The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 04, 1958, Page 11, Image 11

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    Legal Notices
(First pui). Aug. 28, 19S8i
.Julius D Cronin, Attorney
Estate No. 42*4
AUGUST 27, 1958.
Notice is hereby given to all
f*-i '.ns interested in said estate
that a petition has been filed in
'aid Court for the appointment
if O. D. French as Administrator
of > '•<! estate, and will be heard
September 18, 1958 at 10 o'clock
\ M . at the County Court Room
in O Neill, Nebraska.
County Judge.
•First pub. Sept. 4, 1958)
Estate No. 427X
Julius D. Cronin, , Attorney
In the County Court of Holt
County, Nebraska, August 29, 1958
In the matter of the Estate of
Nathan E. Pritchett, Deceased
CREDITORS of said estate an
hereby notified that the time lim
ited for presenting claims against
said estate is December 26, 1958
and for the payment of debts i
August 29. 1959 and that on Sep
temher 25, 1958, and on Deeembei
27, 1958, at 10 o'clock A M.. end
day, I will l>e at the County Court*
Room in said County to receive
examine, hear, allow, or adjust all
claims and objei tions dulv filed
County Judge.
Mr and Mrs. Roy Berner and
daughter. Suzanne, were week-1
end guests of his mother, Mrs, j
Clara Berner, and his sister, Mur- j
iel, both at Norfolk.
Mr. nad Mss. Lloyd Hanna of
Anderson, Ind., arrived Saturday
and are guests of their aunt, Mrs.
Clarence Booth,
Mrs Anna Pollock of Ewing
was a Friday, August 22 to Sun
day, August 24 guest of her daugh
ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dorr
Miss Shirley Schultz of St. Fran
cis nursing school Grand Island
visited from Tuesday, August 19
to Sunday, August 24 with her
mother, Mrs. and Mr. John Ker
senbrock, leaving Sunday, August
24 for Omaha to work threo
months in the psychiatric ward in
St. Joseph’s hospital
Donald Fisher of Grand Island
was a Monday, August 25, caller
of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Krug
Mr. and Mrs. Kemvdod Woldt
of St. Paul, Minn., were Saturday
overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. |
Donald Bunkers
Mr. and Mrs. John Laska were
Tuesday. August 2fi guests of her
parents, Mr and Mrs. Ixiuis Now
ak of Fullerton, her brother
James home from the service and
sister, Mrs. Bob Hill of Utah who
is visiting at her parents.
Guest of Mr. and Mrs Frank
Clements during the August 23
24 weekend was Mrs. J. A. Bauer
of Ewing.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Heese of
Randolph were Saturday evening,
August 24 callers of Mr and Mrs.
Elroy Lieb. _
Paul Shierk
insurance of All
AD the HOT water you need
Why not have the CONVENIENCE
WATER HEATING in your home . . .
even il you can't afford to buy right
now . . . through Kansas-Nebraska's
simple rental plan.
This offer appBes to equipment suit
able foe residential and small com
Mercial Installations. This same equip.
Mont may be rented or purchased
throsgh qualified gas appliance
as low as
For Dependable GAS Service
Sewing Machine Winner Named
Mrs. Rosa Snelson of Atkinson was declared winner of the new
electric portable sewing machine given away Saturday evening
at the Fourth Street Market. Seven hundred and fifty persons had
registered without any obligation. Proprietor George Janousek
nvxed 'em up while his son, James, did the honors in determining
the victor. The Frontier Photo.
Fair Livestock Winners
Beef Breeding Division 4-11
BLUE Robert Beelaert, Pago,
Angus heifer; Robert Beelaert of
Page, Angus heifer; Becky Bee
laert, Page, Angus heifer; Robert
Beelaert, Page, Angus heifer;
Loren Blake, Chambers, Hereford
heifer; James Melcher, Page, ;
Hereford hoi for.
