Legal Notice 'First pub. March 27, 1958) LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COITOT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA NEIL B, RYAN. PIAINTIFF. VS JUIJA A RYAN. DEFEND ANT TO: JUIJA A RYAN, DE FENDANT: You are hereby notified that I have commenced an action in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of absolute divorce from you the care, custody and control of the children bom to us, together with such other and further equitable relief as may be proper, on the ground of wilful abandonment and desertion. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 5th day of May, A. D., 1958, or a De cree will be entered against you. Dated this 25th day of March, \ D.. 1958. NETL B. RYAN,, PLAINTIFF, BY JULIUS D CRONIN His Attorney. 48-51 (First pub. March 27, 1958) NOTICE OF REAPPRAISAL OF EDUCATIONAL LANDS Notice is hereby given that by virtue of authority granted under rhe provisions of Chapter 72, Ar ticle 2, R. S. Nebr , 1943 (as amended), the Board of Educa tional Lands and Funds has ap proved a reclassification and adopted a new schedule of valu ations of all school lands under lease in Holt County according to such reclassification; that such i .j..i„ nt together with a tabulation of the valuation and amount of semi-annual rental of each lease, has been filed in the office of the County Treasurer of such county according to law; the said reclassification and re valuation to become effective Jl BOARD OF EDUCATIONAL IANDS AND FUNDS Elmer H. Mahlin, Secretary. 48-50c (First pub. April 3, 1958». William W. Griffin, attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4249 IN T1IF, COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MARCH 27TH, 1958^ In 'HIE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF WILLIAM EGGER, DECEASED. . . CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims against said estate is July 24, h»8, and for i»ayment of debts ls March27, 1959 ;md that on April 24, 1958, ami on July 25, 1958. at 10 o'clock A M., each day, I wdl be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, near, allow, or adjust all claims and objections du^mea. REIMEE, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lohaus Mr. and Mrs. C. J- Gate, Mr. an Mrs. J. B. Grady, Mr and Mrs. A. P. Jap/.kowiak and M. J. w»a en were guests of Mr. and Mrs. j G. Brewester in Stuart at then Sunday Night Bridge club. Win ners were Mr. and Mrs. Jaszkow "ak Mrs Gate and Glen Cobb of Stuart._ ^ Attention! Auto Owners PREMIUMS for all Auto In surance has hcen Increased by some companies as of March 12. from 25% to 50%. 1 CAN place Auto Insurance tn reliable companies for a pre mium less than that charged bv these companies before they raised their rates_ — SEE — L. G. GILLESPIE AOENT before writing or renewing your Auto Insurance. INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE Reliable Help with your return Bookkeeping and Accounting Services MORGAN WARD ACCOUNTANT OOIJJEN m ix;. — PHONE 414 — O'NEILL. NEBR. O’NEILL TRANSFER JOHN J. T! RNER, Prop. Call Us for Prompt, Efficient Service DAILY direct service to and from Omaha Pick up & door-to-door Delivery in O’Neill Also: Emmet, Atkinson. Stuart, Bassett. Newport and Springvlew Moving our specialty — anywhere in Nebraska (U. S. and Canada by agents Interline) If You’ve Get It — A Truck Brought It Your business win be appreciated Patronise a Home Owned and Operated Firm Phone: O'NeJl «7« Omaha AT-0M0 Wildlife Not So Wild at Deloi! Coyote Pays Visit to Doorsteps DEIXIIT -It seems even the wildlife is changing habits in this new word of sputniks and space. A brazen coyote, licking its | • hops with a view toward raiding' the hen house, visited the Henry Reimer home Wednesday morn ing. March 26. According to Mrs. Reimer, who is The Frontier’s correspondent in this community, ♦he bold visitor ambled away af ter a wave of the broom Mrs. Reimer also reports wild ducks are plentiful on the lakes and lowland hay meadows. Other Iteloit News Mrs J. A Larson of Ewing, Mrs. Elmer Pohl of Oakland, I >on Starr of West Point and Mrs. Henry Reimer shopped in O’Neill Monday, March 24 Mrs. Maynard Steams, Mrs. Fid Loewe and others from Ante lope county attended the college of knowledge for farm Injreau, women in Hastings last Thurs day. Elayne Reimer and a group of teachers from Plainvievv attend ed a meeting in Norfolk on Sat urday. Mr and Mrs. Evvald Spahn and Mr and Mrs. Don Spahn at tended the funeral of a relative, Mr. Mawe, at Norfolk Monday, March 24. Mrs. Thorin and her daughter. Mrs. Wintermote of Chambers, attended the flow'er-making dem onstration at the Tomjack home Tuesday, March 25. Donald Luben who has been j stationed in Texas, is spending J several weeks with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Luben of i Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christen of Denver, Colo., were Saturday euests at the Henry Reimer home. They left Sunday to visit their j daughter, Mrs. Jim Conway and j family at Newton, Kans. Tom