The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 06, 1958, Page 10, Image 10

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    Early Penney Store
Official Succumbs
PAGE Carl Malmsten, 8 0,
brother-in-law of E. H. Farns
worth, died recently at Lincoln.
He had been in poor health for
some time.
Mr. Malmsten was associated
with the original J C. Penny
store in Kemmerer, Wyo., and
later managed a store at Rich
filed, Utah, and subsequently
located new sites for the Penny
chain through out the the coun
Born in Oakland, Mr. Malm
sten had lived in Tekameh, Goth
enburg and Fremont and attend
ed college at Grand Island.
Survivors include: Widow
Salina; son Marden of Burwell.
Three sons, Gerald, Mack and
Robert, preceeded him in death.
Mr and Mrs. Farnsworth went
to Lincoln where they attended
funeral services.
Other Page News
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach and
granddaughters, Joan and Lee
Ann Cronk were Sunday visitors
in the Henry Gross Rhode home
at Osmond
Tuesday evening, February 25,
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat
returned to their home at Page
terminating a two-month visit in
California visiting their daugh
ters, Mrs. Sidney Stolier, also
Mr. Stolier and Cindy, and Mrs.
Alice Clark and family at San
Diego, and Mr. and Mrs. Meraon
Chase and family at Portersville.
Mrs. Freida Asher was the hos
tess for the RNA Kensington
Wednesday, February 26, when
memebrs met for an informal
session. Cards and visiting fur
nished the afternoon's entertain
ment. A covered dish lunch fol
lowed the routine business meet
ing with Mrs. Anton Nissen in
charge. Mrs Clarence Stevens
was a guest Mrs. Clarence Dob
bins will entertain Wednesday,
March 12.
Mrs. Melvin Roach was hos
(One show nightly at 7:80)
Frl.-Sat. March 7-8
Sun.-Mon.-Tues. March 9-10-11
* Wed.-Thurs. March 12-18
I l|
i •!
. This coupon and one paid ad- ■
| mission will admit two ad nits, I
I March 12-18. ^
tess to the members of the Bid-oi
Bye Bridge club Wednesday
February 26, for an aftemooi
session of cards. Mrs. Berber
Steinberg held high score an*
Mrs. William Hock was the win
ner of the all-cut award. Mrs
Frank Cronk wall be the Wednea
day, March 12, hostess.
Mesdames Kay Snell, An ten
Nissen and Dora Townsend wen
to Ewing Friday where they at
tended hte annual supervisors
meeting of the Eastern Stai
lodge. The afternoon session wa:
a school for officers followed by i
tianquet and an evening session
Joy Ericson of Craig was acting
officer in charge of the meeting
The members of the degre*
staff of Rebekah lodge practice*
floor work in preparation for th*
March 25 lodge s e s s i o l
when three candidates, as mem
tiers of the Friendship Rebekal
lodge, their names having beei
voted on at a previous meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wood o
Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Calvii
Harvey and Mrs. Hester Ed
misten were Sunday, Februar
23 guests of Mr and Mrs. Ken
ne'th Asher. Mr. and Mrs. Woo<
had the misfortune to have thei
car damaged a t Clearwate
when a station wagon hit the sid*
of their machine as they drov*
onto the highway without seeini
the on coming vehicle.
Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Murfii
of Cairo were recent ovemigh
guests of her uncle and aunt
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Gray. Rober
Gray, who spent three weeks vis
iting their son, Veldon, and othei
California relatives, returned t<
Page with them. Veldon has em
ployment with the Greyhounc
bus offices at San Francisco.
Mrs. Jerry I^amason, Mrs. Car
Max and I-oigh Cull were guest:
of the Couple’s Thursday Evenini
Bridge club at the home of Mr
■tnd Mrs William Hock. Mrs
Lamason held highi score am
Mrs. Max second high. Cunc
was served. Mr. and Mrs. Dar
Troshynski will lie thc> entertain
mg couple tonight (Thursday).
Mrs. Allen Haynes receive!
the low token Friday, t ebruai:
21, when the members of th!
GGG&G club were guests of Mrs
I O Wood for an afternoon o
pitch playing. Mrs. Bert Finlej
had high score and Mrs. C. P
Leacn was me ~.
veling award. Lunch was servet
Mrs. Ethel Waring will he r n
day, March 7; hostess.
Everette Secrist of G r e a
Bend, Kas , and his mother, Mrs
Ada Secrist of Ewing, were Fri
day, February 21, guests in th<
N. D. Ickes, sr., home and callec
on Miss Grace Merryman tha
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewari
and son, Loren, and Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Stewart were Monday,
February 24, supper guests ol
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray. Lor
en left Tuesday, February 25 foi
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kennedj
and daughter, Becky, of Pag<
and Mr and Mrs. Wayne Bender
son of Orchard went to Lincolr
Sunday, February 23, where the>
visited relatives and attended the
capping ceremony of the Bryan
Memorial school of nursing
at the First Methodist church.
Misses Joellyn and Becky Ken
nedy attended that school of nurs
ing. Miss Becky is spending a
month’s vacation w'ith her par
ents at Page. Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Henderson visited their
daughter, Kay, who is a student
at the University of Nebraska.
I 1
\ %£&’*” Brought u 1
\ If You’ve GkCt 1 d opor»t^ r,rnl \
1 ^ vour * pmaha V* "’ j
\ ■"" ..ALSO SEE US FOR- \
1 cud farm accounting l
\ * °Ut dU be ready to We you^ \
\ Vear. We have a U I
\ service for you- __ Bonds is- 1
\ . Newest upon application- l
\ sued in this off- stenograph- \
\. Notary public and publ \
\ - er service- north of po^ 1
\ . New location firs Q __ 12.01 1
\ * ((lce Office hours Wed. & l
1 oH’ TflO - 5 .00 daily- Als I
1 and « -uv; 1
\ 7 e- - —l
1 i - Nebr’
. I
IjeutnnJMit Obermlre and family . . . snttlnd in Frankfurt.
L --
Flying Officer,
Family Reach Post
STUART — Lt. John P. Obcr
1 mire, his wife, Billie, and their
- three children are now comfort
\ ably settled near Frankfurt, Ger
i many.
Recently they boarded a plane
I in New York City in midafter
, noon and early the following
. morning were in Frankfurt.
Mrs. Obermire is the former,
’ Billie Ruther. whose parents, Mr.
I and Mrs. Charles Ruther, live
in South America. Their daugh
, ters are Irene Joanne, 3Vi; Di
. anna Lynn, 2, and Kathryn
, Yvette, five-months-old.
, Lieutenant Obermire received
’ his flight training at Gary air
base in Texas and at Ft. Rucker,
! La. He took his instrument fly
ing course at Ft. Sill, Okla., and
was graduated from the heiicop
" ter school at Camp Walters, Tex.,
! in December.
He is now attached to the Sev
\ enth army in Germany and ex
| pects to be stationed there three
Lieutenant Obermire is a son
l of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Obermire
j of Stuart.
Osmond Banker
Seeks Regency
! OSMOND—Richard (“Dick")!
Adkins. 38, Osmond banker, an-1
, nounced last week that he had |
I completed his filing as a candi-1
date for the board of regents of
the University of Nebraska.
Mr. Adkins was graduated from
Norfolk high school, later gradu
ated from Grinnell, la., coege
j and joined the navy during
11 World War n. He was separated
from the service as a lieutenant
The father of three children,
Mr. Adkins has been prominently
identified with the cattle feeding
industry. He is both stockraiser
and feeder and is a former mem
ber of the board of the Nebraska
Livestock Feeders association.
Mr. Adkins is a member of the
l>oard of education at Osmond
and is leader of the Go-Getters
4-H club. He has been intensive
ly interested in education not only
for the student but also for the
welfare of the state as a whole.
0 Neill News
Sunday dinner guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Brock Reynoldson were
the Leigh Reynoldson family and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gross of i
Hampton, la.
Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pinker- j
man of Redbird were Sunday
viistors of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald
Friday supper guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Dwayne Philbrick and
family were Mr. and Mrs. Rich- [
ard Hovey and Bobby, Mr. and:
Mrs. Clay Johnson, jr., and Har
old and Mr. and Mrs. Norbert
Edward McCarthy and Andy
Goeden left Sunday for San
Diego, Calif.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. |
and Mrs. L. A. Ott were Mr.
and Mrs. Francis Curran and j
girls and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ott j
Joseph McEUigot was in Sioux
City for the weekend.
Mrs. Ethel Frisch and sons
were in Lynch Sunday to visit
her brothei'-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Ennen.
Miss Kathryn McCarthy o f
Boise, Ida., was met in Omaha,
by Edward McCarthy and Andy
Goeden, who brought her here
Saturday. She is visiting her |
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Gonderinger. Miss
Mary Christa McCarthy and Miss
Barbara McCarthy, a student
nurse at St. Catherine’s school of
nursing, accompanied them J
home. I’he girls were guests of
Barbara's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George M. McCarthy, for the
weekend. Miss Mary Christa is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John McCarthy of Omaha.
Jasper Hitchcock has gone
! South with his racing horses.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Nesbitt
and boys and Mrs. Rodney Tom
linson and Larry visited Mr. and
Mrs. Reginald Pinkerman Friday
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Porter
were Sunday dinner guests at the
A. B. Hubbard home in Cham
| bers.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gross of I
Hampton, la., arrived Wednes- j
day, February 26, to visit their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Leigh Reynoldson and fam
ily. Because of the weather they
! remained until Monday.
S/Sgt. and Mrs. Jack Moler
and son of Cambridge, Mass., are
expected to arrive Saturday for
i a month’s visit with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moler.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Booth of
Lincoln spent the weekend with
his mother, Mrs. Clarence Booth.
Dale Fetrow attended a meet
ing in Norfolk Wednesday, Feb
ruary 26.
Money To Loan!
Household (foods, Personal
Property, Cars, Trucks,
Farm Equipment
Loan and Investment
Lowell Nesbitt Feted—
Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Morrow
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Curran and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Reginald Pinkerman
surprised Mr and Mrs. Lowell
Nesbitt at their home Friday eve
ning to celebrate his birthday
Attend Funeral—
Among those from out-of-town
attending the Edward S Early
funeral Saturday, March 1 were
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Earley of Col
umbus, Robert Earley of Kansas
City, Mo., Mrs. Cecil Mueller of
Omaha, Mrs. Ella Gaughen and
James Gaughen of North Bend.
Two Clubs Meet—
Evelyn Stannard was hostess
to Martex and Delta Dek clubs
last Thursday with dinner at the
Town House. Winners at bridge
were Mrs H. J. Lohaus, Mrs. Ed
ward Gallagher and Mrs. M. J.
Visit Sioux City—
Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Hull spent
Tuesday, February 25, in Sioux
City were accompanied by Rose
Bowers, who visited Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Larson in Plain
Mrs. Levi Clemens of Amelia
was a guest of her daughter and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Humrich, from Wednesday, Feb
ruary 26, until Saturday.
Dorsey News
The Dorsey Aid society held
its regular meeting at the home
of Mrs. Bob Sholes Wednesday,
February 19.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Millard and
Linda were Sunday, February
22, overnight guests at the Pat
Osliom home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Svatos
spent Monday evening, February
23, at the Harold Osliorn home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta
and Evelyn spent Thursday eve
ning, February 20, with Mrs.
