The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 09, 1958, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 12

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    Historical Figures
Named in Roll Call
CHAMBERS Kellar club met
Wednesday, Octolier 1, with Mrs
T. E Alderson Mrs. Louis Harley
was cohost* ss Eleven members
answered roll call by naming a
favorite character in history
Mrs Clyde Kdtz and Mrs Guais
Wintermote had charge of the
program which consisted of group
tinging, a solo by Mrs. Ed Eisen
hauer, ieveral games and a piano ,
solo by Mrs E. A. Farrier.
Mrs Melvin Bell received ihe
door prize
launch was served by the host- !
esses N* xt meeting will be with
Mrs. Clyde Kiltz, with Mrs Guais
Wintermote as cohostess.
Other Cluunbcnt New*
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Thomson
and dau -hters, Judy, Susan and
Jean, drove to Kearney Satur
day October 4, to attend home
coming Their son, Kenneth, is a
student at Kearney State college,
and accompanied ihom home, al
so Eugene Adams, a student at
Wayne State college, who was
playing fotball at Kearney
Mr and Mrs. Wood Jarman ar
rived home Friday, October 3,
from a two-week visit with their
sons and daughters-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs Clifford Jarman, at
Boulder, Cok>., and Mr. and Mrs
Stanley Jarman and family of
Los e land, Colo , also other rela
tives Mr and Mrs Clifford Jar
man came for them and the Stan
ley Jarmans brought them home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Salem and
laughters and Joe Daas attended
a wedding of a brother of Mrs.
Abd u Salem's at the First
Methodist church in Lexington
Sunday, Octolx.r 5, at 6 p m
They r turned Monday.
Mr and Mrs. Edward Niemand
of Bunceton, Mo,, recently visit
ed his mother, Mrs Mary Nie
mand. Tin* couple was enroute to
the Black Hills in South Dakota
and Yellowstone park in Wyo
ming Mrs, Niemand accompan
ied her son and daughn r-in-iaw.
the- group going on to Colorado
where they visited the latter's sis
er and nieces. Tile occasion was
the first wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Niemand.
Mrs Anna Alliers and Mrs. H
If Hubbard left Saturday. Sep
tember 27, for Oregon where they
will visit relatives. They expect
to return the last of this week.
Mrs. William Julie left early
last week for a visit with her sis
lers at Boulder and Denver and
with a niece at Littleton. Colo.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane K Miller
and children spent the past week
end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Richards, at Chadron.
Mis Carolyn Wintermote, stu
dent nurse at Immanuel hospital
in Omaha, spent the weekend
with her parents, Mr and Mrs.
Guais Wintermote.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Halsey
and son, Keith, drove to Oakdale
Sunday to attend the 50th wed
ding anniversary of old friends
and neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. El
mer Holm.
Mr. and Mrs Don Dankert
spent Monday and Tuesday in
Grand Island on business and vis
iting relatives. Enroute they call
ed on Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Tag
gart at Dannebrog.
Mr and Mrs. Ed Opperman
and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Reider of
IJncoln were overnight guests
Saturday and Sunday in the John
Honeywell home and also visited
Mrs- Charlotte Honeywell. They
were dinner guests Sunday in the
Lloyd Knox home
Mr. and Mrs. L W. Taggari of
Darmebrog were weekend visitors
with friends at Chambers.
The first quarterly conference
of the Methodist churches was
held Friday, October 3, at Amcl,
in the afternoon and at Chamber.,
in the evening.
Mr. anil Mrs. Darrel Wedge
wood and children of Logar
came Saturday, October 4, to visit
her parents. Mr. and Mrs 11. R.
Farrier and family and brother
: in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs.
1 Lyle Clemens and children
Mrs. Ed Cody accompanied hei
I brother-in-law anil sister. Mr. am!
j Mrs. Eve re tie Standage, < f Atk, ,
' son. to Omaha Thursday, Octobei
12, returning Friday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thor in
and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Winter
mote and girls attended the' wed
ding of the former's niece. Miss
Lavonne Thorin, at the Eman |
uel Lutheran church in Orrhar
Saturday, October 4. Norma W m
termote was flower girl.
Mr. and Mrs Ed Coday a!
tended the dinner served by the
Altar guild of the Catholic church
in Atkinson Sunday, October 5.
\laska Film Shown
to Students—
AMELIA The upper room of \
the Activity club with Mrs. Dona j
Carson as teacher mot Monday. I
September 29, with 10 members j
present. The project of the week j
is working with wood, according j
to Roger Waldo, secretary.
