Legal Notices < First pub. Jan. 9. 1957) William W Griffin. Attorney NOTICE OF GUARDIAN’S SALT. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA; I IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF LUDWIG KOENIG. GUARDIAN OF THE ESTATES OF SAMUEL RE3NKE AND MOLL1E M. REINKE, for license to Sell Real Estate. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order by the Hon orable Lyle Jackson. Judge of the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, made on the 26th day of December 1957 for the sale of the real estate hereinafter des cribed, there will lie soid at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of the courthouse in the city of O'Neill, in said county, on the 31st day of January, 1958, at 2:00 p.m., the following described real estate: The West Half of Section 18, in Township 25, North, Range 10, and Southeast Quarter of Section 13, in Township 25, North, Range 11, all West of the 6th P. M. in Holt County, Nebraska. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 2nd day of January 1958 LUDWIG KOENIG, Guardian. 37-39c Julius D. Cronin, attorney NOTICE OF HEARINO OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF A(XX>UNT Estate No. 4114 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF MARY ELLEN SHOEMAKER, a-k-a MAMIE SHOEMAKER, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, , TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu tion of estate and approval of fi nal account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on January 29, 1958, at 10 o’clock, A AT LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 37-39 (First pub. Jan. 16, 1958) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Estate No. 4178 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF HERSCHEL H. MILES DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO Ail, CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, foes and commissions, distribution of estate and approval of final ac count and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on February 11, 1958, at 10 o’clock A M. IjOUTS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 3840c (First pub. Jan. 16, 1958) William W. Griffin, attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Estate No. 4200 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF NELLIE V. WENSEL, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu tion of estate and approval of fi nal account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on February 5, 1958, at 10 o'clock, A M LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) ^ notice of school land LEASE SALE Notice is hereby given that the Board of Educational Lands and Funds of the State of Nebraska, or its authorized representative, will offer for lease at public auc tion on the 13th day oi February. 1958 at 1:30 o’clock P. M., at the office of the County Treasurer of Holt County, in O’Neill, Nebraska, the folowing educational lands within said county: Description: Fractional NWy4 WViNE Vi, Section 16, Town ship 30, Range 15. Said sale may be adjourned from day to day until all lands have been offered. No sale will be final until approved by the Board of Educational Lands and Funds, and the Board reserves the right to reject any and all BOARD OF EDUCATIONAL LANDS AND FUNDS, LINCOLN, Nebraska, By Elmer H. Mahlin, ^retary-_3041c Try FRONTIER want ads! quick results. Ponton Insurance FLORENCE PONTON, Prop. Insurance of All Kind* and Bonds Phone 106 Golden Bldg Income Tax For assistance in filing your self-employment and tax reports, call on Geo. C. Robertson O’Neill Accounting and former em ployee of Internal Revenue. Downey Bldg. Phone 534 9 O ° Holt County Supervisors OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS O'Neill. Nebr. November 18, 1957 10:00 A, M. Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting cal led to order by the chairman. Motion by Landreth, seconded by Frickel, that the following claims lie allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the general fund in payment of same. Motion carried. Ralph Adams, refund of trailer house parking permit fee 100 City of O'Neill, water de partment 55 47 Geo. E. Collins, salary 18.00 Consumers Public Pow'er District, electric service 239.66 Sharon Crumly, salary 150 00 Harlan Dierking, mileage 47 67 Clarence Ernst, mileage 36.40 J. R. Freeman Co., court house supplies 27.00 Alice L. French, postage 13 18 Alex Frickel, mileage _ 48.58 The Frontier, office sup plies . 