Bride Elect Is Shower Honoree— INMAN Miss Beverly Smith was guest-of-honor at a prenuptial miscellaneous shower at the Methodist church annex Wednes day evening, October 1. A group erf friends were hosts. Miss Helen Sohoka and Miss Carol Cadwallader were in charge of the program. The bride-elect received many gifts to be used in her new home. Refreshments were served at the close. Oilier limuUl News Mr. and Mi's William Crandall left Thursday for Jackson, Mich., where they expect to spend the winter w ith relatives. Ernest Trowbridge and sister, Mrs. Anna Smith, arrived home 'i nursday from Euphrates. Wash., wh ; e they had spent die summer m me home of Mr. and Mrs Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sholes of Lexington spent dir weekend in the home oi Mrs. Sholes par ents, Mr. and Mrs Harry Moore, and attended the fall festival Sat urday. idr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Wat son of Rapid City, S.D, came Friday evening and spent the nigot with Tom s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Watson. They left Saturday for Kansas where they will vacation tor a week ivies. 1. L. Watson and Mrs. J. p. Gallagher, who spent the past wee ; in Lincoln and Norfolk, re turned home Tuesday afternoon I. L, Watson and J P. Gallagh er, who spent the past, week in Mini sota fishing, returned home Tuesday evening. Nos. Chris Reiners and daugh ter, Carolyn, who have be^n liv ing ui Sioux City, have returned b un and Carolyn is now enroll ed io the Inman school Rev. R. M. Wingate of Litch field was calling on friends here Wednesday, October 1. Miss Linelle Tompkins of Lin coln spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins, and lamily. She also attended the fall festival I.inellc is a freshman at Nebraska Wes leyan. She is pledged to \\ illiard sorority, tielongs to the march ing band and is also on the stu dent council of Johnson hall for women. Ronald Hansen of Lincoln siient the weekend here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen, and family. Ronald is a student at the University of Ne braska. He also enjoyed the fail 1 estival. Mis Brenda Colman of Omaha spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr and Mrs. George L Colman. She attended tlx* fail festival Saturday. Miss Bonnie Banks of Lincoln spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James j Banks, and Roger. Bonnie too,. i pait in the tall festival. | Sam Watson, a pre-med fresh j innn at Nebraska Wesleyan, a pledged Pin Kappa Tau, social maternity, a member of the 100 i i>*eot marching band and we • K-cied a mem tier of the student | council of Burt hall ior men. Mr and Mrs. Ronald Coventry and son, Joe, of Norfolk spen. the weekend with Ronnie’s pa. < ms. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Coventry, mat Bob. Miss Edith Rutledge of Nor folk spent the weekend in the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. James P. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hartigan | Norfolk sjient the weekend in I the home ol their brother-in-lav. and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. i Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chit 1 domelka spent Sunday in Schuy ler where they visited Mrs Chudomelka's mother, who hat; lieen ill. Mrs. L. R. Tompkins, who has been a medical patient in St. Anthony’s hospital for several days the past week, was dismis sed Saturday. Mr. 'and Mrs Tompkins left Sunday morping f o r Omaha where Mr. Tompkins entered the Methodist hospital for a checkup and possible surgery. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gallag her received word Friday morn ing of the birth of twin sons to their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. A1 llamik of O' Neill, at St. Anthony's hospital Harvey Tompkins was a Lin coin visitor Sunday. George Kiilinger of Puyallup, Wash., arrived here Sunday and has spent the past week in th, home of his son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray M Gann >n. Mr. Kiilinger lived here 1 >r many years before going west. Admire Corn Specimens at Inman rail festival During ar interlude at Inman's annual fall fes~ ivai held Sat inlay this group admires specimens >f corn on display, Left-to-right: George Colman of Inman, Ray Tucker of E.ving, John Musi I of O' Neill. Raymond Taylor of Page and Lewis Kopecky of Inman.