The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 07, 1958, Page 4, Image 4

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    Indiana Family
Arrives This Week
JTTAR—Mr and Mrs Dick
Krifoofz and family of l,aFayette
Ind . are expected this week at
the Ben Miller home for a three
weeks vacation Mrs Keilholz is
the former I/ws Miller. The Mil
ler'* son-in-law and daughter, Mr
and Mrs George Oetter, and fam
ily of California are also expoet
ad this month to spend their va
Other Star News
The Star Get-Together cluh will
aot meet on the regular date,
August 13, hut will have a family
piranc dinner instead of the regu
»r meeting, August 17, at Ford's
park in O’Neill. Each member
is to bring a hanky to exchange
(or roll call. The coffee will be
made at the nark
The Dale Revell family enter
tained the neighbors who assist
ed at their home during Mr. Re
relTs recent illness with a supper
at their home Wednesday even
UE, July 30
Mr and Mrs. Ben Miller, Mr.
tnd Mrs Fred Timmerman, Mr.
u*l Mrs Soren Sorensen, jr., and
family. Mr. and Mrs. Lysle John
son and family, Mr. and Mrs.
EWalt Miller and Alfred Linquist
•ere guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Nels Linquist and fam
ily on Wednesday evening, July
10, to honor Mr. Linguist's birth
day anniversary Piogressive pitch
furnished the entertainment with
Sen Miller and Mrs. Sorensen the
tag!. prize winners. Mr. and Mrs.
Jcfmson were low prize winners
and Ewalt Miller received the
traveling prize. Lunch was serv
ed at the close of the evening.
Mr and Mrs. Wayne Boelter
and Allen had supper with the
Ewalt Miller family Thursday
Mr and Mrs. Art Juracek and
family of Norfolk spent Saturday
•ohmag with relatives.
Mrs Bill Hibbs, Mike and Craig
sailed at the Ewalt Miller home
Sunday forenoon
Miss Ranelda Juracek of Nor
folk is spending this week with
tan cousin. Irma Juracek.
Miss Judy Juracek of Lincoln
spent the weekend with home
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Miller
apent Sunday with the Ewalt Mil
ler family.
Tiie 4-H club of this community
taxi a wiener roast Sunday even
at the Nels Linquist home.
Beauty Salon
Ftioae 565 for appointment
Located across street from
Fouser Report* on
Htocker-Feeder Judging —
The Phoenix live Wires 4-H
club met at the Leo Wabs home
Friday, August 1 Meeting was
iijw-ned with the flag salute and
the 4-H pledge. Roll call was an
swered by naming a favorite pet.
All members were present.
Burt Fouser gave a report on
jurdgtng a stocker-feeder. Judy
i Syfie gave a demonstration bast
. ing.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Hans
j Laurdisen and Leroy. Recreation
' was provided by Jane Wabs, re
porter. A lunch was served by
j Mrs. Leo Wabs.
0 Neill News
Miss Charlene Mahony of St.
i Catherine’s hospital in Omaha
spent the weeeknd with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mr. and Mrs Allen Walters and
I son and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wal
ters visited over the weeeknd with
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Libby in Oma
Arriving today (Thursday)
from Denver, Colo., will be Mrs.
Jim Joplin and son. They will vAsit
her mother, Mrs. James O’Don
nell of Atkinson, and her brother
and wife, Mr and Mrs. A. J. O’
Donnell, and other relatives They
also will attend the wedding Satur
day in Atkinson of Miss Leona
Pettinger of AtkAnson and Sam
Hartz of Boise, Ida.
Ppppnt Hinnt'r cnif^tc nf \fr nnH
Mrs. John N. Schmit were Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Bowden of Es
condido, Calif. Mrs. Bowden, the
former Barbara Riggs of Brocks
burg, was a classmate of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Watson
and family returned from their
vacation. Mr. and Mrs. William W.
McIntosh and sons spent a week
with the Watsons at a cabin at
Gold Lake, Minn. The McIntosh
j family and Mr. Watson returned
Wednesday, July 30. Mr. Watson
had been with his family 10 days.
Mrs. Watson and the children vis
ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.
