ESBK .r Ss • • *•. ■ , H *. *!4s’ HI SB < SI BB . ■ • ■■■>-■. . IB SI * a S Bl I __ FOR SALE "I hide’s Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle <>n hand at all time* Wiscon sin bred, fresh and heavy springers, first and second talf heifers. Arnold Thiele * JMr miles southwest of Clear water, Phone 17 on 12 tf FOR SALE: Extra good milk cows — Ray Robertson. O’-i Neill. 20tf REGISTERED ANGUS 15 CHOICE hulls coming two-year- j olds Good breeding. Prices | reasonable. Visitors welcome anytime. — Elmcrest Farms, Leigh, Nebr., phone 36F2 21-23c PUREBRED I lampshire Boars FOR SALE! Choice breeding for bacon ham type. New blood lines for old customers SHADY1.ANE HAMPSHIRE FARM 3 miles east of Creighton. _____ 20-27c FOR SALE: Registered Hamp- j shires. Rugged, long, meaty [ boars and open gilts. Vacclna teed. Guaranteed breeders Priced reasonable. — John: Faster, Clearwater, phone 8 on 4 20-25*) FOR SALE AT AUCTION: 42 big rugged Spotted Poland boars, 10 bred gilts, 10 open gilts, Sat urday night, October 11, at the j farm 3Vit miles west on high- j way 91.—Clifford Goff & Son, | BurweU. 21-24c INSURANCE FOR RELIABLE low-cost dwel-, ling and auto insurance, in the Farmers Mutual Insurance Company of Nebraska and the Iowa Home Mutual Insurance af Des Moines, la., WITHOUT | PAYING AN EXTRA PREM RTM TO PAY IjOSSES OF $5,000 OR LESS; FOR WIND AND HAIL (D WEI JANG) and COMPREHENSIVE (CAR), see L. G. Gillespie Insurance Agency O’NEILL Phones 114 or 218 20-23c SPRING FRIES FOR SALE —Du ane Gray, phone 470, O’Neill. 21c FOR SALE: To be moved two room house, 14 x 20 ft., in good condition, located 4 mi east and 3 south of Chambers. Wade Davis, Ewing. 20-2-p60 FOR SAIJC: Fancy new crop Blue grass seed one to 10 lbs., 50c, over 10-ll>s. 45c. IJoyd Gibson, y4 mi E. of sale bam, O’Neill. 17-22pd FOR SALE: Vetch seed. — Jim Ruther, Page. 21-23c Registered Hampshire Boars FOR SALE: Breeding stock of high merit. You will like our prices. Walter Sojka and Sons IV4 mi. N and 4 E of Page. 21 tf FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire boars. Big and ragged with extra length.- Alfred Hansen, 5 miles west, 4 south and Vfe west of Pluinview. 19tf Cornpicker Bargains NEW AND USED, General Imp lement and Farmrite, one- and two-row. pull-type or mounted. New Deal Oil Co. TONY ASIMUS ©Neill - Phone 392 19-21 c FOR SALE: 1 new aluminum -a_ ___no or; —See or call Jim Sessions. O’ Neill, phone 409. 21c FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire boars Henry Stelling. 2 miles south, V* west of Orchard. 21-22c MACHINERY 1947 Farmall H 1944 Farmall H t940 Farmall M 1947 Farmall M 10-ft. VanBrundt drill 2—IHC one-row drills 2—MH-THC picker HM 20-niC picker 24 IHC picker Two-row GI comptcker One-row GI compicher IP IHC picker New Idea picker _ 1967 IHC A-160 truck, complete with fold-down bo* am hoist APPLIANCES Used wringer washers Used rinse tubs _ See us for detaUa on how tojgt an automatic dishwa*er e See us for complete line of kca Whirlpool appliances. Shelhamer Equip. Co. IHC - Gehl - RCA Whirlpool O’NEILL. NEHR For Sale! TOP PRODUCING Wisoamin and Minnesota bred. f£e**?rTWJlnd heavy springera at a0 time* mile south of Ewing Rudie Juracek ll-22c Angu9 Bull Sale MALLORY * M^XOFTreamual bull sale, Monday .October at Valentine, NebraAa^ Thirty biU bulls. Mallory^* bulls we guaranteed bulls. 