The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 23, 1958, SECTION ONE, Page 7, Image 7

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    Rural Pupils See
Health Films
Holt county rural schools have
been divided into 16 groups for the
health program, it was announced
Tuesday by Miss Alice L. French
county superintendent of public in
From five to 10 schools with 30
to 109 pupils gathered in the 16
centers October 13-17. to hear Mrs.
Mynle Day, assistant director
public health education in Nebras
ka, discuss some of the health
problems which are important to
children. After discussing healthy
foods, care of teeth and safety
Mrs Day showed two health films,
"Winky. the Watchman" and
"Monkey Tales." There were 948
children, 111 teachers and 25 vis
itors or drivers who attended. Us
ually the program, for the chil
dren ended with a fire drill.
A short demonstration or teach
ers of some easily constructed ed
ucational toys completed the pro
Miss French accompanied Mrs
Day to all centers.
Dinner Guests—
Saturday dinner guests of Mrs.
Rosa Bowers were Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Bowers of Norfolk and
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bowers of
Wlnside. In the afternoon they at
tended the funeral of the mens’
uncle, Tony Bowers, at Spencer.
Attendant Attend*
W edding Celebration—
Weekend houseguests of Mrs
Minnie Higgins were Mrs. Charles
Theis of Minden, la., and son,
John of Council Bluffs, la
Sunday afternoon Mrs. Higgins
and her guests and Mr. and Mrs
John Storjohann attended the gold
en w«>dding anniversary of Mr
and Mrs. John Da mem Mrs
Thies, the former Mary Storjo
hann, was an attendant at th»
Damero wedding. Her husband
also an attendant, was unable to
be present.
Lawrence Storjohann of Cham
berlain, S.D., joined them at the
celebration and returned to th<
John Storjohann home in O’Neill
where he and Mrs. Higgins and
her guests had supper.
Omahan Succeeds
O’Neill’s McCarthy
Mrs. Ina Karlstad of Omaha.
Woman’s Benefit association, was
elected president of the Nebraska
Fraternal Congress at its anijual
convention Tuesday, October 14.
at the Sheraton-Fontenelle hotel
in Omaha.
She succeeds George M. Me
Carthy of O'Neill. Knights of Co
lumbus. Lielegates from the state’s
26 fraternal societies attended the
Speakers included E. A. Ond
raeek of Greeley, past state dep
uty of the Knights of Columbus.
Homecoming Tops
Week s SMA News
(Photo at right.)
Homecoming was in the spot
light at St. Mary's academy last
Tuesday night, October 14, the
Pep club held a meeting to get
instructions for the homecoming
Friday evening at 7 o'clock a
pep rally was held on the campus.
Following the rally everyone went
to the game.
Candidates for king and queen
were anounced at the half-time.
Following the victory for St.
Mary’s, the dance was held in the
gymnasium with Sacred Heart
students as guests.
Midway through the dance king
and queen and their attendants
were named. Miss Connie Heelen,
senior, reigned as queen for the
evening, while Gene Schneidcr
reigned as king.
Gene Turner, Jackie Arbuthnot.
Renae Hoffman, Marlene Peter
and Ed Verzal returned Saturday
night from Lincoln, where they
had attended an institute on world
educational system. The students
said they enjoyed the institute
an;4 received many helpful hints
am ideas from the various schools
Tuesday evening the seniors
sponsored a dance for the entire
high school.
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. DeBolt
spent Sunday in Le Mars. Ia.,
with their son-in-law' and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Krause,
and Jeffery Dean.
Mis. Ijod Janousek returnee’
Monday from North Platte where
she had visited her daughter and
husband, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beck
with, for a week
L. M. Merriman accompanied J.
P. Daniels of Norfolk to South
Dakota Friday. They returned
Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Froelich will be their son
and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Froe
lich. jr., of Wichita, Kans. Two
friends from Wichita will come
with them to join Mr. Froelich in
hunting. They are Mr. Koppinger
and Mr. Paulson.
Monday afternoon visitors at
the home of Mrs. Rosa Bowers
were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klasna
of Spencer.
Harlan Dierking
Incumbent by Appointment
(August, 1957)
Candidate for
General Election November 4th
Your support will be appreciated!
Amelia News
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schade, Mrs.
Julia White, Mrs. Edith Anderson
were Sunday visitors at Lindsay.
