Future Subscribers ■ ! ! ( ( ( I ( DOVER—Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dover of Newport, a son, Neil Edward, weighing 8 pounds 10 ounces, bom Friday, March 7, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. ROOKSTOOL — Mr. and Mrs. Oral Kooks tool of Atkinson, a son, weighing 10 pounds 8 oun ces bom Friday, March 7 at At kinson Memorial hospital. DAVIS- Mr .and Mrs. Stanley Davis of Winnetoon, a daughter, weighing 6 pounds 13 ounces, bom Friday, March 7 at Lung berg Memorial hospital in Crugh CONNOT Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cbnnot of Fairfax, S.D., a son, welching 7 txiunds 7 ounces, born Friday, March 7 at Sacred Heart hospital in Lynch. KRAMER Mr. and Mrs. Del Kramer of Lincoln, a daughter Diane Margaret, weighing 8 pounds 11 ounces, born Friday, February 7, at St Elizabeths hospital in Lincoln. The Kram* rs have two sons, David and Danny. Mrs Kramer is the former Nor ma Andersen, daughter of Mrs Edith Andersen of Ameial. * WITTE Mr. and Mrs. William Witte of Chambers, a son, Brad lev Eugene, weighing 6 pounds K! ounces, Ix>m Saturday, _March S~ at a Norfolk hospital, This '8 ( the Witte's second son. mey have have one daughter. , GIBBS- Mr. and Mrs William (•‘Bill”) Gibbs of Deloit, a son, ( born Sunday, February 23 in a ( Norfolk hospital Mrs. Gibbs is the former Doris Jean Bartak, , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lam- ( bort Batak of Ewing. < RASMUSSEN Mr. and Mis. } Harold Rasmussen of Winnetoon. j eon 9 DOUIlds 3/a oun- , CCS torn Saturday. March 8, at , I.uridberg Memorial hospit al, j Creighton. _ , HORST Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Horst of Plain view, a son weigh ing 7 pounds, tom Sunday, March 9, at Ixindherg Memorial hospital, Creighton. PUCKETT — Mr and Mrs. James Puckett of Emmet, a daughter, weighing 6 pounds 1 ounce, born Monday, March 1U, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. GATZ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gatz of Niobrara, a daughter, weighing 9 pounds 2 ounces, tom Tuesday, March 11, at Lundberg Memorial hospital in Creighton. SUKUP -Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sukup of Wausa, a son, weighing 8 iKiunds 8>4 ounces, tom Tues day. March 11. at Lundberg Me morial hospital in Creighton. VENTEICHER Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Venteicher of Norfolk, a son, Roger, weighing 8 pounds j 6 ounces, bom Monday, March It), at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk. They now have five girls and three toys. Mrs. Ven teicher is the former Margaret Sauser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sauser of O'Neill. Mr. Venteicher is the son of Mrs. Eliz abeth Venteicher of O’Neill. WAGON S-Sgt. and Mrs. John Wagon of Hof, Germany, a son, torn March 2. in Germany. Mrs. Geary Enbody of Emmett is the paternal grandmother. CHARVAT Mr. and Mrs. Jack Charvat of Chanute AFB, Illi nois, a son, Jerome Lee, torn Sunday, February 2. They now have three toys. Mrs. Steskal, sr , of Ewing is the maternal grandmother. She recently re turned to Ewing after a three • weeks' stay with the Charvats. AREHART Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Arehart of Ewing, a daugh