O’Neill News Jack Davidson of Anchoragi Alaska arrived Friday to visit his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson He has tieen in Alaska for IT years Mrs Alma Eby of Ainsworth spent Sunday and Monday with her son and family, Mr and Mi's Ray Eby. Mr. and Mrs. R L Groeger and boys of Gregory, S.D., were week end guests of Mr, and Mrs. Lyle lower. Weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. Ted McElhaney were Mrs Margaret Noble of Sioux City, la., Mrs. Maryann Murphy and Margery McElhaney of Denver Colo , Walt Sharcher of Daven port, la., and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McElhaney of Lincoln Mrs. Duane McKay and child ren visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Harley in Chambers on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Keith Anspacb family of Lincoln an —————■ i ■ ■ 1 1 ■■ Never An Alter-Thlrst! SWITCH TO SQUIRT Saturday and are guests of his parents. Mr and Mrs Harden Ampach. Mr and Mrs Kenneth Larsen and I*rnise of Stuart were Friday until Sunday guests of Mr. ami Mrs. John Beilin. Mr. Larsen re turaed to Stuart Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Roy Berner and Suzanne spent the weekend ip Norfolk visting his mother, Mrs Clara Berner. Mrs, Rosa Bowers accompanied Mr. ami Mrs Marion Woidneck of Midway to Spencer on Tuesday. They attended a basketball game. Mr and Mrs. Ed Wortman of Neligh were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fetrow. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Crosle> were Friday guests and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bloomquist aud daugh ters of Spalding were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gy ecen. Mrs. Fred Holsclaw returned Saturday from weeks visit in Lin coln with Mr. and Mrs Bill Hols claw and Mrs. Lois Murdy. Arriving from Germany— DELOIT Mrs. Don Spahn is expecting her mother and brother (14 years oldi from Germany, to arrive soon, and visit Mr. and Mrs. Don Spahn and daughters, at their farm home, south of Ewing. Interior view of O’Neill new Safeway store during Monday evening’s preview. Attendanre at tlie preview far exceeded the company’s expeeta ti.ois.—The Frontier Photo. Twelve compressors, operating on a total of 35 Vi electric horse power, are housed in an insulated room in the rear end of the new Safeway store.—The Frontier Photo. METHODIST (Page Inman) Rev. Lisle E. Mewmaw, pastor PAGE— Friday, January 31: Women’s Society of Christian Service Study class on the Gospel of Mark. 10 a.m. Sunday, February 2: Church school, 10 am.; morning worship, 11 a.m.; and third session of children’s school of missions, MYF. 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 4: King’s Daughters meeting, 8 p.m. Wednesday, February 5: Chan cel choir practice, 7.30 p.m. Thursday, February 6: Women’s Society of Christian Service all day meeting with study class on Gospel of Mark at 10 a.m. and covered dish dinner at noon. INMAN— Sunday, February 2: Morning worship, 9:45 a.m.; church school, 10:45. Wednesday, February 5: Choir practice, 7:30 p.m. and MYF. FOR BOTH CHURCHES Thursday, January 30 (today): Women’s Society of Christian Ser vice west-half district workshop, 8:45 a.m., till 3 p.m., at Page. MISSION TO MEMBERS in struction meeting, 7:30 p.m., at Page. All who have agreed to call on other members about regular church attendance are ur ged to !>e present and any others who wish to attend. The Rev. Arthur Hamann of Bassett will be guest instructor. Wednesday, February 5: Parish prayer hour, 9 a.m. Read Mark 9:14-27. Inman Group to Page Workshop I.N'MAX Thirteen members of the Inman WSCS met at the country home of Mrs. Rov M MrsT FS* Jhur8.da*v afternoon S’ P^®dent. Mrs^ Woodrow Gaughenbaugh had charge of the lesson on Jap an. Plans were made to attend a day)tShOP 3t Pag' « the IO°F ha" Mrs. Elsie Keves. •i >hle grand, was in charge New vear hooks were given out and ie Kars work was outlined Mrs. Faye Smith was in charge of oe program honoring the birth day anniversary of Thomas Wild ' U|H' Pa\e S3 to the polio fund. Mrs. James Coventry and Mrs. Kenneth Coventry ‘ were hostesses and served a lunch I he Inman Workers project Huh made 541 41 for the ,x,lio fund at the bake sale held Satur day at Anthony’s market. Mr. and Mrs. T. I) Hutton on tertamed the YM club at their home