The lower room of the Circle
Eleven club, with Mrs. Janet Fry
rear as teacher, had the presi
dent, Janeth Oetter, conduct the
meeting Roll call was answered
by naming a car. Members show
ed the bark they had collected.
At the next meeting members
will bring rocks. For roll call
they will name a breed of dog.
A very good film about Alaska
was shown.—By Bobby Porter,
Rohdes Note 43d
Wedding Anniversary—
Mr. and Mrs. R- J Rohde cel
ebrated their 43d wedding anni
versary Sunday.
Guests included Mr. and Mrs.
Bernard Rohde and family, Mr.
and Mrs Francis Rohde, Mr. and
Mrs Mike London, Mr. and Mrs.
A. F. Stanton and Mrs. Anna Don
lin. Greetings were sent by tele
phone from Mr and Mrs. A. E.
Rohde of I-os Angeles, Calif,
Attend Wedding —
Mr. and Mrs. Don McKamy
and family attended the Thorin
Schleusener wedding in Orchard
Saturday evening.
Ponton Insurance
Insurance of All Kinds
and Bonds
Phone 106 Golden Bldg.
Alice’s Beauty Shop
Be*. 3 doors wmrt ol Tesao.
125 East Doujcla*
Phone 203 — O’Neill
Paul Shierfc
Insurance of All
Orchard Livestock Commission Co.
Saturday, October 11th
Hogs—12 Noon-Cattle—1:30
Several hundred good yearlings weighing 625 lbs. to 850 lbs.
Also several hundred calves. We can use more cattle and hogs.
Bring hogs early. All cattle freshly consigned, no water-fills. i
I Eyeglasses For The Needy
DON'T THROW away those old specs. They can provide second sight
for those many who could not otherwise afford it — via a unique
charity culled New Eyes For The Needy in Short Hills 4, New Jersey.
Through the collection of discarded eyeglasses, sunglasses ami odd
bits of jewelry, this organization over the past 23 years has helped
200,000 needy persons obtain new prescription glasses, und count
less others in foreign lands to better sight. Metal frames and jewelry
are sold to a refiner, with the proceeds used for "new glasses" funds
at hospitals. Sunglasses and plastic frame glasses are tested, classified
and sent to needy missions across the seas.
Attend Star
Dinner Meeting—
Among those attending the din
ner meeting in Atkinson Monday
evening for grand officers of East
ern Star, who were making their
fall visit, were: ivlesdames Gale
W. Dierberger. Albert Klingler, J.
L. Sherbahn, C. W. Porter, Paul
Shierk. H. L. Lindberg, Don Me
Kamy and A W. Carroll and Mr
and Mrs. A. E. Bowen.
Birthday Surprise
Party Held—
Mrs. Wendell Babl of Emmet
was honored at a surprise birth
day party at her home, Wednes
day, Octoiler 1. Those attending
were Mrs. Joe Babl of Emmet,
Mrs. Leo Schneider ef O'Neill
Mrs. Ben Bazelman of O’Neill
and Mrs. Andrew Ramold and
si a, Randy Lee, of O'Neill
Weekend Guests—
Weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. H. L. Lindberg were their
daughters, Miss Carolyn, a stu
dent at Wesleyan university, and
Mrs. Rod Wilmoth of Lincoln and
Mrs. Dick Kaup and son, Mike,
of Omaha They attended the
IIolsclaw-Farrier wedding Sunday
Club Meets—
Mrs. William Mattern was host
ess to the NTTF Bridge club
Wednesday evening.
Ben Miller Feted
on Birth Anniversary
STAR Mrs. Ben Miller was
hostess at a card party Wednes- j
day evening, October 1, honoring
the birthday anniversary of Mr.
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs Fred Timmerman, Mrs. Ro
land Miller and sons, Mr. and
Mrs. Ewalt Miller, Mr. and Mrs.
Nels Linquist, Donnie and Vicki,
Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Soren
sen, jr., and family.
High prize winners were Mrs.
Timmerman and Nels Linquist,
Low winners were Glen Miller
and Mrs. Linquist. Glen Miller
won the traveling prize. Lunch
was serve 1.
