The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 08, 1958, Section 2, Page 11, Image 11

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    It was the real McCoy for the
sacks (chemise, if you please)
at the 8 et 40 meeting here
Thursday night. I>eft-to-right—
Mrs. Vern Reynoldson of O'
Neill, Mrs. A. R. Andrews of
Norfolk, Mrs. A1 Sommers of
Norfolk. Mrs. M. B. Huffman
of Bassett and Miss Daisy Rob
inson of Stanton (Stanton court
ty clerk).- The Frontier Photo.
Try Frontier want ads for
quick results!
Juntos Moving to
Rapid City—
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Juran
and sons, who have lived here
four years, left Monday to live in
Rapid City. S.D. Enroute, they
spent the night with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs Paul Kahler in Bone
Monday Mrs. Juran was guest
of-honor at a coffee at the home
of Mrs Joe Sivisind. That eve
ning the Jurans were dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs Paul Shierk before departing
for their new home.
Lohaus Family Gather*—
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. I/»haus and
daughters and Mrs. Mary Mc
Leod Sunday attended the 55th
wedding anniversary dinner of his
Cirents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
>haus of Humphrey, at the AJ
phons Lohaus home in Humph
rey. Enroute home they stopped
in Norfolk to visit Mrs. McLeod's
sisters, Mrs. George Agnes and
Mrs. Ben Grady.
Veldeen Pinkerman Feted—
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Pinker
man and son, Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Pinkerman and boys of Redbird
and Earn Wilson were supper
guests Tuesday, April 29, at the
Veldon Pinkerman home in Red
bird to help Miss Veldeen cele
brate her 15th birthday anniver
sary. Mr. and Mrs. George Calk
ins were evening callers there.
Mr*. Mullen Hostess—
Winners of Martez and Delta
Dek clubs held last Thursday at
the home of Mrs. Homer Mullen
were Evelyn Stannard, Mrs. H. J.
Birmingham and Mrs. Ira Moss.
Parks to Move—
Mr and Mrs. Harold H. Parks
and family plan to move to Ewing
after school is dismissed for the
term They will live on a farm.
VOTE (x)
J. Ed Hancock
| for j
County Treasurer
Primary Election, May IS
Original Creations
in Sacks (Pardon
Chemise) Show Here
Twenty-five partners of Madi
son County salon 410, Eight and
Forty, met in O'Neill Thursday
evening for the regular May
Norfolk, Pierce and Stanton
partners traveled to O’Neill by
chartered bus where they were
entertained by hostesses Mes
dames M. B. Huffman of Bassett,
N. P. McKee* of Atkinson, and
Melvin Ruzickn, lister Riege,
Robert Lowery, Virgil Laursen,
Vem Reynoldson anti John David
son of O'Neill.
Each partner appeared in a
“sack” (or chemise dress! of her
own creation. Originality and
styling added to the hilarity of
the party. Orginals, never dream
ed by even a French designer,
ranged from the hare-shoudered
striped barel, modeled by Mrs.
Riege, to a true burlap sack com
plete with printed advertising of
Nebraska grown potatoes, de
signed by Mrs. Lillian Gray of
Guests were entertained at din
ner at the Town House with May
day as the table decorations mot
if. A May pole complete with
dancing dolls served as a center
piece for the dinner table, with
individual May baskets in pastel
colors as nut cups.
Miss Emmalyn McKinley of
Stanton was awarded the door
prize—a giant-sized May basket
which held a bottle of cologne
and spring flowers. Following the
dinner the marche was adjourned
to the lounge in the American
I region club for a business ses
sion with Mrs. A. R. Andrews,
chapeau, of Norfolk presiding.
Bernice Bussman, child welfare,
reported on the juvenile tuber
culosis patients who had been re
mem bored during the past month.
Plans were discussed for the
annual picnic to be held in Taha
zooka park in Norfolk June 5 in
connection with the regular mar
che, with Mrs. William Koch and
Mrs. Leo Young in charge of ar
After the business session, Mrs.
Davidson showed colored slides
of pictures taken at the depart
mental marche, Nebraska de
patment confention, district H
American Legion and auxiliary
convention and recent salon mar
I Take the "88" out on the
road and "TRAVEL-TEST"
the feature! that make
Old* the ideal travel car—
the car that took 1*f place
honor* in it* da** in
the Mobilgai Economy
Run. And lee how our
travel-time allowance* oe
your preient car make
it ea*y to own a new
Get your FREE
.. while they lest I
You're always welcome
at your local authorized
A. Marcellus Chevrolet Co. 127 >'«■ 4,h
°o ’* • .
