The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 15, 1958, Page 9, Image 9
FOR SALE Thiele’s Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle on hand at all times. Wiscon sin bred, fresh and heavy springers, first and second calf heifers. Arnold Thiele 2*4 miles southwest of Clear water, Phone 17 on 12 tf FOR SALE. Dressed heavy hens, $1 each.-Call 19-F-20, O’Neill. 52-3pd FOR SALE: Cossack alfalfa seed. 25c per lb.—Lester Boshart, 9 north, 1 east and 1 north of O'Neill, • phone 6-F-21. l-3p95 TONY BOY: A sorrell saddle bred stallion at stud at my place, 2 miles west 14 south of Midway. Service fee $15.—D. L. Moler l-3p Garden Seeds Fresh Bulk and Package Seeds I.AWN SEED—Native Blue Grass. White Dutch Clover, Rye Grass, Red Fescue. FERTIIJZER for lawn or gar dens Seotts Turf Builder, Gold den Vigoro, Lawn Organic. WE HAVE a spreader available for application. Lawn and Garden Tools, Rakes, Hoes and Shovels Coyne Hardware O’Neill — Phone 21 FOR SALE: Beer equipment, to be moved. Reasonable. Modem location available in O'Neill.— Ralph McElvain. O'Neill. 29tf FOR SALE: Fryer chickens. Alive or dressed.—Norbert Clark, O’ Neill Phone 513M _2-3p60 SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down. 5% int.: up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone^ Contois Motor Co. Neligh. 30tf t* UK • wiuuicBuui heifers and cows, TB and bangs tested.—Rudy Juracek, Ewing. 31 tf Felix Fur Shop COMPIETE FUR SERVICE 412 West 7th St. GRAND I SI AND FOR SATE: Douhle bed and dres ser; natural gas stove with 30” oven; refrigerator and all wave antennae and rotor. — Phone i O’Neill. 3c FOR DITCH DIGGING service sewers, water service or foot ings—See. O. E Davidson. Phone 126, O’Neill. 47tf FOR SALE: Aeromotor windmills,, towers. Stock tanks, all sizes.] pressure systems.—Clifford So botka, Inman, phone 435. 52tf. Bargain Buys! New mowers and cultivators for Super C Farmall New 18-ft. truck box 1947 Chev. truck good sweep 1947 Ford truck good sweep 12-ft. lxmt 1954 Chev. truck with box 1950 C Farmall Full line new steel Hoerle Station Ewing. Nebr Phone 2642 (Chambers) 2-4p2.40 MOBILE HOMES New Safewavs & Great I .akes 16 to 52 ft. 8 & 10 Wldes Large Selection on Hand Used Trailers on Hand 1948—22 ft. 1945—25 ft. 1950 -27 ft. 1955 29 ft. 1954- 32 ft. 1954-22 ft. 1956-28 ft. 1956—35 ft. 2 B.R. Others coming in. We trade for furniture or any thing movable. Open evenings <x aunuajfs Lowest Prices — Best Finance Miller Trailer Sales Phone 460 Albion, Nebr. ltic Harry R. Smith Imp. Phone 562 O’Neill TRACTORS— ’48 A J-D 48 B J-D 46 A J-D •44 R J-D 40 B J-D 290 J-D cornplanter 450 J-D lister TW J-D lister tractor cultivators 14- ft. drill, like new Plows, all sizes 15- ft. J-D disc 2 AC 15 ft. discs j-D 4-wheel spreader No. 5 J-D mowers IHC No. 27 mower _ FOR SATE: Red Clover Cossack alfalfa, M a d iis on vetch. State tested.—Leon Beck with. Emmet. TOR SALE: Surge dairy equip ment pipeline and bucket type milkers - Dillon Sales and Service. Tong Pine. Phone 2 or Harvey Tompkins Inman. artificial breeding eliminates. purchase price, feed, tax, insurance, disease and danger of a bull. It cre ates a better herd and a bet ter living for the owner.—Call 469-J. your CURTISS technician Duane Gray, OTJeill. 50tf CAFE FOR SALE: Located on Highway 275, Tilden, Nebr. If interested—Write Dean D. Os born, Tilden, Nebr. 3-4p60 SALT FOR SALE: K ana polls $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c Located 3 biks. east, 4 blks. north of traffic light. Everett Gorgen, Ph. 164. O’Neill. 