21‘®c ATTENTION SPORTSMEN Gunsmithing and Taxidermy ! DO Most all kinds of gun work sights, scopes, stocks, barrels, adjustable chokes, ribs, alter military' rifles to sporters. re weld twits for scope mounting Can furnish most any make of rifle scope Have Weaver rifle scopes on hand most of time. I BLUE guns with the— Lynx Blu-Blak method. This is a six-tank set up, the only way you can blue a gun right, no soft soldered double-barrel shot guns at this time. I RELOAD in the following cali bers in your clean empty cases, —7.7-mm Jap. 6,5 Jap. 7.35 mm Italian. 7-mm Mauser 8-mm Mauser, 348 Win., 300 Saw. 30 30 Win., 270 Win . 304)6, 257R , 22-250 Var., 222 Rem . 250-3000 Saw, 22 Hornet. Most will run around 2.50 per box of 20 except 30-30. 250-3000 and 22 cal., which are less according to size. Do i you need any 7 7 and 6.5 Jap ammo? If so I can help you. TAXIDERMY I MOUNT AIJ. kinds of game heads using the latest taxidermy methods Also hide tanning, deer hides, hair off, $4.50 each. A deposit is required on all 1 taxidermy work. Hides must be clean of meat and fat and well salted Be sure heads and hides are properly tagged. All tan ning at owner’s risk. I IJVE 10 S, 5 W. 1 N and W of Ewing. CARL HUBEL Ewing, Nebr. Phone 6F02 (Please clip this ad for future reference). 21-22p6 FOR SALE OR TRADE: Hard ware store, Lynch Nebr.—Box D. 20-21c FOR SALE: Upright cabinet grand piano, in good condition. Mrs. Richard Nelson, O’Neill 21c FOR SALE: One of the best equipped taverns and lunch counters in northeast Nebras ka. Wakefield has a popula tion of 1,050. — Write box 462, Wakefield. 20-22c Mobile Trailer Homes BE SURE and see our Trailers and prices and terms before you buy. We trade for furniture or Automobiles or anything mov able. Up to 5 yrs. on unpaid bal ances. We deliver any place. New 59 Travel Trailer _ 5745 New 59 36-ft.-8-wide .. 52995 New 59 42-ft.-8-wide 53595 New 59 30-ft.-10-wide 53045 New 59 36-ft.-10-wide _ 53495 New 59 46-ft-lO-wide _ 53995 New 59 50-ft.-10-wide .... 54495 LARGE STOCK of Used Trailers in various sizes and prices. IF WE do not offer you a better deal than anyone else we will not expect you to deal with us. Tell us what you can do and we will try and deal with you. Open Evenings & Sundays Miller Trailer Sales Phone 460 Albion, Nebr. 15tf FOR SALE: Terriflex vinyl tile. Now carried in stock. Select your color.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co.. O’Neill. 47ctf FOR SALE: 1946 \Vz ton Chevro let truck with stock rack. - | John P. Conway, O’Neill. I 19-21 p85 I SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes. 25% down, 5% int., up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone. —Contois Motor Co. Neligh. 30tf Prestone Anti-Freeze at Wholesale Prices ! Gal. Cans ___ $1.85 6-Gal. Cases 10.95 Buy now, save money! Gasoline and Fuel Oils at lowest prices in Nebraska! Oils and Greases of all kinds — best quality! NEW DEAL OIL CO. West O'Neill Surge Dairy Equipment COMPLETE line of parts.—Din inn Sales & Service. Long Pine, * phone 2127, or Harvey Tomp kins, Inman. 9tf J FOR SALE: Used Seigler oil heater with blower. — Norbert Clark, O’Neill, phone 513-M. p i FOR SALE: Three-piece second hand bath outfit, also 275-gal. fuel oil tank with stand. — Kel ly’s Plumbing. O’Neill. 20tf FOR SALE: No. G two-row New Idea cornpicker, $200 00. — Al bert Wasson, Atkinson, phone 7838. 