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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1958)
FOR SALE Thiele’s Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle on hand at all times. Wiscon sin bred, fresh and heavy springers, first and second calf heifers. Arnold Thiele 2 M* miles southwest of Clear water, Phone 17 on 12 tf FOR SALE: Registered meat type Hampshire boars from lit ter of fourteen—Jim Corkle, Jr., O’Neill. 14-17p FOR SALE: Apartment size E refrigerator. Phone 420-W, O’ Neill. 15c Cash In on These Savings! MAGIC CHEF comb, wood-gas range, excellent condition, spe cial low price. 40-GAL. elec, hot water heater, excellent condition, marked for quick sale. APr. SIZE gas range, new, special closeout price! Coast-to-Coast O’NEILL FOR SALE: Apples.—Woidneck Ranch, 1V< miles west of Mid way. 14-15p60 Mobile Trailer Homes RE SURE and see our Trailers and prices and terms before you buy. We trade for furniture or Automobiles or anything mov able. Up to 5 yrs. on unpaid bal ances. We deliver any place. New 59 Travel Trailer $745 New 59 36-ft.-8-wide $2995 New 59 42-ft. -8-wide $3595 New 59 30-ft.-10-wide $3045 New 59 36-ft.-10-wide $3495 New 59 46-ft .-10-wide $3995 New 59 50-ft -10-wide $4495 LARGE STOCK of Used Trailers in various sizes and prices. IF WE do not offer you a better deal than anyone else we will not expect you to deal with us. Tell us what you can do and we will try and deal with you. Open Evenings & Sundays Miller Trailer Sales Phone 460 Albion, Nebr. 15tf Some of the Good Used Equipment Bargains! 1946 H Farmall 1947 H Farmall 1942 H Farmall 1942 M Farmall 8—Farmall B’s, ranging from 1945 to '49, good haying tractors 2—1947 A Farmalls 1938 F-20 Farmall 8—IHC No. 9 trail mowers 6—No. 27 power mowers PICKUPS «t TRUCKS 1958 2-ton 162, complete with new box 1956 GMC, 20,000 actual miles 1954 International tt-ton 1956 4-whee 1-drive International, brand new tires SEVERAL GOOD late model cheaper pickups. Storjohann Equip. Co. BURWELL “Lowest prices in USA” PARTS & EQUIPMENT FOR SALE OR LEASE: Four lane bowling alley and lunch counter. Reason other busi ness.—C. J. Brooke, Atkinson 15-18c FOR SALE: Few hundred pounds Cossack alfalfa seed, state tested. — Phil Allendorfer, O’ Neill. _ 1^-16c FATHER'S lounge chair a bil dingy? Clean it with new Blue Lustre. — Coyne’s Hardware, O'Neill._ MACHINERY 27-ft. J-D elevator Case pickup baler IHC 12-ft. rakes Dearborn side rake 10-ft. VanBrundt drill 2-16 plow J. D. Harvey sheller Harvey mill Bale loader 1941 Farmall M 1947 Farmall H 1941 Farmall H Farmall Regular W4 International Valley roller mill __« . r , nrvmr TUr’ t *»n atrvrc ** * APPLIANCES RCA WHIRLPOOL, the leading brand. GOOD USED automatic washers Some good used conventions washers. Shelhamer Equip. Co. O’NEILL, NEBR. IHC - Gehl — RCA Whirlpool For Sale TOP PRODUCING Wisconsin ant Minnesota bred, fresh anc heavy springers at all times. Vi mile south of Ewing Rudie Juracek ii-22( FOR SALE: FYigidaire. 30 incl electric range.—Leo. Brill O' Neill, phone 636. 15p3! FOR SALE: Top quality Holstein Guernsey and Brown Swis: heifer calves at the place oi delivered on approval. Calves 01 hand nearly all times. Als< some good first calf heavn springers.—Gerald ©Connor, miles north, 5 miles east of At kinson. -UK Perfection milking machine, 2 units, complete with air compressor and 50-ft, pipe Une, used 2 yrs.—Julius Gruhn, 804 E, Benton, phone 102, O' Neill. 13-14c FOR SALEL Black trunk, 40x20x22 high. good condition.—Phone 43.VJ. 15tf Twine For Sale CARLOAD of baler twine. Lowest prices in Nebraska. New Deal Oil Co. O'Neill, Nebr. 7tfc FOR SALE: Canning apples. $1 50 per bu.; sweet com, 35c per dozen; fat roasting hens, $1 each — Mrs. Leon Beckwith, Emmet 14-16c Surge Dairy Equipment COMPLETE line of parts -Dill ion Sales & Service, Long Pine, phone 2127, or Harvey Tomp kins, Inman. 9tf TOR SALE: Beer equipment, to be moved. Reasonable Modem location available in O’Neill.— Ralph McElvain, O'Neill. 