14.55 Gillespies, repairs for an nex 7.73 John Grutseh, salary 233.00 Hammon & Stephens Co., office supplies 82 88 Esther Harris, postage 5.75 Holt County Extension Service 322 41 Helen Ann Johnson, salary 176.00 Journal Star Printing Co., office supplies 1.09 Joy Kennedy, salary 200 00 M V. Landreth, mileage 32.50 Howard D Manson. salary 266 00 Virgina Morrow, salary 176.00 James Mullen, salary 19100 Nora Mullen, salary 200.00 National Products, Inc., supplies for courthouse 40.65 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., telephone services 232.25 Florence Ponton, insurance premium 60 00 Redfield & Co., office sup plies 0 09 Louis W. Reimer, salary 416.00 Louis VV. Reimer, County Court, appraiser fee & mileage for County Court ( as** rv,**D Ophelia Sessions, salary 200.00 Walter A. Smith, salary 118.75 Walter A. Smith, mileage 47.46 Ix>o S. Tomjack, salary 230 00 Loo S. Tomjack, mileage 116.10 Leo S. Tomjack, jailor fee 46.50 Leo S. Tomjack, prisoner IjOcird 96.25 Joyce Waller, salary 112.50 Kenneth Waring, Co. Clerk, postage Wm. F. Wefso, salary 300.00 Western Typewriter & Of fice Supply. Inc., rent on office machine 10 00 Mishek Supply, chairs for annex and courthouse 315.-1 Delores Boyle, salary 176.00 Chicago Steel Tape Co., Steel tape for Co. Sur voyor lo. TO Geo. E. Collins, mileage 14.40 Frank Cronk. salary 118 75 Frank Cronk. mileage 31.01 Harlan Dierking. salary 118.75 Clarence Ernst, salary 118.75 Edw N. Flood, salary 718.75 Alice L. French, salary 300 00 Mice L. French, mileage 74.07 Alex Frickel, salary 11815 The Frontier, publishing fees and office supplies 46.78 Wm. W. Griffin, salary 208.00 John Grutsch, postage & mileage J Kd Hancock, salary 300.00 Esther Harris, salary 2-5 00 Wm. Hasper, cleaning type writers 81 •su Howard’s Blacksmith Shop repairing equipment for courthouse 910 Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co., gas service 6( 55 M. V Landreth. salary 118 75 Joanne Lansworth. salary 176.00 Howard D. Manson, Clerk of District Court, court ^ ^ Jame? Mullen, mileage 51 50 Mabel McKenna, salary lbb.uo Norfolk Office Eqpt. Co., office supplies Pinkerman’s TV Shop, re pair on short wave radio 6.30 Rasley’s Cleaners, cleaning ing services Carole M. Reed, salary 83.^5 I/mis W. Reimer, Co. Judge ^ Charles Richter, salary 260.00 Servall Towel & Linen Sup nlv, towel service u Schneider Electric & Equip ment Co., repairs & check on short wave radio 41.81 Stephenson School Supply Co., office supplies 44.85 Ixh> S. Tomjack, mileage & expenses to Oregon af ter prisoner , _ 294 “ John J. unucnvuw, --- -~ - Kenneth Waring, salary 300 00 Ethel Wefso, salary’ 165 W Wm F. Wefso. mileage 21 bO Ailene Wilkinson, salary 200.00 Dr. L. A. Carter, mental hearing - --- 500 Ready Printing Co., pub lish fees , , 113 08 I Leo S. Tomjack, salary for Chairman of board of ! health . 100 00 Motion by Ernst, seconded by Smith, that the following claims he allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the bridge fund in pay ment of same. Motion earned^ Joe Burda. salary ---- " Continental Oil Co., supplies 123.20 Homer Lumber Co., sup plies 4645 Island Supply Co., culverts 444.60 Anton Weichman, labor 327.oU Central Supply & Equip. Co., bridge bands 726-40 Dan Hurley, labor 280 50 Wm. Siebert, labor 280.50 Wheeler Lumber, Bridge & Supply Co., bridge ^ 12:00 Noon. On motion the 1 tioard adjourned until 1:00 p.m. -— O'Neill, Nebr. Nov. 18, 1957 1:00 P. M. Holt County Board of Supervi sors met as per adjournment All members present. Motion by Flood, seconded by Dierking that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the road bridge fund in payment of same. Motion carried. Gene Adams, labor 246.87 D. A. Lubricant Co., Inc— 51.15 Ed Brandt, labor 37.90 I Fehrs Tractor & Equip ment Co., parts 107.48 Floyd P. Gottert. labor 3150 Leo Kramer, parts _ 2.34 Reisser Corporation, re pairs 160.80 Frank Tracy, labor 240 62 Fehrs Tractor & Equipment Co., machine