Saturday evening Cards furnished entertainment. IYiesday, January 21. six nurses Irom the Immaunel hospital in "maha including Miss Carolyn I -— Watson stopped in Inman enrouti to Bristow where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Earl C. An derson that afternoon at Trinity Lutheran church Miss Naomi, a daughter of the late Mrs. Antler son. is a classmate of the girls at! Immanuel. Johnny Boh Watson of O’Neill spent Tuesday viisting his grand parents Mr. and Mrs Ira L. Wat son. and Sam. Mrs. May me Harte has gone to Sheldon. Ia. .to visit her brother in-law and sister. Mr. and Mis N, G. Chase. Harold Nielson of Gilletee Wyo.. spent several days here Last week calling on friends and attendng the basketball tourna ment in O'Neill. The Nielson fam ily formerly lived here. Elwin Smith was a Norfolk visitor last Thursday. l>r. and Mrs. C. W. Alexander arrived home from Sioux City la., last Thursday where they had spent 10 days. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kelley spent Saturday in Burwell. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hartigan and son, Mike, of Norfolk came Saturday and spent until Sunriav afternoon in the home ol Mr. and Mrs. James R. Coventry and Bill. * Mr. and Mrs Max Mossman and family of Norfolk spent the weekend in the Ernest ltrunck horst and L*x> P Morsmau homes. Douglas and Joanie Matsehul lat of Page spent Saturday night and Sunday visiting in the home of their uncle anti aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony. Gary and Gaylene. Alice’s Beauty Shop SLIMLINER K EDITING MACHINE Phone TUS-O'NeUI I income Tax For assistance in filing your self-employment and t a x reports, call on Geo. C. Robertson O’Neill Accounting and former em Downcy IlMg. Phone M4 I to O’Neill’s J I New SAFEWAY I mio Hl to have been called I ■ I uP°n m the role of sub-contractor f I teneC,tr,Cal li8h,tln8 fixtUres and tndus- I I ^ 'T8 ^ he'PS POS- I I S,ble 8ucb a magnificent store! I I BEST WISHES I I ^ O’Neill’s Latest Addition to ,he I I Business Directory! I I northwest I I ELECTRIC I I MOTOR SERVICE I | O’Neill, Nebr. I Here-By Popular Demand! /^RAMBLER AMERICAN Lower Price than many foreign small cars. More Room than any foreign small car. Top Economy of all American-built production cars • Flash-O-Matic Transmission Only • 100-inch Wheelbase; 18-ft. turning low-price smaller car that offers radius; easiest driving, parking, fully automatic transmission. garaging. • Lower monthly payments; lower ® American-styled; American-built; operating costs American parts and service ■ _ , , . , . available anywhere. • Hides 5 passengers in comfort. _ ... , • Highest trade-in value—no super • 90-HP 6-cvlinder engine. ficial annual style changes. SEE AND DRIVE THE NEW RAMBLER AMERICAN AT: ^ American Motors Means More for Americans . OSCAR S RAMBLER SALES, West Douglas, O’Neill Ol U FIRM, now in Its A7lli year, is one of the oldest continuously operating iirnis in the entire area. We have been called upon to assist in tlie planning and installation of plumbing and heating of countless stores, big and small. TODAY' our master plumbers and heating specialists look with Pride on this fine new SAFEWAY' STORE — the latest addition to O’Neill’s business directory. We installed the heating, plumbing, air conditioning and ventilation. NO JOB is too big or too small. YVe specialize In domestic, in dustrial and institutional plumbing, lieiiting and sheet metal work. Ol R CONGRATULATIONS to SAFEWAY . . . and to O’Neill . . . for this fine new store, our new neighbors. FREE ESTIMATES Plumbing — Heating — Sheet Metal LENNOX - YOUNGSTOWN James Davidson & Sons Plumbing-Heating Phone !i«4 — O’Neill «' * i y fjft f jli i .. . ...... __— — j ' ; j: ( ‘l 1 | " to the wonderful... NEW SAFEWAY in O’Neill OUR CONGRATULATIONS and best wishes to SAFEWAY STORES, INC., and to the O’Neill community, too, for this handsome new food center — certainly one of the finest food stores in all of North-Nebraska. Ill WE ARE PROUD to have ful filled the role of General Con tractor and invite your inspec tion of the transformation that 3 has taken place in a few weeks’ time at O Neill Fifth and Doug las Street corner! 'Beckenbauer Bros. GENERAL CONTRATORS _ 110 North Fifth St. Norfolk* Nebr. i*»**»«»***t«!*n»***«*m**M**t**«»»*M a:::j:::::a:::mm:aana:a««naamam: