel on any merchan
dise in our store, no purchase
required, no strings attached.
1954 Super C with fast hitch
Farmall 450 demonstrator
1947 Farmall M
1950 Farmall C
1944 Farmall H
IHC 24 picker, $150.00.
Valley roller mill
2-row- GI pull picker
2 used elevators
New steel crib
1950 Chevy pickup
1950 Chevy. 2 ton.
Apt. size elec, range
Used electric refrigerator good
Oil space heater bargain.
Kenmore automatic washer
New RCA Whirlpool appliances
Shelhamer Equip. Co.
IHC Gehl — RCA Whirlpool
FOR SALE: 1958 6-cyl. Chevrolet
Del Ray, 7,000 actual miles,
$2,265. Inquire at The Frontier.
FOR SALE: 1953 Cushman motor
scooter, new motor and new tires
Good condition —Call 2821, Stu
art. See Stanley Cobb. 28-29p
FOR SALE: 1949 Ford tractor;
Ford mower and Ford blade.—
Virgil Laursen, O’Neill, phone
434. 25tf
For Sale
1—Nebr. New 2-row mounted Ford
picker, W. D. fittings
1—1951 W. D.
1— 1951 W. D. wide front
2— Woods pickers
1—Bell City picker
1—A-C picker with rotary feeders
1— A-C picker, new rollers
2— 1947 A-C combines
1— 1951 A-C combine
2— Used loaders
Cleveland Farm
Orchard, Nebr. — Box 54
FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire
boars. Henry Stelling, 2 miles
south. V\ west of Orchard.
Above Average Cows
At Private Sale
23 whiteface cows (15 register
ed, others eligible for registry!
and one milk cow. Five with cal
ves six-weeks to two-months-old,
selling together: others will calve
in March. Above average bunch
of cows and would not be for sale
except for my health If not sold
within few days will be sold at
O'Neill auction Thursday, Novem
ber 20.
Homer Davis
O’Neill — Phone 285-W
For Sale or Lease
GOING produce and feed store in
South Central South Dakota. Do
ing 590,000 annual gross good bus
iness opportunity. Need not have
large capital. _
Box 133
Inman, Nebr. ^
Choice and Fancy
Cattle For Sale
300 HEAD of choice and fancy An
gus cows and heifers: 25 choice
Shorthorn cows; 1.000 head of
choice Hereford cows and heif
ers. _
FOR FURTHER information con
Dayle Flewett
Phone 195 — O’NEILL — Box 533
FOR SALE: Wooden utility cup
board and violets 15 and 25
cents. Across from the bus de
pot upstairs. After 6 p.m. 29-30p
Assume Payments
SINGER, sews like new. Balance 5
payments 55.32. Also Singer Zig
Zag sewing machine, complete
ly equipped. Can be seen in O’
Neill. -Credit Manager, 5615 S.
24th st-, Omaha. 29c70
Mobile Homes
Bargain day every dav
- We Have Lowest Prices
—We Deliver Anywhere
- We Finance up to 6 Yrs
—We set them up for you
—We service our trailers
—We trade for anything
We have a large stock
We buy used Trailers
- Wre make you the best deal
14 to 52 Ft 8 & 10 Wide
1 & 2 & 3 Bed Rooms on hand.
New 36 Ft. 8 Wide $2,995 00
New 42 Ft. 8 Wide $3,595 00
New 42 Ft. 10 Wide $3,845.00
New 46 Ft. 10 Wide $4,245 00
New 50 Ft. 10 Wide $4,495.00
Other sizes in proportion
1957 Alumanite 37 ft.
1955 Henslee 27 Ft.
1954 Mercury Manor 38 Ft
1949 Trailette 24 Ft
1948 Glider 25 Ft
Others coming in
See Us before you buy
Miller Trailer Sales
Phone 460 Albion, Nebr.
' 29tfc
FOR SALE: Registered Hamp
shires. Rugged, long, meaty
boars and open gilts. Vaccina
teed. Guaranteed breeders.
Priced reasonable. — John
Raster, Clearwater, phone 8 on
4 . 26-32c
FOR SALE: Prairie hay, stacked
or baled. — Roger Rosenkrans,
Redbird. 22ctf
FOR SALE: Late model Hammond
chord organ. Phone 1, O’Neill.
