FOR SALE Thiele’s Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle on hand at all times Wiscon sin bred, fresh and heavy springers, first and second calf heifers. Arnold Thiele 2V4 miles southwest of Clear water, Phone 17 on 12 tf FOR SALE: Registered Nebras ka No. 50 intermediate wheat grass seed and purity 91 percent germination 91 percent also excellent Lancaster Bromegrass seed, test pending, Stan Lam bert, Ewing, phone 2340, Cham bers. 4648c FOR SALE: Philco radio and phonograph combination. Very good condition Mrs. W. H. Harty, O'Neill, phone 444 or 237. 1711 FOR SALE OR TRADE: 3 used tractors, M-M model Z, Oliver and Ferguson. Reasonable. — Oonderinger Motor Co., Atkin son. Ph. 8311 4647c FOR SALE: Tavern and garage combined- Box 73, Gross. 4647c FOR SALE: 3%S cement mixer, one sack size; Builtmore block machine. — Gilbert Strong, •phone 529-W, O’Neill. 45tf FOR SALE: Top quality fertili zied red clover prairie hay, $7 per ton. — Harvey Tompkins, Inman 4748p FOR SALE: 50 ton good baled alfalfa and hay. Cheap.—Mrs Amy Soulek, Phone 2933, Plcka town. 8. D. 4547p Used Machinery 1946 Farmall M 1950 Farmall H 1 ' 1942 Farmall H 1948 Farmall C 1952 Farmall super C 1937 John Deere A WC Allis Chalmers 10-ft. E-Z fertilizer spreader IHC Near New Horse Spreader IHC Tractor Spreader Tumble bog Earthnjiavers on wheels IHC 12 ft Disc IHC 15 ft Disc HM 46 Lister IHC 2 Row Eli , , Complete line of used farm equipment. APPLIANCES Near new Maytag wringer washer Near new Frigdaire Auto, washer Wirier Washers $15 and up Used Refrigerators Used Laundary Rinse Tubs Shelhamer Equip. Co. O'NEILL. NEBR. IHC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool FOR SALK: Grocery and meats. Good going business, low rent best location. Good schools and churches. Health reason for selling. Opportunity for some one. Will sacrifice for fast sale- Write Faust Food Mar ket Atkinson._47-«c FOR "SALE: 40 head of bred Hamps and York gilts to far row around April 1st. — Tom Zakrrewski, 14’i miles north of Page._ FOR SALE OR TRADE: near new Farmall 300 with torque amplifier just used 46 hours, big reduction on price.—Gon deringer Motor Co., Atkinson, Phone 8311_ 4R47 Harry R. Smith Imp. Phone 562 ® Neill TRACTORS— 50-G J-D M THC-1948 46 A J-D 50 M T J-D 40 B J-D_ Plows, all sizes 15-ft. J-D disc 15-ft. Oliver Disc J-D 4-wheel spreader Case tractor spreader No 5 J-D mowers IHC No. 27 mower _ FOR SALE: 10 h p. Scott-Atwater outboard motor Forward neu tral and reverse gear shift A 1 condition-phone 409 eve nings. O'Neill._45tf . BULLS A CURTISS bull Is as close as your telephone. Five dairy, one dual purpose, and thre^J*T.f breeds. Duane Gray. O NeiR Phone 469-.T__ FOR SALE OR TRADE: New tandem double horse frailer. This frailer can be bought at a groat reduction. — Gondering er Motor Co.. Atkinson Ph 8311 4M7c FOR SATE: Good used baby bucsrv $10.00.— Mrs Leigh Revnoldson, phone 78, O'Neill. 47pn YOU SAVED and slaved for wall to wall carpet. Clean it with ' Blue Lustre.-Coyne Hard ware, O’Neill. 47c FOR SALE: Nemaha oats, 54 percent seed. 98 percent germ ination.—Maurice Graham O' Neil. 47-48p60 FOR SALE: Broad breasted bronze turkey toms. 25c per lb.—Mrs. Earl Collins, Atkin son 47-49p Try FRONTIER want ads for they’pay! FOR SALE: Registered Angus hulls and six registered Angus heifers,— Frank Beelaert and son, Page. 47-50pl.l0 FOR SALE: Cossack alfalfa seed, cleaned. -Earl L. McClanahan. O'Neill. 45-48p SINGER SALES AND SERVICE: Sewing machines and vacuum cleaners All makes on display. —Doris Sanders, representative, Ewing, phone 17. 44-47c FOR SALE: Beer equipment, to be moved. Reasonable. Modem location available in O’Neill.— Ralph McElvain, O’Neill 26tf FOR SALE: Surge dairy equip ment, pipeline and bucket type milkers — Dillon Sales and Service, l/>ng Pine, Phone 2127 or Harvey Tompkins Inman 43tf FOR THE FORD in your future see Del Robertson at Lohaus Motor Co., phone 33. 37 tf FOR SALE: Seed Oats Nemaha and Missouri 205 germination 97 and 98 percent. — Clarence Gokie, phone 14FT2, O'Neill. 44tf FOR SALE: Minnesota Holstein heifers and cows, TB and bangs tested—Rudy Juracek, Ewing. 31 tf SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolis $16.50 a ton: American $20.50 a ton: white block 75c—Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks. north of traffic light. Everett Gorgen, Ph. 524-M, O’Neill. 