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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1958)
Fireman Boy Johnson (left) prepares to aseend holder to attack blaze as this photo was tak en at rear of West O’Neill firm badly damaged by Saturday evening fire. Bringing up hoze ami nozzle at right are James llolsclaw and Vem Bey noldson, both firemen. The firm, Oscar's Buiek Hales—Outlaw Implement company, Is owned by Oscar Spitzenlierger; the building is owned by Tony Asimus.—The Frontier I’hoto. Gibson in Bridge Building Exercise — EWING—Pfc. Keith N. Gibson, 20, son of Alvin C. Gibson, recent ly participated in a bridge build ing exercise with the 12th engine er battalion in Germany A combat construction special ist in the battalion’s company E Gibson entered the army in Feb ruary, 1956. and arrived in Eur ope the following November He is a 1955 graduate of Ewing high school. Auxiliary Admits 3 New Members The regular May meeting of Simonson unit 93, Amerfcian Le gion auxiliary, convened a t the American Legion hall on Wednes day evening, May 7. Unit Presi dent Jean Riege presided. Chairman of junior activities, Mrs. Dean Streeter, rejxjrted on the work of the juniors during the month. They have assisted with the preparation of the poppy display in the window of the Tom Tom cafe, prepared hospital tray favors, and renewed the memor ial wreaths with new poppies for placing on veterans and members graves on memorial day, and a number volunteered for work with the senior members on pop py day, which was Saturday, May 10. It was voted to purchase a new American f 1 a*g of suitable size for presentation to the junior ac tivities group for use in their meetings. Mrs. Deraid Graham, member ship chairman, reported that she has exceeded the assigned quota of members with a total member ship of 284 at present. A check for the cash award from department headquarters for placing in the poppy corsage contest held at the time of mid winter conference was received for Mrs. Clifford Harding, who made the entries for Simonson unit, but Mrs. Harding returned | it to the treasury. A vote of thanks was given Mrs. V ern Reynoldson an d her committee for the time devoted to the selection, purhase and in stallation of the stage draperies As chairman of the banquet committee, Mrs. Reynoldson re ported that the next banquet to l be served by the auxiliary will Ire the junior-senior banquet for ! O'Neill high school next Wednes I day, May 14. A contribution of $15 was voted I to the department gold star fund for the purchase of portable TV sets and other recreational equip j ment for the three veterans’ hos pitals in Nebraska. Mrs. Hard ing, unit gold star chairman, was instructed to write to gold star mothers telling them ol this contribution in their honor. Three new members, Mrs Leo Brill, Mrs. James Gallagher, and Mrs. Orville Morrow, were ac i corded the ceremony of initiation. The attendance award was pre sented to Mrs. John Davidson. Lunch and a social hour followed the business session. Next meet ing to be held June 4 will include election of officers. May is recognized as rehab , ilitation month. SAVE! SAVE! on a new Z6&4t&t4a/(♦) GAS RANGE Custom •10 Inch Matchless Performance NOW ONLY with your old range as a trade-in you save even more SPUING RANGE SPECIAL, It's designed with you In mind . . - everything you've ever wanted In a range . . . beauty • • • practicality . . . cooking ease. You get the fabu lous Burner with a Brain • . . the automatic top burner control that maintains pre-selected cook ing temperature ior perfect results. You get a mammoth super oven . . . smokeless in-a-drawer broiler . . . and much much more. These same ranges may also be purchased through your favorite gas appliance dealer. W » 1 k ■** M — f rM} I For Dependable CAS Service Britain's Best Buy i; America! ..