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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1958)
The George W. Sehnebel* . . . they will reside at Norfolk. O'Neill Photo Co. Frances L. Ernst Becomes Bride Miss Frances L. Kmst, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Emsi of O’Neill, and George W. Schne bel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl J Schnebel of Norfolk, were uniter in marriage at St. Patrick’s Cath olic church at 2 p.m,, Monday May 12 Very Rev. Timothy O’ Sullivan officiated at the double ring ceremony before altars ol spring flowers. The bride, given in marriage by her father, appeared in a ny lon lace gown over taffeta with a scalloped neckline. It featured a fitted bodice shaped into points below the waistline and a dome shaped bouffant skirt with scal lop’d sleeves. The double veil of illusion tulle was held by a coronet of seed pearls and rhine stones. She carried a cascade of white carnations with blue sat in leaves find ribbons. The bridesmaids. Miss Eunice VanHom of O’Neill and Miss Mary Anne Schnebel of Norfolk, a sister of the bridegroom, ap peared in light blue , crystalette gowns over blue taffet. They Wore white headbands and car ried colonial bouquets of white pan poms with blue net and blue streamers. A reception at the Tow'n House for 50 guests followed. The cake was served by Miss Regina Vitt and the coffee poured by Miss Mardelle Vitt. Mrs. Dean Butter field, a sister of the bridegroom, was in charge of the guest book Mrs. Bob Pherran and Mrs. Ron Kucera were in charge of the gift table. After a trip to the western l>nrt of the state, the couple will live at 919 So.i 3rd st., Norfolk. Mrs. Schnebel is a graduate of St. Mary’s academy. Mr. Schneb el is a graduate of Stanton high school. Out-of-town guests attending were Marjorie, Carol and Sally Shelter of Stanton; Rose Jennings of Blue Earth, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schnebel, Mrs. W. S. Compton, Mrs. W. A. Evans, Bill and Virginia Swanson, Mrs. Boh Mi Pherran and Mrs Ron Kucera, all of Norfolk; Mrs Ilcne Stev ens of Oakland, Mi's. Joe E. Kretz of Dubuque. Ia., and Mrs. Dean Butterfield of Columbus. Anna Marie Menke, Lloyd Babcock Wed in Butte Church Miss Anna Marie Menke, daughter of Mrs. Anton Menke and the late Anton Menke of Hart ington, l>ecame the bride of Lloyd Babcock of Atkinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Babcock of Ansley, at the Sts. Peter and Paul Cath Graduate Nurse Miss Carolyn Lois Watson (above), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. L Watson of Inman, was graduated with a class of 32 nurses Thursday evening , at Immanuel hospital school of nursing in Omaha. Her par " ents and her brother, Sam. , attended. Miss Watson also appeared on the program, playing a piano concerto by Saint Saens. Miss Carolyn will be a June bride. olic church at Butte on Monday, May 12. Rev. Gill officiated at the ceremony. The hride wore a white street- j length lace dress over net and satin with a lace jacket with long tapered sleeves. Her accessories were of white. The bouquet was pink carnations i n a cresent shape. The tradition was carried out with something old, new, bor rowed and blue. Mrs Larton Burton, sister of J the bride, was matron of honor, j She wore a blue lace street-length , dress with a blue nylon stole. 1 Her accessories were white. She [ carried a colonial bouquet of pink and white carnations. Attending the bridegroom was 1 James Babcock, brother of the bridegroom. Both wore light bus iness suits and had white carna tion boutonnieres. The bride’s mother wore a blue dress with white accessories. The bridegroom’s mother appeared in t a pink print dress with white ac cessories. Both had corsages of • white carnatiins. ' A dinner was held at Bonesteel, S. D. for the wedding party and . 1 their families. After a western wedding trip the couple will reside on the Dr. ^Erickson ranch north of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Babcock . . . will reside on ranch north of Atkinson.—O’Neill Photo Co. To the voters of the 28th Legislative District: IT HAS been a privlege to serve you in the past, and I thank you for your support in the primary. FRANK NELSON ! ... 1,942 Votes Counted in Primary Election (Continued from page 1). 