Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1958)
FIREMEN CALLED O'Neill firemen were sum moned at 2:30 pan., Friday to a children’s club house in the alley at the rear of Myrt's cafe In West O’Neill. The email, im provised building was burned to the ground. Three fire trucks answered the alarm and mal funstions were reported on all three, including stuck valves on one wrater pump. Frontier for printing. IF YOU NEED MONEY You’ll Like Our Way | of Doing Business! When you need money for any worthy purpose, such as • Old Bills • Installment purchases • Medical Attention • Home and Auto Repairs • Seasonal Expenses, and many other things Just tell us how much you can use! WE’VE SERVED thousands of folks in all walks of life, and in our wide experience we’ve answered most every person al financial problem. You May Apply for $25.00 to $3,000 l)n your ear, tumlture, ap pliances or farm equipment. Payments are always arrang o,l to best fit your Income, budget anil pay dates. At the Mime time, we substantially reduce high monthly install ment paymente through our common • sense Consolidation IMtin. Best of all, once your credit is established with us, you will have a ready source of extra cash whenever you need it. Central Finance Corporation C. E. JONES, M«r. Harmon Bldg. O'Neill, Nebr. Mary E. Graham April Bride in Church Rite Here Before altars decorated with Easter lilies and hydrangeas on the railings, Miss Mary Eleanor Graham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Harry Graham, and Duane Gordon Ijndenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lindenberg of Starkweather, N.D., were united in marriage at St. Patrick's church Saturday, April 12. The double ring ceremony was per formed at 10 a.m,, by Rev. Ro bert Duffy. The bride, given in marriage by her father, appeared m a chapel length gown of chantilly lace and nylon tulle and satin. The low basque bodice of lace was styled with scallops forming the tulle yoke and Cjueen Anne collar. The long molded sleeves came to points at the wrists. The full bouffant skirt of ruf fled tulle over satin was trimmed with wide lace insertions which came to points in the front and back. Her fingertip veil of silk illusion was caught in a lace clo que trimmed in ruffled tulle and seed pearls. She carried a white prayer book with white feathered carnations. "Hie prayer book was a gift of the bridegroom. Mrs. David Maughan of Tilden was matron of honor for her sis ter. She appeared in a blue and j white nylon sleeveless gown that featured a blue cummerbund which formed a sash in the back. She wore a tiara and carried white carnations with blue streamers Kenneth Liiulenborg of Stark weather, N.D., was bestman for his brother. Ushers were Richard Graham, a brother of the bride, I and David Maughan of Tilden, a j brother-in-law of the bride. All wore business suits and white1 j carnation boutonnieres. The bride's mother appeared in a blue and white folwered j , dress with blue accessories. The j j bridegroom's mother appeared in j a navy dress with white access ories. Both wore white carnation j ! corsages. » Miss Cecelia Ann Arbuthnot ac companied the Misses Ellen Donohoe, Helen, Mary Ellen, Frances and Theresa Boyle, who sang, "On 'This Day" and "Jesus I Praise Thee”. A dinner at noon was held at the Town House for the wedding party, relatives and Very Rev. Timothy O’Sullivan and Rev. Ro bert Duffy. A reception for 100 guests was held at the home of the bride’s parents from 2 to 4 p m. The table carried out the bride's colors of blue and white. Smilax circled the three-tier wed ding cake which was topped by a ] minaturo bride and bridegroom It was baked and decorated by 1 Mrs. Carl Colfack of O’Neill. i Mr. and Mrs. Iniune Undenberg ... to reside in New castle, Wyo. Mrs. Burton Kimball of Os-, mond, an aunt of the bride, pour ed. Mrs. Melvin Wass, of Stark weather, N.D., a sister of the bridegroom, cut and served the cake. In charge of the gifts were the Misses Marlene Harrington of Washington, D.C., and Mary Neiman. Miss Marie Ritz had charge of the guest book. Mrs. Lindenberg is a graduate of St. Mary's academy. Mr. Lin denberg is a graduate of Stark weather High school. He is em ployed as a surveyor with the Bureau of Reclamation After a few days’ wedding trip to the Black Hills, the couple left for their home in Newcastle, Wyo. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Tomjack and Miss Florence Ponton were the ladies’ brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. r i m Ponton and Barry of Battle Creek. They accompanied Dr. and Mrs. Merle Hunt, also of Battle Creek. They visited his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunt and family. __ b National Youth Day Will Be Observed Youth of the Assembly of God church will join some 86,000 young people of Assemblies of God churches throughout the United States Sunday, April 20, in obser ! ving the 12th national youth day. A special Sunday evening ser I vice will feature members of the | local youth organization, directed by President Bernice Jenkins. During the public service sch eduled for 8 p.m., a religious skit, “If They Had Known”, depicting current youth problems, will be presented Rev. Eldred E. Cummings, pas tor of the Wesleyan Methodist church in Spencer, will deliver the closing message. Reverend Cummings is the newly-appointed parole officer for this area. Officers of the sponsoring group, in addition to Mrs. Jen kins, are Vemetta Krogh and Mrs. Connie Walters._ Priscilla Holsclaw, Ramon Schuchman Exchange Vows (Photo below.) The First Presbyterian church of O'Neill was the scene Sunday. April 13, of the wedding of Miss Priscilla Holslaw, daughter of Mr. and Mi's. Fret! H. Holsclaw of O Neill, and Ramon Schuch man. son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Schuchman of Grand Island. Rev. Glenn Kennicott performed the 3 o'clock double-ring ceremony before an altar decorated with candles and baskets of white snap-dragons and yellow gladoli. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a dress of hand clipped nylon lace and nylon net. The bodice of the dress featured short sleeves and a ha’ eau neckline. The waltz length skirt of nlyon ruffled tiers was covered by a clipped nylon lace apron Her veil was of illusio held in place by a beaded tiara. She carried a bouquet erf white ten roses tied with pale greer ribbons. Miss Janice Holselaw, sister ol the bride, served as maid ol honor. Miss Eileen Osborne, friend of the bride, was brides maid They wore identical dress es of white and pale green dotted nylon sheer over taffeta. The bod ices of their dresses featured pale green bands of taffeta tied in bows at the back. They wore white picture hals and gloves and carried colonial bouquets of white daisies and baby mums trimmed 1 with green ribbon Arnold Sehuchman of Lincoln, brother of the bridegroom, was ; bestman. He wore a black suit. Harold Stoppkotte of Grand Is land served as attendant. The bridegroom's suit was blue gray Robert Holselaw, brother of the bride, and Jack Anderson of Grand Island served as ushers. The bridegroom .attendants, and ushers wore white carnation bou tonnieres. The bride's mother and the The Kanton Sohuehmans . . . alter wedding trip to Southern states they will reside here.