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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1958)
FOR SALE 1 hide’s Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle on hand at all times. Wiscon sin bred, fresh and heavy springers, first and second calf heifers. Arnold Thiele 2Mt miles southwest of Clear water, Phone 17 on 12 tf FOR SALE: Used lumber. — El mer Strong, O’Neill. 51p35 Miller Trailer Sales 16 to 52 ft., 8 & 10 ft. Wldes Large selection on hand Modern used trailers on hand 1954-22ft. 1 B.R 1954-32 ft. 1 B.R. 1954-34 ft. 1 B.R. 1956-29 ft. 1 B.R. 1956-35 ft. 2 B.R. 1956-38 ft. 2 B.R. Others coming in. We trade for furniture or any thing movable. We finance. Open Evenings and Sundays Lowest Prices & Best Deals Mobile Home Trailers Phone 460 Albion, Nehr. 49tf FOR SALE: Cossack alfalfa seed, cleaned 25c per lb.- Philip Allen dorfer, O'Neill. 48-52c AT STUD: 2 permanent register ed Quarter Stallions.—C. E. McVay, O’Neill. 44tf FOR SALE: Choice Holstein and Guernsey heifer calves that live and grow, delivered on ap proval. Calves on hand at all times.—Gerald O’Connor, 8 miles north, 5 east of Atkinson. 50-52p FOR SALE OR TRADE: New horse trailer, plenty room for two, tandem wheels with new rubber, ready to go.—Gonder inger Motor Co., Chevrolet and Rambler, ph. 8311, Atkinson, Nebr. 50-51c FOR SALE: Hampshire meat type fall hoars with lots of stretch and growing ability. Good doing kind at farmer prices. Vaccinated. Guaran teed breeders.—John Kaster, Clearwater, phone 8 on 4. 49- 52pd FOR SALE: 180-amp. farm weld er, complete with accessories, 20-year guarantee, full price, $174.50. Only 17.45 down. — Gambles, O’Neill._49-52c FOR SALE: Beer equipment, to be moved. Reasonable. Modem location available in O’Neill.— Ralph McElvain, O’Neill. 29tf FOR SALE: Madison vetch, 15c per pound. An analysis pend ing. M. G. French sr., of Page. 50- 52pd Harry R. Smith Imp. Phone 562 O’Neill TRACTORS— ’48 A J-D •41 B J-D 50-G J-D 46 A J-D 50 M.T. J-D 40 B J-D 14ft drill, like new Plows, all sizes 15-ft. J-D disc 48 B J-D 2 AC 15 ft. discs J-D 4-wheel spreader No. 5 J-D mowers D1C No. 27 mower FOR SALE: 10 h p. Scott-Atwater outboard motor. Forward, neu tral and reverse gear shift. A 1 condition—phone 409 eve nings, O’Neill. 45tl FOR SALE: Dinette set. Also rooms for rent.—Phone 509-W. 50-51p FOR SALE: Two-rake hitch, all iron to fit John Deere tractor, will sell reasonable: post hole digger frame, all iron, leveling attachment, will fit A or C Far mall, auger and transmission available.- -Carl Krogh, O’ Neill. 4 east, 2 north Midway store. 51p70 FOR SALE: Red Clover seed, Cossack alfalfa. Madison vetch. State tested —Leon Beck with, Emmet._49tf FOR SALE: Complete set ol farm and hay machinery’: Far mall IIIC tractor.—Lew McKin ney, Box 145, Newport. 51-52c FOR SALE: Registered Hereford bulls, 12 mos. coming 2 years old in spring.—Mrs. J. Nirwoh ner, 2*4 miles west of Drive In, O’Neill. 34-52p4.85 SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile houses. 25% down, 5% lnt.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or pbone^ Oontois Motor Co. Neligh. 30tf SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SEE US or write us if interested in Sprinkler Irrigation. We wll] be glad to figure your system for you, with the help of qual ified irrigation engineers, at nt obligation. Wm. Krotter Co. O'NEILL, NEBR. “Dealers in A -M Sprinkler Irrigation’’ 3Ttf INVISIBLE REWEAVING. C i g arette bums, moth holes, cuts and tears. Reasonable. — Mrs Edward TelUer, new address, one block south of stoplight and one half a block west. 51-54c run .s>Ai,r. tjo trumpnet, in gcxx condition. Will sell reasonably See or call Tom Schoberg, ph 351M, O'Neil. 51t I FOR SALK OR TRADE': 1951 Ford truck with 16-ft. com bin ation box in excellent condition V-8 motor, 2 speed axle, A-l high tread rubber. A very gooc serviceable farm truck.