_\\v j't vvV'l»! 1V yV I**•*// Axv kf-JAs !$!*$£ HUE FOR SALE Thiele's Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle on hand at all times. Wiscon sin bred, fresh and heavy springers, first and second calf heifers. Arnold Thiele 2miles southwest of Clear water. Phone 17 on 12 tf T wi ne For Sale CARLOAD of haler twine. Lowest prices in Nebraska. New Deal Oil Co. O’Neill, Nebr. 7tfo FOR SALE: At once, a few choice Registered Hereford females to calve this fall.—S. R. Robertson O'Neill lOtf Used Machinery Farmall MTA 1948 Farmall C 1941 Farmall H overhauled 1942 Farmall M THC 4-row cultivator 1949 Dodge truck reversed for Farmhand IHC mowers, all models HM trail mower hitch A6 Case combine with motor IHC 76 combine, near new Threshing machine, good condition Sweep head Farmall 20 IHC 4-row cultivator APPLIANCES For July 3 and 5 only we will of fer one 12-ft. and one 13-ft. com bination double-door refrigerator freezer for $285.00 and $325.00. First come, first served Shelhamer Equip. Co. O’NEILL. NEBR. IHC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool Better Cattle — Better Living TAKE more of the doubt and chance from your dairy future by breeding to CURTISS sires of proven background. — Call 470, Duane Gray, O'Neill. Ttf FOR SALE: Tractor sweep, can be seen any day except Sun day.—Virgil Hubby, Anncar rte. O’Neill. M2p FOR SALE: Beer eauipment, to be moved. Reasonable. Modern location available in O'Neill.— Ralph McElvain, O’Neill. 29tf FOR SALE: Aeromotor windmills, towers. Stock tanks, all sizes, pressure systems.—Clifford So botka, Inman, phone 435. 52tf. FOR SALE: 1 wheel, all steel trtp trailer —C. E^McVay. 8c Surge Dairy Equipment COMPLETE line of parts.—Dill ion Sales & Service, Long Pine, phone 2127, or Harvey Tomp kins, Inman. 9tf FOR SALE: A good used daven port—Mrs. R. H. Parker, O' Neill. 4tf FOR SALE: 1956 Ford 6-cyl. R&H. clean; take trade ’50-’51. All inquiries answered. — Box 275, Lynch. 8-10pd. FOR SALE; Two rake hitch for J-D tractor, new iron. Has 11 short teeth; 10 ft. J-D power binder, good shape. Will sell reasonable. — Carl Krogh, O' Neill. 15-llpflO FOR SALE: Boat, motor and trailer complete. 15-ft. molded birch plywood runabout. 35 H.P. Johnson motor, 1957 model, with electric starter.—D. H. Bendorf, Butte, Nebr. 10-llc FOR DITCH DIGGING sendee sewers, water service or foot ings-See. O. E Davidson. Phone 126, O’Neill. 47tf Harry R. Smith Imp. Phone 562 O’Neffl TRACTORS— •48 A J-D 48 B J-D 46 A J-D •44 B J-D 40 B J-D 1955 JD self-propelled combine, 12 ft. platform and pickup attach. Massey-Harris 7-ft clipper com bine, with motor, pull-type, a bargain JD 12-ft. windrower tractor cultivators Plows, all sizes No. 5 J-D mowers PLYMOUTH AND JDD BINDER TWINE Stop, Look, Listen! Mobile Homes Large Stock New and Used All Sizes & Models Low Down Pmt.—5 Yrs. on Bal. Special Prices & Deals NEW 1958-45-10-Wide 53995 00 NEW 1958-35-8-Wide 52995 00 NEW 1958 Travel Trailers 5745 00 We Trade for it if Movable Open Evening and Sunday Miller Trailer Sales Phone 460 Albion, Nebr. 8tf FOR SALE: Top quality Holstein, Guernsey and Brown Swiss heifer calves at the place or delivered on approval. Calves on hand nearly all times. Also some good first calf heavy springers. Gerald O’Connor, 8 miles north, 5 miles east of At kinson. 10-15p FOR SALE: After July 15 my four-yr.-old Hereford bull. Zero Zato 112. A one ton bull that sires light colored calves with size and quality.—S. R. Robert son, O’Neill. lOtf COMBINE FOR SALE! 1956 Massey Harris No. 60 Combine PULL TYPE with motor and pickup. Like new. Cut only small acreage. Priced at less than three-fifths new price. New Deal Oil Co. O'Neill, Nebr. _ 10-12c VOU CAN get the money the same day you borrow it from me.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 3tf. FOR SALE: Bam to be moved from school district 15. Bids will be received until July 31.— Anson Closson, secretary, O’ Neill. 10-12p SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SEE US or write us If interested in Sprinkler Irrigation. We will be glad to figure your system for you, with the help of qual ified Irrigation engineers, at no obligation. Wm. Krotter Co. O’NEILL, NEBR. "Dealers in A-M Sprinkler Irrigation" TOR SALE: Registered Hereford bull, 4 years old.-Jesse Lewis, Spencer 10-12p85 FDR SALE: Two-horse tandem trailer, canvas top and five tires. Good condition.—M. W. Ellenwood or Galyen Motors, Atkinson. 6tf. TOR SALE: Red Clover seed, Cossack alfalfa, Madison vetch. State tested.