A. Preston of Wells, Minn., and
other relatives in Des Moines, la.,
before returning Sunday evening.
Twenty [►credit off on all fans
and air conditioners—Scovie’s Wes
tern Auto, O’Neill. 15c
Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Chris McGinn were her daughter
and her husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Ken McDonald of El Cajon, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shoemaker,
jr., and family of Omaha arrived
Tuesday for a two weeks’ vaca
tion with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Shoemaker sr.
Mrs Juliana Kamphaus and
daughter, Miss Mary, took Mike
out to the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Svatos in Amelia to help
with the haying. They and Fran
cis Kamphaus, who had rheumatic
fever, is vacationing with the An
ton Svatos family in Amelia.
, No other home permanent—no beauty shop permanent—can
outlast Cara Nome's with its professional wave lotion and
exclusive "Neutralock” Neutralizer. Buy one at the
CARA NOME SHAMPOOS—Half Price Sale— two luxurious lan
olin-rich shampoos that leave your hair silky-soft and shim
mering. Huge, 12-oz. professional-size bottles at Vi price.
Dandruff Treatment Shampoo, reg. $2.50—Now Just $1.25
OR IJquid Cream Shampoo, reg. $2—Now Just - W
CARA NOME “FAST” SET HAIR SPRAY—Spray before or af
ter pinning, to set curls in seconds. Spray after combing to
keep your coiffure “picture perfect”! No lacquer, no stiff
feel—leaves your hair baby soft.
Big, 14-oz. size—Just 9&-M
! p(><>._Presto! In the time it takes to shampqo, you have
glorious new hair color that lasts for months! 7 true colors.
With peroxide, reg. $1.50—Now Just - M-25
New! Pocket-Size Aerosol
you for instant relief! At the touch of a button this automatic
nebulizer releases a full-srength measured dose of effective
aetMillizer releases a ful-strength measured dose of effective
to carry In your pocket or purse, Rexall’s AERO METER Asth
ma* Spray contains 200 full-strength measured doses.
COMPLETE ----- •4*25
Safe Fly Spray for Dairy Cattle
Now you can give your dairy cattle protection from
the menace of flies and be absolutely certain that no
trace of the spray will be found in the milk. Get greater
production from your cows during the fly season. Get
Dairy Cattle Spray with TABUTREX today at Gilligan
REXAM. Drug.
The next time your doctor finds it necessary to give you or
a. member of your family a prescription, take that prescription
to SUligan REXALL Drug to be filled by one of our PRESCRIP
Gilligan’s Rexall Drug
Ben Gilligan Robert T. Devoy
Phone 87 — O'Neill
Former Inez Store
Operators Make Visit
AMELIA — Mrs Edna McDon
ald of Casper. Wyo., has been
visiting at the Floyd Adams home
the past week
The McDonalds operated the
ixwt office and grocery store at
Inez several years ago.
Other Amelia New*
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Price and
iheir friends, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Budge and three children, all
from Hawaii, visited Mrs. Stella
Sparks from Thursday until Sat
urday. The Budge family left Sat
urday morning enroute to the Yel
lowstone park
Mrs. Doris Baker. Gaylen Fix,
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Fix and sons,
; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sawyer of
Humphrey, Mr. and Mrs Earl
Ward and Mrs. Mary Sawyer of
Bird City, Kans., visited at the
Elmer Fix home Sunday and the
early part of the week. Mrs. Saw
yer is the mother of Mrs. Fix
and Mrs. Ward.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce
drove to Neligh Thursday where
they met their daughter and son
in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Bligh of Omaha, and spent the
day visiting with them.
Paul Johnston of Fremont
came Saturday evening to get
his wife and children, who have
been visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Oscar Peterson, the
past week. They returned to their
home Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Johnston
M'nrn Cnndni' < 1!»-»»-**-»»• ,n mnir, .
Oscar Peterson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Doolit
tle entertained at a family din
ner Sunday in honor of Mr. and
[Mrs. Ted Price of Honolulu, Haw.
Those present, besides the hon
ored guests, were Mr. and Mrs.