51tf FOR SALE: Terriflex vinyl tile. Now carried in stock. Select your color.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Cb.. O’Neill. 47ctf NEW 8c USED MOBILE HOMES WHY RENT when you can own your own home? A LARGE selection on hand in 15 to 48 ft., 8 Sc 10 ft. widths, equipped with the fabulous alarm-o-madc fire alarm. See it demonstrated. SPECIAL PRICES on all units on hand. WE TRADE tor furniture, cars, trucks or what-have-you. WE FINANCE up to 5 years. SEE US AND SAVE MONEY Dewey Miller Trailer Sales Phone 460 Albion, Nebr. FOR SALE: Registered Hereford bulls, 12 mos, coming 2 years old in spring —Mrs. J. Niewoh ner, 2Vi miles west of Drive In, O’Neill. 34-52p4.85 SEE US for new SPARTAN or j SAFEWAY mobile houses, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone. -Contois Motor Co. Neligh. 30tf SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SEE US or write us if interested in Sprinkler Irrigation. We will be glad to figure your system for you, with the help of qual ified irrigation engineers, at no obligation. Wm, Krotter Co. O’NEILL, NEBR "Dealers in A -M Sprinkler Irrigation" 37tf — FOR SALE: Holstein Heifers. Choice 1st and 2nd calf close springers.—John Sojka, Page 43-48c REAL ESTATE Land For Sale 1120 ACRES, improved, superb grass 5 dams, 2 mi. school, 9 town; $25 350 COW RANCH quality grass, water & protection. On gravel, 6 mi. town. Sell on contract; $23,000 down. 200 COW purebred ranch on state; hiway, shallow wells, 3/4 mi.! to school. 10 deep dams. $70, 000 CHOICE 2,600 acre combination stock & grain, 550 wheat, 320 alfalfa. The best at $55; 29 per cent down & terms. LOCKER & MEAT process plant, big butcher business, firebur- j ner during hunting season at; Chamberlain mecca of phea-: sant, duck, goose hunters. HAVE PARTY, who would like 100-200 cows on shares 1 to 3 years. For appointment to inspect call 455 M. R. Keller Chamberlain, S.D. 46-49c FOR SALE: Two bedroom mod em home with attached gar age. Reasonabley priced.—Pon ton Agency, O’Neill. 46-47c FOR SALE: House, size 24x26. to be moved. Good condition.— Fritz Brockman, Emmet 46-49pd FARM FOR SALE: Quarter sec tion-all well grassed, good im provements, 5 miles from O’ Neill. — Duane Gray, O’Neill 47tf ACCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THOR1N Farm Sales a Speciality Phone 207 — O’Neill The Frontier for printing! FOR SALE: To the highest bid der, small house and six lots — W. B. and L J. Lamb, O'Ne ill 45-48pll0 Land for Sale! CHOICE LOCATION, 5139 deeded at -25, 2490 lease; modern imprvts, good water, protec tion; 652 mi. gravel road to large town, auction sale; $23, 000 down, Bal. terms. ABSENTEE OWNER, 1.480 deed ed, 1400 lease, 4 bedrm house, gravel road, school % mi.; 29 percent down, 15 yrs. bal. 1 GRASS on 960, bargain priced, lease 160, 34 A. Winter wheat, REA, 2 mi school, 9 mi. auc tion sale, finance thru FH A. [TICKER PIANT, Dr. says sell, good butcher Ixisiness, choice hunting & fishing. RECREATION HALL. 5 pool tab les, 12 card tables, liquor licen se, money maker, pay out fast. DANDY RESTURANT, 90 per cent of the business in town of 900. owner wants to farm. OTHER RANCHES, farms. Write me your wants. Tell me amount of MONEY you have to invest. M. R. KEELER Chamberlain, S-D. Ph. 455 evenings for appointment. 47-49c WANTED WANTED: Red female Cocker puppv. — Mrs. Ivan Pruss. phone 171-W, O’Neill 47c WANTED to take in 100 head of cattle for pasture.—Alfred Ehr hardt, Redbird. 44-48p AT STUD: 2 permanent register ed Quarter Stallions.—C. E. McVay, O'Neill. 44tf WANTED DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! IDEAL CLEANERS Phone 775-W for Piekup and Delivery! 47ctf WANTED: Pasture for 50 head of , cows.—Albert Miller, Emmet. 46-48pd 1 . .... , WANTED at once. Married man for year around or part time farm work. Separate house.— Write Box K, c/o Frontier, O’Neill. _47-48p85 WANTED: Serum pigs. Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, phone 3741. tf FOR DITCH DIGGING service sewers, water service or foot ings.—See. O. E. Davidson. Phone 126, O’Neill. QUARTERHORSE AT STUD: TOUGHIE McCUE no. 403; SIRE CHIEF no. 5. Mares boarded. Fee $25 12S, 2W, 2S of Ewing, Nebr. Zoe Huffman Ewing, Nebr. Telephone 222-F7 Elgin. 