18tf FOR SALE: Dining room table, four chairs and desk, all dark walnut, good condition, priced cheap. — Anthony’s Market. In man. 20-21p Machinery Bargains 2—1948 J-E> B tractors 2—1946 H Farmail tractors .955 Ford Vi-tod pickup SEVERAL 450 diesel Farmail trac tors. new, special prices. ,951 Farmail C tractor, reverse, with swsrp nead. j.N HAND the new 2-M Interna tional two-row com pickers. Storjohann Equipment BUR WELL FOR SALE: 270 cal Rem. Hi power rifle; 12 ga. model 11 Rem. auto.; also other used guns. -Orley Rickard, 27 mi ith of O’Neill 20-21p FOR SALE: 1946 trail-mohlie stock trailer 34 4” long, single axle. Eugene Goldfuss, Phone 3608 Page. 21-22pd ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES W’E REPAIR all makes. We jn derseil anybody in price ind outsell anybody in quality. O’NEILL, NEBR. PH. 269 52tf FOR SALE: Choice Holstein, Brown Swiss and Guernsey hei fer calves delivered on approved Calves on hand most all times.—Gerald O’Connor 8 mi. N. and 5 East Atkinson. 21-25pd FOR SALE: 1948 propane gas Ser vall deluxe 6 ft. refrigerator, A1 condition. Can be seen at Dale Fetrow’s in O’Neill.— Priced reasonable. 4Jarl Krogh. O’Neill. 21-22p.60 FOR SALE: 1956 Ford Victoria, fully equipped.—Bernard Lorenz, O’Neill, phone 18F11. 18tf FOR SALE: John Deere two-row pull-type compicker, also two rubber-tired wagons. — Frank Determan, Atkinson. 20-21p60 CURTISS CALVES are tattooed for future identification. All breed associations must follow this practice. It is cheaper to raise vnur own renlac.ements. Your CURTISS technician is Duane Gray, phone 470, O’Neill. 16tf FOR SALE: Buildings to be mov ed including: House, 32 x 30, five rooms, two closets, large screened porch, furnace, insul ated, wired for REA; bam 36 x 40 with loft, three bins; doub le garage, 16 x 24; brooder house, 12 x 16; hen house, 12 x 32.—Frank P. Snyder, Page, phone 2568. 20-21pl20 SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolis $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks. north of traffic light. Everett Gorgan, Ph. 164, O’Neill. 51 tf FOR SALE: Vetch seed in 100-lb. bags. Cleaned by Elgin Mills. Eugene Poessnecker, Atkinson, phone 7051. 20-22p85 FOR SALE: E-flat (altoi saxa phone, Pan Amercian, used only two seasons in school. — Walter Brown, Chambers, phone 2487. 21-22p60 Harry R. Smith Imp. Phone 562 O’Neill CORNPICKERS New J.D 227 compickers USED PICKERS include .T-D 200. 226, Oliver single-row, Farm Rite two-row. TRACTORS— 48 A J-D '48 B J-D 44 B J-D 1940 A .T-D 40 B J-D M-M No. 69 combine , No. 62 International combine J-D Tilers M-M 14-ft. grain drill, good con dition Plows, all sizes 5—No. 9 IHC trail mowers with hitches i.\o. Z4 im. mower, mve new. No. 5 J-D mowers PLYMOUTH AND JDD BINDER TWINE FOR SALE: MM tWo-row com picker in good shape. — How ard Anderson, Lynch. 20-21c YOU CAN get the money the same day you borrow it from me.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 3tf FOR SALE OR RENT: All mod em house. Easy payments for buyer. —R. M. Pease, O’Neill, phone 543-R. 20tf FOR SALE: Metal clarinet with case, used about 3 months.— Mrs. Merle DeLong. Inman 19-21 p85 FOR SALE: Perfection oil burner, forced draft with thermostat, 300 gallon tank.—John Schultz, 11 miles North, bVt Miles West of O’Neill. Phone 12F12 21-22pd FOR SALE: Aero motor windmills, towers. Stock tanks, all sizes, pressure systems.—Clifford So botka, Inman, phone 435. 