The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 08, 1958, Section 2, Page 13, Image 13

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Thiele’s Dairy Cattle
TOP PRODUCING dairy' cattle
on hand at all times. Wiscon
sin bred, fresh and heavy
springers, first and second
calf heifers,
Arnold Thiele
2^ miles southwest of Clear
water, Phone 17 on 12 tl
ONE OF THE finest things of
life.—Blue Lustre carpet anc'
upholstery cleaner. — Coyne
Hardware, O'Neill. 2c
FOR SALK: Aeromotor windmills,
towers. Stock tanks, all sizes,
pressure systems.—Clifford So
lx>tka, Inman, phone 435. 52tf.
Bargain Buys!
New mowers and cultivators for
Super C Farmall
New 18-ft. truck box
1947 Chev. truck good sweep
1947 Ford truck good sweep
12-ft boat
1954 Chev. truck with box
1950 C Farmall
Full line new steel
Hoerle Station
Ewing, Nebr
Phone 2642 (Chambers'
MOplLL HuMlc
New Safeways & Great Lakes
t6 to 52 ft. 8 & 10 Wldes
Large Selection on Hand
Used Trailers on Hand
1948-22 ft. '
1945-25 ft.
1JMO-27 ft.
*50 -29 ft.
1154- 32 ft.
1954 22 ft.
1156—28 ft.
1*56-35 ft. 2 B.R.
Others coming in.
We trade for furniture or any
t thing movable.
Open Evenings Sc Suhdayt
Lowest Prices — Best Finance
Miller Trailer Sales
phone 460 Albion. Netar
FOR SALE: Many new varieties
of African violets, both adult
and baby plants.—Mrs. Mike
Smith. Spencer, phone 3634. the
north house at the hydro-plant
FOR SALE: 150 good used win
dow screens. 15 sets, nearlj
new combination storm win
daws and screens. Paintec
white. 25 bundles of good usee
lath. Some screen doors. Othei
doors and windows. — Ralpt
Beckwith, O’Neill. l-2p91
SEE US or write us if interestec
in Sprinkler Irrigation We wil
be glad to figure your systen
for you, with the help of qua!
ified irrigation engineers, at n<
Wm, Krotter Co.
“Dealers in A-M Sprinkler
FOR SALE: Cossack alfalfa seed
cleaned 25c per lb. State tested
Philip Allendorfer, O’Neill. 48-2
AT STUD: 2 permanent register
ed Quarter Stallions.—C. E
McVay. O’Neill. 44t
FOR SALE: Hamilton gas clothe:
dryer in excellent condition
J75. -Telephone 680. O’Neill
Nebr. _ __ 2<
FOR SALE: Eighteen stacks o
,V>w land hay, 5 mi. east and
miles south of Chambers.—<jn«u
H Beckwith, Loretto, Nebr
phone Albion 4104. 2c5
Ft>K SALE: 14' Cris Craft rur
about with 35 hp outboard mol
or- electric starter; remot
control; boat one year old; mol
or has twelve hours; a res
beauty. - Robert R. Barne.
Oakland. Nebr. Phone 6181. 1-2
Arette bums, moth holes, cut
and tears. Reasonable. — Mr*
Edward Telller. new address
one block south of stoplight aw
one half a block west. 51-2
FOR SALE: Wisconsin bred va<
cinated Holstein heifers t
freshen soon.—John Sojka, 1
horth and 4 east of Page 50-2
Used Machinery
1950 Farmall H
1946 John Deere A
Farmall Regular good
1942 Farmall H
1942 Farmall M
John Deere 2-16 plow
IHC 15 ft disc .
EZ flow fertilizer spreader
Several cultivators
No. 9 trail mower
Rotary hoe
Get more hours per gallon of hie
Let us check your tractor on tn
IHC 62 combine
Whirlpool Auto Washer - Si*
Combination Refrigerator - Fre<
zer special price —
Used May-tag Automatic
Special prices on Electric Range
We trade for farm equipment
on appliances
Shelhamer Equip. Co
me — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool
FOR SALE: 1947 Dodge 1H 1
truck. Good mechanical coi
dition; new tires and battery;
real bargin —R. W. Barnes
Sons. Lynch, Nebr. !-•
helix hur Shop
412 West 7th St.
SALT FOR SALE: K.mapolis
S16 50 a ton; American S20.50
a ton; white block 75c Located
3 blks east. 4 blks north of
traffic light. Everett Gorgen.