51tf SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SEE US or write us if interested in Sprinkler Irrigation. We will be glad to figure your system for you, with the help of qual ified irrigation engineers, at no obligation. Wm. Krotter Co. O’NEILL, NEBR. “Dealers in A-M Sprinkler Irrigation" AT STUD: 2 permanent register ed Quarter Stallions—C. E. McVay, O'Neill 44tf FOR SALE: Heavy duty slide stacker, with fold down arms, steel shod runners - Bill Der irkson. jr.( 14 north, 3 east of Page. 3-4 p 60 FOR SALE: Terriflex vinyl tile. Now carried in stock. Select your color—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. 47ctf YOU CAN get the money the same day you borrow it from me. R. H. Parker, O'Neill, Nebr. 3tf. I __ Used Machinery 1952 Farmall Super C 1947 Farmall M 1946 John Deere A 1950 Farmall H Farmall Regular -’8-in John Deere Thesher John Deere 2-16 plow THC 15 ft disc : IHC 12-ft disc Dump raxes A-C side rake Duall stacker American stacker Rotary hoe IHC 62 combine HM cultivator C cultivator John Deere 730 lister APPLIANCES BARGINS—Wringer washers, ker osene and gas refrigerators, double tub Dexter. See us for the l>est trade. Shelhamer Equip. Co. O’NEILL, NEBR. NIC Gehl — RCA Whirlpool FOR SALE: House plants, some in bloom, including geraniums, begonias, and purple violets, etc - Mrs. V. Halva, phone 630, O’Neill, 519 E. Fremont. 3c FOR SALE 2 820x15 T&C. w&b . 27.00 l 820x15 Dlx. .. 23.50 2—700x15 Dlx. _ 21.00 2—640x15 Dlx. . _ 12.50 10—750x14 Dlx., Tu w & b 26.50 4—9.22.5 Goodyear ... _ 73.50 (Plus tax & recappable tire) WE INSTALL Power Master Muf flers. Guaranteed for life of car. WILSON S TEXACO O’Neill, Nebr. SEED FOR SALE: Atlas sorgo, at 7c; red clover 96% p; red top 90% germination. -Clifford So botka, Inman. 3-4c MISCELLANEOUS Money to Loan BORROW on your auto qr house hold furniture in order to con solidate bills, pay medical or hospital bills, make home re pairs, car repairs, educational expenses, clothes, living ex penses, or for any other worthy purpose. O’Neill Loan Co. VTRGIL L. LAURSEN Phone 434 O’Neill, Nebr. 3c Wick’s Body Shop Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W — O’NEILL — for Any Job 25tf IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 34tf NOTICE •\VE INSTALL CARPET — TILE AND LINOLEUM Midwest Furniture & Appliance Co. 209 West Douglas O'Neill. Nebr. L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill WANTED WANTED: Reliable married mai under 40 for permanent ranel and farm work, starting June 1 Top wages. School close Moden home— Write box 172, Ewing Nebr. 3-4 WANTED: Red female coeke puppy. — Mrs. Ivan Pruss phone 171-W. O'Neill MONEY TO LOAN on farmi ranches and homes. Long term low interest rates — bonds an< insurance of all kinds. Se Virgil L. Laursen at The O' Neill Company 27-18tf HELP WANTED: Men Phi S h e rm a n, Tri-State Turke; Farm, O’Neill. 2ct WANTED DRY Cl EANING OF ALL KINDS! IDEAL CLEANERS Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctf WANTED: Experienced marriet man for year around work Near school. Could also usi single man. -Claude Keller Newport. 2-3] WANTED TO PASTURE: Abou 200 head of cattle — B W Wal do, Chambers. 49t COMPLETE AERIAL sprayin; and dusting service. Custon seed harvesting and a complet' lino of chemicals for sale. A1 work 100% guaranteed.—Bruci Fletcher or Ed Butterfield, Or chard, Nebr., phone TW 3-3686 3tf WANTED: Experienced waitresi nights, 5 p.m. til 1 a.m.