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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1958)
Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY'S (O'Neill) Admissions: May 29 — Rickey Baark of O’Neill. Carolyn Fuh rer of O’Neill, Laurie Edwards of O'Neill. Catherine Helmer of O’ Neill. Nathan Pritchett of O’ Neill; 31—Terry Helmer of O' Neill, Mrs. L. R. Sutcliff of O' Neill, I>r. L. A. Carter of O'Neill, Georgetta Clyde of O'Neill, Mrs j. M Gallagher of Inman; June 1 Mrs. Dallas Behrens of O’Neill, Mrs Robert Conklin of Lynch, Mrs Homer G. Blitzkie of Spen cer Kathleen Shoemaker of O Nei'll; 1 Mrs. Thomas Blake of O’Neill. Miss Theresa Finley of O’Neill, Mrs. Paul Nelson of O'Neill, Mrs Rodney Tomlinson of O'Neill, Clarence Farr of O Nelll; 3—Mrs. Don Ford of O’ Neill.’ Dismissals; May 28 — Eve lyn Stannard of O'Neill, Mike Smith of Spencer, Donald Tim merman of Flint, Mich.; -9 - Scott Conner of Ewing, Mrs. Charles Havranek of O’Neill, Jack Taylor of O’Neill, Mrs. Dallas Beherns of O’Neill Francis Kamphaus of O Neill, Ellen Grubb of Chambers. John L. Blair of Chambers, Mrs Bertha Harkins of Oiambers; May 30 Ricky Baack of O’Neill, Mrs. Kenneth Hill of Ewing, Laurie Edwards of O’Neill, Carolyn Fuh rer of O’Neill, Fred Walth of Fairfax, S. D., John Gude of O' Neill; 31--Mrs. Ed Harvey of Chamlx'rs; June 1—Harry Smith of O’Neill; 2 Mrs. Veldon Go del of Orchard, Peggy Sue Van derbeek of O’Neill, Miss Georg etta Clyde of O’Neill, Kathleen Shoemaker of O’Neill; J—C- E. Lundgren (expired) of O’Neill, Catherine Helmer of O'Neill. Hospitalized: Garret Janzing of Emmet, Terry Helmer of O'Neill, Mrs. Dallas Behrens of O’Neill, Mrs. Robert Conklin of Spencer, Miss Theresa Finley of O’Neill, Mrs. Tom Blake of O'Neill, Mrs. Don Ford of O’Neill, Mrs. Rodney Tomlinson of O’Neill, Nathan Pritchett of O'Neill, Dr. L. A. Carter of O’Neill, Mrs. J. M. Gallagher of Inman, Clarence Farr of O’Neill, Mrs. L. R Sut rliff of O'Neill, Mrs Elmer Long of Bartlett. Mrs. Paul Nelson of O'Neill, Mrs Homer G. Blitz kie of Spencer. O NKI1J. LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Donelly of Meadow Grove were Monday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde l McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Liddy spent the week of May 25, visiting in Ponsford, Minn., with his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hans I Eggen. Mike and his sister, Tanya, remained for a month's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harvey and family of Mission Kans , were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Larson and Mr. and Mrs Dan Snyder of Atkinson. They went on to Yellowstone park for a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manson attended the alumni banquet in Elgin Thursday evening. / Judge Mounts and Ted McEl haney held court in Bufte on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Ted McElhaney, Jeanine and Margery of Denver spent Saturday and Sunday in Lincoln visiting Mr. and Mrs. muvc muxuinaucj. nrcj iwn Miss Margery to Fremont on Sunday where she left with friends for Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Carrol McKay attended the Spalding academy alumni banquet, Friday, May 30, and visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Glaser. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Huebert and daughters arrived Tuesday from Wichita, Kans., with Caro lyn and Patricia McKenzie, who spent a two weeks vacation with relatives. Harold Young and boys of Cha nute, Kans., Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Young of Manhattan, Kans., spent Memorial day with their mother, Mrs. Edith Young, and their aunt, Miss Maude Rouse. Mrs. Young returned to Kansas with her son, Harold, on Saturday. William J. Frolich, sr. and Mr. Frolich, jr. of Chicago, 111., spent the weekend with Mrs. Frolich and family. Miss Mary Froelich, a student at Duchesne college, arrived home Friday. Too Late to Classify (First pub. June 5, 1958) LEGAL NOTICE In accordance with the School Laws of Nebraska, the following described change of school dis trict boundaries is requested: Sec. 1 and 12, Township 27, Range 16 detached from Dist. No. 229 and the same to be attached to Dist. No. 210. A hearing of said matter will be held in the office of the county superintendent on June 16, 1958, 2:30 p.m., v hen all interested may appear and be heard. Holt Co. Reorganization Comm, Alice L. French, Sec. 6-7c TIHS IS IT! MEN OR WOMEN eam $125 a week and more calling on our customers in your area with largest selection of clothing ever offered. Actual samples. No investment. Northwestern Corp., 403 Nicollet, Ave, Min neapolis, Minn. 6c - —1 MILLER THEATER ATKINSON — Frl. Sat. June 6-7 .Sun.