52tf. Mr. and Mrs. James Cavanaugh of Chambers and son, Joe, of O’ Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski of Page wont to Fort Mead, S.D., Tuesday, September 9. They visited Gene Cavanaugh and others along the way. They re turned Saturday, September 13. Mr. and Mrs. James Cavanaugh spent Saturday night and Sunda> with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cavanaugh and family. Mr. and Mrs. Omer Trais of Central City, arrived Monday night at the home of Mrs. William Ernst. They will spend a few days here visiting relatives and will then continue on to the Black Hills. WANTED WANTED: Hereford lovers to come to our October 8th sale of 40 clean, large, choice long yearling bulls, at our ranch 25 miles south of Hay Springs, turn south about 1 mile on the diagonal on gravel good weath er on to the Hemingford road, then east 7 miles on oil, when roads are wet F. E. Messer smith & Sons, 623 Emerson, Al liance, Nebr. 21c WANTED: I can use more gar bage hauling, $1 per month. Pickup cafes every day for so much per week or month. — Ora Robinson, O’Neill. 20-22p85 FOR DITCH DIGGING service sewers, water service or foot ings—See. O E Davidson Phone 126. O’Neill 47tf FARM LOAN’S R. H Parker. 3tf I__ ___ 1 _ , , . WANTED: Married man for farm work, located on good gravel road, separate house. — John Thor, Stanton, Nebr. 21c WANTED: Bred gilts to farrow soon. — Frank Svoboda, Lynch. 20-22pd. EXPERT Watch Repairing! Mcl ntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neil] I ___ PIANO AND ORGAN lessons given. — Mrs. Lloyd Liedtke, across street north of Metho dist church, O’Neill, phone 128. 20-25c IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are *you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neil], Nebr. 34tf WANTED TO BUY? 306 or 270, used deer rifle, prefer with scope. Would consider without Carl Krogh, O’Neill 21-22p60 COMPLETE AERIAL spraying and dusting service. Custom seed harvesting and a complete line of chemicals for sale. All worn iuu”/fe guaranteea.—tiruce Fletchec or Ed Butterfield, Or chard, Nebr., phone TW 3-3686. 3tf. DO YOU want to borrow money on your City Property or on your Farm or on your Ranch? 1 have Eastern Money and I have private money to loan.— See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 3tf WANTED: 50 to 60 head of stock cows to take in on shares for the 1959 season. Have plenty winter feed. — Write box VOS, c|o The Frontier, for informa tion and interview. 20-22pd. WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockman, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair. — Write. Box 562, phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL CO., O’Neill 3 blks W & blks N stoplight lltf MONEY TO LOAN on farms, ranches and town residential property. See Virgil Laursen ot the O’Neill Loan Co., O’Neill, phone 434. 13tf WANTED! DRY Cl £ AN ING OF ALL KINDS! Ideal Cleaners Phone 775-W for Picl up and Delivery! 47ctf MISCELLANEOUS FOR REASONABLE prices try LOIS FERN BEAUTY SHOPPE 2 blks. west of postoffice. Can serve you days or evenings by appuuiunein or wiinout. lu-itfpa L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson — Reo —Clinton. DRAGLINE WORK I Sewer Drainage, Dam Work Basement Excavation and Road Work! E. J. (Skip) Shane ATKINSON, NEBR. 51-20 Wick’s BODY SHOP Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W - O’NEILL — _ for Any Job 25tf AUCTIONEERING ~ Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THORIN Phone 207 — O’Neill Altar Society Meeting— St. Bridget’s Guild of Altar soc iety of St. Patrick's church will have charge of the meeting to night (Thursday) at St. Mary’s gym. Mrs. Joe Gokie, jr., is chair man and Mrs. Delbert Robertson is co-chairman. Phone us your news—51! REAL ESTATE Houses For Sale! 3-REPROOM home, new addition, good price and low down pay ment 2-BEDROOM home, close - in, all modern, priced very reason ably, 2-BEDROOM home, southwest part of town, $4,750,00. Good terms. 