—Gon ! deringer Motor Co., Chevrolel and Rambler, phone 8311, At kinson, Nebr. 50-51< ------* j FOR SALE: Quantity of extrf good clothing, sizes 9-10-11 Skirts, sweaters, pep clut sweaters, cotton and woo dresses, formals, suede westert jacket, western pants.—Phone 773 . 50-51< i TOR SALE: Registered Nebr. No 50 intermediate wheatgrasj seed. —Stanley Lambert, Ew ing. Nebr., phone Chambers 2340. 50-51c7( C1JCANINGEST carpet cleanei you ever used, so easy too. Gel Blue Lustre at Coyne Hardware O Neill. 51c FOR SALE: Surge dairy equip ment, pipeline and bucket type milkers — Dillon Sales anc Service, Long Pine, Phone 2121 or Harvey Tompkins Inman 43tj FOR SALE: Minnesota Holstein heifers and cows, TB and bangs tested—Rudy Juracek, Ewing 310 SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolis $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks. north of traffic light. Everett Gorgen, Ph. 524-M. O’Neill. 51« FOR SALE: Terriflex vinyl tile. Now carried in stock. Select your color.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. 47ctf ARnnoTAr nntrTn-'vrwr: eliminates, purchase price, feed, tax, insurance, disease and danger of a bull. It cre ates a better herd and a bet ter living for the owner.—Call 489-J, your CURTIS, technician Duane Gray, O’Neill. 50tf FOR SALE: Wisconsin bred vac cinated Holstein heifers t o freshen soon.-^John Sojka, 1% north and 4 east of Page. 50-54c FOR SALE: Nine registered An gus bulls. These bulls have plenty of bone and weight for age. Eileenmere breeding Coming 2-year-olds. — M. W Hunt & Son, Battle Creek. 50-53c FDR SALE: 40” electric range like new, automatic oven tim er and minute minder.—Mary Lu Monk, phone 503 mornings 21314 N. 2nd afternoons. 51c FOR SALE: Mo.-0-205 oats.—'Tory Asimus, phone 510, O’Neill. 48tf FDR SALE: Murray Mellor will be selling two registered Hereford bulls, two-years-old, at the regu lar sale at the O'Neill Livestock Market next Thursday, April 17. 50c FOR SALE: A registered homed Hereford bull, Royal Lad breeding, two years old. Guar anteed breeder. See Francis Rohde or call O’Neill 568-W. 50-51pd Used Machinery 1952 super C 1946 John Deere A 1948 Farmall C 1942 Farmall H 1944 Farmall M 10-ft. E-Z fertilizer spreader Endgate seeder Earthrr.over for farm tractor niC 12 ft disc IHC 62 combine IHC 52 combine Our auction is still in progress stop in before Saturday nite. Specials on rreezers tnar yoi can’t beat. For a deal on all appliances set us before Saturday. Shelhamer Equip. Co. O’NEILL, NEBR. IHC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool FOR SALE: REA. wired, dwell ing, 24x28, bam 32x48 and corn crib 30x8 to be removed frorr farm. Reasonable price if pur chased soon. — George C. Ro bertson, phone 534 or 161W, O’ Neill, Nebr. _51-52 FOR SALE: Alfalfa seed. Stab tested and cleaned.—Paul Zakr zewski, O’Neill 49-51< FOR RENT FOR RENT: A house, 3 room: and bath. — Mrs Emma Law rence, phone 523-R, O'Neill. 49t FOR RENT: Storage space Phone 565. O’Neill. S7t FOR RENT: Close-in apartment Private entrance, automata washer and dryer. Heat ant hot water furnished.—Marie L Crook. 129 E Clay St., phoni 388-J. _50-52i FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment. 4 rooms and bath, heat ed. close in.—Elmer Hagenaick O’Neill, phone 556-R. 34t FOR RENT: Building for shop o storage—J. F. Contois, O’ Neill, phone 368 49t FOR RENT: Close-in apt., twi rooms and bath. Good spaa for washing machine. Fur nished with elec, stove, refrig erator and rug.—Phone 14-F oi 434 »_411 FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms - Phone 537, O’Neill. 18t TOR RENT: Three quarter sec tions of hayland and pasture — Mrs. Clarence Ponohoe. 30 E. Fremont, O’Neill. 49t REAL ESTATE FDR SALE: Good 5-room house to 1*> moved out. Stanley Sojka, Ewing. 51-52p60 Ranch For Sale IN SIOUX County Nebraska. One of the nicest ranches in the state If interested Write C. W GALLAWAY, Post Office Box 822, Scottsbluff. Nebr. for full details. 