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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1958)
Promotion Rites for Eighth Graders Honor students at eighth err»df graduation held Wednesday Mar It at O’Neill public srhnol audi tnrinm were! Connie Brockman, Joan Fish er 7ane Frost, Beth Fullerton Pave Car-wood Shirley Green Jerrv Hendricks Carole Hoff man Charles Hnvey. Zoe Anr Huffman I oren Pinkerman Rieh ard Print'rat? Mary Richards Aletha Rutherford. Neal Smith Janice Smith Panelia Whitakei and Norma Widfeldt. Others graduating were: Ben Asher, Linda Auman, Pa trieia Ballngh Lyle Bnrtak Kar en Bates. Judy Beed, Sharor Benton, Byron Blain. Lnrer Blake, I/iren Boelter. Wayne Brewster, Wayne Burgett. Foster Burrell, Jackie Butterfield, Char Irs Chaffin Fdward Collins, Ken neth Coolidge, Alvin Crtimly. fbarles Pickau, Helen Marie Pu satko Kathy Firk. Helen Fre riehs. Iris Fundus. Kathleen Funk Lynn Gallagher. Eric Lynn Gar wood, Tom Genung. Garnett Gillogly, Robert Gil man, Joyce Grass, Jerry Greger, Charlotte Grimes, Arnold “11311. Rnv Hipke, Pale Hubei, Delores Hubei, Mary Lois Jansen. Dar ken Johnson, Gail Johring, Ir ma Juracek, Bonnie Kaezor, Billy Kaplan Karen Kaplan, Boh Kaup, Kay Kelley, Jeanette Klab anes, Ronnie Knoell, Jerry Ko pejtka, LiVonne Kopejtka Irene Krieger, Linda Kruse, Richard Bonnie Le Munyan, Donna Mc Clurg, Judy Morrow, Mary Jane Muff, Jimmy Ninas, Carol Pacha, Marilyn Parks, Joan Pease, Irene Perrott, Callan Peter, Randy Pinker man, Eileen Pribil, Bob Radcliff, Janice RJsor, Fred Rosenkrans, Lonnie Sandall, Mar cene Sohmiser, Jerome Schmitz, Donald Skopec, Dean Sladek. Darryl Stems, Darryl Swanson, Jerry Taylor, Lloyd Thor in, Mary Agnes Thramer, Donald Thurlow, Carole VVabs, Joce Watson, Mary Ellen Wells, Venita White, Rita Winings, Bonnie Worden, Donna Wright, Ronald Zakrzewski and Alfred Ziska. Joseph Bicek, 81, Rites at Verdigre Joseph O. Bicek, 81, a long time resident of Verdigre and a reined farmer, died May 4. He haii suffered a heart attack. Survivors include; Widow— Rose; daughters—Mrs. Jane Kru pa of St Paul, Minn.; Mrs. E E. (Mildred) Gaskill of O’Neill: Mrs. H. C. (Gloria) Bennet of Ft. Smith, Ark., Mrs. H. E. (Viola) Burroughs of Lafayette, Calif.; sons Clarence and Joe of Oma ha ; 10 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Richard Bohn was recently in itiated into Alpha Kappa Delta, national sociology honorary, at the University of Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kellner and Lynn were Sunday evening guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alien Pollock, at Ewing. Anna Clasey, 86, Rites Set Friday Mrs Anna Clasey, 86, a form er Page resident, died in St. An thony’s hospital, Carroll, la., Monday evening. May 12, She had been making her home with her daughter Mrs B. G. Godsey of Auduiton, la., and had been ill two weeks. Funeral services will lie held at 2 p.m., Friday, May 16, at St. Peter's Catholic church at Ewing with Rev Paul Broder son of Neligh officiating. Burial in Calvary cemetery under the direction of Biglin’s. A rosary will be said tonight (Thursday) at 8 p.m., at Biglin’s chapel. Pallbearers will be Lyndley Crumly, Glen Stewart, William Roach, Ronald Grass, Alton Brad dock and Orville Kemper. Anna Brozak w';is bom July 25, 1871 in Czechosovakia. In February, 1902, she married John Clasey at Battle Creek. They became the parents of four children. They came to Holt county from Battle Creek Janu ary 10, 1904. Mr. Clasey died October 29, 1949. Survivors include: Sons El mer of Osceola and George of Page; daughters Mrs. B. G. (Mabel) Godsey of Audubon, la., and Mrs. Ben (Grace) Juraeek of Cedar Rapids: brother Jake Brozak of Wisner; six grandchil dren and two great-grandchildren. Too Late to Classify (First pub. May 15, 1958.' Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate N’o. 4209 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COITNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF CHARLES E. JONES, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, j TO AIX CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the j probate of the will of said deceas ed, and for the appointment of C. Vincent Jones as Administra tor with Will Annexed thereof, which will be for hearing in this court on June 5, 1958, at 10 o’clock A. M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 3-5c I WOULD like to thank all my relatives and friends for pray ers, gifts and visits while in the the hospital, and returning home. Also want to thank Fa til er Kucera, the Sisters and nurses, Drs. Wilson and Sucha. MRS. LEO VANDERSNICK. 3c THANK YOU to all the good vot ers of Holt county for your support in the primary.—OPAL KEATING, Atkinson. 3c HAVE PASTURE for 15 head of cattle.—John Sobotka, Inman, Nebr. 35p3 MARIE’S BEAUTY SHOP will be closed the remainder of the week while Mrs. Meta Gruhn is hospitalized in Omaha. 3c35 Wanted Men-Women Supplement Your Income Up To $500 A Month NO SELLING OR SOLICITING. We establish chain of retail accounts. Distribute nationally advertised dry pack- . age food product—sells for 10c—used by millions daily. ; High profit year-round. Operate from your own home |Kirt or full time. If you want a prosperous business of your own in this territory, then we want to hear from you. First come-flrst served. Personal Interview arrang ed promptly. MONITOR SUPPLY COMPANY, 4108 Main Street, Kansas Uty, Mo. Heavy Springers in Offering There will be several consignments of calves, weighing t©0-550-lbs., ami two consignments of white face yearling heifers and steers at our sale today (Thursday). One consignor is bring ing in 12 head of heavy springer whlteface cows. Also included will be at least 250 feeder pigs, varying from weaning age to 100 lbs. >lrs. Felix Hendrick will offer at auction a mower, feed bunks, shop equipment, wagon, hay rake, etc., ahead of the livestock sale. O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET PHONE 2 Vern A Leigh Reynoldson Top Scholars Michael Liddy (above), O’ Neill hinh valedictorian; Lynda Haynes (below), nalutatorlan.— O’Neill Photo Co. Cecelia A. Arbuthnot (above), St. .Mary’s academy valedictor ian; Jean Schoenle (below), sa lautatorian.—O’Neill Photo Co. SICK & INJURED O’NEILL Meta Gruhn will submit to surgery today (Thrrs day) at Clarkson Memorial in Omaha. . . Danny and Gailyn Clyde, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Clyde, had mumps last week. . . Jim Froelich returned Satur day from Rochester, Minn., where he' had submitted to surgery on his spine. . . Mrs. All Fritton has pneumonia at St. Anthony’s hos pital. O’NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Marde sen of Orchard and Dr. B. J Johnson of Oklahoma City, Okla , were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Miller. After noon and evening guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lafrenz and boys of Center. Mrs. H. J. Hammond returned recently from Denver, Colo., where she had spent the winter with her sisters, the Misses Ma rne and Catherine Grady. En route home she spent several days with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Chace, and family at North Platte. Mrs. P. B. Harty returned last Thursday from a month’s stay with her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harty, and daughter at Menasha, Wise. Minshall Signs Up for Great Plains lvrni ivLiiisiiaii ui I'rtgi.” was uie ursi non county signer—and one of die first in the state—in the new Great Plains soil conservation program. Witnessing the signing were: Seated—Walter Fick of Inman: Minshall; Menvyn French, sr.. of Page, C. R. ("Bob") HiU of O’Neill; standing—Elmer j4r V v * • juracea oi aiar; narvey rvrugrnan oi u iveui, ana Oarence Ernst of O'Neill. Hill is unit conserv a tionist for the Holt soil and water district; the others—besides Minshall— are officers and direct ors.