Other Star News
A bridal shower in honor of
Miss O. Reiss, bride-elect of Ra
dean Block of this community,
will be held at the Ash Grove hall
Sunday, October 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Nels Linquist had
dinner with Mrs. Becca Butter
field in Orchard Tuesday, Sep
tember 30.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boelter
and Jim and Mr. and Mrs.
Ewalt Miller were supper guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Nels Linquist Sunday evening.
The supper was in honor of
Mrs. Miller’s birthday anniver
sary. Cards furnished the enter
tainment and homemade ice
cream and a decorated birthday
cake were served for lunch.
Mr. an Mrs. Arnold Miller
called at the Ewalt Miller home
Saturday on the way home from
The Star Get Together club
meets this week with Mrs. Bob
Tomlinson as hostess.
The Ash Grove auxiliary meets
this week for final plans for the
supper and bazaar at the hall
Sunday, October 26.
Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Mdler
spent Thursday afternoon at the
Lysle Johnson home. The men
were painting the new barn.
Mrs. Gilbert Fox and daugh
ters spent Friday at the Bob
Tomlinson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waring
were Monday evening, September
28, visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
Ewalt Miller.
Mrs. Ethel Siders and Marilyn
and Mrs. Art Hibbs and Lillian
were Sunday visitors at the Bill
Hibbs home. .
Mr. and Mrs. James Frenchs
of Salina, Kans , spent the week
end at the parental homes the
Fred Timmermans and Fred Fre
Church Notices
METHODIST (Page-Inman)
Rev. Lisle E. Mewmaw, pastor
PAGE— , ,
Thursday, October 9 (today):
Junior choir practice, 4 p.m.
Sunday, October 12: Sunday
school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.;
MYF, 7:30 p.m.; adult fellowship,
7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, October 15: Chancel
choir practice, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, October 16: Woman’s
Society of Christian service meet
ing, 2 p.m.
Thursday, October 9 (today):
Woman’s Society of Christian Ser
vice meeting, 2:30 p.m.
Friday, October 10: Official
board meeting, 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, October 12: Worship,
9:45 a.m.; Sunday-school, 10:45
Wednesday, October 15: Choir
I practice, 7:30 p.m. and MYF.
Thursday, October 16: Com
missions on Education and Stew
ardship and finance will meet at
7:30 p.m. in the Harvey Tompkins
home. All members of both com
missions are urged to attend.
Wednesday, October 15: Mid
week prayer hour, 9 a.m. Read
Romans 5:9-16. Sub-district Mis
sions institute. 5:30 p.m. to 9:30
p.m. in O'Neill Methodist church.
The lay leader, official board
chairman, all members of the
commission on missions, Woman’s
society secretary of missionary
education, MYF outreach chair
man, benevolence treasurer and
all others interested should attend
if possible.
Seventh and Clay Street
Rev. A. S. Gedwillo, pastor
Thursday, October 9: Ladies’
aid meeting, 8 p.m.
Sunday, October 12: Sunday
school, 9:45 a.m., William Fricke,
superintendent; divine worship and I
rally day service, 11 am.; “The
Lutheran Hour" on WJAG. 4 p m.;
Sunday-school teachers' institute
»t Ainsworth, 4 p.m.; voters' meet
ing. 2 p,m.; zone Walther league
rally at Clearwater, 4:30 p m.
Monday, October 13: Adult
membership class, 7 p.m. men’s
work night at the church, 7:15 p.
Tuesday, October 14: Men’s
work night at the church, 7 p.m.;
Sunday-school teachers' and stall !
meeting, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, October 15: Confir
mation classes meet, 4:15 p.m.
Rev. A. S. Gedwillo, pastor
Sunday, Octol>er 12: Divine wor
ship and rally day service, 9 am.;
Sunday-school, 10:15 a m.. S. 11.
Brauer, superintendent: Sunday
sehool teachers’ institute at Ains
worth, 3 p.m.; “The Lutheran
Hour" on WJAG, 4 p.m.; zone
Walther league rally at Clearwa
ter, 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday. October 14: Confirma
tion school, 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday, October 15: Voters
quarterly meeting, 8 p.m.
Dr. William H. Ross, pastor
Saturday, October 11: Choir prac
tice, 8 p.m.
Sunday, October 12: Bible school,
10 a.m., sermon, "How Life Should
Be Spent". (An exposition of Ec
clesiastes, please read; youth fel
lowship, 7 p.m, Mr. and Mrs. But
terfield, sponsors; junior mission
ary society, Mrs Ross, sponsor, 7
p.m.; singspiration, 8 p.m., sermon
"God's Loving Kindness and Faith
Monday, Octolier 13: Prayer re
treat in Lincoln. 1 p.m.; session. S
p m.; trustees, 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday, October 15: Prayer
and study of Romans, 4:13-51
Mi's. Ross, leader.