rental 500.00 Edwin H. Hubbard, hauling gravel 804 80 Nebr. Tractor & Eqpt Co. parts 1.54 VV D. Reninger, repairs & repairing equipment 180 14 Bids were opened on a carload of bridge lumber, after reviewing bids, motion was made by Ernst, and seconded by Landreth that the order be given to Spelt-Ray Lumber company, at $118.75, per thousand. Motion carried. Motion by Frickel, seconded by Dierking. that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the mail route fund in payment of same. Motion carried Gene Adams, labor 42 49 John Angus, hauling gravel 434.00 Atkinson Sand & Gravel, gravel & hauling gravel 683 40 Frank De term an, labor 10.00 Floyd P. Gettert. labor 305.75 A1 Holbrook, labor 275 62 Wm. E. Kelley, labor 100.00 Francis Murphy, labor 136.40 Eli McConnell, labor 217.50 Pollock Sand & Gravel, gravel & hauling gravel 1312.25 Larry Tenborg, hauling tvel 385 00 Frank Tracey, labor 65.62 Gene Adams, labor 38 74 Delbert Anson, labor 46.25 Karl Bemt, labor 285.00 John Bonenberger, haul ing gravel 451.50 Ruth Enbody, hauling tvel 297.60 M. L. Harmon, removing trees 67.98 Edwin H. Hubbard, hauling _i 11H so Wm. Krotter & Son, gravel & stockpiling 168.20 Asa Norton, hauling gra ve] 336.00 Fred A Roberts, labor 230.00 Calvin Seger, labor 187.50 Frank Tracy, labor 38.12 Donald Vanderbeek, labor 152.35 Motion by Ernst, seconded by Smith, that the claim for refund of tax paid under protest filed Oc tober 17. 1957, by Clyde Widman, be refused. Motion carried. Motion by Landreth, seconded by Ernst, that the following claims he allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the road fund in pay ment of same. Motion carried. Gene Adams, lahor 10.00 Delbert Anson, labor 285 00 Ed Brandt, labor 127.25 Glen Cobb, parts & supplies 36.90 Continental Oil Co., supplies 414 77 Continental Oil Co., sup plies 75.15 Cummins Mid West Co., repairs 60.58 D A. Lubricant Co., sup plies 755.15 Dankert Service, supplies 157.14 Earley Oil Co., supplies 226.08 Fehrs Tractor & Equip parts _ 84.37 Fehrs Tractor & Equip. parts 12.48 Fehrs Tractor & Equip. parts 74.30 Finkbine Bros. Co., sup plies 4.^5 Floyd P. Gettert, labor 56.00 D. E. Gillette, repairs & repairing services 324.60 Grasslands Oil Co., sup 85.32 Horner Lumber Co., sup. 2.00 Howards Blacksmith Shop, welding sendees 66.00 Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co., gas service for County Shed 4.40 Wm. Krotter Co., supplies 41.74 Lambert Well Service, well repairs and labor 4.«.0 Ix>haus Motor Co., repairs 5 55 S. A. Marcellus, supplies & tire repair 16.78 Missouri Valley Machinery Co., repairs & repairing services 431.50 Motor Parts. Inc., parts 104.06 Eli McConnell, labor 142.50 Lyle McKim, labor 56.25 Nebr. Tractor & Eqpt. Co., parts 82 73 Nebr. Tractor & Eqpt. Co., machinery rental 380 26 Niobrara Valiev Electric Membership Corp., elec trie service 2.00 Otto’s Shoe Store, tractor comforters 17.00 Peterson Store, sup. 3.50 Fred A. Roberts, labor 95.00 Art B. Sanders, labor 316 87 Seger Oil Co., supplies . 10.36 Shaw Oil Co . supplies 104.40 Shelhamer Oil Co., supplies 89.96 South Side "66” Oil Co., supplies 54 60 R. D. Stevens, labor 332.40 Clede Trobaugh, labor 254.10 Donald Vanderbeek. labor 132.00 West Lumber & Coal Co., supplies - White’s Sendee, supplies 8.48 E E. Young, clay 100.00 American Gear Co., parts 2.05 Boies Sendee Station, sup plies 60.91 Burge Farm Supply, parts 3.o0 Consumers Public Power District, electric sendee 4.00 Cornhusker Tractor & Eqpt. Co., parts - 233.93 D A. Lubricant Co., supplies 177.55 Dens Oil Lubricant Co., supplies 66.00 Fehrs. Tractor & Eqpt. Co. machinery rental 318.00 Fehrs. Tractor & Eqpt. Co. machinery rental - 357.50 Force Tire & Supply Co. tire, tube & tire repairs 222.26 Gill Motor Co., repairs & repairing services 310.03 Holt County Noxious Weed District, brush killer & spraying weeds - 400.25 Island Supply Co., repairs 71.88 Johnson’s Texaco, supplies 336.14 Wm. E. Kelley, labor — 237.50 Leo Kramer, welding ser vjr, 26.06 Lamson Repair Sendee, repairs & repairing ser vices 100.05 Lincoln General Tire, Inc., repairs 26.60 Marcellus Implement Co. parts .85 Michael Todd & Co., tire chains & links _148.53 Motor Parts. Inc , parts _ 