—O’Neill Photo Co.' . _ _ _ ^. .a. * i bridegroom's mother wore navy dresses with white carnation coinages and white accessories. Hie soloist. Mi's. Don Peterson of Lincoln sang "Because" and "The Lord's Prayer" She was accompanied by Mrs. Harold I Seger at the organ. Following the ceremony, a re ception was held in the Fellow ship hall for 100 guests. Mrs. Don Calkins and Mrs. Bruce McEl haney were in charge of the gift table. Miss Linda MacKinlay, Miss Delores Hamik and Miss Lonnie Lang an served. Miss Mary Jurgensmeier and Miss Mary Janice Remter poured. Mrs. Char les F. Nutter was in charge of the guest book. For traveling, the bride wore a cream duster with print lining and a matching print dress. She wore a white picture hat, white shoes, and carried a white purse. Mrs. Schuchman is a graduate of O'Neill, High school. Mr. Soh uchman graduated from Grand Island High school. Both are em i ployed by the Bell Telephone j company in O'Neill. Alter a wed ; ding trip to the Southern states, j they will be at home in O’Neill. Out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. William Holsclaw and Judy, Mrs. Lois Murdy, A1 Mur 1 dy, Miss Judy Althouse, Robert Holsslaw, all of I incoln; Mr. and Mrs- Marvin Holsclaw and family of Alliance; Mr. and Mrs Rich ard Holsclaw and family of Houl der, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs Henry Stoppkotte, Mr. and Mrs. Law. rence Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Schuchman, Mr. and Mrs. Mar ion Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ewolt and Joe, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Ewoldt and Susan, Dean anil Dennis Schuchman, George Stop pkotte. Milton Stoppkotte, all of Grand Island. O'Neill Locals Miss Margaret McElvain, a student nurse at St. Elizabeth's hospital in Lincoln, and a class mate. Miss Cheryl Cooper, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McElvain and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lavem Caskey went to Creighton Sunday to visit their new nephew, Kevin Caskey , son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cns Kay of Osmond. Little Kevin was born at luundberg Memorial hos pital in Creighton. Stewart Paseoe went to Lincoln Monday to attend a manager's meeting until Friday. Mrs. Edna Sutton of Silver Creek spent the weekend with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tellier, and boys. J 2-Pc. < Studio Suites 138.88 . Stmlio und side < halr, upholster * ed in modern tweeds & friezes. 4 | Studio Beds 4 38-88 ( Boudoir Lamps J 1-38 J 5-Pc. < Dinette Sets ! 48-88 * Regular 59.95 I | Swivel Rockers J 4888 I Foam rubber cushions. Modern Tweed Covers Regularly 59.95 , Sofa Sleepers : 16888 4 High quality friezes. Foster “Ideal” mechanism. Full size ( bod with tnnersprUg mattress. g Latest styling. Charcoal grey, " biege, brown and turquoise. I COMPARE AT >09.00 M _ LOW COST Sleep Comfort 2-PC. BEDROOM SUITE TO. 0 0 Double Dresser and Bookcase Bed J in Moonstone Mahogany . . . 2- PC. BEDROOM SUITE QO.88 Double Dresser and Bookcase Bed £ In Limed Oak .—..1 3- PC. BEDROOM SUITE 110.88 Double Dresser, Chest anil Bookcase Bed J | In Pearl Grey -- - 3-PC. BEDROOM SUITE 110.8 8 Double Dresser, Chest and Bookcase Bed | | In Seashell Pearl — — —— 3-PC. BEDROOM SUITE 1OO, 88 Double Dresser, Chest ami Bookcase Bed with chest foot; I In seashell |>earl --- 2- PC. BEDROOM SUITE 100.88 Double Dresser and Bookcase Bed I ^t^^B In American Walnut ....—. -. 3- PC. BEDROOM SUITE 1 LOm88 Double Dresser, Chest and Bookcase Bed B ^B^B In American Walnut — NEW HOTEL SUPREME rO.88 Box Springs and Innerspring Mattress by Englander Scientifically Balanced Equalizer, Goodyear Airfoam Oishion -'_ BUNK BEDS 00.88 39-in. size in Limed Oak or Maple Finish Innerspring Mattress, Ladder nad Guard Rail ... 