Barta's parents, the William Kal
ol's at Verdigre.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MeElhan
e\ of Lincoln spent the weekend
of February 22-23 at the Harrs
Johnson home, helping M r s
Johnson celebrate her birthday
Mrs. Albert Carson and daugh
ters, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pick
ering and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Bart a and daughter
attended the basketball game in
Verdigre Friday evening, Feb
ruary 21, between Lynch and
M NO Club Meeting—
M\0 Extension club met Tues
day evening, February 25, at the
Afo More Mice f
/Ae. Safe, Cfean, Aasr/ Iaj^c/ /oSe Si/^e
*** - f tyyi: - ;p.
| tins *
Diphacin mouse bait comes ready to use without
fuss, muss or handling. Just set the opened, self
feeding tin where mice travel. Tasty, fresh food
attracts rodents. They eat it eagerly, die painlessly.
In a few days you will be completely rid of nasty
rodents. Get Diphacin at stores now. Just say
“die-fas-in,” a product of Niagara Chemical Division.
home of Mrs. Melvin Marcellus
with Mrs. C. R. Force as co
hostess. Eleven members were
present and a guest. Mrs. William
Cousins. Ren Grady answered
questions on the lesson, life in
surance. Social sociality was an
other lesson presented.
To Sioux City—
Mrs. Mildred Honke and grand
son. John R. Gallagher, jr., visit
ed her nephew. Dr. Edward
Honker and family at Sioux City
from Tuesday. February 25, until
Easier Washdays
Ask Your Kansas-Nebraska Matiayer
About the 30-Day FREE Home Trial!
This appliance may also be purchased from your
local Gas Appliance Dealer
For Dependable GAS Service
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HAVING PURCHASED the interest of Guy F. Cole, we will offer the following described personal property —
and numerous other items — at public auction on the premises at Emmet, Nebr., on —
Friday, March 7th
Sale Starts at 12:30 P. M.
(In case of adverse weather sale will be held Wednesday, March 12th).
59 - HEAD OF CATTLE - 59
30—Shorthorn and Hereford STOCK COWS 20 to 25—STEERS and HEIFERS
Good ages 200-Bushels of OATS — Trailer House
4-Good MILK COWS, some fresh now 14-Ft. Boat - Boat Trailer - 5-hp. Motor
1952 IHC Tractor with loader
and dozer blade
1952 Massey-Harris 44 K tractor
with loader, snow scoop, dirt
scoop and manure loader
5—McCormick Hay Rakes
Set of Kelley Ryan Rakes
Two-Rake Hitch with Rakes
Two-Rake Hitch
New Holland Wire Tie Baler
Side Delivery Rake, IHC
IHC Bale Loader
Meyer Bale Loader
7-Ft. IHC Mower
2—No. 9 IHC Trail Mowers
7-Ft. IHC Tractor Mower,
Belt-Type Manure Loader
IHC Lister, nearly new
Three-Bottom 16-In. Massey
Harris Plow
Two-Row IHC Eli
15%-Ft. IHC Disc
Fertilizer Spreader
Manure Spreader
Letz Feed Grinder
Four-Wheel Trailer
Briggs & Stratton Gas Engine
21-In. Gas-Powered Lawn
Lawn Mower and Saw
Paint Sprayer
Binder Twine — Disc
Metal Barrels — Wooden Barrels
4—Auto Gates, new, Flying A
Howe Wagon Scales with
livestock rack
’51 Plymouth 4-dr.
’53 Cadillac, 4-dr., green
Outside Red — Outside White — In Five-Gal. and One-Gal. Cans — Good Quality
j Maytag Sq. Tub Washing Machine, excell. cond. — Walnut Drop Leaf 1 able — Frig. Elec. Refrigerator
Baby Crib — Teeterbabe — Baby Tenda — Bathinette
EMMET HAY CO., Emmet, Nebr.
Wally O’Connell, Vern and Leigh Reynoldson I—Calf to be sold for Methodist Church
Auctioneers and Clerks Register for One Calf to be given away
1 Calf to be sold for Church of Rpiphany
t&#***+. w wmLi hjbiulw - id* '* vwmmmmmmmm mmhi'i mp i ■'fhWiaw