47-50p261 FOR REASONABLE prices try IX1IS FERN BEAUTY SHOPPE j 2 blks. west of postoffice. Can serve you days or evenings by appointment or without. 44-52c WANTED: 150 cattle for 1958 pasture season. Regular rates. Pastures spring and dam wat ered. Plenty of shade. Invite inspection by interested par ties.—Leo Ohri, Spencer, phone Bristow 7328. 46tf j WANTED: Man between age of! 23 to 45 This could mean full ' time job for right party with | selling experience. No limit! to the amount of earnings for ambitious party. Must have good car, for work in Holt county. Married man prefer red with references. — Write box 334, Neligh, Nebr., for date to be interviewed. 26tf WANTED: Married man. Must have farming and livestock ex perience. Separate house fur nished.—Herbert Jcssen, Bloom field 47-49c$l MONEY TO LOAN on farm*, ranches and homes. Long term, low interest rates — bonds and insurance of all kinds. See Virgil L Laursen at The O’ Neill Company. 27-lStfc Income Opportunity RELIABLE MAN or woman from this area to service a route of cigarette machines. Will take 5 hours of your spare time and can net as high as $275 monthly and can be built to full time business with our help, which could eventually net $20,000 an nually. No experience or sell ing necessary, route is estab lished for the operator. To j qualify you must have $900 to $1800 cash immediately avail able, which is secured, and a serviceable automobile. If sin- j cerely interested write for per- j sonal interview giving phone number and brief outline of | background to Box 5182. St. Paul, Minn. 47-48c IMMEDIATE opening for full or part time women. Ideally suited to homemakers. Work hours to suit your convenience. No in vestment just the use of a car and phone. No delveries or collections. For Interview write. — Mrs. Theresa Fox, Orchard. 47-48pl-10 WANTED: Approximately 12x21 building, good condition.—Virg Laursen, O'Neill, phone 464 . 46c MISCELLANEOUS L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding Wick s Body Shop Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Tow'ing Service Phone 211W O'NEILL - for Any Job 25tf Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O'Neill IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 34tf NOTICE WE INSTALL CARPET — TILE AND LINOLEUM Midwest Furniture & Appliance Co. 209 West Douglas O’Neill, Nebr. I ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES «VE REPAIR all makes. We un dersell anybody In price and outsell anybody in quality. D'NEILL, NEBR. PH. 289 52tf CARDS OF THANKS VIANY THANKS to good friends and relatives for flowers, let ters, cards, gifts, prayers and i encouraging notes sent to me during my illness at home and, at the hospital. Also my thanks to those who called on me and those who helped out at my home during my absence. All your acts of thoughtfulness were greatly appreciated and will be remembered.—MRS. EARL BILLINGS 47pd TAKE this means to express my thanks to my kind friends and relatives for their cards re ceived while in Sarced Heart hospital both in November and now. Also my gratefulness to Doctors Pollock, David and nurses. Your kindness will never be forgotten.—CHARLES W. FOX 47p50 niANKS dear friends and loved ones for your nice visits, gifts,! and the many cards and letters ! I received during my stay in St. Anthony’s hospital. Also thansk to Doctors Wilson and Sucha and hospital staff for their fine care.—Mrs. George Calkins. 47p50 ! WISH to thank my many friends, neighbors and relatives for the many letters, cards, and visits and masses. Also thanks to Father Kucera who came over such-icy-roads, Father Price and Doctor Ramsey dur ing my illness. — MRS. -TOE WINKLER. 47p50 FOR RENT OR RENT: A house, 3 rooms and bath. — Mrs Emma Law rence, phone 523-R, O'Neill. 45-48pll0 FOR RENT: Houses and apart ments, furnished or unfurnish ed.—Anna Brown, phone 323-J, O’Neill. 39tf FOR RENT: 3-room modem apartment.—Tony Asimus, O’ Neill, phone 510. 33tf. OR RENT: Close-in apt., two rooms and bath. Good space for washing machine. Fur nished with elec, stove, refrig erator and rug.—Phone 14-F-3 or 434 41tf FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537, O’Neill. 16tf FOR RENT: Storage space.— Phone 565. O’Neill. 