I I FOR SALE I hide’s Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy rattle on hand at all times Wfsrorv sin bred, fresh and heavy springers, first and second calf heifers Arnold Thiele 2^1 miles southwest of Clear water. Phone 17 on 12 tf FOR SALE: Fancy new crop Blue grass seed one to 10 lbs.. 50c, over 10-lbs. 45c —Lloyd Gibson, ! 4 mi. E. of sale barn, O’Neill _17-22 pd FOR SALE: Still have a few high powered rifles for sale.—O. J. Rickard, Ewing, 27 miles south of O’Neill. 17-18pG0 For Sale TOP PRODUCING Wisconsin and Minnesota bred, fresh and heavy springers at all times Vt mile south of Ewing Rudie Juracek ll-22c Selling Out Small Dairy THREE good milk cows, hand separator, strainer, milk cans, bottles, other items. Will sell as unit or separately. George Fletcher Orchard. Nebr. — Ph. TW 3-2295 _ 18p FOR SALE OR IJCASE: Four lane bowling alley and lunch counter. Reason other busi ness.—C. J. Brooke, Atkinson. 15-18pd Surge Dairy Equipment COMPLETE line of parts.—Dill ion Sales & Service, Long Pine, phone 2127, or Harvey Tomp kins, Inman. 9tf FOR SALE: In good condition, one second-hand guitar, with case and lessons, $15.00. — Con tact Howard’s Blacksmith Shop O'Neill, Nebr. 18p FOR SALE: Black trunk, 40x20x22 high, good condition.—Phone 453-J. 15tf Twine Bargains! 2 CARLOADS BALER TWINE BEST QUALITY $6.50 per bale Gas and Fuel Lowest prices in Nebraska New Deal Oil Co. In West O’Neill Open Day and Night _ 17-18c FOR SALJE: No. 6 two-row New Idea cornpicker, $200.00. — Al bert Wasson, Atkinson, phone 7838. __18,f Machinery Bargains 2—1948 J-D B tractors 2—1946 H Farmall tractors 1955 Ford Ms-ton pickup SEVERAL 450 diesel Farmall trac tors, new, special prices. 1951 Farmall C tractor, reverse, with sweep head. ON HAND the new 2-M Interna tional two-row com pickers. Storjohann Equipment BUR WELL FOR SALE OR RENT: Gross Cash Store. Building, fixtures and Stock. Quitting business in the near future due to health condition. Good opportunity for right party. Phone 7924 or con tact J. J- Loukota, Gross Nehr._18~19p BRACE yourself for a thrill the first time you use Blue Lustre to clean rugs —Coyne Hardware, O'Neill. 18c MACHINERY 400 with wide front 1948 MP Farmall 1947 Farmall H 1941 Farmall M 1941 Farmall H 2-14 J-D plow 15-ft. disc Tumble bug 10-ft. VanBrundt drdl 4 IHC rye drills IHC com binder Harvey sheller Harvey mill Valley roller mill DOnVtoRGET IHC Field .lay September 5 in Ainsworth. Ask us for details. APPLIANCES SFE US for new RCA. Whirpool Appliances. Also good used ap jScanC.e Gehl - RCA Whirlpool Shelhamer Equip. Co. O'NEILL. NEBR _ FOTSAI.E: Two super deluxe air cushion nylon Pres. 8..JIMS 4-ply. Practically new. Priced $35.00. Elmer Hagen sick, O Neill, Phone 538-R is,f FOR SALE' 1956 Ford Victoria. fully equipped _ Bernard Loren^ O’Neill, phone 18F11. CURTISS CALVES are tattooed for future identification All breed associations must follow this practice It is cheaper to raise vonr own replacements. Your CURTISS technician i* Sin, Gray, phone <70 O N,n7 for SALE: 1951 Tudor Ford-good condition. Bill Murray, O Neill, phone 687. 17-18c Choice W isconsin Dairy Stock FOR SAL.F.! HAVE all ages and types on hand at Fora Knight place, northeast edge of O’Neill. WE WILL HAVE a load of choice Holstein and Guernsey heavy springing heifers, Friday morn l ing. LOU FURTHER information see Fora Knight, O'Neill, or con tact Dayle Hewett, O’Neill, box 533 or ptione 195. 18c Harry R. Smith Imp. Phone 582 O’Neill OORNPICKERS New J.D 227 cornpickers USED PICKERS include J-D 200 226. Oliver single-row. Woods Bros, single-row, Farm Rite two-row. > RACTORS A J-D 18 B J-D H B J-D 1940 A J-D 10 B J-D N) 62 International combine j f-D Tilers M-M i4-ft. grain drill, good con dition Flows, all sizes 5 No 9 IHC trail mowers with hitches No. 24 IHC mower, like new. Mo. 5 J-D mowers PLYMOUTH AND JDD BINDER TWINE CAN get the money the same day you borrow It from me R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 3tf Combine Bargains! 