29tf E'OR SALE OR TRADE: 100-ft. I thresher drive belt, 7-inches wide, almost new'. — Charles Kirkland, Atkinson, phone 7033. 15p E’OR SALE: Aeromotor windmills, towers. Stock tanks, all sizes, pressure systems—Clifford So botka, Inman, phone 435. 52tf. YOU CAN get the money the same day you borrow It from me— R H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 3tf. Better Cattle — Better Living TAKE more of the doubt and chance from your dairy future by breeding to CURTISS sires of proven background. — Call 470, Duane Gray, O’Neill. 7tf SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SEE US or write us if Interested in Sprinkler Irrigation. We will be glad to figure your system for you, with the help of qual ified irrigation engineers, at no obligation. Wm. Krotter Co. O’NEILL, NEBR. •‘Dealers in A-M Sprinkler Irrigation’' FOR SALE: Crested Wheat grass seed, 12c per lb.—Corkle’s, Inc., O'Neil. 14-17p Harry R. Smith Imp. Phone 562 O’Neill TRACTORS '48 A J-D '48 B J-D '46 A J-D ’44 B J-D '40 B J-D No. 62 International combine J-D Tilers M-M 14-ft. grain drill, good con dition Plows, all sizes 5—No. 9 IHC trail mowers with hitches No. 5 J-D mowers PLYMOUTH AND JDD BINDER TWINE TAVERN and lunch counter—one of the best equipped in North east Nebraska. Population 1,050. Write P O Box 462, Wakefield, Nebr. 14-15c FOR SALE: A late 1957 Singer Sewing Machine to be sold in this area to close account, with a buttonholer and a new guar antee. Buy it for 6 payments of $6 85 each.—Write Credit Manag er, Box 123, Lincoln, Nebraska 14-15c SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolis $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks. north of traffic light. Everett Gorgan, Ph. 164, O’Neill.5irf ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES WE REPAIR all makes. We un dersell anybody In price and outsell anybody in quality. O’NEILL, NEBR. PH. 269 52tf SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int., up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone. -^Contois Motor Co. Neligh. 30tf FOR SALE: Four months old fully automatic Sewing Machine does not need attachments to sew on buttonholes and fancy designs. Small balance or will ‘ discount for cash. — Write Cre ' dit Manager, Box 123, Lincoln, Nebraska. 14-15c FOR DITCH DIGGING service sewers. water service or foot ings—See. O. E Davidson. Phone 126. O'Neill. _ 47tf FOR SALE: A John Deere 22-A | wire tie bailer, used very' little. Good shape.—E. H. Wenke, j Spencer. 15-16c DO YOU want to borrow money on your City Property or on your Farm or on your Ranch? I have Eastern Money and I have private money to loan.— See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 3tf WANTED $325 Per Month Guaranteed Plus Bonus ONE of the fastest Progressing companies in its field win have a representative interviewing men who hold the following QUAI JEICATIONS 1. Over 19 years old. 2. Own automobile in good condition 3. Willing to travel Monday through Friday; home every weekend. 4 High school education. 5 Aggressive and sincere. No experience necessary; thor ough training is given by the com pany. Apply in Person Only to: Mr. McIntyre Golden Hotel Wednesday, August 13 6 to 8 p. m. 14-15c WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair. — Write Box 562, phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL CO., O'Neill 3 blks W & 3 Ms blks N stoplight 11 tf WANTED: Single or married man. ' Year around farm work.—H. W. Barger. Wausa, Nebr., phone Bloomfield 4F31. 14-16pl.00 Reliable Party MUST BE capable to operate and manage a business. Work con sists of servicing route of cigar ette machines. No selling. Full or part time. Route established for operator. At least $1,125.00 to $2,250 00 cash investment re quired. This is a very profitable business of your own that can be started on a small scale and be built up to a very large pro fit annually. Write, giving phone number to Automatic Merchan disers, Inc., 210 South Fifth Street, Minneapolis 2, Minn. 15p FARM LOANS.