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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1958)
Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY'S (O'Neill> Admissions: April 9-—Marla Rae Clyde of O'Neill. Mrs. Victor Roll witt of Ewing; 10 N^I B. Ryan of O'Neill, Mrs. James Boyle of O'Neill, Gilbert Winchell of O'Neill; 11 Marilyn Itonohoe of O’Neill, Mrs James Kilcoin of O’Neill; 12 Mrs. John Pruss of O'Neill, Mr, Howard M. Bradley erf O’ Neill; 13 Mrs. Nellie Sparks of O'Neill; 14 Lonnie McDermott I of O'Neill, Dewey Schaffer II of Emmet, Joe Cunningham, jr. of O'Neill, Jeanette Lee Woidneck of O'Neill, Mrs. Donald Hotchkiss of Pickstown, S. D., Mrs Fred Appleby of O'Neill; 15—Bobby Stuifbergen of O’Neill, Elaine Sorensen of Des Moines, la., George Herold of Inman; Mrs. Genevieve Harty of O’Neill. Dismissed: April 9 Victor True of Inman, Sharon Kallhoff of O’ Neill, Mrs Donald Martin of O’ Neill. D. F Murphy of O’Neill, Mrs. Garrett Janzing of O’Neill. James C. Parker of O’Neill. Paul E Roten of Chambers; 10 Neil B Ryan of O’Neill, John leisure of Ewing; Robert Kloppenhorg of Emmet, Ivan Potter of Lvneh; 11 Mrs Jerry Halva of O'Neill, Mrs William Moos of Fairfax, S. I> I/mis O Wray of O'Neill. Law rence Babl of Emmet. George Nekolite of Ewing. Mrs Elizabeth Colman of Inman (expired), 13 Mrs Bictor Bollwitt ft daughter of Ewing, 14 Mrs. Orvillp T. Kem per of Page. Mrs. James Kilcoin ft daughter of O'Neill. Marla Rae Clvde of O'Neill; 15 Mrs Jane Judge of O'Neill. Gilliert Winchell of O'Neill. Rev. A. S. Gedvvillo of O'Neill ■ 15 Bobby Stuifbergen of O’Neill Mrs. John Pruss * Neill Marilyn Donohoe of O Neill. Hospitalized: Mrs Fred Apple by of O'Neill. Elaine Sorensen of Ties Moines. In.. George Herold of Tnmm Mrs Marie Stnihe of O Neill Mrs. Donald Hotchkiss of Pickstown Jeanette Woidneck of O'Neill Scott Conner of Ewing. Too Cunningham, ir., of O Neill, Mrs Nellie Sparks of O’Neill. Mrs. James BovlePof O'Neill. William Anderson of O’Neill Lonnie Mc Permott Of O'Neill Garrett Janz ing of O'Neill. Mrs Howard Brad loy of O'Neill, Dewey Schaffer of TTmmot racked heart (l ynch) Hospitalized: Debra Rae Raid win of Ronesteel. S.D-. Mrs. Don ald Baldwin of Ronesteel. S.R. Mrs Deraid Bowman of Spencer. Mrs Mary Classen of Spencer, Toseph David, sr.. of Rnshville, Mrs Carl Gnuewuch of Norfolk. William Jordan of Butte, Mrs. Gordon Keller of Bnstow. Mrs. Henry Klundt of Fairfax . D.. Mrs Janettie Nelson of Center. Frank Prokop of Spencer. Mrs. T B Roush of Butte, Mrs Ol ver Ross of O’Neill. Mrs. Josie Schei SSfnt flavor Mm Antony Scheda of Fairfax. SD Hum Redstone of Spencer. Mrs. Ruth Tall>ert of Bristow. Dismissed: Harry Honey of Verdel. Harold Fried of Butt , James Roush of Butte, Mrs. prank Loock of Spencer. Mrs Paul Lampman of Anoka, D'on ard Anderson of Rristow. Mr* Jim Minarik of VerdelL Ernest Wilson of Gregory. S.D., Otar lotte Jones of Spencer, Susan Hoff man of Spencer. loo Late to Classify FOR RENT: Two-bcdtoom house. Pete Petersen, O’Neill, phone 491-W. _S WANTED At once man with ^experience in well and windmill “ Frontier or write Box . care of Frontier.__I Barn for Sale! MEASURING 14 x 16 ft., with skies, peaked root, may be moved. Sealed bids are to hr sent to Secretary Mary Os borne, School District 100. Lynch, Nebr. THE BOARD reserves the ngm to reject any and all bids. May •j5 is deadline for filing. bn EOR RENT: New steamer for Callipering.