Ph 104, O'Neill. 51 tf I
FOR SALE; Violets for mothers
day, 79c each.—Adler Sewing
Center, O'Neill, Nebr. 2p35
eliminates, purchase price,
feed, tax, insurance, disease
and danger of a bull. It cre
ates a better herd and a bet
ter living for the owner.—Call
469-J, your CURTISS technician
Duane Gray, O’Neill. 50tf
” ' j
Harry R. Smith Imp.
Phone 562 O’Neill
'48 A J-D
48 B J-D
16 A J-D
'44 B J-D
M) B J-D
290 J-D cornplanter
450 J-D lister
730 J-D lister
tractor cultivators
14- ft. drill, like new
Plows, all sizes
15- ft. J-D disc
2 AC 15 ft. discs
J-D 4-wheel spreader
No. 5 J-D mowers
RIC No. 27 mower
snsrnra tpt Tr,r*mTr> cpwint.
T MACHINE with buttonholer
and attachments, very good
condition. Only 4 payments of
4986 left, discount for cash.
TTiis machine can be seen in
your locality. Write to Credit
Mgr. P.O. Box 735, Sioux Falls,
S.D. l-2c
FOR SALE: 10 hp. Scott-Atwater
outboard ihotor. Forward, neu
tral fthd reverse gear shift. A
1 condition.—phone 409 eve
nings, O’Neill. 454,
FOR SALE: Red Clover seed,
Cossack alfalfa, Madison
vetch. State tested.—Leon Beck
with, Emmet. 49tf
FOR SALE: Surge dairy equip
ment, pipeline and bucket type
milkers. — Dillon Sales and
Service, Long Pine, Phone 2127
or Harvey Tompkins Inman.
. FOR SALE: A used Royal por
table typewriter. Good con
dition, — Evelyn Thompson,
Amelia. l-2p60
1 FOR SALE: John Deere ’45 A
1 tractor; J-D B ‘43; J-D B ‘41;
IHC B tractor; R-52 IHC com
bine; ’54 IHC pickup; IHC No.
8 tractor plow; new-#.D No. 8
tractor plow; new J-D No. 8
mower; M-M tractor, new; Ford
Ferguson tractor.—W. H. David,
V2 mile east and Vt mile south
1 of melia, phone Amelia 2-F-74.
* -----
TONY BOY: A sorrell saddle
bred stallion at stud at my
place, 2 miles west V4 south of
Midway. Service fee $15.—D.
L. Moler
FOR SALE: Cossack alfalfa seed.
25c per lb.—Lester Boshart, 9
north, 1 east and 1 north of
O’Neill, phone 6-F-21. l-3p95
sewers. water service or foot
ings.—See. O. E Davidson.
Phone 126, O’Neill. 47tf
Garden Seeds
Fresh Bulk and Package Seeds
• IAWN SEED—Native Rlue Grass.
White Dutch Clover, Rye Grass,
‘ i rwu r fsruc.
- i FERTILIZER for lawn or gar
dens- Scotts Turf Builder, Gold
den Vigoro, Lawn Organic.
1 WE HAVE a spreader available
for application.
Lawn and Garden Tools, Rakes,
Hoes and Shovels
Coyne Hardware
O’Neill — Phone 21
B I — --•-—
t FOR SALE: Beer equipment, to
be moved. Reasonable. Modern
i location available in O’Neill.—
Ralph McElvain, O’Neill. 29tf
i FOR SALE: Dressed heavy hens,
I $1 each.—Call 19-F-20, O’Neill.
1 52-3pd
' FOR SALE: Red female cocker
l nuppv. — Mrs. Ivan Pruss.
b phone 171-W. O’Neill. 2c
FOR SALE: Fryer chickens. Alive
or dressed.—Norbert Clark, O’
Neill. Phone 513M 2-3p60
SEE US for new SPARTAN or
SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25%
down, 5% int.; up to 84
months to pay. Write or phone.
