Celia News Mr and Mrs Paul Nelson, Na omi and Paul Arden of O’Neil] and a friend from Spencer attend ed the commencement exercises at Atkinson high school auditor ium Wednesday evening, May 21, when their nephew, Jim Hend ricks, was a member of the grad uating class. After the services the Nelson family and Mark and Joe Hendricks families gathered at the Connie Frickel home for a visit. Shirley and Denton Colfack, who have been attending the school of commerce in Lincoln, came home Saturday, Shirley has a job in Lincoln so returned Sun day afternoon. Ronnie Frickel came home from University of Nebraska for a vis it with parents, Mr and Mrs Connie Frickel and returned Mon day afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Clarence Focken and family and Mrs. Albert Em mons and daughter were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Eugene Poessnecker home. Mr. and Mrs. Ijeonard Chaffin and family were Sunday evening. May 18, visitors at the Merrill Anderson home. Mr. and Mrs. George Beck spent Thursday and Friday at the Duane Beck home while the i Duane Beck home was being shingled. Clarence Focken was a Friday i evening visitor at the Donald ; Focken home, Dorothy Scott was a Sunday dinner guest at the Duane Beck ! home. Mrs. Mark Hendricks and j daughter, Markita, and mother, Mrs. Omer Poynts, drove to Mc Pherson, Kans., where they vis ited the Robert Hendricks home. Becky and Bobby, children of Mr. and Mrs Robert Hendricks, expect to return with them, En route home they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hendricks and son at Manhattan, Kans. Mr and Mrs. William Coleman left Sunday, May 25, for a sum mer-long vacation to the West coast. They will visit Long Beach, Los Angeles, also other places and Washington. Garold Frickel accompanied them as far as Val entine where he will visit his aunt Mrs. Jerry Henderson and family for a week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McKathnie of Fall Brook, Calif., and Emma McKathnie of Atkinson and El len McKathnie of Norfolk, spent Sunday at the Milton McKathnie home and Ellen arrived Saturday and returned Monday. The Victor Frickel children at tended their 4-H club meeting at | the Ralph Schrink home Sunday. Harold and Garold and Glen Frickel were Saturday dinner guests at the Alec L rickel home. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickel, David and Vicky went to Omaha Friday. Vickie stopped at Norfolk and is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Al lan Marquardt, and family and Beverly Frickel spent the day with the Milton McKathnie fam ily. Kay McKathnie spent Thursday night with Peggy Armold. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Anderson were Saturday dinner guests at the Merlyn Anderson home at Lynch. NOTICE After June 1 my office will be closed all day Saturdays, Weekday office hours will he from 7:30 A. M. until * P.M. Dr. C. M. Eason i FEDERAL LAND BANK Loan Rate REDUCED All Land Bank loans now out standing at !> percent also viB be reduced to 4*4% effective with the July 1 installment payment. We are proud to be able to help farmers cut interest costs at a time when other farm expense* are at an all-time high. Now is the time to use a Land Bank loan to improve the effi ciency of your farming opera tion. See us for a Federal Land Bank Loan on Your Land Your cooperative . . . Elkhom Valley National Farm Loan Association LYLE DIKRKH, Sec. O'NEILL Swimming Pool To Open This Week! Be prepared for a season of fun at the [tool. Get your swimming accessories at Gllligan KKXALL Drug:. j Swimming Caps Nose Clips Suntan Preparations Ear Plugs Sunburn Relief VITAMINS Vitamins Are Needed in Summer, Too At this time of the year most of us tend to eat an unbal anced diet, exercise more vigorously, and generally deplete our IxHly's reserves. Just one SUPER PLENAMINS Tablet jx?r day provides more than the minimum daily requirements of all vitamins for which such minimums have been established, siq> plies Crystalline Vitamin