Thursday, October 16: Women’s
missionary society, 2 p.m.
(127 South 4th st.. O'Neill)
Friday, October 10: Theocratic
ministry school, 7:30 p.m., sub
net. "When There Was One Relig
ion"; service meeting theme
"Seek Righteousness ”, 8:30 p.m.
Zeph. 2:3.
Sundav. October 12: Watchtower
study. 2 pm-. *thjcct. "Keep
Your Eyes on the Prize"
Tuesday, October 14 Bible txx>k
study, S p m , subject "Whose
All persons of gixxl will arc wel
Weekend liueets —
Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Q Hilc of
Columbus spent Suflday nith
1 their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr and Mrs. George Janousek
' The lhlcs brought back Greg and
Joe Janousek, who had spent two
| weeks with them.
Plans Omaha Trip —
Mrs. W H Harly expects to
j spend tlte weekend in Omaha
Delinquent Tax List
Notice is hereby given that on
November 3d. 1958, that being
the first Monday in November,
there will be a public auction of
all lands and town lots in Holt
county, Nebraska, on which tax
es are delinquent for the year
1957 or any prior years. That at
said sale so much of the tracts of
land or town lots will be sold as
may be necessary to pay all de
linquent taxes, interest and the
costs thereon at the date of sale.
That said sale shall continue
from day to day until all proper
ty has been offered.
Following is a list of all tracts
of land and town lots on which
taxes are delinquent for one year
or more.
The amount of the 1957 delin
quent tax follows each descrip
tion, but does not include in
terest or advertising costs.
County Treasurer
Antelope Precinct
Township 29, Range 10
Sec. Tax
SEy4 . 22 47.50
SEV4 _ 23 90.26
SEVi . 25 67.70
SEy4 26 142.70
Pt. NWy4 28 73.76
sy. _ 33 179.46
sy2 34 138.40
Atkinson Precinct
Township 30, Range 14
Twp. Sec.
NWy4 . 3 64.41
swy4 5
Sy-Ny. & SV4 . 6 393.38
E^swy4 13 57.04
Ny. 14 108.50
NWy4 15 149.96
swy4 . 19 77.40
NEy4 24 120.62
NEy4 .. 28 93.70
SEy4SWy4 28 118.24
pt. swy4swy4 28 71.44
Pt. SEy4SWy4 _ 29 33.98
pt. sEy4swy4, Pt.
swy4swy4 29 65.98
Pt. SEV4SWy4 29 26.56
Pt. SEy4SEy4 ... 29 118.80
Dyson’s Addition
I /its 3 & 4 7.14 1
Pt. Nond No. 3 33 53.68
Pt. 3. pt. 4 33 66.26
Pt. No. 8 _.*_ 33 4.29
Pt. No. 9 & 10 33 25.12
No. 17 33 80.26
No. 23 & 24 33 71.44
No. 25 . 33 82.69
No. 27 33 38.84
XE'i 35 102.10;
Township 31, Range 14
NE’i 22 36.75
NEV4 23 58.63]
swy4 30 71.60
SEVi 30 68.30
NWy4 .31 79.20
NK'i 34 84.47 i
\V ■ 34 87.161
SEy4 34 57.41
Township 30, Kange 15
SWV4SEV4 _ 1 1180
NE>4 _ 24 89.98
SEVi __ 25 41. G1
N%SW% _ 27 49.12
SM-SWVi _ 27 44.80