1 1958 No. 92 Self-propelled 14-ft. cut. 1 1956 No. G Pull type with motor, 8-ft. cut. 1 1952 No. 27 Self-propelled. 14-ft cut. Pickups for all if wanted New Deal Oil Co. O’Neill, Nebr. 18-19c SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% lnt.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone. -Contois Motor Co. Neligh. 30tf See us today for— New 2-row pull-type compickers MM & New Idea (in transit) Wm. Krotter Co. O’Neill - Spencer - Stuart 18tf ALL KINDS of light trucking any time.—Roy Shull, O’Neill, phone 517-J. 18-20p85c Mobile Trailer Homes BE SURE and see our Trailers and prices and terms before you buy. We trade for furniture or Automobiles or anything mov able. Up to 5 yrs. on unpaid bal ances. We deliver any place. New 59 Travel Trailer _ $745 New 59 36-ft.-8-wide _$2995 New 59 42-ft.-8-wide .. $3595 New 59 30-ft.-10-wide _ . $3045 New 59 36-ft.-10-wide $3495 New 59 46-ft.-10-wide .. $3995 New 59 50-ft.-10-wide $4495 | LARGE STOCK of Used Trailers in various sizes and prices. IF WE do not offer you a better deal than anyone else we will not expect you to deal with us. Tell us what you can do and we will try and deal with you. Open Evenings & Sundays Miller Trailer Sales Phone 460 Albion, Nebr. 15tf FOR SALE: Terriflex vinyl tile, i Now carried in stock. Select j your color.-—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. 47ctf SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolis $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks. north of traffic light. Everett Gorgan, Ph. 164, O'Neill._51 tf ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES WE REPAIR all makes We un der sell anybody in price and outsell anybody in quality O'NEILL NEBR. PH. 269 52tl ROOM AND BOARD for high school girl. Private room near bath and all meals in exchange for baby sitting and light house work after school. -Mrs. Dwight Worcester, phone 530, O'Neill. 18-19c for DITCH DIGGING service sewers, water service or foot ings—See. O. E Davidson Phone 126, O’Neill 47tt FARM LOANS —R H Parker. 3tf FOR SALE: Aeromotor windmills, towers. Stock tanks, all sixes pressure systems —Clifford So botka. Inman, phone 435. 52tf SPRINKLER I IRRIGATION SEE US or write us if interested in Sprinkler Irrigation. We will be glad to figure your system for you, with the help of qual ified irrigation engineers, at no obligation. Wm. Krotter Co. O’NEILL, NEBR. WANTED WANTED I.'ly to earn for chil dren during the day,—Mrs. Irene Sanders Write Box 561, O'Neill, 17-18p HELP WANTED: Partime check iHit and stock lady Experienc pre ferred. 11 rOO a.m to 1:30 p.m., then 1:00 p.m. t fi '50 pm.. Mon day through Friday. aD day Sat urday, every other Sunday morn ing. 8.00 a.m to 12:00 p.m 4 th Street Market. 18c MONEY TO LOAN on farms, 'ranches and town residential property.—The O'Neill Company, Virgil Laursen, O'Neill, phone 434, 13tf Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 TNeUl WANTED DRY CIEANTNG OF ALL KINDS! IDEAL CLEANERS Phone 775- W for Pi el up and Delivery! 47ctf COMPLETE AERIAL spraying and dusting service Custom seed harvesting and a complete line of chemicals for sale All work 100% guaranteed Bruce Fletcher or Ed Butterfield. Or chard, Nebr., phone TW 3-3686 3tf. DO YOU want to borrow money on your City Property or on your F'arm or on your Ranch? I have Eastern Money and I have private money to loan.— j See R. H. Parker, O’Neill Nebr. 3tf CROP SPRAYING CALL 582R2 OR COME IN AND SEE US. O’Neill Flying Service 7tf $1000 MONTHLY reported Selling fire proofed Safes to farmers. Home Owners. Full, part time. HAMILTON SAFE OO., Be loit, Wisconsin. 