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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1958)
Conard Store Hat 22d Anniversary EMMET—The John Conard store celebrated its 22ml anni versary with an Easter week end sale. Ice cream cones were served. Easter morning all per sons present were served their preference of milk or coffee and doughnuts. Winners of prizes were: Mrs I lean Perry’, electric frying pan; Wayne Fox, 100 pounds of seed potatoes. Those winning two pound boxes of cheese were: Helen Martens, Ray Schaaf, Gerald Ferris and Ronnie South. Winners of hams were Sewell Johnson. Melvin Lu ben. Raymond Richards and Paul Newton. O N KILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Verne Jarr and daughters. Patty and Susan, of Colome, S. D., came Saturday, April 5, and left their daughters to visit their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike London, over Easter The parents visited Mr and Mrs Richard London at Spalding over the weekend S/Sgt James London spent I last week in Spalding visiting Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lender and other relatives. Mr and Mrs. Uye Lower ant family spent Easter with his par ents, Mr and Mrs Levi Lower at Valentine. Guests Easter of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woidneck of Midway wore Mrs. Rosa Bowers of O' Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Woid neok of Midway. Easter Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gdo tot8 took their granddaughter, Miss Charlotte McVay to OWa honiH State university in Still water, Okla. _ ----- % Starts Wed., April 23 With Doors Open Daily From 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. !Wed. Morn. 9 A.M. Open - Hour - Special Bedroom Suite Reg. $169.95 Value New, modern dresser, bed and chest. Fine workman ship throughout. Hand some blond finish. $499S 1 ONLY Wed. Morn. 9 A.M. Open - Hour - Special 2-Pc. Sectional Reg. $239.50 Wool frieze gray cover, solid oak frame, reversi ble cushions. Guaranteed spring construction. CLOSE-OUT PRICE $12950 Wed. Morn. 9 A M. Open • Hour - Special Butternut Coffee l-lb. Can 49c LIMIT ONE LB. Have a FREE CUP ... on the house. Wed. Morn. 9 A.M. Open - Hour - Special Card Tables Duram card table with tubular steel legs, heavy steel cross bands. The finest, Magic top. Reg. $8.95 NOW %A95 ONLY *♦ Wad. Morn. 9 A.M. Open - Hour - Special Chrome Dinette Reg. $89.50 Chrome dinette sets. Four chairs and full size tables. New designs, latest style and color. CLOSE-OUT PRICE $3995 Wed. Morn. 9 A.M. ] Open - Hour • Special We have in stock 20, 6-inch, giant foam rub ber mattresses and box springs. Reg. $189.50, and with the first 20 bedroom sets sold, we will sell you this 20-year guaranteed foam rubber set for only $99.50, twin or full size. wed. Morn, v a.m. Open - Hour - Special Reg. $11.95 Coeco Steel Stools With back. Chrome and assorted colors to choose from. CLOSE-OUT PRICE $6’5 HURRY! HURRY! Wed. Morn. 9 A.M. Open - Htfur - Special Bedroom Suite Rag. $199.95 Beautiful, modern dress er, chest and bookcase bed. Blond finish. HALF PRICE $9995 Wed. Morn. V A.M. Open - Hour • Special Reg. $14.95 Cosco Convertible High Chairs Chrome in a wide choice of color*. SAVE1 $995 Open - Hour - Spec' Ironing Pad and Cover Scorch resistant, olllcc cover and insulated tul tor pod Rep. $4.98 CLOSE-OUT PRICE 98« 1 HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS, ALL IN LATEST STYLES. SERTA, CHROME CRAFT, FIRTH, f 1 AMERICAKHUNTLEYJKELVIN/^ORjSUNBEA^DAYSTROM^^BASSETTAND^MANY^MANYMORE^^^^^^^^^ f EVERY ITEM IS PRICED AT TERRIFIC SAVINGS Living Room Suites Select from our nationally known lines. $459.50 3-Pc. Curved Sectional Foam rubber reversible cushions $07050 LOOK HOW YOU SAVE.. LI 7 $349.95 3-Pc. Curved Sectional Latest in styles, assorted colors t| QQ50 frieze covers. CLOSE-OUT PRICE. I 77 $289.50 Davenport and Chair Modern style, assorted colors. £« *7050 A BARGAIN AT. 1/7 $209.50 2-Pc. Living Room Suite Guaranteed spring construction. $1 QQ50 SAVE $70.00. ..»v7 • $209.50 Hide-A-Bed Wool frieze, assorted colors. With innerspring mattress. $1 AQ50 COMPLETE AT ONLY.— I 4#7 $169.50 One Arm Modern Sofa $fiQ50 See these. SAVE $80.00. 07 $129.50 Studio Couch Heavy covers, assorted colors, makes $£ Q50 into a bed. CLOSE-OUT PRICE. 