50 Women Present
For Spring Tea
CHAMBERS — An estimated 50
women attended the spring tea
given by the Woman’s Society' of
Christian Service at the Metho
dist church Thursday. May 1.
At the business session it was
voted to give another $20 in spe
cial memberships.
The program was the same
used around the world on the day
of the fifth assembly in St. Louis,
Mo., featuring the theme:
"Christ’s Message for Today”; I
A special membership program
will be presented at the next
Other Chambers News
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Liedtke spent
Sunday at Inman with their son
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Ruther and Bobbie.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter
drove to Oakdale Saturday on
business. They also visited her
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Carpenter, in Neligh.
Mrs. Nels Mikkelson, Donald
and Joyce spent Sunday with the
former’s son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanderson,
at Stanton.
Mrs. Fred Tucker visited rela
tives at Wisner over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Shavlik
of Denver. Colo., spent the week
end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Steve Shavlik, and Pam.
They went to Lincoln Monday for
a few days visit before he enters
military service.
Sam Taggert of Dannebrog
spent the weekend with friends at
Mrs R. H. Brennon of Red
field, S. D., returned to her home
Friday after spending a week
with her son-in-law and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller and
children and getting acquainted
with a new grandson.
Mrs. Mina Myers returned last
week from St. Paul where she
had been assisting in the Ed
Myers home for several weeks
following the death of Mrs. Ed
Mrs. Wayne Smith was surpris
ed Friday when the following
mothers and children of Iter rural
school came at noon, bringing a
complete birthday dinner in her
honor: Mrs. Harley Larson and
children, Mrs. Audrey McConnell,
Mrs. William Ermer, Mrs. Mil
ford Cook, and Mrs. Henry Durre
and children. Also present were
Mrs. Smith s mother, Mrs. A. A.
Walter, and aunt, Mrs. A1 Dierk
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Craig of
Flint, Mieh., have been recent
visitors in the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Liedtke.
They also visited her brother-in
law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Ruther and son, Bobbie,
at Inman and her brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Liedtke and sons, Terry and
Larry at Meadow Grove Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Liedtke and sons and
Mr. and Mrs Ruther and Bobbie
also visited in their parents home
while the Craigs were there. Oth
er guests during the time were
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Grussnick
laus and family. Mr. and Mrs.
Ruben Peltzer and Mr. mid Mrs.
Eric Retzlaff. all of Chambers,
and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mi
cheals and daughter, Sharon, of
Calling on Mrs. John Winter
mote and a few other friends in
Chambers Thursday were Mrs
Hugh Drake of Greeley, Colo.,
Mrs. Haye McClure of Wayne
and Mrs. Harrison of Norfolk
Mi-s. Drake is remembered by
many as Bonnie Hess, daughter
of Doctor Hess, formerly of
Chambers. Mrs. McClure is a
sister of the late Walter Trussel
of Chambers. Mrs. Harrison is
an aunt of Mrs. Drake.
Sunday, April 27, guests of Mi
ami Mrs. R. K. Platt and Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Hutton and children
of Creston and Mr. and Mrs. T. B.
Hutton of Inman.
The poppy posters that won in
the contest are being displayed in
the window of the Shavik Hard
O’Neill News
Don Allen of Lynch visited his
mother, Mrs. Margaret Pribil,
Friday, April 25.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox ar
rived home from Norwalk, Calif ,
Friday, Apri J5. They had attend
ed the wedding of their son.
Mr and Mi's Kenneth Juran
and sons left Friday for Hone
steel, S D, to attend the wedding
of her brother, Arthur Kahler on
Saturday. Mr. Juran sang. They
returned Sunday.
Mrs. C W Porter was in Col
umbus Sunday iuui Monday vis
iting her sons and their families.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Porter and
Mr. and Mrs Neil Porter.
Miss Mary Elizatx'th Gatz and
Miss Edith Galagher of Omaha
attended the alumni banquet at
St. Mary's academy Sunday and
also visted their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. J. Gatz of O'Neill and
Mr. and Mrs. James Gallagher ot
[ Inman.
Mrs. P. J. Donohue ot Ilone
steel, S.D., is vis ting this week at
the Dr. E M. Gleeson and Robert
Devoy homes.
Here's where you'll find the week's best
i ^ ..... 'ff'imiiiM ~ iniiiiiiiiiiiiMniiiiiBi
I Strawberries
6 16-oz. Pkgs. 12 16-oz. Pkgs.