281 f
FOR SALE: Our entire 1958 Reg
Angus heifer crop. Sired by Wal
nut Eileensmere 2d and Steel
Creek Bandolier 67th. This bull
was sire of the grand champion
bull sold at the Holt Co. Angus
sale 1958. Mrs. Ray Siders, In
man. phone 64, or write Steel
Creek Stock Farm, O’Neill
2 blks. west of postoffice. Can
serve you days or evenings by
appointment or without. 24tf
Curtiss Breeding
IS TOE result of many dollars
spent on research, breeding and
testing. Take advantage of this,
that you would never be able to
accomplish by yourself. — Call
470, O’Neill, Duane Gray. 26tf.
SEE US for new SPARTAN or
SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25%
down, 5% int.; up to 84
months to pay. Write or phone:
Contois Motor Co., Neligh.
SOUP'S ON . . . the rug, that is
. . so clean the spot with BLUE
LUSTRE. Leaves no rings —
Angus Bulls
35 REGISTERED Angus bulls in
cluding 15 choice, heavy boned,
rugged coming twos, ready for
heavy service, prices reason
able. Visit our farm and see
these bulls.
Elmerest Farms
6 miles south, 1M> east of
Leigh, Nebr. ,
weighing up to 300 pounds, from
a clean herd, vaccinated, blood
tested, guaranteed —L. V. Gant
and Sons, Atkinson, phone 7845,
located 4 miles east, 5 miles
north of Atkinson; or 14 miles
west and 8 miles north of O’
Neill. 25-31p
Harry R. Smith Imp.
Phone 562 O’Neill
for John Deere tractor
48 A J-D
’48 B J-D
’44 B J-D
’40 B J-D
THESE used tractors and several
others in the age bracket.
10- A J-D hammermill
Wetmore hammermill
J-D No. 9 comsheller
M-M 14-ft. grain drill, good con
Plows, all sizes
No. 9 IHC trail mower with
No. 24 IHC mower, like new.
No. 5 J-D mowers
FOR SALE: Holsteins and Guern
sey cows and first calf heifers.
All heavy springers.—Paul Har
ley. Ewing, phone 2657, Cham
bers. 28tf
FOR SALE: Purebred Spotted Po
and China boars. Long and deep
bodies, vaccinated both ways.—
Elmer Bohl. 5V4 miles west of
Plainview on highway 20.
FOR SALE: TerriQex vinyl tile.
Now carried in stock. Select
your color.—Spelts-Ray Lbr.
CO.. O’Neill.47ctf
Sewing Center
WE REPAIR all makes. We un
dersell anybody in price and
outsell anybody in quality.
I 52tf
Hampshire Boars
FT) Ft SALE: Breeding stock of
high merit. You will like our
Walter Sojka & Sons
lVi mi. N. and 4 E of Page.
21 tf
FOR SALE: Purebred JFampshire
boars. Big and rugged with
extra length Alfred Hansen. 3
miles west, 4 south and Vi
i west of Plainview. . 19tf
FDR SALE: 1956 Chevrolet Vs-ton
pickup, long wheel base.—W. C.
Knowles, Route 1, O'Neill, or lVs
miles north of Inman. 28tf
Prestone Anti-Freeze
Wholesale Prices !
Gal. Cans .. $1.85
6-Gal. Cases 10.95
Buy now. save money!
Gasoline and Fuel
Oils at lowest prices
in Nebraska!
Oils and Greases
o f all kinds —
best quality!
West O’Neill
FOR SALE: Aeromotor windmills,
towers. Stock tanks, all sizes,
pressure systems—Clifford So
botka, Inman, phone 435. 52tf.
New Machinery
New HM 26 International compick
ers. two-row, special _ $1,400
SPECIAL LOW prices on 350 and
450 Farmall tractors
Used Equipment
1948 Farmall M, fuel burner, new
1948 Farmall M, gas burner, new
1949 G John Deere
1948 Farmall H, gas, Hiesler trans
1946 Farmall H, fuel burner
1946 Farmall H, gas burner
1948 John Deere B with new block,
new rubber
12—No. 24 IHC compickers
USED LOADERS, dirt scoops and
one-row pull-type pickers.
Used Trucks, Pickups
1956 Ford %-ton pickup, 4C trans
1950 Dodge %-ton pickup
1956 International 4-wheel drive
1955 International %-ton pickup
1956 Parklane Ford station wagon,
air conditioning
Storjohann Equip. Co.