ter. I Kirn Saturday, March 8, at Antelope Memorial hospital, Ne-! ligh. Mrs. Ernest Arehart is as isting in the Arehart home. WENDT- Mr. and Mi's. Vernon Wendt of Bristow, a son, weighing 8 pounds 1 ounce, torn Tuesday, March 11, at Sacred Heart hos-i pital in Lynch. Hospital Notes S * ANTHONY’S (O’Neill) Admitted: March 5- Mrs. Guy Hull of Redbird, Eldon Ray Sukup of Page, Wilbur Hammerlun of Grand Island; 6 Mrs. Clair E. McVay of O’Neill, Roger Neeman >f Chambers, Loren Dean Allen >f Page, Mrs. George Calkins of -.ynch. Mrs. Thomas Bowers of Iristow, 7—Sue McLain of O s’eill, Mrs William Grutsch of J'Neill, Mrs. Martha Strong of J'Neill, Edward McManus oi J'Neill, Mrs. Frank Fritton of J'Neill. Mrs. Ethel Maulding ot J'Neill: 8 Mrs Irene Booth of J'Neill, Leo Matthews of O'Neill; i <>aig Clement of O’Neill; fames C. Parker of O'Neill; 10 Joan Susan McDonald of Oak iale, Donna Mae Fuhrer of O - sJeill, Charles Cronk of Page;-Earl C. Porter of At Mrs. Ber lard Pond of O’Neill, Mrs. Della Jowden of O'Neill, Mrs. Duane Mien and baby boy of O’Neill, Mrs. Clair E. McVay of O'Neill; J Sue McLain of O'Neill. Mrs. Vlartha Strong of O'Neill, Mrs. rtobert L Wood of Page, Mrs. Ben Hanlon, sr., of O'Neill; 8 Ed vard McManus of O’Neill, Mrs. rhomas Bowers of Bristow, Mrs. Herbert P. Jansen of O'Neill, Jackie Lee Tomjack of Ewing, 8 Mrs. Irene Booth of O'Neill, Mrs. Harlan B. Black of Spencer, Mrs. Guy Hull of Redbird, Mary Mancuso of Goodland, Kans.; K) Zoan Susan McDonald of Jakdale, Robert Necman of [Chambers, Wilbur Hammerlun of Trand Island, Craig Clement of J'Neill, Mrs. Juanita Closson of J'Neill' 11 Clifford Gillette of [Chambers, Eldon Ray Sukup of Page, Mrs Ethel Maulding of J'Neill: 12 Mrs. George Calkins >f Lynch, Mrs. Frank Fritton of J'Neill, Fred Fritton of O’Neill. Hospitalized: James C. Parker »f O'Neill, I.oo Matthews of O Veill, Mrs. Maliel Hubbard of [Chambers, Mrs. Marie Strubc of J'Neill, Ambrose Biglin of O - Meill, Donald D. Moler of Cam iridge, Mass., Mary Diu Sobot ;a of Inman, Donna Mae Fuhrer >f O’Neill, Charles Cronk of ’age, Garrett Janzing of Emmet, Carl C. Porter of Atkinson Ro ,<>rt A. Ruther of Inman, Mrs. Villiam Grutsch of O’Neill. Mrs. uanita Closson of O'Neill Double A Auctions MARKET REPORT “The Old Reliable” Tuesday, Mareli 11, 1958 With a light offering on hand buyers pushed prices 50 to j 1.00 per hundred higher than last week’s auction on light weight offerings. Steer calves ! largely $29.00 to $33.00 cwt. with high choice kinds eligible higher, heifer calves $25.00 to $27.85 cwt. with no fancy kinds on offer. Yearling steers and heifers were scarce, with sam ples at from $24.50 to $26.00 on steers and from $22.00 to $24.00 cwt. on heifers. Demand con- j tinue strong on all classes of butcher cattle. ! Hog receipts were again j above normal expectations, with the top on butchers at $21.10 with practically all butchers at from $20.40 to $21.00 cwt. Sows 300 to 450 lbs. $17.25 to $19.00 cwt. Feeder at weights from 80 to 125 lbs $22.75 to $23.30 cwt. Next Kegulur Auction Tuesday, March 18th llog Sale 10 P. M. Cattle Sale l P.M. SPECIAL NOTE ^ We can still use four or five hundred cattle for our next carlot sale which will be held March 25th. Phone