2-BEPROOM home, east of public school, choice location, a good buy. 2-BEDROOM home, modem and acreage. RESIDENTIAL AND BUILDING lots available. Ranches For Sale! 2.280-acre ranch, northwest Knox county, well-improved. 160-Acre farm, close to O'Neill. 880-acre farm and ranch, im proved and priced to sell, north east of O’Neill. 1.600-acre ranch, well - improved and offered for lease only. LONG - TERM LOANS available at low interest rates on farms, ranches and city property. Cafe For Sale! IN O'NEILL, well established, good equipment and great op portunity to carry on a good volume of business. Terms may be had. Virgil L. Laursen REALTOR INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Phone 434 LOANS O'Neill 20-21c FOR SALE: 4-room house and other out buildings on 2*6 lots. —Minnie Sanders, O’Neill, box 566. 14tf. FOR SALE: 3 bedroom home in Northheights, $9750. - Kleth Abart, O’Neill 52tf Stock and Grain FARM ! 320 acre near level Stanton coun ty farm about % good native nasture ha lance hieh nrodtio five soil under cultivation. Good set of improvements close to school, located on good gravel road. 20-22c John Thor Agency STANTON, NEBR. FOR SALE: Dwelling, 2 lots, all modem 5-room with bath, 3 bedrooms, gas heat, sewer and water, for quick sale bargin, owner leaving town, $6,000.00.— P. C. Donohoe, O’Neill. 13tl FOR RENT FOR RENT: Nice unfurnished basement apartment, three rooms and hath, close to school, $25 per month—Roy Shull, O’ Neill, phone 517-J. 21-22p FOR RENT: 'Two-bedroom house with attached garage. — Clar ence Strong, O’Neill, phone 717. 20-21 c FOR RENT: Modem apartment. —A. E. Bowen, 705 E. Douglas, O’Neill, phone 515. 12tl FOR RENT: Three - room apart ments on ground floor, $27 per month, Vfe block north of New Deal Oil Co. — Tony Asimus, O'Neill, phone 510. 19tf FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537, O’Neill. 16tf FOR RENT: A house, .-rooms and bath.—Call phone c.37, O’ Neill. 8tf FOR RENT: Storage space. — Phone 565, O’Neill. 37tf CARDS of THANKS I WISH to express my sincere thanks to Mother rFances. Sis ters, nurses, Doctor Finley. Father Kucera and Father O’ Sullivan, for the excellent care received while at St. Anthony’s; i V1UW VVO (HIM II ICIIUO WUU so kindly visited me at hospital and during the weeks of conval escence at home; also my thanks for the gifts, flowers, cards and letters. I am deeply grateful to all.- MARY E. CARNEY. 21c 11 WISH to thank all my friends and relatives for the cards, flowers and gifts which I re ceived while I was in St. An thony’s hospital. Also thanks to the hospital staff and Drs. Wil son and Waters for the good care. Your kindness will never be forgotten. — THOMAS W. SCHOBERG. 21c WE WISH to thank all our friends relatives and neighbors for the cards, letters and flowers we re ceived while in the hospital. A special thanks to sill who helped the day of the accident, also to the doctors and nurses for their wonderful care. — Mrs. Robert Tomlinson and Veldon Tomlin son. 21p50 I WISH to thank all my dear fri ends and relatives for their visits, cards and letters while I was in the Sacred Heart hos pital at Lynch. A special thanks to Drs. David and Pollock also the Sisters and nurses at the hospital. May God bless each of you—Mrs. Elmer Torbert 21p50 WE WISH to express our heart felt thanks to all our relatives, friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness shown us at the passing of our dear father and grandfather. — The children of Carl E. Block. 