The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 11, 1958, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 11

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dMf Pecan or 0 1-lb. OQ
Shorties, fresh.. Z I bigs 0/b
Pineapple- Q 46-oz. 1
."Grapefruit.... 0 Cans <p I
l Peter Pan
^kes i3 Egg ....
lel-alr; frozen, C 10-oz. fl* 1
remium quality.. 0 Pkgs. <P I
Jartlett; halved, 0 No. 303 IQ
n heavy syrup 0 Cans / / L
U, assorted, / OC
y Guaranteed.. “ Pkgs. ZJL
A real treat 26-oe. 10
In seasoning.Pkg. I ZL
or POWDERED; 0 1-lb.
reat Western ... L Pkgs. “
agtc; bleaches, H-gal. QC
Isinfects, deodorizes. .Jug ZJL
★ ★
[Flour.,5£s . . [1.s,$3.29
Kitchen Craft; the premium-quality flour guaranteed to work wonders with all recipes
tylark; Protein or 16-oz. IQ
ushed Wheat, sliced Loaf I 7 L
)eli clous served 12-oz. QQ_
rith cheese dip.Box L 7 L
right’s; Butter- Q *-oz- Of,/.
Sweet Milk.... J Pkgs. ZJL
no; pure, 1-lb. / 1
arctunent-wrapped. .Print U1L
_ J Lunch Box; 24-oz. A(,r
du So tasty! .Jar “7L
ih-« in. 4'oz-9V
ilk. Can I UL .Can ZJL
al Satin 7 Crisco Q J r*
1-lb. Can ' 7t 3-lb. Can
Dr House QT- Swanson QQ
j-oz. Pie LI L . .8-oz. Pie L 7 L
■ Van Zee; 2-lb. /r
pasteurized.Box U J L
litchen Craft; 3-lb. OQ.
Dntains Buttermilk Pkg. 0 7 L
ifP 14-oz.
%l . Bottles
Goes Further! Made from <<Pedig^eed,, tomatoes
..Efts 5*
Kraft’s; pasteurized • • * 2-lb. Ctn. 65c
j^fchoice Grade, Swiss or
lid Steak
^■hoice Grade, Tender —
■ in Steak
sy ,.yy yy <yy /yrsy .Cr 'rS Ss "v
^■\ alue - Top Quality
■Hl •
H^ftiuce, frozen, COD or —
lh Fillets
ft 69c
★ Yes — taste the news in Safeway’s firm, tangy-sweet
Toko^ rapes
Here come the big red
grapes that make your
_ _ _ table festive.
. S Each grape in these huge
Puro e P ums-"Lpr. X *X¥«*«*«»11™.™
■ v* ■ _ ... “crisp” to bite into ...
W% -J3 tantalizing sweet. Come
BmCr d WalTV J 50-Lb. Bag yOC for a bagful this week!
Look for the brands with
on the label. Let it
bo your guide to finest
quality ... for less money.
AU prices effective /or 2 weeks thru Saturday, September 20, in O'NEILL
Amelia News
Mr and Mrs Frank Pierce Mr
<nd Mrs Fmest Gnietihev" 1 Jr>.
da and (' nr! were At >r»dax e\ e
nin callers at the William Fry
rear home.
Ralph Adair and his mother.
Afrs Gertie Adair were Atkinson
callers Mondax
Afiss Vionn Rnntett twelve*
many nice gifts at a pre-nuptial
shoxxer given in her hon^r at the
home of Mrs Anton Svatos Thurs
day exening, September 1 Alt's.
Id/zie Dexter, Mrs Milton Cloni
ens and Miss Myrtle White had
charge of the exening program
There were atxiut fifty guests pie
sent. A lunch of sandxvichos, pick
les. cake, jello, coffee a n ii
koolade was served.
Mrs. Margie Sammons planned
to leave this week for a x isit with
her sister. Rosalie and family in
California. She will visit other
relatives enroute.
Harold Fort of Dexvitt visited
at the William Fry rear's Suudax
Mr. Fort, Mr atid Mrs. Frvrear
and Tom Fort were dinner guests
at the Ernest Gruenberg home
n< ar Stuart that day.
Miss Mary Kamphaus will !h>
given a bridal shower at the
Leonard Svatos home Tuesday
afternoon, Septomlier 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Doolittle
and family visited at the PM„n
Ballagh's Sunday and attended
church at Ballagh in the after
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fullerton
and Mr. and Mrs. Boh Fullerton
of Neligh were guests at the Ro>
Fullerton home Sunday.
Miss Barbara Thompson v isited
her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs.
Harold Gilman Sunday,
Mr and Mrs. Ralph Rees went
to Harwell Sunday to visit their
son.-Boh Roes and family, before
they left for their home at Den
ver, Colo, after visiting n week
with home folks.
Mrs. Vorn Sagescr and Mrs.
Link Sagescr attended the garden
club at the home of Mrs. Hylas '
Farrier Tuesday afternoon in
Mr. and Mrs Tommie Doolittle
are driving a new blue Chevrolet.
Mrs. Oscar Peterson went to
Atkinson Wednesday for a dental
Mrs. Stella Sparks and Lonnie
were Sunday dinner guests at the
Marvin Doolittle home. Jimmie
and Mickey Doolittle of_Stuart
spent the weekend at the Marvin ;
Doolittle’s. Their mother, Mrs '
Elsie Doolittle came for them
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo and
family returned home Tuesday j
from a visit with her parents, j
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Searles, and 1
the Harold Waldo family at Don- j
ver, Colo.