Township 31, Range 15
SWy4SWV4 .. 23 186.66
S%NWV4, S% 25 251.34
NWV4NWV4, s^Nwy4,
swy4 26 115.84
N1/4 & SE 27 227.68
All 34 247.52
Atkinson City
Lots Blk. Tax
15 2 82.54
12 5 92.04
11 6 131.92
Pt. 6, all 7 7 73.86
VV 90 ft. 8 7 332.58
13 7 128.38
18 7 118.50
Pt. 1-2-3-4 8 187.62
10 & 11 8 68.13
13 & 14 8 280.84
17 _ _____ 8 18.58
8 & 9 9 66.16
10 9 58.08
11 9 73.08
4 10 12.64
Pt. 11, pt. 12 10 224.36
14 10 214.48
15, 16, pt. 17 10 174.20
3 & 4 11 170.24
5 & 6 11 46.62
Pt. 9, pt. 10, pt. 11 11 124.02
8, 9, pt. 10 15 29.62
Pt. 10, all 11, 12, 13 __ 15 83.76
4 & E% 5 „_ 16 26 08
8-9-10-11-12 _ 16 37.92
Neeley’s Addition
Pt. 3 A 56.49
2 & 3 B 474.00
5 B 59.04
Pt. 2, all 5 C 180.52
Pt. 1 . . D 173.42
3 D 28.84
6 ___ D 337.74
Neeley’s 2nd Addition
Lot Blk. Tax
1-2-3 E 74.06
1 _ I 29.24
4 & 5_I 49.76
8 & 9 . _ I 65.96
12 . - I 7 12
Pt. 5, all 6 L 134.30
Wtxon’s Addition
1 33 5254
s 13.82
1 to 8 inc. 34 155.62
2 35 14 62
1 37 92.04
8 37 6.91
2 38 30.62
3 38 57.26
4 & 5 38 97.96
Illtncv Addition
1 17 41.67
E 63 ft. 4 & 5 21 19.78
VV 62 ft. 4 & 5 21 114.94
5 22 85.13
5 23 102.70
8 23 60.04
1 24 222.00
N1-. 8 24 7.90
4 & 5 27 157.22
1 30 13.82
6 31 159.58
4 & 5 32 88.68
Kinilmll & IHalrs Addition
Pt. 3, all 4 . ... 35 88.10
6-7-8 35 29.24
1 37 216.08
1. 2, 3, 39 21.34
2 40 63.58
Western Townlot Co. Addition
7 & 8 . 42 149.71
2 , 43 37.52
W 50 ft. 4-5-6 43 107.84
N 20 ft. 8 43 3.54
10- 11-12 43 317.18
Tnller & McNIchols Addition
13 & 14 1 299.42
15 1 13.04
12 ft 13 2 124.02
16 & 17 _ 2 112.18
11- 12 3 35.35
Pt. 14 4 35.16
Township 30, Range 14
Pt. No. 15 32 27.64
SVfeW 130 ft. No. 15 32 8.28
E%SMi No. 6 . 32 13.42
N% No. 17 32 54.12
NM> pt. 18 32 147.34
No. 25 32 83.76
No. 30 .. 32 60 04
No. 42 32 2.76
5 pt. No. 51 32 17.76
No. 55 _ _ 32 9.10
B __ 32 39.50
Pt. No. 1 32 482.70
Pt. No. 10 ... 32 223.98
7 B .___ 32 5.52
7C-1 32 3.94
No. 6 32 1.58
Mr, 7 A 32 20 14
Pioneer Townslte 1st Addition
8, S% !> 47 86.90
5-6-7 48 60.84
Collins 2nd Addition
17 & 18 1 75.06
Collins Addition
3 2 45.42
0- 7-8 2 19.36
9-10 2 15.00
11-12-13-14 2 43.84
15-16 2 19.36
17 2 30 04
18 2 4.76
19-20 2 44.64
25 2 47.40
Pt. 6, all 7 3 85.72
0 2 36 75
Pt. 1. PI. 13. Pt. 14 3 82J5
Ballons Addition
1- 2-3 1 45.02
8-9 1 2.38
15-17-18 1 19.78
19-20-21-22 1 106.64
23-24-25 1 138.64
2- 4 2 42.26
5-6 2 61.60
7-8 2 52.14
Ballons Outlots
1-2-3, pt. 4, pt. 5
pt. 6, pt. 7 1 58.46
Morningside Addition
1 1 113.17
Pt. 19, all 20-21 1 1.58
A. V. W. Addition
E 97 ft. 11 188.04
St. Joseph’s Addition
2 193.15
Belle Precinct
Township 31, Range 13
Twp. Sec.