—R. H. Parker. 3tf WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockman, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf WANTED!!! UP TO 40,000 Bu. Oats Will pay 50c per bu. for 36-lb oats or over, delivered to Peter son ranch on Highway 11, 16 miles south of Atkinson. Tested scales at ranch. — Charley W. Peterson, Atkinson. 13-15c WANTED DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! IDEAL CLEANERS Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctf t COMPLETE AERIAL spraying and dusting service. Custom seed harvesting and a complete line of chemicals tor sale. AH work 100% guaranteed.—Bruce Fletcher or Ed Butterfield, Or chard, Nebr., phone TW 3-3686. 3tf. OPPORTUNITY Man or Woman RESPONSIBLE person from this area, to service and collect from automatic dispensers. No sell ing. Age not essential. Car, ref erences, and a small invest ment necessary. 7 to 12 hours weekly nets excellent monthly income. Possibility fulltime work. For local interview give phone and particulars. Write P.O. Box 146, Minneapolis 40, Minn. 15pd WANTED: A player piano in good working condition. — Call 99-J in Ewing. 15-16p60 REAL ESTATE For Sale or Rent! NEARLY new 2 bedroom modem home, full basement, natural gas furnace, close to schools. Available September 1, 1958. Harry E. Ressel O’Neill 15tf FOR SALE: 4-room house and other out buildings on 2Vz lots. —Minnie Sanders, O'Neill, box 566. 14tf. FOR SALE: 3 bedroom home In Northheights, $9750. — K i e t h Abart. O’Neill _52tf FOR SALE: Dwelling, 2 lots, all modem 5-room with bath, 3 bedrooms, gas heat, sewer and water, for quick sale bargin, owner leaving town, $6,000.00.— P. C. Donohoe, O’Neill. 13tf Business Building Lots for Sale LOTS 10 & 11, back 13 original town of O’Neill, 45 ft. each. LOT 13, block 14, original town of O’Neill 45 ft. NORTH 85 ft., lot 14-15-16, block 25, original town of O’Neill. RESIDENTIAL LOTS 6 & 7, block 1, Fahy's park addition, 45 ft. each, O’Neill. Virgil L. Laursen Phone 434 O’Neill Neb. \V\NTED TO RENT: A good farm for next year. Prefei close to school.—Write box B ir c/o The Frontier. 15-16p MISCELLANEOUS L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPKCIAIJZTNG in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair Acetylene Welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson — Reo —Clinton. CROP SPRAYING CALL 582R2 OR COME IN AND SEE US. O’Neill Flying Service 7tf NEED MONEY? WHEN YOU need money for any purpose, see Virgil Laur^en at the O'Neill Loan Co., O’Neill, phone 434. 13tf WILL DO either washing or iron ing in my home.—Cali phone 351-R. O'Neill. 14p25 DRAGLINE^ WORK! Sewer Drainage, Dam Work Basement Excavation and Road Work! E. J. (Skip) Shane ATKINSON, NEBR 51-20 Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill Wick’s Body Shop Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W — O’NEILL — for Any Job 25tf FOR SALE: Terriflex vinyl tile. Now carried in stock. Select your color—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. 47ctf MONEY TO LOAN on farms, ranches and town residential property.—The O’Neill Company, Virgil Laursen, O’Neill, phone 434. 13tf. IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt, O’Neill, Nebr. 34tf AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THORIN Farm Sales a Speciality Phone 207 — O’Neill HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO 1. Be your own boss 2. Make to $10,000 and more yearly 3. Have your own business 4. Get Free Life Insurance. ALL you need is ambition, a good running car, and three good personal references. For inter view write, Marvin Greenland, Arcadia, Nebraska. 15 & 17pd FOR RENT FOR RENT: Three room unfur nished basement apartment with shower and wash room. $25.00 per mo. -Call 517-J, Roy Shull, O’Neill. 16-16p FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537, O’Neill. 16tf FOR RENT: A house, .Vrooms and bath.—Call phone 537, O’ Neill. 8tf FOR RENT: Two bedroom mod em home.