Grote-Verzal Rites Read at San Diego (Photo below). ATKINSON — Miss Patricia Jeanne Grute, daughter of Mrs. Violet Grote of Auburn, Wash., became the bride of Gerald Ver zal, son of Mr. and Mrs Ray L. Verzal of Atkinson, Saturday, May 10, at 10 o'clock in a double ring ceremony. Vows were recited in St. Mary’s Catholic chapel at the United States haval hospital, San Diego, CaJif., with Father Barras offici ating The altar was decorated with pink gladioli and white stock. A reception followed in the chapel lounge The bride was given in mar riage by Jack McDonald of Se attle, Wash. She selected a white Chantilly lace-over-satin gown with chapel train. It was fashion ed with scalloped neckline edged in seed pearls and iridescent se quins with sleeves tapering to a point over the wrist. Her .double fingertip veil fell from a tiara of seed pearls and sequins, with a deep edging of rosepoint lace. Her only jewelry was a pearl and rhinestone necklace, a gift of the bridegroom. She carried a cas cade bouquet of gardenias. The tradition of something old, some thing new was carried out. Maid-of-honor, Miss Lilly Ray na, was dressed in a green ny lon-over-satin dress with match ing hat and mitts. She carried a cascade liouquet of pink carna tions. The bridesmaids were Mrs Clinton Davis, the former Josephine Noziska, and Miss Condra Hull, who were dressed in pink gowns with matching pink hats and carrying cascade bou quets of yellow carnations. Attending the bridegroom were Richard Henning of Atkinson. Clinton Davis of Naper, and John Grote of Auburn. Wash., brother of the bride. They were formally dressed. The bride's mother was dressed in a light blue gown with white accessories. The bridegroom s mother wore a navy blue lace with white accessories. Each wore corsages of pink tea roses. In the afternoon from 1 to 4 o clock a large reception was held in the Cabriilo room of the El Cortez hotel. The bride’s ta ble wras beautifully decorated in her chosen colors of pink and white. The centerpiece was a three-tier wedding cake decorat ed with miniature bride and bridegroom. Pink carnations sur rounded the base of the cake. Bouquets of pink carnations and candelabra completed the setting. Hors d'oeuvres, canapes and sea food were served. The bride is a graduate of Au burn senior high school and the bridegroom is a graduate of St. Joseph's high school of Atkinson. At present the bride and bride groom are serving w'ith the navy and are stationed at the United State naval hospital, San Diego. Visit Dukota— Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hovey and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bright and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Hovey of Stuart and Mrs. Richard Kasda of Winner, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hovey of Herrick, S. D. The Gerald Verzals . . . serving navy. 4th Street Market u. S. NO. I CALIF. NEW RED — POTATOES _10-lbs. 59c | CALIFORNIA SCNKIST — LEMONS -- 3-lb*. 43c „ M -r m m a --— EXTRA FANCY — CUCUMBERS _ 2-lb* 25c FRESH — CARROTS —__lg. cello pkg. 10c IIAHD1NU — BUTTER __». 59c ROBIN HOOD — _ FLOUR 25-lb. bag $1.89 ROBIN HOOD — . _ FLOUR 50-lb. bag $3.39 SO FUN WHITE OR RAINBOW — 60 COUNT — PAPER NAPKINS _ 2 for 19c GRAPENUT FLAKES 12-oz. pkg. 25c FOOD KINO — 10 OZ. JAR — STRAW. PRESERVES 4 for $1.00 MAXWELL HOUSE — INSTANT COFFEE —. 6-oz. jar $1.19 SANDWICH COOKIES __ 2-lb. bag 49c KRAFT — .A MIRACLE WHIP_qt- 49c FLUFFO 3-lb. canister pak 85c CYDAMY pi kitin - BRAUNSWEIGER- lb. 49c SWIFtTrEMIUM THICK SUCED - BACON . . 2-lb. Pkg. $1.29 CHOICE — ,, AA RIB STEAK __lb. 69c BEEF LIVER - lb. 47c SUMMER SAUSAGE in chunk lb. 69c SUMMER SAUSAGE sliced lb. 73c Mrs. James A. Tangeman . . . before her marriage she was Miss Kegina Hynes, daughter of Mrs. Austin Hynes and the late Mr. Hynes.—O'Neill Photo Co. allerina length and fea lureu lull laaiuuncu A shoulder-length veil was caught by a crown of matching lace. Her bouquet was of white rosebuds. Miss* Ellen Condon, as her sis ter’s maid-of-honor, appeared in a gown of delicate pink crepe chif fon with moss green velvet trim and a matching bow headpiece Her bouquet was of mixed spring flowers. Dr. George J. -Still of Bradford, a brother of the bridegroom, was bestman. Ushers were Daniel W. Daly, jr., of Bradford and Eu gene D. Wright of Dubuque, la., a brother-in-law of the bride groom. The bride’s mother appeared in a dress of Buckingham blue with light blue accessories. Mrs. Eu gene D. Wright, a sister of the bridegroom, wore beige lace over willow green faille and a match ng hat. A reception was held at Beek man Towers hotel, Beekman Place, for relatives and friends from New