—Scovie's Western Auto O’Neill. 51-2c (First pub. April 17, 1958) Tillius D. Cronin, attorney N<mCE OF PROBATE OF I.OST WILL COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Estate No. 4262 F ST ATE OF EDWARD S. E/UU-V/alT. EDWARD S. FARLEY. DECEASED. „ .pi i v STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the probate of the lost will of said de ceased. and for the appointment of Ella Gaughen and Earley as joint executors theieof, SSh Will V for hearing in this court on May 8th. 1958. at o'clock A.^ w REIMER. County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) ^ ^ (First pub. April 17. 1958> lulius D. Cronin, attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR administration Estate No. 4262 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF 11 hoUT COUNTY. NEBRASKA, Snathe' matter of the estate OF ELIZABETH COD man. DEEASED. i, Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been Hied in saUl Court for the appointment of Floyd F. Colman as Adnumstrat or of said estate. and wM be heard Mav 8. 195S at 10 o clock A M at the County Court Room O'Neill. Neb™.- REIMER. County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) ^ ^ Alice’s Beauty Shop SL1ML1NER reIHIOPIO MACHINE Phone 263 -O’Neal I t Milti lit. MEMORIAL. (Creighton) Admitted: Mrs Herbert Thomp son of Center, Mrs. Harold Jacob son of Center, Donel Kuhlman ol Creighton, Mrs. Robert Sedivy ol Verdigre, J F. McGill of Center Mrs. Donald Caskey of Orchard. Dismissed: Michael Crosley ol Niobrara, Mrs. Anna Tomasek ol Verdigre, Joe Wunderlich ol Creighton, Elmer Haskins ol Creighton, Mrs. Herbert Thomp son of Center, Mrs. Vince Roth erham of Creighton, Mrs. Harold Jacobson of Center, J. F. McGill of Center. Mrs. Robert Sedivy and daughter of Verdigre, Donel Kuhlman of Creighton. The Junior class of 8t. Mary’s academy are sponsoring a bake wleThursday, April 17, at Hhelhamer’s Jack Si Jill, begin nfng at 10 A.M. slc Kyan . . . coming to Ewing. Niobrara Native to Head School ?1 EWING—G. D. Ryan has lieen signed by the Ewing public school board of education to head the schools for the l958-'59 term. He will succeed L. M Carter, who has not yet announced future plans. Mr Ryan, a native of, Nio brara, received his bachelor of arts degree from Wayne State Teachers college and was award ed a master’s degree in adminis tration by Omaha university. His teaching experience includ es two years at Macedonia, la., six years at Carson. Ia„ and the past year at West Point. At Ew ing he will head the school’s music department. He taught music at West Point. Mr. Ryan and his - wife, who orginated at Verdigref have two children. Their daughter is in the sixth grade and their son was horn April 8 The family will move to Ewing in June or as soon as housing is available. MARRIAGE LICENSES Carroll Alan Hagemeier. 21. of Morrisonville. Ilk, ami Dorothy Lavonne Haake. 20, of Nokomis, 111., on April 10. Duane Gordon Lindenberg, 22, of Starkweather, V. D., ad Miss Mary Eleanor Graham, 18, of O' Neill on April 11. Dirty Everett Cobb, 20, of Stu art and Irene Ann Jansen, 19, of Atkinson on April 11. Ramon Eugene Schuchman. 