Christon of Colorado City, Tex., j attended the farm sale at the home of his parents on Friday. | Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bartak of West Point visited at the Lam- j bert Bartak home and other rela tives over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Ziska of Atkinson became the parents of a daughter recently. Little Keith Ziska has l>een at the home of his grandparents. Mr .and Mrs. Leo Funk. The Ziskas visited the Funk home on Sunday and Keith returned home with them. The Sehi sale Thursday was well attended and good prices were paid for most items. Mrs. John Napier and son cal led at the Glenn Harpster home Wednesday. March 26. Irish Numbers lTsed by Club— CHAMBERS- Kellar club met in the home of Mrs. Raymond Beed with Mrs. Glen Grimes cohostess. Hymns were sung an droll answered by telling a memory brought up by some flower. 'Fifteen were present. Because Mrs. Ernest Young, scheduled hostess for next time, was unable to entertain, it was voted to cancel that meeting. Mrs. Charles Coolidge was in charge of the program which con sisted of several Irish piano num bers by Mrs. E. A. Farrier; a vocal solo by Mrs. Ed Eisenhou er; a reading by Mrs. Genevieve Bo’ll and several games. Lunch was served by the hos toss Next meeting will be Wed nesday April 1R. at the borne of Mrs Charles Coolidge with Mrs. Melvin Bell cohostess. Valley Club’s Next Meeting April 18— Cl 1 AMBERS -The Valley Cen ter extension club met Friday March 21. at the home of Mrs. Raymond Beed with 14 member, nr "sent The president, Mrs. lovd Gleed, conducted the bus iness session. Roll was answer ed by naming a favorite soup. Mrs. Glen Grimes reported on the- St. Anthony hospital auxiliary meeting held earlier. Mrs. H. C. «n.l Mrs C. .VjRoh™™" gave reports from The Country Woman”. The lesson on!Savory c,,ut,s" was presented by Mo, Slice Grimes and Mrs. Merle FaKh was served by the hos teNext meeting will be Friday, April 18, at the home of Mrs. E. R Caroenter. _ Kin Arrives for Forsythe Funeral CELIA Mr- and Mrs. James Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Forsythe of Villisca, la., arrived here early Sunday. They were called here by the death of their brother. Alex Forsythe, who died of a heart attack at his home in the Celia neighborhood Saturday afternoon He had returned home earlier in the week from a two month's visit with relatives in Iowa. Mr- Forsythe will be missed by friends and neighbors who have known him for the past 18 years Mr and Mrs. James Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Forsythe were Sunday dinner guests at the George Beck home in Atkin son. Cither Celia News Mrs. Hans Lauridsen visited Mrs. William Tasler Thursday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Emil Colfack and Dennis were Sunday afternoon visitors at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs Adolph Arp, at Butte. Both families were sup per guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Tunink of Butte. Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Focken were Sunday afternoon visitors at ihe Clarence Focken home. Billy Focken came home Sun day morning from Norfolk junior college where he is a student. He returned to school Tuesday mor ning. Ellen McKathnie, who works in a Norfolk bank, came home Saturday afternoon to visit her lamer, ivinion .vinvuimii', e 7:30 p.m , on May 8 at the public school in O’Neill, according to Christine Krysl of Stuart, news reporter. Itliiul Auction Raises $40— PAGE Members of the Amer ican Legion auxiliary held a blind auction at the Legion hall Friday evening. Proceeds from the sale $40 will he used toward the expense of sending the girl's stater to Lincoln. Miss Diane Cork has been chosen. Present officers and members of the executive board served lunch. Holt Represented at WSCS Meeting Eight Holt county ans attended the annual state meeting of the Woman's Society of Christian Ser vice of the Methodist church. Conference was held at First Methodist church in Omaha Tues day. Wednesday and Thursday, March 25-27. Registration totaled 1,454 Spe cial membership fund amounted to $5,295. and the corsage to mis sions fund reached $1,287. Representing Holt were: O'NEILL Rev. and Mrs. Rob ert Etnbree (Reverend Embree is superintendent of the northeast Nebraska district of the church with headquarters at O'Neill, Mrs. H. L. Lind berg. ATKINSON Mrs. All>ert Lem mer, Mrs. Louis Humphrey, Mrs. Charles Gates and Mrs. Spence. PAGE Mrs. Edgar Stauffer and Mrs. Trowbridge. Rebckahs Initiate 4 New Members PAGE Members of the Friend ship Rebekah lodge met at the IOOF hall Tuesday evening for the initiatory work. Four candi dates became members: Robert Nissen. Carl Max and Frank Cronk of the Page camp and Mrs Betty White of the Golden Mea dow camp at Atkinson. A covered dish lunch was ser ved at the close. A delegation from the Atkinson camp was present. Attends Conference— Dr. Rex W. Wilson returned Friday night from a Dallas, Tex., meeting of more than five thou sand family