—Oontois Motor Co. Neligh. 30tf
FOR SALE: Minnesota Holstein
heifers and cows, TB and bangs
tested.—Rudy Juracek, Ewing.
; FOR SALE: Terriflex vinyl tile.
Now carried in stock. Select
vour color.—Spelts-Ray Lbr.
Co.. O’Neill. 47ctf
5 -
■-1 tiuests at Benze Home—
91 Mrs. James King and Miss
Earleen Dedlow of Colome, S.D.,
s spent Sunday at the Henry Benze
home. They attended the St.
Mary's Academy Alumni banquet
in the evening. Mrs. King, the
former Anna Neyens and Mrs.
Benze were classmates and
hadn't seen each other for 25
_ years. Miss Dedlow was a grad
uate of the class of 1929.
l- Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Nesbitt
a had as their weekend guests his
6 parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E Nes
c bitt of Fullerton.
MONEY TO LOAN on farms,
ranches and homes. Long term, ;
low interest rates — bonds and >
insurance of all kinds. See \
Virgil L. Laursen at The O’
Neill Company 27-18tfc
She rm a n, Tri-State Turkey j
Farm, O’Neill. 2ctf
WANTED: Steady yea r-rourn
ranch work or would take ovei
and operate a ranch. I am nt
drinker. Have two boys to helf
work. Excellent reference
Ranch experience.--Alvin Maas
108'2 Miller ave, Norfolk
Nebr. 2<
WANTED: 150 head of yearlint
or 125 head older cattle for pas
ture. — John Berger, Phont
19F13. O'Neill. 2-3<
Local Dealer Wanted
TO FOLLOW up the terrific full-page national magazine advertising
PRESELIJNG- their PRODUCTS, our client> a progressive nationa1
company, now offers an excellent sales opportunity for Local Rep
resentatives in every community. To our knowledge, our client of
fers the best-known, most highly advertised PRODUCT ever sold
direct to the purchaser through Dealer Sales Representatives. Then
sales program is complete; including the necessary PUBLICITY
announcing your APPOINTMENT to eliminate the need for an>
RESULTS IN VOLITME SALES. You may chcx>se your own hours
. . . beginning “Part Time” if you wish. Soon, you will becomt
established in your community, Respected and Known for the pro
ducts you represent. No deliveries, no collections. Teachers pre
ferred. Others considered if a successful sales background. Tota
investment required $95.00 cash, or credit, for sales samples. High
est compensation plan. For this dignified opportunity to earn up ti
$100 00 per week representing our'client in your communiy, sent
application to: Department B, McDaniel Advertising Agency, P.O
Box 558, Indianapolis 6, Indiana.
Phone 775-W for Pickup
and Delivery!
WANTED: Experienced married
man for year around work.
Near school. Could also use
single man.—Claude Keller,
Newport. 2-3p
WANTED: To pasture for ’58 sea
son, 40 cows with calves.—Leon
Beckwith, Emmet.*9tf
200 head of cattle.—B W. Wal
do, Chambers.
I AM IN Florida now, but I will
be back at my office in O'Neill,
Nebr., on May 1 and I have
plenty of Eastern money and
also private money to loan on
farms and ranches and city
property also. I would like to
see you May 1.—R. H. Parker,
O’Neill, Nebr. 52tf
WANTED: Experienced waitress
nights, 5 p.m. til 1 a.m.—Nu
Way Cafe, West O'Neill, inquire
daytime. 2-3c
WANTED: To take in cattle for
pasture. Will also take some in
on shares. — Alfred Ehrhardt,
Redbird. 52-2p85
WANTED: Cattle to pasture can
use 100 cows or 130 steers.—
Vem Beckwith, Page. l-2p60
Used Refrigerators
WE’RE NEEDING used refrig
erators and freezers. _ Double
allowance for limited time.
Phone 114 — O’Neill 52tf
2 blks. west of postoffice. Can
serve you days or evenings by
appointment or without. l-9c
THOUSANDS of women serving
township territories are adding
to family income as Avon rep
resentatives. We train you to
start earning at once.—Write
Miss Alice Dial, district manag
er P. O. box 365, North Platte.
Real Estate Broker
Private Listings and
Auctions ♦
Farm Sales a Speciality
Phone 207 - O'Neill
Sprague & Morrow
Well Co.