*|99 *395
Bel-air; frozen, premium quality, sweetened —
16-oz. Pkg. 39c
I Lemonade
£ 6-oz. Cans ! 12 6-oz. Cans j
59< *1»
Bel-air; frozen, premium quality, rich in Vit. C —•
i 6-ox. Can 10c
Lima Beans 5
10-oz. Pkgs. ! 12 10-oz. Pkgs. g£|
s|35 $265 ^
« J
Bel-air; Ford Hook or Baby Lima Beans —
2, 10-oz. Pkgs. 49c STI
' Lat
Peas or Corn
£ 10-oz. Pkgs. 112 10-oz. Pkgs.
Bel-air; frxn., premium quality, mix or match ’em —
2110-oz. Pkgs. 35c
6 for 11 for
Peaches premium quality, sliced, sweetened—12-oz. Pkg. 25c.... .*1.35.*2.65
Raspberries red, sweet and juicy ripe^-10-ox. Pkg. 29c- •• • .*1.65.*3.25
Grape Juice flavor, premium quality—2, 6-0*. Cans 41 c-. • .*1.05.*2.05
Grapefruit Juice variety, premium quality—2, 6-0*. Cans 39c- • • ■ *1.00.*1.98
Asparagus fresh as Spring—8-oz. Pkg. 39c. *1.99.*3.95
Green Beans 5SasrE»~i*p.45c.$1.25.$2.45
I Broccoli spears, premiumquality—2,10-ot Pkgs. 45c. $1.25.$2.45 §
I Cauliflower texture, premium Equality—2/ 10-oz. Pkgs. 49c-.. .$1.35.$2.65 |
I Mixed Vegetables premium—2,' 10-os. Pkgs. 45c ... .$1.25.$2.45 |
French Fried Potatoes*‘«Sm S!£&y-a, »-<*. pvg* ss«. 98«.$1.95
Spinach leaf or chopped, premium quality—2« 12-os. Pkgs. 37c... .$1.05.$2.05
Aif Frozen Food Price* rfectivc iKnt Saturday, May If
iirniiiiii'T ii[[iniii i ......—■imiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii—i—■■nniiiiimr^m—wimi— ■BBBSSBUeaO«Dnill!lllllllinflllllllllll!ll!!!l!!llllll.i.
t ■ i x
Every day is value day at Safeway... but right now we are featuring these extra values!
Skylark Bread "Get Acquainted" Offer Loaf 19c
Cinnamon Rolls SSSilSr o«.r .Jp£ 19c
Instant Coffee $1.25
Enriched Flour ...25B£ $1.79
Enriched Flour S!epS^?.L.."«& $3.49
Shortening ^.3c^79c
Dessert Cups top with strawberries .. Pkg 20c
Whipping Cream !SS5jSSJi**40c
Hot Roll Mix Duncan Hlnea.ff .PkB. 29C
Muffin Mixes SKSST.d... ,'!Z 35c
Gelatin iSS.’ZKZ*. A pkgs- 31c
large Eggs 45c
Pineapple Juice Dole; froxen.2 Cans 41c
Instant Cocoa 21"“ &.<> S" 29c
Chunk Tuna ESFw. .*“cS33c
Chunk Tuna SKTSS,..”3S 33c
Waxed Paper .VlSiSi 23c
Nestles Morsels EELST’..tSl 27c
^ JU plump, clean, ready for ike pan, fry my — \
69C Each
rkI/*L/Ms Breasts. Drumsticks or 1-Ib. 7A
^niCKen Thighs; Manor House; fm. Pkg. / C
Steaks .. ft 49c j
Halibut Steaks SffiSlm’ft 5 9c j
DaCOn Armour Star...Lb VOC
Braunschweiger Sausage ... Lb. 49c I
Safeway brand {
^ ^Jke veyttabfc powerhouie, Red
25-Lb. Wg%~
Bag # IrC
I 00 Pounds _2.99
ftipSL CaGfoAnicL
Avocados Strawberries ,
2-19* 3ir„*I.OO
) '
( Ideal for salads Large, fresh, red-rips
Lucerne—creamed, small or large curd,
12-oz. Carton, regular price.24c
Town House—choice quality, in syrup,
No. 2l/2 Can, regular price.#.41c
Total regular price.., .85c
* I ILca cIIcLllVr Till tl oalUruay, iVi c» y iuvn, LT1 U IN f*lII