Sunday morning services at the
Methodist church were in charge
i of the laymen. Lloyd Waldo. Vern
| on Thompson and Roy Fullerton
' were speakers. Everyone enjoyed
the service.
I Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Dierking
went to Norfolk Thursday to at
j tend a county supervisors conven
Mrs. Lee Gillman, Mrs. Charles
Everett and Mrs. Dick Doolittle
| were in Norfolk Friday.
Wilbur Chapman of San Fran
1 cisco, Calif.. Harold Chapman of
I Topeka, Kans., Douglas Chapman
of Mobridge, S. D., and George
Chapman of Linton, N.D., have
been visiting their mother, Mrs
George Withers, and their sister,
Mrs. Blossom Butler.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge and
family were Sunday, October 12,
dinner' guests at the Longnecker
home in O'Neill. They attended
church at the O'Neill Wesleyan
Methodist church.
Mrs. William Fryrear, Mrs.
Frank Pierce and Mrs. Carl Smith
were Neligh callers Thursday.
Mrs. Vern Sageser and Mrs
Emma Lindsey went to Council
Bluffs, la., and Omaha Thursday.
Mrs. Sageser will visit her moth
er, Mrs. Minter, in Council Bluffs
and Mrs. Lindsey visited her
daughter, Mrs. P. L. Stronger, and
family in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce find
Mrs. Delia Ernest were dinner
guests Wednesday, October 15, at
the James Curran home north of
O'Neill. Mrs. Ernst will visit in
the Curran home and other friends
in the O'Neill vicinity for awhile.
Ralph Kelly put down a new
well at the Floyd Adams home
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Waldo drove
to Grand Island Friday to meet
Art Waldman who was returning
home from California where he
had been visiting his daughters,
Mrs. Leo Marcellus and Mrs. Em
mett Carr, and their families.
Mrs. Rosa Snelson of Atkinson
has been visiting her daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert
Edwards, the past week.
John Zinkon purchased sheep
from Charles Everetts Thursday.
The Everetts sold other sheep on
the Sioux City market Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton,
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman and
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Johnston were
Norfolk callers Thursday for the
purpose of buying a new piano for
the church.
Clyde Widman called at the
Lloyd Waldo and Vernon Thomp
son homes Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nielson of
Omaha, A/b2 Bryce Nuckols, sta
tioned at Lincoln air base, and
Miss Birgitta Wilhelmsson of
Sweden were weekend guests at
the Clyde Burge home.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peterson
and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Johnston
went to Fremont Saturday to visit
the Paul Johnston family.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce
drove to Omaha Friday to visit
their daughter and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Bligh, and their
granddaughter and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Dick Brau.
Mrs. Harold Fullerton, Joan and
Beth, Mrs. George Fullerton and
Phyllis were O’Neill callers Sat
B. W. Waldo attended the cattle
sale at Burke, S.D., Tuesday, Oc
tober 13.
Mrs. Helen Porkorny went to Os
mond Thursday to visit her daugh
ter and family, Mr. and Mrs
Gene Schmidt, and baby. They all
went to Lincoln Friday to visit
Miss Edith Pokomy, who is at
tending beauty school there.
Among those attending achieve
ment day in O’Neill Tuesday, Oc
tober 13, from Amelia, were Mrs
Vern Sageser, Mrs. Link Sageser,
Mrs. Clyde Widman, Mrs. Elmer
Coolidge, Mrs. Milton Clemens.
Mrs. M. H. Madsen, Mrs. Glenn
White. Mrs. Paul Fisher, Mrs.
Harlan Dierking and Mrs. Ralph
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Porter and
family were supper guests Sunday
evening at Roy Backhaus home.
Mrs. Lloyd Waldo and family
were in Spencer Saturday.
Mrs. Keith Shellhase and daugh
ters and Mrs. Maude Forbes vis
ited at Hienie Fraham home Sun
Mrs. Bob Adair, Jerry and I)i
ane visited at the Edgar Peter
son home Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Baker of
O'Neill were supper guests Sun
day at Arthur Hiatt home.