18p IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thor in, agt O’Neill, Nebr. 34tf WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockman, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair. — Write Box 562, phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL CO., O’Neill 3 hlks W & 3Mt blks N stoplight lltf FOR RENT FDR RENT: About September 6 furnished upstair 4-room apart- j ment. Also 3-room basement ■ apartment. Heat and hot water furnished. — Marie L. Crook. 129 E. Clay st., phone 388-J, j O’Neill. 18-20o FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — [ Phone 537, O’Neill 16tf FOR RENT: A house, 3-rooms and bath.—Call phone 537, O’ Neill. 8tf FOR RENT: Apartment, all fur nished with stove and refrigera tor, four rooms and bath. Pric ed reasonably low. Hot and cold water.—Call 547-R, or see 129 W. Fremont. 18c FDR RENT: Nice room—block from school.—224 E Adams St., O’Neill. 17-18c FOR RENT: Nice three-room un furnished basement apartment! with shower and laundary. Close ] to school. $25.00 per mo.—Roy Shull, ph. 517-J, O’Neill. 18-19p70 FDR RENT: Storage space. — Phone 565. O’Neill. 37tf FOR RENT: Modem apartment. —A E. Bowen, 705 E. Douglas, O'Neill, phone 515. 12tf FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms with outside entrance. Close in. — j Mrs Ada Spangler, O'Neill 18-19p60 FOR RENT: All modem 2-bed room house, close in Lawrence Jonas, O'Neill, 115 West Clay! st. 18-19p60 FOR RENT: Two bedroom house, close in Phone 376. O'Neill. 18-19p60 HOUSE FOR RENT: Inquire 1 Pete Petersen, O’Neill, phont 49-W. 18tf , LOST & FOUND LOST: At the Old Settlers’ picnic a gold 23-jewel Bulova wrist watch. $10 reward.—Phone Ellen 5 Havranek at 330-W, O'Neill. 18c METHODIST (Chamber-Amelia) Rev. Charles F. Cox, pastor CHAMBERS Sunday, August 31: Church school, 10 a.m.: worship, 11 a.m. Monday, September 1: Inter mediate choir rehearsal, 8 p.m.; MYF intermediate group, 8:30 p.m. College Hound— Jim Coker, son of Mrs. Abbu Coker, left Sunday for the Univer sity of Wichita, Wichita, Kans. MISCELLANEOUS L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Ha'f Block East of Texaco Station TynM f7T\C, ,r all kinds of t immobile, truck and tractor r niir Arr-rvlene w-ddin? 'AWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson - Reo Clinton. DRAGLINE WORK! Sewer Drainane Dam Work Basement Excavation and Road Work! E. J. (Skip) Shane ATKTNSON. NEBR 51-30 FOR REASON ART E prices trv LOIS FERN BEAUTY SHOPPE ■ pm office Can serve you days or evenings hy appoint merit or without. 10-19pd NEED MONEY? WHEN YOU need money for any purpose, see Virgil Iviursen at the O'Neill Loan Co., O'Neill, phone 434. 13tf Wick’s Body Shop Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Hass Installed—Towing Service Phone 2UW O'NEILL — for Any Job 25tf CARDS of THANKS WE SINCERELY thank every one for their prayers, cards and flowers and their kindness, with a special thank vou to the Ray M a "wire family, during the ill ness and death of our loved one. Mrs. Lyle Butler and Patty, Mr. and Mrs. Rav Butler of Ewmg, Lt -Col. and Mrs. E. !>• McDonald of Ft. Benning, Ga__ 18c I WTSH to thank my relatives, friends and neighbors for their prayers \ isits cards and flow- I ers while I was in St. Anthony’s ' hospital and at home. A spe-! cial thanks to Father Kueera, I Dr. Wilson and Waters, and the! nurses for their care. They! were greatly appreciated. —1 MRS. LEO VANDERSNICK. Ewing._ I8p WE TAKE THIS opportunity to express our thanks to all who were so kind in many ways at the time of the illness and death of our wife and mother. Espec ially do we thank those who of fered spiritual bouquets and flowers THE LEO BROWN FAMILY. 18p5T | REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Dwelling, 2 lots, all modern 5-room with bath. 3 bedrooms, gas heat, sewer and water, for quick sale bargin, owner leaving town $6,000.00.— P. C. Donohoe, O’Neill. 