RED Denny Drayton, O'Neill-,
Angus heifer; Lynn Grass, Page-,
Angus heifer; Fred Cronk, Page;
Shorthorn heifer, Bonnie Heiss.
Page, Shorthorn heifer; Rose Ann
Blake Chambers, Hereford hei- 11
fer; William Whitaker, Chambers ,
Hereford heifer; Tommy Melcher 1
Page, Hereford heifer; Gary Fiek.
Inman, Hereford heifer; Shirley j
been, Amelia, Hereford heifer; j'
Donald Linquist, O'Neill, Here- j
:ord heifer; David Green, Amelia. | ,
Hereford heifer; Sandra Whitaker, [,
Chambers, Hereford heifer; Perry j <
Dawes, O’Neill, Angus cow and I S
■alf. i
BLUE Bonnie Welke, Ewing
Hereford cow and calf.
Stocker-Feeder Division 4-H
BLUE Nick Hammerlun, Oj
Neill, Angus steer; Marsha SlaU
tery, O'Neill, Angus steer; Marlene
Garwood, Amelia, Angus steer;
Dorothy Fisher, Amelia, Angus
heifer; Venita White, Amelia;
Hereford steer; Evan Grubb,
Chambers, Hereford steer; Judy
Garwood. Chambers, Hereford
steer; Sharon Watson, Amelia,
Hereford steer; Pam Hammerlun,
O'Neill, Hereford steer; Carole
Hammerlun, E w i n g, Hereford
steer; Mary Homolka, Chambers,
Hereford steer; Jane Garwood.
Chambers, Hereford steer; Dick
Bilstein, Amelia, Hereford steer;
Larry Beck, Atkinson, Hereford
steer; David Green, Amelia, Here-*
ford steer; William Whitaker,
Chambers, Hereford steer; Vir
ginia Thompson, Amelia, Hereford
steer; Ellen Grubb, Chambers,
Hereford steer; Bob Klabenes,
Ewing, Hereford heifer; Larry
Swanson, Chambers. Hereford hei
'er; Junior Young, O’Neill, Here
ford heifer; Jeanette Klabenes j
Ewing, Hereford heifer; Jerry
Robertson. Chambers, Hereford
leifer; Larry Dobrovalny, O'Neill,
Hereford heifer; Jerry Homolka,
Chambers, Hereford hei
'er; Eric Garwood, Amelia,
Angus steer; E v e r i tt Gar
vood, Amelia, Angus steer.
RED David Garwood, Amelia
Vngus steer; Janet Garwood,
imelia, Angus steer; Gaylen Won
ten, Amelia, Angus steer; Jim
<.ruse, O’Neill, Angus steer; Faye
Harwood, Amelia, Angus steer;
lohn Hammerlun, O'Neill, Angus
iteer; Freddie Miller, O'Neill, An
;us steer; Marlene Garwood
Amelia, Angus steer; Gary Fick j
Inman, Hereford steer; Mershon :
^eirman, Amelia; Hereford steer;
Dale Bilstein, Amelia, Hereford i
deer; Dick Bilstein, Amelia,
Hereford steer; Wayne Larson,
D’Neill Hereford steer; Joyce
tVatson, Amelia, Hereford steer;
Roger Waldo, Chambers, Hereford
steer; Shirley Green, Amelia.
Hereford steer; Joy Thompson
Amelia, Hereford steer; Janice
Robertson, Chambers, Hereford
steer; Marlene Beck. Atkinson,
Hereford steer; Marie Bilstein
Amelia, Hereford steer; Kathy
Fick. Inman, Hereford heifer;
Joyce Watson, Amelia, Hereford
heifer. Dale Bilstein, Amelia
Hereford heifer; Debra Waldo.
Chambers, Hereford heifer; Marie
Bilstein. Amelia. Hereford heifer: j
WHITE Danelia Whitaker j
Chambers. Hereford steer.