—Leon Beck with, Emmet 49tf End of Season Plant Sale LARGE VEGETABLE and flower plants—lc each while they last. POTTED PLANTS and mixed bou quets—$1 each. SPRAYS for funerals and wedding flowers made up. O’Neill Greenhouse 819 E. Grant St., O'Neill, Nebr. ” 10p90 SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolls $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks. north of traffic light. Everett Gor^n, Ph. 164, O’Neill. 51tf SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone. —Contois Motor Co. Neligh. 30tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. TRACE OR RENT: A modem house located one mile from town.—Phone 773, O’Neill. 4tf FOR SATE: 3 bedroom home in Northheights, $9750. — K i e t h Abart, O’Neill 52tf DO YOU want to borrow money on your City Property or on your Farm or cm your Ranch? I have Eastern Money and I have private money to loan.— See R. H. Parker, O'Neill, Nebr. 3tf FOR SALE PERKINS County Nebraska, 800 acre wheat and livestock farm. 400 acres cultivated, 400 grass. FEED store find produce station in county seat. Other listings. Clarence Thorin Broker Phone 88, Grant, Nebraska tf Dwelling and Lots MODERN, 2-story house in south west section, separate entrance for upstairs apartments. Low down payment, easy terms. 2-TWO-BEDROOM HOUSES, both close-in, completely modem. Also an improved farm for rent Ed Thorin Phone 207 Auctioneer-Real Estate Broker FOR SALE: The Bob Jonas resi dence at 115 So. 6th St. A cozy 2-bedroom home. Ideal for re tired couple or small family.— Write Robert J. Jonas, 2339 Pen mar Ave., Venice, Calif , or Lawrence Jonas, 115 W. Clay, O'Neill. Please do not disturb occupants. 9-14c FOR SALE: Two 40-ft. lots with south front, water, sewer and gas in front of lots. Sidewalks —Don Lyons, phone 421, O’Neill. 10-14c WANTED WANTED TO BUY: Two good hlack angus bulls. — F7oyd Kaasa. Lynch. 10-llc IJVDY WANTS to work for board and room.—Bertha Fowler, O' Neill. 10p35 COMPLETE AERIAL spraying and dusting service. Custom seed harvesting and a complete line of chemicals for sale. All work 100% guaranteed.—Bruce Fletcher or Ed Butterfield, Or chard, Nebr., phone TW 3-3686. 3tf. WANTED TO BUY: Old model Edison cylinder record type phonograph. Need not be in working order. Or will buy some parts for' repairs.—Glenn W. Miller, phone 626, or box 324, O'Neill Nebr. 9-10p HELP WANTED: Men for work. Apply at Tri-State Turkey Farm. 8c FARM LOANS —R. H. Parker. 3tf FOR REASONABLE prices try IX)IS FERN BEAUTY SHOPPE 2 blks. west of postoffice. Can serve you days or evenings by appointment or without. 10-14c DRAGLINE WORK! Sewer Drainage, Dam Work Basement Excavation and Road Work! E. J. (Skip) Shane ATKINSON, NEBR 51-20 WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockman, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf Help Wanted ADULT organizers, men and wo men, needed now for entertain ment projects for this local area. Day and eve. Full or part time. No experience req. Can work by phone. Invest only your time. Begin earning at once. Steady yeai-round. Start immediately. Write today. Send one dollar for complete bro chure. Esquire International, 5880 Hollywood Blvd., Holly wood 28, Calif. 10c ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES WE REPAIR all makes. We un dersell anybody in price and outsell anybody in quality. O’NEILL, NEBR. PH. 289 52tf MONEY TO LOAN on farms, ranches and homes. Long term, low interest rates — bonds and insurance of all kinds. See Virgil L. Laursen at The O' Neill Company 27-lStfc WANTED DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! IDEAL CLEANERS Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctf FOR RENT FOR RENT: Small semi-modem house, redecorated: also one, two-room apartment.—H. R. Harris, Ewing, Nebr. 10-llc FOR RENT: All modem house.— Anna Bell Asimus, O’Neill. Phone 364. 9tf FOR RENT: A house/ 3-rooms and bath.—Call phone 537, O’ Neill* 8tf FOR RENT: Furnished apart ments with automatic washer and dryer.—A. E. Bowen, Ph. 515, O’Neill._ltf FOR RENT: Two bedroom, mod ern house, gas heat, excellent condition. Available now.—-Mrs. J. C. Parker, O’Neill, phone 14-F3. 9-10c WANTED TO RENT: Two or three bedroom home for three adults —no children.—Ray Baker, O’ Neill, phone, 303 or 318. 10c FOR RENT: Storage space. — Phone 565. O’Neill. 3TU FOR RENT: Two bedroom mod em house Anna Brown, O’Neil phone 323-J lOti FOR RENT: Two 2-bedroorr houses. Modern, £as heat. Ver> desirable homes, nicely located. Phone 434, O’Neill. 