21p I WISH to thank all those who re membered me with cards, pray ers, letters, gifts and visits dur ing my stay in the hospital and since I came home. — JANICE WALTER. 21p50 I WISH to thank my friends and relatives for the cards letter' Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY'S (O’Neill) Admitted September 10 Mis. Sam Killham of O Neill, Mrs. M J Baack of O'Neill; 11 Homer l>:ms of O Neill. Mary Kathleen dark oi O'Neill, Richard Clark of 0 Neill; 12 Reginald Pmkerman of U Neill. Robert Kramer of St tart, Amli.i s. Biglin of O'Neill, M s Janie* McKenny of O'Neill, .\ iiiu Cua.i of Spencer: 13 John v ,i ;u i iin k of Ewing. Mrs. Char les Cue of Fairfax, S.l),, Mis. An tkiiotM llomolka of Chandlers, Mrs. Duane Lindenberg of O' Neill, Mrs. Edward McManus of o .si .li, Mrs. Alvin Heiser of At kinson; 11 Mrs. Louis Zastrow of 0 Neill, Eli Nemcr of Gregory, S.D., Mrs. Ray Lawrence of O' 1 Neill, Linda Fisher of Page, Nan cy Fetrow of O Neill; 15 Mrs. Rollie Snell of Page, Mrs Duane Mahlendorf of Spencer, Max Kij> 1 pie of O’Neill, Mrs. Arthur I loot tcher of Spencer, Mrs. Edward Hancock of O'Neill, Mrs. Howard Miller of Spencer, Mrs. James Sessions of O'Neill; H> Delores Hamik of O'Neill, Mrs. Walter Johnson of Page. Max Wanser of I Ewing, Mrs. Robert 11. Bennett of | O'Neill, Loren Dean Allen of Page, Larry Oetter of O'Neill Dismissed: Mrs. Carl Goldapp | of O'Neill, Max Wanser of Ewing; 11—Dwaine Lock man of Stuart; 12 Mrs. D. R- Mounts of O'Neill, Mrs. Sam Robertson of O'Neill, Mrs. Alvin Heiser of Atkinson; 13 Reginald Pinkerman of O' Neill, Mary Kathleen Clark of O i Neill, Richard Clark of O’Neilll, Anna Marie Fritton of O'Neil, i Nelda Cuatt of Spencer, Donna ! Mae Crumly of Page, Albert j Loock (expired! of Spencer; 14 Larry Mudloff of Page, 1 km Robin son of O'Neill, Gene Butterfield of Inman; 15 Mrs. Milton Baack and baby girl of O'Neill, Mrs. Maliel McKenna of O’Neill, Mrs. James McKenny of O’Neill. Rob ert Kramer of Stuart (expired); lt> Mrs. Louis Zastrow of O'Neill. Mrs. Duane Lindenberg of O'Neill, Max Kipple of O’Neill. Mrs. Ed ward McManus of O'Neill, Lloyd I Smith of Inman, Mrs. Charles Cue of Fairfax, S.L)., Delores Hamik of O’Neill. Hospitalized: Garrett Janzing of O'Neill, Mrs. James Sessions of O'Neill, Loren Dean Allen ol Page, John Vandersnick of Ewing Mrs. Alvin Heiser of Atkinson Ambrose Biglin of O’Neill, Mrs Arthur Boettcher of Spencer, Nan cy Fetrow of O’Neill, Linda Fish er of Page, Mrs. Wilma Daniels ol Ewing, Mrs. Antionctte Homolki of Chambers, Peter Nissen o! Page, Mrs. Duane Mahlendorf o Spencer, Mrs. Rollie Snell o Page, Mrs. Sam Killhan of O' j Neill, Mrs. Howard Miller o Spencer, Homer Davis of O’Neill Mrs. Ed Hansock of O’Neill, Mrs Robert Bennett of O’Neill, Caro Harmon of O’Neill, Mrs. Ra: Lawrence of O’Neill, Mrs. Leon an Heiss of Page, Sharon Daniels o i Ewing, Max Wanser of Ewing. County Court September 11—Jerry Emgricl | of Martin, S.D., overwidth, fine< j $10 and $4; officer—Clifford L | Kizzire. September 11 — Russell B i Flemmiken of Neligh, over oapa j city plates, fined $10 and $4 costs officer Donald F Richardson. September 11 Richard J Crowe, driver for Frank Weander jr., of Ainsworth, overlength, finec $10 and $4 costs; officer Clifforc L. Kizzire. September 12 Merle It. Chris tensen, driver for Pete Christen | sen of Pilger, overlength, finec $10 and $4 costs; officer Clifforc ] L. Kizzire. September 17—Jerry O’Connoi of Atkinson, assualt and battery | fined $50 and $4 