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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1958)
Janice Schmaderer, Garry Lockmon Wed in Stuart Church STUART Bouquets erf white and blue chrysanthemums and Easter lilies decorated the altars of St Boniface Catholic church Saturday, April 12, for the 10 a. m. wedding of Janice Schmader er,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Joseph Schmaderer, jr., and ' Garry Lockmon, son of Mr. and Mrs, Dwaine Lockmon. Kev. A. J. Pashang officiated j at the double-ring ceremony while Kenny Scholz and Garry Jardee served as acolytes. The nuptial music was played by Sister Vera <mi the organ. The bride, given in marriage by her father, appeared in a full waltz-length gown of embroidered nylon net over ruffled tulle and satin, in monastary white. The molded bodice featured a bateau neckline outlined with embroid ered scallops with brief sleeves. She wore elbow length mitts of embroidered nylon net. Her fin gertip veil was held in place by a coronet of seed pearl rosebuds and net. Her bouquet featured a cross of pink rosebuds, circled by white feathered carnations tied with a white satin eyelet ribbon. The brides sister, Manlyn Schmaderer, was maid-of-honor. The bridesmaids were LaVbnne Schmaderer of Omaha and Jan ice Scholz. TTiey appeared in identical dresses of cocktail length of ice blue schiffli embroidered nylon over taffeta, in princess style with cummerbun and half bow sash of satin. Their head dresses were satin coronets with circular veils. Each carried a crescent of blue feathered carna tions. Arlene Schmaderer, sister of the bride, was flowergirl and wore ar. ice blue nylon over ruffled can can. Her headdress was of split carnations and she carried a white carnation colonial bou quet. The best man was Alan Brew ster of Omaha. Don Schmaderer, brother of the bride, and Glenn Lockmon of Milford, brother of the bridegroom, served as other attendants. Denny Lockmon of Lincoln, cousin of the bridegroom, and Maurice and Richard Schmaderer were ushers. Mrs. Schmaderer wore a pink sheath linen dress with blue ac cessories. Mn». Lockmon was dressed in a navy suit dress with matching accessories. Their cor sages were of red roses. A dinner was served at the Stuart auditorium at 12 o’clock to 125 guests. Mrs. Alois Schmad erer, Mi’s. Edwin Engler, Mrs. Louis Steinhauser, Mis. Martha Baum, Mrs. Joseph Kaup, jr. and Mrs. Maude Siebken were in charge. The Misses Ann, Agnes, The Garry Loekmore. ... to live in Stuart. - -O’Neill Photo Co. Anita, Alice, Carol, Joyce and Charleen Feilmeier, Marlene Schmaderer, Joyce Scholz, Sally Brewster, Mary Minnig, Jane Henderson and Mrs. Allen Mitchell served as waitresses. A reception was held in the af ternoon at 'he Stuart auditorium for 200 guests. Janet Fuelberth had charge of the guest book. Carolyn Tenny and Kay Meyers had charge of the gifts. The four-tier rectangular wed ding cake was baked and decor ated by Mrs. James Batenhorst, cousin of the bridegroom. Mrs. Daniel Sims, Mrs. Louis Narke, Mrs. Allen Mitchell and Marlene Schmaderer poured. Mrs. James Batenhorst cut and seived the wedding cake. After the wedding dance at the Stuart auditorium, the couple left on a trip to Colorado. Upon their return, they will reside on the Fred Stracke farm northwest of Stuart. Mrs. Lockmon. a graduate of Stuart high sch<x)l in 1956, has been employed by Mutual Insur ance company of Omaha until re cently. Mr. Lockmon. also a gradute of Stuart high sch<x>l in 1956, has been helping his father in farm ing and will continue doing so. Officers Installed Tuesday— Mary Bohem, district president, installed the new officers of the VFW post 92 at the regular meeting Tuesday, April 8. Bar bara Sprague was appointed pop py chairman. Mrs. Scofield made I and sent 250 arbor day favors to ! the Veterans’ hospital. Members i are giving $1 each to the cancer ! drive. Mrs. Ardis Schmidt is chair man of the bazaar to be held I Saturday, May 3. Mrs. Thomas Slattery Wins Door Prize STAR—The Star Get Together club met Wednesday afternoon, April 9. with Mrs. Leonard Jur acek. Eight members answered roll call. Three members were absent After the regluar meeting, the afternoon was spent socially with some of the members doing their fancy-work Mrs Thomas Slattery won the door prize, Mrs. Elmer Juraeek and Mrs. Slattery won the contest game prizes. Next meeting will be May 11 at the home of Mrs. Ewalt Miller. Other Star News Wyn and Larry Johnson spent Friday evening with Fred Miller. Barbara Miller spent the week end with Darlene Pierson. Others spending the weekend with them were Barbara Wayman, Janet Krugman, Elaine Miller and Maurine Schaaf. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tomlinson spent Saturday evening with Mr and Mrs. Ben Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hill and family spent Thursday evening with the Nels Linquist family. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller spent Friday with relatives in South Dakota. Mrs. Miller’s mother, Mrs. Hauf, has been ill. The Dorsey Telephone company held a meeting at the Dorsey school Friday evening. Mrs. Ewalt Miller, Mrs. Lyslc Johnson and sons were in Neligh, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson and sons were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Johnson in Creighton Mss Ardith McElhose visited Sunday at the Ewalt Miller home. Dorsey News Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carson were Norfolk callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Mitchell] were callers at the Gordon Barta home Friday. The Dorsey Telephone company held a special meeting at the Dor sey school Friday evening. A large crowd was present. The Dorsey Four played for a dance in Verdel Friday night tc a good-sized crowd. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Chambers, jr., of Verdel were callers at the Harold Osborn home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McElhaney visited Saturday and Sunday at the Harry Johnson home. They called in O’Neill on their way to Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cihlar were business callers in Verdigre Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Crawford and Pam and Mr. and Mrs. Art hur Greene spent Thursday even ing at the Harold Osborn home. O NEILL LOCALS Easter weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Kellner were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kel ner, of Valentine. Easter guests ot Mrs. Juliana Kamphaus were Mr and Mrs J. C. Kamphaus and Sammy and Anthony Kamphaus of Redbird I and Pete Nickolite of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Flood am | Mr and Mrs Gene Wolfe am j family were Easter guests of Mr and Sirs. Jih> Hansen of Norfolk Sliss Marilyn Fetrow of Omah.* and Mr, and Mrs. John Miller ol Lincoln were Faster weekend . guests of Mr and Mi's Dale Fet | row. Mr ami Mrs. Bill Mnrcellus, and Mrs. Harold Williamson and Hobby visited Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Leach. Mrs. Celestine William** and Mr. and Mrs. 1. O Woods in Hugo Easter Sunday. I Jf^en J)istance Jsj\lways tempting / Take a new Cadillac—point its hood toward some distant destination—and watch what happens! We would be willing to wager that day's end would find you far closer to journey's end than you could ever have imagined! We say this localise we know how wonderful the miles are when they pass beneath the wheels of a new Cadillac—and how tempting distance is when seen through the windshield of the “car of cars”. First of all, imagine how comfortable and rested you would Ik*! The seat-cushions are soft and deep and perfectly contoured. The steering wheel is ideally positioned . . . aud the car is wonderfully spacious. Then consider how tasy the car is to handle! It is incredibly agile and responsive—ami wonderfully smooth and level of ride. In fact, if you have selected the extra-cost option of Cadillac's air suspension, you can scarcely detect the presence of the road. And think of your pride and contentment! The very knowledge that your motor car is so highly admired and so widely respected adds its own reward to each and every mile. You ought to try it soon. Your dealer will be happy to explain the virtues of Fleetwood eoaehcrafting— and to give you the facts on every model, including the exclusive Eldorado Brougham. STANDARD OF THE WORLD FOR MORE THAN HALF A CENTURY VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER _ Come in and enroll in General Motors' "Aim to Lire" Contest A. MARCELLUS CHEVROLET COMPANY 12" North Fourth 8t, O’Neill • Phone 100 5 PC SAW SIT Rag valM 1 » * f e*' LONS NOSE Flit Reg. value 1.98 10- PIPE WRENCH Reg. Value 1 98 9' ALUMINUM TORPEDO LEVEL Reg v»lue 1 « • MMSMBU H WMNCH 1 ta< MlM 1.19 ^ HAMMER Reg. value .98 7* DIAGONAL CUTTING PLIM I § Reg, value 196 | | LINESMAN FLIER Reg. value 1.98 3 PC CHISEL SET Reg. value 1.39 16 PC SCREWDRIVER SET Reg value 1.49 S PC SOCKET I I WRENCH SET | 1 Reg. value .98 I I If WATER PUMP PI ICR I Reg. value 1.29 13 PC DRILL SET Reg. value 1.49 | 8 PC INTERCHANGEABLE SCREWDRIVER SET Reg, value 1.29 | 26" HAND SAW | I Ren value 2.49 B la DOOR MATS On the porch, in home, {office or shop—this new improved "Stand Easy" Will serve many, many i uses. M I THERMO-COOL CONDITIONER Cool, air-conditioned comfort enjoyed whenever it's wanted, wherever it's wanted. No costly installation. Built-in pump re quires no water connections, re circulates water continuously. $19»s ~ ipi pi i ■ »» i ii smmm —— I 30"'high with 3)8 ■ sturdy shelves. 3- M ri way electrical B socket 15"x20" SOLID OAK FRAME PICTURES • AIX LANDSCAPES • WESTERN & MOUNTAIN SCENES • 17” x 21” MEASURE EACH 99c IRONING TABLE Instantly adjustable. Plenty of knee room for sit-down ironing. 15x84 inches. < • CUAMtJT SHAVt YIT thmnkf |» exduaive new akin-atretcher rim. IBAI lb TAM ADD AMI • tasiist ON thi MCI bataua HVIU lUIWUKIKVVf IN YOUR NANO • /AST 1ST, QUKTIST SHAVt »K.nWt to new, high-apeed broah motor. tUP-TOP CUANINQ. Puah bm. ton top apringa open. Empty om whiakera, puff and it’a dean. World's largest-soiling olectrk shaver • NEW SKIN-STRETCHER RIM shaves. e WORLD • FAMOUS RO- ! TARY BLADES e NEW HIGH-SPEED <live* razor blade cIohciicm* with Rotary • Blade comfort! j