7-10c FOR RENT: Five room apart ment, two bedrooms, full base ment and gas heat—O. E Davidson, O’Neill Phone 126 6t FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment, 4 rooms and bath, heat ed, close in.—Elmer ilagenslck O'Neill, phone 556-R. 34t FOR RENT: One bedroom honu unfurnished. Rent $30 pei month.—R. G. Nelson, phon< 359-R, O’Neill. 10i FOR RENT: Building for shop o: storage—J. F. Contois, O’ Neill, phone 368 49t FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. - Phone 537, O’Neill. 16t READ ESTATE TRANSFERS WD—Claire Tomjack to Georgi Burk 6-26-58 $7,500—Lots 19 ft 1$ I Blk 2 Ewing. MISCELLANEOUS IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly In sured. — See Ed TTiorin, agt., O’Neill. Nebr. 34tf AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private listings and Auctions ED THOR1N Farm Sales a Speciality Phone 207 — O'Neill Felix Fur Shop COMPLETE FUR SERVICE 412 West 7th St. GRAND 1ST AND L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIAIJZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. I AWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson — Reo —Clinton. CROP SPRAYING CALL 582R2 OR COME IN AND SEE US. O’Neill Flying Service 7tf INVISIBLE REWEAVING, Cig arette burns, moth holes, cuts and tears. Reasonable. — Mrs. Edward Tellier, new address, one block south of stoplight and one half a block west. 9-12c Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neil] Money to Loan BORROW on your auto or house hold furniture in order to con solidate bills, pay medical or hospital bills, make home re pairs, car repairs, educational expenses, clothes, living ex penses, or for any other worthy purpose. O’Neill Loan Co. VIRGIL L. LAURSEN Phone 434 O’Neill. Nebr. 3-10c Wick’s Body Shop Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W — O’NEILL — far Any Job 25tf FOR SALE: Terriflex vinyl tile. Now carried in stock. Select your color.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. 47ctf LOST & FOUND STRAYED from my pasture 1 mile south of ditch camp 2 whitefacc cows, branded on right hip. — Wallace O'Connell, O’Neill. 7tf LOST: A gold wrist watch with gold wristband. Reward — Mrs Phil Sherman, Tri-State Farm O’Neill phone 585-R12. 10c (First pub. July 3, 1958). Julius D. Cronin, attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Estate No. 4234 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF HARRY S. PROU TY, a/k/a, H. S. PROUTY, DE CEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of estate and approval of final ac count and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on July 23, 1958, at 10 o’clock, A. M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 10-12 NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Holl County Old Settlers Picnic asso ciation will be held at the Midway school Friday, July 11, 8 p.m. —GEORGE MELLOR Secretary. 10-llc Return to California — Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hardin] returned Saturday to their hom< in Fullerton, Calif., after spend ing two weeks visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harding and with her parents, Mr. ant Mrs. Fred Mauer of Grand Is land. Gary, Denny and Kenny sons of Mr. and Mrs. Geral< Harding of Fullerton, came witl them but remained to spend th< 1 summer with their grandparents 1 the Hardings and Mr. and Mrs > Axel Borg. Arrives from Camp— ; Mrs. Clifford Harding went b Omaha Tuesday to meet her .son Donald (“Skip”) McKenny, wto i arrived to spend a leave with par ents. He will return to cam] j Pendleton, Calif. I Try Frontier want ads fa I 4uick results 1 .« — —_ - — - - Major Canadian Events For 1958 Visitors to Canada this year will And a multitude of major events planned in towns, cities and populated sections all across the country. 1 Feature attractions will include the Highland Games at Antlgon lsh, N. 8.; the 300th anniversary celebrations at the famous shrine at St. Anne de Beaupre, Que.; the Calgary 8tampede, the Totem Pole Golf Tournament at Jasper Park Lodge, Canadian Rockies, and the Manitoba Provincial Exhibi tion a Brandon. Apart from the host of other activities planned for Quebec Pro vince, including the opening of the fabulous new Queen Elisabeth Hotel at Montreal. French-Canada’s capital city of Quebec will celebrate Its 350th anniversary. There will be year-round festivities in North America’s only walled city to honor the great French explorer, Samuel de Champlain who erected the first settlement in 1608. British Columbia, too, Is cele* bratlng Its 100th birthday In 1958, and every community