Dairy Division 4-H
BLUE—Jack Gilg. Atkinson-,
Guernsey heifer; Jerilyn Luebcke
Page, Guernsey, heifer; Jerilyn
Luebcke, Page, Guernsey heifer;
Jeanette Klabens, Ewing, Guern
sey heifer; James Gilg, Atkinson,
Guernsey cow; Ruth Ann Hansen
Inman, Holstein heifer; Warren
Hansen Inman, tlolstein heifer;
Randy Colman. Inman, Holstein
heifer; Donna Crumlv, Page, Hoi
stein heifer; Bonnie Welke, Ew*
ing, Holstein heifer; Alvin Crum-*
ly, Page, Holstein heifer: Mary
Lou Luebcke, Page Holstein heif
er; Joe Beelaert, Page. Holstein
heifer; Dennis Ickes, Page. Hol
stein hi'ifer; Bruce Bowen, Page,
Holstein heifer: Ronald Asher.
Page, Holstein heifer. Denis Ick
es, Page, Holstein heifer: Ruth
Ann Hansen. Inman. Holstein hei
fer; Warren Hansen, Inman Hol
stein heifer; Seal iAiebeke, Page.
Brown Swiss heifer: Lila Miller.
Atkinson. Brown Swiss heifer;
Linda Rartos, O’Neill, Brown
Swiss heifer; Donna Crumly.
Page, Milking Shorthorn heifer;
Kent Stauffer. Page, Milking
Shorthorn heifer: Bonnie Welke.
Ewing. Jersey heifer.
RED—Margie Gilg, Atkinson
Guernsey heifer; Mary Lou Lueb
cke, Page, Guernsey heifer; Seal
Luebcke, Page. Guernsey heifer:
Jeanette Klabenes, Ewing, Guern
sey heifer, Rodney Kenedy:
Page, Holstein heifer; Terry Heese
Page, Holstein heifer: Bernice Col
man. Inman, Holstein heifer;
Faye Scheer, Ewing. Holstein heif
er: Faye Scheer. Ewing, Holstein,
heifer; Jane Wabs, O'Neill. Hol
stein heifer; Tlene Nelson, O’Neill*,
Holstein heifer; John Crumly,
Page, Holstein heifer; Don Bee
laert, Page, heifer; Jerilyn Lueb
cke. Page, Holstein heifer; Sharon
Beauty Salon
Phone 565 for appointment
located across street from
bakery. Closed every Mon
day morning.
Hansen, Page Holstein heifer;
John Crumlj Page. Holstein heif
er; Jean Skrdla. O'Neill, Holstein
heifer; Susan Taylor, Ewing. Hof*
sti in heifer; Jerome Crumly,
page, Holstein heifer; Marsha
Hill, O’Neill, Brown Swiss heifer:
!landall Stauffer, Page, Milkinv
Shorthorn heifer, Val Stauffer
Page. Milking Shorthorn heifer
WHITE Billy Gils. Atkinson
Hornsey heifer; Harlan Salt/
,ninan, Guernsey heifer; Keith
Krugman. O’Neill. Guernsey heif
r; Harlan Miller, Atkinson
[Guernsey heifer; Mary Lou l.ueb
ke. Page; Guernsey heifer. Jeri
ca Luebcke, Page. Guernsey heif
er: Richard Hill, O’Neill, Holsteii
heifer; Francis Bergstrom. Fwing.
Holstein heifer; Karen Knudsen.
Page. Holstein heifer: Rarer
? vse. Page. Holstein heifer;
-tarlis Hill. O'Neill. Holstein
hi ifcr: Joan Fisher. Page, Holstein
heifer; Sharon Hansen. Page, HoT
i in heifer; Earl Miller. Atkin
n, Holstein heifer; Lila Miller;
Atkinson, Holstein heifer; Jern
day lor, Ewing, Holstein heifer;
Douglas Taylor, Ewing, Holstein
heifer: Seal Lyobcke. page
i tein heifer, Shirley
rdla. O'Neill. Holstein heifer;
it o \ V<m Raglan d. Page; !