—Nu Way Cafe, West O’Neill, inquin uayumt?. WANTED! Used Refrigerators YVE’RE NEEDING used refrig orators and freezers Doubli allowance for limited time. GILLESPIES Phone 114 — O'Neill 52t FOR REASONABLE prices tr^ LOIS FERN BEAUTY SHOPPE 2 blks. west of postoffice. Car serve you days or evenings bj appointment or without. l-9i Opportunity Unlimited THOUSANDS of women serving township territories are adding to family income as Avon rep resentativcs. We train you tc start earning at once.—Write Miss Alice Dial, district manag er, P. O. box 365, North Platte. l-3c AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THORIN Farm Sales a Speciality Phone 207 — O'Neill Sprague & Morrow Well Co. Well Drilling & Repairing 10th & Douglas — Phone 359-W OR 415 N 1st St.—Phone 553-J 3 blks W & 314 N of stoplite ltf WANTED: 150 head of yearling or 125 head older cattle for pas ture. — John Berger, Phone 19F13, O’Neill. 2-3c DRAGLINE WORK! Sewer Drainage, Dam Work Basement Excavation and Road Work! E. J. (Skip) Shane ATOTMCnN MTCnp 51-20 WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockman, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf OPPORTUNITY MAN OR WOMAN RESPONSIBLE person • from this area, to service and collect from automatic dispensers. No selling. Age not essential. Car, references, and $400.00 to $700.00 investment necessary. 7 to 12 hours weekly nets up to $200.00 monthly. Possibility full time work. For local interview give phone and full particulars. Write P. O. Bor 146, Minneap olis 40, Minn. 3 pd ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES WE REPAIR all makes. We un dersell anybody in price and outsell anybody in qualitv O’NEILL. NEBR. PH 269 52tf ELDERLY I.ADY Wants house keeping.—215 N. 5th St., O’ Neill. 3p35 DO YOU want to borrow monev on your City Property or on your Farm or on your Ranch? 1 have Eastern Money and I have private money to loan — See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 3tf WOULD LIKE to buy good used 2 unit milking machine. State condition, make and price.—Box WA c/o Frontier. 3-4pd REAL ESTATE Houses For Sale . 2-BEPROOM home, well located 1 3 blocks east public school, all , modern, and very reasonable ' priced. - 3-BEDROOM home, all modem, r nearly new and located in New . Addition, very low down pay ment and loan may be assum ed with reasonable monthly pay • ment. • 3-BEDROOM home and complete finished basement, all modem ! located south of Krotters store. Priced to sell. : 1-BEDROOM home, all modem, 1 block south and 1 east of 1 New Deal Oil Co. Price has l>een slashed. f ACREAGE (consisting of 4 acres, house, bam, garage, well lo cated and reasonable priced. DUPLEX very well located, all modem and very' good terms. SEVERAL well located residen tial and business building lots. GROCERY STORE well located in good business town, doing around $45,000 volume. Excel lent terms may be had. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET PLACE Virgil L. Laursen O'Neill, Nebr. Phone 434 | Member of North Central Board 1! of Realtors. f I 3c - FOR SALE: Modern hotel, pav f ment parking and immediate possession. — Ann Asimus, O’ Neill phone 364. • 3c FOR SALE: Story and a half three-bedroom house, two baths, full basement, all modem, seven years-old. Close to churches and schools.—Inquire at The Frontier. 3tf ! FOR SALE: Two bedroom modem , home in northeast O Neill. . Plenty closets and built-ins. Well on place. Fruit trees.—V. J. Towle. O'Neill. 50tf. FOR SALE : Modern two-bed room home in northwest Ewing. — West Lumber & Coal Co., Ew ■ | wing, Nebr. 3ctf FARM LOANS • R. H. Parker. 3tf FOR SALE: 3 bedroom home in , Northheights, $9750. — K i e t h Abart, O’Neill, 52c t Dwelling and Lots • MODERN, 2-story house in south , east section, separate entrance for upstairs apartments. Low down payment, easy terms. 