—See Ponton Agency, O’Neill. 15c FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment, 4 rooms and bath, heat ed, close in.—Elmer Hagensick, O’Neill, phone 556-R. 34tf FOR RENT: Storage space. — Phone 565, O’Neill. 37tf FOR RENT: Modem apartment. —A. E. Bowen, 705 E. Douglas, O’Neill, phone 515. 12tf FOR RENT: Building for shop or storage—J. F. Contois O’ Nelll. phone 368 49tf FOR RENT: Meadow Grove hatchery at a real bargain to the right party. Hatching flocks ready for the 1959 season. Have a wonderful business built up in the 31 years of continuous operation. Reason for renting: Wanting to retire. If interested contact the Meadow Grove Hatchery, Meadow Grove, Neb. 15-17c LOST & FOUND LOST, STRAYED or STOLEN: Old black and tan coon hound, wearing collar and light chain. —Sanders Bros., O’Neill or In man. 14-15p60 STRAYED: WMteface heifer, a bout ltfc-yrs-old, strayed from my pasture in mid July. Lazy H on left hip.—Joe Prichett. Op portunity rte., O’Neill. 15-16p70 Visitors Here — Mrs. D. B Marcellus and Mrs. Carroll Marcellus, both of Stuart, visited at the M. B. Marcellus home Friday. CARDS of ThANKS WE WISH to thank all for their expressh*ns of sympathy and! kindness during the illness and at the time of the death of our j beloved mother A special thank : you to American Legion Post j 214 and the auxiliary of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cunning-! ham. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pier son and Mrs. Edd Howard and families. 15pd I Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY'S (O'Neill) Admissions: July 30 Mrs Roy Hansen of Page; 31 Mrs. C A VanValkenhorg of Ewing, A. Ross Vorce of O'Neill; August 1 Mrs. Richard Clark of O'Neill, Mrs. Raymond Klahenes of Chamhers. Mrs. Frank Tomjack of Ewing. ; Thomas Wr. Schoberg of O'Neill. | Mrs. Leo Vandersnick of Ewing; i 2 Mrs. Hubert Kohle of Stuart; | 3 Mrs. Martin T. Pofahl of Ew ing, Mrs. Duane C. Miller of Em met : 4 Mrs. Norman Trowbridge of Page, Theresa Watson of O' Neill, Hiram Hubbard of Cham-1 hers. Frank H. Murray of O'Neill; 5 Thomas Kayl of Spencer, Miss Bette Kinnaley of O’Neill; 6 — Mrs J. C. Kamphnus of Redltird. Dismissals: July 30 Jonathan Lambert. Chambers, Mrs. Robert Bean of O'Neill. Baby Girl Bean of O’Neill, Neal Chase of Sheldon, la.; 31 Mrs. George WTnker of Emmet; August 1 Al Ross Vorce of O'Neill (expired!, Mark Salak of Mullen, Mrs. Robert DeVoy of O'Neill, Joseph Hambek of Bris tow. Mrs. Bernard Schmitz of O’ Neill, Mrs. Donald Fox of Bas sett, Baby Boy Fox of Bassett, Mrs. John Simpson of Kansas City; 2—Edward M. Gallagher of O’Neill, Mrs. Rex Stowell of O'Neil, Baby Girl Stowell of O' Neill; 3 Margaret McManus of O’Neill; 4 Mrs. Frank Tomjack of Ewing, Baby Boy Tomjack of Ewing; Mrs. Raymond Klabcnes of Chamhers, Baby Boy Klahenes of Chambers, Mrs. Richard Clark of O'Neill, Baby Boy Clark of O' Neill; 5- Mrs. Roy Hansen of Page, Mrs. Duane C. Miller of Emmet; 6—Thomas Karyl of spencer. Hospitalized: Garrett Janzing of Emmet, Mrs. Hubert H. Kohle of Stuart, Mrs. Leo Vandersnick of Ewing, Frank H. Murray of O'Neill, Mrs. Norman Trowbridge of Page, Mrs. J. C. Kamphaus of Redbird, Hiram Hubbard of Chambers, Mrs. Martin Pofahl of Ewing, Mrs. C. A. VanValken borg of Ewing, Mrs. M. V. Lan dreth of Page, Theresa Watson of O’Neill, Mrs. Wilma Daniels of Ewing, Sharon Daniels of Ew ing, Thomas Schoberg of O’Neill, Ambrose Biglin of O’Neill, Peter Nissen of Page, Miss Bette Kin naley of O’Neill, Mrs. Bryan Finch of Orchard. SACKED HEART (Lynch) Hospitalized: Mrs. Donald Allen of Lynch, Mrs. George Classen of Spencer, George Dahlenburg of Butte, Mrs. Carl Gnewuch of Nor folk, Mrs. Catherine Hubby of Butte, Master Kenneth Katzer of Naper, Mrs. Bertha Laudenslager of Spencer, Baby Rosetta Lynn McAllister of Naper, Lewis Nicolls of Pringle, S.D., Mrs. John Quest of Naper, Baby Mary Margaret Salmen of Fairfax, S.D., Baby Ronald Emil Tejral of Spencer, G. W. Tienken of Butte, Master Eddie