WSCS in Memorial for Mina Myers CHAMBERS” The Woman s So ciety of Christian Service met Thursday, October 9. at the Meth odist church with Mrs. Clarence Damme and Mrs. Lyman Covey as hostesses. There were 24 members and three visitors present. Mrs Arthur Tangeman led the devotionals with Mrs. G H. Adams reading the scripture. Mrs. Alvin Tangeman presented the lesson on “Crown Thy Good With Brother- 1 hood.' Assisting her were Mrs. John W interm ote, Mrs. Darrel Gillette, Mrs. Sarah Adams, Mrs T. E. Alderson. Mrs. Ray Beed and Mrs. Ray Shoemaker. A cor sage to missions was presented to Mrs. Charles Cox A short memorial service in memory of a departed member, Mrs Mina Myers, was presented Mrs. T. E. Alderson read a poem written by Mrs. Louis Neilson for the occasion Mrs- G. H. Adams and Mrs Steve Shavlik sang Sun rise". Mrs. Clarence Damme of fered the closing prayer. Several reports on the district seminar were given at the • aisi ness meeting. Mrs. Beed urged each to become informed of can didates and to vote. Plans relating to the bazaar to be held November 4 were discuss ed. Lunch was served by the host eSSCS Next meeting is the week of prayer and splf-dcnial mooting on October 30 at the church. 50 Register at Garden Workshop CHAMBERS The Chambers Garden club sponsored a district workshop Tuesday, October 7, at Electric Motors Rewinding — Rebuilding Call 243-W — 24-hr. Service Northwest Electric O’Neill the Methodist church in Cham-1 hers. Fifty Ainsworth and Cham bers’ Garden clubs registered. A covered dish luncheon was served at noon. The tables were decorated with branches of flowering crab and other flowers. The decorating was done by Mrs. C. F. Gillette and Mrs. LaVern HoerJe. Mrs. Frank Skrdla of Atkinson and Mrs. C V. Robertson of 1 Chambers judged the arrange ments. The judging was followed by a general discussion. Slides were shown on Formosa, Hawaii ;ind New Guinea the latter being from Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Bow ers, missionaries to New Guinea i Mrs. Bowers is the former Vivian Harley). Dennis Hoerle favored the group with a solo. Coffee and cookies were served before the guests departed. Other Chambers News Mrs M. F. Beeson of Dietrich, Ida., is visiting her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Damme, and family, also her sister, Mrs. Paul Fisher, and family at Amelia . Mrs. A1 Deirking is spending a 1 week or two with her son-in-lavv j and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Pheil. at Wayne. John Walter, sr., is visiting his son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs. H. C. Walter, and family at DeWitt, and his grandson and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sprandle, at Plymouth. Mrs. Alta Myers of Ewing spent from Wednesday, October 8, until Monday with her cousin. Mrs. Mae Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Farewell left Wednesday for their home in Chi co, Calif , after a three weeks’ visit with relatives at Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Damme and family attended a family gathering at Clearwater Sunday, October 12. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Reninger drove Vo Norfolk Sunday, October 12. to visit his sister, Mrs. Frank Costing, of Orlando, Fla , who is visiting relatives there. Thev went from Norfolk to Sioux City to attend open house Monday, sponsored by the Frigidaire and Crane companies, returning Mon day evening. Mrs. Henry Rudolf and two chil dren of Spalding came Sunday, for u few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gibson. The Clarence Grimes family spent the weekend in Chambers They will be back this weekend for their sale. Misses Edith and Mable Kinney of Park Center, near Elgin, were callers in the Louis Neilson home Sunday afternoon.__ I Weekend Specials! For the Living Room 2- Pc. SECTIONAL Reg. 189.50, NOW_ 119.50 3-Pc. SECTIONAL Reg. 249v95, NOW 198.95 2-Pc. LIVING ROOM SUITE Reg. 1 79.95, NOW _149.95 PLATFORM ROCKERS, starting _ 19.95 RECLINING CHAIRS Reg. 89.95, NOW _ 44.95 STUDIOS Reg. 74.50, NOW_ 57.35 For the Dining Room DROP LEAF TABLE Walnut or Limed Oak Reg. 99.50, NOW 69.85 I I BUFFETT, Walnut or Limed Oak Reg. 119.95, NOW _ 89.95 ! CHINA CLOSET, Walnut or Limed Oak J Reg. 159.95, NOW_ 119.50 I SIDE CHAIRS I Reg. 13.95, NOW 10.50 f 5-Pc. BRONZE DINETTES I Reg. 69.95, NOW__ 39.95 | For the Bedroom I 3-Pc. BEDROOM SUITE I Includes bookcase bed, dresser | and chest, Reg. 149.50, NOW 115.50 | INNERSPRING MATTRESS, Full Size I Reg. 39:50, NOW _ 20.00 I 6” RUBBER MATTRESS SET, Full Size f Lifetime Guar. Reg. 179.50 __119.97 | THROW RUGS 1 Reg. 3.95, NOW_„ 1.79 I BABY CRIB & MATTRESS 1 NOW ONLY _ 24.97 1 Miscellaneous I ALL-METAL IRONING TABLES 1 NOW ONLY_ 5.97 I TABLE LAMPS 4.95 I KNEEHOLE DESK | Reg. 54.50, NOW_ 39.95 I Meyers Midwest I Furniture & Appliance I Phone 346-J — Easy Terms —West O’Neill I Camera Views Achievement Day Skits The Stuart center organized a women’s glee club that sang two selections, “Flower rime’ and “He’s Got the Whole World in Ills Hands”. Front row (left-to-right)—Miss Mabel Adams, Mrs. Don ald Bernt, Mrs. Byron Blotz, Mrs. James Hytrek. Mrs. Don Skrdla, Mrs. Laurence Zlska, Mrs. Jay Estes, Mrs. Jerry Weber and Mrs. James Batenhorst: back row'—Mrs. Delbert (ientele, Mrs. George Kledel, Mrs. Rollo Berry, Mrs. William Morgan, Mrs. Jay Blair, Mrs. F)arl Hoatson, Mrs. Linden Milliard and Mrs. Vere Kaplan. At the piano was Mrs. Robert Brayton (not pictured).—The Frontier Photo. A clown-type rhythm hand trumpeted better achievement at Tuesday’s llolt county home exten- ; slon achievement day program here. The band, directed by Mrs. Cordes Walker, represented the I’age center. I,eft-to-right: Mrs. William Buxton, Mrs. Arnold Stewart, Mrs. Dun Troshynski, Mrs. William Ragland, Mrs. Herbert Steinberg, and Mrs. Harold Freemyer. Accompanist was Mrs. Warren Cronk. ___ The Chambers center used the farm and home safety theme. Mrs. Lloyd deed (left foreground) met with a tractor “accident” by improper use; Mrs. Vera Wilkinson lost her "arm” in a cornpicker; Mrs. E. >1. Jarman, Mrs. Richard Sunderraan and Mrs. Fry “tripped” on such things as farm tools and “tumbled” from stepladders.—The Frontier l’hoto. The O’Neill center furnished a rhythm band that accompanied Lawrence W’elk recorded music in a presentation of television “stars”. Some of the accompaniment was in pantomine. Left-to-right: Mrs. Clay Johnson, jr. (Mrs. LeRoy VanDike), Mrs. Frank Eppenbach (Elvis Presley), Mrs. Dale Perry (Mrs. Ralph Edwards), Mrs. Carrol McKay (Dale Evans), Mrs. Dwayne Phllbrlck (Mrs. Perry Como), Mrs. Don Wecker and Mrs. Joe Schmidt (“wives” of Welk bandmen). Not pictured are Mrs. Richard Hovey, Mrs. Joseph Menish, also “wives”; Mrs. Norbert Clark (Mrs. W’elk).—The Frontier Photo. Mew Member in , St. Paul’s Group CHAMBERS - The St Paul's ^adies Aid met Thursday, October The lesson, "Yoar Parish Cali ng.'' was taken from the LWML juarterly. A panel discussion was ed by Mrs. Shirley Sunderman uid Mrs. Elaine Stevens. Special 'eports were given by Mrs. Dol >res Hoffman and Mrs. Myra kimmcrer. A report on the LWML rally, iiMie 7, at Fairfax, S LX. was given n Mrs. Connie Grosnicklaus. The buying committee was voted >30 tor buying material for sow ng for the Nigeria hospital. Aid nembers will meet October 28, at ! 30 p.m.. at the church to cut he materials. A layman conference will In teld at St. Paul’s Monday, Octo ier 20. The Aid will serve the toon meal and work groups one ind three will serve. Congregation members washing o donate food are to contact Mrs Eric Retzloff. A new member was welcomed: Vlrs. Marlene Waller. Lunch was served by Mrs. Libby Loseke, Urs. Ruth Dankert and Mrs. Man ia Lon/. Other Chambers News Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hutton and j family of Ewing, Sunday visited Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Platt. Mrs. J W. Wintermote had Sat urday dinner in the Louis Neilson rtome. | Mr. and Mrs. Vernie VanConet >f Page were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. mid Mrs. R. K. Platt. The Miller store advertised its Shurfine products sale Saturday evening, October 11, with a mock wedding at the Legion hall. Sam Shurfine (Robert Klabenes) mar ried Lo Lo Prices (Carol Tracy). Prizes were given. Mrs. W. D. Reningcr won a -12-piece sot of dishes. Icecream, cake and cof fee were served. Make Colorado Trip— CHAMBERS Mrs. C. E. Tib- | Ix'ts. Mrs. Genevieve Bell, Mrs. E. R. Carpenter and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Powell left Friday morn ing. October 10. for Colorado. The latter visited a son-in-law and daughter at Ft. Collins. The others visited Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grimes and Bonnie at Eaton. They returned Monday, October 13. O’Neill News Mrs. M. B. Higgins and Mrs. Rosa Bowers were Sunday eve vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woidneck of Midway. Cecil Bishop left Monday for Yankton, S.D., where he will work for a week. Mrs. Rosa Bowers arrived home Monday, October 6, from Denver, Colo., where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Homer Krebs, and family for the past month. She also visited her mother and four sisters. Mrs. Higgins and Mrs. Rosa [lowers attended the ZCBJ lodge in Spencer Sunday. Mrs. W. F. Gast, Mrs. Harry Koster and Mrs. Leonard Larson of Plainview visited Wednesday evening, October 8, at the home of Mrs. Rosa Bowers. Potluek supper at St. Mary’s academy, Sunday, October 19, benefit of St. Mary’s hand. Serv ing time from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Price—children, 35c, adults, 75c. Mrs. Gene Porter and children of Columbus spent Thursday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Porter. The latter Mrs. Porter re lumed to Columbus with them on Friday. They all returned here to spend the weekend at the C. W. Porter and the Ludwig Guthmiller homes. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Young of Manhattan, Kans., visited his mother, Mrs. Edith Young, Wed nesday and Thursday, October 8 and 9. They were on their way to Rochester, Minn. 59 Chevrolets Go on Display Today A complete styling transforma tion, along with more safety, com fort and performance, was an nounced Tuesday for the 1959 Chevrolet passenger car line. The cars will l>e displayed at nationwide dealer showings today tThursday), The O'Neill showing w ill be at the A Mareellus Chev rolet company showrooms here. In shape, and in detail, the new styling reflects the influence of a ] space-conscious age Lines sweep rearward in a virtually le\el plane. Tops are flatter and visibility is | dramatically increased. Some of the 1959 mechanical i highlights increased a new six- | cylinder engine, fundamental ini- ; provements in coil spring suspen- i sion, larger braking surfaces, a Turboglide transmission of ad vanccd design, and easier steering and the inclusion of a second I shock-resistant universal joint. An increase in passenger room i is exemplified by almost five inches more width in the 514-foot front seat With 20 percent great er capacity, the trunk has been in creased up to 32 cubic feet. Sedans have been reduced in height one inch, and sports models two inches. Veteran of Texas Trail Dies at 97 VALENTINE Last rites were held Wednesday. October 15, in Valentine for Cherry county’s old est rancher, Sam Hudson. He died Sunday, October 12, at the age of 97, following a stroke. He often described to friends the days he caught wild horses as a youth in Kansas and was one of the last Texans to drive cattle up the Texas trail to Nebraska. Hudson operated the Bow and Arrow ranch, atxiut 30 miles south of Valentino. He was noted for his Hereford cattle and his brand was one of the first issued in Cherry county. Hudson was born April 15, 1861 at Lexington, Ky. He came to Ne braska in the 1880's. settling in Cherry- county Visit Sister Anastasia — Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wabs, i Michael and Carole Ann went to Atchison, Kans., Thursday to vis-1 it their daughter and sister, Sis ter M. Anastasia. She is the form er Rosalie Wabs. They returned home Sunday morning. Try Frontier want ads! r "“™“ Marilyn Sedivy Is Eight-War* Old— EWING Aittle Miss Marilyn Sedivy celebrated her eighth birth day anniversary with a party af ter school Monday, October 13. at the home of her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Hay Sedivy. Guests were all the pupils of district 227: Joan, Jacqiue and Janice Wragge, Dennis and Victor rhoendei. LeKoy Bollwitt, Duane Tinsley, Barbara and Dennis Van dersniek. Lillian Rothleutner and Nancy Turay Also present were Miss Sharon TSviss. the teacher, Mrs. Hoy Vandersnick. Mardell, Mark and Hita. Suzie Turay and Bruce Sedivy. Paper hats with the names of the guests were used as place cards at the lunch. After refresh ments Marilyn opened Her many gifts and contest games were played. WORLD WIDE PICTURES THE DRAMATIC BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC FILM AU. SEATS FREE O’Neill High School Auditorium Wednes., Oct. 22 — 8 O’CLOCK — i FOR SALE: at SCHOOL DISTRICT 241 Page, Nebr. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25th Starting 1 P. M. SCHOOL BUILDING, to be moved, measures 14 x id ft. •» COAL SHED, 8 X 10 ft. PIANO — 300-GAL. FUEL BARRELS OIL BURNER — TOILETS Property is located eight miles east of O’Neill Sale Bam, one mile south, OR 2Mi miles north and four miles west of Page. TERMS: CASH. MAX WANSER, Auctioneer 4th Street Market I Phone 93 WE Deliver O'Neill J This is the second and final week to cash in on our Shurfine Can- ; I ned Goods Sale so please come in and take advantage of these sav I ings._ CUDAHY PURITAN SLAB BACON LB..—63c CUDAHY BACON inds - Pieces 5-LB. BOX —$1.49 CUDAHY PI iR IT AN BEEF DRIED 4-OZ. PKC.39c CUDAHY PURITAN READY-TO-EAT PICNIC HAM LB...,.—.39c SWIFT’S BROOKFTEUD Skinless Link or Polish SAUSAGE LB_59c