Mrs Gertie Adair came from
Des Moines. Ia., Saturday and
.. 111 I 1 A _ ...- T1 „ 1.. 1™ J
v> m vtisu »»*.* euii, j
Bob Adair, and her sister, Mrs.
Stella Sparks and other relatives
Mrs. Nettie Jessen of Burwell
visted with the Lindseys Saturday
afternoon and was an overnight
visitor with Mr. and Mrs Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Carr were
Lincoln callers Friday and Satur
day to attend the state fair
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kenny
of Ferndale, Wash., are visiting
her sister, Mrs. M. H. Madsen
and family, and brother, Leon j
Thompson and family. They also
visited Raymond’s parents Mr.
and Mrs. John Kenny and other
Mr and Mrs, George Fullerton
returned Sunday evening from a
visit with relatives at Kansas
City, Kans., and also attended
the wedding of her cousin, Chuck
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White plan j
to take their daughter, Myrtle to |
Greenville, III.. on Saturday, j
where she will attend college
They will visit overnight wilh Rev. !
Special Cattle Auction
Hog Sale Starts at 12 O’clock Noon
Have some good cattle already consigned for this sale but
need a lot more. All cattle listed before next Monday night
will be included in our advertising. Can use any kind as buyers
will be here for all classes. The sale last Monday was on fire.
Had more buyers than cattle. Nothing was selling under $25.00
only some dairy breeds and up to $34.25 on light ones. Let
us try your next consignment. We appreciate your business.
Ewing Livestock Market
EWING, NEBR. — PHONE 19 or 70
Bcick to the Bible Revial
Area Wide
Salvation Healing
Andrew Teuber
EVENING, SEPT. 14 at 8
p.m., and will continue
every night through Octo
ber 5.
PEACE: Kinsman Building,
one-half bh»ck north of traf
fic lights. |
Sponsored by the ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH, O’Neill, Rob
ert A. Paul, pastor, phone 613.
Hundreds have been *aved, healed and filled with the Spirit
through Evangelist Andrew Teul>er’s ministry in Tent Cath
edrals, Auditoriums and Churches!
and Mrs Vlhcrt I.uctnsland in
Kansas Citv. Kans Miss White
recently w as aw anted ,a * r-O srh
• >1 e-shin hast'd on her scholastic
r>- ord at Central Colleee Mc
Pherson Kars
' ’r nn 1 Mr« Ed Thorln and
* toi'hfer T a Vonne and Vernon
v" tilensner of (VXeill wen' supper
•■nests Mondav csenin*’ «t th*
home of Mr ind Mrs 1 Vltw rt
Ki*w irds Tht> occasion was in
honor of the hirthdav anniversar
ies of Mr Thorin and Mr Ed
wards loiter in the evenine sev
eral other relatives and friends
came for a surprise party Those
present were Mr and Mrs Ralph
Maas Mi- and Mrs Orland Fry
rear, Mr and Mrs 1. IT Edwards.
Mr and Mrs Keith Barthel and
family. Mr and Mrs. R. E. Bly.
and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Butter
field and family
Mrs Alice Prewitt received
word of the death of her father.
Luther Phipps, on Saturday. Fun
eral services were at Mullen on
Wednesday September 10
Miss Phillis Fullerton entered
colleee at Wayne Monday.
Sam Gilman and Tom Doolittle
were fishinp at the dam Wednes
day. September 3.
METHODIST (O'Neill Emmet)
Rev. Glenn Kennicott, pastor
Thursday, September 11: WSCS,
> n m
Friday, September 12: IXircas,
2 p.m.
Saturday, September 13: Junior
:'hoir, 10 :30
Sunday, September M: Qiureh
school, 9:-15 a.m.; worship, 11
i. m
Monday, September 15: Inter
mediate MYF, 7 p.m . for seventh
md eighth graders.
Tuesday, September 16: WSCS
seminar at Creighton for east half
>f district.
Wednesday, September 17: WSCS
seminar at Johnstown for west
naif of district; senior choir,
1:30 p.m.; MYF, 8 p.m.
Sunday, September 11: Worship
i n d Children’s Sunday-school,
1:30 a m., adult Sunday-school,
10:30 a.m.;
Thursday, September 18: WSCS
it the church, 2 p in
Oscar Bueche of Valentine died
Monday at the hospital there. lie
was the father of Mrs. Mike
Smith of Spencer. The Smith’s
son and his wife, M/Sgt. and Mrs.
Deraid Smith and family of Texas
arrived in Valentine Tuesday
Miss Donolioe Feted—
Sunday Miss Joan Donohoe was
guest-of-honor at a miscellaneous
shower given by Miss Catherine
Donohoe and Mrs. Hattie Kind
lund at the former's home. Miss
Donohoe is to be married Satur
Annual Chicken Dinner
Is Planned—
Atkinson Mrs. E. L. Penry,
secretary of St. Joseph’s Altar
society, has announced that the
organizations’ annual chicken
dinner will be held Sunday, Octo
ber 5.
Wedding Anniversary—
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Streeter
were honored at a dinner party
Monday evening at the home of
their daughter and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie to cele
brate their wedding anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhous
er and son, Ray, recently returned
from Tacoma, Wash., where they
had 'attended the wedding of
their daughter and sister. Miss
Anita Brookhouser and Rich
ard Enearl of Tacoma. The wed
ding look place on August 20 at
4 p m., in Presbyterian church.