costs; charges filed by Heinie Claussen. September 15 Kenneth Sander: of O'Neill, wilful reckless driving, fined $50 and $4 costs and drivers license suspended for a period oi six months; officer Leo Tom jack. On failure to pay fine was com mitted to the county jail. September 15 Pat Boyle of O’ Neill, unlawful intoxication, fined *15, and $4 costs, officer Lee Tomjack. September 17 John E. Steska! of Inman, driving while under the influence of alcoholic liquor, fined $100 and $4 costs; and license re voked for a period of six months; officer—E. M. Hastreiter. ACCIDENT A YEAR AGO Loyd Godel, who was seriously injured in a two-car auto accident, has begun duties as manager ol the O’Neill youth center. He obser ved the first anniversary of the accident Sunday. Food Sale and Snark Bar lunch eon Saturday, September 27 at Shelhamer’s Jack and Jill by the Presbyterian Women’s association. Coffee and donuts from 8 a.m Luncheon begins at 11 a.m. Come one, come all. 21c. Home on Leave RM/Sn Kenneth D. McKim i (above), son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle IC. McKim, was home on leave. He left last Thursday to report for duty at the Nrval Air Facility at Monterey, Calif. In a recent test he placed seventh in a class of 42. trrai-iir-Tiwwrftrwww■ The Kgans . . . the> developed Meadow iJroxe llatelien Into on*' of state's largest. Cousins Reenlist M/Sgt. William (‘•Bill") Cou sins, who has been in charge of the army recruiting station here for more than six months, Monday reenlisted. Oath was ad ministered by his recruiting superior, Major Holmes of Omaha,- The Frontier Photo. Children to Receive First Communion Those who will be receiving their first communion Sunday, September 21, at St. Patrick s Catholic church are: Randy Cur 1 an, Kenneth Pribil, Michael Mc ' Elligott, Clinton Zastrow, Kenneth ! Beelaert, Michael Cimfel, Loren Schaaf, Bernard Grutsch, Ter rance McManus, Thomas Schmit, Teddy Fritton, Mark Tharnish, Patrick Robertson. Gerald Shoemaker, James Wif son, John McCart, James Grady, William McKay, Julie Janzing, : Sally Stewart, Marilyn Zakrzew I ski, Nola Gray, Michal Tighe. Caroline Walnofer, Janet Bosn Mary Donohoe, Kathy Earley, Theresa Conawy, Nancy Benze, • Phyllis Corkle, Roberta Sheinost, Cynthia Brown, Mary Ann Indra, Linda Appleby, Charlene Havran ek. Mary Claire Shoemaker. Martin Dureke, Michael Verzal, I Kelly Fuhrer. Thomas Vequist, Gregory Lower, Kathleen Moore, Mary Jean Horner, Perry Mc Cabe, Margaret Marcellus, Rita Donohoe, Sue Rae Jansen, Kathie Matthews, Karen Marcellus Carol Sindelar, Debra Harmon, Laurie Scheinost, Susan Ann Mol er, Linda Gettert, Laura Polacek Mary Jean Dufek, Sally Cronin. Joan Wichman. 1 wo New Members Admitted by Aux The VFW auxiliary held their regular meeting at the National guard armory Tuesday, Septem : her 9. The district convention will j be held here September 21, at the Odd Fellows Hall. Dinner will be served followed by a meeting. More plans will be made at the meeting. At a meeting held Tuesday, September 16, Mrs. Edith Young was an applicant for membership. They all welcomed Mrs. James Rotherham, who moved here from Ogallala. Delegates for district convention are: Goldie Tucker, first delegate; Doris Peterson, alternate; Claudia Staub, second delgate; Loretta DeGrof, second alternate. The next regular meeting will be held Tuesday, October 14. ■tanks Assists In Rifle Matches— Army Sgt. first class Orville W. Banks, 24, whose wife, Marilyn, lives at 15225 State Fair, Detriot, Mich., participated in the support of the national rifle and pistol matches recently concluded at Camp Perry, O. Sergeant Banks is regulary as signed as a tank commander in troop B of the Fourth cavalry at FI. Riley, Kans. The sergeant entered the army in 1950 and has served in Green land. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Banks, live in O’Neill. Egans Honored on Golden Wedding MEADOW GROVE More than 200 guests attended the open-house reception here Sunday afternoon, September 14, noting the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs Edgar i v..m of Meadow Grove. It was held at the Egan home. Host for the affair was the Eg ans' son, Everett Egan of Joliet, 111. Mrs Everett Egan was in charge of the guest book and their sons, James and Pat, were patio hosts. The serving table was centered with an anniversary cake and yel low chrysanthemums. The cake was baked by Mrs. Phillip Benson of Newman Grove, who was also in charge of decorations. Presiding at the serving tables were Mrs. Clyde Wright of Omaha, Mrs. Ray Hunt of Lincoln and Mesdames Charles D u n i v a n, Charles Kuchar, Ervin Pratt, Wil la Doniel, John Horrocks, John Brosh, J. P. Galyen and James Qrant, all of Meadow Grove. Miss Kay Egan, granddaugh ter of the honored couple, played organ music throughout the after noon. Mr. and mis. r.gan were iiiur ried at Independence, Va, at the home of her parents. Mrs. Egan’s maiden name was Virgie Edwards, and she was bom at Independence. Mr. Egan was born in Scott county, Virginia. They moved to a farm just south of Meadow Grove in 1914. They farmed in Virginia for a time, spent several years in lloquiam. Wash., where Mr. Egan was em ployed by a lumber mill. The Egans originally came to Meadow Grove 43 years ago to visit her uncle, the late John Ed wards. They stayed on, began raising chickens and the poultry enterprise turned into hatching. In 1928 they acquired a patent for their own incubators. Their hatch ery today is one of the largest in northeast Nebraska. They started the Meadow Grove hatchery 31 years ago and are still operating it. Recalling their October 22, 1908, wedding date, they said it rained all day. Both are enthusiastic gardeners and have a beautiful yard and flower gardens. The Egans are memliers of the Methodist church here. They have one son, Everett, and one daughter, Mrs. William L. (Anna) Larson, who lives in Paris, France. They have five grandchil dren. Two of their granddaugh ters daughters of the Everett Egans flew to Paris last week for a vacation and therefore were not present for the open-house. Their son, Everett, is with the Cateipillar tractor plant at Joliet. Mrs. Larson’s husband is in the armed forces. Double Wedding DANCE Legion Hall — O’NEILL — Sun., Sept. 21 < Mary Kamphaus-.Jaines Stewart Norma Sorensen-Rich. Stewart Benefit Banquet Butte Legion Hall SEPT. 25th 7 P.M. Guest Speakers: GOV. VIC7TOR ANDERSON STAN, HUFFMAN FOR RESERVATIONS, writ® Arden Anderson, Butte, Nebr. ADMISSION: *5 Special Cattle Sale — Monday, Sept. 22 Starting at 12 noon. We expect 700 to 800 head. Early list ings include: 160 choice yearling steers out of the mountains of Wyoming; 20 whiteface 900-lh. steers; 24 whiteface 950-lb. steers; 34 whiteface yearling heifers; 18 mixed steers; 39 mixed heifers; 15 whiteface 600-lb. steers; 250 cattle of all classes. Can use more. The market last Monday was $1.50 to $2.00 , on all classes. Let us try your next consignment. We appreciate your business. Ewing Livestock Market EWING, NEBR. — PHONE 19 or 70