Eldon Ballagh and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Bilstein and Dick,
Mr. and Mrs. George Enbody and
i family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Adair
i and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Adair and Allen, and Mrs. Stella
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Smith and
family of North Platte and Mr.
and Mrs. Hamp Smith, Virgina
and Ruth of Chambers were din
ner guests Monday at the home
of their aunt and unele, Mr. and
Mrs. Berl Waldo.
Art Doolittle was surprised on
his lArthday aniversary July 29
when friends and relatives drop
ped in to help him celebrate the
occasion. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Adair, Jerry and
Diane; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peter
son; Mr. and Mrs Ira Lierman;
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lierman; Her
man Lierman; Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Robertson; Mrs. Delia Ernst, Ar
thur Waldman and Pat Kennedy.
Mrs. D. L. Fancher, Virgfc and
Eunice of Ainsworth, Mr. and
Mrs. Link Sageser and Mr. and
Mrs. Vern Sageser were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wid
man and Marcia.
Mrs. Margie Sammons went to
Sioux City, la., Friday morning
to help care for her daugther,
Mrs. Andy Robak, and infant son,
Marvin Porter, who has been
employed at Yellowstone park,
and Sherry Porter of Omaha are
now staying with their father,
Dick Porter.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Everett
visited at Vernon Berrys Tuesday
Mrs. Vern Sageser entertained
toe Garden club Tuesday after
Californians Stop Off
Enroute Home—
CHAMBERS Mr. and Mrs. Os
car Thorin and two children of
Imperial Beach, Calif., were vis
iting relatives and friends at
Chambers Monday, August 4.
They had visited at Neligh. Peters
burg, Valentine, O’Neill and other
places in Nebraska and were en
route home.
The Thorins are former Cham
bers residents.
At Spencer—
Mrs. Roza Bowers and Mrs.
Minnie Higgins were in Spencer
Sunday. Mrs. Higgins visited
friends and Mrs. Bowers attend
ed the ZCBJ lodge picnic at Ft.
Randall. On their return trip they
stopped at Midway to see Mr. and
Mrs. Marion Woidneck.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hovey
and Bobby returned Wednesday
from a few days stay at Lake Ok
oboji. They are on a two weeks
vacation and recently visited Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Kazda and two
children at Winner, S. D., who are
former residents of O'Neill.
Miss Judy Liddy was home
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. L. Liddy, from Lincoln General
hospital for the weekend. Her
houseguest was James McHose of
; Fargo, N. D.
Ward Bond in —
Walt Disney's CINDERELLA in technicolor. CARTOON
SUN. MON.-TUES. AUGUST 10 11-12 j
The Donald Botiska* . . . following: Yellowstone trip they will
reside in Grand Island*—O’Neill Photo Oo.
faculty Changes
at Academy Told
Sister Annella Going
to Holy Rosary
j Registration at St. Mary's acad
emy for senior day students will
take place Monday, August 25;
junior students Tuesday, August
26; sophomore students, Wednes
: day, August 27, and freshmen
I students, Thursday, August 28.
Pupils may register at one of
the following sessions: 9 to 11:30
a.m.; 2:30 to 3 p.m. or 5 to 6 p.m.
Monday, August 25, at 9 a.m.,
all grade school students will re
port to their respective classrooms
for registration. Classes for ele
mentary and high school students
will begin Tuesday, September 2.
Boarders will register Monday,
September 1.
In keeping with current educa
tional trends, both scholastic and
school regulations will be more
rigid this year, according to
Mother M. Agnesine, principal. In
order to clarify this, a meeting
of high school pupils, parents and
faculty will be held Wednesday,
September J at « p.m.
St. Mary’s will have the follow
ing members on its faculty for
the 1958-’59 school year:
Sister Laurita will have the
kindergarten; Sister Brigid and
Mrs. Don Becker will teach the
first grade: Sister Thoma will be
in charge of the second grade;
Sister Genevieve will teach the
third grade; Mrs. Jack Arbuthnot
will teach the fourth grade; Mrs.
Leo Gokie again will have the
fifth grade; Sister Agnes replaces
Sister Patricia for the sixth
grade; Sister Mildred will teach
the seventh and eighth grades.