Lowest equipment prices in USA!
Burwell, Nebr.
SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolis
$16.50 a ton; American $20.50
a ton; white block 75c—Located
3 blks. east, 4 blks. north of
traffic light. Everett Gorgan,
Ph. 164, O’Neill. 51tf
FOR SALE: Purebred Tamworth
boars, the red meat hog.—Har
old Cihlor, 9 miles west and 1
south of Verdigre, phone 7F22
29-34Dl. 85
FDR RENT: Two-basement house,
attached garage. — C1 a r e n ce
Strong, O’Neill, phone 717. 29c
FDR RENT: Modem apartment
—A. E. Bowen, 705 E. Douglas,
O’Neill, phone 515. 12tf
FDR RENT: Sleeping rooms. —
Phone 537, O’Neill. l«tf
FOR RENT: Furnished basement
apt.—Clarence Strong, O’Neill,
phone 717. 29c
FDR RENT: Three - room apart
ments on ground floor, $27 per
month, V4 block north of New
Deal Oil Co. — Tony Asimus,
O’Neill, phone 510, 19tt
FOR RENT: Small modem home,
good location.—Phone 1, O’Neill.
28 tf
FDR RENT: 3 room modem house
with basement.—Ph. No. 1. 28tf
FDR RENT: 4-room uptown
apartment, water and heat fur
nished — George Weingartner,
O’Neill, phone 15F11. 26tfc
FDR RENT: Modem 2 bedroom
basement apartment, well light
ed, gas heat, close in. Available
now.—J. C. Parker, ph. 14F3,
O'Neill, call early morning or
evening. 26tf
FOR RENT: Modem furnished
apartment, heated, close in. —
Elmer Hagensick, phone 538-R,
O'Neill. 23tf.
farm land. Inquire at The Fron
tier. 2(t30c
| FDR RENT: Six-room house and
acreage.—Anna Brown, O’Neill,
phone 323-J, 28tfc
FDR RENT: Two bedroom house,
furnished or unfurnished —Anna
I Brown, O’Neill, phone 323-J. 28tfc
FOR SALE: Five room modem
home (two bedroom*. Garage.
Closein—north of highway
Phone 447-J, O'Neill. 27tf
FOR RENT -All modem furnish
ed apartment. Gas heated, close
in. Phone O'Neill 440-J. 28tf
RELIABLE man or woman from
this area to distribute complete
line of cigarettes, candy, nuts,
or gum through new automatic
vendors. No selling, we will es
tablish accounts for you. To
qualify party must have car.
references, and cash capital of
$700 which is secured by inven
tory Excellent earnings part
time—Full time more. For per
sonal interview give phone, etc
Write P. O. Box 156, Rochester.
Minn. 29pl.55
WANTED: Upholstering and car
pentry work.—W C. Knowles,
Route 1. O'Neill, or 1 Mi miles
north of Inman. 28tf
WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading
days, Monday, Tuesday and
Thursday each week. Dwaine
Lockman, Stuart, ph 3741. tf
WANTED: Married man for farm
work. Separate house. — Jake
and Jack Reuther, Gregory, S.
D. 29c50
Rural Housewife
LADIES! Valuable territories for
Avon Cosmetics open in Pad
dock, Shields, Atkinson, Sheri
dan and Wyoming townships.
Avon customers waiting for ser
vice, so must act today.—Write
Miss Alice Dial, district mana
ger, P. O. Box 365, North Platte
WANTED: To rent or buy three
bedroom modem home in O'
Neill. Permanent family. — Bob
Forwood, Consumers Public
Power, phene 80. 27tf
Ideal Cleaners
Phone 775-W for Pickup
and Delivery!
WANTED: Corn, either shelled or
in ear.—Tony Asimus or New
Deal Oil Co., O’Neill. 28-29c
MONEY TO LOAN on farms,
ranches and town residential
property. See Virgil Laursen ot
the O’Neill Loan Co., O’Neill,
phone 434. 13tf
L. Guthmiller
Half Block East of
Texaco Station
SPECIALIZING in all kinds of
automobile, truck and tractor
repair. Acetylene welding.
