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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1958)
At Mrs. Iluldu .Miller's birhday [utrty; Standing—Richard ; Miller, Mrs. George Mott, jr., Mrs. Bruce Johnson, Mrs. Delbert Boelter, Miss Viola Miller; seated—Kualt Miller, Mrs. Martha Tate, Robert Miller, Mrs. Miller (the honoree), Mrs. 1’earl Gruel ing, Miss Dora Miller and Mrs. Wilbert W'idhaltn. future Subscribers Larson of Northbrook, 111., a son John Joseph, weighing 8 pounds, born Thursday, August 28 This is tne couple's third son. Mrs. Lar son is the former Iionna Gal lagher, daughter of Mr and Mrs. h .ward M. Gallagher of O'Neill. 1 OFF MAN Mr. and Mrs John Hoffman of Bassett, a son, weigh i..g > pounds 4 ounces, born Satur day August 30, at Atkinson Mem orial hospital. VWTT Mr. and Mrs. Warren Witt of Creighton, a daughter Linda Marie, weighing 8 pounds 2 oun ces, lx>rn Wednesday, August 27, at Lundberg Memorial hospital in Creighton. yEYERS Mr. and Mrs. Don Meyers of O'Neill, until recently of Mitchell, S ITT a son, born Thurs day. August 28, in an Oklahoma Cny, Okla., hospital. Mr Meyers is tue junior partner in the new Mi .west Furniture & Appliance stu.e. This is the couple’s secont’ child. They have another son. BABUTZKE Mr. and Mrs. Marini Babutzke of Page, a dau ghter, Susan Marie, weighing 8 pounds 7ounces, born Friday, August 29, at St. Anthony’s hos pital. ... STLVfc.N& ivii. diiu = Hubert Stevens of O'Neill, a son. Robert Bradley, weighing 3 pounds 7 ounces, bom Sunday, August 31, in Atkinson Memorial hospital. DOERR — Mr. and Mrs, Don ald Doerr of Creighton, a son, wv ighi’tg 8 pound's 3 ounces, born Tuesd iv, September?; at Lund 1 erg Memorial hospital in Creigh ton DEMUTCII Mr. and Mrs Raymond DeMuteh of Creighton, a daughter, weighing 6 pounds 4 ounces, born Sunday. August 31, in C-oighton Memorial hospital. LEWIS — Mr. and Mrs. Donald . Ixwis of Taylor, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 6 ounces, bom ?"ndav. August 31, in Burwell Community hospital. SLAYMAKER — Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Slaymaker, a daughter, K.itny Mary, weighing 8 pounds 3>4 ounces, liorn Monday, Sept ember 1. at St. Anthony’s hospi tal. SHAW Linda Shaw of Bas sett. a daughter, Trace Lee, weighing G pounds 6 ounces, born Wednesday, August 27, at Atkin son Memorial hospital . AHLERS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ahlers of Wisner, daughter,Becky Lynne, 6 pounds and 12 ounces, born Monday, August 25 in the West P, int hospital. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Rudy Ahlers of Ewing, future subs. EVERITT - Mr and Mrs. Neil J. Everitt jr., of Omaha, a son Neil J. born Saturday, Au gust 23, in St. Catherine's hos pital in Omaha. this is the couple’s third child. Mrs. Everitt is the former Mary Ann Frenk ing, daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. A Frrnking of Omaha. KliOFNER — Mr. and Mrs. James Klosner of Omaha, a dau ghter., born Friday. August 22, in St. Catherine’s hos pital in Omaha. Th:s is the collides sec 'nd child. Mrs Kins ner is the f 'rmer Joan E^enkine, daughter of Mr. and Mm J hn A. Emn’-:nn of On-n' BRAZDA Mr. and Mrs. Rober .Ktwr^w Poneoek, itfllfe'jpie, Peary Dawes, I j»rry Dawes . . . win boys’ tnus'c Inerels at state fair.—University of Nebraska Photo. Mrs. Hulda Miller Feted on Birthday STAR — Mrs. Hulda Miller celebrated her 80th birthday an niversary Wednesday, August 27. All ol her 11 living children ex, cept one, came to help her cele brate. Mrs. Martha Late of Dal las, Ore., was unable to lie pres ent. Mrs Miller came from Wayne county in 1912 to a ranch in western Knox county where she resides with her daughters, Vio la and Dora. The ranch is oper ated by her son, Richard, and was formerly known as the Wal nut Hill ranch. Her husband, the late E. A. Miller, died in June 1950. Three sons are deceased, two dying in infancy and Theodore died at the age of 15 after being kicked by a horse while mowing hay. TheMiliers were the parents of 14 children. Mrs. Milier has 32 grandchildren and 36 