In the high school, Sister Flor
ence replaces Sister Marina as
ninth grade sponsor; Sister Fides
will be sponsor for the 10th grade;
Sister Mary Michael replaces Sis
ter Constance as the junior (11th
grade) sponsor; Sister Josephine
will again lie sponsor for the sen
iors (12th grade).
Other high school faculty mem
bers are Sister Christiana, Sis
ter Maxine, who is the art in
structor, Sister Mary Claire, Rev.
Robert Duffy, Rev. Karl Kucera,
Don Templemeyer and Miss Claire
Sister Aniceta will continue her
household duties and Sister Afra
will replace Sister Annella, who
will go to Holy Rosary mission.
In the music department will
be Mrs. F. J. Kubitschek as pi
ano teacher and Duane Miller as
band instructor.
Mrs. Gokie, fifth grade teacher,
recently returned from Dana col
lege at Blair where she was work
ing on her degree.
Visit In Lincoln —
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lyons re
cently were in Lincoln with her
brother and his wife, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Calkins.
I'age News
Miss Norma Sorensen returned
io her work as long distance tele
phone operator Wednesday after
several days visit at the home of
her parents, Mr. an I Mrs John
Diane Trowbridge celebrated
her seventh birthday anniversary
with a party at Page park Mon
day afternoon. The following
were guests: Mrs. Morris Black
burn and daughters, Cindy and
Candy, of Bemidji, Minn., Hollice
Wrede of O’Neill, and Janice
Hoiss, David Max, Jerry Crumly,
Vicky Fusselman and Nancy Nis
i sen. Mrs. Trowbridge served
| lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Taylor and
i children of North Platte were
weekend guests of Mr and Mrs.
Lee Taylor. Terry returned to
North Platte Sunday evening but
the family remained for a week’s
Mr. and Mrs,. Llyod Powell and
daughter, Mary Jo, of Alliance
were weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Troshynski, returning
to their home Monday.
Mrs. Hugh McBilde, Pat and
Margo of Miner’s Oak, Calif., were
Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs
Dan Troshynski.
Sunday guests at the Earl
Stevens home for a family get
together Sunday were Mr. and
as an army reservist,
of Bemidji, Minn., Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Stevens and family of Louis
ville, Nebr., and a friend of the
children, Jim Thiesen of Valley,
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Smith of
Neligh, and Mr. and Mrs. Verne
Wrede and family of O’Neill.
Hollice Wrede stayed with her
grandparents for a longer visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Blackburn
and family of Bemidji, Minn., are
spenolng this week at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Stevens. They will then go
to Indianapolis, Ind., where the
family will visit relatives while he
attends camp there for two weeks
Mr anrl Mrc TVTtiir*lr» Rrmicp torn
weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. j
M. G. French, sr. Mrs. Brouse j
attended the shower for her niece
Friday evening at the church, i
They were on their way to Valen
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker and
sons of Titnidad, Colo., Mr. and
Mrs. Cordes Walker and family of
Page and the Anthony Craig fam
ily of Norfolk were Sunday even
ing guests of Mr. and Mrs John
Walker at Norfolk. A no-host
supper was served picnic style.
Mesdames Richard Wood and
Christie and Mrs. Harry Papas
and Renee of Lincoln were Sunday
to Saturday guests in the home of
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. D. Copes, at Page. Mr. and
Mrs. Everette Copes of Ainsworth
were Sunday guests there and
Mrs. Pappas and daughter ac
companied them to Ainsworth for
a few days visit.
Mrs. R. D. Copes entertained a
group of ladies Friday afternoon
honoring her granddaughter, Mrs.
Harry Pappas of Lincoln, and
Mrs. Fred Walker of Trinidad,
Colo. On Friday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Bernie Allen of O’Neill were
supper guests in honor of the
visiting Lincolnites.
Mrs. Calvin Harvey and sons
and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry La mason
were Sunday guests of Mrs. Hes
ter Edmisten.
Mesdames Otto Matschullat and
Melvin Held attended the July
session of the Lutheran Ladies
Aid at Orchard Thursday after
Mrs. Jerome Ruther entertained
a group of children Saturday
afternoon in honor of her daugh
ter, Nadine, who was celebrating
her fourth birthday anniversary.
