I bOK SALE Thiele’s Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle on hand at all times Wiscon sin bred, fresh and heavy springers, first and second calf heifers. Arnold Thiele miles southwest of Clear water, Phone 17 on 12 tf SINGER SALES AND SERVICE: Sewing machines and vacuum cleaners .All makes on display. Doris Sanders, representative, Ewing, phone 17, 44-47c FOR SALE: High chair, good condition. — Clarence Strong, phone 717, O’Neill. 44c Used Furniture Used hide-a-bed $24 50 Rollaway bed $24.50 Table I-imps _ $4.50 End Tables-$ 2.50 Coffee Tables-1 3.50 Dining Room Suite-$29.50 Dinette Set 12.50 "45” Record Player _ $14.50 Midwest Furniture and Appliance Co. 209 West Douglas O’Neill, Nebr. FOR SALE: 1956 2-ton Ford truck, with or without dump box, excellent condition.—Phone 454. O'Neill 26tf FOR SALE: 11-ft. IHC fertilizer spreader; 2 hot. 16-in. J-D No. 44 plow and 2-row IHC fertili zer attachment for lister, all near new.--Willard Frerichs, Page. 44-46p drtLJ',: uuuu nuwt: iu uv moved, fully insulated. 24x28 with 10x16 porch. Bargain. 1 mi 5 and 1 mi W O’Neill.—Russell Yusten, O’Neill. 43p Harry R. Smith Imp. Phone 562 O’Neill TRACTORS— J-D 60. just like new 50-G J-D M niC-1948 43 A J-D 46 B J-D 50 M.T. J-D 40 B J-D Plows, all sizes 15-ft. J-D disc 15-ft. Oliver Disc J-D 4-wheel spreader Case tractor spreader No. 5 J-D mowers IHC No. 27 mower FOR SALE: 3VfeS cement mixer, one sack size; Builtmore block machine. — Gilbert Strong, phone 529-W, O’Neill. 44p-45tf FOR SALE: Surge dairy equip ment, pipeline and bucket type milkers — Dillon Sales and Service, Long Pine, Phone 2127 or Harvey Tompkins Inman 43tf FOR SALE: One black female registered Dachshund pup, 8 weeks-old. Contact Mrs. Clara Schaffer, O’Neill phone, 522-W or 542. 43-44c FOR SALE OR TRADE: Four 1957 F-800 Fords: 1954 Dodge 1'L> truck: 1948 Chevrolet 2-1 track; 1957 Olds, super 88 clean. $2,495: 1954 H-T Ford; 1952 H-T Dodge -Salyer Sales 6 Service, Neligh, your C.MC dealer._ ^3-44c Used Machinery *46 Farmall H 42 Farmall H we Aiiis-Phnlmers tractor 46 Farmall M 42 Farmall M Plow for C tractor mC 15-ft. disc 10-ft. disc Tumble bug 400 creosoted posts C 46 lister HM 46 lister mC loader DIC cultivator mC 2-row eli me 200 spreader Used washing machines ,all kinds Use drefrigerator APPLIANCES Comb, gas & wood range We trade for farm equipmeni on appliances. Shelhamer Equip. Co. O’NEILL. NEBR. mC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool FOR SALE: Written bids for the Meek store building located 1W miles east of Midway. Reserve the right to accept or rejeci aU bids -Charles W Fox. An near Star rte., O’Neill. 43tf BULLS A CURTISS bull is as close a: your telephone. Five dairy, on* dual purpose, and three bee breeds.—Duane Gray, O’Neill Phone 469-J 43t FOR SALE: Several young Hoi stein springing cows. some fresh now. Also three gooc used Momelite chain saws. — Melvin Johring. O’Neill, phone 5-F-120. 44-45< FOR SALE: Direct turn around cable rack, heavy beams, gooc platform, good rubber. Priced right.-C. E. McVay. O’Neill. 44< FROM wall to wall, no soil at all on carpets cleaned with Blui Lustre. — Coyne Hardware, O’ Neill. 44< FOR SALE: Baled alfalfa am brome mixed. 21 mi. south V> mi east O’Neill.—William Kolm Ewing. 44t —-- — (uiu u*ii u iivi av trailers, very reasonable,—See W. E. Baker or Gerry Gon deringer Motor Co., Atkinson. 44-45p FOR SALE: Holstein Heifers. Choice 1st and 2nd calf close springers.—John Sojka, Pago 43-48c FOR THE FORD in your future see Del Robertson at Lohaus Motor Co., phone 33. 37 tf FOR SALE: Seed Oats Nemaha and Missouri 205 germination 97 and 98 percent. — Clarence Gokie. phone 11F12, O'Neill. 