York City and Brad ford. Mrs. Still was graduated from St. Mary’s academy in O’Neill and attended Fordham university. Mr. Still is a graduate of St. Bonaventure university and is an alumnus of Xavier university. After a wedding trip to Nassau. B. W I., the couple will reside at 57 Congress st., Bradford. Mrs. Condon and her family are former residents of O’Neill. METHODIST (O’NeUl-Emmet) Rev. Glenn Kennicott, pastor O’NEILL— Friday, June 6: Dorcas. Sunday, June 8: Sunday-school, 9:45 a. m.; worship, 11 a m. Monday, June 9: Bible school begins; annual conference opens in York. Wednesday, June 11: Junior choir, 10:30 a.m.; senior choir, 7:15 p.m. Thursday, June 12: Prayer group, 10 a.m.; WSCS, 2 p.m. EMMET— Sunday, June 8: Children’s Sun day-school and worship, 9:30 a.m. MARRIAGE LICENSES James Atlee Tangeman, 21, of Chambers and Regina Josephine Hynes, 20, of O’Neill on May 29. Harold Wallace Fox, 24, of O’ Neill and Arlene Rose Hood, 19, of O’Neill on Monday, June 2. Kenneth Juston, 20, of Emmet and Laurine Schmitz, 18, of O’ Neill on Monday, June 2. James West Carlson of Garden City, Kans., and Miss DeMarus Wefso, 20, of Atkinson on Monday, June 2. . .. - -- i ■ ■ — Mr. and Mrs. William Ira Lierman ... to reside on ranch up on return from wedding trip.—O’Neill Photo Co. * * * » , Mr. ami Mrs. John Andrew Still, jr. . . the bride Is the form er Catherine Theresa Condon. Receives Word of Nieces Marriage ATKINSON — Mrs. O. A. 11am merberg received word that her neice, Miss Retty Arlene Green wood, was married Saturday, May 31, at Yuma, Ariz., to Mel vin Courtney. She is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Greenwood, both if whom died in recent months. The Courtneys will make their home at 16796 Boyle, Fontana, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Humrich were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hotchkiss in Pickstown, S D. Margaret • Rinehardt of Omaha was a Friday until Sunday guest of her sister, Mrs. Matt Hynes. Drs. Wilson & Sucha PHYSICIANS * 8URGWON8 Phone 138 —O’Neill Dr. Donald E. David OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Phone 2101 Spencer --- _ — FATHER IS KING on June 15th! A Fathers’ Day Gift from Gllligan REXAIJ, Drug is one which will be appreciated: Old Spice An ever-popular, always appreciated gift for men is some thing in Old Spice. We have sets and individual pieces priced from $1.00 plus tax. Billfolds and Key Cases An Amity billfold or key case in one of many attractive, handsome styles is the practical answer to the Fathers’ Day Gift problem. Trip-O-Kits Dad will get years of good service from one of these plastic lined, zipper Trip-o-kits in genuine leather. Just the thing for his shaving equipment and toilet articles. Fathers’ Day Cards You’re sure to find the appropriate card for Dad in our se lection of Fathers’ Day Cards by American Greetings. Pick one out now while our stocks are plentiful. We will be glad to gifEwrap the Fathers’ Day Gift you pick out at Giliigan REXAM, Drug. 1/2-Price Special on New Fragrance Twins COLOGNE—Light as a gentle summer breeze—new, de lightful “Twirl”, “Whirl”, "Fling”, and “Swing”. Find the fragrance just for you. Gay swirling bottles reflect the moods they’ll yield.. Try them now at just half price! 6-oz. btls, reg. $2—Now just $1.00 DUSTING POWDER—Delicately perfumed and textured dusting powder to prolong the cool refreshment of your bath. A twin to each cologne fragrance above. ■ in box with merry design. Reg. $2.00 Now just $1.00 -g r- -rr ~ -T ~ ■ -T - - ~p T r ■ -- — - Acid-Upset Stomach? BISMA-REX MATES—Pleasant tasting tablets — a quick, easy way to take Rexall’s famous alkalizer. Relieves your dis tress in seconds and the antacid action continues for hours. Bottle of 150 tablets for $1.49 — 75 for just 89c Get some today. Lawn and Garden Supplies Don’t forget, Gilligan REXALL Drug is the place to get your lawn and garden insecticides and weed-killers. Kubecide For a highly effective, all-round garden dust, a combina tion Insecticide and fungicide, try KUBECIDE. Kubecide Is an indispensible part of any garden equipment. Regular applica tions of Kubecide will control many, many diseases and Insects common to garden vegetables. Rose Dust Don’t let Insects or disease spoil the beauty of your roses. Miller’s ROSE DUST effectively controls Insects and diseases i which attack the plants. ! Make Gilligan REXAM, Drug your headquarters for all your lawn and garden weed killers and Insecticides. Take your next prescription to Gilligan REXAM, Drug to be filled by one of our PRESCRIPTION SPEC! AM STS. ------ Gilligan’s Rexall Drug Ben Gilligan Robert T. Deyoy Phone 87 — O’Neill t