50-53c FDR SALE: Two bedroom modem liome in northeast O’Neill, i Plenty closets and built-ins. Well on place. Fruit trees.—V. J. Towle, O’Neill. 50tf. FDR SALE: Two liedroom mod em home with attached gar age. Reasonable price. Terms available. Ponton Agency, Ph. 106, O’Neill. 51-lc Dwelling and Lots MODERN, ‘2-story house in south east section, separate entrance for upstairs apartments. Low down payment, easy terms. 2 TWO-BEDROOM HOUSES, both close-in, completely modem. Ed Thorin Phone 207 Auctioneer-Real Estate Broker HOUSE FDR SALE OR RENT: Modem, 4-rooms and bath, close to school and churches.—Mar garet Elkins, call 151, O’Neill. 48tf. r uit saw.: r ive room nouse lo cated in Emmet. Could easily be moved if wanted.—Call at Farrs' Produce, O'Neill. 50tf FARM FOR SALE: Quarter sec tion—all well grassed, good im provements, 5 miles from O’ Neill. — Duane Gray, O’Neill 47tf AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED TH0R1N Farm Sales a Speciality Phone 207 - O'Neill HOUSES For Sale! 3-BEDROOM Home, double gar age and located in Northern Heights. 2- BEDROOM home, located east of public school. 3- BEDROOM Home, located on Douglas St., new gas furnace and air-conditioning, garage and attractively priced. 3-BEDROOM Home, located south of the Krotter Store, ex tra lots may be had. TELL US what you want to sell; tell us what you want to buy! FARMS AND RANCHES for sale and we have the buyers. Money to loan on farms and dwell ings. VIRGIL LAURSEN Phone 434 — O’Neill, Nebr. AT THE O’Neill Company CARDS of THANKS WE ARe at a loss for words to express our thanks and grati tude to our many kind and generous neighbors, friends and relatives for the shower given us. To the various organ izations for their many gifts and to all who gave cash; to Mr. and Mrs. George Thomson who opened their home for the shower and to each and every one who contributed and helped in any other way. Thanks to the neighbors who helped clean up after the fire. The days fol lowing our disaster looked mighty dark and empty but with so many wonderful people around we know we will be able to make a comeback. Thanks again to each and everyone ot you.—Mr. and Mrs. Wade Dav is, Marilyn and Larry. 51p50 WE THANK YOU. . . To the friends, relatives and neighbors who gave so generously of their time and money in our behalf following our misfortune, we express our deepest heartfelt thanks. Especially do we wish to thank those individuals who inagurated the fund that will do so much in providing us with a means of liveihood once more. The money you have con 1 tributed will be used by us for rebailitation purposes only. You will be remembered in 1 our thoughts and actions for : I your wonderful cooperation •1 and support. May God bless you all.—Mr. and Mrs. Alva ' j Parks and children. 51pd WE ARE truly grateful to the !; good friends who did so much for us during the recent illness and death of our beloved moth er. May we take this means of I saying thank you for the many comforting expressions of your “ friendship and affection.—Floyd Colman and family; Thomas L | Colman and family._51p50 ’ I WANT to thank the men who ; shelled the com, everyone who I sent me cards and letters, and all who helped in any way while I was in the hospital at Roches j ter, Minn. I surely appreciated your kindness.—George Wink » ler. •; z51p50 Accounting 1 AND BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Morgan Ward ACCOUNTANT Golden. Bldg. — Phone 414 1 O’Neill, Nebr. N - WANTED Income Opportunity Part time opening for man or woman to distribute nationally advertised .produts. No selling Route is established for you. This is tne first time this proven opportunity has been offered in this area. Party selected must have car, dependable, be willing to expand and must have $950.00 to $190000 cash available 6 hours per week and net up to $250.00 per month. For interview include your phone number. 