Weber of Butte, Mrs. Wayne Z'.nk of Najper. Dismissed: Joe Slechta of Lynch, Mrs. Emil Tejral of Spen cer, Mrs. Bertha Horst of Herrick, Baby Maureen Langan of Spen cer, Miss Elizabeth Peklo of Lynch, Mrs. Eddie Mulhair of Lynch, Master Jimmy Fox of O’ Neill, Dwayne Lindgreen of Fair fax, Mrs. Raymond Bentzen of Naper, Emil Micanek of Lynch, Mrs. Arthur Carlson of Spencer, Mrs. Darrel Ludemann of Butte, Mrs. Martha Wells of Spencer. Ewing News Mrs. Idol! Bogard and Mrs. Edith Hickman of Oakland, Ore., and Mrs. Frances Misege of San tiago, Calif., who were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis, left Tuesday. July 29, for their homes. The ladies had been to the East coast to visit rela tives. Mrs. Hickman is a sister of Mr. Davis. Guests recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson were their daughter, Mrs. Allan York, and her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. David Oetter of Seattle, Wash. Later their guests left for Sioux City for a visit with other relatives. METHODIST (Chambers Amelia) Rev. Chares F. Cox, pastor CHAMBERS— Sunday, August 10: Sunday school, 10 a.m., worship 11: a.m., Monday, August 11: Junior MYF meets at 8:30 p.m. with Mrs. Lavem Hoerle and Mrs. Vem Whitaker co-sponsors: Inter mediate choir rehearsal, 8 pm., Mrs. Robertson, director and Mrs. Bernard Hoffman, organist. AMELIA— Sunday, August 10: Worship, 9:30 am.; Sunday-school; 10:30 a.m., Mrs. Vern Sageser, superfn tendent. Thursday, August 14: Choir re hearsal, 8 p m., Marcia Widman. pianist: MYF meets at 8:30 p.m., with Marjorie Winnings, president and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo and Rev. Cox- co-sponsors. MOVE TO COIyORADO Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gehring, former O’Neill residents, have recently sold their home in Cen tral City, Nebr., and have mov ed to Limon, Colo., where Mr. Gehring is associated with John Deere diesel. These two ancient ears stopped briefly in O'N ill Tuesday en route to lt«|»id t'ity, S. I>,, for the third annual antique auto tour of the Black llills. I din Ruggiero of Omaha (left) s|*orts a MIS model T speedster. Sam Arnholi of Wichita, Kans., Is st Hiding beside a M10 IIFS (a product of Stilt*). Ruggiero operates an antique auto museum in Omaha, \rnlioli is vice president of the National Horseless Carriage club. In the Black Hills bound group were It persons In four modern cars. Being drawn were four relics.—The Frontier Photo. Chambers News Mrs. James Newhouse and two sons of Wichita. Kans., and her father, Hardy Johnson of Hold rege, were guests in T. E. New house home Saturday, August 2. The two l)oys remained for a week's visit with their grandpar ents. Mrs. Mary deed observed her 84th birthday anniversary Sunday, August 3, with a dinner in her honor at deed home. Other guests were her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Chet McClonahan. Mrs. James Ringle and small daughter of Omaha are spending three weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Jarman, and brother, Douglas, while her hus band is with the national guards in Minnesota. Carolyn Wintermote, Edith Grimes. Phyllis Fullerton and Mrs. Johon Wintermote drove to Lincoln Friday to take the lat ter’s daugher, Mrs. Ida Howard of California, who had been vis iting here, to the home of her son-in-law and daughter. Sunday guests in the Raymond Beed home were Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kaup and two girls of Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lubken and son of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beed and two sons and Howard Beed of Chambers. Vernon Whitaker and daughter, Danelia, of Chambers, Russell Miner and Ethel Oeltjen, both of O'Neill, went to Bladen Monday tc attend a rodeo. Mr. and Mrs. William Jutte were Sunday dinner guests in tht Walter Jutte ljome. Charles Cox of Ord, Williarr Cox of Lincoln, and their sister Mrs. Kathleen Herden, who is at tending college at Kearney, spen the weekend as guests of theii parents, Rev and Mrs. Cox. A group of friends surprised Glen Aria ms on his hirthdav an niversary Sunday evening, Aug ust 2. The birthday falls nex* week. Present were Mrs. Anns Albers, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shav lik and Pamela, Mr. and Mrs Ralph Adams and Larry, Mr. anc Mrs. H. B. Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs H W. Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. E H. Medcalf and Mr. and Mrs. Johr Honeywell. The guests brought e potluck supper. Mr. and Mrs. William Jutte re ports that their son, Maj. Lloyd Jutte of Omaha, is at the armj 1 reserve school at Camp McCoy i Wise. It 'xs a two weeks school which will close this week. Mrs Ruth Green of Marsland came Monday to visit the Louis Neilson family. Mr. and Mrs 1 Neilson and Mrs. Green drove tc | Park Center, west of Elgin, Tues S day to attend the funeral of s friend, Ernest Kinney. Cpl. Victor Burrell has recently rer< fved his discharge from the I army after serving 28 months ir 1 Germany with the paratroopers | He made 28 jumps. He is at pre i sent with his parents, Mr. and ! Mrs. Ernest Burrell, at Chambers Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walter arc making an addition to the kitcher of. their home in Chambers. Kenneth Weller, superintendent o] of the Chambers school, came horn* Friday, August 1, after spending the summer at Wayne State col lege. Miss Shirley DeHart a summer student at Wayne college, also ar rived home. Hustlers in General Meeting — rAuJL — iVII. diiu lviia. vin Stauffer hosted the members of the Eagle Hustlers 4-H club for the final general meeting of the year, held Saturday, August 2. A lesson on judging was the main interest Roll call was an swered by naming a bad noxious weed or a pasture grass. A question and answer forum was held followed by a discussion on the pre-fair day cattle show al Norfolk, and the dairy show a! Norfolk. A take-in-lunch was served a1 the close of the session, according to Bob Beelaert, reporter. The beef divi^on met at the house of Lynn Grass Friday even | ing. Bob Beeleart called th( meeting to order. Roll call was answered by naming parts of e beef animal. All except one mem her were present. The prefaii j show at Orchard, held Wednesday J August 6, was discussed and si> members decided to show theii animals. Plans for the Holt Conn ty fatr at Chambers were also dis j cussed. Mrs. Grass served re freshments, according to Beck} Beelaert, reporter. Phone us your news—51! County Court July 31 Francis D. Ratliff of Atkinson, speeding? night, fined $100 and $1 costs; officer E. %1 Hastreiter. July 31 John Kan/lor. driver for Don Schott of Chadron, overload on axle, fined $110 and $1 costs; offi cer TX)nald F. Richardson. July 31 Daniel J. Sullivan of Harward, Calif., possession of al cohoic liquor by minor, fined $25 and $1 costs; officer E. M. Ifns treiter. July 31 Virgil G. Kruse of Nor folk Bridge and Construction Co. of Norfolk, excessive length, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer Clifford I L. Kizzire. July 31 Frank Osman of Kene j saw, operating a motor vehicle without a driver's license, fined $10 and $4 costs, officer R. L. Gude. i July 31 Thomas J. Matejcek of Monowi, speeding, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer—Sgt. R. R. Shor ney. August 2 Edward Lovett of Wood I^ake, driving while under tbe influence of intoxicating liquor, fined $100 and $4 costs and opera tor's license suspended for six months; officer R. L. Gude. August 2 Virgil Peak Logan of Loveland, Colo., no trip permit, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer— Donald F. Richardson. August 4 Keith Gibson of Ew ing, resisting an officer, fined $30 and $4 costs, and ordered to pay the doctor’s bill and for new glas ses; officer-Charles Richter. August 4—Joseph Roy Croner, driver for PIE of Chicago, 111., overlength, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer- Clifford L. Kizzire. August 