Complete Vacation
in Denver
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Halva left
Denver, Colo., Wednesday, Octo
ber 15, after a three weeks vactt
tion. At Denver they visited their
daughter, Mrs. Paul Elam, and
family and with their son, Fred,
and his family. The grandparent:
became acquainted with the Fre
Halvas’ new daughter, Karet
Enroute home Mr. Halva stop
l>ed at Grand Island for a check
up at the Veterans hospital, his
wife continuing on to O’Neill
alone. _
Following the St. Mary's academy resounding 7ti-o defeat of the Greeley Sacred Heart Irish in loot
hall here Friday night, homecoming festivities were transferred to the SMA gymnasium where a solemn
coronation of homecoming royalty took place. Gene Schneider, senior grldder, was made king; Alls*
Connie lleelen reigned as queen.. The royal court included (left-to-rlght): Steve Higgins, freshman at
tendant; Thomas Higgins, sophomore: Bernard Kamphaus, junior; Larry Tomlinson, senior; Hex. Rob
ert Duffey, assistant pastor; Larry Donohoe, senior; Ellen Lohaus, senior; Verx Rev. Timothy O'Sul
livan, pastor; Renae Hoffman, senior; .Murdelle Vitt, junior; Pat Arnold, sophomore; Alary Lois Jan
sen, freshman.—The Frontier Photo.
Bond Sales Pushed
Federal reserve bank reports of
E and H savings bonds purchases
in Holt county during Sept ember
totaled S69.433 according to Coun
ty Bond Chairman Lyle P. Dierks
Yearly sales now add up to
$874,416 and put the county at
93.5 percent of the 1958 quota.
Chairman Dierks said the spec
ial "Nebraska cattlemen's share
in-Ameriea" campaign now under
way is calling attention to the
many advantages of sa\ mgs bonds
to residents of (he ranching com
munity and is Ixxxstmg sales of
these guaranteed securities. Chair
men for the campaign are Gerald
,T, MeGinley. president, Nebraska
StiK-k Growers association and
James A. Monahan, president
Sandhills Cattle association
Mtended Funeral—
T E. Carney, Mrs Ambrose
Rohde. Mrs. L. F. Curtis. Mrs
Marlyn Hacked and Mr and Mrs
Yarrow Polkowsky were house
guests of Mr. and Mrs Grover
Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. K, C
Hunt while here attending the fun
eral of the late Miss Mary Carney
Mr. and Mrs William Kelly
were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Fox.
Entertain Guest* at
Ak-Sar Ben Affair—
Guests of Mr and Mrs. \V. J.
Froelich Krutas evening at the
coronation of King Ak-Sar-Ben
LXlV. 1 W Carpenter, jr.. and
the queen, Mtss Carol Swanson,
were Mr. and Mrs J. KolH'rt Ber
igan. Mrs. H. J. Birmingham and
daughters, the Misses Barbara
and Mary IxMiis, Mr and Mrs
William H Riley and Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Redmond of Omaha,
Mrs Ruth Siversen of San Fran
cisco. Calif , Mr and Mrs Walter
Mahonej of Sioux Cit.\. Mr. and
Mrs. Phillip Aifken of Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. W J. Froelich, jr..
and James Froelich, all of Wich
ita. Kans also Miss Nancy Na
deau and James Nadeau of Sioux
Falls. S.O.
Miss Mary Ellen Froelich, a
senior ai IXiehesne college, was
a countess in the Court of Qutv
Twins \re Seven—
Joan and J e a n McKenzie,
daughters of Mr. and Mrs Clyde
McKenzie, ir. celebrated their
seventh birthday anniversary Fri
day at a party at home. The
guests were all their little girl
classmates in first grade at St.
Mary’s academy.
Try Frontier want ads!
NOVEMBER 4. 1958.
Proposed Amendment No. 1
Constitutional amendment to
•Range the provisions requiring
certain executive officers to re
side at the seat of government.
□ For
□ Against
Be it enacted by the people of
the State of Nebraska,
Section 1. That at the general
election in November, 1958, there
shall be submitted to the electors
of the State of Nebraska, for ap
proval, the following amendment
to Article IV, section 1, of the
Constitution of Nebraska, which
is hereby proposed by the Legis
“Sec. 1. The executive
officers of the state shall
be the Governor, Lieuten
ant Governor, Secretary of
State, Auditor of Public
Accounts, Treasurer, At
torney General, and the
heads of such other execu
tive departments as set
forth herein or as may be
established by law. The
Legislature may provide
for the placing of the
above named officers as
heads over such depart
ments of government as it
may by law establish. The
Governor, Lieutenant Gov
ernor, Attorney General,
Secretary of State, Auditor
of Public Accounts, and
the Treasurer shall be
chosen at the general elec
tion h e Id in November,
1958, and in each even
numbered year thereafter,
and their term of office
shall be two years and un
til their successors shall
be elected and qualified.