In the Pro* vlnce will share In the fun. One of the major attractions will be the exhibit of the world’s only museum train; a complete train with equipment a century old re* stored by the Canadian National Railways. A 850,000 Oentennlal Open Oolf Tournament at Van* couver from August 27 to Septem* ber 1 will be one of the highlights of the British Columbia celebra* tion as will a visit from Her Royal Highness, Princess Margaret, ms CARDS of THANKS FOR THE kindness extended to us by our neighbors, friends, and relatives in our recent be reavement for the floral and Mass offerings we wish to ex tend our most sincere thanks— Mrs. Julie Yelli and Bernard Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Moos, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zakrzewski, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Magee, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yelli. jr., Mr. and Mrs. Victor Yelli, Mr. and Mrs. Vir gil Yelli. 10p50 WE ARE sincerely grateful to the good friends and neighbors who did so much for us during our recent sorrow. May we take this means of saying thank you for the many comforting ex pressions of your friendship. A special thanks to Dr. Finley the hospital staff and the blood donors.—Mr, and Mrs. L. A. Serck and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Moore and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dimmitt and family. 10p50 I WISH to thank all my friends and relatives for the visits, cards, flowers, and prayers while I was in St. Anthony’s hospital. A special thanks to Father Kucera and the hos pital staff. May God bless you all.—Mrs. Dean Streeter. 10c Mother, 91, at Son’s Golden Wedding CHAMBERS—Mr. and Mrs Dan Honeywell of Wahoo were honored Sunday, June 29—their 50th wedding anniversary. Follow ing worship services at the Bapt tist church at Weston, dinner was served in the church parlors for friends and relatives, including Mr. Honeywell’s 91-year-old moth er, Mrs. Charlotte Honeywell of Chambers. Open-house was held at the farm home near Wahoo. Relatives attending from this area included: Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell and Mrs. Fred Tucker, all of Chambers; Mr. and Mrs. Sey more Harkins, Mr. and Mrs. John Harkins, Mrs. Clarence Knox and Mrs. Frank Urban, all of Ewing; Mrs. Everette Gorgan and Donnie and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Olson, , all of O’Neill. ; Present for the occasion were all of the Honeywells’ 10 children (sons and daughters! and all but ' one grandchild. i The John Honeywells, Mrs. • Charlotte Honeywell and Mrs. , Tucker were overnight guests at I the home of Mr. Honeywell’s i niece, Mrs. Edward Opperman. : and her husband at Lincoln and returned to their homes on Mon . day. . Ray Lawrence ) O’NEILL — PHONE 174 Dealer of Nixon & Oo. F-E-E-D-S General Livestock Hauling % O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Matthewi of Lincoln visited Saturday anc Sunday at the Clyde McKenzit home. Mr. Matthews returnee to Lincoln Sunday. Mrs. Matt hews remained to visit at the Dean Streeter horhe. Mrs. Street er was dismissed from the hos pital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McLeish vis ited his mother Mrs. Goldie Mc Leish at Schuyler Sunday. Their children, Sharon, Joey and Den nis, returned home with them They had been visiting their grandmother for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kirkpat rick and family spent the week end visiting relatives in Elkhorn and Beemer. Beverly McCarthy returned Sat urday to Omaha after spending two weeks vacation with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mc Carthy. Mrs. Ruth We%rne of Bloomfield spent the weekend visiting Mr, and Mrs. W. S. Kirkland. Guests Sunday also were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weare of Bloomfield Mrs. Ruth Weare returned home with them. Page News Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski were Sunday supper guests of Mr and Mrs: Frank Bolmer at Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach at tended funeral services for a cou sin of Mrs. Roach’s, Mrs. Anna Ruskand at Dodge, Neb., Satur ! day. Sunday visitors in the Melvin Roach home were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Richstatter and Jimmie. Mrs. Elizabeth Gross-Rhode and Miss Kathryn Gross-Rhode. all of Osmond, and Mr. and Mrs. Warren | Cronk and daughters of Page. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach cn- j j tertained Mr and Mrs. Gus Goiter i of Ore ha i'd and Mr. and Mrs. Dan I Troshynski in honor of the birth day anniversary of Mr. Troshyn ski. The evening was spent in playing pinochle. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cork were | Lincoln visitors Saturday where | their son, lVnnis, left for Fruit- I land, Ida., to join his brother j Dick, who was employed there in the apple orchards. Gary Waller of O’Neill accom panied his grandfather, Ray Snell to Scalp Creek, S. D., on a recent fishing trip. Their catch included ! a 37-inch 14-pound northern pike. The waller and Snell families en joyed a fish fry together. Rev. and Mrs. Burl Baty and family, Mrs. William O’Brien and children, Mr. and Mrs Owen Parks and the Myrl Elsberry fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Terrill and Mrs. Belle Mott attended sessions I of the Elkhorn Valley Holiness association meetings at O’Neill Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Tom Sinnax'd and children, who have spent the past week with her gi'andparents, Mr. and Mrs Frank Snyder, left Thursday for Grand Island where she will make her home ready for occupancy. Mrs. Sinnard and children have been in residence in Germany urhiln hor HncKnnH tine hoon in service there. The trip home was made by plane. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Park moved into the Mrs. Carrie Town send home the first of the week. Mrs. Townsend will make her home with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Dora Townsend, for a time. Mr. Park has employment with the Harding Creamery at O’Neill and will be a member of the Page high school faculty this fall, teach ing commercial subjects, social studies and will have charge of the drivers education program. He I will also be athletic coach. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. 1 Alta Finch were Mrs. Clyde Elli son and Mr. and Mrs. John Rath burn of Belgrade. The ladies are sisters of Mrs. Finch. They wore accompanied by Mrs. Fayne Wolfe and Mrs. Chester Gray and sons of Westport, Ind. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth War ing of O’Neill and three grandsons, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Mauree War ing of Des Moines, la., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sufficool and son of Creighton, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence jr., Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heiss and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch, jr., Duane and Margie and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Taylor of Wa yne, were afternoon callers. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart and son, Mickey, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lamason left Saturday evening for California. The Stew arts will visit their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Hill and baby at San Jose while the Lamasons will visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brownell, and the Don Lautenschager and John Lamason families in the Long Beach area. Linda Smith left Tuesday for Sterling, Colo., where she will visit in the home of her aunt and unele, Mr. and Mrs Myrl Caster. Little Diane Trowbridge aceonv named Mr. and Mrs. Glen Blezek to Colorado where she will be a guest this week of her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. William Fink at iVnver, Colo. Mr. and Mrs Norman Trow bridge and l/»ri were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. llamld Coburn of O'Neill Mrs. Sharon Adams of Cham* hers and Mrs. Iva Hart of Pasa dena. Calif., were weekend visit ors in the home of Mrs. 1 V>ra Townsend. Owen Hiatt of Ralston arrived Thursday to visit his mother, ,vho is a patient at St. Anthony’s. Going to Europe Marine Sgt. Harold E. Dexter (above), son of Mrs. Richard Tomlinson of O’Neill and hus band of (he former Kathryn Ann Hoffman of Ewing, has been transferred from the ma rine barracks at the Hastings navy depot to Lima company, Third battalion, Sixth marine regiment. Second marine divi sion, Camp LeJeune, N. C. During the latter part of Au gust, Sergeant Dexter will board ship with the Third battalion and will cruise near European ports for a period of six months. Sergeant Dexter entered the service in 1954 and has 25 months of Far East duty to his credit. He is a graduate of O’Neill high school. Insurance All kinds Ranch and Farm Loans Hail Insurance on growing crops We Pay Claims j — SEE OR CALL — R. F. GASKILL INSURANCE AGY. AI. GASKILL, Mgr. Office phone 710 — Ret. 10S-J - O’NEILL - ,0 '° a*rt* in*1®* *#w*5<*\ t .j