4—Frank H. Elsasser, driver for Beatrice Construction Co., of Beatrice, excessive length, ■ fined $10 and $4 costs; officer— Clifford L. Kizzire. August 4--Joe T. Donovan of Crookston, driving after operotor’s license expired, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer—E. M. Hastreiter. August 4—Douglas I. Chapman I of Mobridge, S. D., permitting minor to operate; fined -10 and $4 costs; officer E. M. Hastrei ter. August 6—Charles A. Scott of Greeley, speeding day, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer—E. M. Has treiter. Rebekahs Plan Family Picnic — Eden Rebekah lodge met Fri day, August 1, with 11 members present. Deritha Moore and Val era Philbrick were hostesses for lunch. Rebekahs and their famines will have a picnic at Ford’s park Fri day, August 8. In case of rain, the affair will be held at the hall. MARRIAGE IJCENSFS Donald E. Bouska, 21, of Atkin son and Miss Patricia Wedige, 17, of Grand Island on August 1. Jerry Lee Wheeler, 20, of O’ Neill and Faye Irene Murray, 18, of O’Neill on August 1. Larry Dwayne Strong, 20, of O’ Neill and Judith Louise Sanders, 18, of O’Neill on August 5. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Calkins and family of Stuart were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jay McConnell and Bobby. A Tuesday guest of Mrs. Rosa Bowers was Mrs. Ray Kaly of Spencer. The weather didn’t have anything over the Hog Market at Verdigre on Monday Both Were Plenty Hot MARKET REPORT: Monday, August 4, 1958 Again we had a good run of hogs on Monday’s sale. Ex treme top rose to $24 00 in a battle of the buyer’s for numbers, Very few butchers weighing over 200 pounds sold helow $23.00. Sows sold from $18.50 to $21.90. Lightweight butchers from $21.00 to $21.50. We had several nice consignments of cattle and all found ready buyers. Make Verdigre Livestock Market your marketing headquar ters. We are sure you will like our service and Prices. Your pat ronage is always appreciated. Big Weekly Hog Auction—Every Monday—11:00 A. M. Cattle Sale Following 1:00 P. M. VERDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET DON JENSEN, Mgr. I Legal Notices (First pub. August 7, 1958) John R. Gallagher. Attorney NOTICE or HEARING OF PETITION FOH FINAL HETTI.EMENT OF XCFOl'NT Estate No. 424A COUNTY COURT OF 1IORT COUNTY. NEBRASKA ESTATE OF CHARLES E. WEEKS. DECEASED. 1’HK STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO A El. CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has lieen filed for final settlement herein, determination if heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of estate and approval of final ac count. and discharge, which \\M1 be for hearing in this court on August 27, 1958, at 10 o’clock A. M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 15-17C Miss Hammond Feted— Miss Mae I). Hammond was guest-of-honor at a series of gath erings during her stay from Fri day until Monday. Saturday a pic nic at the Country club was held for relatives of Miss Hammond. Monday evening Mrs. Ira Moss was hostess to Martez and Delta Dek clubs at the Country club Winners were Mrs. H. J. Eohaus, Mrs. P. B. Brady, Mrs. M. J. Gold en and Miss Hammond. Monday Mrs. Golden was hos tess at a family luncheon for Miss Hammond. Another Grandson Injured— Mr. and Mrs. George Van Every learned that another grandson, John Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller of Norfolk, broke the bflg bone in his leg Friday at a ball game at West Point. After a cast was put on , he returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Van Eveiw are grandparents of George Fuller, 16, O’Neill youth, who is in a cast folowing a crawler-type accident. Members of the State Employ ees Union and their families at tend their annual picnic at Long Pine Sunday. Insurance All kinds Ranch and Farm Loans Hail Insurance on growing crops We Pay Claims — SEE OR CALL — R. F. GASKILL INSURANCE AGY. AL GASKILL, Mgr. Office phone 710 — Re*. 109-J — O'NEILL -