Becky Knudsen was guest of
honor Friday afternoon on her
seventh birthday anniversary
w'hen her mother treated the
guests to a swimming party at
the O’Neill pool. Guests were
Teri Iskes, Linda Bobby and Ro
lln Wood, Patricia and Nadine
Ruther, Virginia Hall, Brenda
Mudloff, Linda, Vonda and Lurene
Asher and David and George Max.
Lunch was served and Teri lekes
was an overnight guest.
Twin angel food cakes were pro
vided for the 12th birthday anni
versary of the Sorensen twins,
Llyod and Floyd, who entertained
several friends at ice cream and
cake following the Monday even
ing baseball game.
Patricia W edige,
Donald Bouska Are
Wed in Church Rite
(Photo at left).
ATKINSON At 10 o'clock Sat
urday morning, August 2, Miss Pa
tricia Wedige became the bride
of Donald Bouska in a double
ring ceremony.
The beautiful summer wedding
took place at St. Joseph’s Catho
lic church in Atkinson with Rev.
Richard Parr officiating. Richard
Faust and Dan served as al
tar boys.
Assorted floral bouquets of lav
ender and white gladioli decorat
ed the altar.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr and Mrs. George Wedige,
123 West Sixth st., Grand Island.
The bridegroom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Bouska of Atkinson.
The bride approached the al
tar on the arm of her father. She
appeared in a soft flowing floor
length gown of Chantilly lace and
tulle. The fitted Ixvdico of lace
over pure white satin featured a
rounded neckline. The long slee
ves of lace tapered to the tradi
tional bridal points at the wrists.
The voluminous skirt had cas
cades of tulle ruffles completely
encircling (he skirt with a lace
overskirt dropping to points alvout
the skirt. The bridal veil was
held in place by a headed princess
crown. The veil fell to the finger
tips with a lace edge and three
lace hearts across the hack. The
bride carried an orchid on a
white prayer Ixxik with a crystal
rosary, a gift of the bridegroom.
The bride carried out the old tra
dition of something old, some
thing new, something borrowed,
something blue and a penny in
her shoe.
The maid-of-honor was Miss
Dianne Flannigan of Grand
Island. The bridesmaids were the
Misses Brenda Evonne Cole of O’
Neill and Delores Schaaf of At
kinson. They appeared in orchid
waltz-length dresses of nylon chif
fon with a gathered drop w’aist
bodice. They wore white minia
ture veils and white mitts. They
carried white bouquets of mums
which wore arranged so the mid
dle could be removed and wore
as a waist corsage.
The bridegroom was attired in
a white dinner jacket and black
trousers with a white carnation
boutonniere. Duane Jansen of
Pierz, Minn., cousin of the bride
groom, served as bestman. Don
Wedige of Grand Island, brother
of the bride, and Roland Bouska
of Atkinson, brother of the bride
groom, served as groomsmen. All
were attired identically to the
Edward Jansen and Kay Estes,
cousins of the bridegroom, serv
ed as ushers.
Miss Fran Richardson sang
“Ave Maria,’’ “Panis Angelicus,”
and “On This Day.” She was ac
companied by Miss Mary Kay
For her daughter's wedding,
Mrs. Wedige chose a black nylon
dress with white accessories. Mrs.
Bouska wore a navy faille dress
with navy accessories.
A 12 o’clock dinner was served
to the immediate family at Hum
phrey’s Diner. A reception for 125
guests was held at the Knights
of Columbus hall, given by the
bride’s parents with Mrs. Edward
Jansen and Mrs. Ray Estes as
Miss Ruth Cleary presided at
the guestbook. The three-tier wed
ding cake was cut by Mrs. Wes
1-.. _1 If T-l 1 1 T
auu AUIO. AjUWcUU %J a.11
sen poured.
For traveling the bride chose a
a yellow princess style afternoon
dress with white accessories. Fol
lowing a week’s wedding trip
through Yellowstone national park
and the Blackhills, the couple
will be at home at 1904 West
Third st., Grand Island.