37tf FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment, 4 rooms and bath, heat ed. close in.—Elmer Hagensick, O’Neil], phone 556-R. 34tf FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment. Automatic washer, gas heat.—O. E. Davidson, phone 126, O’Neill. 47c O’NEILL LOCAIX Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Gillespie vere in Sioux City Wednesday. Fhey expect as their weekend quests, Mrs. Gillespie’s brother, Robert Eby, and a friend, Miss Susan Tyson, both of Omaha Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Suiter were Mrs. Lloyd Switzer and children of Clear ■vater and her daughter, Mrs. Rick Liska and son of Wisconsin ind Mrs. Juanita Closson. Satur-, lay Mrs. Closson’s daughter, Mrs. Jim Finley and Shelia of Bronson, la., visited the Suiters. Inman News Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meyers and family of Omaha spent the weekend in the home of Mrs. Meyers' parents, Mr and Mrs. Merle DeLong, and son. James E. Kelley spent the weekend in Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Mossman returned home Monday morning from Lawrence, Kans., where they had spent the past few weeks in the home of their son in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gillahan, and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Watson left Tuesday morning for Omaha where they will spend a week visiting in the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Watson, and family anti other relatives. The woman’s department of the Latter Day Saints church ser ved a supper consisting of chili, pie and coffee at the cfaruch an nex Monday evening. A nice sum was realized for the treasury. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder were Chambers Monday after noon. Mr. ana Mrs. Harvey a. iomp kins entertained Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins and Mr. and Mrs. I. L .Watson and Sam at dinner on Sunday at their country home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Tomp kins, who were celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary Mon day, March 7. Mrs. A1 Hamik and children and Miss Bonnie Lawrence spent Sunday, March 9, at the George Winkler home near Emmet. Mrs. M L. Harkins and daugh ter, Hildrod, and Mrs. H. E. Smith were Norfolk visitors Thursday. Mrs. James M. McMahon at tended the school of instruction given by Mrs. Gwendolyn Middle schwartz of Bridgeport, Eastern Star supervisor Thursday after noon. Mrs F. E. Keyes, Mrs. Clarence Hansen and Mrs. Mc Mahon attended the 6:30 o’clock dinner at the Fellowship Hall of First Presbyterian church for Mrs. Middleschwartz and later attended the stated meeting of Symphony chapter, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baker and family of Sioux City, spent the weekend here in the home of Mrs. Baker’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLong. Master Kevin Juracek of Or chard spent several days the past week in the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Ray Siders and Marilyn, while his mother is a patient in an Omaha hospital. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Keyes, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keyes and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen and family, Mrs. Blanche Rouse and Marvin were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Miss Mil dred Keyes, who was celebrating her birthday anniversary. Superintendent and Mrs. Wal ter ITbben and daughter, Christie, spent the weekend in Omaha %'is iting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. James M Mc Mahon were Sunday dinner guests in the home of their son-1 in-law and daughter, Mr .and Mrs. John H. Mattson. The oc casion was the birthday anniver sary of Mrs. McMahon. Mrs. Ray Siders and daughter, Marilyn, spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Juracek and family at Or chard. ivii a. w ljucuii niuuo cuiu jv/iw | of O’Neill spent Monday in the home of Mrs. Hibbs’ mother, Mrs. Ray Siders. Mrs. Mary Hartigan and Mrs. T. D. Hutton left Thursday even ing for Lincoln, returning home Saturday evening. The Inman Commercial club met Monday evening, March 10, at the Finkbine Hardware. O'NEILL LOCALS Miss Donna LuTumer, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Turner