44tf NEW St USED MOBILE HOMES WHY RENT when you can own your own home? \ LARGE selection on hand in 15 to 48 ft.. 8 & 10 ft. widths, equipped with the fabulous alarm-o-matic fire alarm. See it demonstrated. SPECIAL PRICES on all units on hand. WE TRADE for furniture, cars, trucks or what-have-you. WE FINANCE up to 5 years. SEE US AND SAVE MONEY Dewey Miller Trailer Sales Phone 460 Albion, Nebr. INVISIBLE, REWEAVING, Cig arette burns, moth holes, cuts and tears. Reasonable. — Mrs. Edward Tellier, new address, one block south of stoplight and one half a block west. 41-44c nnn c* a r . mco An » v/i v uni a » anuu *v »» » ■ »v mobile home, two bedrooms, air conditioned. Priced to sell. Write or call. — Ralph Adams of Chambers, Phone 2151 or 2790. 47-49c SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SEE US or white ub if interested in Sprinkler Irrigation. We will be glad to figure your system for you, with the help of qual ified irrigation engineers, at no obligation. Wm. Krotter Co. O’NEILL, NEBR. "Dealers in A -M Sprinkler Irrigation” 37tf FOR SALE: Registered Hereford bulls, 12 mos. coming 2 years old in spring.—John Niewoh ner, 2Vfe miles west of Drive In, O'Neill. 34-52p4.ffi SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile houses, 25% down, 5% lnt.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone. —Contois Motor Co. Neligh. 30tf FOR SALE: Minnesota Holstein heifers and cows, TB and bangs tested —Rudy Juracek, Ewing. 31tf SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolis $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks. north of traffic light. Everett Gorgen, Ph. 524-M, O’Neill. 51 tf FOR SALE: Terriflex vinyl tile. Now carried in stock. Select your color. — Spelts-Ray I.br. Co., O’Neill._47ctf I FOR SALE: Beer equipment, to be moved. Reasonable. Modem location available in O’Neill.— Ralph McElvain, O’Neill. 26tf FOR RENT FOR RENT: Modern, near new, two bed-room O'Neill residence, immediate possession. Located at 231 North Eighth St.—Con tact F. E. Keyes, inman. m FOR RENT: Close-in apt-, two rooms and bath. Good space for washing machine. Fur nished with elec, stove, refrig erator and rug.—Phone 14-F-3 or 434_ 41 FOR RENT: Close in, nice fur nished apartment. Automatic washer and dryer, hot and cold water furnished —A. E Bowen, phone 5'5, O’Neill. 43c FOR RENT: Four room house with bath, gas heat. 2% blocks south of Safeway store.—In ouire or call phone 630, O Neill. 43-44c FOR RENT: Houses and apart ments, furnished or unfumish ■ od —Anna Broun, phone 323-J, O’Neill. _ ' FOR RENT: 3-room modern apartment.—Tony Asunus, O Neill, phone 510. SStr FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms - Phone 537, O’Neill._16tf t FOR RENT: January 15 modem ■ duplex 4 rooms with bath and f basement. Automatic oil fur nace. 5 blocks from school.— Harry E. Ressel, O'Neill. 37tf FOR RENT: Storage space.— Phone 565, 0’Neill._ 37tf FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment, 4 rooms and bath, heat ed, close in.—Elmer Hagensick, O'Neill, phone 556-R. 34tf REAL ESTATE ' FOR SALE: By owner, modem 3-bedroom home within walking distance to school? a n d • churches Contact—Edunn A. Sevick. Phone 754-VV, 41-46pd I FOR SALE: To the highest bid der, small house and six lots.— W. B. and L. J. Lamb, O'Neill f I phone 568-R 46pd WANTED AT STUD: 2 permanent register ed Quarter Stallions.—-C. E. McVay, O'Neill. 4-ltf AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THOR1N Farm Sales a Speciality Phone 207 — O’Neill A MONTH GUARANTEED OPENING for 3 men with car. who can he away from home 4 nights each week, to interview families in Nebraska after in tensive advertising campaign, gins with training. Permanent position. Salary be APPLY TO MR REZAK Golden Holtel, O’Neill Wednesday, February 26 6 to 8:30 P. M. 43-44c FOR REASONABLE prices try I£>IS FERN BEAUTY SHOPPE 2 blks. west of postoffice. Can serve you days or evenings by appointment or without. 44-52c WANTED to take in 100 head of cattle for pasture. Alfred Ehr hardt, Redbird. 