B12, Folie Acid, Vitamin C, Liver Con centrate, and Iron to aid in stimulating red blood cell forma tion, and also supplies eleven valuable minerals— all for as little as less than six cents per day! SUPER PLENAMINS are avail yable in O'Neill only at C.illigan REXALL Drug. Just A Word About Vitamins Before you buy Vitamins front a Mail-Order House or front a Door to Door Salesman, ask yourself: How effective is his product? How reliable is the manufacturer? The answers to these questions are answers you would want to know about any product you buy. When you buy your Vitamins at Gilligan HEXAI.I. Drug you can bank on it that no matter which vitamin product you buy, the product comes from the world’s finest lab oratories. . . that it is effective . , . and that it is as safe as modern science can make it. The vitamins which we carry are the products of the world’s leading drug manufacturers. DIABETIC SUPPLIES We feature a complete line of supplies for the Diabetic Patient: —Insulin —Syringes —Needles —Cotton —Alcohol —Testing Equipment —Sugar Free Ctondy -Sugar-Free Cough Drops —Sugar Free Cum —Sugar Free Ice Cream —Sugar Substitutes ELASTIC GOODS - TRUSSES At Gilligan REXALL. Drug you will find a full line of trusses and elastic goods, stockings, belts, supporters. Ask us about your particular need. We are also able to get prompt service on spe cial "made-to-order” sizes. The next time your doctor gives you a prescription, take it to Gilligan REXAIX I»rug to be filled by one of our PRESCRIP TION SPECIALISTS. Try us for all your prescription needs. Gilligan’s Rexall Drug Ben Gilligan Robert T. Devoy Phone 87 — O Neill WE ARE OPEN EVENINGS I'NTIL 9:00 P. M. FOR YOI’R CONVENIENCE Deloit News Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Briggs and son have moved from the farm to Omaha where he is attending the college of dentis try. Mr. Bartak also has part time employment. A bridal shower was ‘held at the Ewald Spahn home Sunday afternoon in honor of Miss Doris Ann Spahn, whose marriage to Freddie Bollwitt will take place Sunday, June 1, at Ewing. The hostesses for the shower were Elayne Reimer, Mrs. Ralph Tomjack and Mrs. Henry Reim ers. Mrs. Fred Harpster has been at the home of her mother in Ewing the past week. Elayne Reimer came home from Plainview Friday where she had finished the school term. She was second grade teacher and will return to the same pos ition next year. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manson and Mrs. Anderson visited Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Briggs over the weekend. Mr. ond Mrs. Briggs live near Ord. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Temple j and daughter visited Mr. Tem ple's parents in Lincoln over the weekend. Howard attended a county agent's workshop at Cur j tis three days last week. The Temples live at Hastings. | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bartak [ and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rei mers were among those from this community who attended the alumni banquet at Ewing Tues day evening. The teacher, pupils and moth ers of the pupils of the Deloit school held the term-end picnic Thursday at the Neligh park. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar and daughters of O’Neill were visitors at the Leonard Larson home Sunday. Mrs. Larson’s father of Stanton was also a guest. Mrs. Howard Manson of O’Neill called Wednesday, May 21, at the Henry Reimer and Sidney Ander son homes. Mrs. Johnny Bauer of Deloit and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Dono hoe of O’Neill departed Sunday morning for a two weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. Dw'ain Borg in Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Borg is the former Mickey Bauer. Ewing Graduates Class of 22 Ewing high shcool graduates, class of 1958, heard an address by Dr. Allen P. Burkhardt of Norfolk at commencement exercises Friday, May 16. Miss Sandra Shrader was valedictorian; Miss Bev erly Rotherham, salutatorian. Members of the class are: Top panel Robert Welke, Beverly Rotherham, Dennis Sheer, Sandra Shrader, Virgil Potter and Pat Wright; second panel Vivian Wright, Del bert Carl, Mary I>ois Noffke, Shirley Wright, Patricia Schindler, and Larry Wragge; third panel Judy Stamp, Richard Williamson, Maryetta Petersen, Gene Sisson, Patricia Emesti and Bob Tuttle; lower paneL John Mlnarik, Darline Latzel, Stanley Bartos and Pa tricia Hahlbeck.