us your consignments not later than Friday, March 14th, so they may be included in our market card. Atkinson Livestock Market ATKINSON Sale Every Tuesday Ainsworth Sale Yds. Ainsworth, Nebr. Sale Every Friday 250 Head of Cattle Expected ^ There will be around 250 head of cattle today (Thursday) I ! in connection with our regular weekly sale. There will be be tween 100 and 125 head of calves; 75 head of yearlings and the | balance of the offering will be small calves, cows and butcher cattle. A feature' will be 12 head of first calf blac k angus heifers, choice for quality; also several bred gilts and about 150 feeder pigs in connection with the hog sale, which will get underway at 12:30. O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET PHONE 2 Vem A I-elgli Reynoldson ■ - ■ ■ Open Monday Evening ST. PATRICK’S DAY (March 17th) Please make reservations for your family or group party! The TOWN HOUSE Phone 273 j __ _ < . ) .• * ■ _ W> Hurry on down and <’,' */ JIKhk. pick your flavor favorites td?H. ®®5B ».hi:kn " STAMPS "ngjjr* ''Tuar' 2 COCKTAIL.4-99* SLICED PEARS 3-79* SI.KKD PLAT TINS ^ PINEAPPLE.G —99* ^ JUICE.5--49* PRUNE JUICE 3- 99* 9 DRINK.3—99* m SPINACH.3-49* HH TOMATOES.4-99* X TOMATO JUICE 3-99* W RED SALMON.“79* rrmmJ' Pick any one cereat or mix any three-package combination 3 PKGS. 87C I SUNSHINE STRAIN LOAD 4 DEL MONTE FANCY HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE - CHUNK - TIDBITS . CRUSHED STYLE PAPPLt 01 DEL MONTE - MADE WITH NIPPY. ZIPPY PINEAPPLE DISTILLED VINEGAR CATSUP = --- DEL MONTE - EARLY GARDEN PEAS - TASTY - TEMPTING - TENDE KITCHEN HOUDAT - _ _ FROZEN FRESH MB 1 PEAS - n | r r DEL MONTE GOLDEN CREAM STYLE OR GOLDEN WHOLE KERNI 3 -69c CORN S i: VALUES DRIED PRUNES .S£ «' LISINS ST..‘^25c MAPLE FLAVORED KARO SYRUP 47c 3 POUND BOTTLE. Mshs COFFEE 1-LB.-TIN .. . any »imo of day I _ _ _1—- I TENDER . MOST FLAVORFUL! jjgSg^i I U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF ^ I ^DSQ^B^ASSEROLE JUST Ml ANT fOR UNT LB. I I GOOCH’S BEST - MEDIUM • TINE . WIDE | EGG NOODLES 'WT 23* mmomm »ROOM SOUP ™19* a^arTgiJs SOUPS. VEGETABLES 29* | 1 LEAN, TENDER, BOSTON BUTT CUTS FRUITS - DESSERTS PORK ROASTS -47' LEAN STREAKED • FRESH SLICED SIDE PORK -45' TnfFTA,MOU''?-iqt DRIED BEEF - 35' nmHB READYTO-EAT PEAR SHAPED 3-lbs. CANNED PICNICS 2.29 fzJm BRAUNSCHWEIGER -43' | 79* Jack & Jill — | ICE CREAM i/2 CAL. PKC_ Vanilla, Choc., Straw. FIG BARS per pkg. 26c BACON SQRS. lb 29c PORK LIVER lb 23c BUTTER Creamery . lb. 69c OLEO 3 lbs 69c OYSTER CRACKERS, Sather, lb. 24c Genuine Wisconsin Cheddar CHEESE “The Finest of Fine Cheeses” This Tasty Cheese has been aged just right to suit your personal taste buds. Try some—It’s so good! just 59$ lb. A Complete „ Poultry - Hog Line of IwllllGllcI Cattle Feeds CHICK STARTER cwt. 4.80 COMP. EGG CRUMBLEScwt. 3.95 We are taking orders for Baby Chicks for March, April, May Delivery Date Inquire Today About—Prlee, Breed, Dates MATirr We are still in need of some I ^ Iwt White Rock hatching flocks. If interested, please contact. TOP MARKET PRICKS FOR YOL’R CREAM - EGGS - POULTRY Free Delivery Twice Daily BJack & Jill Coupon Value u/s — MATO UP- Pf can EXPIRES Minvrr.ITT reh 17th Uus 5 & I I Green Stamps VI_