Emmet News Mr*. Bud Cole visited at Miss Helen Marten's home near Atkin son on Sunday afternoon Mrs. Joe Winkler called on Mrs. Joe Pongratz Tuesday afternoon. Charlie Sladek and Kenny CHaus sen were weekend guests of Eddie Ethington. Members of the Golden Rod Garden club attending the work shop in the basement of the Meth odist church in Chambers were: Mrs Georgia McGinnis, Mrs Leon Beckwith. Mrs. Robert Martens. Mrs Frank Hanoi and Mrs. Ralph Ries, Some very beautiful flower arrangements were displayed. Mrs J. W. Walters showed some beautiful slides of Hawaii and Formosa The Elmer Alder family visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Alder in Red bird on Sunday Mrs. Anna Ramold and Mrs. Boyle went to Omaha Saturday, where they visited Mrs. George Ramold, who has been in St. Jo seph’s hospital for some time. They found her very much im proved and expect her home soon. Mrs. Anna Ramold and Mrs. Boyle returned home the same day. Try our delicious specials through the dinner hour . . .every day! — Sparettme Cafe, West O' Neill. 25c Mr. tmd Mrs. Delmer Provancha and family of Hartington visited at the Lew Sidak home on Friday. Mr and Mrs. Ben Troshynski, Tommy and Jerry of Lincoln sjient the weekend with Mrs. Tro shynski’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Conard, Mr. and Mrs. George Skopec and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Char les Skopec, jr., spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Skopec, sr. Miss Madge Richards spent Sun day visiting Miss Ruthie and Miss Maureen Sehaaf. Mrs. Mary Lewis visited Mrs. Joe Winkler Monday afternoon. Larry Fox and Hilda Deseive visited the Wayne Foxes Satur day evening. Donald and Jerry Sehaaf went to Lincoln over the weekend where they attended the track meet and football game. Lew Sidak and his father-in-law, Curt Frizzell, went to Bassett on Tuesday to visit Axt Miller who is in the hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cavan augh and Pamela Kay, Rose and w won* nvrafv »p««« •» wiwwy ■'■<» again, ao now it th* timt t* torn* in and ardor yout -SIOUX- Com CHbt wSSt th* aupply laiti. —SIOUX- Com C/tba tto mott wanttd btcautt thty art Hronfoth oatiait to ttttmbit, and havt tacknivo AIR-DRI Syttam. -SIOUX- Com CHbt art In ttoragt focilitioi loant and atop I* ana. V _J West Lumber & Coal Co. Page, Nebr. Phono 2651 Mol Roach, Mgr. 1 I • I \ I ] ( ( c < ( ; ( i J ; i Turn to Sonotone’s latest eye- 1 glass hearing aid for good looks, t smooth hearing. Slim-trim tern- 1 pies for both men and women. 5 Only eyeglass hearing aid with exclusive AVC (Automatic Volume Control) to soften sud- |j den, loud noises for your listen- ( ing pleasure. Also latest “Tuck- ] A-Way” styles for those who ( don’t w'ear glasses. I COME IN. SEE AND HEAR SONOTONE > FREE TEST l In your home anytime or 618 Kilpatrick Bldg. — Omaha HOTEL GOLDEN— O’NEILL ( THURSDAY, OCT. 16 9 A.M. TO 1 P. M. ^ _ 1 Mae Heeb were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pon gratz and Duane. Lizzie and Dave Ryan called in the evening. Mr, and Mrs. Boh Harms. Mark and Karen of Omaha came up for the weekend to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wink ler and other relatives. Mr and Mrs. Deraid Kendall of Grand Island and Mrs. Stella Kendall of Hastings were week end visitors at the Wayne Fox home. Mr and Mrs. A1 Kloppenborg and family visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wort man, at West Point Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Jerry Dickerson of Enid. Okla , arrived Sunday to visit her grandmother, Mrs. Bessie Burge and family. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kramer and children of Stuart visited at the Joe Pongratz home Thursday evening. Jack Johnson. L. C. Olson and Lee Nettler of Omaha were week eng hunting guests of Bud and Bob Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kloppen borg and children visited his folks, the Henry Kloppenborgs, on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Rotiert Tomlinson and Veldon were Sunday guests ol Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Fox spent Friday evening at the Paul Newton home. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S (O’Neill) Admissions; October 8: Mrs. H. TV Black of Spencer, Wayne Hoff man of Ewing, Kathleen Daniels of O'Neill, Mrs. Andy Ramold of O'Neill, Marilyn Donohoe of O' Neill, Mrs Joseph Beelart of Page, Rev. Karel Kucera of O’ Neill; 9 Suzanne Stewart of O' Neill, Mark Tharnish of O'Neill, Mrs. L. G. Bemholtz of Page. Roln-rt Heese of Page, Mrs. Clar ence Whaley of O’Neill: 10 Rob ert Hermsen of Naper, Mrs. Rob ert Shoemaker of O'Neill, Mrs. Roseann Whidden of Chambers, George Roby of Ewing, Mrs. Vern on I /irenz of O’Neill, John O'Con nell of O’Neill: 11 Frances Ep penbach of O’Neill, Ann McCar ville of O'Neill; 12 Albert Tejral of Spencer, Arthur Papstein of Bristow, Mrs. Jack Dailey of O’ Neill, Mrs. Donald Kinnison of Or chard; 13- Michael Eugene Zas trow of O’Neill, Mrs. Rebecca Butterfield of Orchard. Mrs. Wayne Barnes of O’Neill, Mrs. Kenneth Kestenholtz of Inman, Anna Cim fel of O'Neill; 14 Milton Baack of O’Neill. Dismissals: October 8 — Mrs. Ivan Hurley and baby girl of O’ Neill, Mrs. Alfred Ilamik and twin l»ys of O’Neill, Donald En right of O'Neill, Mrs. Donald My ers and baby girl of Stuart; 9 — Patricia Hubei of Ewing; 10 Su zanne Stewart of O’Neill, Mark Vharnish of O’Neill, Marilyn Don ohoe of O’Neill, Robert Heese of Page, Rev. Karel Kucera of O’ Neill, Mrs. Howard Beed and baby girl of Chambers, Robert Herm sen of Naper; 11—Mrs. Larry Schaffer of O'Neill, George Roby of Ewing, Mrs. Andy Ramold and baby girl of O’Neill; 12 Ann Mc Carville of O’Neill, Mrs. H. B. Black of Spencer; 13—Mrs. Don ald Kinnison of Orchard, Frances Eppenbach of O’Neill, Mrs. Vern on Lorenz of O’Neill; 14—Anna Cimfel of O’Neill, Mrs. Loretta Hynes of O'Neill, Mrs. Joseph Bee lart and baby girl of Page. Hospitalized: John O'Connell of O'Neill, Garrett Janzing of O’Neill, Mrs. Rebecca Butterfield of Or chard, Albert Tejral of Spencer, Michael Zastrow of O’Neill, Mrs. Sam Killham of O’Neill, Mrs. Wayne Barnes of O'Neill, Mrs. Kenneth Kestenholtz of Inman, Mrs. Robert Devoy of O'Neill, Mrs. Robert Shoemaker of O’Neill, Ambrose Biglin of O’Neill; Mrs. Jack Dailey of O'Neill. Arthur Papstein of Bristow, Mrs. L. G. Bemholtz of Page, Frank Wilhelm af Spencer, Kathleen Daniels of D’Neill, Mrs. Roseann Whidden of Chambers, Mrs. John Carr of O’ Neill, Milton Baack of O'Neill, Wayne Hoffman of Ewing, Clar ence Farrand of Lynch, Mrs. Clar ence Whalev of O'Neill. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: Octolier & Mrs. Ger ild O’Connor of Atkinson, medi ;al; Michael Dvorak of Atkinson, iurgical; James Dvorak of Atkin son, surgical; Mary Penry of At tinson, surgical; Mrs . Florence Icripter of Atkinson, surgical; 7— VIrs. Heinrich Frahm of Amelia, iurgical, obstetrical; John Dunkel >f Atkinson, medical; Mrs. John! {robot of Stuart, medical: Roger hingman of Atkinson, surgical; 8 Mrs. Conrad Straka of Stuart, j nedical; Mrs. William Morgan, j ;r., of Atkinson, medical; 9—Tim lant of Atkinson, medical; 10 toy Carr of Atkinson, medical; Villiam Grunke of Stuart, medi-! :al; 11 Mrs. Gilbert Olson of O’ sTeill, obstetrical; Theodore Moss if Chambers, medical; Miss Ele-1 more Schmit. Atkinson, medical; 2- Mrs. Herbert Skala of Stuart, ibstetrical; Mrs. Frank Weichman if Stuart, surgical. Dismissed — Octolier 6: Harold lill of Stuart, Mrs. Frank Schnei ler of Stuart; 7—Mrs. Maude Han on of Atkinson, Mary Penry of ttkinson, Mrs. Eugene Ramm and on of Stuart, Mrs. Donald Bar les of Emmet, Mrs. Gerald O’Con lor of Atkinson, Mrs. Harlan Re ler of Stuart, Michael Dvorak of ■ itkinson, James T. Dvorak of At Jnson, Jerome Murphy of Stuart; i—Mrs. Ralph Mlinar of Stuart, drs. William Leo Monahan md son of Atkinson, Roger ungman of Atkinson; 10—James \illerton of Atkinson, Mrs. Gene lillogly and son of O’Neill; 12 — Umer Michaelis of Inman, Mrs. )rvi]le Hitchcock of Atkinson, lrs. Florence Scripter of Atkin on, Mrs. Conrad Straka of Atkin on. Hospitalized: John Dunkel of At inson, William Grunke of Stuart, lrs. William Poessnecker of At inson, Tim Gant of Atkinson, Lee mderson of Long Pine, Mrs. John j !robot, sr., of Long Pine, Mrs. j ulia Samples of Atkinson, Roy j a it of Atkinson, Mrs. Sadie Mor in of Bassett, Mrs. Heinrich rahm and son of Amelia, Mrs. ilbert Olson and daughter, Mrs. | Herbert Skala and son of Stuart, Mrs. William Morgan of Atkinson, Miss Eleonore Schmit of Atkin son, Theo Moss of Chambers, Rob ert Stevens of O’Neill, Mrs Frank Weichman of Stuart. SACKED HEART (Lynch) October 11 Present: Tony Bowers of Bris tow, Mrs. Mary Classen of Spen cer, Mrs. Amelia Mineburg of Bristow, Mrs. E. M. Guthmiller of Anoka, Mrs. Carl Gnewuch of Nor ' folk, Baby Wendy Elasser of Spen ] cer, Mrs. Rayrnon Stoltenberg of Naper, Mrs. Ruth Talbert of Bris I tow, Eddie Weber of Butte, Mrs. Herman Wilken of Fairfax. Dismissed: Ocother 8- Mrs. Don ald Ebsen of Verdel; 9—Mrs. Her j man Wilken of Fairfax; Mrs. Jan nettie Nelson of Center; 11—Mrs. Arthur Hendricks of Bonesteel; Mrs. William Sheldon of Spencer; 12—Mrs. Dale Rossmeier of Ver j del; Baby Frank Svoboda of Lynch; 13—Mrs. John Rath of Spencer; Mrs. Richard Counts of i Butte. Verdigre Class to Present Comedy — VERDIGRE Verdigre high school junior class will preent "Bashful Bertie," a three-act comedy, at ZCBJ hall here Tues day, November 25, Supt. J. F. Johnson has announced. The play will have three directors, Mr Johnson. John Blezek and Irelee ! Stegemeyer. Cast members will be William Svoboda, Gary' Hasten, Carolyn Prokop, Barbara Groeling, Rose Marshall, Judy Jacot, Karen Vech, Margaret McCormack, Gail Hoard, Jim Boelter and Dale Sou kup. Return from West— Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ridgeway returned late Tuesday from a three-month's visit with relatives in Colorado. They were brought to their home here by Mrs. Ridge way’s sister, Mrs. Mary Ander son of Sheridan, Wyo. Girl Scout cookie sale, Saturday, October IS, 40 cents per box. Legal Notice (First pub. Oct. 16, 1958.) ROAD PETITION TO T1IK HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA: We, the undersigned, electors of Holt County, Nebraska, residing within five miles of the following described road, hereby petition your honorable Ixxiy to establish a county road, 66 feet, wide, de scribed as follows, to-wit: South between Sections 34 and 35, Township 33, Range 15; East one-fourth mile between sections 35, Township 33, Range 15; and Section 3, Township 32, Range 15; South through Sections 3, Town ship 32, Range 15; East one-fourth mile be tween sections 3 and 10, Town ship 32, Range 15; South 5 miles between Sections 10 and 11, 14 and 15, 22 and 23, 26 and 27, 34 and 35, Town ship 32, Range 15; South 1 mile between Sections 2 and 3, Township 31, Range 15; in Holt County, Nebraska. Hearing will be held on the above Road Petition on October 31, 1958, at 2:00 P. M., at the Su pervisors Room, Holt County Courthouse, O'Neill, Nebr. KENNETH WARING, Holt County Clerk 25-27 (First, pub. Oct. 16, 1958) Richard L. Spittler, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF LEO J. SPITTLER, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that all claims against said estate must be filed on or before the 6th day of February, 1959, or be forever barred, and that a hearing on claims will be held in this court on February 7, 1959, at 10:00 o'clock, A. M. Dated October 14, 1958. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. By Hazel Lorenz, Dep. County Court Clerk (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 25-27c Lester Hornbacks Feted on Anniversary' SPENCER Mr. and Mrs. Lester Horn back of Spencer celebrated j their 33th wedding anniversary ' Columbus day, October 12, at the tome of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horn back. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Horn back I were married at Lake Andes, SJ3., in 1923 and there are nine living j children One child died in in ! fancy. The living children are Merwin | of Lead, S.I>., Duane of Brook ings. S.D., D;de of Grand Island; Dean of Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. Lois Clemens of Neligh; Mi's Mae Crotinger of Long Beach, Calif ; I llene Horn back of Lincoln, and I Joanne and Gay at tome. Those present at the gathering j were: Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hom back and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Homback and family, Mr. and Mrs Earl Homback and family. Mr. and Mrs Roland Homback and Rosella, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Homback and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Storjohann and Joyce, also Mrs. John Homback, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Crotinger of Long Beach. Calif Business Visitor— Miss Freda Theis. director of the Nebraska bureau of vital statistics at Lincoln, Monday visited O’Neill on business, calling on Miss Eliza beth O’Malley, who is statistician here. DISTRICT COI RT Ora R. Yarges, plaintiff, vs. Allie M. Everett et al. Quiet title case, filed October 14 by J D. Cronin, attorney. Bedspread Over 100 ^ ears-Old Will Be Ieatured in Show More displays being solicited for the Grattan township library henefit art and hobby show to be held Saturday, October 25. at the American legion auditorium. The show is lieing sponsored by the O'Neill Woman's club. There will be g°od with mountings for Blacksmith Forge A-C 60 Combine with condition W n c T , 5 , n .. , yy-u borne I ools motor and all attach. A-C Side Delivery Rake One-Horse McC.-D. New 80-Gal. Hog A-C 12-ft. Disc Mc-D. 14-ft. Rake Grain Drill Waterer with lamps i HOUSEHOLD GOODS Coronado Cream Oil Space Heater Dining Room Table Many other items too Separator with motor Frigidaire, 6-cu. ft., Davenport and Chair numerous to* mention Maytag Electric Washer three-yrs.-old Chairs^ TERMS: STRICTLY CASH. S. R. & WAY ROBEPTSOM OWNERS COL. ED THORIN, O’Neill, and CARL LORENZ, Clerk COL. LEROY KIRWAN, Butte, Auctioneers O’Neill, Nebr. nmm