51-lc Write: Box 84 I 7 Minneapolis 16, Minnesota MONEY TO IX)AN on farms, ranches and homes. Long term, low interest rates — bonds and insurance of all kinds. See Virgil L. Laursen at The O'-1 Neill Company 27-18tfc WANTED DRY Cl EANTNG OF ALL KINDS! IDEAL CLEANERS Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctf WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.- Dwaine Loekman, Stuart, phone 3741 tf FOR DITCH DIGGING service sewers, water service or foot ings.—See. O. E Davidson, i Phone 126, O’Neill. 47-48c WANTED: Interior painting, fur niture repairing ana upnoister ing.—H. R. Harris, Ewing. 50-51c WANTED TO PASTURE: About 200 head of cattle.- B W. Wal do, Chambers. 49tf WANTED: To pasture for ’58 sea son, 40 cows with calves.—Leon Beckwith, Emmet. 49tf WANTED: 150 cattle for 1958 pasture season. Regular rates. Pastures spring and dam wat- j ered. Plenty of shade. Invite inspection by interested par ties—Leo Ohri, Spencer, phone Bristow 7328. 46tf WANTED: Yearlings to pas ture.—Bob Fritton, 2 miles west of O’Neill. 51pd I FOR REASONABLE prices try IDIS FERN BEAUTY SHOPPE 2 blks. west of postoffice. Can serve you days or evenings by appointment or without. 44-52c WANTED: Play pen or crib — Kieth Abart, O’Neill, ph. 209. 51c WANTED: A year around married or single man. Must be exper ienced with machinery and live stock.—Herbert Jessen, Bloom field, phone 31F24. 51-53c WANTED: 150 head of yearling or 125 head of larger cattle for pasture.—John Berger, O’Neill, ! phone 19F13. 50-51p60 WANTED: 70 cows to pasture, all one brand.—Jen Auman, Or chard. 50-51pd j WANTED: Cattle for pasture for the coming season. — Frank [ Schrad, Ewing, phone 8F04. 50-51c DRAGLINE WORK! Sewer, Drainage, Dam Work Basement Excavation and Road Work! E. J. (Skip) Shane ATKINSON, NEBR. M _90 MISCELLANEOUS ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES WE REPAIR all makes. We un dersell anybody In price and outsell anybody in quality. O'NEILL, NEBR. PH. 269 52tf NOTICE WE INSTALL CARPET — TILE AND LINOLEUM Midwest Furniture & Appliance Co. 209 West Douglas O’Neill, Nebr. L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. Wick’s Body Shop Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W — O’NEILL — for Any Job 25tf Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry ’Phone 166 O’Neill Riverside News Mrs. Walter Miller and Danny called on Mrs. Dave Pollock Wednesday afternoon, April 9. Mr. and Mrs. John Napier, i Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and < Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shrader ate supper at the Town House in O’ Neiil Saturday evening. The oc casion was the birthday anniver saries of the two Napier ladies and Mrs. Wayne Shrader. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer vis ited at Lyle Switzer home Sunday afternoon. The Richard Napier family were Sunday dinner guests at the John Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pol lock Sunday. Those attending prayer con ference1 at Neligh Saturday from Riverside were Rev. and Mrs. Ivan Turner, Mrs. Howard Mil ler, Mrs. Walter Miller and Mrs. Grant Mott. The Lou Vandersnick family ; visited Friday evening at the 1 Wayne Fry home. Russel Napier left Sunday af ternoon for Sterling, Kans. He has six more weeks of school in this term of college. Mr. and Mrs. Will Shrader, Eddie and Alice, were Sunday dinner guests at the Archie John ston home. Monday evening, April 7, Kathy ( Lofquist and Mrs. Edna Lofquist j celebrated their birthday anni-1 versary at the Bill Lofquist home. The Reuben Meyers family of Neligh were guests. Mrs. Earl Pierson visited her mother, Mrs Edith McClanahan in Brunswick Thursday afternoon. On Saturday afteroon Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woepple and Mrs. Earl Pierson called on Mrs. McClanahan. Mrs. Ralph Shrader and son, Gordon, visited relatives in Iowa over the weekend. ^ f !