—The Frontier Photo. (Pack of Dors Slay Cow— EMMET Note to dog owners in the Emmet community: Gain es Rzeszotarski had a cow killed by a pack of dogs Wednesday, night, May 7. About this time a year ago Mrs. William Newton’s hen house was raided by dogs and 30 hens were killed. The idea is simply this: It ! might l>e unhealthy for dogs on the prowl. LAND AT CHAMBERS t CHAMBERS—Joe Kutscher of Leander, Tex , and Harry Dulik of Morgan. Tex., landed here in a two-engine aircraft to look af ter their seven - thousand - acre Wheeler county ranch, 15 miles south of here, and to attend the Lakeview sale. They are re modeling the house on their place. Both are realtors. To Attend Nursing Reunion— Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gallagh er and Rev. Eugene F. Gallagh er, S. J. left Wednesday for Oma ha. where Father Gallagher will remain for two days before re ■ turning to Milwaukee, Wise. Mr. I and Mrs. Gallagher went on to | , Carroll, la., where they will at I tend the annual reunion of St. | Anthony's school of nursing Arrives from Japan — Reed Tomjack, U S N, arrived home Sunday for a 15-day fur lough arranged because of the death of his grandfather. A. E. Ponton. He left Tokyo, Japan, Friday. Recently he had been a patient in a navy hospital. WEATHER SUMMARY hi lo pr. May 8 70 43 .05 May 9 75 43 May 10 85 47 May 11 89 48 May 12 84 56 T May 13 79 61 .11 May 14 65 52 .74 . Total .90 Ronald Grass, living 10 miles east oi O'Neill reported IVt in ches of rain. Loyd Brady of Dorsey said of the moisture: “It’s j wonderful!" Mr. and Mrs. John Hall of | Blue Ekrth, Minn., spent a few | days with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Dobrovolny, and family. Miss Cecelia Ann Arbuthnot is pictured crowning Ihc Blessed Mother while Kllen Itavrunek (left) an.! Maureen Higgins, Margaret Hoyle, Carnien Meuseh and Kenae Hoffman sing. Small girls are Marilyn Iaiwery and Nan Kersenbrock.—The Frontier I’hoto. O’NEILL LOCALS Last Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tomlinson were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rothchild of Atkinson and their daughter, Mrs. Norman Gutzman and two children of Woonsocket, S. D. Mrs. Gut/man and her children had spent the week with the Rothchild family. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Skulbor stad and family of Hastings, for merly' of O'Neill were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Haynes. They attended the ded ication of Christ Lutheran church .Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hubbard of Rapid City, S.D., arrived last Thursday to visit his sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Porter, and other relatves at Chamgers. They returned Sunday. Mrs. Gene Porter and children of Columbus w'ere guests at the Porter home here last Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Froe lich, Jr., of Chicago, HI., are expected to spend the weekend with his parents. Plans Made for Memorial Day EWING Saturday, May 24, will be poppy day in Ewing. Am erican Legion members who will assist with the stile of the me morial flower are Mrs. Alfred ' Napier, Mrs. Loyd West. Mrs. ' Willis Roekey, Mrs. Ray Mag- ■ wire, Mrs. Richard Edwards, ‘ Mrs. Floyd Lee, Mrs. Clifford Hahlbeck, and Mrs. Wayne Shra der. A poppy window will be ar ranged by Mrs. Napier, Mrs. West, and Mrs. Roekey, Boy Scout Troop 181 will assist with the sale of poppies on the streets during the evening. Memorial day program was also discussed at Thursday’s meeting. Other Ewing News Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gunter of Orchard were supper guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewit Gunter, on mother’s day. Mr. Gunter, who has been employed at the Orchard Cream- , :*ry for many years, lias