great-grand children. Mr. and Mrs. George Mott, jr., and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller were daytime visi tors and the following spent fhe ivening with Mrs Miller.: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Boeder, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Montgomery and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elven Hamilton ami family, Mrs. Norman Rokahr and son, Mrs. Pearl Groeling, Carolyn and warren, Mr. and Mrs Lyle John son and family, Mr. and Mrs. uiayton jonnson ana lamuy, ivir and Mrs. Bruce Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Wlbert Widhalm and family. Mrs. Miller was also honored with a birthday card shower, ar ranged by her daughter-in-law Mrs. Richard Miller. Mrs. Lysle Johnson, a grand daughter, and Miss Dora Miller, a daughter, baked and decorated cakes for the occasion. County Court August 29 Raj Watson, driv er tor Frank KVupicka of Spen cer, overweight on single axle, fined $60 and $1 costs; officer - Clifford L Kizzire. August 20 -Nellie E. Fauquier of O'Neill, operating a motor \ehicle without a driver's license, fined $5 and $1 costs; officer E. M. Hastreiter. September 2—Eugene K. Lee of Sioux City, speeding, fined $35 and $4 costs; officer R. L. Gude September 2 Harlan K. Urban of Ewing, earless driving, fined $25 and $5 costs; officer—E. M. Hastreiter. September 3 Lyle C. Frank, driver for Laddie Houdek of Stan ton, excessive length and no re gistration, fined $10, $10 and $4 costs; officer Clifford L Kizzire. JUSTICE COURT August 27 James R. Miller of Wayne, whose vehicle went into the ditch near the Gateway motel was charged with reckless driv ing, fined $25 and $4 costs; offi cer Chris McGinn. FIREMEN CALLED O'Nenll firemen were summoned Saturday afternoon to the Roy Johnson, jr , residence where c grass fire fas in progress. There was no damage. Sunday afternoon they were called to a grass fire near the Jalpoy drive-in. Brazda of Wisner, a daughter, ; Jorja Marie, weighing 7 pounds ; 10 ounces, lorn Thursday, August ! 20, in the West P 'int hospital. Mr an 1 Mrs. Joe Koci of Chambers i a e m itemal grandparents. AHR ^Hn |K^ jfl ORANGE DRINI "o.l. Armour's TREET 1 55c I Armour's fe CORNED | BEEF 1 43c I J Post's I Our Family i ALPHA BITS gW PANCAKE MIX / BREAKFAST CEREAL | “ 27^^? ~ 33c J Post [Sfijyj Our Family H TOASTIES gTYROp' |^55c( SUNOL BREA KFAST \ Prunes _ M£45c’ ■ i >r + ■■ .1 i i BaliSjA, INSTANT CHOCOLATE 1LB- * PKG._43 TWV TH« ‘ I Mem! 1_I PERFECT FOR SNACKS TOO I ENERGV RICH meats Choice Rounds Cut From USDA SWISS STEAK COT PROM LEAN BOSTON BUTTS PORK ROAST.v -49* CANNED PICNICS =--'2“ IDEAL HOT WEATHER SANDWICH MEAT SUMMER SAUSAGE - 65c PERCH ..-33* fHH|Q|la£L£^n YWfjjjERn pfW] Fresh California IFlame Kl\ .A. } TOKAY GRAPES 2l,s29c 13 S" ^ U. S. No. 1 Barlell ruix $ ^ 8 9 I I Bing raced _ BUSHEL NEW CROP JONATHAN • BEST ALL PURPOSE APPLE APPLES_2lbs 35c GOLDEN VALLEY • IRREGULAR HALVES ELBERTA FREESTONE IN SYRUP PEACHE S , OUR FAMILY — SPARKLING START FOR ANY MEAL TOMATO J-U'c-E 29* WAVECREST—FOR A QUICK ECONOMICAL HOT DISH SALMON ? 45* KIM BATHROOM TISSUE—ALWAYS BETTER BUYS AT JACK & JILL TISSUE =23* JACK & JILL — 3 DELICIOUS FLAVORS — - ice CREAM * s>! 79c GOLDEN VALLEY — Pork & BEANS 5 2* tins $1 GOOD N - RICH — CAKE MIX* 10c FIG BARS Ml Ik 27c Crop n I • Frozen Gr. Juice INSTANT TANG Cooking and Salad Oil MAZOLA OIL. Whitney OYSTERS whole Our Family SMOOTH PEANUT BUTTER BIG 22-OZ. JAR 59= . . _, iTMBHklfack & fill Coupon ValueHHI^K OUR FAMILY — ■ PUFFED in<| WHEAT cello bag I _flHHHEpires 9 p.m. Sept. 8, ’58HHHkI N UT8ENA - |k A A _ COMPLETE EGG QC CRUMBLES, cwt__ U.7J AT THE SNACK BAR: HOT DOGS, each-9c MALTED MILKS_ |,9c ICE CREAM SUNDIES, each |9c BANANA SPLITS, each_ WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF AU. NUTRENA FEEDS For Poultry - Hogs - Cattle I'KftMJack & Jill Coupon Value: HHHB BETTY .FANE FROZEN — _ || STRAW- 1 I BER’IES 10 oz pkg 1 JHI Epires 9 p.m. Sept. 8, '58HHHKI N l T R E N A — M A MB 40% HOG $>1 QC BALANCER, cwt._ *?•# J | OUR STORE OPEN NIGHTS AND SUNDAYS__