Mrs. Bouska attended St. Jo
seph’s hall of Atkinson and Cen
tral Catholic high in Grand Island
for a year and one half. The
bride is a 1958 graduate of Cen
tral Catholic. She is employed as
a stenographer with Handler’s
News Agency of Grand Island.
Mr. Bouska is a 1954 graduate of
St. Joseph’s hall in Atkinson and
is now employed with the Albert
Browning. Fruit Wholesale Co.,
Grand Island.
Among the out-of-town guests
Rev. Father Naughtin, superin
tendent of Central Catholic high
school, Grand Island; Mr. and
Mrs. Kelly Kersten, Mr. and Mr.
Robert Vlack, Roberta, Bill and
Barry, all of Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Wickman,
Mike, Joan, Julie and Jim, Char
les Cole and Cleone, all of O’
Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moel
ler,, Adele and Harold of Don
nellson, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Perlenfein of Bonesteel, S. D.; Mr.
and Mrs. John Prenzlow of Sny
der; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith
of Alda.
Mr. and Mrs. Art. Martin, Mrs.
Stella Cunningham and Mrs.
Hazel Helenbolt, all of Naper;
Mrs. Robert Krotter, Patty and
Bill of Spencer; Mrs. Robert Hoff
man, Bob, Kathy, Dan and Tom
all of Chicago, 111.; Duane, Jeanie,
Arlene and Leonard Jansen of
Pierz, Minn.
Community Day
Planned at Page
PAGE—The Improvement club
met at the club rooms with 12
members and one guest, Lee Ann
Crank, present.
Plans were discussed concern
ing the installation of a sink and
cupboards in the kitchen. Plans
were also commenced for the
community day activities. A
special meeting will be held Mon
day evening, August 25, when
plans will be completed and
committees named. Mesdames
Ray Snell and Evelyn Gray ser
ved lunch.
Supper Guests —
Sunday Mrs. Juliana Kamphaus
and Miss Mary were supper guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stewart of
Page. Miss Mary and James
Stewart will be married Saturday,
September 20.
Letters to Editor
People and I ish
Ewing. Nehr.,
July 29, 1958
How a lx nit equipping me with
one of those underwater pons you
told aliout on the "Voice of The
Frontier" program that your re
porters are using*
If you want to see water, come
out to the upper Clearwater creek
i valley in the Goose lake coun
try Wo have water all over the
place, covering the meadows.
Some water is level with or run
ning over the roads. You can get
all the carp you want. They re
swimming all over Ihe meadows
and around the hay stacks that
stand like islands.
(The above letter was read
on our Wednesday, July 30,
"Voice of The Frontier” pro
gram. WJAG, 7S0 nc, 9:30 a m.
Two days later the following
letter was received and was
rend on the Saturday, August 2,
"Voice of The Frontier" pro
Ewing, Nebr.,
August 1, 1958
Call off the people, please!
We’ve had people, people, peo
ple from as far away as Randolph
trying to catch fish out hear near
Gix»se lake.
There IS water around the hay
stacks and there ARE carp swim
ming around the meadows. But
you can't catch, spear or pitch
fork these carp l>ecause the water
covers 360 acres and in places
is five feet deep. So tell the peo
ple to quit coming because 1 can’t
guarantee fish.
Anyway, it proves you certain
ly have a wide area of listeners
and a lot of them!
Hesther Timmons to
Teach Home Ec.
EWING- Mrs. I lest her Tim
mons, who has taught home econ
mics for the past six years at
Western, Nebr., has signed a
contract to teach this subject in
the Ewing school for the coming
Supt. G. D Ryan reports that
the Ewing public school will begin
on Sepetmber 1. Students will also
register on this date.
! Fell Coon from
Tree for Benefit of
Inexperienced Dog?
ROCK FALLS—Paul Marsh and
Larry Rowe of Stockton, 111., who
were recent overnight guests at
the Floyd Johnson home, went on
a coon hunt with Floyd that night.
When asked if they caught or
“tree-ed” a coon they replied
“the whole coon family”!