Holstein heifer; Ronnie Skrdla
I'Neill. Holstein heifer; Randall i
Stauffer, Page, Brown Swiss heif
Ital»y Beef Placing Ribbons
BLUE Roliert Beelaert, Page.
Angus steer; Glen Miller, O'Neill
Angus steer; Larry Be, Atkinson, |
Angus steer; Robert Klabenest ,
Ewing. Hereford steer; Ilene Nel
in, O’Neill, Hereford steer; Ken- |
noth Reynoldson. O'Neill. Here |
ford steer; Perry Dawes. O'Neill: 1
Hereford steer; Robert Kla- I
i i nes, Ewing, Hereford heifer
Ilene Nelson, O'Neill. Hereford |
heifer; Rose Anne Blake, Cham
bers. Hereford heifer; Jeanette
Clemens, Amelia, Shorthorn heif
RED Susan Laltue, Ewing, An
gus steer; Larry Beck, Angus j
steer; Lynn Grass. Page, Angus :
steer: Marvin Dawes, O'Neill, An
gus steer; Donald Clemens. Amei-;
ia, Hereford steer; Donald ClemJ
ens, Amelia, Hereford steer; Gary
Gillespie, O'Neill, Hereford steer;
.Jeanette Klabenes, Ewing, Herts
ford steer; Larry Dawes, O'Neill,
Hereford steer; Marlene Beclc,
Atkinson, Hereford steer; Janette
Clemens, Amelia Shorthorn steer;
James Mellor, Atkinson, Hereford
WHITE—James Mellor, Atkin
son, Angus steer.
Hogs—i'll Division and FFA
BLUE George Fuller, O’Neill
market hog; George Fuller, O
Neill, registered litter; George
Fuller, O’Neill, registered gilt;
George Fuller, O’Neill, registered
RED—Robert Swanson, Cham
bers, market hog; John Wabs, 0'J
Neill, market hog.
WHITE — William Whitaker,
Chambers, market hog; John
Wabs, O’Neill, market hog; John
Wabs, O'Neill, market hog.
Horses—Saddle Class—l-II
BLUE — D a n e 1 i a Whitaker
Chambers, stock horse, under sad
dle; Judy Garwood, Chambers,
Halter class William Whitaker j
Chambers, halter class.
RED Sandra Whitaker, Cham- I
tiers, stock horse under saddle; |
William Whitaker Chambers,
stock horse under saddle; Harlan j
Miller, Atkinson, stock horse un- |
der saddle; Sandra Whitaker
Chambers, hatter class; Danelia |
Whitaker. Chambers halter class, i
Sheep—t-ll Division
BLUE—Junior Young, O’Neill
fat lamb; Esther Young, O'Neill
fat lamb.
New Officers Take
Charge at Meeting
INMAN-The Inman Commun
ity met Monday night, August 25: J
at the assembly room in me higl |
school for a regular meeting aftei ;
a two month vacation.
The newiy-elected officers wen
in charge; Karl Keyes is president
Mrs. Albert Reynolds, secretary; I
Mrs. Ethel Siders, treasurer
IVllS. JU l . ICVH " ' A*
chapter of a Ixwk. The coffee com
mitteee were Mr. and Mrs James
P. Gallagher and Mr. and Mrs
Lorin Libby. Lunch was enjoyed
at the close.