The records, books, and
papers of all executive of
ficers shall be kept at the
seat of government, and
such officers, excepting the
Lieutenant Governor and
members of boards and
commissions when the
board or commission is the
head of an executive de
partment, shall reside
there during their respec
tive terms of office. Offi
cers in the executive de
partment of the state shall
perform such duties as
may be provided by law.
The heads of all executive
departments established
by law, other than those to
be elected as provided
herein, shall be appointed
by the Governor, with the
consent of a majority of
all members elected to the
Legislature, but officers so
appointed may be removed
by the Governor. Subject
to the provisions of this
Constitution, the heads of
the various executive or
civil departments shall
have power to appoint and
remove all subordinate
employees in their respec
tive departments.”
Proposed Amendment No. 2
Constitutional amendment au
thorizing the Legislature to clear
property titles by releasing real
property from tax and assess
ment charges unpaid for a period
of fifteen years or longer as may
be determined by the Legisla
□ For
□ Against
Be it enacted by the people of
the State of Nebraska,
Section 1. That at the general
election in November, 1958, there
shall be submitted to the electors
of the State of Nebraska for ap
proval the following amendment
to Article VIII, section 4, of the
Constitution of Nebraska, which
is hereby proposed by the Legis
“Sec. 4. Except as to tax
and assessment charges
against real property re
maining delinquent and
unpaid for a period of
fifteen years or longer, the
Legislature shall have no
power to release or dis
charge any county, city,
township, town, or district
whatever, or the inhabi
tants thereof, or any cor
poration, or the property
therein, from their or its
proportionate share of
taxes to be levied for
state purposes, or due
any municipal corporation,
nor shall commutation for
such taxes be authorized
in any form whatever.”
Proposed Amendment No. 3
Constitutional amendment to
provide for succession to the of
fice of Governor when the Speak
er of the Legislature is incapable
of performing the duties.
□ For
□ Against
Be it enacted by the people of
the State of Nebraska,
Section 1. That at the general
election in November, 1958, there
shall be submitted to the electors
of the State of Nebraska for ap
proval the following amendment
to Article IV, section 18, of the
Constitution of Nebraska, which
is hereby proposed by the Legis
“See. 18. If there be no
Lieutenant Governor, or if
the Lieutenant Governor
for any of the causes speci
fied in section sixteen of
this article, becomes in
capable of performing the
duties of the office, the
Speaker of the Legislature
shall act as Governor un
til the vacancy is filled, or
the disability removed;
and if the Speaker of the
Legislature, for any of the
above named causes, shall
become incapable of per
forming the duties of Gov
ernor, the same shall be
performed as provided by
Proposed Amendment No. 4
Constitutional amendment to
authorize the Legislature to pro
vide method to manage, control,
and govern all state charitable,
mental, reformatory, and penal
□ For
□ Against
Be it enacted by the people of
the State of Nebraska,
Section 1. That at the general
election in November, 1958, there
shall be submitted to the electors
of the State of Nebraska for ap
proval the following amendment
to Article IV, section 19, of the
Constitution of Nebraska, which
is hereby proposed by the Legis
“Sec. 19. The general
management, control and
government of all state
charitable, mental, re
formatory, and penal insti
tutions shall be vested as
determined by the Legis
* lature.”
Proposed Amendment No. S
Constitutional amendment to
change the salary of members of
the Legislature.
□ For
□ Against
Be it enacted by the people of
the State of Nebraska,
Section 1. That at the general
election in November, 1958, there
shall be submitted to the electors
of the State of Nebraska for ap
proval the following amendment
to Article III, section 7, of the
Constitution of Nebraska, which
is hereby proposed by the Legis
“Sec. 7. Members of the
Legislature shall be elect
ed for a term of two years
beginning at noon on the
first Tuesday in January
in the year next ensuing
the general election at
which they were elected.