2—TWO-BEDROOM HOUSES, both close-in, completely modem. Also an improved farm for rent Ed Thorin Phone 207 Auctioneer-Real Estate Broker ]FOR SALE: room house lo cated in Emmet. Could easily be moved if wanted.—Call at Farrs’ Produce. O’Neill. 50tf FOR SALE: 640 acres pasture and hay land. 320-A each. Im mediate possession. Wilson's Texaco, phone 358, O’Neill. _ 3-4c65 ' FOR SALE.House, 18 x 24, 3 rooms and garage, 4 acres of land.—Inquire Joe Thoendel or Robert Kreiziger, Ewing, phones 7-F4 or 7-F02, Ewing. 2-4p85 FOR SALE: A three-room home. —Annabelle Asimus, phone O’ Neill 364. ltf FOR SALE OR RENT: A modem house located one mile from town.—Phone 773, O’Neill. 3c CARDS of THANKS WE TAKE this opportunity to thank our friends and neigh bors and all others who per formed deeds of kindness, sent cards, lettters, provided masses and aided in many ways at the time of the illness and death of our husband and father, A. E. Ponton.—Mrs. A. E. Ponton, Miss Florence Ponton, Md*. and Mrs. L«o Tomjack and family, George Ponton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ponton and fam ily. 3c50 l wiori 10 express my uiariKs to everyone who remembered me with flowers, cards, and gifts during my stay in the hos pital. Thanks to Dr. Finley and hospital staff for their fine care, also thanks to Father Kucera and Rev. Kennicott for their visits. A special thanks to Ann Asimus and Catherine Matthews for their kindness shown me at hospital and after I returned to my home.—MRS. MARIE A STRUBE I WISH to say “thank you” to my relatives and friends for the many acts of kindness, shown to me in the past weeks, during my illness. Your prayers, flow ers, gifts, cheery cards and visits w'ere deeply appreciated. —Mrs O. T. Kemper 2c50 MANY THANKS to all my friends for their cards and visits while I was in the hospital. Special thanks to Father Kucera, the sisters, doctors and nurses for their care. It is deeply ap preciated and will not be for gotten. — MRS. G. D. JANZ ING 3p THANKS to our many friends, neighbors and relatives for their many expressions of sympathy, acts of kindness, floral tri butes and memorials at the time of our beloved son and brother’s death. Everyone was so wonderful.—Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton. Don Fuller ton, Phillis Fullerton. 3c FOR RENT TOR RENT: A hou». 3 rooms and bath. — Mrs Emma Law rence, phone 523-R, O'Neill _49tf FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment, 4 rooms and bath, heat ed. close in —Elmer Hagensiek, O’Neill, phone 556-R. 34tf FOR RENT: Building for shop or storage—J. F. Contois, O' Neill. phone 368 49tf FOR RENT: Close-in apt., two rooms and bath Good space for washing machine. F u r nished with elec, stove, refrig erator and rug. — Phone 14-F-3 or 434. 41tf. FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537, O’Neill 16tf FOR RENT: Two and three IhhI room houses. Anna Brown, O’Neill. 3tf FOR RENT: Sleeping room, also light housekeeping rooms—Mrs. Roy Cole, 215N. Fifth. O’Neill. _ ltf FOR RENT: Furnished apart ments with automatic washer and dryer.—A. E. Bowen, Ph. 515. O'Neill. ltf FOR RENT: Storage space. — Phone 565, O’Neill. 37tf FOR RENT: Small furnished apartment.