was home from Omaha from Fri day until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cronin went to Omaha last Thursday where he attended a meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tennis at tended a funeral directors’ meet ing in Tllden last Thursday eve ning. Ewing News Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schroe der and children, who have lived southeast of Ewing, moved Fri day to a farm which they have purchased northeast of Neligh. Bernard Schroeder was a n overnight guest on Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doud. Guests on Sunday at the Ken neth Arehart were Mr. and Mrs. John Steskal, sr., Mrs. John Stes kal, jr., and children were guests Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Steskal, sr. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies drove to Plainview to spend the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Johnanson. Guests at the family gathering at the home of Mrs. Marie Bee laert Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harper of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Beelaert and family of Orchard. Supt. L. M. Carter accompan ied Coach Cliff Hermance of Stuart to Lincoln where both at tended the state basketball tourn ament Thursday and Friday. Boys who attended were “Sonny” Carl Dennis Scheer, Virgil Potter, Dick Williamson, and Bob Welke. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grim spent Sunday at Plainview visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hille. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Tel ford Grim and family spent the day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mastiler, at Verdigre. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Harris and Bertha were shopping in O’Neill Saturday. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson were Miss Elaine Reimer of Plainview, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer and Miss Leola Cary of Bloomfield, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson, all of Ewing. ivir. ana ivirs. uuvi ruciuuc made a business trip to Holstein, la., recently. Hob Knapp of Brookings, S.D., spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Knapp. Pat Knapp and son, Bob, of Brookings, S.D., were Norfolk vistors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke Sunday. The occasion was in honor of the 19th wedding anniversary of the Hokes and also the birthday of their son, Clayton, which was Saturday, March 15. Other guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nelson and son, Jimmy, of Plain view, Mr. and Mrs. Dionel Gunter and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Horde and Duane, of Ewing, and Mr. and Mrs. Cotton Jones and son of Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis transacted business at Verdigre and Creighton on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. William Spence were hosts to the Thursday Eve ning Pitch club at their home Thursday, March 13. Scorewin ners were Mrs. Earl Pierson and Charles Rotherham for high and Mrs. Charles Rotherham and Earl Pierson, for low. The Piersons were guests. Refreshments were served by the hosts. Next meet ing will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tuttle. Miss Joellyn Eacker of Louis ville was a weekend guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and MILK COW SALE Monday night, March 24 AT BUTTE LIVESTOCK MKT. 30 HEAD HOLSTEIN’S SHORTHORNS GUERNSEYS Some fresh and some to be fresh K. L. PAPP, Owner (Owner says that these are the best cows he has ever brought to Butte). Mrs. Ralph Eacker. Sunday guests at the Eacker home were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Suby and children. Dean Tuttle left Wednesday, March 12, for service in the army. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tuttle of Ewing. Richard Shain and Leon Spang ler. who celebrated their seventh birthday anniversaries, were hon ored guests at a party Friday, March 7, from 4 to 5:30 p m., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Shain. Invited guests were the boys and girls of the first and second grades. Games were play ed and gifts were opened. The luncheon table was centered with a birthday cake, which was served with ice cream. Mrs. Wil b u r Spangler assisted Mrs. Shain. Notes Birthday Anniversary— Mr. and Mrs. Benton Mellor and daughter, Janet were Sunday din ner guests at the home of his sister, Mrs. Leonard Chaffin, helping Linda Chaffin celebrate her ninth birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Petsche and daughter were in Randolph to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Bloomer Sunday. Dr. J. L. Sherbahn CHIROPRACTOR Complete X-Ray Equipment Vi Block So. of Bus Depot O’Neill, Nebraska Never An After-Thirst! SWITCH TO SQUIRT BEAUTYLAND Beauty Salon Phone 565 for appointment Located across street from bakery .Assembly Officer Is Lodge Visitor CHAMBKRS Twenty-six mem* tiers of Winona Rebekah lodge met Friday evening, March 14, at the lodge hall with the assetn hlv vice-president, Mrs. Loretta Sehnable of Ainsworth, present Mr and Mrs. Bernard Black mort' of Amelin transferred their membership from the Atkinson to the Chambers lodges. Mrs. M 1. Sageser was pre sented a gift in honor of her 60th wedding anniversary. The Chambers lodge has accept ti-d an invitation lo visit the O’ Neill lodge on Thursday, March 21. Mr. Schnable accompanied | his wife to Chamliers. Other Chambers News S/Sgt. Marvin Damme and i Al/e Kenneth Damme who are visiting their parents. Mr. and Mrs Clarence Damme and fam ily, went to Lincoln Sunday, March 16, to visit their sister, Ruth Ann Damme, who is In nur ses' training at Bryan Memorial hospital. Rev. and Mrs. Harold D. Boit ath and son, Minify, s|>ent a few days last week with her parents at Flandeau, S.D. Double A Auctions REMINDER: 3,000 to 3,300 Head Spring Carlot Auction i ATKINSON Tues., March 25th lt:00 p. m. I./1 .Ml NOTE: REGISTERED AJVGCS COW SALE BEGINS AT It :30 P. M. i 1,000 Hereford Angus Steer calves 400 to 800 lbs. 1,000 Hereford ft Angus ftetfer calves 400 to 5*0 300 Short Yearling Steen A Heifers i f >■ 300 Hereford long yearling steers. 100 Warmed up feeder steers 170 Angus Breeding Oown— 50 Registered Cows from the Blaine Garwood ranch; 70 TB A Bangs tested Angus cows from the Billy Plercy Ranch at Kennedy, Nebr.; 40 First-calf heifers from the John Welchman ranch. These are Angus I and Circle E Ranch I bred. j We have currently closed the listing book for this carlot sale. We have planned our next carlot sale for April 15th, list yours early to assure you of a good spot in the Auction. HOG SALE 10:00 A. M. Don't Ihi I.ate! ! ! This week’s butcher top $21.75 cwt. For further information Phono 5141 Atkinson Livestock Market ATKINSON Sale Every Tuesday oit Ainsworth Sale Yds. Ainsworth, Nebr. Sale Every Friilay PUBLIC SALE We will sell the following personal property at the farm, 11 miles east of O’Neill, 2Vi miles south and 2 miles east; OR 2Vi miles north and 2 east of Page, on Saturday, March 22nd — 12:30 P. M. Farm Machinery 1—J I) “B” Tractor, ’40 1—2-row IHC EH 1—>1-1* 2-row Cultivator 1—2-row IHC Lister 1— Good M&M 12 ft. Disc I—McCormick Bake 1—Case 8-in. Hammermill 1—3-section Harrow ' 1—60-ft. Hammermill Belt 1—100-hii. Steel Wagon Bo* 1—Case 4 Vi-ft. One Way 1—fiO-bu. Wood Wagon Box I—24-ft. Challenge Elevator 1—Wagon Gear 1—SO-ft. Steel Windmill Tower 1—Weed Mower 1—8-ft. Falrbury Windmill 50 BUSHELS OF NEMAHA OATS 5 — Head of Livestock — 5 1 -Red Cow, good milker; 1 good Yearling Steer; 3—Good Yearling Heifers. Miscellaneous Items I—Six sided Economy hog house that can easily be hauled with underslung; 18-ft. ladder; 2x2V'axB-ft. Steel Tank; Large Blacksmith type bench vise, Clant Euclid inner tube that can easily be made Into a round boat or a raft; 6 Mallard Ihjck De coys. Some hand tools and other articles too numerous to men tion. TERMS—CASH. No property to be removed until paid for. """ """ Glenn and Helen Harris, Owners Buv & Max Wanser, Aucts. Page Coop Credit, Clerk Richard Ernst, O’Neill high Future Farmer of America, receives the congratulations of Harvey Kruginan of O’Neill in behalf of the Holt soil-water conservation district. Ernest's seven-minute talk on “Conservation” non county honors and entitled him to compete for district laurels. Others In photo are Vernon Carpenter, O’Neill FFA instruct or, Merwyn •French, sr., of Page (center back ground) and C. R. (“Bob”) Hill of the Holt soil water district staff.—The Frontier Photo.