Each member shall be
nominated and elected in
a non-partisan manner and
without any indication ca
the ballot that he is affili- *
ated with or endorsed by
any political party or or
ganization. The aggregate
salaries of all the mem
bers shall be seventy-five
thousand dollars per an
num, divided equally
among the members and
payable in such manner
and at such times as shall
be provided by law. In ad
dition to his salary, each
member shall receive an
amount equal to his actual
expenses in traveling by
the most usual route once
to and returning from each
regular or special session
of the Legislature. Mem
bers of the Legislature
shall receive no pay nor
perquisites other than said
salary and expenses, and
employees of the Legisla
ture shall receive no com
pensation other than their
salary or per diem.”
Proposed Amendment No. 6
Constitutional amendment au
thorizing the Legislature to es
tablish a separate juvenile court
□ For
□ Against
Be if enacted by the people o,
the State of Nebraska,
Section 1. That at the genera
election in November, 1958, then
shall be submitted to the elector;
of the State of Nebraska for ap
proval the following amendment
to Article V of the Constitution
of Nebraska, which shall be a
new section to be known as sec
tion 27, and which is hereby pro
posed by the Legislature:
“Sec. 27. Notwithstand
ing the provisions of sec
tion 9 of this Article, the
. Legislature may establish
courts to be known as
■ juvenile courts, with such
jurisdiction and powers as
the Legislature may pro
vide. The term, qualifica
tion, compensation, and
method of appointment or
election of the judges of
such courts, and the rules
governing proceedings
therein, may be fixed by
the Legislature. The stat»
shall be divided into juve
nile court judicial districts
that correspond to district
court judicial districts
until otherwise provided
by law. No such court
shall be established or
afterwards abolished i n
any juvenile court judicial
district unless approved
by a majority of the elec
tors of such district.”
Proposed Amendment No. 7
Constitutional amendment to
authorise the Legislature to per
mit municipal corporations to
acquire and own real and per
sonal property to be leased to
private enterprises and to issue
revenue bonds to defray the cost
□ For
■■ □ Against
Be it enacted by the people of
the State of Nebraska,
Section 1. That at the general
election in November, 1958, there
shall be submitted to the electors
of the State of Nebraska for ap
proval the following amendment
to Article XI of the Constitution
of Nebraska, which is hereby
proposed by the Legislature:
“Sec. 6. Notwithstand
ing any other provision in
the Constitution, the
Legislature may authorize
any incorporated city or
village, including cities op
erating under home rule
charters, to acquire, own,
and lease real and personal
property to manufactur
ing, industrial, and com
mercial enterprises and to
issue revenue bonds for
the purpose of defraying
the cost of acquiring such
property by construction,
purchase, o r otherwise.
The principal of and inter
est on any bonds issued
may be secured by a
pledge of the lease and the
revenues therefrom and by
mortgage upon such prop
erty and shall be payable
solely out of the revenues
derived from the leasing of
such property. No city or
village shall have the
power to operate any such
property as a business or
in any manner except as
the lessor thereof.”
Respectfully submitted,
Secretary of State
! Published 3 Times, weeks beginning
I Monday, October 13, 20, 27, 1958
ThU Mid for by Uruiki for Senator
Comm.. John Riddell. York.. <T*ieb.) Chr.
Selling Bassett Sale Yards
Saturday, November 1st
Big growthy light colored with a few medium red.
We take a justifiable pride In the uniform high quality and
doing ability of this offering.
HERD SIKTCS: WS Pioneer fi7 was grand champion at the
central Nebraska Hereford Association sale. He is owned jointly
with Darrel Often of Sargent, Nebraska. You wall like his sons.
Reflect Shadow I.nd, a bull of good size, smooth, yellow and an
easy keeper. See his sons. They reflect the good qualities of
their sire. The get of two of his best sons are included in this sale
and are equally good.
The heifers are of the same breeding as the bulls and are
strictly replacement quality.
I»t 1 and lot 35 are among a group of top growthy, yellow
hulls where you will have difficulty in deciding which is the top
hull. Lot 11 and lot 30 are among a number of bulls that should
satisfy the most exacting demands for sires of 4-H and top feed
er calves.
Keep the date in mind. It should be to our mutual advant
; age. We hope to see you at the sale.
F. E. and Artice Wentworth
Mills, Nebraska
... ELECT...
John R. Gallagher
County Attorney
Your vote appreciated at the General Election November 4, 1958.