—Annabelle Asimus, phone O'Neill 346. ltf FOR RENT: Three room house with hath. Call O’Neill 537 2tf Legal Notices (First pub. May 1, 1958) John R. Gallagher, attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Estate No. 4163 i COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA ESTATE OF HELEN SIMAR, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu tion of estate and approval of fi nal account and discharge, which will he for hearing in this court on May 21, 1958, at 10 o’clock, A. M. IOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) l-3c (Published May 15, 1958) LEGAL NOTICE In accordance with the School Laws of Nebraska, we are re quired to make the following de scribed change in district boun-' daries: The Northwest quarter and the South Half of Section 6 and NWJ/4. WC2 of NE‘4 & N14 of SVV(4, Section 7, Town ship 24, Range 9; all of Sec. 1, 2, and N^4 Section 12, Township 24, Range 10, all in Wheeler Co., Nebraska, to be detached from Dist. No. 1 in W'heeler Co. and attached to Dist. No. 18 (4 in Holt-Wheel er Co. A hearing of said matter will bo held in the Assembly Room at the Court House in O'Neill, Ne braska on May 28, 1958, at 2:00 p. m. when all interested may ap pear and lx? heard. MINNIE D. IAWSON, Wheeler Co. Sup’t. ALICE L. FRENCH, Holt Co. Sup’t. 3c (Published May 15, 1958) LEGAL NOTICE In accordance with the School Laws of Nebraska, we are re- j quired to make the following described changes in district boundaries: NEVi Section 33; N% & N% of SEV4 Section 34, all in Township 25, Range 11, to be detached from Dist. No. 2Ms, Whuplpr.Wnlt Pniinh; anH nt. tachod to Dist. No. 115, Holt County. A hearing of said matter will be held in the Assembly Room at the Court House* in O’Neill, Ne braska on May 28, 1958, at 2:00 j p. m. when all interested may j appear and be heard. MINNIE D. LAWSON, Wheeler Co. Sup't. ALICE L. FRENCH, Holt Co. Sup’t. ' 3c O’NEILL LOCALS Mrs. Lawrence Storjohann and son, Roger of Chamberlain, S. D., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John F. .Storjohann. They also attended the Luthem church dedication. Mrs. Storjohann is a former organist here. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woidneck were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Woidneck and Mrs. Rosa Bowers. Mrs. Bowers attended a WBSA meeting in Spencer in the evening and was an overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Havranek Pond Stocking HAVE A good supply of 1” to 2" Rainbow Trout avail able now for stocking ponds and streams. Will deliver or you can pick up at my place. Write for quotations. Porter Trout Farm Valentine, Nebr. Sport Fishing Market Trout Pond Stocking 3c _I Church Notices METHODIST (Page Inman) Rev Lisle E Mew maw. pastor PAGE Thursday, May 15. (today): Woman's Society of Christian Ser vice meeting. 2 p. m.; junior choir. 4 p. m. Friday. May 16: High school senior tea, 8 pm. Sunday, May 18: Sunda y school. 9 a m.: worship. 10:30 a. m, during which Bishop H Baseom Watts of our Nebraska arer will be in charge of the ded ication of our remodeled church and the consecration of the new educational unit in addition to delivering the sermon. Then will lie a fellowship basket din ner in Fellowship Hall at noon. The afternoon sendee will tie at 2 p. m. during which our Dist Supt., Rev. Robert L. Embree. will be in charge of the dedica tion of the memorials and other gifts and then> will bo an inform al period of reminiscing. The public is cordially invited. Bac calaureate service, 8 p. m. in public school auditorium Wednesday, May 21: Chancel choir. 8 p. m. May 25 to 29: Vacation church school. INMAN Sunday. M ay 18: Sunday school. 