Other Inman News
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brunck
horst returned home Wednesday
morning. August 27, from a three
week trip to Scotia, N Y., where
they visited their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs Harvey
Hansen. Miss Barbara remained
for a longer visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Hutton
and family are spending a few
days visiting in the home of
Graydon’s parents, Mr. and Mrs
T. D. Hutton. They have just rc
turned from Glacier national
park where they spent the sum
mer and where Graydon was em
ployed. Mr. Hutton will teach and
coach at Ewing this school year
Celia News
Arlin Hendricks spent Thurs
day, August 21, at the Joe Hend
ricks home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken
and most of their family also Mrs
Albert Emmons and daughter left
Wednesday. August 20. for Miss
ouri to visit the Marvin Focken
Mrs. Edna Wood, of Hot
Springs. S.D.. whose husband was
formerly Wesleyan Methodist pas
tor at Atkinson, spent Friday
night, August 22, at the Mark
Hendricks home. She was return
ing from a trip through the south
eastern and eastern states in the
interest of the Brainard Indians
of Hot Springs. She has traveled
over 90.000 miles in the past year
working for the school.
J i m Hendricks accompanied
the George Hitchcock family to
Niobrara state park Sunday, Aug
ust 24
Stevie Langdon, small son of
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Langdon of
(Omaha, has been visiting the Lo
1 Roy Hoffman home
Mike Wabs was a Thursday.
| August 21. overnight guest of
j Bobby Knutson.
Mary Catherine and Patricia
j visited Daune and Carla Samms at
the Hammerberg home and all
attended "hay day” program.
Mr>. Cahin K. MoCUirg . . . to rvsidt* in IJncnln. (Stor\ at
light).—O’Will Photo Co.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lohaus and
daughters were Tuesday, August
26 callers in Omaha.
John Walmer of Royal was a
Thursday, August 21 guest of Mr.
and Mrs. D. N. Loy.
Mr. and Mrs. Billie Marcellus
were Sunday, August 24 guests of
Mr. and Mrs. D. B Marcellus o'
Miss Lorna Marcellus of Lin
coln was a guest the weekend of
August 23-24 at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Mar
Gertrude Easton of Greeley,
Colo., arrived Monday, August 25
to visit her sister, Mrs. Henry
Martin. They left Thursday, Aug
ust 28 for Branson, Mo., to visit at
the home of their brother, Mr. and 1
Mrs. Earl Wrede.
Mr. and Mrs Don McClellan i
spent the week of August 17 vis- '
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Krogh in Fairbault, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Barnett and
Bobby of Lincoln were recent
guests of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John McClellan.
Mr. and Mrs. Carrol McKay
were August 23, guests of his
mother, Mrs. Ann McKay of Spald
ing, returning home with them
was their daughter, Patsy, who
had been visiting her grandmoth
Mary Lee Mumm and Linda
Mefford of Bloomfield were guests
recently of Mr. and Mrs. George
Guests recently of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Menish were Judy, Jeannie;
Cheryl and Darrell Moore, child
ren of Rev. and Mrs. T. D. Moore
of Denver, Colo.
Phone us your news—51!
Late August Nuptials
STl'ART Baskets of pink and
yellow gladioli decorated each
side of the kneeling altars of
\ eland Presbyterian church at
Stuart for the double ring cere
nit >n> uniting in marriage Alice
\rlene Allyn and Cnl\ in E Mc
Miss Allyn is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Allyn of Stuart
aid Mr MeClurg is the son of
Iv and Mrs. C- E. MeClurg, also
i Stuart.
Rc\. Herbert Young or Stuart,
pastor of Stuart Community
hurdi and Ceveland l *n sinter inn
hurch officiated at the 3 pan,
rctnony on Wednesday, August
\f’ s Joan MeClurt of Basset'
aeoinpanted Audre\ Cox hi 11 of
Atkinson who was soloist.
Given m marriage by her fath
t r, the bride wore a floor length
gown of tulle fashioned with a fit
tid Ixidicc that featured a seal*
I neckline bordered with iri
, It scent sequins. The sleeves of
imported lace tapered to bridal
points over the wrist. The very
bouffant skirt of imnorted lace
w as worn over lumps and a second
skirt oi tiny ruffles, A crown of
pearls held her waist length vei
in plaee. She carried a iKHiquet of
pink roses.