However they had shot one
from the tree for the benefit of a
young dog that needed some ex
perience. They had to do this be
tween showers and from the
looks of their clothes when they
returned, there must not have
been enough time between show
The third member of the group,
Ray Williams, spent the night in
O’Neill at the Gordon Johnson
home. He and Gordon served in
the navy in the same outfit.
Other Rock Falls News
Joe and Elwin Grutsch com
bined grain at the James Curran
farm on Thursday afternoon and
Friday forenoon. Francis Curran
also helped out
Sunday dinner and afternon vis
itors at the Leo Snyder home were
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Snyder and
children of Page.
Passes Milestone
in Growing Up
ROCK FAIJLS — Little Dehra
Schultz passed another milestone
Tuesday, July 29, on the way t,
growing up. She had her ' fifth
birthday anni% ersary.
To help her celebrate his
ion were Mrs, Floyd Johnson an
Linda, Mr. and Mrs, Sam Derick
son. Russell and Craig and Mrs
Kathryn Yantzi and grandsons
Joe and Gene Yantzi. Everyone
enjoyed homemade ice ore m
and birthday eake.
Debbie is looking forward t.
going to school tMs year
Other Rock Vails News
Dave Veqirtst of St. Josep:
Mo., visited at the home of l
brother, Henry, from Wednesday
July 30, until Saturday On Thu:
day afternoon he visited at p ,
Floyd Johnson home and on K,
day was a supper guest at the \
bert Widtfelrit family .
Mr. and Hill Yantzi and chi'
ten of Chadron spent the vvoeke
here visiting relatives and in j,
tieular Mrs. Yant/i’s brother
Clayton GokVe, who just return i
from doing his turn in fncU
Sam’s employ. They and Mr
Kathryn Yantai were Sunday . v
ning guests at the Sam Derick
son homo.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Deriekson
and Mr. and Mrs. John Sehulti
went dancing on Saturday night
at the Ash Grove hall.
Mr. and Mrs. George Calkin
were Sunday afternoon and sun
per guests at the home of tlieli
daughter, Mrs. Don Hynes, and
Russell and Craig Deriekson
snent Saturday nieht wllh
grandmother while their parents
went dancing. Gwenda, Trudy and
Debra Schultz spent the night at
the Widtfeldt home.
John Richardson was an exe
rting visitor at the Lyle Vequist
home Tuesday, July 29.
Mrs. Sam Derickson and boys
called at the Don Hynes home
Monday evening.
Friday supper guesis of the A1
bert Widtfeldt family included
Mrs. Kathryn Yantzi, Mrs Sant
Derickson and boys and Dave W
Friday evening guests of the
Floyd Johnson family were Mr.
and Mrs. William Serck and
daughters, Leona, Leah and Linda
of Emmet. The evening was spent
looking at slide pictures taken
around the ranch, followed by
some good listening harmony from
the Serck sisters accompanied by
Linda Johnson on the guitar. Lin
da also did a few numbers In her
own particular style.
Twenty' percent off on all fans
and air conditioners—Mcovle’n Wes
tern Auto, O’Neill. 15c
Mrs. Albert Wicftfeldt, Normea
and Jimmy and Donzel Peterson
were last Thursday evening
guests of Mrs. Ernest Price.
Sunday supper guests of the Al
bert Widtfeldt family were Mr
and Mrs. Ernest Prioe and Mike
London. Evening vistors included
Mrs. Lou Brown, Terry and
and Ricky Dell.
Terry Brown spent the weekend
in Atkinson with his grandmother,
Mrs. Ethel Brown, while the Arlen
Brown family were visiting her
mother in Rawlin, Wyo.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kersenbrock
were Friday evening visitors at
the John Schultz home.
Norman Widtfeldt and Donzel
Peterson were Saturday monring
callers at the Lou Brown home.
The Arlen Brown family and
Mrs. Ethel Brown enjoyed an out
door barbecued supper at the Lou
Brown home on Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and
girls, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derick
son and toys, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Yantzi and children and Mrs.
Kathryn Yantzi had a picnic din
ner on Sunday at Ford’s park in
O’Neill. In the afternoon every
body moved oved to the swimming
pool for a ‘‘cool-off session”.
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