-Mon.-TUM. June 8-9-10 • TIiU coupon and one paid ad- > I mission will admit two adults, I June 41-12. | SEED FOR SALE! See KROTTERS for your SEED NEEDS • Reliance Milo • Leota Red Cane (Seed House and Locally Grown) • Rancher Cane • Martin Milo • Sweet Sudan • Texas Sudan • Piper Sudan • Waconia Cane If you have seed for sale with State Test : and you wish to consign this seed, see us| ! now! 1 Dow Chemical Weed & Brush Spray WE ARE also stocking the complete DOW CHEMICAL LINE, including the famous Eston 99 Weed Killer, and we can supply you with your chemical needs. Sioux Stock Tanks and Sioux Steel Buildings DeLaval Milkers & Separators Maytag Laundry Appliances M-M Rotary Hoes Flexible to follow contour of the ground; all-steel construction; bearings never require lubrication; replaceable teeth. Inquire ’ today! WM. KROTTER CO. SERVING NORTH-CTNTRAI. NEBRASKA SINCE 1891 SPENCER — O’NEILL — NAPER — STUART ^ammm !\lr. and Mrs. Freddie Bollwitt ... to reside on farm south- j west of Ewing.—Westland Studio. Doris Ann Spahn, Freddie Bollwitt Exchange Vows EWING- The First Methodist church in Ewing was the scene of the wedding on Sunday, June i 1, of Miss Doris Ann Spahn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Spahn, and Freddie Bollwitt, son of Mrs. Ed Urban. Rev. E L. , Bridgen officiated at the 2:30 p. m. double-ring ceremony. The al tar was decorated with baskets of garden flowers and daisies. Mrs. Howard Manson of O’Neill played a prelude of wedding se lections and the wedding march. Miss Elayne Reimer was soloist, singing "Because” and "The I/>rd’s Prayer". The bride, given in marriage ' by her father, appeared in a , floor-length gown of embroider-! ed nylon net over taffeta. The | fitted bodice featured a sabrina1 neckline wit h long tapered1 sleeves. The full bouffant skirt was layers of embroidered net ending in a chapel length train. | The fingertip veil was held in | place by a lace pearl trimmed1 cap. She carried a bouquet of daisies centered with a remove- ; able orchid corsage. Mrs. Donald Spahn was ma tron-of-honor. Mrs. Robert Ray of Lincoln was bridesmaid. They ' wore street length dresses of li lac lace and white lace hats. Each carried a bouquet of white daisies fashioned around a yel low net heart. Candlelighters were Misses Janet Hubei and Myra Lee Pruden. They wore dresses of yellow nylon with matching headpieces and orchid daisy wrist corsages. Donald Spahn, brother of the bride, was the bcstman and Jerry Carlson was groomsman. Dwaine Bollwitt ushered, assisted by Donald Spahn. The bridegroom and his attendants wore dark trousers and white dinner jack ets. Their boutonnieres were yellow daisies. The bride’s mother chose a beige linen dress with beige and lilac accessories Her corsage was of orchid daisies. The bride groom’s mother wore a pink dress with white accessories. Her cor sage was of white daisies. A reception was held after the ceremony at the bride’s home. The four-tiered cake was cut by Mrs. Ralph Keeler of Norfolk. She was assisted by Mrs. Oscar Weynig of Sheboygan, Wise. Six of the bride’s former pupils were waitresses. Miss Judy Bartak had charge of the guest book. For the wedding trip the bride chose a green nylon sheath dress with white accessories. After a short wedding trip, the couple will make their home on a farm southwest of Ewing. Mrs. Bollwitt graduated from Ewing high school, then attended Wayne State Teachers college and' has taught in rural school for the past three years. Mr. Bollwitt is also a graduate of Ewing high school. He served two years in the army, a portion of the time in Europe. About 200 guests attended the services at the church O’NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence John ' son accompanied by Mr. and | Mrs. Wayne Johnson of North Borro, la., as their guests, at tended the alumni banquet in j Royal Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. Vincent Jones of Columbus were callers of his mother, Mrs. C. E. Jones on their way home from Gordon where they were called by the serious injury to the son of a sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wilkens. The boy was experimenting with chemicals. His hand was blown off and he received other injuries. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thamish and family, Charles Cole, Miss Cleone Cole and “Grandpa” Har zke were Memorial day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cole and family of Star. They held a fam ily picnic. Among those attending the Iris show in Atkinson Saturday were Mrs. D C. Schaffer. Mrs. H. L Lindberg, Mrs Esther C. Harris and Mrs. John Conard of Emmet. Mrs. Agnes Niemand went to Grand Island last weekend where she left by train for Vallejo. Calif., to visit her daughter-in-law Mrs. Gene Niemand • She plans to spend two months there. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Banks and daughter, Barbara, returned Mon day from a vacation in the south ern Ozarks of Missouri. They visited his mother, Mrs. Belle Banks, and his sisters, Mrs. 0. M Gemagin and Mrs Lizzie Eslick. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Morrow spent Friday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Bauer in Ewing. —■ imum Dryak . . . dies of highway erash injuries. Dryak Rites Are Held at Niobrara NIOBRARA — Funeral services ,vere conducted Sunday, June 1, it the ZCBJ hall in Niohrara for Itto H. Dryak, 54, who was hurt Tuesday, May 27, in a two-ve licle highway accident and died Hie following day in the Creigh ton hospital. Burial was in the Pishelville remetery. The late Mr. Dryak, son of Hugo and Bozena Dryak, was I torn September 27, 1903, in the Pishelville community where he tvas reared. He was educated at Verdigre high school. On June 10, 1931, he was unit ed in marriage with Maria V. Kubik at O’Neill. They became Ihe parents of two children. He farmed with his parents in the Verdel community 14 years and was director of the rural school district many years. In September, 1945, the family moved to Niobrara where Mr Dryak worked at the Sedivy gar age three years. For the past 10 years he had been employed by Ihe Niobrara Farm Equipment company, and had been operat ing projection equipment for Joe Liska at the Niobrara theatre for the past eight years. He was a member of the Nio brara fire department 13 years and was treasurer at the time of his death. Survivors include: Widow- -Ma ria; daughter—Phyllis, 17, and son, Stanley, 10; parents — Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Dryak; bbothers— Alvin of Council Bluffs, la., and Alfred of Verdel. Wisner Woman, 72, Survived by Mother Mrs. Oran E. Bishop, 72, of Wis ner was buried from the Metho dist church Tuesday afternoon at Wisner. Dr. H. C. Sandall of Lin coln officiated, assisted by Rev. Len O. Ricky. Burial was in the Wisner cemetery. Mrs. Bishop, the former Maude Rees, was born near Pilger June -JO o* peixreui sum aqs 'S88i ‘qz an E. Bishop March 25, 1908. They lived on a farm near Wisner until a few years ago when they retir ed and moved to town. Mrs. Bishop died following a stroke. She had been in iU health a number of years, Survivors include: Widower — Oran; son-Thomas of Lincoln; mother- Mrs. Alice Rees of O’ sjapsis :pio-sjB3/C-g6 st oijm ‘[TPN Mrs. Richard Strahle of Stan ton, Mrs. Amos Ninham of O’Neill and Mrs. Jessie Heller of Dormer Pass, Calif.; brothers—Ross and Walter, both of Norfolk; Ralph Rees of Amelia; Roy Rees of Ew ing. and William Rees of Tilden. 300 Cattle Rec Today’s receipts at our re up to 300 cattle, mostly mixed c slaughter cows. There will be some light cattle. Also to be sold: Four year ing 850 pounds; 250 feeder pigs. Next week—June 12—we’ll hulls. These will be outstandlni O’NEILL LIVES’ PHONE Vern A Leigh 1 Bertha Harkins, 84, Expires in Hospital CHAMBERS — Funeral ser vices for Mrs. Bertha Harkins. 84, a resident of Chambers since 1951. were conducted at 2 pm.. Saturday, May 31, at Memorial Baptist church here. Rev. Earl Sehvvenk officiated. Music was furnished by a mixed quartette composed of Glen Tay lor, Zane Rowse, Mrs. Rowse and Mrs. Vernon Smith with Mrs. Ralph Garwood at the piano. They sang "Near the Cross", "No Night There" and ’Beautiful Gar den of Prayer", The remains were forwarded to Midwest, Wyo., by Biglin’s. Ser vices were held Monday at the Church of the Open Bible at Mid west anil burial was made at Douglas. Mrs. Harkins died Thursday, May 29, in St. Anthony’s hospital at O’Neill. She had been ill five weeks. She was bom February 20, 1874, at Rich Hill, Mo. Sh« was marri ed November 28, 1898 at Rich Hill to Oal M. Harkins, who died in 1945. Survivors include: Daughters — Mrs. Cleona Wintermote of Chambers and Mrs Zara Dye of Midwest; sons- Delve M. of Doug las and Or in M. of Grinnell, Kans.; 11 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren; Sister — Molly Loveland of Harrison, Mont. Mr and Mrs. E. R. Baker and two sons accompanied the re mains to Wyoming. Blue Grass Prospects Are (ioixI— Bluegrass prospects in Holt county are considered good al though most of the stripping is up to two weeks away. The bluegrass is headed well l>ot is generally thin. Prevailing price has not yet been determin ed. Considerable alfalfa has been cut. Timely rains during the past seven days have been highly ben eficial because rain was needed after successive days of wind. O'Neill, Creighton, Lynch and Atkinson reported up to an inch of rain Thursday and Friday even ings. Orchard received .35 of an inch on Friday and an inch on Saturday morning. Weather summary: hi lo pr. May 29 91 52 May 30 89 53 .28 May 31 _ 84 58 1.02 June 1 74 53 .01 June 2 70 58 .03 June 3 _ . 84 63 T June 4 _ 86 71 Firms Summoned by Equalization Board— Firms summoned to appear Wednesday before the Holt county board of equalization included: ATKINSON — Keating Imple ment, Gonderinger Motor, Schultz Drug, Gamble store, Atkinson Graphic O'Neill-O’Neill Auto Supply, The Frontier, Holt County Inde pendent, Johnson Drug, O’Neill Drug, J. M. McDonald company, Gambles. STUART — Stuart Sundries, Stuart Advocate. Two members of the state tax commissioner’s office conducted questioning. Sick & Injured O’NEILL — Laurie Edwards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs William^ Edwards, had her tonsils remov* ed at St. Anthony’s hospital. . . Bruce Ann McKamy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Don McKamy, cut her leg on her swing set last Thursday afternoon. the cut, near the bone, required three clamps. . . Georgetta Clyde, 12 year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clyde, was trans ferred from St. Anthony’s hospital Monday evening to St. Joseph’s hospital in Omaha. Her parents and grandfather, George Mott, took her down. Her mother re mained with her. VENUS — Mrs. Veldon Godel underwent major surgery at St. Anthony’s on Tuesday, May 27. She became ill the previous day. Her two small daughters are staying at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Godel of O’Neill. EMMET—Charles Abart suf fered a slight stroke at his home south of Emmet Saturday morn ing and is now hospitalized in Atkinson. His son, Gail, came from Omaha Sunday to he with him during his illness. Mr. A bart is “coming along fine”. DORSEY—Ruth Osborn con sulted a doctor in Lynch Mon day. She is suffering with a bad throat infection. OMISSIONS NECESSITATED Stories and accompanying photos of numerous June wed dings and a heavy volume of late advertising have necessi tated omissions of considerable news. Highlights of the omitted news will appear next issue.— THE PUBLISHERS. A. Neill Daw'es is new volun teer farm labor representative for the O’Neill area. eipts Expected gular Thursday sale will range onslgmnents with quite a lot of eattle and one load of 700-Ib. ild spotted gelding pony, weigh be selling six registered Angus rOCK MARKET”” teynoldson Waller Young. Wife Are Surprised— Mr. and Mrs. Walter Young celebrated their 25th wedding an niversary Sunday, June 1. A sur prise picnic dinner was held in Ford's park for relatives at noon A reception for friends and rela tives took place in the Methodist church basement from 3 to 5 p m The affair was a surprise to the Youngs as the actual anniversary date is September 6. However, since their daughter. Miss Alice is leaving for Belgium today (Thursday), the affair was held early. Those attending from out-of town were: Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Milne, Mr. and Mrs David Milne and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Milne, all of Creighton; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Forte and Gary, Miss Helen Young and Louis Neigro, all of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Ral ph Creamer and Fred Creamer, all of Elmwood; Paul Young and Inez, Carol and Luella of Doniph an: Frank Patterson of Bassett; Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Young of Manhattcn, Kans , and Miss Ma bel Milne of Brunswick. Blind Bogie Golf Tourney Held— A blind bogie golf tourney was held memorial day at the Country club. The following tied for blind score: W. B. Gillespie. Donald Bunkers, Dale Kersenbrock. and Bud Miller of Orchard. Low net score was posted by Hugh