LAWN MOWER repairing. Also
repair parts for Lawson — Reo
Complete Body and Fender
Repairs and Painting
Glass Installed—Towing Service
Phone 211W
for Any Job 25tf
WANTED WORK: Cleaning lawns
and gardens and hauling garb
age.—ROY SHULL, phone 517J,
O’Neill. 25-30p
A HUMBLE "thank you” to each
and everyone who remembered
me while I was in Atkinson Me
morial hospital. — ED ETHER
TON. 29c50
WE WISH to thank the Page Fire
department and all the others
that helped put out the fire.—
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grubbs. 29p
I TAKE this opportunity to thank
my friends for the cards, let
ters and visits during my recent
1 hospitalization; also my thanks
to the doctors, nurses and hospi
tal staff —C. V. ROBERTSON.
Chambers. 29p50
WE WISH to take this means of
thanking our relatives, friends
and neighbors for masses, floral
offerings, donations of food and
for their acts of kindness and
assistance in our recent sorrow.
CHILDREN and the
WE WISH to take this means oi
thanking all our friends and
neighbors for their thoughtful
ness during our recent bereave
cow and calf, branded reverse F
and inverted A on right hip. Will
pay costs —Harold N. Miller, O'
Neill, Nebr. 26tf
STRAYED: Whiteface steer brand
ed: standing WJ on left hip, al
so one spring calf with same
brand.—Louis Burgett, Amelia
ESTRAYED—One roan Shorthorr
cow, brand triangle V on lef
ribs.—Vem Wilkinson, Cham
bers, phone 2175. 27-29;
Mrs. George Hartman
Phone 543-J
216 W. Fremont
Real Estate Broker
Private Listings and
Phone ?T7 _ O'Neill
IS YOUR insurance costing too
much? Are you properly in
sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt.,
O'Neill, Nebr. 34 tf.
sewers, water service or foot
ings. — See 0 E. Davidson.
Phone 126, O’Neill. 47tf
Watch Repairing!
McIntosh Jewelry
PhoneJ66 O’Neill
WELL DRILIJNG and well and
windmill repair. — Write Box
562, phone 553-J,
3 hlks W & 3 Vfe blks N stoplight
Phone 453-J, O'Neill. 27-28p65
Invisible Reweaving
l)ONE AT my home. 715 E.
Everett st., phone O'Neill 636-J
28 tf
FOR SALE: 4-room house and
other out buildings on 2Vz lots.
Minnie Sanders, O’Neill lx>x
566. 14tf
Hospital Notes
A.InGo^.l. TVT-.__l_ n n/r
• . nui viiun.1 ITU O.
Stella Sparks of Amelia, medical;
Herman Schrader of Atkinson, I
medical; Ed Etherton of Atkinson,
medical; 4 Mrs. Felix Laible of
Stuart, medical; Elvon Chace of
Atkinson, medical; 5—Stella Sla
chetka of Atkinson, surgical; Mrs.
Neal Hamilton of Stuart, medical;
Max Karo of Stuart, medical; Mrs.
Louis Kirkland of Atkinson, sur
jgical; 6—Mrs. Ann Humphrys of
Newport, medical; Mrs. Robert
Wallinger of Stuart, medical; Rob
ert Martens of Atkinson, medical;
Mrs. Alfred Lidtke of Chambers,
surgical; 7—Mrs. Harold New
j banks of Stuart, medical; 8—Shir
j ley Neal of Atkinson, surgical;
I Thomas Wilbern of Atkinson, sur
! gical; Brian Murphy of Stuart,
medical; 9—Frank Wewel of Stu
' art, surgical; Thomas Doolittle of
! Amelia, surgical; 10—Frank Kel
j ler of Newport, medical.
Dismissed; November 3—Mrs.