8:45 a. m. and then at tend Page dedication day ser vices. See Page notes above. Sunday-school will continue to meet at 8:45 throughout the sum mer. Wednesday, M a y 21: Choir practice, 8 p. m and MYF. Thursday, May 22: Woman’s Society of Christian Service meet ing, 2:30 p. m. June 9 to 13: Vacation church school. FOR BOTH CHURCHES June 2 to 7: District senior camp at Ponca State Park. Send In your pre-registration and let's go to camp, intermediates! St. Anne’s Guild to Entertain— St. Anne’s guild will entertain the Altar society of St. Patrick's Cathoic church at 8 o’clock to night (Thursday). A door prize will be given and a special film will be shown at the St. Mary’s j gym. Rev. and Mrs. R. W. Olson and three of their chidren of Thorp, j Wise., were here to attend the Lu- j them church dedication. Rev. j Olson is a former pastor here, i They were guests at the Bert Barnhart home. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Peter son, jr., of Genoa were Sunday visitors at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, sr. ROYAL THEATRE O’NEILL Tliurs. May 15 James Dean plays himself in THE JAMES DEAN STORY A different kind of motion pic ture! Hear Tommy Sands sing the James Dean theme—“Let Me Be Loved”! Was he a rebel! | Was he a Giant! The real story of the most talked alx>ut star of our time. Fri.-Sat. May 16-17 ! The reallife story of a Chicago, hotel clerk who wants to become | a real rough cowboy. How he I swangs it . . . on the long trail ! from Chicago to Mexico and back . . . the girls he meets . . . the obstacles he overcomes: COWBOY Technicolor. Starring Glenn Ford, Jack Lemmon, and Anna Kashfi, Brian Donlevy, with Dick York, Victor Manuel Mendoza, Richard Jaeckel, James Wester field. Sun.-Mon.-Tups. May 18-19-20 MARJORIE MORNING8TAB WarnerColor. This is Herman Wouk’s great novel that more than any other belongs to young lovers of this generation. This is the picture that more than any other is the story of every young girl who ever had to choose be tween decency and desire! Star ring Gene Kelly as Noel. Natalie Wood as Marjorie. Also starring Claire Trevor as the mother. Ed Wynn as Uncle Samson. Matinee Saturday * Sunday 2:80 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Friday and Saturday admission— Adults 50c; Children under 12, 12c, Free If accompanied by par ent. Wed., Thurs. Family nlte, family admitted for two adult tickets. Double A Auctions nt ATKINSON & AINSWORTH AGAIN are providing you a full time marketing service. We will continue to hold sales every Tuesday at At kinson and every Friday at our Ainsworth Market with horse sales the last Satur day of each month at Ains worth. Your consignments will be appreciated and you can be sure of receiving more net dollars when you market your stock the auction way. If you would like any price informa tion on livestock you are con sidering selling, let us know and we will call at your place at no obligation. Phone At kinson 5141 daytime or 6301 evenings. Hog auction 10 am.; cattle sale 1 p.m. Atkinson Livestock Market DEAN FLEMING, manager Phone Ainsworth 277 daytime or 293 evenings Sale time 1 p.m. Ainsworth sale yards. DOUBLE A AUCTIONS, own ed and 0[>erated by Roy Aten, Ainsworth. 3tf Sick & In jured VKNl’S Paul l-eo Mitchell, 1J-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs George Jeffrey. is suffering fn>m rheumatic fever He will not lie able to attend school the re mainder of the term. . , . Mrs. Fred Iekler is staying with her son and daughter-in-law. Mr and Mrs Gerald Iekler Mrs. Iekler fractured her hip recently and is being caret! for by* relatives during her convalescence Dur ing the past month she has N'on at tht' Vincent Jackson anti Rus sell Iekler homes. Mrs Har ry Caskey returned to her home Tuesday. May ti. having recently undergone surgery at St. An thony's hospital. DEL01T Mrs, M a