Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1958)
Sunday evening guests of Mr. i ami Mrs Paul Woidneck were Mr. j and Mrs I^jyal Hull, Levi Hull. I Mr and Mrs. Marion Woidneck and daughters and Mrs. Rose Bowers. 4th Street Market Phone 93 O’Neill We Deliver NEW TEXAS CRISP GKEEN V. S. NO. 1 — CABBAGE lb. 6c V. S. NO. I FRESH — LARGE SIZE TOMATOES cello tube 33c NEW TEXAS IONG GREEN U. H. NO. 1 — CUCUMBERS per lb. 15c Hill R FRESH — OLEOMARGARINE 5-lbs. $1.00 CONC ENTRATED SUNK1HT FROZEN — LEMONADE 2 6-oz. cans 23c EXTRA FANCY, DEEP RED, WASHINGTON WINKSAP — APPLES 2-lbs. 33c BUTTERNUT — COFFEE lb. 83c HITUR FINK — SAUERKRAUT 2—303 cans 25c FRESH — PORK HOCKS lb. 29c CUDAHY VIRGINIA REEL, SPICY FLAVOR — PORK SAUSAGE lb. roll 67c CUDAHY — DRIED BEEF 4-oz. pkg. 39c CUDAHY PURITAN — Braunsweiger or Minced Ham lb. 49c CUDAHY REX — LAR D 4-lb. tin pail 83c CUDAHY PURITAN READY TO-EAT — PICNICS, 6-8 lb. avg. lb. 39c KOBIN HOOD Sir 111 FLOUR 10-lb. bag ... 89c I DRINK -- RIM, Alpha-Bits Cereal GRAPE 8V4-OZ. pkg. — 25c FLAVOR non-carbonated SHI IK FRESH Cheese Spread 3 qt. cans 2-lb. box 59c j $1.00 GRADUATION 1958 Wish the Graduate the best with a gift from Gilligan RE.XALL Drug—it’s sure to be appreciated. Billfolds - Key Cases These leather goods by Amity or St. Regis make practical gifts which will please any graduate. Travel Kits These kits, of leather with waterproof plastic lining, are very popular gift items. Shaving Accessories After-Shave lotion, Cologne, or other Men’s Toiletries are always useful gifts. Cosmetic Gifts The girl graduate will be thrilled with a nice cosmetic set by Cara Nome, Coty, Revlon, Shulton, or one of the many others which we stock. Pen and Pencils For the graduate who is going on to school, a nice Parker or Eversharp Pen or Pencil or Set makes an ideal gift Camera and Camera Sets Ask at our camera counter to see something in a camera or set—a gift that will long be remembered Be sure yon have plenty of Film and Flash Bulbs on hand for plenty of pictures of the Graduation Activities. Graduation Cards Send congratulations to the Graduate of ’58 with a card from Gilligan RFIXALL Drug by American Greetings. Lawn and Garden Weed and Insect Killers Don't IK insects or weeds get started in your garden or lawn. We have many good products for their control— some today and be ready to eliminate them before they gK started. Merthiolate Aerosol NEW IN AEROSOL Form! Merthiolate, the First Aid Anti septic, is now put up by REXALL in aerosol form. Get one now for your home medicine cabinet and for your car First Aid Kit. Veterinary Farmers and Stockmen! For all your Animal Health needs It's Gilligan REXAIL Drug. A' ou'll liki our prices on vaccines, I Penicillin, PenlcilHn-Dihydrostreptomycin, and other injectable products. For all your veterinary needs, come to Gilligan REX ALL Drug. The next time your doctor gives you a prescription take It to Gilligaii Rexall Drug to be filled by one of our PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS. Gilligan’s Rexall Drug Ben Gilligan Robert T. Devoy Phone 87 — O’Neill f SMA Juniors Present Variety Show Juniors at St. Mary's academy entertained Sunday and Monday evening in a variety show: j Front row (left-to-right)—Ronnie Clark, Michael Langan, Thomas Zakrzewski, James Carr, Edward ■ Gallagher. Connie Heelan, Renae Hoffman, Jackie Arbuthnot. Jo Ann Shoemaker, Patricia Cunning ham. Mary Helen Bonze, Teresa Pribil, Kita Jen son: back row William Craig, I^arry Tomlinson, Gene Turner, Larry Donohoe, Keith McKim, El len Lohaus, Carmen Meusch, Frances Laman, Dee Anna Dunne, Margaret Boyle, Mary Lou Ziring. The Frontier Photo. These small fry aided the St. Mary’s academy juniors in the variety show: Jean Stewart, Stuart McDonald. Peggy Martin, Rich ard Martin, Maureen Shoemaker, Robert McC'arville, Mary Kay McOarville and .Michael McCarvllle.