I Art Humpal of Atkinson, Mrs. Les
Andrus of Atkinson, Sheryl Mor
gan of Atkinson; 4—Roberta Jan
ssen of Atkinson, Mrs. Ed Schmue
I cker and daughter of Atkinson,
Mrs. Walter Kaup and daughter
of Stuart, Mrs. Eugene Ilamik
and son of Stuart, Mrs. Sadie Mor
ton of Bassett; 5—Roy Nilson of
Newport, Mrs. Felix Laible of Stu
! art; 6—Mrs. Neal Hamilton of
Stuart; 7—Stella Slachetka of At
kinson, Mrs. Mary Niezgocki of
| Atkinson, Robert Martens of At- i
kinson, 8—Lela Garwood of Atkin
son, Mrs. Louis Kirkland of At
kinson, Mrs. Robert Wallinger of
Stuart, Ed Etherton of Atkinson;
9—Max Karo of Stuart, Shirley
Neal of Atkinson, Mrs. John Flan
nery of Atkinson, Brian Murphy
of Stuart, Thomas Wilbern of At
Hospitalized: George Brohardt
of Atkinson, Francis Tunender of
j Atkinson, Mrs. William Poessneck
j er of Atkinson, Thomas Doolittle
of Amelia, Frank Keller of New
port, Elvon Chace of Atkinson
Mrs, Ann Humphreys of Newport,
Joe Dvorak of Atkinson, Mrs. R.
E. Chace of Atkinson, Dave Falk
of Atkinson, Leonard Chaffin of
Atkinson, Mrs. Alfred Lidtke of
Chambers, Herman Schrader of
[ Atkinson, Stella Sparks of Amelia,
J Mrs. Harold Newbanks of Stuart,
, r raiuv vvcwci ul oiucut, j
Frahm of Amelia.
November 10, 1958
Present: Mrs. Bertha Bright of
Butte, Mrs. Carol Chambers of
Lynch, Mrs. Mary Classen of
Spencer, Mrs. Emma Conn of
Spencer, Mrs. Carl Gnewuch of
Norfolk, Mrs. E. M. Guthmiller of
Anoka, Cecil Kaul of Spencer, Mrs.
Jannettie Nelson of Center, Mrs.
Jacob Roth of Bonesteel, J. M.
Small of Naper, Hans Suckstorf of
Lynch, Ernest Swanson of Lynch,
Mrs. Ruth Talbert of Bristow,
I Mrs. Nick Weber of Butte, James
Wiley of Dorsey.
Dismissed: November 4—Mrs.
Amelia Mineburg of Bristow. 5—
Baby Daryl Peed, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Peed of Verdel. 6—
Anton Kotrous, 72, of Spencer (ex
pired), Mrs. Rose Chesak of Spen
i cer, Chester Cassidy of Lynch,
Baby Susan Gregg of Butte. 7—
Mrs. Harold Dickey of Spencer. 9
—Mrs. Jennie Berens of Spencer.
Breakfast Guests—
Mr. and Mrs. Geoi-ge Eickhoff
and children were breakfast guests
Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. M. B.
Dinner Guests—
Sunday Mr. and Mrs.d Donal
; Younie and family were dinner
1 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert An
i ders.
Page News
Mr. and Mrs Chester Smith of
Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Wrede
of O'Neill and Mr. and Mrs Rob
ert Stev ens of Louisville were Sat
urday v isitors in the home of Mr
and Mrs. Earl Stevens. Mr. a?nl
Mrs Stevens accompanied them
to the Robert Stevens in Omaha
where Mr. Stevens entered the
Methodist hospital for medical
treatment. !V\rs. Stevens went to
Ijouisv ille to stay while he is hos
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tyler of
Fremont were weekend guests of
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Finch They brought Mrs.
Alta Finch home following a med
ical checkup in Omaha. Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Gentzler of Tilden
were Saturday guests in the Finch
home and Mr. and Mrs. Art Suf
ficool and Craig of Niobrara were
Sunday supper guests there. Miss
Jeanne Dwindell of Brunswick
was also a supper guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Goldfuss and
John Goldfuss transacted business
in Grand Island Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper
were Saturday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes. In
the afternoon both couples went
to Royal where they visited their
brother, Elmer Reed, at the home
of their sister, Mrs. Fred Storm.
Saturday was the birthday anni
versary of Mrs. Harper and Mr.
Reed. Mr. Storm was just re
turned from the hospital and is
still critically ill,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn of
Deloit, Mrs. Marie Beelaert of
Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jar
man of Bassett were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Beelaert.
Mrs. Iona French. Mrs. Josie
Howard of O’Neill and Mr. and
Mrs. William Thompson of Nor
folk were Sunday afternoon vis
itors in the home of Mrs. Iziuise
uioya russeiman reiurnea to
Page Sunday from a two week va
cation trip to California where he
visited his brother. Perry, at San
Diego; his nephews, Dee Fussel
man and family at Hayward, Mel
vin McCrillis, Mr. and Mrs. John
Lamason, Mr. and Mrs. Don Laut
ensehlager and Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Brownell and Loren Stewart, all
in the Long Beach area. He ac
companied William Simmons to
California and traveled by boat
and plane while there and made
the return trip by train.