y n a r d Steams and her mother. Martha Kinney s jH'iit several days last week at Boone. Ia.. Eh on Kinney was hospitalized at that time. . . j Willard Harpster suffered a hum on his arm and received treat ment by a doctor in Neligli last week. LYNCH Earn Wilson returned to his home in Gregory. S. D., ha\ mg spent several weeks con valescing at home of his sister, Mrs Faye Pinkerman after hav ing tw'oti hospitalized at the Sa-1 ored Heart hospital for several weeks. CHAMBERS Karen Farrier j came home Tuesday, May 6, from St. Anthony’s hospital where she had been a patient for several days with infected sinus. Page Seniors to Black llllls— PAGE Supt. William Hock, Mrs. Tony Mudloff and Mr. and Mi-c T?filr»h Tjirsnn snnnsnrprt flu* group of seniors who left Thurs day afternoon for a Black Hills tour. The first night was spent at the ("hadron State Teachers College and a tour was conducted through I the college. Enroute to Rapid City, S. D, Friday the group enjoyed a swim at Hot Springs and visited points [ of interest in that area until Sun day, arriving home late Sunday night. The four faces of Amer ican presidents was the high point of interest. O’Neill Locals Mrs. Eva McCloud of Beaudette, j Minn., came Saturday from Den-1 ver, Colo., where she had spent the winter, to visit Mrs. Charlotte Honeywell and the John Honey wells before going on to her home. Duane K. Miller is attending a school at Norfolk several days , this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Karel of Howells were Sunday, May 4, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rynold Cimfel. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Glandt of Sioux City, formerly of O'Neill, attended the dedication of Christ Luthern church. INSURANCE ALL KINDS Come in and let us figure the plans over with you. We can save you money and we appreciate your business. Geo. C. Robertson AGENCY Phono 534 or 6I2-J Completes Term— PAGE Mr, nnd Mrs. Harvey Spangler will go to Harrison Fri day to assist their daughter. Miss Hetty who had completed a term of school as teacher in the first and second grades there Miss Hetty will touch Emporia school, looaiod 14 miles from home, next year lH>g Owners In Inman Village, all dog licenses expire May SI, IIKVS Please renew promptly. New licenses can be secured from 1. I,. Matson, tillage Clerk. S-4e Mr and Mrs. A. E. Howon vis ited from Tuesday, May ti. until Thursday with their son, John, and Ins family at Wayne. They heard the Wayne college band's final concert. Once Over Lightly with Coyne Hardware O’Neill, Nobr. (4 MILLER THEATER — ATKINSON — One Show nightly at 8 p.m. Frl.-Sat. May 16-17 Sunday thru Saturday May 18-24 — 7 Big Nltcs | a»« i,»u«CiNBM /.ScopE ^ LANA . HOPE '***& TURNER LANGE [^ Matinee Sunday: 2:30. Not recommended for children. TRADE-IN TODAY ON k BEIBEBLIMBf tires ?. Some people Invite TROUBLE , . . JKj and usually get Itl Smooth tire* 2i invite TROUBLE . . . and cause JvC accidents! Sell us those TIRE V 5 TROUBLES BEFORE THEY HAPPEN. Right now we'll give top dollars < for your old tires on brand new Seiberlings. SEIBERLING TIRES V ( give maximum safety . . . Longer V< J mileage . . . Quicker stops . . . YjfiLwE More skid-resistance. SEIBERLING TIRES ARE SAFER, NO lP# DOUBT ABOUT IT! n See Your Nearest SEIBERLING Dealer MIDCITY MOTORS, Atkinson FOX REPAIR, Newport NAPEIt SUPER SERVICE. Naper LYNCH STANDARD SERVICE, Lynch KEMPS SERVICE, Niobrara II. E BARTON SERVICE, Orchard WINTZ SINCLAIR SERVICE, Creighton HANSON FARM EQUIPMENT, Butte CHET & KENS, Verdlgre GILLETTE & SON, Chambers ROTHERHAM SERVICE, Ewing