doctors from every part of the country. The meet ing was the 10th annual scientific assembly of the Academy of Gen eral Practice, headquartered in Kansas City, Mo. Fenians Move— Mr. and Mrs. Don Fernau mov ed Thursday from the Mule Shoe ranch to the Alvin Miller place, northeast of Midway. They had been at the Mule Shoe one year. M ichael Soukup Best Egg-F lunter PAGE Members of the Amer ican Legion auxiliary sptaisored an Easter egg hunt Saturday af ternoon at the Page park About 80 children were in attendance. Michael Soukup. son of Mr. and Mrs Duane Soukup. found the special egg that was worth a $2 premium Numerous 50-eent and 25-oent prizes were given for marked eggs. Following the hunt, the young sters went to the Legion hall for the "pay-off of the prizes. Each child received a prize or a treat Mesdames Otto Matschullat, Calvin Harvey. George Wettlau fer. Milo Landreth, Leo Fink, Kdd Stewart and Robert Harvey were the commnittee in charge of the event. Larry Walker Hits 12 of 20 Attempts PAGE Larry Walker, a sixth grader, captured the plaque of fered the winner of the freethrow "play-off" among members of the grade school basketball team. The players competed to qual ify and then staged the "playoff" In the freethrow competition, Larry sank 12 out of 20 tries. Har lan Saltz was runnerup with 11 out of 20. Belongs to Army Transport Group— ATKINSON Pfc John H Al brecht. 23, son of Mrs. Amelia Albrecht, route <1. Atkinson, is a member of the First cavalry division’s 23d transportation bat talion in Korea. A driver in the battalion's com pany H, Albrecht entered the army in December, 1956. com pleted basic training at Ft. Car son, Colo., and arrived in the Far East last May. Airs. Herman Walilman CREIGHTON Mrs. Herman Waldman died last week in the hospital here. Page News Mesdames Carrie Townsend and John Gray were guests of the members of the \VCTU when the group met Tuesday, March 25. at the home of Mrs. Ikwa Townsend for the monthly meet ing Routine .matters were dis cussed. Lunch was serv ed. Mrs. Alta Finch went to Fre mont last w eek where she visited her granddaughter. Miss Phyllis Finch, and atended the lee Cap ades at Omaha. Mrs. Glen Stewart will be Fri day April l. hostess for the Chat ter-Sow club, Mrs. John Sorensen was scheduled for the meeting Init Lloyd became ill with the mumps. Mrs. Jud Russell and Mrs. Wil liam Ragland accompanied Mr. and Mrs Merwyn French, sr., to Amelia Wednesday, March 26 where they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lew Rackhaus hik! afternoon attendants at a mission ary rally there, Mr and Mrs Otto Matschullat met Mrs. Dale Matschullat and daughter, Joan, at Norfolk Mon day returning from a weekend spent with her parents, Mr, and Mis Ernest Harrison at Lincoln. Douglas spent the weekend with ids uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Al Anthony at Inman. Mrs Roy Grubbs entertained the mcmlH'i's of the Get-Together eluli Friday for an afternoon of visiting and faneywork. Mrs. Kenneth VanAvery was the win ner of the door prize. Mrs. Earl Parks w ill be the April 11 hostess. Rev. and Mrs Burl Baty and children were Friday overnight guests of his brother-in-law and sister. Rev and Mrs. Kldon Cum mings, at Spencer in honor of his birthday anniversary. They at tended a plan-making meeting of the Elkhorn Valley Holiness as sociation youth group Saturday. Rev. Jim Sloan, associate dir ector of the Temperance League of Nebraska addressed the pupils of the grammar grades at the Page high school Tuesday after noon. The following described personal property will be sold at public auction on the prem ises, located one mile east of the Atkinson Livestock Market, on— W dnesday, April 9th Sale to Start at 1 P. M. Lunch by Circle 5 of Atkinson Catholic Ladies j 28-HEAD OF CATTLE-28 5—MILK COWS 1—Purebred HEREFORD BULL Three are milking now, two will be fresh soon ; these In- * ,owing two ars nhl ehwle Whltefaee, Guernsey, Itlaek. C_HFIFFRS WMldfaCO 5—WHITEFACE STOCK COWS l crmrAivK With calves at side U "u I L-EiIV VimL V LiO 3—WHITEFACE STOCK COWS 1-HEIFER CALF To calve soon. 6^ J PZtAm To start farrowing in April Dl 6Q VlllS 2—Hamps; 3 White, 1 Spotted MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT The CASE machinery is all in very good condition Case VAC Tractor, good condition with Eagle Hitch Slide Hay Stacker, good as new Case 14-ln. Plow, 2-Bot., one with Eagle Hitch Case Hay bweep Case Mounted Mower Wagon and Hay Rack Two-Wheel Trailer 18-Ft. IHC Disc John Deere Pull-Type Cultivator IHC 10-Ft. Binder Post Drill 3—Barrels, 30-Gal. 2—Barrels, 50-Gal. 2—Cream Cans 5-Ft. Water Tank for stock Some other items too numerous to mention Also Some Household Goods Plus the following items to be sold to settle the Estate of the Late Alex Forsythe: 1955 1/2-Ton Chev. Pickup, four-speed No. 5 John Deere Mower transmission, low mileage Some Tools — Some Household Goods TERMS OF SALE: STRICTLY CASH. FROST BROS. Col. Wallace O'Connell, O'Neill, ED MURPHY, O'Neill, Auctioneer Clerk