- O’Neill Photo Co. 0 Neill News Mrs. C. E. Jones and Esther Morgan were Saturday and Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Enid Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Peterson of Polk. Enid and Ben are her brothers. Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kli ment and her brother, Ivan Kli ment of Atkinson and her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Soucek of Verdigre. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kellner at tended the wedding of Miss Jo ellyn Eacker of Ewing on Sun day. MonumentN of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsman of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monuments from the factory of the con sumer.—Emmet Crabb, O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young of Marsing, Ida., arrived Monday to visit Mr. and Mrs W. S. Kirkland. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Johnson family of Kilgore, and Mr. and Mrs. Will and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dunn and family of Rose, Nebr., spent Friday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw and en joyed a picnic dinner at the park. Miss Carole Johnson is spend ing her summer vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Johnson. She graduated from Lincoln school of commerce in Lincoln, May 22. Mrs. H. H. Tipton of Seattle, Wash, arrived Sunday and is visiting his sister and family Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ft “trow and will attend the alumni banquet in Page on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. II. Riser of Ger many, where Mr. Riser was in service, called on Mr. and Mrs. Duane Gray on Monday. They were on their way to Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Holz were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Holz. Miss Catherine Kazda of Win ner, S. D., is visiting her aunts and uncles, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Hovey and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bright until her mother and baby brother return from the hospital. Callers Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Gray were her mother, Mrs. Cecelia Liewer and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Liewer and fam ily of Butte. Miss Sylvia Harder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Harder, is home on vacation from Imman uel school of nursing in Omaha. Winnie Barger and Leona Hy nes accompanied by Mrs. John G. Stuifbergen left Sunday to spend until Tuesday in Omaha attending fall fall market. Monday callers of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Brittell were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hutchinson and Cheryl of Valentine, who were on their way to Omaha. Guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. William Edwards were his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Ed wards of Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lawrence and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr .and Mrs A1 Hamik. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Holmes from Central City, were his mother, Mrs. Judith Holmes, and her mother, Mrs. Everett Haskins. Granddaughter Cindy returned to Central City with them for a visit. TRADE-IN TODAY °N fteV'Sbfi SEIBERUNO tires Soma poopla invito TROUBLE . . . •nd ucually gat hi Smooth tlraa Invito TROUBLE . . . and coum accldontil Sail u* tho«a TIRE TROUBLES BEFORE THEY HAPPEN. Right naw wall glva top dollar* for w>ur old tiro* on brand now Solbarling*. SEIBERUNO TIRES glva maximum *afaty . . . Longor milaaga . . . Quicker *tap* . . . Mara *kld-ra*ittanca. SEIBERUNO TIRES ARE SAFER, NO DOUBT ABOUT ITI BUY NOW ^ See Your Nearest SEIBERL1NG Dealer MIDCITY MOTORS, Atkinson FOX REPAIR, Newport NAPER SUPER SERVICE, Naper LYNCH STANDARD SERVICE, Lynch KEMPS SERVICE. Niobrara H. E. BARTON SERVICE, Orchard WINTZ SINCLAIR SERVICE, Creighton HANSON FARM EQUIPMENT, Butte CHET & KENS, Verdlgre GILLETTE & SON, Chambers ROTHERHAM SERVICE, Ewing O'Neill Junior High Is Victor STUART — The O’Neill public school's junior high track and field team easily outdistanced the clos est competitor in the Holt junior Ingti meet held here Friday, O'Neill amassed 93a4 points; Stuart ranked second with 45; Page was third with 11, and At kinson finished fourth with nine points. Results in class A (junior high) follows: Broad jump: 1—Schmaderer, Stuart, 15' 2 Shoemaker, O'Neill; 3 McGinn. O'Neill; 4 Williamson, O'Neill; 5 D. Kram er; Stuart Discus: 1 Schmaderer, Stuart, 94' 7”; 2 McGinn, O'Neill; 3 Larson, O'Neill; 4 Clements. Stuart; 5 Garwood, Atkinson. 100 yard low hurdles: 1 Mc Ginn. O'Neill, 13.8; 2 Larson, O' Neill; 3 McKim. O'Neill; 4 Mud loff. Page; 5 Medcalf, Atkinson. 220 yard dash: 1 Schmaderer, Stuart. 28.8; 2 Kallhoff, O'Neill; 3—Brewster, O'Neill; 4—Galyen, Atkinson; 5 Kramer, Stuart. 100 yard dash: 1— McGinn, O' Neill, 12 3; 2 Williamson, O'Neill; 3—Schmaderer, Stuart; 4 Clem ents, Stuart; 5 McKim, O'Neill. Stuart Wins in It Stuart racked up 624* points to win the intermediate grades (fourth, fifth, sixth) competition. O’Neill posted 49; Page, 84£, and Atkinson, 5. Results in class B: 60 yard low hurdles: 1 — Wise man, O'Neill, 9.4; 2- Lyle Muel ler, Stuart; 3—Lieb, O’Neill; 4 Weichman, Stuart; 5 -Godel, O’ Neill. 220 vard dash: 1 — Otter, O' Neill, 31.3; 2—Mueller, Stuart; 3 —Reynoldson, O'Neill; 4 Kotas, Atkinson; 5 Funk, Atkinson. 60 yard dash: 1—Schmaderer, Stuart, 8.0; 2—Mueller, Stuart; 3 Wiseman, O’Neill; 4 Funk, At kinson; 5—Walker, Page. 100 yard dash: 1—Schmaderer, Stuart, 12.6; 2—Otter, O'Neill; 3 Leigh Mueller, Stuart; 4— Reynold son, O'Neill; 5—Weichman, Stu cll"t 880 yard relay: 1 — O’Neill, 1:58.2; 2—Stuart; 3 Atkinson; 4 O’Neill. 440 yard relay: 1—Stuart; 2 — O'Neill; 3~Page. Tot, 2, Struck by Moving Car Ronald Krugman, 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Krug man, escaped serious injury about 10 a m., Saturday on West Doug las st. The tot was near the Foree Tire & Supply store and passed between j two parked vehicles to make his way across the street’ (south) in the middle of the block. He walked into the fender of a westbound car driven by Kenneth A. Pollock of Neligh. Pollock, driving a late model car, was pro ceeding at 10- to 15-miles-per-hour, witnesses said, and stopped im mediately when the child was hur led against the pavement. The child was taken to St. An thony’s hospital for observation, but apparently suffered no ill ef fects and was dismissed that. day. HALFINCH RAIN DELOIT—This locality receiv ed about a half-inch of rain on Tuesday morning, May 27. NAME THEIR SON Mr. and Mrs Jack Hawk of Ewing have named their son, Richard Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Allen and Betty Curan visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Farr an in Custer, j S. D. It's An EXTRA SPECIAL RppER MATCHLESS GAS RANGE — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — * i only *199 5° ; i i , during the i i KANSAS-NEBRASKA ■ ; spring ; • SPECTACULAR • It's a fashion-famed Roper 36 inch special, with fully auto matic Tem-Trol top burner . . . self lighting top burners, oven, and broiler . . . automatic oven heat control . . . king-size 20 inch oven . . . divided cooking top . . . "Silent-Roll" smokeless broiler . . . everything you've ever wanted in a range. i EXTRA SPECIAL TRADE-INS ' ; tv o w ; I Easy Payments on Your Gas Bill • MPWffiww mu mu1 TTfry—rrrnTT-mBrnjMt1 iihmhii i i1 w 1 yw1 ' W MBm For pependablf 0AS Servict Uerald Steinhauser Honored by Retail ves— STUART-Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Davis attended the eighth grade graduation of their nephew, Gerald Steinhauser, at 8 o’clock mass in St. Boniface church at Stuart on Sunday. His grand mother entertained at breakfast for him. Guests were: Mr, and Mis. William Morgan, sr., Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morgan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pacha, all of Atkinson and Mr. ;ind Mrs. Leonai\i Davis of O'Neill. His parents Mr. and Mrs Fran cis Steinhauser entertained at dinner for him. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. I-eonard Davis of O' Neill. Mr. and Mrs Bill Morgan mid family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pacha and family, Mr and Mrs. William Morgan, sr., Mr. and Mrs. Lax erne Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ulrich, Mrs. Anna Zam faller and Lester and Mabel Bau man, all of Atkinson Itoyle Graduates from NoilCom School— Army Sgt Donald E. Boyle, 35, sonof 'Mr. and Mrs. James P Boyle of O'Neill, recently gradu ated from the Find infantry divi sion non-commissioned officer academy at Ft. Riley, Kans. Sergeant Boyle received instruc tion in reading maps and in the principles oi unit leadership. 1110 sergeant is regularly as signed as a squad leader in com pany B of the division’s 2d infan try. He entered the army in 1943 and has served in Europe. Boyle's xvife. Hilda, lives in Manhattan, Kans. Mike Iteifert Guest of Club— EWING Happy Hollow 4-H club met Tuesday, May 20, at the L. E. Bergstrom home with Mike Reifert a guest. Clayton Hoke gave the pledge to the American flag and Owen Schmidt gave the pledge to the 4 11 flag. A tractor demonstration was given by Jerry and Douglas Taylor. Will gladly sell your Hogs Cattle LIVESTOCK Have Auction Every Wednesday Butte Livestock Market • • Refreshments were served. Next meeting will be held June 24 at the Chester Taylor home — By Owen Schmidt, reporter. Kl \l KSTATK TRANSFERS SI> Leo S Tom jack, Sheriff to Holt Co 5-14-58 $43.90 West ‘5 lot Blk A Millards Add O'Neill. ROYAL THEATRE O’NEILL Ttmrs. May 29 Girls! Gags! Music and mirth! Penn Martin and Jerry Lewis in Hal Wallis' production JFM1*ING JACKS More laughs! More music! More action! . , . and the sky's the lim it! Co-starring Mona Freeman, Don DeFore, Robert Strauss. I’siial admission prices Frl. Sat. May 80-81 From preacher’s son to rock 'ti roll king! How did they turn this kid into a teenager's idol SING BOY SING Teen-age crush Tommy Sands. Lovin', loveable Lili Gentle. Rip 'em-up Edmond O’Brien. John Mclntire. Skip Martin and his or chestra And we’re in it too! America's top disc jockeys. Art Ford, Bill Randle, Biff Collie. Cin emascope. I'sual admission prices Sun.-Mon.-THcs.-Wed.-Thurw. June i-8-8-4 :> PEYTON PLACE A comer of America! To the naked eye, it is tree - shaded streets, the Peyton Place high school, the picnic grounds, Doc Swain’s house, and the dress shop of Constance MacKenzie. But, if you look at it with your heart, under the surface, Peyton Place is a story of people with all their frailties and greatness, with all their joys and sorrows, with all their triumphs and tragedies. Star ring Lana Turner, Ilopo Lange, Lee Philips, Lloyd Nolan, Diane Varsi, Arthur Kennedy, Russ Tamblyn, Terry Moore, and fea turing David Nelson and Barry Coe. Color by DeLuxe. Adin.—Adults 75c. All children must have tickets. Children 25c. 2 Shows each night; 1st 7:00, 2nd, 9:40. Matinee Sun., 2:30. Wed nesday not Family Night. June 2nd Is The Day! In Tempo with Today WNAX - 570 brings you new programs and old favorites at new times Dial 570 for the best in listening WNAX - 570 In Tempo— —With Today NOW IN cOkS' TO ~P^$T PROGRESS ^ VSTORES/ Alkyd Lustre J WALL I Rid Jld S Foot \ ^AMEL ,-6g 3tl2 Inch U STEP LADDER ^G.iion Wind Silencer ■ Regularly Fait Drying Regularly SI.44 ■ S5.65 ALKYD PAINT a ■ Strongly corfttructod ^ Wt with poil tholf, lock Gallon fiji back .la*, and red- D..p^Ton., Sightly Clip, oa.ily on any B d*d **p±_ Highor._ doo, po.t. ( JO & DALE WILSON — O’NEILL