Riverside News The Willie Shrader, Lynn Fry . 1 ,ee Kink and Dale Staufier fam ilies ate lunch at the Kitty Fry home after seeing the cantata at the United Presbyterian church Sunday night. April 6 Mary Lou Napier had an Eas ter party ,Saturday. Her guests were Betty Napier. Mrs Wayne Fry and children and Mrs. John Napier and Tommy. Rev. T. L. Searles, a Christian youth crusade director and pas tor of the Free Methodist church in Lincoln, was at Riverside Tuesday evening, April 1, and at the Bethany Free Methodist church on Wednesday evening, April 2. He was an overnight guest at the Ivan Turner home Friday night. Mrs. Bert Fink and Wayne Turner accompanied Paul Fisher to McPherson, Kans , Wednes day, April 2. Mrs. Fink visited her daughter and family at Mc Pherson and Mr. Fisher and Wayne Turner returned horn# tin next day accompanied by Mr Fisher's daughter, who came to spend her vacation with her par ents. * Visit Cody— Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ray and daughters went to Cody to spend Easter with his sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. McCoy Rhodes. Other guests there were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ray of Love land, Colo. Easter Guests— Mr. and Mrs. Dean Streeter. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Streeter and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Streeter and family were Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie, jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schmit and family visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Schmit in Nenzel Saturday and Sunday A BETTER RAT BAIT... IT’S MORE EFFECTIVE — Diphacin requires fewer feedings to kill. Eliminates bait shyness. Gets hardiest rata. IT’S VACUUM PACKED FRESH-Diphacin can’t go stale. Contains fresh, tasty foods to attract rodents. PACKAGE SERVES AS BAIT STATION—Just •et opened Diphacin tins where rats and mice travel and watch results. A Product of Niagara Chemical Division. ALFALFA SEED - CLOVER SEED FOR SALE! Better place your orders for fertilizers NOW and be assured of getting the exact grade and kind that you want. If it’s going to be a late season, everyone will be in need at the same time. O’Neill Grain Co. Phone 57 June Carson Will Go to Girls State DORSEY Miss Juno Carson, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Albert Carson of Redbird, was chosen by the Legion auxiliary at Lynch to attend girl's -state in Lincoln in June Miss Janice Micanek was chosen as alternate. June is very well known in this community' as she is an active 4-H club worker, and a member of the Dorsey church and West minister Fellowship group. She attends school at the Lynch pub lic school. She is president of the junior class and has been cheerleader for throe years, be longs to the glee club, and school band and is also an honor stu dent Other Dorsey News The senior class of the Lynch high school presented their class play Tuesday and Wednesday evenings to a full house. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Revell, who spent several weeks in California visiting, returned to their farm home last w'eek. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Marston, who spent most of the winter in California returned to this com munity for a visit before leaving for their summer work. They were guests at the R. B. Marston home Sunday. Miss Velma Lanman of Ver del was a weekend guest at the Harold Oslwm home. On Sunday, March 30. a birth dinner was held at the Dorsey church for all of those having birthdays during the month of March. Mrs. H. H. Miles and daugh ter, Linda Kruse took little Di ana Miles to Plainview Sunday. She had been visiting her grand mother a few days. John Derickson spent a couple of days visiting his grandchil dren at Plainview at the Bud Scranton home. Miss Sadie Derickson and John were business callers at the Harold Oslxim home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wells and son have recently moved in Wa co, Tex., and their new address is 1805 N. 15th, Waco, Tex Mrs. Wells was the former Joy Slack, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. How ard Slack. Robert Wells is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wells. Vic and DeLynn Pickering June and Claranna Carson, Betty Maschino and Marlyn Graham and Ruth Osborn are enjoying Easter vacation. They were dis missed from their school duties Thursday afternoon and reported back to school Tuesday morning. This community got up to a snowstorm Easier Sunday. Many were disappointed as they could not get to church nor go to var ious places to eat dinner with friends and relatives. Later in the afternoon, the snow disap peared and the evening was very pleasant except for the mud. Miss Beverly