—The Frontier Photo. O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Loyd CJodel an-! family sf*»nt the weekend in Win ner, S D., with their son oi.d his family, Mr. and Mrs. 1) n Godel. Miss Carolyn Muf, a s udcnt at St. Catherine’s s< hool of nursing n Omaha, was home for the weekend. Arriving M n ’,ay to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ciiit MeGirn was a former resident, Mrs Iilsie Wil son Prenz ng f Wood Riv r. Ore. Mr. and Mrs. B Hie Marcellus and family went to Stuart Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus. Elmir Hammerlun and son, Gene, of N rfolk were Sunday guests cf Mrs. Henry Martin ,/t er.J guests of Mr. and ■M.s. llarry Graham were their laughters and their husl arid1:, I Ir. and Mrs. I.avid and , 1 s n of Tilden and Mr, and Mr* ; Duane UnJenbefB of Valentine and their son and daughter-in law. r and Mrs. Don Graham am' daughter and Htlu.e Graham, a 1' of Omaha, and Mrs. Margate1 McCarthy of 'Tilden. They at tended the Seho.n’e-Graham nup tials Saturday. Miss Mary Ellen Froelich, a I student at Duchc sne college in Omaha, spent the weekend at horn . Mr, and Mrs.. M G. Coley of Worland, Wyo., visited Thursday and Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. P. Jaszkowiak. The Presbyterian Women’s rum magi' sale will be held October 9 40-11 in the former Council Oak building. For Information call 213-J or 118. 28-240 Candy and David Cole were Sat urday overnight guests at the Bill Artus home in O’Neill. w isconsinite Visits Amelia Relatives AMELIA Mr. and Mrs Frank Piel of Berwyn and Mrs Larry (Gertrude) Brown of Milwaukee, Wise., visited at the Joe Stoeck er home lust week. Mrs Piel is an aunt, and Mrs Brown is a sister of Mrs. Stoeck* er. On Tuesday, September 30. they all went to Valentine to at tend the wedding of their son, Neal Stoecker, to Jackie Miznei of Valentine. Neal is in the armed sen ice. and has been in Jai>an and China near the trouble spots. He is on a short lease. Other Amelia News Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson and Mr and Mrs. Art Doolittle went to Atkinson Sunday evening, to attend the annual dinner held at the Knights of Columbus hall sponsored by the Catholic ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Dunk Peterson wen? business callers at Floyd Adams' Sunday. Dunk was help ing with the bathroom. A belated birthday anniversary dinner was held at the Town House in O'Neill Sunday in hon or of the anniversary of Mrs. Oscar Peterson and George Ful lerton. Those attending were Mi ami Mrs. Oscar Peterson, Mi ami Mrs. George Fullerton, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilman, Mr. (and Mrs Dick Doolittle and Mr * and Mrs. Amos Ninham. Garden club met with Mrs. I Don Hoffman at Chambers Mon day evening. Little Allen Adair, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adair, observed his tirst birthday anniversary j Monday, Octolxir 8. Mr and Mrs. Charles Bligh of 1 Omaha visited her parents, Mr. j and Mrs. Frank Pierce, early last 'week- Tuesday, September 30 was Mr. Pierce’s 80th birthday anniversary and the Blighs were here in honor of the occasion. They went to Valentine Wedes day, October 1, to visit Mr. Bligh's relatives, returning here Saturday, and continuing on Sun day to *Jieir homo in Omaha. Bill David, sr. and sons, Vir gil, Earl and Billie, and IJoyd Waldo went to Riverton, Wyo . Friday to do deer hunting. The\ will also \ isit thi' Ray and Virgil David families. Jim Hicks and soil of Omaha were weekend visitors and hunt ers at the Kayo Fullerton home The two men became acquainted while Lwth were in the hospital in Omaha. Harlan Spath and son, Dennis and another friend, all of Line iln. spent the weekend with Mr Spaths cousins, Mr. and Mrs George Fullerton, and did somt duck hunting sshile here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss of Tilden visited their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Oiian*i Fiyrear, a few days last week Mi's. Foss visited school Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fullerto:. and family attended the celebra tion Sunday at Atkinson in lot; • of the liuh wedding anniversar; of Roy’s grandparents, Mr. am Mrs, Frank Kissinger. Mrs. Glenn White and Ven t * H. S White and Mr. and Mr; Frank Were* went to Nor; Saturday to attend the m. din.; of the 1888 Blizzard club Mr. and Mrs. Bill Vrooman an I family and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Vrooman and family of Orchard Sunday visited their sister an 1 hrothcr-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus. Sherry Porter is working at the Eddie llieser place north of At kinson. ' Ir. and Mrs. August Boltz. and their son and his family * f Grand Island Sunday visited their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and M; s. Vernon Berrj Mr. and Mrs. Link Sagcser were Sunday dinner guests with their son. Vern, and Mrs. Sagser. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Baekhai s called at the Dick Porter home Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adair and Allen were Sunday dinn r gut sts of Mrs. Stella Sparks. Waite ■ . . . another birthday. Y.. : Y\’alter, Sr. at 92d Milestone CHAMBERS A nnu'.j en.tier ing and a i .tin. r 1.. I ..nor i! John Walter, sr, «>n las . Jd hirihday anniversary w. a hold Tuesday, September .1). i hose in suit w; tv members e.l' his imm.d.ate i tin ty. Mrs. A1 Deirking, Alferd Walter and Mrs. C. V. Raborts n of Cham ln is. Mrs. nuussler of Hol 1 ia>. k, Henry Walter of DeWitt. Also present were Mrs. Alfred Waiter, C. V. It tiertson. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Robertson and chil dren, of Chambers, and Mr. tmd Mrs. Claretn Sprandlc of Ply mouth. Visiting (iraiideliildrrn Mr. and Us. Arnold Anderson of Elkhorn. Ia,, are staying with their grandchildren, the I\un A Hurley chi'dren. while their moth er is In t e hospital wilh their new sistei. Kit'd” Ann. IKE A ALL ^SL ~ PANOVITE" Multiple Vitamin Capsules 100's Reg. 2.98 2 for 2.99 More than the minimum daily requirement of Vitamins A, D, Bl, B2, and C, plus others. Rexall GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES Choice of 12’s Reg. 53r adults’ or -5 CA. infants'. £. for 49c RUSTIC ADHESIVE TAPE, I" i S i s. 2 for .50 I 35C SACCHARIN TABLETS, fS Wgr. 1C0's. .2 for .38 ■ 5.95 ELECTREX HEATING PAD. 2 for 5 98 ■ 8 95 REXALL MINERALIZED ■ B COMPLEX TABLETS. 100‘S.... 2 for 1.96 py r -y - RO-BALl DEODORANT Z 2 <0,70c I Antiperspirant. 24-hour protection. Rexall RUBBING BJL alcohol mm &m2*'S0c^Zj Finest quality. Ideal for body rub. 98« REXALL BUFFERED ASPIRIN 100’s. 2 for .99 69« BOXED CASCADE CHRISTMAS CARDS. 18's.2 for .70 39< OU IK SWABS, double-tip, 54's. . _2 for .40 Plus Federal Tax «o£nor SHAVE CREAMS Reg. 98r *> , Ea. 10 oz.^f for Choose Rex, Ready Shave, Lavender, or Lavender Mentholated. Rcxall Mi31 ANTISEPTIC 99,2 <" 90c Multi-purpose antiseptic mouth wash. Kills contacted germs. 89tf HOUSEHOLD ELOVES, Belmont. Pink. S, M, L.3 tor .90 39< KLENZO TOOTH BRUSHES. 2 for .40 lOi BOBBY PINS. rubber-tipped. 18's. __3 for .11 On Some Items GILLIGAN’S REXALL DRUG Ben Gilligan Robert T. Devoy Phone 87 — O'Neill High horsepower Tired of parking Longer, wider ’59 cars Little foreign cars “heavies” too thirsty? a big, bulky car? won’t fit your garage? too little? i r HERE'S IU CLER 59 THE COMPACT CAR WITH THE BEST OF BOTH: BIG CAR ROOM • SM U.L CAR ECONOMY • NEW PERSONALIZED COMFORT • EVEN MORE ECONOMY FOR *50 NEW! 1959 RAMBLER CUSTOM CROSS COUNTRY. Features new beauty, new economy. 108-inch wheelbase. Economy Six or Hebei V-8. NEW! TALL HUSBAND, TINY WIFE—each has the most comfortable legroom. Sectional sofa front seats glide forward or backward, individually. Here is Personalized Comfort! NEW/ ADJUSTABLE HEADRESTS. Airliner Reclining Seats now offer new individual ad justable headrests. Seats also make Twin Travel Reds. Here is Personalized Comfort! AVE you been dismayed as word of the new cars shows most will be even longer, wider, heavier and thirstier for gas than ever? Here’s good news from Rambler, the top car in sales gains. The new 1959 Ramblers on display today, while brand-new in styling, brand-new in exclusive differences, are still trim and compact. Gasoline mileage is even better! See smart new interiors with room for six 6-footers. Try Personalized Comfort. Sectional sofa front seats for driver and passenger let each choose the most comfortable legroom. Airliner Reclining Seats offer new adjustable headrests. Try All-Season Air Conditioning, Air-Coil Ride, every pushbut ton convenience. Get the best of both: big car room, small car economy, in the compact new 1959 Ramblers. See and drive them today at your Rambler dealer’s gala display. | ^ KM**'.-.--*-.-.-.', •.•.v^.-.'.v.v.w.v.v.-.-. - — ' ' NEW1 1959 AMBASSADOR COUNTRY CLUB NEW! 1959 RAMBLER CUSTOM FOUR-DOOR NEW! 1959 RAMBLER AMERICAN CLUB SEDAN. HARDTOP. sZ, «"™mN™ wta2 uEX'u&L wtaKL. 215HP .««. V.8, o, base. 270 HP V-8. High power per pound. Economy Six. Easy to handle, park and pay for! matic tranainiss.on, Airliner Reclining Seat*. ‘ SEE BRAND-NEW FEATURES-TRY PERSONALIZED COMFORT AT RAMBLER DEALERS TODAY OSCAR’S RAMBLER SALES 125 West Douglas, O’Neill