—The Frontier Photo. Black smoke billows skyward during the West O’Neill fire that gutted portions of the main building. Pictured are Fire Chief G. E. Miles (back to camera) and William Cousins (with hose).—The Frontier Photo. O’Neill Locals Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Merrimai went to Wagner, S. D., to visit he brother and his wife, Mr. an< Mrs. Joe Peshek, until Tuesday Mrs. F. J. Kubitschek left Tues day for Allentown, Pa., to visi her son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Harold R. Bishop am daughter and new son. Harold Robert, jr., who was bom Thurs i day, April 24. Mr and Mrs. Eldon Ramsel and boys of Colorado Springs, Colo., were guests of Mr. and ' Mrs. Don Templemeyer. They ’ attended the dedication of the Luthern church. Relaxed... Keep Cool in the Hottest Weather $1995 • 2-Speed Switch Controls Air Volume WCTU Makes Awards to Page Students PAGE-Ten students of the Page high school Friday were presented awards for their work in » contest "Why People Drink”, sponsored by the Women’s Christian Temperance Union. Eight students were awarded j prizes for their essays on "The Choice Is Mine”. They are Lura Anne, Donna and Bonnie Crumly, 1 )iane Cork, Myma Heiss, Dixie Nissen, Kathleen Walker and Gary Bowen. Three students were given prizes on their posters: Kay , Nissen, Gary Bowen and Norman' Wettlaufer. Mrs. Dora Townsend, Mrs. Ed-1 j gar Stauffer, Mrs. Lyle Baty and j j Mrs. Burl Baty presented the a- j wards to the students at an as sembly. Cash awards were given to the students. The essays were enter ed through the English depart- ] ment under the sponsorship of Mrs. Anna Carter. Norman Wet tlaufer was absent because of the j measles. Other Page News Mr and Mrs. Edgar Wood of Columbus, Noel Wood of Kansas, Miss Marlin Graham of Lynch, Mrs. Hester Edmisten and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher and chil dren were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Belmer and daughter, Lurella June, all of Ewing, Mrs. Carrie Townsend and Duran Rutherford were Sun day guests of Mrs. Dora Town send. A no-host dinner was ser ved. Mrs. Wayne Lampshire, soon of Bolivia, S. A., and Mrs. Gilbert Lampshire of Polk were weekend guests of the latter’s mother, Mrs. Jud Russell. Other mother’s day guests were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Spann of Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Soukup and chil dren. Mr. and Mrs. Marquette Ken nedy and Dr. and Mrs Leo Beattie of Ainsworth were moth er’s day guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Sorensen. Page News Mrs, Ivan Heiss received the door prize when the members of The members of the King’s Daughters were guests of Mrs. Ivan Heiss Tuesday evening with Mrs. Lisle Mewmaw, co-hostess. Mrs Robert Vanllom had the de votional period and Mrs. Dale Stauffer led the discussion on "Mission GivingThe last half of the pledges were paid. The in stallation of officers was postpon ed on account of illness or other obligations of several of the offi cers was postponed on account of illness or other obligations of several of the officers. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey, and sons, Mrs. Hester Edmisten and Mrs. Frieda Asher were Tues day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Asher in honor of his birth day anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nissen were hosts for a mother’s day dinner Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Connery and Eddie Leo of Chadron, who are on va cation here, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorensen and daughters of Min den, Mr. and Mi's. Russell Soren sen and children of Creighton. Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, jr, and daughters of Ash Grove, Rob ert Sorensen and Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr. Miss Karen Mahoney will con clude the school year May 20. A picnic will lie held Monday, May 19. Miss Linda Cronk has been hired for the coming year. Mrs. Ethel Park was the win ner of the mystery gift Friday evening when the members of the SOS club were guests of Mrs. Frieda Asher. Lunch was served. Mrs. Ethel Waring will be the May 23 hostess. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leach and tiUHii L ii ui ui S. D., accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Harry Undine of Sioux City to Page Thursday where the former visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs.( C. P. Leach, and the latter visit ed with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Wood. Mrs. Billy Marcellus and child ren of O'Neill visited Mrs. Celos tine Williamson and Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Leach Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pappas and daughter of Lincoln were weekend guests in the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Copes. Mr. and Mrs. Ever ette Copes and daughter of Ains worth were Sunday guests there. — Dorsey News Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wiley visit ed at the Carson sisters Monday, May 5. They were supper guests. Mrs. Gordon Barta and Mrs. Rudy Cihlar were in Verdigre on business Wednesday, April 30. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Butterfield and David went to the Scottville hall Wednesday, May 7, where j their son had his eyes examined by the extension club ladies who i were helping with the eye test. The Lucky Clover 4-H club met at the Albert Carson home Fri day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Marston left Saturday after having spent several weeks at tjie J. E. Wiley PICNIC MANNED SCOTTV1IXE —School district 38 will hold its annual end of the term picnic Saturday at the Scottville school. Arlene Bir meier is teacher. Snags I wo Ludwig Guthmiller (above) exhibits an llV4-pound northern pike and a 2-pound bass snag ged Sunday at Ft Randall res ervoir. Guthmiller said there were a lot of fishermen on the lake but high winds hampered. The Frontier Photo. Visits Kill— Rev. Eugene F. Gallagher, S. J. of Milwaukee. Wise., spent a few days with his brother and his wife, Mr and Mrs. John K. Gallagher and children. FEDERAL LAND BANK Loan Rate REDUCED All Land Bank loans now out standing at S percent also vii be reduced to 4x/a% effective with the July l installment payment. We are proud to be able to nelp farmers cut interest costs at a time when other farm expenses are at an all-time high. Now is the time to use a Land Bank loan to improve the «fR dcncy of your farming opera* tion. Sss us for a Federal Land Reek Loan on Your Land Your cooperative . . . Elkhorn Valley National Farm Loan Association LYLE D1EHKS, Soo. O'NEILL “““ ■ FRIDAY-SATI'KDAY (Double Bill) MAY MI-17 IARRT SmilVAI-OENRIS 0IEEFE dragoon weus massacre ; ■in mini -unjiiui.wwvc.^ . ' ~ CINEMASCOPE coiot IT CX tuu j, Jtoz If ALL THt i SUNDAY-MONDAY-TUESDAY MAY 18 19 20 —Also Cartoon— WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY (Buck Nltcs) MAY i 1-22 —Plus Cartoons— fj * I II M REPUTATION f 1 . ‘I . ANOTHER GREAT CADILLAC HERITAGE r i i i • h The priceless ingredient in every Cadillac car is the matchless reputation it enjoys in the hearts and minds of the world’s & i motorists. Indeed, its very name has become a world-wide I synonym for quality and for greatness. We invite you to dis cover at your Cadillac dealer’s how well deserved this fame is. fa STANDARD OF THE WORLD FOR MORE THAN HALF A CENTURY ■ •• < I VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER A. MARCELLUS CHEVROLET CO. 127 North Fourth St. — O’Neill. Nebr. fOtWAKD ffOM FIFTY