07 Many other styles and selections, it is impossible to list them all, bargains galore throughout the entire store. Occasional Chairs and Rockers $69.50 Serta Swivel Platform Rocker $QA75 HALF PRICE..OH $69.50 Platform Rocker High back, choice of $4J5Q colors, save at. HH ’i $119.50 Swivel Platform Rocker. Rubber $CQ50 cushions, reduced to O # $129.50 Swivel Platform Rocker. Rubber, $#Q50 reversible cushions. Of $99.50 Reclining Chair Plastic trim. $CA50 CLOSE-OUT PRICE. OH $129.50 Reclining Chair Adjusts to any $TQ50 We have many more stylet, shapes and colors, don't miss these "QUIT TING BUSINESS SAVINGS." *75 FREE COUPON *75 We have intentionally misspelled a common word in this ad. Find it and bring this coupon in. It's worth $75.00 on a nationally advertised rubber mattress and box spring, regular price $149.50, guaranteed for 20 years. The misspelled word is. INNERSPRING MATTRESSES Select from our new stock, every item on sale. $29.50 Full Size Innerspring Mattress $1 Q95 $59.50 Firm Orthopedic Innerspring Mattress $0450 or Box Spring — BUY AND SAVE.—. $79.50 World Famous Wamsutta Innerspring Mattress. $189.50 Foam Rubber Set, Mattress and <| | Q5Q Box Spring — COMPLETE... II# Many others to choose from, all at reduced prices for quick sales. $59.50 Knee Hole Desk ... 39^ $69.50 Knee Hole Desk $3950 $69.50 Knee Hole Desk.... $4950 Lamps $12.95 Table Lamps j Wide assortment. | Your choice at only. $14.95 Table Lamps Large selection | All shapes and sizes. $39.50 Baby Bed Complete with innerspring mattress $12.95 Water-Repellent Innerspring Baby Mattress — ONLY. ^ Bedroom Suites I $199.50 3-Pc. Suit*, Doubl* Dr*u*r, S Chest and Bed. Tilting glass mirror. ♦129“ I $259.50 3-Pc. Suite, Double Dresser, Chest, W Bookcase Bed. Beautifully made. $1TQ50 ■ SAVE $80.00, NOW ONLY..f $299.50 3-Pc. Huntley Suite K Finest quality and craftsmanship. $10050 M $100.00 SAVINGS. • ** m $299.50 3-Pc. Suite, Extra Large Size, m Double Dresser, Chest and Bed f | OQ50 ■ A MONEY SAVING BARGAIN AT. • OT 1 Plus many, many styles not listed to choose from, ■ all at fantastic, unbelievable prices. M Savers $39.95 36x60" Pittsburgh $A J95 Plat* Glass Mirrors. A"f $14.95 Genuine $095 Taylor Tots..• $15.95 Rigid Steel Ironing Board $095 Adjust to any height-- # $8.95 Aluminum Porch $ A9S Folding Chairs-- ■ $9.95 All Metal Porch Chairs $ A95 Assorted colors-"■ $14.95 Coil Bed Springs. Twin $1 Y95 or full size... I » $49.50 Double Roll-Away Beds, complete with $0^50 Innerspring mattress. Dining Room Suites $129.50 Drop Leaf, 3 Pedestal Table $7Q50 Extends to 96 inches, limed oak or walnut. * » $169.50 Large, Break-Front China Limed oak or welnut, beautifully 1 Q50 made. NOW ONLY_ ■ ■ * $119.50 Modern Buffet, plenty of storage. $7Q50 CLOSE-OUT PRICE. "• Matching table and chairs at the same low prices. $17.95 Dining Room Chairs, limed oak $1A9S or walnut, while they last.. * Choose from these and the many other styles not listed at "GOING OUT OF BUSINESS PRICES." Home Appliances $239.50 8-Ft. Kelvinator Refrigerator Across the top freezer. $18050 CLOSE-OUT PRICE..107 $239.50 Kelvinator Clothes Dryer f j CQ50 SAVE AT ONLY... ■ $49.50 Westinghouse Deluxe Mixer Complete. A BARGAIN AT.. .. $69.95 lureka Deluxe Cleaner $ JQ95 The best they make, with all attachments. ** * $16.95 Sunbeam Steam or Dry Iron f 1 A95 ONLY.. $34.91 Motorola Clock Radio $97*5 ONLY_U Breakfast - Dinette Sets $89.50 5-Pc. Breakfast Set, table and 4 chairs. ONLY.. $139.50 7-Pc. Set, Giant Size Table Extends with 2 leaves. $AO50 SAVE AT HALF PRICE....07 $129.50 7-ft. Breakfast Set, Chrome Large 2-leaf table. $0050 YOU SAVE $40.00... 07 $169.50 5-Pc. Chrome Craft Set $100^ Quality at a $60.00 savings. .. • ”" Drop leaf table sets and many others to choose from at Bargain Price? (13.95 CAL-DAK TV Trays (Q95 Choice. Set of 4.7w End Tables $22 50 Coffee Table.. *12" $24.95 Step Table_ *16” $129.50 Bunk Beds Complete with inner spring mattress, springs, ladder and side rail. $7030 At a $49.50 Chest of Drawers All hardwood. Just the thing for the children. CLOSE-OUT PRICE_OX STORE WILL BE CLOSED MON. & TUES., APRIL 21-22, TO MARK DOWN OUR PRICES. OPEN WED., 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. MIDWEST FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE CO. West O'Neill, Nebraska