^M SUPERB CRAFTSMANSHIP • AMAJliM, fctunuini • iwitiili • Up to 33 miles per gallon Meet the Vauxhall, a masterpiece of British genius for practical hving. In spite of its trim silhouette there s • 4-door convenience actually room for the average family and all of their e Cruises easily luggage. Fuel economy is a miracle of austerity, and it at turnpike speed manoeuvres with a close-coupled ease that lets you park virtually anywhere. All this, plus bulldog ruggedness • Room for 5 big people and thp classic good taste of its styling, makes this a • Heater standard equipment truly extraordinary car . . . and one you really must see! WM. KROTTER CO. 905 W. Douglas O'Neill High Schools Invited ti Register— High school boys are invited to register for farm and ranch work with the nearest volunteer labor representative or, if more con venient, at the Nebraska state employment service office in Nor folk. Agricultural workers are very scarce in the 15-county area serv ed by the Norfolk office. Farm ers and ranchers will hire young men for harvest and hay field work if they have tractor expor ience and the necessary physical qualifications for work of this : type.__ The volunteer labor represent* ative receives m> pay for this coramunitj service ami no fee I Value-packed, money-saving ... ItA P LO Y EE EMPLOYEES-SELECTED VALUES! 3 DAYS ONLY! IRENE MARTIN Mrs. Martin: ‘‘Here's the best jet for style and price!” Wide Choice of Summer Dresses Full and half sizes - : ■ ' 1 M A At this price you can have Si several of these lovely crea tions! Choose jersey, embos- ^ sed cotton, or cotton/cupioni. 7-20, 14Mi-24M:. 4 f Work r GLOVES ^P Men’s sturdy all-leather W work gloves. Table-run ^ quality, but at this price, A you can't go wrong. | Pair ... 51 I Sport Socks on’s soft spun cotton anklets, isorted colors and patterns, zes 10% to 12. I pr-$1 —1 ■ WAYNE DONOHOE Mr. Donohue: “Thin In one buy no one will want to p»*» up!” Summer sport shirts Men’s Boys 2 for 2.44 2 for 1.88 Mr. Donohoe is justly proud of this collection of sport shirts! He’s included scads of patterns to please every possible taste. All the shirts are fine cotton, all cod, short sleeve stlyes. ---*-1 SOFA PILLOWS Made of better quality fabrics. Printed and solids. Cotton filled. Brighten up the home with several of these. Each-99c PLASTIC DRAPES First quality drapes. Floral, modem and scenic patterns. Assorted colors. 27” x 87”. Set-77c WOMEN’S HALF SLIPS Crisp, cool slips made of blended fabrics. Drip-dry for easy care. Nylon trimmed. White only. S M-L. Each_93c FOAM PILLOWS Soft, comfortable, foam rubber bed pillows. Durable zipper tick covering. Slight irregulars. Each_$3 Women’s Pert Capri Pants Regularly 3.98 Sizes CkCk 10-18 4 A wonderful collection of Mad ras plaids, baby cords, Bed ford cords, solid color comb ed Chino, Chino stripe. Mrs. Tomlinson: "This is one of the best possible buys in summer sportswear!” MRS. TOMLINSON’S DEPT. Curtain Panels « «l" - A very light leaf pattern in white Dovelon* panels. Touches of Mylar trim. * Reg. trade mark Child’s Terry Cloth Panty 3 for_ 99c Soft and absorbent for the little ones. Choose white or soft pastels . . . pink, maliblu, or maize. Sizes 2, 4, 6. Save now! Slimmer Jewelry Earrings, necklaces, bracelets, sins. White and chalk combined ,vith gold and silver metalics. rlurry for best selection! 2 for 99c ss Cotton Percale First quality 80 square percale. 36" width. Fast colors. Assorted patterns and colors. Yard_27c Mrs. Tomlinson: “We’re sel dom able to offer such lovely nylons at tills low price!” Park Avenue Seamless Hose What savings! Sizes ^ My 8/2-\i _DOC These for the uncluttered, easy beauty so becoming to summer wear! 400 needle. Ver satile beige tone. ramous Make Spring Fabrics Only 66c yd Cupioni / cotton / Nylon Dacron* and Pima, Silk and Ray on. Nylon sheers and r w~^mk ' novelty a jt" # SS texture*J«St2«r MARV TOMMNHOW Flay Togs for Toddlers Regular 1.98 and 2.98 play clothes in sizes 1 to 3. Diaper sets, sun suits and pina fores. * Du Pont's registered trademark for its polyester fiber.