\/T nurln T mi rrAH n on.l Pete Carson came from Blair 1 and visited Monday and Tuesday 1 at the Web Napier home. Other guests last week were Mr. and ' Mrs. Otto Christianson and sons of Waukesha, Wise. The Don Larson family visited over the weekend at the Donald Starr home in West Point and the Elmer Pahl homo at Oakland. Mrs. Wayne Fry and children helped little Christy Vandersnick celebrate her birthday anniver sary Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery visited Margaret Turner in Neligh hospital and called at the Robert Montgomery home. Deemer Conner was a weekend guest at the S. S. Schlotman home. The Willie Shrader family, Mrs. Kitty Fry and the Lee Fink fam XBpuns sjsena jauutp ojom the Bert Fink home. The Leo Miller family and Dan ny Miller were guests Sunday at the Lynn Fry home. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader, Mrs. Leo Miller and Mrs. Archie Johnston were overnight guests Tuesday at the Darrol Switer home in Omaha. Mrs. George Montgomery and Mrs. Rolland Hord assisted Mrs. Lyle Switzer entertain the Jolly Workers club at the Switzer home Thursday afternoon. Larry Larson is home now hav- < ing completed his business course 1 in Omaha. Lucille and Valonda Biddlecome, Irene Kaczor, Mr. and Mrs. Pat ■ Knapp, Mrs. Richard Napier, Ed- 1 die Shrader, Mrs. Don Larson and ' Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Napier visit- i ed at the Dewitt Hoke home Wed nesday evening, April 9. The Kenneth Hill family and Mr. 1 and Mrs. Alfred Napier and fam- 1 ily were Sunday dinner guests at 1 the Rolland Hord home. i ASSEMBLY OF GOD (O’Neill) i Rev. Robert A. Paul, pastor Sunday. April 20: Sunday-school. I 10 a.m. This will be the second Sunday of the national loyalty 1 campaign. The theme will be i “Faithful in Testimony’’. Bom ' again, spirit filled teachers con duct inspiring classes for all age < groups. Worship, 11 a.m. “If thou : shalt confess” will be the Bible message prepared to lead every one into a life of Christian vic tory. Message to be delivered by the pastor. Sunday, April 20, will be Na tional CA day. Wednesday, April 23: Prayer meeting at 10 a.m.; hour of pray er service, 8 p.m. CONCERT PRESENTED SPENCER— The school band Friday evening presented its an nual spring concert to a huge crowd. 1 1 " The (V>bhs . . . ehureM wedding.—O’Neill Photo Co. April Nuptials for Irene Ann Jansen, Cpl. Larry E. Cobb ATKINSON — Miss Irene Ann Fansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. idward Jansen, sr., became the ’ride of Cpl. Larry E. Cobb of rf- Polk, I,a., son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cobb of Stuart at 9:30 i m. at St. Joseph’s Catholic hurch, Monday, April 14. Rev. Robert Morocco performed the louble ring ceremony before al ars decorated with Easter lilies, mums and snapdagons. Music vas furnished by St. Joseph’s ugh school choir The bride, given in marriage ’y her father, appeared in an mported lace and tulle gown, rhe fitted lace bodice over satin eatured a V neckline and was trimmed in iridescent sequins, rhe Itouffant tulle skirt over sat n was styled with white lace tanel in the front and a draped tverskirt edged with a flounce of Seated tulle. Her fingertip veil ■vas held in place by a crown rimmed with pearls and sequins, the carried a pearl prayer book covered with a corsage of pink sweetheart roses and stephanotis. Maid-of-honor was Miss Edith flamik. Bridesmaid was Miss F1 ran Richeson. They appeared m gowns of pink taffeta overlaid vith a lace ruffle skirt and lace op with matching jackets. They ■vore crowns and white mitts rimmpH with noarle rPLn., 'ied pink carnations. The flower girls, the little Misses Mary and Marsha Cobb, win sisters of the bridegroom, ippeared in pink dresses with vhite daisies and green leaves lecorating the skirts. Their leadpieces were white net en wined with sweetheart roses, rheir gloves matched the other ittendants. They carried