Mr. and Mrs. William Simmons
of San Jose, Calif., arrived at
Page Saturday night. They visited
their daughter, Mrs. Gene Hardin,
and family at Lovelock, Nev., en
Mrs. Charles Wegman was a
Sunday afternoon visitor in the
Harvey Spangler home.
Jim Van Avery was a recent vis
itor in the Charles Wegman home.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Jensen of
Neligh came Wednesday, Novem
ber 5, and visited till Thursday
evening in the Wegman home. The
ladies are sisters.
Miss Lillian Wadsworth of Til
den was a Saturday afternoon vis
itor in the Charles Wegman home.
Mesdames Dora and Carrie
Townsend and John Gray went to
Chambers Sunday where they at
tended morning services at the
Baptist church and were supper
guests of Mrs. Sarah Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Trease and
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Pruess of
Orchard were Sunday evening
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mat
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dobbins
were the entertaining couple of
the EMC club Thursday for an
evening of cards. Mrs. Dobbins
and Clarence Stevens held the
high scores. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens
will entertain Thursday evening,
November 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hall and
David Lee Terrill Hall of Lincoln
were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Terrill. The little fel
low has recovered so that he only
has a slight limp.
Mr. and Mrs. Sorensen were
Sunday afternoon callers at the
Matt McCabe home to see the new
daughter, Theresa Jane.
M no t tc Smith returned home
the first of the week from a week’s
visit with her brother, Frank
Shook, at South Sioux City. Mrs.
Benard Kornock, Mrs. Darlene
Snyder of O’Neill and J. E. Smith
went to Sioux City where they vis
ited Mr. Smith’s sister, Mrs. Lillie
Davis. Mrs. Smith accompanied
them home.
Miss Robin Jackson, grand
daughter of C. P. Leach and
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. C.
Jackson of Aurora, Ore., was
chosen one of the 10,000 winners
in the U.S. in tests in a semifinal
in the national merit scholarship
examination. There were 450,000
students given the test. The re
sults of the final test will be an
nounced May 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper ac
companied Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn
French, sr.t to Norfolk Thursday
where the men attended a meet
ing. They also attended a soil con
servation awards banquet at Sioux
City that evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge
took her mother, Mrs. A. O. Web
er, to Grand Island Monday night
where she entrained for Los Ang
eles, Calif., where she will visit
her sisters, Mrs. R. T. Neusch
and Mrs. Clara Stong, for the
winter months.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Finley left
Tuesday morning for an extended
visit on the west coast that will
include stop-overs at Seattle, Port
land, Ore., and Marysville, Wash.,
and wil continue on to California
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waring
took her mother, Mrs Alta Finch
to Omaha Saturday where she had
| a medical checkup and continued
on to Des Moines, la., where they
j visited in the home of their son,
Maurice, and family, returning
home Sunday.
Sick & Injured
AMELIA Darla and l-arry Wal
do base been having sore throats.
They went to the doctor in Atkin
son Saturday morning. Tommie
Doolittle. jr.. entered Atkinson
Memorial hospital Sunday even
ing and had surgery Monday for
a throat glandular ailment. , .
Gene and John Hanson went to
Omaha Wednesday. November 5.
to be with their mother. Mrs
Maude Hanson, who underwent
surgery for a broken hip that day.
She came through the operation,
but became seriously ill that af
ternoon, due to a diabetic condi
tion She is “some improved".
She is at the Methodist hospital
in Omaha. Her daughter, Mrs
Eon! Garwood of Bassett, was al
so near her. . Mrs. Stella Sparks
has been a patient in the Atkin
son hospital the past week.
DORSEY Mr. and Mrs Joe
Cihlar have been suffering from
sore throats and bad colds the
past few days. . . J E. Wiley was
taken to the Lynch hospital last
Thursday . . . Lee Brady, sr.. had
the misfortune to hurt his knee
while trying to mount his saddle
pony while out in the pasture.
Luckily he was able to get his
horse to a bank where he could
mount and return home . Mrs.