222: Mike S. Kracher, 33, Morri son, however, won the demo nomination. In the gt'neral election this fall. Gov. Victor Anderson, re publican, will be opposed by Ralph G. Brooks, democrat. An derson bested Louis H. Hector in Holt. 916-322. Brooks handily de feated Edward A, Dosek in the state but they tied—235 apiece— here. Dwight Burney, who campaign ed in Holt, barely defeated Mar vin Griswold for the GOP nom ination for lieutenant - governor. In Holt the count was 569-549 with Burney in front. On the demo side, Frank Sorrell hands down defeated two contenders— Earl V. Baker and William W. Jurgensen. Sorrell had more votes in Holt than his two op ponents combined. Marilyn Jean Stroman, only woman on the state ballot, nearly I “Pset incuml>ent Joe Brown for a railway commission GOP nom ination in a field ct 11. In Holt she polled 190 votes; Victor John son had 132; Fred Sorensen 128; Brown, 106; Carl Peterson, 87 On the demo balloting for rail way commission, J. C. Me Rey nolds received 25~; Neil Nelson, 177. Thus it will be Brown versus Me Reynolds in the fall Other Holt voting with an as trix denoting the successful nom inees follows: SECRETARY OF STATE Republican: Frank Marsh*, 916; John W. Swanson, 271. Demo crat- Leonard Foster*. 368 (un opposed). AIDITOR Republican: Ray C Johnson* 916 i unopiwsed1. Democrat: J. R. Kelly*, 385 (unopposed e ATTORN EY-GENERAL Republican; Clarence S. Beck*, 829 (unop[H>sed *. Democrat: William E. Grubbs*, 382 (unop posed », TREASI'RER Republican: R. W. Swanson, 268; Richard C. Hill. 225; Mar vin L. Peterson, 185; R. W. John son. 182; J. Monroe BLxler*, 158. Democrat Richard R. Larsen*, 246; Walter H. Jensen, 187. CONGRESS (FOl'RTH) Republican: A. L. Miller*, 940; 4 : Ralph Mead, 122; Kenneth S Go ' tobed. 109, Democrat: Donald F. 1 McGinley, 372 (unopposed). Wills \\ ins GOP Nomination Bl 1TK There were two sur prises in state level balloting in Boyd county on the republican side. Gov. Victor Anderson received a not-too-impressive margin over unknown Louis H. Hector, 290-118. And Lt -Gov. Dwight Burney ran second to a vote-getting name, Marvin Griswold. 237-201. Marvin L. Peterson easily out distanced all others for state treasurer; Carl Peterson [met'd the field for railway commission er. Incumhents Ver. E. Tomek, clerk, Claude Cbllins,. sheriff, and Girts H. Anderson, assessor, were virtually tmopposed. although there were some write-ins. W. P Wills of Butte outdist anced J. T. Murray of Spencer for nomination for county attor ney, 386-129. In supervisor dis trict 5, Grant C. Reiter received 70 votes; L. E. Nagel, 50. Boyd demos liked Frank B. Morrison for the U. S. senate and gave Ralph G. Brooks a 161 141 nod over Edward A lX>sek for the nomination for gover nor. Harold J. Loock received 219 demo votes for county sheriff, unopposed, although Claude Q)l iins. a republican, received 86 demo write-ins. Lee M. Mathre. unopposed for demo nomination for assessor, received 252 votes, hut Loris H Anderson got 83 write-ins front democrats. Eva Barnes, unopposed for superintendent, received 806 votes. Stockwell Winds Up 40 'l ears BASSETT Chet Stockwell Rock county clerk 40 years. Tues day night wrapped up his last •lection Ho reported the repul> licans easily outnumbered the demos at the polls and held the interest spotlight. Mrs. Mildred Hasch won the clerk nomination over Earl L. Anderson, 482-280. on the repub lican ticket. Nora A. Hopkins, incumbent treasurer, was defeat ed by Clint Davis, 433-337, for the treasurer's post. In the sher iff race, Man in Kreitman polled -131 \otcs compared to 230 for Robert Swanson In the assessor race, Morris Brinekerhoff received 878 votes as republican ineuml>ent: Wilma Peacock. 92. For county commissioner in the Second district A. O Gumsey re ceived 183 votes; Carl Spoering 107; Harold J Park. 70, and IJoyd F. Gandy. 48. On the democratic side. Donald F McGinlcy for congress re ceived 55 votes; H. C. Carr, for county commissioner. Second dis trict 40 Mail Vote May Affect Race NEIJGH Between 45 and 50 mail votes might affect the out come in the republican race for nomination for county treasurer in Antelope county. Theda Olney, incumbent, re ceived 592 votes in Tuesday’s predominately republican pri murv: Carl W. llemenway, 557; E. R Peters, 255. Ewing High ALUMNI BANQUET 1 I _ 1 uesday Eve May 27th Ewing Public School Auditorium 6:80 r. >i. lVadlint* for purchasing tick ots is Saturday evening, May 24. Price: $1 :50 ^PRICE^imECTWE| Thursday thru Saturday W May 15 to May 18 C JERSEY CREAM V FLOUR 50 LB $4 90 1 BOX_ O.A7 1 I REAL GOLD — BLI E BONNET - |L QLEO_ l0- <£%7C MIRACLE WHIP_(|t. jar 59c _ _NOODLES 7-oz.pkg. 10c 1 1 A BAKER'S — BISQUICK_lg. POX TISSUE_4 r°MS 29c SAND. COOKIES 2 Ml «»& 59C j CRisco_3-'b can STC DEE MONTE - M OAO_{ft 4 EATWELL - FRUIT COCKTAIL «| •)»■> CTS J X FLOUR IP fe 89t FLAT GRAPE JAM 10-oz. jar 15c 1__CAN ; KING peas 4 jw cns 4-9C SIZE RAISINS_ 2 full lbs. S9c _BOX--SUM-R-AID _pt- 1 Qc peX'nuVbutter 4B>-jar$1-59 jSW— ICECREAM_l-gal. 69c IllEI MEADOW GOLD — MV ^^Lb ORANGE DRINK Z Q*S‘2 / C U IM UTILITY RED # ^^p * I LBS00 $2.98 I # FRESH— nr I FRESH— r % M Lettuce 2-lbs. “DC | Cukes, ea DC# # FRESH— OQ I FRESH— JQ # ^Carrots, 3bgs. ^| Grapef’t., 8 for ^C^ HAM SALE Jf SWIFT’S FULLY COOKED J 1 HAM,59t?69t