pink affeta covered baskets trimmed vith white net and filled with ■ose petals. Bestman for his brother was tuss Cobb. Charles Jansen, a mother of the bride, was an at endant and ushers were Milton Veichman and Ivo Shald of Stu irt. Following the ceremony a din ler was served at the K C hall to 50 guests. A reception was held or 240 guests from 3 to 5 p.m. Miss Mary Ann Straka had charge >f the guest book. A wedding lance was held at the Stuart au litorium. The bride chose a tailored pow ier blue dress with white acces sories for their wedding trip to .ouisiana. They will be at home it DiRidder, La., where the midegroom is stationed. After lis discharge in October, the :ouple will live in Stuart. Mrs. Cobb is a graduate of St. Joseph's high school and has been employed at Cleary’s Market. Mr. Cobb is a graduate of Stuart ligh school. Mrs. L. A. Serck and Loydene eft Thursday, April 13, for Den ver, Colo., after visiting a week ier sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Moore. ROYAL THEATRE O’NEILL Tliurs. Apr. 17 Allied Artists presents LET’S BE HAPPY Cinemascope, color by DeLuxe Tony Rocks ‘EM! Vera Rolls 'EM! She a country gal who learned how to trap a travelin’ man ... on a trans-atlantic spree! Starring Tony Martin, Vera El len, co-starring Robert Fleming. Frt.-Sat. He rode tall and he w . . the stranger out of nowhere. The wagon train hated him, even after his gun had saved them from a massacre! Joel McCrea, Virginia Mayo. THE TALL STRANGER Sun.-Mon.-Tups. Apr. 20-21-22 It's a ball when three guys fall for one they call THE GIRL MOST LIKELY She knew what she wanted, she just didn’t know which one. Her ‘‘steady” was steady, the play boy knew how to play, but the poor boy sent her to the stars with a kiss. . . so she promised to marry all three! Matinee Saturday A Sunday 2:80 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Friday and Saturday admission— Adults 50c; Children under 12, 12c, Free If accompanied by par ent. Wed., Thurs. Family nlte, family admitted for two adult tickets. Notice to Taxpayers April 20th Is the Deadline! . . . for making out individual and business assessment schedules. • All schedules after this date will be subjected to 50 percent penalty. This is mandatory. • The office will be open all day Satur day on account of the nearness to the deadline. WM. F.WEFSO Holt County Assessor __ _ 'it * * * • • * • Pioneer Stories Heard on WNAX STAR George B. German of radio station WNAX, Yankton, S. D. visited with William Derick* son, sr., Wednesday, April 9, and also at the Emmet Wertz home. He made tape rewriting inter views at tvoth places. He also visited Mr. Derickson's mother in O'Neill where he interviewed her and made a tape recording concerning pioneer days. Attends Funeral— Mr, and Mrs. Earl Hunt attend ed the funeral of her uncle, Carl Lof Monday in Omaha. INTRODUCTORY OFFER Sue'm ON EVERY GALLON Or NEWSPRED SATINI Look for th/a NEW Laball NOW ON IT ^ Jj^CJ QUARTS OAllON (Rag. Price $6.4* gal.) In etandard ready-mixed colore during thle aaia 100% LATIX WALL PAINT with all the advantages that made SPUED SATIN famous! Plus... AW/ Decorator low-sheen finish A/etui Durability for walls, celto logs, woodwork Afowi Hardy finish for kitche&s and bathrooms i 1 l ; Moore-Noble Lbr. & Coal Co. i Phone 32 — O’Neill ■ " mw4 CONSIGNMENT SADDLE HORSE SALE Saturday, May 10th, 1958 AT THE C Bar M RANCH i If you have any Saddle Bred Horses for sale, see O. E. McVay, O’Neill, Nehr., before May 1st. Saddle horses are selling high at this time. C. E. McVay, Sales Manager PHONE 585 J 13 — O’NEILL I BARGAINS in Used Furniture IN Gambles Furniture Dept Studio Bed. . $10.00 Sewing Machine-$8.00 Studio Suite_ $29.00 Living Room Suite.... $10.00 Studio Suite ... $39.00 nn • n I an .^a a I Jinn, i—i_5>D.UU Dining Table_$8.00 Coffee Table ........._$4.00 End Tables......._$3.00 Occasional Chair...... $5.00 Alwavs Better Buys at Gambles