Well Drilling & Repairing
10th & Douglas — Phone 359-W
OR 415 N 1st St.—Phone 553-J
3 blks W & 3Vfe N of stoplite
WE HAVE an unusual opportun
ity for the man or woman who
wants to build a business ol
their own. No investment in the
business is required, but appli
cant must be of good charact
er and financially responsible.
IF YOU are over 40 and want to
make that desired change and
still enjoy a substantial income,
or if you have retired from
business or the farm and want
to remain active, this may be
the opportunity you are looking
WE ARE a Nationally known dis
tributor for Mutual Fund Shares
with offices from coast to coast.
You will represent us in your
own community
IF YOU ARE interested in a bus
iness of your own with potential
earnings of $5,000 to $15,000 per
year, write in confidence giving
full information, and interview
will be arranged.
J. \V. Hammond
619 Sharp Building
Lincoln, Nebraska
Division Manager
Sewer Drainage, Dam Work
Basement Excavation and
Road Work!
E. J. (Skip) Shane
HELP WANTED: Couple foi
year round ranch work. Trail
er home furnished. Livestocl
opportunity. Harold K. Olson
Bartlett, Nebr.; phone 2418. 2<
I WISH to say "thank you" t(
my relatives and friends for th<
many acts of kindness, showi
to me in the past weeks, durinj
my illness. Your prayers, flow
ers, gifts, cheery cards an<
visits were deeply appreciated
—Mrs O. T. Kemper. _2c9
WANTED: Serum pigs: Loadinj
days, Monday, Tuesday an
Thursday each week.—Dwaira
Lockman, Stuart, ph. 3741. 1
Unusual Opportunity
RELIABLE person, male or f«
male from this area to servic
and supply retail beverage ac
counts. Will take 7 hours
week of your spare time an
can net as high as $275 month
ly. Right person, with ou
help, can build this to a fu
time business which coul
eventually net $20.00 annuallj
No experience or selling neces
sary. Accounts are establish
ed for the operator. To qua
ify you must have $975 t
$1950 cash immediately aval
able which is secured and
serviceable automobile. If sir
cerely interested, write for pei
sonal interview, giving phon
number and brief outline o
background to Dept. C, Bo
5182, St. Paul, Minn._ 1-2
three bedroom home. 3 adults
Best of references.—Ray Bs
ker, phone 318, O’Neill 2p3
FOR RENT: A house. 3 room
and bath. — Mrs Emma Lav
rence, phone 523-R, O’Neill.
FOR RENT: New steamer fc
wallpapering.—Scovie’s Wester
Auto. O’Neill. 51-2
FOR RENT: Furnished apari
ment, 4 rooms and bath, heal
ed, close in.—Elmer Hagensicl
O’Neill, phone 556-R. 341
FOR RENT: Building for shop c
storage.—J. F. Contois, O
Neill, phone 368 49i
FOR RENT: Close-in apt., tw
rooms and bath. Good spac
for washing machine. F u i
nished with elec, stove, refrif
erator and rug. — Phone 14-F
or 434. 41t
FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. -
Phone 537, O’Neill. 161
FOR RENT: Sleeping room, als
light housekeeping rooms—Mr
Roy Cole, 215N. Fifth, O’Neil
FOR LEASE: To responsible part
near new modem two-bay se:
vice station.—See Jack Aj
buthnot, O’Neill. 52
FOR RENT: Furnished apar
ments with automatic washe
and dryer.—A. E. Bowen, PI
515, O’Neill._ 1
FOR RENT: Storage space. -
Phone 565. O’Neill._3T
FOR RENT: Small fumishe
apartment.-—Annabelle Asimui
phone O’Neill 346. I1
FOR RENT: Three room hous
with bath. Call O'Neill 537 2'
for the thoughtfulness shown 1
me in so many ways during m
stay in the hospital for m
operation, also since retumin
home . Thanks for all th
pleasant calls. ATI these kin<
nesses were deeply apprecif
_ 2p!