Miss Jean Allyn of Stuart, sis
ter of the bride, was maid of hon
or. Miss Grace Allyn, sister of the
bride, and Miss Donna MeClurg, i
sister of the bridegroom, were 1
bridesmaids They wore ballerina
length dresses in pastel shades
fahioned with draped necklines
with streamers flowing from the
back neckline ending below the
waist. Their bouquets were white
Ushering were Calvin Allyn,
brother of the bride, and Darell
White, cousin of the bridegroom.
Richard Sweet of Stuart, cousin
of the bride and roommate of th<
bridegroom served as bestman
The bridegroom and his attendants
were attired in dark business
suits with dark ties. They wore
white carnation boutonnieres
Following the ceremony a rece
plum was given bv the brides par
ents for 1M1 guests The reception
was served by relatives and fri
ends with Mrs. Ik'llH’tt Gentle of
Stuart as hostess and Mrs. Her
bert Sweet assistant hostess. The
unusually decorated throe-tier
w dding cake was topped with a
miniature blue church door with a
gold cross on it and stiver steps
leading down from it. Post-ending
the silver steps were a miniature
hiide and bridegroom. .
Mrs MoClurg is a graduate of
tin- \tkinson high school and stu
died home economies at the t'ni
vcr.-itv of Nebraska for one year
Mr MeClm is also a graduate
of Atkinson high school and has
heen an agricultural student at
the University of Nebraska for the
past two years.
For traveling the bride chose a
plaid sleeveless dress with holero
\iier a two-week wedding trip
to Yellowstone Park the couple
will be at home in i.incoln on
September S’
Hustlers Meet
at licvnoldsun Home—
The Grattan Hustlers 4-11 club
met for their August meeting at
the Frock Reynoldson home with
The discussion topic was. Om>
plans for the county fair and the
handing out of our exhibiting
numbers. Two demonstrations
were gi\en by club members
Mem l»ers taking Range dis
cussed their Range books to see
if all were finished and ready for
the county fair.
The leaders In beef and dairy
gave some points on judging a
beef or dairy animal. The rest
of the afternoon was spent on
shearing the members calves for
the Co-fair.
The meeting was ended with
Mrs. Reynoldson serving a de
licious lunch. Carolyn Fuhrer,
Alice’s Beanty Shop
Ues. 3 (loora west of Texaco
125 East Douglas
Phone 208 — O’NetU
Mgr. Prank Klate RaaaanaMa kataa
(Formerly Housing Ewing Co-Op. Creamery)
The following real estate, which formerly housed the original Ewing Co-Op Cream
ery, Ewing, Nebr., two business lots and dismantled creamery equipment (in daily use
prior to moving into new location) will be offered at public auction, on the premises,
Saturday, September 13th I
Sale to Start at 1 P.M.— jj
Described as Lots I 6 and 1 7, Block 9,
Original Village of Ewing, Nebr., pre
mises known as former Ewing Cream
MILL SHED, 16’ x 44’
1,000-Bus. To be sold separately and moved
GRANARY, 8’ x 12’
To be sold separately and moved
Premises will he sold with sole restriction that property
will not be used for creamery or related enterprise. Twenty
five percent down to be paid by highest bidder on day of sale;
balance upon delivery of merchantable abstract and warranty
deed. Immediate possession.
1952 Chevrolet Truck, long wheel base,
6 tires, 7.50x20, good shape
Feed Grinder Cutler Hammer
25-Hp. G-E Motor with V belts
H. C. Davis Mixer, with 8-hp. motor
No. 1226437
Mayrath Grain Auger, 32-ft.
Water Pipes, V2-in. to 2^2-in., coupling
and valves
I, 000-ft. Electric Conduit
1,000-Ft. Wiring, 12 to 8 size
2—Herman Nelson Heaters with 1 /8-hp.
electric motors
300-Gal. Cream Vat, creamery package
Ewing Co op. Creamery, Owner
COL. ED THORIN, O’Neill, Auctioneer-Real Estate Broker