42.00 Municipal Water & Power, water electric service 2.64 T. S. McShane Co., repairs 158,02 Nebr. Tractor & Eqpt . parts 130.M Nebr. Tractor & Eqpt. Co., parts 12 88 Newman Oil Co, supplies 96.22 Northwestern Beil Tele phone Co., telephone ser vice 28 9o Page Oil Co., supplies 167.17 Pollack Sand & Gravel. gravel & hauling gravel 627 2" Calvin Seger, labor 160 00 Servall Towel & 1 -men Supply, towel service 4 00 Smith IAimi>er & Hay Co.. supplies for County Shed U.M Thomas Co., supplies D. L Ulrich, labor 186 w Western Auto Store. sup plies 48 98 West lumber & Coal Co.. supplies -■'* Casper Winkler, gravel 24- 80 Motion by Dierking. seconded by Frickel. that the 5 mill build ing levy voted at the special meeting of School Distinct 228. held on October 28, 1957, be ap proved. Motion carried. Minutes of the Special School Meeting of District No. 128, Holt County, Nebraska A special meeting of school district No. 228. of Holt County, Nebraska, was called to order by District President, Clyde W idman, at 8:00 o’clock P. M. on October 28, 1957, at school house in said district. . Minutes of last meeting were i-oad and approved Report was given by the building committee, i Discussions for and against build ing the school building. President read the purpose of voting, as it appears on the special notice. President appointed Hlancn >>ag aser and Faye Dierking to serve as tellers of the voting. The voting of 43 legal voters was as follows: . Clyde Widman. Harlan Dierk ing. Elmer Coolidge, Emma Wal do. Betty Doolittle. Blake Ott, Donald Petersen, George Fuller ton. Clyde Doolittle, Elmer Otter, Chas. Sigman. Thos Dotihttle sr., Edgar Petersen, Ruby Burge, Mrs. Ralph Rees. - UOVfl waiuu, *»»»•» “ Florence Coolidge. Vernon Berry. Blanche Sagaser. Birdie Fi*Uer ton Ed Jungman. Dorothy rul lert’on, Lloyd Adams, Ema Getter, p. J. Kennedy, Stella Sparks, Emma Lindsey, Clyde Burge_ Faye Dierking, Nancy Forbes, Berle Waldo, Thos Doolittle jr Hazel Ott, Oscar Petersen, Elsie, Jungman, Harold Fullerton, ™ Adams. Phyll.s Waldo. R«Th Rios, Florence Lindsey, Alvin Forbes, Glenn WTiite. . .. For erecting a school gilding, and to raise the sum of S4.000.00, In’ a special tax of five mills on the dollnr for a period years, to take effect in 1958, to authorize the School Board to proceed at once with the con struction. and to authorize the said board to issue warrants up to 85% of the amount to be raised by said levy. _ FOR: 36; AGAINST: 7. Meeting adjourned. I the undersigned, Secretary of the School Board, District No. ■>28 Holt County, Nebraska, swear that the above is correct. _Birdie Fullerton Secretary Motion bv I-andreth. seconded by Smith that the following reso lution be adopted. Motion earned. resouttion IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. IN THE MATTER OF THE AP PLICATION OF LUDWIG KOENIG. GITFIN F STATES OF SAMUEL REIN SI AND MOLIJE M. RETNKE incompetents, WHEREAS, Ludwig Koenig, guardian of the estates of Samuel Rcinke, and Mollie M. Reinke, in competent persons, duly appoint ed by the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, has filed £e District Court of Holt county, Nebraska, his petition nnd app^ cation for a license to sell the un divided right title and interest of each of said incompetent persons in and to the following described real estate, to-wit: West half Section 18 in Town ship 25, North, Range 10, and Southeast quarter of Section 13 in Township 25. North, Range 11, west of the 6th P. M., in Holt County, Nebraska, for the reason that the cash and personal property belonging to said incompetents, and the in come from their real estates, are insufficient to maintain said in competent persons and their family, and that it is neces sary for the benefit of said in competents that their respective lntoresis anu uue m ami described real estate should he sold for the purpose of procuring funds for their support and main tenance, and, WHEREAS, the board of super visors of Holt County, Nebraska, have investigated said matter and approve of such proposed sale, and deem it necessary for the best interests of said incompe tents and their estates, now, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Holt County, Nebraska, that