13tf HOUSE TOR SALE OR RENT All modern, 3 bedrooms, cor ner lot.—Phone 558-J, O’Neill. 16-19p FOR SALE: 4-room house and other out buildings on 2% lots. —Minnie Sanders, O’Neill, box 566. 14tf. FOR SALE: 3 bedroom home in Northheights, $9750. — K i e t h Abart, O’Neill 52tf AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THOR1N Farm Sales a Speciality Phone 207 — O'Neil] Study Sewer Needs for Town of Orchard— ORCAHRD An engineering re port to the village of Orchard, in volving a proposed sanitary sewer system and treatment facilities, has been made by the consulting engineering firm of Kirkham, Michael and Associates of Omaha, Rapid City, S.D., and Fargo, N.D. Orchard has no sewer system at the present time. The engineer ing report listed the needed facili ties at estimated costs ranging from $100,000 to $140,000, depend ing upon the option selected. Mr. and Mrs, James Tangeman of Osceola arrived Saturday to visit her mother. Mrs, Austin Hynes. All were Sunday dinner guests at the Don Hynes home in the country. I Dr. Donald E, David OPTOMETRIST Eves Examined Glasses Fitted Phone 2101 Spencer Ponton Insurance Insurance of All Kinds and Bonds FTORFNCE PONTON, Prop Phone 106 Golden Bldg. ^t Paul Shierk INSURANCE AGENCY O’NEILL, NEBR, Insurance of Ail Kinds Church Notices 9 ETHt >1HST (Page-Inman) Lisle E. Mew maw pastor I AGE Labor Sunday, August 31: Sun i> •« hoi. 10 am.: worship. It | to.; special evening service, 8 I om. for reports on the MYK >ur of Methodist institutions v eryone is cordially inv ited to i ttend this st'ecial service. Labor day, September 1: Page nual community day uesday, September 2: King s , Daughters meeting. 8 p.m, Thursday. September 4: Worn-[ an s Society of Christian Service meeting, 2 p.m. INMAN Thursday. August 29 (today): Woman’s Society of Christian Ser vice meeting 2:30 p.m., in the Vaden Kivett home. Labor Sunday, August 31: Sun day school, 8:45 a.m.; worship. 9:45 a.m. Wedesday, September 3: Choir practice, 8 p.m. and MYF. FOR BOTH CHURCHES Wednesday, September 3: Mid week prayer hour, 9 a.m. Read Ephesians 4:25-32 METHODIST (O’Neill Emmet) Rev. Glenn Kennicott, pastor O'NEILL Thursday August 28 (today): Church board, 8 p m Friday, August 29: Dorcas, 8 p.m. Saturday, August 30: Junior choir, 10:30 a.m. Sunday August 31: Worship, 8:30 and 11 p.m. Last Sunday for the 8:30 service.) Sunday school. 9:15 a.m. Tuesday, September 2: Adult fellowship, 8 at the church. Wednesday. September 3: Sen ior choir, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, September 4: Prayer circle, 10 a.m., at the Claude Bates home r- ivi m n, 1 — Sunday, August 31: Worship ant’ children’s Sunday school. 9:30 a.m.; adult Sunday school, 10:30 a.m. I'NITED PRESBYTERIAN (Ewing) Dr. William H. Ross pastor Saturday. August 30: Choir, prtactice, 8:30 p.m. Sunday, August 31: Bible school, 10 a.m.; Sermon, “Prepare to Meet Thy God.” 11 a.m. Youth Missionary society, 7 p m., Mrs. Vearl Tuttle, sponsor; Junior fel lowship, 7 p.m., Mrs. Ralph Shrader, sponsor; singspiration, 8 p.m., sermon "Mockers and Their Destiny.” Wednesday, September 3: Pray er and bible study. 8:30 pm., a study of Romans 2, Mrs. Ross, leader. Friday, September 5. Forum 8:30 p.m. CENTER I NION (O’Neill) Rev. C. P. Turner, pastor Sunday, August 31: Sunday school. 10 a.m.; preaching service, 11 a.m.: young peoples meeting, 8 p.m., with preaching service fol-' lowing. Wednesday, September 3: Pray meeting in the church, 8 pm. Rev. C. S. Dewey, missionary from India will be a guest and h<>\v his work in colored slides and picture. BlJRWELLr Tim McCarthy of Burwell was injured last week in . ,:l tractor accident. He was taken; ii Ihe Burwell hospital, suffering J numerous cuts and bruises. He suffered no broken iKines. SEE Bankerslifeman— Ernie Brinkman IN ATKINSON About an income for life MNKOU^^COMPANY SCS MOIMIS. IOWA Homogenized Pasteurized MILK 2 QTS.