30-IN. ROLLAWAY BED QA-88 Waterjiroof Innerspring Mattress. Adjustable Back and Head Rest ^■11 Heavily enameled. Excellent for porch or summer use 2-Pc. Living Room Suites 14888 Modern Styling Nylon and Rayon Friezes Biege, (ireen and Brown Studio Beds 48-88 Clopay Washable Window Shades WITHOUT ROLLERS 59c 1 IVORY OR TAN Regular 89e __I 54-in. Oil Cloth A CIXISEOUT AT 59c PER YARD 9x12 Axminister Rugs 48-88 Kayon, Wool and Nylon OTHERS AT 59.88 — 69.88 — 79.88 — 89.88 2-Pc. Sectionals 138-88 Ooral or Biege. Frieze with Lurex. Modem styling, guaran teed construction. VALUES UP TO 179.95 a *-* < ► <1____J > t__ > Emmet News Mrs. John Conard attended the funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Col man, in Inman Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dailey ot O’Neill visited. Mrs. Georgia Mc Ginnis Sunday. Mrs. Grace Alder of Dorsey re turned home Thursday evening, April 8, after visiting at the El mer Adler home for some time. Frank Foreman visited his sis ter, Mrs. John Pruss, in St. An thony’s hospital on Sunday. Mrs. John Conard visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. South, in Inman Saturday. The Souths have been ill with colds. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ruggless and Ronnie visited Tuesday, April 8, at the Leon Beckwiths. Kenny and Joe Noelle assisted Leon with the spring branding, vaccinating and dehorning. Mrs. Lew Sidak visited Mrs. George Skopec Saturday after noon. Melvin Luben was a dinner guest at the Ed Thomas home Sunday. Mrs. Lois Strong and boys, Judy Anderson and Donald Brown, all of Omaha, visited at the Cecil McMillan home over Easter weekend. Monuments of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen of > the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu I meats from the factory of the consumer.—Emmet Orabb, O’Neill Mrs. Leon Beckwith accompan ied Mrs. Orville Hitchcock to Miss Theresa Ullrich’s school, north of O’Neill. Tuesday after noon, April 8. The occasion was patron’s day. The children had several classes and a-nice pro gram, after which Miss Ullrich served lunch to the nine ladies visiting. The table was set wth spring flowers and candies. f _ ;_ _ April 17-May 17 Except Sunday and Monday | j — i 8 RACES DAILY Ladies' Day Every Thursday H Glass Enclosed Grandstand FONNER PARK ANNUAL SPRING STAG PARTY American Legion Club O’NEILL Thursday Eve, April 24th • MOUNTAIN OYSTERS • KEG BEER j | | I Admission: $1 At the Door |! . . . Starting at 6:30 p.m. . . . SPECIALS AT GILUGAN’S m*. $1.00 Hi™ Woodbury Creams _ Just 69c \V/E *b‘K- $100 bottle Woodbury Shampoo - Only 69c j 2 bottle* 80c *De Drene Shampoo _ Just 89c "FRESH” ReB. $1.00 *i™ Roll-on Deodorant Now 2 for $1.00 STICK OR CREAM Re*. $100 Cara Nome Deodorant _ For l/2 Price DESERT FLOWER SAVE V,-*1.00 jar Cream Deodorant Rn#. E'ENINGIN PARIS a $1.50 value Stick Deodorant 2 sticks for $1.50 PKPSODENT 55c ^ 1 ooth Paste - 2 tubes just 79c KOLYNOS 2 giant tufM.N j 1 ooth Paste .. ... - 2 for only 69c CREST large tubrH 1 ooth Paste _2 for 89c "STAti” 75c After Shave and 98e Stick Deodorant Sunrise Special Together just $1.29 LANOLIN PLUS Reg. $1.00 Liquid plus Body lotion Beauty Special Both for just $1.00 Hand and Body Lotion plus Toilet Water $1.50 value Desert Flower Special _ Just $1.00 j Remember... During the month of April, for every $1.00 worth of Cara Nome products you buy, you can get, absolutely free, a $2.50 bottle of Cara Nome Perfume Cara Nome is available in O'Neill only at Gilligan REX ALL Drug. Nitragin Be sure to pick up your Nitragin Seed Inoculant at Ollll Runs in O’Neill. Keep Gilligan REXALL Drug in mind for all your Animal Health needs. We have prices you'll like on vaccines and other injectable products. See your Doctor for a medical check-up regularly—it's good insurance. When he finds it necessary to give you a prescrip tion, it’s also good insurance to take that prescription to (illligan KKXAIJ, Drug to have it filled by one of PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS. Gilligan’s Rexall Drug Ben Gillig&n Robert T. Devoy Phone 87 — O’Neill