we deem such proposed sale proper and beneficial to the estates of said incompetent persons, and approve the same and deem it necessary. _ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall be certified by the County Clerk of said County to the Judge of the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska in writing. The foregoing resolution having received the majority of the vote of the Board, the Chairman de clared the same duly passed and adopted this 18th day of Novem 1957. Motion by Ernst, seconded by Flood that the following Claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the medical fund in payment of same. Motion carried. Aid to the Disabled fund 3.75 Blind Assistance Fund — 13.75 H. H. Haeberle Drugs - 8.75 Old Age Assistance Fund — 181.25 Dr. James E. Ramsey _ 60.00 Frank Solfermoser 14 27 St. Anthony’s Hospital — 127.30 Atkinson Memorial hospital 266.00 Dr. ,T. P. Brown 41.00 Johnson Drug - 14.20 O’Neill Drug 21.80 Schultz Drug_ 3.25 St. Anthony’s Hospital_ 193 93 Nina K. Steams_13.25 Motion by Dierking. seconded by Frickel. that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn 'on the Unemploy ment Relief Fund in payment of same Motion carried. Administrative fund , 500 00 Holt County Independent 2.50 Miller Grocery 28.00 Daisy Mae Taylor 23,84 Flnkbine Bros 16.46 Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas O 14.11 Shelhamer Foods 10? 00 Mrs Ray Thurlow 25.00 5:00 P. M On motion the board adjourned until November 29, 1957 at 10 A. M. Frank Crunk Kenneth Waring Chairman County Clerk O'Neill, Nebr. November 29, 1957 10:00 A. M. Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present. Minutes of the previous meet ings were read and approved as read The Finance committee report ed that the fees of the various County offices have been remit ted to the County Treasurer, as required by law’. 11:00 A. M This uras the time set for the hearing on the follow ing road petition: TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA: We, the undersigned, electors of Holt County, Nebraska, residing within five miles of the following described road, hereby petition your honorable body to grant and establish a County road 66 feet wire, described as follows, to wit: Commencing at the South east Corner of Section 1, in Town ship 30, Range. 9, running thence west between Sections 1 and 12, 2 and 11, 3 and 10, 4 and 9, 5 and 8, 6 and 7, to the Southwest Cor ner of Section 6, in Township 30, Raneo 9 to rnnnprt with (Tnnntv Road and there terminate. Also beginning at the Southwest Cor ner of Section 2, in Township 30, Range 9, running thence North 1 mile to connect with County Road. And to remove from the County Road System beginning at the Northeast corner of Section 3, in Township 30, Range 9, running thence west a distance of 4 miles to the Northwest Corner of Section 6, in Township 30, Range 9. After discussion on Proposed Road, motion was made by Land reth, seconded hy Frickel, that the Prayer of Petition he granted. Motion carried. 12:00 Noon. On motion the Board adjourned until 1:00 P.M. O’Neill. Nebr. Nov. 29, 1957 1 :00 P.M. Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present, except Frickel. Motion by Ernst, seconded by Landreth that the automobile of Darel Bright be assessed in Shields Precinct, for the year of 1958, this being established as leg al residence. Motion carried. Motion b Smith, seconded by Ernst, that the following Claims be cancelled. Motion carried. Medical Fund Methodist Hos pital, 87.26; Old Age Fund Thompson Nursing Home, 35.00; Old Age Fund Mrs. Harvey Cul len, 20.00; Disabled Fund Harvey L. Cullen. 50.00; Aid to Dependent Children Fund Monica Martin, 50.80. Motion by Dierking, seconded b Flood, that the Insurance Policy be approved of the Great Amer ican Insurance Company, New York, on Short Wave Radio Set. Motion carried. 4:00 P. M. On motion the Board adjourned until December 16, 1957 at 10:00 A. M. Frank Cronk Kenneth Waring Chairman County Clerk O’Neill, Nebr. Dec 16, 1957 10:00 A.M. Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournament. All members present, except Flood. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of the pre vious meeting were read and ap proved as read. Motion by Ernst, seconded by Landreth that the following Claims be allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the General Fund in payment of same. Motion carried. Delores Bovle. salary 180 00 Bricker Typewriter Co., of fice supplies .— — 58 Frank Cronk, salary 118.75 Sharon Crumly, salary 150.00 Harlan A. Dierking, salary 118.75 Harlan A. Dierking, mile age & convention expenses 81 55 Duro Test Corporation, sup plies for annex 18.54 Clarence Ernst, salary 118.75 Edw. N. Flood, salary 118.75 Alice L. French, salary 300 00 Alice L. French, mileage 67.50 Alice L. French, convention expenses 35.44 Booth Transportation Line, express charges 6.26 Dr. L. A. Carter, mental hearing — 5.00 Frank Cronk. mileage & convention expenses 60 35 Curtiss “1000", Inc., office office supplies 14.24 Duro Test Corporation, sup plies for annex 59.44 Duro Test Corporation, sup plies for annex 125.15 Clarence Ernst, mileage 28-35 J. R. Freeman Co., supplies for courthouse 87.00 Alice L. French, postage _ 9 00 Alex Frickel, salary 118.75 Alex Frickel, mileage & convention expenses 81.23 14 Present for Valley Center Meet— CHAMBERS—The Valley Cen ter extension club met Friday at the home of Mrs. Sam Young with 14 members present. Also present were two visitors, Mrs. Elmer Coolidge of Amelia and Mrs. La Vern Hoerle of Chambers. The president. Mrs. Young, was in charge of the business session Year books were filled out. Reports on the St. Anthony hos pital auxiliary meeting was given by Mrs. G. H Grimes and Mrs. Genevieve Bell. Mrs. Young re ported on the council meeting and Mrs. Ray Beed on articles in the "Country Woman” magazine "Amercia the Beautiful” was the song used. There was no lesson. Kellar Club in First’ 58 Meet CHAMBERS Kellar club held its first 1958 meeting with Mrs. Sam Young Wednesday. January 15. Mrs. Ernest Young being co hostess. Roil call, answered hy naming something you wohU like to set' invented, revealed eighteen members. tw>o guests and two children present. Mrs. Howard Deed became a new member. Mrs. Carrie Hollo way was put on the honorary list. It was decided to give $2.50 to the march of dimes. Mrs. Orville Svu tos was awarded the door prize. Following the meeting, the hos tesses served lunch Next meeting will lie Wednes day, February 5 with Mrs. Ed Eisenhauer, Mjs. Lela Grubb be ing co-hostess. Other Chambers News Mr and Mrs. I>ale Cillette and family of Belle Fourehe, S.D., visited from Wednesday, January 15. until Wednesday, January 22. with his grandfather, C. F. Gillet te, and Mrs. Gillette and with the Darrel Gillette family. Ed Shoemaker came last week from South Dakota to visit his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Rubeck and Kathy and Kay Tracy were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell. The annual meeting of the Chambers Co-op, held Thursday evening, January 16, at the Leg ion hall was well attended. A short muscial program was pre sented and coffee and doughnuts served. Ernest Burrell and sister, Mrs. William Dexter, returned recently from Heilsburgs, Calif., w'here they visited their father, David Burrell, who is ill in a hospital there. David Burrell is well known in the Chambers community where he lived for many years. He is a carpenter by trade. Visit Parents— Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ridgeway of Colorado Cprings, Colo., visit ed their parents. Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Ridgeway, from Sunday, January 12, until Sunday, Januury 19, and also attended Grandmoth er Brooks funeral in Atkinson on Monday. I En M asse Mission Study Planned CHAMBERS Members of St. Paul's Lutheran church are gw ing to attend mission school in a body 1 "The logic is simple,” explain : cd Rev, William Roten. pastor. "Our missionaries go to mission r school. Christ asked every Chris-; tian to be a missionary. THue- j fore, wo should go to mission i school.” * Plans call for a three-night study course in the needs, prob- j lems, methods, and achievements j of the world mission fields of the Lutheran church (Missouri synod.t I "Purpose of the school is to de-1 velop interest in what St. Paul's church members feel is their job, though carried