F. McKenna of Omaha, for mer president of the United States Junior Chamber of Com merce and a former O’Neillite. High net score went to Ben Trosh ynski of Lincoln. Joint Vacation Schools Planned— A Methodist-Presbyterian coop erative vacation Bible school will be held the week of June 9-13 in O’Neill. The kindergarten and primary children will meet at the Mctho- j dist church and the juniors and I intermediates will go to the Pres- j byterian church. The hours are; 9-11:30 and 1-3. Silver Anniversary— MONO WI-Mr. and Mrs. Her-; man Heiser of Monovvi will obser ve their silver wedding anniver sary at their farm home east and south of Lynch on Sunday, June 15. Mrs. Heiser is the former Helen Levi. Open-house will be from 2 to 5 p.m., and from 7 to 9 p.m. CARS COLLIDE A minor accident occmred Sun-1 day afternoon at the comer of South Jefferson and West Clay sts. A car driven by Mrs. Pete Fetrow collided with a stripped down car driven by Dick Laur sen. Alen Reynoldson, riding with Laursen, suffered a cut lip. ~t Home From College Charles Jones Is home for a week visiting his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Jones and his sister, Mrs. Robert Jenkins and Mr. Jen kins. He is a stuent at Central Bible Institute in Springfield, Mo. Ewing locals. Work has begun on the new res idence for Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs in North Ewing. A Picnic dinner was served at the home of Mrs. Anna Savidge Memorial day. Present were Ed ith of Houstin, Tex., the daughter of John Savidge; Mrs. Elizabeth Mawe, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Stuve and daughter, all of Nor folk, and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bar tak and family of Ewing. •mm m f Iff m Mrs. Lcfiranri Monroe Duncan . . . former O’Nellllfo weils. Guests from Wyoming— EWING Mr and Mrs. George Makris of Casper, Wyo., were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Cliford Potter recently. Miss Arlene Pot ter returned with them for a visit. Wednesday, May 29. Mrs. Potter took her son, Virgil to work at the Buell ranch south of Bassett Vir gil was graduated from Ewing high school this year. The Potter family is moving to Meadow Grove next week. COLLISION REPORTED PAGE Autos driven by M. E. Davis of O’Neill and Mrs. Ruth Baty of Page collided at 1 :'!0 p. in., Monday 4Ms miles north of i Page. Damage was minor. — Mrs. Goldie Liddy of Lincoln is spending the summer vacation visiting at the home of her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Liddy and at the Aaron Boshart home. DANCE American Legion Ballroom —O’Neill— Saturday, June 7 Lambert 1 ichota Featuring Bohemian and Modern Music Adm.: Adults, $!.; students, 50c You’ll get BETTER PRICES right here in town than any place else! You’ll make money if you deal with us! CONTACT US FOR BLUE GRASS IN ALFALFA EMMET HAY CO. In Emmet Contact Bob or Bud Cole Phone 744 (O’Neill) In O’Neill Contact Guy Cole Phone 773 (O'Neill) “We’ve Been in the Business for 50 Years!” Schlueter-Duncan Nuptials at Casper Mrs. Mary Jewell Walker Sch lueter, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Paul M. Walker of Casper, Wyo., formerly of O’Neill, was married to LeGrand Monroe Duncan, son of Monroe Duncan of Laurinburg, N. C., at 2 p.m., Saturday, May 31, in the chapel of St. Anthony’s church at Casper. Rt.-Rev. Thomas F. O’Reilly performed the double-ring cere mony. Mrs. Schlueter was given in marriage by her uncle, C. W. Walker. She wore a street-length ghampagne lace with oval neck line, V back and three-quarter length sleeves. She carried pink elf roses. Hetf matron of honor, Mrs. Wil liam P. Dixon of Glenrock, Wyo , wore green pastel print, princess style with white feather hat, pink accessories and pink elf rose bouquet. William P. Dixon of Glenrock was bestman. Michael Dixon and Henry F. Schlueter, son of the bride, served as ushers. Mrs. C. W. Walker wort* blue and green silk print with white accessories. The bride’s parents were unable to attend. A reception followed at the Henning hotel. TW Duncans will bo at home at 1811 South Boxekler St., Casper, after June 10. Mrs. Duncan was graduated from the University of Nebraska with bachelor of arts and bachelor of science degrees. She was rear ed in the Dutch West Indies where her father was employed by Stan dard Oil lompany until retire ment. She teaches in the elemen tary schools of Casper and is a member of Tri Delta sorority. Mr. Duncan is employed by Evans-Neagle Motors, Inc.