Carson of Lincoln came home for the weekend and Lorelle Pickering of Omaha also spent Easter Sunday at home. Visitors Here— Mr. and Mrs. Jim Franssen and family of Lincoln visited Mr. and Mrs Clyde McKenzie, jr., and family from Monday until Wednesday, Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William W. McIntosh and boys were Mr. and Mrs. John Watson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wilson and girls. mmmmm—m—mmm—md PHONE O’Neill 89 Trust Nobody but a trained furrier to clean and store your precious furs Fur and Cloth Storage Pickup Friday, April 18th WILL1GES years of experience in the care and clean ing of your precious furs are available to you. It s a well known fact . . .that one summer out of storage can take years of wearing life away from a fur! Stop in and let our factory-trained representative go over your garment with you. Mr. Hall will be showing a fresh selection of small pieces of fur such as stoles, pocket stoles and capes together with his storage pickup. Make a date for Friday, j April 18. The Apparel Shop WINNIE BARGER, Owner j 1 —immi ____ i Hereford Breeders Are I’ eted Winners of top honors in the Holt County Hereford Breeders association shows held here since the association was formed in 1950 were honored at Monday's meeting of the Chamber of Commerce. James W. Rooney, former C of C sec —n'Timmnn—w .r—nnrr.."iiir.^T" retary and former secretary of the Hereford group, presented the C of C's traveling cup to Vern Sage sor of Amelia, 1958 winner. In background are C. E. Jones, Clair McVay, S. R Robertson, all of O'Neill, and George Rouse of Chambers. Jones is C of C president. The Frontier Photo. MKHHMnr MMMMMMSMBEaBMMEI • Elkhorn Is Running Bank Full l ne n.iKnorn ii\ct is running uaim-iun above photo), carrying away water from melting snow and recent heavy rainfall in the upper basin. This is a view photographed at Chicago & North Western railroad’s mud bridge located three miles east of O’Neill. High water on a steel bridge im iiicuidieiy west ui uiiutri muicu apjJi u«t ir^ and caused the bridge to be closed off to traffic late Tuesday. The bridge crosses the Elkhom there. The Elkhom valley in the Newport-Stuart area is a veritable sea of water. The Frontier Photo. County Court April 4 John Dougherty of In man, expired license plates, fined $10 and $4 costs, officer—E. M. Hastreiter. April 4—Otto Tietgen of St. Charles, S.D., no reciporcity, fined $10 and $4 costs, officer Clifford L. Kizzire. April 5 Ervin Aronld Rogers of Stockton, Calif., excessive length, fined $10 and $4 costs, of ficer Clifford L. Kizzire. April 5 Claude Neal of O' Neill, operating motor vehicle without license plates, fined $10 and $4 costs, officer—Chris Mc Ginn. April 7 Donald W. Skaar of Ogden, Utah., overweight, fined $50 and $4 costs, officer—Donald F. Richardson. April 8—William J. Boies, dri ver for Allan Pollock of Ewing, overweight on capacity plate, fined $10 and $4 costs, officer— Clifford L. Kizzire. April 9—Marvin C. Frisch of Atkinson, overweight on capacity plate, fined $20 and $4 costs, of ficer—Donald F. Richardson. April 9—Vernon S. Strong of O'Neill, operating motor vehicle without drivers license and fictic ious number plates, fined $5, $10 and $4 costs, officer—E. M. Has treiter. April 9—Alfred Schaaf, jr., of Atkinson, possession of alcoholic liquor, fined $35 and $4 costs, of ficer—Cliff Batzloff. South Side Gives $ I 0 to Red Cross EMMET—The South Side club met with June Burge on Tuesday, April 1. The meeting was well attended. A sale for the Red Cross was conducted and $10 was dona- j ted to fund. Officers elected for the coming year were: Mrs. Georgia Mc Ginnis, president; Mrs. Bessie Burge, vice president; and Mrs. j Fritz Brockman, secretary-treas urer. Other Emmet News The Dean Burge family of Omaha arrived at the Bessie Burge home on Saturdoy to spend Easter. They returned to Omaha Sunday. Other guests at i the Burge home on Sunday were the Glen Burges of Chambers. Jimmy Fritton of Lincoln spent from Friday noon until Sunday afternoon with his parents, Mr. 1 and Mrs. Ralph Fritton. Gordon Fox was a Wednesday overnight guest of the Gilbert j Foxes. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Smith of Lincoln visited at the Bob Coles on Sunday, March 30. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Burgess ' of Omaha visited at the Bud Cole home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrington and Robin of Omaha visited at the Frank Foremans over the Easter holidays. Mrs. Leon Beckwith drove to Clearwater last Thursday and Friday where she assisted her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Ruggles with some wallpapering. Mrs. Wayne Fox, Mrs. Bud Ode and Miss Helen Martens drove cars to take children from district 20 to a spelling bee south of O'Neill on last Thursday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Smith of Lincoln visited at the Bud Cole home Tuesday evening. Raymond Fox of O’Neill spent the weekend at the Wayne Fox home. Mrs. Herman Grothe and her mother, Mrs. McRoberts, left for Arizona via bus one day last week. Mrs. Grothe will drive the McRoberts back, bringing Mrs. McRoberts and some of her be longings back to Nebraska. Miss Linda Serck of Wayne and Miss Leah Serck of Denver, Colo., visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Serck , and Leona through Easter vacation. Mrs. Ben Troshynski and Tom my of Omaha visited at the Conard home last week. Ben was up for the Easter holiday. The Kenneth Ruggles family of Clearwater were Easter dinner guests of Mrs. Ruggles parents, the Leon Beckwiths. * Mrs. Wayne Fox and Mrs. Gil bert Fox attended a Stanley party at the Fritz Belzer home, in O’Neill' Wednesday morning. The Ralph Frittons were Easter Sunday dinner guests a t the Frank Fritton home in O'Neill. Which popular-priced car gives you the best value? Which is safest? Which is the most economical? Now you can have the real data on all the cars. Here are the point-by-point comparisons. Photographic. True. Only American Motors dares to print it for you! Here’s the book that can save you hundreds of dol lars. Get a free copy, without obligation. Read it now! American Motors Means More for Americans Get Your Free X-Ray at Your Rambler Dealer DEALER LISTING OSCAR’S RAMBLER SALES 125 W.it Doiinln*. O'Neill LEGAL NOTICES (First i>ub April 10. 1958* Julius b. Ounin. attomej NOTICE OF III MUNG t'l PETITION FOR F1NAI SETTLEMENT OF UVOIM Estate No. HU COUNTY COURT OK HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA ESTATE OE OSCAR A HAM MKRRKRG, DECEASED. I'HE STATE OE NEBRASKA. TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship. inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of estate and approval of final ac count and discharge, which will . be for hearing in this court on April JO. 1958, at 10 o'clock. A M LOUIS \V REIMER. Countv Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 50-52c ( (First pub April 10. 1958* John R. Gallagher, attorney NOTICE TO CKEDITORS Estate No. 4'Jtl IN THE COUNTY COURT OE HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. APRIL 9, 1958 IN THE MATTER OE THE ESTATE OE CHARLES K. WEEKS. DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate ate hereby notified that the time lim it od for presenting claims against s till estate is August 1. 1958, and for the payment of debts is April 9. 1959 and that on May 1. 1958, and on August 2, 1958, at 10 o'clock A. M.. each day, I will In at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. l;OUIS W. REIMER. County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 50-52c l.l NltHEKH MEMOK1XI, l('n'l((hlon) March 29-April 5 Admitted: Mrs. Kenneth John son ot Veniigre, Mrs. Frank Shefl of Winnetoon, Mi's. Vince Rother ham of Creighton, Mrs II J. Stephens of Niobrara. Francis Crisp of Creighton. Mrs Roy Kop peitnan of Winnetoon Joe Wun derlich of t Yeighlon, Kreg Mitt cis of Royal. Michael Orosle> of Niobrara, Mrs. Julia Wagner of Creighton, Elmer Haskins o f Creighton Dismissed: Mrs Kenneth Tead tke and son of Niobrara, Mrs. Max Tyler and son of Creighton, I'at Wintz of Creighton, Mrs James McCarter and daughter of Creighton. Mrs. Fred Ickler of Orchard, Mrs. Viggo Hansen of Verdcl. Mrs Roy Koppelman of Winnetoon. Pete Oiedrichsen of Creighton. Frank ChtH'holousek of Veniigre. Mrs Frank Gentzler of Creighton, Mrs Kenneth John son and son of Veniigre, Mrs 11. J. Stephens of Niobrara, Kreg Mitteis of Royal, Mrs Frank Par tus of Veniigre. Try Froniter want ads for results they pay! Drs. Wilson & Sucha i PHYSICIANS ft SITlflEONB Phone 138 -O'Neill Ponton Insurance FLORENCE PONTON, Prop. Insurance of All KixuU and Bonds i Phone 106 Golden Bldg j winner/ of our “OLDEST MAYTAG WASHER CONTEST" Mr. and Mrs. Mikkdlsen and Bob Krotter Winner of the “Oldest Maytag Washer Contest”: MRS. NIELS MIKKELSEN Chambers, Nehr. Winners of Hoover Vacuum Cleaners: MRS. ROY DEVAI.L—Spencer MRS. MAHLON SHEARER—Stuart MRS. ANNA DONLIN—O’Neill WE WISH to thank the many people I who entered our Oldest Maytag Washer” contest, and we regret that each of you could not be a winner. We received hun dreds of entries . . . and found a good many i Maytags in use over 40 years! This once again proves that when you buy Maytag you are buying a quality product! IIRI YOU f II OUR UNI OP WONDERFUL MAYTAOfl Automatic Washoe • Dryor Coavontional Washort • Froazors (upright and chost) honors • Ran gas WM. KROTTER CO. SERVING NORTH-CTNTRAL NEBRASKA SINCE 1H!)1 SPENCER — O’NEILL — NAPER — STUART