on on every con tinent,” Pastor Roten added. On Sunday night. January 26, St. Paul's will present ”10 N'st mission stories of 1957," Monday night's session will feature a “Bi ble basis for missions” [>anel pre sentation Panel members will lx> Vernon Harley, Richard Sunder man. and Lyle Walter. Pastor Roten will point out Tues day night "what to watch for in our world missions" a forecast for 1958. Programs will be amplified with filmstrips. The Sunday-school chil dren will present a pagent written by Mrs. J. W. Walter, to demon strate the need for missions. Spiritual motivation for the mis sion emphasis will be provided by "motives for missions" bookmarks of Bible readings, issued to all al members. Designed as a springboard to lead into the congregation's Febru ary personal-evangelism emphasis and for the entire year's mission program, the school is timed to be held during the church’s Epiphany season. Special prayers will be offered Ray Lawrence O'NEILL — PHONE 474 Dealer of Nixon & Oo. F-E-E-D-S General Livestock Hauling ---1 INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE • RETURNS PREPARED — Farm and Ranch Returns a Specialty • MODERATE CHARGES for Ordinary Returns MORGAN WARD 15 YEARS IN INCOME TAX FIELD Golden Hotel — O’NEnX, NEBIt. — Phone 414 Good Tax Service Doesn’t Cost, IT PAYS Tuesday for the Lutheran synod’* three India districts, which held their first convention January 7-11 to consider tmalgamaton into an independent "Lutheran Church of India " Entertain Guests— Mr. and Mrs Glen Butterfield of Atkinson were Wednesday, Jan uary 15, guests of Mr. and Mrs. C G. Shelhase. ROYAL THEATER — O’NEILL — Thiirs, Jan. «s For the first time on the screen Otto Preminger presents Bernard Shaw’s SAINT JOAN Starring Richard Wldntark, Richard Todd. Anton Wnlbrook. John Geilgud, and Jean Seberg, with Felix Aylmer, Harry An drews. Barry Jones, Finlay Cur rie, Bernard Miles, Patrick Barr, Kenneth llaigh, Archie Duncan, Margot Grahame, Francis IV Wolff. Victor Maddem, David Oxley, Sydney Bromley, David Langton. Erl.-Sat. Jan 34-85 Itig Double Mill The story that will shake every home in town! YOUNG AND DANGEROUS Starting Lili Gentle, Mark Da mon. featuring Edward Minns, George Brenlin, Jerry Barclay, William Stevens. Dabbs Greer, Ann Doran. —also Virginia Field and lVuglas Kennedy in ROCKABILLY BABY A nice, mild drama about ife and the social whirl in a small town with music and the antics of teen agers for the amusement of other teenagers is to lie found here. Sun.-Afon.-Tues ,Iiui. 26-27-28 Cary Grant and Jane Mansfield in KISS THEM FOR AIE Twentieth Century-Fox in Cin emascope and deluxe color. Here’s another comedy culled from the backwash of World War II. Navy Pilot Cary Grant and his pals, Larry Blyden and Ray Walston, after a long stretch of tough sen duty, wfingle ihomselves a trip to San Francisco. What the boys have in mind is a glorious bender, complete with wine, wo men and song. But what the navy, in the person of harried public re lations officer Werner Klemperer, has in mind is something else. Alatlnee Saturday & Sunday 2:80 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Friday and Saturday admission— Adults 50c; Children under 18, 12c, Free if accompanied by par ent. Wedn. and Thurs. Family night, family admitted for two Adult tickets. ■HHMOHniBMHHWMt ■■■nBBHHBMHBHnMMBHV The following described personal property will be sold at public auction, on the premises, located 8 miles east of O’Neill Livestock Market, OR 3% miles north of Page and 21/2 miles west, on— Wednesday, January 29th I — STARTING AT IP. M. 8-HEAD OF CATTLE-8 6— Milk Cows, very good; 2—Fall Calves Three milking now; others 200—Austra-White Hens I to freshen in May In production now MACHINERY, ETC. 7- Ft. Mower Hand Corn Sheller 2—Brooder Stoves 12-Ft. Hay Rake Feed Grinder Many other articles Wagon Gear and DeLaval No. 518 too numerous to ; Box Cream Separator mention Hay Rack and Steel with motor, near Gear new SOME BALED HAY.SOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS TERMS: STRICTLY CASH. No property removed until settled for. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bridges Owners | COL. ED 7 HORIN, O’Neill, Auctioneer-Broker.