-35c ALSO RAW MILK PEROT.._16c Af*er being In business for nearly a year, my best recom mendation is a long list of satisfied customers. >fy low price Is the result of the lower operating costs of a local business, such as the following: 1. No expensive long distance transportation from some distant city. 2. Less spoilage. Due to the fact that my milk is produced near O’Neill and processed in O'Neill instead of some distant city, there is less time lost between producer and consumer. The result is less spoilage for me. I pass the savings on to you the consumer. 3. Other advantages of a local business too numerous to mention. This is NOT an inferior grade milk. It is produced and pro cessed under the supervision of the Nebraska State Dairy In spector. It is the only homogenized milk that is produced and processed in Holt county. WHY PAY MORE? KEEP ALL YOUR MILK MONEY IN’ O’NEILL MAX KIPPLE O’Neill — Box 295 Prices effective September 1 T’tis view of shoppers perusing “stinker »la.v” bargains displayed on sidewalk tables was crowded otii of last week's issue. Mrs. James Fleming anti Miss Mary Fiala are among the bargain hunters.— The Frontier Photo. Granddaughter, 12, Perishes in Okoboji A man and a 12-year-old girl drowned Wednesday August 20. in West Okobji lake, in northern Iowa, when the small boat in which they were riding with two other girls capsized in water 70 feet deep. The double tragedy occurred off Sun set beach. Dead are Harold Mayr, 40, of | Harlan, la., an Iowa state tax commission employee, and Cheri Markham, one of six children of Dr. and Mrs. William Markham of Harlan. Cheri is the granddaughter of Mrs. Augusta McPharlan of O' Neill. Mayr’s daughter, Patsy. 14, and a girl friend, Janette Noble, 12, al so of Harlan, clung to the overturn ed lx>at until they were rescued. Sheriff Ike Kissiger said the four were riding in a 10-ft. boat pow ered by a 25-hp motor and driven by Mayr. He said a combination of speed, wind and two-foot waves on the lake caused the boat to over turn. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gilligan went to Harlan Saturday to attend Cheri’s funeral services. Mrs. Mc Pharlan, 85, was unable to make the trip. Weekend Guests — Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wray were Bill Hen dershot of Kilgore and George Stewart of Johnstown. Jerry and Dick Wray, who had been visit ing Mr. Hendershot for a week, returned with him. Return from Wisconsin — Mr. and Mrs. Edward Campbell returned Monday from Green Bay, Wise., where they had at tended the wedding of their son, Edward. Be sure to see The ROY ROGERS Show Starring tha King of the Cowboys with Dale Evans and the entire crew SIX SHOWS—AUG. 30-SEPT. 2 ★ * * h Andrews Sisters —The Mariners and 5th Avenue Fantasies Wed.-Thurs. nites—Sept. 3-4 ★ ★ ★ tt PLUS Auto races and thrill show; water show; free radio, TV shows r NEBRASKA'S BEST In agriculture and Industry on display AUG. 30-SEPT. 5 at LINCOLN EWING Little Johnnie Steskal son of Mr. and Mrs, John Steskal, jr , has had the cast removed from his leg. About a month ago he had the misfortune to break his leg while playing. Marvin Miller and sons, John and Tommy, returned Saturday from a few days' camping trip to the Black Hills. CHAMBERS Albert Ritter bush was taken by ambulance to St. Anthony's hospital following an attack Thursday evening. FRIDAY-SATURDAY AUGUST 28SO DOUBLE FEATURE Stewart Granger and Deborah Kerr in “K1N<; SOLOMON’S MINES" PLUS — Lassie In “THE PAINTED HILDS" — CARTOON SI N. >!ON. TI ES. AUG. Mi SEPT. 1-2 | QUN-CRASHINQ DRAMA FILMED IN COLOR! ROBERT. RICHARD THE TAYLOR WIDMARK AW ^3 AND JAKE wade} WEDNESDAY THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 3-4 “CRY TERROR” with James Mason, Rod Steiger and Inger Stevens Here’s a Back-to-School Suggestion: MdNTOSHES ' | I u