MY SINCERE thanks and grat
tude to my relatives and frienc
for the gifts, cards and flowei
that helped to cheer me whi!
a patient in a Norfolk hospita
I OUR SINCERE Thanks to all our
friends and relatives, Rebekah
i1 Lodge, clubs, and county pa
i pers. and all who did so much
to make our 60th wedding an
niversary such a happy oc
casion. Everything was apprec
iated so much Mr. and Mrs.
Link Sageser. 2c
WE WISH to express our deepest
gratitude to all who assisted at
the time of the death and bur
ial of the late, Manford Clyde
Hull —Mrs. Clyde Hull and
family, Mrs. Sarah Hull and
family and Mrs. Horace Craw
ford and family’ 23
In losing memory of our dear
son and brother, James Patrick
Boyle, who was taken away from
us 10 years ago May 12, 1948.
; His smiling way and pleasant
Are a pleasure to recall
He had a kindly word for each,
And died beloved by all.
Some day, we hope to meet him.
Some day, we know not when.
1 To clasp his hand in the better
Never to part again.
Brothers and Sisters
Wick’s Body Shop
Comnlcte Body and Fender
Repairs and Painting
Glass Installed—Towing Service
Phone 211W
. for Any Job 25tl
IS YOUR insurance costing too
much? Are you properly in
sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt.,
O’Neill, Nebr. 34tf
Sewing Center
: WE REPAIR all makes. We un
' dersell anybody in price and
. outsell anybody in quality.
! 52tl
Watch Repairing
McIntosh Jewelr\
Phone 166 O’NeiU
Midwest Furniture
& Appliance Co.
209 West Douglas
O'Neill, Nebr.
L. Guth rn ill er
Half Block East of
Texaco Station
SPECIALIZING in all kinds of
automobile, truck and tractoi
repair. Acetylene welding.
FDR SALE: Two bedroom moderr
home in northeast O'Neill.
Plenty closets and built-ins.
Well on place. FYuit trees.—V.
J. Towle. O'Neill. 50tf.
FOR SALE: 3 bedroom home ir
Northheights, 59750. — K i e 11
Abart, O’Neill, 52c
Dwelling and Lots
MODERN, 2-story house in south
east section, separate entrance
for upstairs apartments. Low
down payment, easy terms.
both close-in, completely
Also an improved farm for rent
Ed Thorin
Phone 207
Auctioneer-Real Estate Broker
FDR SALE: Five room house lo
cated in Emmet. Could easily
be moved if wanted.—Call at
Farrs’ FToduce. O’Neill. 50tf
FDR SALE.House, 18 x 24, 2
rooms and garage, 4 acres ol
land.—Inquire Joe Thoendel oi
Robert Kreiziger, Ewing
phones 7-F4 or 7-FD2, Ewing
2-4 p82
FOR SALE: A three-room home
- Annabelle Asimus, phone O’
Neill 364. It!
Attend May 1 ea
Held at Orchard
RIVERSIDE The Seek and
Share project club assisted the
Highlander and Progressive home
clubs with the May tea for the
extension project clubs in Ante
lope county last Thursday after
non at Orchard.
The Seek and Share club decor
ated the tables. Those attending
were Marilyn Fry, Betty, Mary
and Norma Napier. Lavilla An
son. Vivian Hill. Shirley Miller
and Gloria Montgomery Mrs.
Wilbert Napier was a guest.
Other Riverside News
Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and
Clayton. Mrs. Robert Hobbs, Mr.
and Mrs. Roland Hord a n d
Duane, Mr .and Mrs Alfred Nap
| ier and family and Mr. and Mrs.
1 Lione Gunter and Paul attended
j a dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs.
j Myron Shav ilk of Denver, Colo.,
at the Lye Switzer home. Other
geusts were Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Shavlik and Pamela and Mrs Ed
win Hubbard and Ricky of Cham
bers, Mr. and Mrs Alvin Nelson
and Jimmy of Plain view and Mr.
and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter of Ew
ing. Myron Shavlik will leave
Denver May 13 for his induction
into the army.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mont
gomery visted Sunday at the Em
met Dewey home.
The Art Busshardt family of
Neligh visited Sunday afternoon
at the Dave Pollock home.
Mrs. Dale Napier and Mrs.
Richard Napier and girls called
Friday afternoon at the Robert
Montgomery home taking a May
basket to little Roberta Mont
i gomery who the Seek & Share
club have chosen as their shut-in
for this year.