accepted 1 position as buttermaker with a ompany at Odebolt, la. They >lan to move there in the near he Gunter home were Rev. and drs Brigden and son, Gary, uture. Other callers Sunday at Mr. and Mrs Watson Mclton dd had as their guests mother's lay their daughter and son-in-law, dr. and Mrs. Merle Angus of dncoln. BEAUTYLAND Beauty Salon Phone 505 for appointment Located across street from bakery Visiting Here— Bill Malloy of Burlingame, . Calif., a civilian radar technician with the California air guard, left Tuesday after spending se\ - oral days here lie and his mother, Mrs. Noel Keith o f Bloomfield, N. M., formerly lived here. Bill plannevi te» v isit his mother enroute back to Califor nia, Dr. Robert Wallace of Omaha spent Sunday with his mot tier, Mrs. M. J. Wallace m j i • i >77 1 ki ki || MORE FARMERS have planted jpEKALB |i CORN for 18 Straight Years than ANY OTHER HYBRID CORN ' v* . IT MUSI DO THE JOB! -.iei--siSsf w..-^nHNBiwHii ,v,»% i.v.wa Available at WM. KROTTER CO West O’Neill R. H. (Bob) Strong — Dealer — Thanks for Your Primary Vote! L. G. GILLESPIE QUITTING BUSINESS SALE! MUST SELL TO BARE WALLS! u„tVo Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 15-17 E"y..E21 BEDROOM SUITES 109.50 3-Pc. Suite, Double Dresser, Chest, — _ Bookcase Bed. Save 70.00 l|l| S|l ONLY JJ»UV 199.50 3-I*c. Suite, Double Dresser, Chest . -- and Bod. Tilting glass mirror. jU 299.50 3 Pc. Suiie, Extra Ijirge Size, Don- «mia hie Dresser, Ctiest and Bed 1 Vm ‘a11 ONLY Plus manny, many styles not listed to choose from, all at fantastic, unbelieveable prices! HOME APPLIANCES 239.50 Kelvinator Clothes Dryer ^ _ make, with all attachments. 1 SU *\l I ONLY * t' v *Wv 09.95 Eureka Delure Cleaner. The best they — make, all attachments. IIS ONLY _ 4 INNERSPRING MATTRESSES 59.50 Firm Orthopedic Innerspring Mattress _ . _ Spring. J4.5U 79.50 World-Famous Wamsutt© Inner- . r“ (\ spring Mattress. AQ m) ONLY_ JK9.50 Foam Rubber Set, Mattress and . - . — _ Box Spring, Complete 1 1 ll 1 ONLY_1 Many others to choose from, all at re duced prices for quick sale BREAKFAST-DINETTE SETS 89.30 5-Pc. Breakfast Set, table and 4 _ - JSTt___39.50 I FREE/ THURSDAY ONLY* II Very I'seful HOUSEHOLD GIFT to First 60 ;; Customers in Our Store! | FRIDAY ONLY Swivel Platform ROCKER ■ Regular 69.50 ■ New, latest style, ONE ONI.Y, quitting business ! sale price: 9.99 , ———————^—. SATURDAY ONLY Sunbeam — One Only i MIX MASTER ! Regular 42.75 ■ It’s brand new, with all the attachments at the | give-away price of — I13.00 This Is Your Last Chance! ! $100,000.00 Stock and Warehouse Sale! ■ Everything goes! Savings on regularly stocked ! nationally-advertised merchandise up to 70 percent. . . ’ but you must hurry. Sale ends Saturday night! ! YOU CAN AFFORD TO DRIVE MILES ’ TO SAVE HERE! ---; CHAIRS and ROCKERS rm.r»o Swivel Platform Rocker, High Back, choice of color. Save! A A CA O N L Y 44. JU 129.50 Swivel Platform Rocker. Rubber, reversible cushions IJQ 99.50 Reclining ( hair. Plastic Irim. Close ft nr 54.50 Wo have many more styles, shapes and colors. Don’t miss these! ! LOOK AT THESE SAVERS! 14.95 Genuine Taylor Tots. Ideal gift for baby. Q QC o N i- v •/•Jii 9.95 All-Metal Porch Chairs, Assorted . — Colors. A QS ONLY 4.J/J 49.50 Double Roll Away Beds, complete with innerspring mattress. Vd Cft ONLY J4.«/U i 1.AAA.I.AA J. J. A J..» J. J. r. s .. DINING ROOM SUITES ; 129.50 Drop Leaf, 3-pedestal table, ex- _ tends to 96 ins. Limed oak or walnut. 70 kj) ONLY _ • J.WV > | 169.50 Break-Front China, I.urge, limed ^ ! oak or walnut. 1 1 Q sll ONLY llitavU I LIVING ROOM SUITES ; 209.50 2-Pc. Living Hoorn Suite. Cuaran- _ • teed spring construction. Save 70.00 J ^|J 209.50 Ilide-A-Bed. Wool frieze, assorted colors. Innerspring mattress J :__ Midwest Furniture & Appliance Co. Open 9 a. m. ’til 9 p. m. Phone 346-J West O’Neill . _ * • v. »■ ! ... V J*fc/ I* V- . * *