Tom Alder received word Tuesday
that her father was to undergo
surgery at Our I^ady of Lourdes
hospital. . . Howard Slack called
on a doctor Saturday. Seems like
the old flu hug is making his way
into a go<xl many of the homes in
this community.
EMMET Merlin Shaw, jr., suf
fered a broken collarbone Friday
in a “bang up” game of crack
the-whip” at school. . Francis
Tunender, who is in the Atkinson
hospital with rheumatic fever, is
reported "improved”. . Peggy
Fox, small daughter of the Gilbert
Foxes, received a severe cut on
her eyelid when she fell on a pen
cil Friday. The injury required
four stitches to close. There was
no injury to the eyelid.
STAR — Rcxldy Hibbs received
a head injury last Thursday at
sch(X)l when he collided head on
with another pupil while playing
during the noon hour. This is the
second accident of this nature for
him. He suffered a skull fracture
last year while playing at seh<x)l.
He spent the remainder of the
week at home under doctor’s or
INMAN—Mrs. Livelle Butter
field was released from St. An
thony’s hospital Wednesday, No
vember 5. She had been a medi
cal patient for a week. . . Harry
A. Snyder entered the O’Neill hos
pital last Thursday suffering from
a fractured hip He was transfer
red Monday to University hospital
at Omaha Henry Porr entered
the O'Neill hospital Monday morn
RIVERSTPE Barbara Johnston
has stomach flu and missed school
Monday. . . Johnny Miller had the
misfortune of burning his leg Fri
day While putting gas into a trac
tor, he spilled some on his trousers
and the gas ignited. He leg was
burned, hut not severely before he
could smother the blaze
LYNCH Guy Barnes is on the
sick list. . Earn Wilson returned
to Burke, S D,, Sunday. Novem
Iht 2, where he will make his
home in the Burke nursing home.
Mr and Mrs Edward Streit
were in Yankton. S. P.. where Ed
ward had his injured eye examin
ed again by specialists.
PELOIT Mrs. Bud Bartak is at
the bedside of her mother, Anna
Savage, who underwent surgery in
a Sioux City hospital Tuesday. No
vember 4, and suffered a heart at
tack on Thursday Bernadine and
Maxine were called from Montana.
EWING Mr. and Mrs Ben Lar
sen left Thursday for Rochester.
Minn., where Mr I .arson will
consult doctors. Mr. Larsen has
been ill for several weeks at his
home in Ewing.
VENUS Ray Brookhouser enter
ed a Norfolk hospital Sunday, No
vember 9. where he underwent
major surgery the following day
ATKINSON Ed Etherton was
hospitalized for about a week in
the hospital here. He wras suffer
ing from pneumonia.
CHAMBERS Mrs. A1 Leidtke
underwent major surgery at the At
kinson Memorial hospital Thursday,
November 6.
Celia News
The Jolly Ramblers 4-II club
held a skating party at the Crystal
ballroom Friday evening. Al>out
35 parents and children attended.
Hot dogs, koolade and cup cakes
w'ere served by the parents.
Arlin Hendricks helped Charles
Chaffin celebrate his birthday an
niversary Sunday afternoon at the
I^eonard Chaffin home.
Will trade even up about $45.00
worth of any merchandise In our
store for the ear of corn with the
most kernels and about $7.50 worth
of any merchandise in our store
for the ear with the second larg
est mini her of kernels delivered
to our store Indore Nov. 30, 1058.—
Shelhamer Equipment. 20c
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman
and sons were Sunday evening
supper guests at the home of Mrs.
Alice Hill.
Thursday - Friday - Saturday
This Week
Over 1 00 Mode O’ Day i
Irregulars to Sell
AT_2.99 each
60 Gauge - Full Fashioned
3 pkgs-2.85
Why YOU May Need A
Cheek Your Needs —
There’s a low cost, long □ To Coniolldota DeMl
term Land Bank Loan on q j0 Modernize
your land available for you Buildings
tf you need money for any rj T(> Buy New
U these reasons. Make ap- Equipment
guidon to y o u r 1 o c a 1 rn To Buy Uvostodr
NFL A, owned by farmers LJ 7
—for farmers, where you f 1 To BuV Lar,d
can borrow with confi- O For Any Construct!*#
dence. Contact — Purpose
Elkhorn Valley National
Farm Loan Association
LYLE P. DIKRKS, Secretary-Treasurer