Ralph Shrader and Wilbur Ben
nett entertained the United Pres
byterian men at the church annex
Monday evening, April 28.
Mrs. Robert Montgomery and
girls ate dinner Friday at the
George Montgomery home.
The Lynn Fry and Leo Miller
families were dinner guests Sun
day at the Bill Lofquist home.
Anna Marie, Janice and Jerry
Jensen of Newman Grove visited
at the Z. H. Fry home Friday
night and Saturday. Mr. and
Mrs. Fry took the Jensen children
to their home Sunday ami were
dinner guests at the Duane Jen
sen home.
The Marvin Pribnow family of
Cedar Rapids were guests Satur
day at the Earl Pierson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry were
Norfolk visitors Tuesday, April
Mr. and Mrs. Holland Hord
called Friday evening at the De
witt Hoke home.
Mrs. Lynn Fry and Shelia and
Floyd Napier visited in Neligh
Tuesday, April 30.
Orville and Norman Pollock.
Mrs June Battaglia and Mrs.
| Neva Audiss left for their homes
in California early Friday mor
ning. They were supper guests
j at the Bert Fink home Thursday.
: Other guests were Mrs. Fern Pol
lock, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pollock.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pollock and
| the Lee Ftnk family of Page
The Johnny Miller family vis
ited at the Richard Miller home
at Oakdale Sunday.
-i -i ■ —i
Double A Auctions
Atkinson, Tuesday, May tith
The Harold Logan Register
ed Angus Bulls averaged
$599.00 |wr head, with the top
bull going to the Learh herd
at Johnstown for $795.00. Re
ceipts of stock cattle wefe
light compared to last week's
auction however action contin
ued strong with steer calves
selling from $31.00 to $34.75.
Heifer mates from $29.00 to
$31 65 cwt. Yearling steers
$24.00 to $27.(X), heifers $22.00
to ^$24.00 cwt. All classes of
biflrher cattle higher with rows
ixtshing up to $21.(X) cwt. with
ot\|y the canner kinds under
) cwt. Bulls largely $19.25
2.00 cwt.
Next Regular Auction Tues
day, May 13th. Hog sale 10:00
A.' M. Cattle Sale 1 :(X) P. M.
Atkinson Livestock
Sale Every Tuesday
Ainsworth Sale Yds.
Ainsworth, Nebr.
Sale Every Friday
:! | , , .
5 | I A * AAA* A A A A ..aa
!l I
IRs|fc; '*>:■
f p
- BPl
f _
- 4 Print or write plainly, your name and *ddrr*s and your
r * Harrenjius Distributor's name and address on an entry
r Wank, ptmt card or letter.
rt Mail entry to UarrengosContest. Tbe Milton Company.
* & P O. Box - rn, Okmulgee, Oklahoma. Ail entries must
3 be postmarked no later than midnight, dun- 5.
* A (lowest fa open to any resident of continental I s'.,
e V except employees of (Varrtmga? Distributors, \\f»»ren
f Petroleum Corporation. Its utbertUmt agencies and
■ their famjtbeo. Contest subject to all Tcdersl. stun anti
* .local tegniatiom. Only on* key will bewailed ton fa wily
h 1,1 t'liuam.H h\ T!u> Mi iron < am. ||
ptm-. No * ">n know wjucb onvokipe contain* the J
wim»Jn0 key. Key*, "Hi ho moiled to entrants no later
ll'i'J: 1 Hie i '<
C Mi enirnma -vdl beeiiailde to try their ke,win the !>(•««•
° ,,r, ( bM‘°»•*»»»*»«>mi2|, Ip that th«holder
fl»c 1 uyky h.y> does n--t corny to the tthowroom before ^
closnu; toot* ,tun« d) a drawing wilt ho conducted to
determine the winner from rmw>o& the contestant* who 1
try 'heir lucky key* «m the appointed dates.. j
P Miami prize, jjtfMjQ certificate redeemable for foot! at a
food store of rh* Wtutryt'kav IMsrrtbytor’s #v lection.
s CHAMBERS—Eric Dankert, Phone 2101
e O’NEILL—Ralph Seger, Phone 410-W