NMs & SE!4 11 175.90
E1 •> SW1 i, WV2SEI/4,
NE>/4 13 113.18
SW'1 1 18 66.22
NWiNEVi, NWy4 28 21.21
swy4 29 95.26
NE '/4SE >4 32 4.35
N\vy4swy4 _ 33 3.18
SEViSWy4 . 35 60.72
Chambers Precinct
Township 26, Range 12
Stac. Tax
w*4Nwy4, wMiSwy,,1
SEy4swy4 _ 1
N'y. 2 215.48
All 12 100.73
\wy4 14 41.02
sw>:,Nwy4, Nwy4swy4,
sy>swy4 15 92.64
Pt SEV4SWy4 19 19.18
1 acre in SE corner of
swy4 19 41.10
N\vy4 20 98.17
NEy4 22 66 80
SWVi 22 62.86
NVz 27 79.32
SWy4 27 63 60
' SEE, 28 208 84
! Lot No. 15 30 19.78
NEE, 31 89.50
i I>t. NEV4SEV4 No. 14 30 2 42
] SVt! 31 124 96
Township 26, Range 18
SEViSEV* 6 30.33
NEV4NEV4. S ViN %,
SK 7 59.18
W 30 acres in
NM>NW>4 14 12.09
SEVi 18 66.87
W>i 19 107.94 •
NWVi 23 80.56
N1 V* 107.16
SE1 1 33 39.46
SWV4 34 102.28
Chambers Village
Lot Rlk. Tax
E 50 ft. 12 & 13
E 70 ft. 14 & 15 C 154.50
S 20 foot 10 D 42.52
VV 50 ft. 11 P 41.12
E 70 ft. 11 P 14.88
12 & 13 P 81.84
Raker’s Addition
Part 3 . 33.67
Part 8 32.94
Northside Addition
Outlot A 52.82
W'/fe Outlot B 75.84
Part Outlot C _ 49.96
Township 26, Range 12
Part No. 2 20 29.07
Part No. 11 20 51.04
Part No. 14 , All
No. 15 . ... 20 102 42
Pt. No. 23, No. 24 29 107.72
Pt. No. 23, No. 24 29 7.08
Pt. No. 26 29 9.24
Pt. No. 29 29 25.52
No. 1 30 55.28
No. 5 & No. 8 A 30 25.34
No. 6 & No. 7 30 193.16
No. 9 & No. 9 C 30 68.38
Pt. No. 10 30 57.76
Pt. No. 10 _ 30 5.32
Pt. No. 10 .... 30 31.20
No. 9A, No. 9B,
No. 11 — 30 80.80
No. 13 30 6.72
Cookes Addition
Sec. Tax
1-2-11-12 2 9.92
i 1-2-3 3 75.84
Kl-11-12 3 22.70
S 75 ft. 1&2 _ _ 8 36.48
Robertsons Annex No. 2
1 3.18
Park Addition
2, 3, 4. 9. 10 H 76.56
5, 6, 7, 8, H 59.54
Perkin* Annex
1 1) 54.24
EVi 9 E 1.40
Adams llomesite Addition
6 to 13 inc. I 60.26
14. 15 I 28.72
Cleveland Precinct
Township 32, Range 15
See. Tax
SWVi 18 72.12
swy4 7
NWV4NWy4 18 140.82
swy4 30 56.40
SW' I 29
SEy4 30
sy> & NEy4 31
NWy4 & SMs .... 32 275.26
S'A 1
Township 32, Range 16
' All .__ 12 565.68
E% 13 219.86
All 25 238.32
All .... 31 176.20
NE1 i 35 92.24
Township 33, Range J6
SEy4 * 26 90.52
Coleman Precinct
Township 32, Range 12
See. Tax
SE'/4 15 57.04
Nwuswy,, sy2swy4,
N»ANW . 18 59.70
iswy4 19 107.34
W'4NE>/4, EM>NWy4,
Pt. E%SDy4 27
WMsSEtt, Pt.
Nwy-swy4 27
SE i/2 28 61.57
SE y4 28 61.57
NV4NV4 .. ... 29 80.12
Sy>N% _ ... 29 50 56
swy4 29 37.76
SWy4SEy4 _ 29 24.88
NE% 30 43.72
NWy4 . ..... 30 67.76
NEy4swy4, pt. Nwy4swy4
NW>/4SEy4 _ 33 25.94
EVfeSEy4 _ 33 30.92
NE% 34 28.17
Conley Precinct
Township 25, Range 12
Sec. Tax
Ey>N\vy4l Ny>swy4 .. 8 44.44
SEy4 .9 133.02
; All 18 306.24
Township 25, Range 13
EV4 4 67.34
i NE y4 NW y4 . 4 15.90
iNwy4Nwy4l s%Nwy4,
.SWy4 4 126.46
NWy4 & SV4 . 7 164.46
N^N% _ 18 36.80
(Continued on page 13.)