44-46p85 WANTED * DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! IDEAL CLEANERS Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 4fctr WANTED: Serum pigs. Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, phone 3741. tf Help Wanted EXPERIENCED mechanic to work on guarantee and commis sion. See Bob Krotter or Herb Kaiser for more details. Wm. Krotter Co. PONTIAC SALES & SERVICE Phone 531 West O’Neill 38-43c HAVE PASTURE for 400 head of catte.—W. J. Storjohann, O Neill. 42-43pd WANTED to take in about 50 cows on shares either Angus or Herefords. Write Box S, e/o of The Frontier. 44-45 pi .40 WANTED TO BUY: Large 2 story house suitable for moving. Please give dimensions when writing.—Write box 16, Emmet. 44-46c WANTED: Man between age of 23 to 45 This could mean full time job for right party with selling experience. No limit to the amount of earnings for ambitious party. Must have good car, for work in Holt county. Married man prefer red with references. — Write box 334, Neligh, Nebr., for date to be interviewed. 26tf WANTED: Carpenter work also interior and exterior decorating — David Sohon, jr., O’Neill. Phone 230 LW. WANTED: Baby sitting, house work, laundary work .ironing etc.—Mi's. Dee Grass, Ph. 3493 Page exchange. 43p35 MONEY TO LOAN on farms, ranches and homes. Long term, low interest rates — bonds and insurance of all kinds. See Virgil L. Laursen at The O’ Neill Company. 27-18tfc MISCELLANEOUS 3 6 Months to Repay on Real Estate LOANS $1,000 or less $23.00 to $1,000 ON FURNITURE OR AUTO Made on our regular monthly repayment plan and on a Spec ial Plan for Farmer*. CONFIDENTIAL, PERSONAL SERVICE! Central Finance Corp. C. E. JONES Phone 14 O’Neill 2tf BB 1909 i INU 1 lUh. WE INSTALL CARPET - TILE AND LINOLEUM Midwest Furniture & Appliance Co. 209 West Dougins O’Neill, Nebr. ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES WE REPAIR all makes. We un dersell anybody in price and outsell anybody in quality. O’NEILL, NEBR PH. 269 52tf — Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill _ L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIAIJZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene Melding. Wick’s Body Shop Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W — O'NEILL — for Any Job 25tf IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 34tf ”■ — UAiNKtiK 1 | PROPANE O'NEILL AND CHAMBERS Bulk Gas Deliveries Norge Appliance* Gas Heating Systems Dearborn, Seigler, Coleman Universal Hunt SPECIAL ON WASHER and DRYER COMBINATIONS 22tf Dankert s Propane CARDS OF THANKS MY SINCERE thanks to all the nice people remembering me with cards, letters prayers, visits and gifts during my hospital days and since I have been home. Thanks to those caring for my family and bringing in food. Also to those helping since my return home. Your kindness will never be forgotten. MRS. HAROLD FREEMYER 44c I WISH to express my sincere thanks to all my friends and rela tives for the many cards, let ters, handerchiefs, flowers and other gifts sent me while I was a patient in the Norfolk hosp pital. A special thanks to Ruby Ninham and Marion Rees, also to our son, Edward, and my husband for the blood donated. All these acts of kindness I will never forget. — MRS. ED PAVEL. 44p50 I WISH to thank my friends and neighbors for their cards and visits during my stay at St. Anthony's hospital. Also thanks to the nurses and aides for their care and kindness to me. j Your thoughtfulness will always he remembered. VERNON L. BERRY THANKS dear friends and loved ones for the many lovely cards, i flowers, gifts, prayers and acts of kindness extended to myself and family during my hospital isation. May God's love be mani fested to you all. GRACE BORG -Up.-1 1 WISH to thank all those who were so kind with floral pieces cards, letters and a thank you to the neighhors and relatives who brought food and help serve. — Mrs. William Egger. 44 pd l I WISH to thank my relatives and friends fox- their cards, prayers and visits during my stay at St. Anthony's hospital. Also thanks to the Sisters and hospital staff for making my stay in the hos pital a pleasant one. FRANCIS ROHDE 44p LOST & FOUND I.OST: Pair ladies’ glasses in O' Neill on February 4. Reward for return to Frontier. 44p35 Hunter Friends Surprise Breiners ROCK FALLS Hunting friends and their families of Alden Brei ner and sons surprised them Sun day evening when they “rolled in" with well-filled lunch baskets to spend the evening and play it few games of cards. Both pino chle and pitch were in progress. Present were Messrs and Mos 1 dames Bernard Rossman and three children. Burt Henning, Al bert Henning, Ray Pease and son. Bob, Roy Goecke and Herman McDaniel. It was a sort of farewell ges ture as the Breiner family is planning to move in the near fut ure. The men have participated in may successful coyote hunts with Alden and boys. The Frontier for pi’inting! Beleaguered Motorist Mill Ieavc Snow Alone— KOOK FA1J-S Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson received word from their son. Otho. in Mass achusetts, statiivg he had injured his buck recently while shoveling their car out of the snow They had received aUiut 24 inches of snow in a 24- Ixnir per iod. He stated hereafter the snow could lay where it fell if they hail to resort to snow shoos to get out. Their town of Andover is about 20 miles north of Boston which also had heavy snow. ON Eli. I. UK'AI.S Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beilin and family attended the state bee keepers' meeting ot Broken 1 low Saturday, February 15. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klasna of Spencer visited Mrs. Rosa Row ers Monday. Wednesday, Feb ruary 19 the Klasnas and Mrs. Rowers were dinner guests of Mrs. Minnie Higgins. Mrs. Alfred Sanders returned last Thursday from Oregon, where she spent the winter with her sons. Earl and Marlowe, with their families. Mr and Mrs Thomas Liddy and girls attended the ceremony of capping of their daughter. Miss Judy, at St. Paul’s Methodist church in Lincoln on Sunday. Sat urday they visited friends in Col umhua. Keep Out Old Man Winter! w \ » » i * L .—— i -- install a _ ALUMINUM STORM DOOR COMPLETELY SELF-STORING CAIJ. OR WRITE Jim Sessions Western Home Improvement Company Phono 409 Box 508 O’NEILL HAVING PURCHASED the interest of Guy F. Cole, we will offer the following described personal property — and numerous other items — at public auction on the premises at Emmet, Nebr., on — Friday, March 7th Sale Starts at 12:30 P. M. 59 - HEAD OF CATTLE - 59 30—Shorthorn and Hertford STOCK COWS 20 to 25—STEERS and HEIFERS Good ages 200-Bushels of OATS — Trailer House 4—Good MILK COWS, some fresh now 14-Ft. Boat — Boat Trailer — 5-hp. Motor II MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 2—McC. Hay Rakes Briggs & Stratton Gas Engine 1952 IHC Tractor with loader Set of Kelley Ryan Rakes Lawn Mower and Saw and dozer blade Two-Rake Hitch with Rakes Four-Wheel Trailer 1952 Massey-Harris 44 K tractor Belt-Type Manure Loader Binder Twine with loader, snow scoop, dirt ‘;'8‘!r„r p, • „ A Metal Barrels — Wooden Barrels *cooP and manure loader Side Delivery Rake, IHC Fertilizer Spreader Three-Bottom 16-In. Massey IHC Bale Loader Manure Spreader Harris Plow Meyer Bale Loader Letz Feed Grinder Two-Row IHC Eli 7-Ft. IHC Mower New Holland Wire Tie Baler lS^-Ft. IHC Disc ASSORTMENT OF PAINT Outside Red — Outside White — In Five-Gal. and One-Gal. Cans — Good Quality SOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS Plus many other articles. Watch for sale bills and next week's ad with full listing! TERMS OF SALE: STRICTLY CASH. EMMET HAY CO., Emmet, Nebr. BUD AND BOB COLE 1—Calf to be sold for Church of Epiphany Wally O’Connell, Vern and Leigh Reynoldson I—Calf to be sold for Methodist Church Auctioneers and Clerks 1—Calf to be given away