Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1958)
» Chambers News Sunday guests in the Glen Gri mes home included Mr and Mrs. E. H. Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Jot in Reynolds and Diane of Long Pine, Mr and Mrs. G. H. Grimes, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grimes, Gleason and Charlotte, Mr and Mrs Ralph Adams and Larry. Mr and Mrs. Raymond Beed and Judy and Russell Beed. all of Chambers. Edgar DeHart and daughter, Shirley, were in Sioux City Sat urday. Classes in district 212 closed with a picnic at the school Sun day, May 11. Mrs. Wayne Smith was the teacher. Mrs. Lois Bonath of Yankton, i S. D.. sjient mother's day week end with her son and daughter-in law, Rev. and Mrs Harold D. Bonath, and son, Monty. Mrs. C. E. Tibbets and Mrs. Genevieve Bell drove to Winner, S. D., Sunday to visit their broth er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cooper. Dennis Werner and Leonard Wintermote, students at Wayne State College, spent mother's day weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Werner and Connie a dnMr. and Mrs. S. E. Wintermote and Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hubbard of Rapid City, S. D., came Tues day and visited until Sunday with the Hiram Hubbards and Asa Hubbards,- also other relatives ami friends. He is a brother of the Hubbards here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fangman of York were weekend guests of their son-in-luw and daughter, OR. 11. D. GILDEBSLMVE OPTOMETRIST Northeast Comer of 4th & Douglas O’NEILL, NEBR. Phone 167 Office Hours: 9-5 Even Examined — UlaaaeR Fitted Monday Thru Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hoffman and family'. Home from Lincoln for mother's day were Mary Ellen Gillette and Carolyn Wintermote, students at Wesleyan university and Ruth Ann Damme, student nurse at Lincoln General hospital. Sgt. Harold Dexter is spending a leave with home folks before reporting for duty in North Caro lina about June 1. He has been stationed at Hastings. Mrs. Dex ter and baby will stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoffman. Mrs. Honeywell Feted on 9 I st Anniversary CHAMBERS Twenty-five perons gathered at the home of Mrs. Charlotte Honeywell Sunday to honor her on her 91st birthday anniversary which occurred Thurs day, May 8. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fleek and Mary Jane and Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell were Sunday evening, May 11, callers in the Elwyn Rubeck home. Mrs. Lloyd Gleed went to Sioux City, Friday to attend a mother daughter banquet of Morningside college with her daughter, Miss Doreen Gleed. She returned Sun day. New Milk Plant Is Gne-Month-Old The Lucerne fluid milk plant at 72d and J sts., Omaha, is the newest addition to Omaha’s in dustrial family. The plant is one month-old. Ground was broken little more than a year ago. The Lucerne plant on land pur chased from Safeway Stores has a capacity of 86,000 pounds of milk daily anti is expected to buy near 1 ¥i -mil lion-doll a rs worth of milk a year from certain pro ducers of the Nebraska-Iowa Milk Producers Coop. There is endless piping and. tub ing in the plant, great steel tanks (some large enough to walk in), red, green and yellow lights at control panels, motors whirring, packaging machines. This modern push-button plant, visitors declare, must have cost a million dolars. A1 Hilldrup, manager, claims the plant will do 60 times better than the minimum required un der federal, state and local re quirements for Grade A milk. Lucerne furnishes dairy pro ducts for Safeway stores. This photo of the new 76-thousand-dollar Christ Lutheran church was taken Sunday morning moments before the doors were formally opened for the first time. The main part of the church and the basement overflowed with parishoners, former members of the parish, visitors and other wellwishers.—The Frontier Proto. ■ mil min—miiiii IT aaMr This interior view shows a portion cl the crowd attending Sunday’s 10 a.m., dedication service at Christ Lutheran church.—The Frontier Photo. _______ ' Deloit News Mrs. Ewaid Spahn and Doris Ann spent Fridav evening in O’ Neill. Mr. and Mrs. H. W Temple and Twila of Hastings spent the weekend at the Henry Re inner home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Olson will | accompanied by Judy Bartak on a trip to Lincoln where Judy will attend a fraternity prom as a guest of Kenton Olson who at tends Wesleyan college. Mrs. Green spent the week at the Keith Bowen home. Farm Bureau met at Frank Bohns Thursday evening. Hie next meeting will be June 10 at Keith Bowen’s home Sandwiches will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Ziska and family of Atkinson spent Sunday at Leo Funk’s home. l>eloit received .1-4 of an inch of rain Wednesday evening, May 7. Burwell had about an inch. The mothers of the pupils at the school taught by Judy Bartak, gave a surprise party Wednesday afternoon in honor of the teach er's birthday. The HEO club met Thursday j at the Maynard Stearns home. I Mrs. Glenn showed a film on in terior decoration, The nest meet ing will be with Mrs. Fred Steams. The Ewing alumni banquet will be on May 27. Tickets may be purchased from Mrs. H. Reimer. A group of neighbors called at the Anton Shavlik home Wednes day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Rolv orison and daughter have moved to the other house at the' Earl Sehrunk ranch, where they are employed. Mrs. Robertson was formerly Aha Sehrunk. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prellwitr and family spent the weekend at the Frank Bohn home. Dana Sisson went to Omaha for his physical. He returned Wed nesday, May 7. ! O’Neill News Bill McElvain, Jerome Gall agher and George Kilcoin return ed Thursday from a weeks stay in Chicago, 11., where they visit ed friends and relatives Mr. and Mrs. William McIntosh and children were Sunday guests of Mrs. Maude McIntosh in Mead ow Grove. Clyde Streeter and Douglas Me Kenzie left Saturday to attend the first communion of Michael Streeter at Lincoln. Mrs. Street er returned home with them. She had spent the past week with her son, Gene Streeter, and family Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rovell. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Khrhardt of Red turd, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bowl by and Tony of Tuscon. Ariz., were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Clyde McKenzie In Lynch. Ray Lawrence O’NF.lLl. — PHONE 174 Dealer ot Nison & Co. FEEDS General Livestock Mauling Accounting AND BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Morgan Ward ACCOUNTANT Golden Bldg. — Phone 414 O'Neill, Nebr. HEARD AT THE SHOPPING CENTERS OF O’NEILL: “Musi a Luxury Cur lie liig, liulky, Hard to Park? NO! NOT IF ITS AN AMBASSADOR V-8! Easiest luxury car of all to handle and park. Easy on gas. Easy on the pocketbook, too. Never before has a car so fine been priced so low. Drive a new 270 h.p. Ambassador. First word in luxury . . . last word in comfort and performance. FREE! Valuable X-Ray Book Can ;>^)GET A BANDWAGON Save You Hundreds of Dollars nr A I A Kin c/tl/r at ** you ^'an 10 ^uy a niedium-priced ear you LfrAL ANU SnVc A I should get (he factual comparative ear X-Ray YOUR RAMBLER DEALER mformatianonMm^ium-prUeJcanMoKyou make a final decision. At your Rambler Dealer. American Motors Means More for Americans FREE—NO OBLIGATION—GET YOURS TODAY OSCAR’S RAMBLER SALES 125 West Douglas, O’Neill t i AMBASSADOR.. .Finest Product of American Motors... the Company that’s Breaking All Sales Records OSBORNE'S SPRING SHOE CLEARANCE MEN’S JUSTIN Cowboy P; jts WalkinK Heel MEN’S Work Oxfords Soft Uppers t^repe Soles SUes 7 to II - Wedge Casuals Tie or Strap Style 3.96 /ft Men s Oxfords Black, 7 77 Plain Toe _ I • I I CHILDREN'S Cowboy Boots 4.99 WOMEN’S Jean P:its By Glov-ett Were 8.93_ No Exchanges No Refunds No Layaways INFANT’S BISTER BROWN Shoes and Oxfords Were to | 5.95 _ Children’s Shoes Sizes to 12 Sizes over 12 Vi — DRESS PUMPS by Natural Poise and Petite Ib-bs. Black, Navy or Brown. Reg. 9.95 to 10.95 Values 5.97 SAVE! MEN’S WORK SHOES Steel shank, tough cowhide up pers. Long-wearing a r in o r • red soles. Women’s AIR STEPS and PARADISE KITTENS Red, black navy and other colors. Almost all sizes and widths. Values to 13.05. Don’t miss out on these! OXFORDS Crosby Square MEN’S DRESS A. B & D WIDTHS Your chance to save. Were to I 3.95 NOW JEST — $10 Odds & Ends House Slippers _ A_ Sport Mats / l)(l | Suede Flats t-.VV Dress Flats Prints or Plain. % INI All Colors _ GIRL SCOUT Oxfords Women’s. White Reg. x.95 j ODDS & ENDS ! Men’s Oxfords :;:r * 5.00 WOMEN’S Sport Flats Black or Brown Values to 5.95 3.99 ft CIjOSEOI'T I Women’s Pumps I Values to 9.95 i Vour V Choice J _ ^ j ji WOMEN’S I Barefoot Sandals I White. 1 Choice of 1 Styles — Women’s Glov-etts 499 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boyle were j Thursday night, May 1 supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Mahon. _ 0 NEILLS FIRST ANNUAL ft PRODUCTS PARADE! Saturday, May 24 ’ 1’6H9P.H . . . featuring ... j the very latest in I • AUTOMOBILES • TRUCKS • TRACTORS • FARM EQUIPMENT • HOME FURNISHINGS • APPLIANCES FUN - ENTERTAINMENT Cash In On Coupon Bargains! Dozens of Exciting Money-Savers Appearing in Next Issue THIS BIG SHOW, absolutely FREE, will be held on North O’Neill firms wishing to enter exhibits are invited to contact Fourth Street, extending northward from Golden Hotel comer. Morgan Ward, Secretary, Chamber of Commerce, phone 414. Exciting displays, exhibits . . . bring the family, meet your friends. under Sponsorship of the Chamber of Commerce