20, of Grand Island, and Miss Pris cilla Sue Holselaw, 23, of O'Neill on April 12. DISTRICT OOI KT LeRoy Lyons, complaint of forgery by county court, check to Johnson's Jewelry for $40. April 12. Signed (Gene Matthews'. O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs Rruee McElhaney of Lincoln visited their parents, Mr ami Mrs Ted McElhaney and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson from Friday until Sunday and at tended the wedding of Miss Priscilla Holsclaw. Mr and Mrs Leonard Davis atended first communion of her nephew. Lane Pacha, in Atkinson Sunday. A dinner for 45 guests was held at the home of his par ents Mr. and Mrs Arthur Pacha. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Roninen tour of Grand Rapids. Minn., and Mrs. Ira Anderson of Gregory, S.D., were Friday guests of Mr and Mrs Fred Heerman. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Higgins were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clifford of Atkinson They made a visit to Clifford ranch in the afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Herman Jan/ing visited her mother. Mrs Joe Hin der of Atkinson on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Whitmore of Ponca were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. H, Clauson during Presbytery held at the Presby terian church Monday and Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larson and daughters of Fremont were Saf urdaj luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Juran Mr and Mrs. Maurice Graham and Mr and Mrs. Bill Brewster and Gary were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. Orville Eppenbach in Erieson. Mr. and Mrs Herbert Kaiser atended a \vedding Saturday in Agnew They went to Uncoln and \ 'sited their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Seger. and : son Mark Steven. Mr. arid Mrs Michael 1 tendon and Mrs. Jack McGovern and daughter. Peggy, were Saturday and Sunday guests of their par ents Mr and Mrs Mike Iondon Mrs Harold Mlinar attended a hrida! shower for Bemadine Rossman in Atkinson Sunday. Rob. I-arry and Tommy, child ren of Mr. and Mrs. I-oonurd Davis spent the weekend with cousins, Jerry and Kenny Stein hauser of Stuart. Mr. and Mrs I jury Fernau of FI Paso, Tex . arrived Friday and art' visiting relatives. Mr Fernau was recently dscharged from the army __ I LEAN, MEATY POItK FRESH CUT UP — U. S. GOOD — FRYERS.... . per lb. 39c RIB STEAK... per lb. 69c per lb. 55c P„“k liver 2-lbs- 59c Ml MEAT—' I DANNER THICK 81 JOED — WIENERS — 2 lbs- 89c BACON . 2-lb- pkg. S1.19 Bacon^Ends ... 7M 69C Minted Han, PCf lb. 49C I PRINCE — 1 DOG FOOD - 6 ^cans 49c BREEZE -Ki"gsize 99c BOSTON PORK & BEANS 5 $1.00 t BETTY CWOCKER — CAKE MIX. 4 uto SI IKOZIN - ' ” «-!►«. pk«-. STRAWBER IES-$1 Appreciation SALE! In appreciation to our many wonderful friends, we j will give you absolutely FREE | i 5-Lbs of our CHOICE PONTIAC POTATOES with every order totaling SI0.00 or more ( * Thursday to Saturday j touR-Jp^ym ^NACK391 nk?s. 49C \ PINT 'l*B ■ . \Oc\ C WALDORF — _ A ^ TISSUE IB F ( oieo""1 per lb 29c I Olive, 3iarS$l | Blk.Pepper 19C f'p'ickleV" qt jar 39c I gV. Jam 10-OZ jar 15c | Cof,f'eel", lb- 79c C STOCKTON-_ ions up & e Hydrox full lb. 49c I Jello 5 Pk§s- 39c I redeem your Robin Hood Coupon WITH US. loib-skesc-is Butternut Instant—f> <»/.. jar A4 4 A Coffee WI h I v sy::p" r5-lb can 59c GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS _____ SOLID CRISP LETTUCE 2 Heads ... -25c Carrots _ 2 ^ 19C fresh green top ALL 4 m. Radishes $ bens, 1 jjc I