The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 16, 1958, Page 5, Image 5

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    Emmet News
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler and
"Cookie" Benze spent from Mon
day, January 6. until Saturday,
January 11, in Omaha visiting fri
ends and relatives. They spent
new year's day with their daugh
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Hanus, and family.
Sunday, January 5, dinner and
•upper guests of Mr. and Mrs
George Skopec, sr , Mr. and Mrs
diaries Skopec, jr., of Stuart and
Miss Caroline Skopec of Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs William Serck
•pent Tuesday, January 7 in Nor
folk. They attended a Moorman's
sales meeting At the meeting
Ray DeLong of O'Neill was honor
ed upon his retirement after twen
ed upon his retirement after 20
years service with the company.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Alder and
family had as new year’s guests
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Alder and
family of Verdigre, Mr. and Mrs
Tom Alder and son and Mrs
Grace Alder.
Sunday, December 29, dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beck
with were Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Beckwith of Tekameh, Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Beckwith, Mr and Mrs.
Rex Beckwith and Mr. and Mrs
Ralph Beckwith.
Rolland Wills returned to Lin
coln to resume studies at the
University of Nebraska after
spending the holidays with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Wills, and
Miss Linda Serck resumed
studies at Wayne State Teachers
college Monday, January 6, after
spending the holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Serck,
Leah and Leona
Jack Hollenback of Ft. Camp
Call Us for Prompt, Efficient Service
DAILY direct service to and from Omaha
Pick up & door-to-door Delivery in O’Neill
Also: Emmet, Atkinson, Stuart. Bassett, Newport and Sprtngvlew
Moving our specialty — anywhere in Nebraska (U. S. and Canada
by agents interline)
If You’ve Got It — A Truck Brought It
Patronize a Home Owned and Operated Firm
! Your business will be appreciated
Phone: O’Neill 578 Omaha AT-0580
Twenty high grade Hereford breeding cows to calve in S
i April. All good ages. One coming 2-year-old bull, also several
coming yearling bulls.
I mile west of Bristow Phone 3832, Spencer Exch.
bell, Ky., returned to his post
Sunday, January 5, after spend
ing an eight-day leave at the
Wayne Fox home.
Sunday afternoon, January 5,
Miss-Leah Serek returned to Sew-!
ard to complete her studies at
Concordia Teachers college. Miss
Serek will receive her bachelor
of science degree in education at
the end of this semester. She will
then leave for Denver, Colo.,
where she has a teaching position
at the Redeemer Lutheran school.
She will teach grades 3 and 4
Recent visitors at the William
Serek home were Mi-, and Mrs
Elmer Krueger and Gayle of Min
bum, la. Mrs. Krueger and Mrs
Serek are sisters.
Mrs. Florence Bock of Burling
ton, la., was guest of honor at a
luncheon at the Town House Tues
day afternoon, January 7, given
by her daughter, Mrs. Bud Cole
Friday evening supper guests
of Mr and Mrs. Henry Vequist of
O'Neill were Mr. and Mrs. William
Serek and daughters.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jean
Claussen of Fairfield, la., return
ed to their home last Thursday
after visiting relatives here Mrs
Mary Lewis accompanied them to
Omaha and received word, while
there, of a cousin's death in Lin
coln She spent several days in1
Lincoln returning to her home j
Mr. and Mrs. George Brainard
and family of Douglas, Wyo., were
visitors the week of January 6 of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Fox, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Brainard. They returned to their
home Saturday.
Jimmy Dustako, son of Mr. and
Mrs Bernard Dustako, returned
to school at St. John's seminary at
Elkhorn Sunday, January 5. He
i spen the holidays at his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weichman
i and family of Stuart, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Winkler and family
of Rapid City*, S D., Mr. and Mrs.
ChaiHes Winkler and family of At-1
kinson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Winkler
and Mary Alice were Christmas
dinner guests of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Winkler.
Christmas dinner guests of Mi
ami Mrs. John Conard were Mrs.
Georgia McGinnis, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Troshynski and Tommy of j
Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. R. B
South of Inman and Mr. and Mrs.1
Rex Oberle of Minneapolis, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony O’Donnell
and girls were Christmas day din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Richards and family.
Arrive from Columbus—
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Nissen and
children of Columbus spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Matt Hynes. Sunday guests
w-ere Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gener
eux of Bartlett.
“Ak -Sar-Ben was at least 10 years ahead of its
time in envisioning the need for highly trained
people to meet the world challenge,” says Chan
cellor Clifford M. Hardin of the University of
Naturally, we are highly honored that the judg
ment of our Board of Governors in establishing
the Ak-Sar-Ben scholarship program has met
with the approval of so outstanding an educator
as Chancellor Hardin.
Since 1946,hundreds of young Nebraskans have re
ceived university training in agriculture through
the financial assistance of Ak-Sar-Ben. More than
100 scholarships and fellowships are maintained
annually in the University of Nebraska College
of Agriculture alone.
Thus, through advanced education, these young
people are becoming better farmers and livestock
growers, thereby insuring the future prosperity
of our state.
This program has been made possible by revenues
from thoroughbred racing.
Headquarters . , . Omaha, Nebraska
J958 Races — May 20 thru July 5
• __ First of a Series of Informative Advertisements ■— -
‘What’s New in ’58
Horticulture’ 1 opic
CHAMBERS Beautiful Valley
Garden club met Tuesday, Jan
uary 7, at the home of Mrs. Char
les Spann, 13 members and
two % isitors being present. Roll
call was answered by "guess what
flower I am,” The hostess's ar
rangement was a very effective
desert scene. Mrs Don Hoffman
discussed “patron saints of gar
dens". Mrs. Van Robertson's topic
was "what is new for 1958 in hort
iculture” Mrs. Tom Newhouse
discussed "bulbs”.
Next meeting will be with Mrs.
Tom Newhouse Tuesday, Febru
ary 4. Members are to bring a
25-cent seed exchange packaga.
V1 ule Cards to Be Sent
to Mission Workers
CHAMBERS Women's Society
of Christian Service met at the
Methodist church Thursday after
noon, January 9, with 21 members
present. Mrs. Harld Bonath con
ducted the lesson, which was on
“Japan today". She was assisted
by several other women.
The "social creed” was present
ed by Mrs. Raymond Beed. Mrs.
Clarence Damme had charge of
the devotionals.
It was decided to bring Christ
mas cards to the next meeting,
these to be sent to missionaries in
various places.
Mrs. A. B. Hubbard and Mrs
T. E. Alderson, hostesses, served
lunch at the close of the meeting.
Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. D >n Kellner were her moth
er, Mrs. Anna Pollock of Ewing,
and brother and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Pollock of Neligh.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Havranek
visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
George Barrett in Norfolk.
The annual township meeting
fo Paddock township will be held
on Tuesday, January’ 21, in the
township hall at 1:30 p.m., for the
transaction of such business as
may lawfully come before said
Township Clerk
• 38c
The annual township meeting of
Grattan township will be held on
Tuesday, January 21. 1958, in the
library at 2:00 p.m., for the trans
action of such business as may be
lawfully come before said meet
Township Clerk
The annual township meeting
of Willowdale township will be
held at Ash Grove Community
hall on Tuesday, January 21, at
2 p.m., for the transaction of such
business as needed.
Township Clerk
The annual township meeting of
the Steel Creek township will be
held in school district No. 4 school
house, Tuesday, January 21, at 8
p. m. A discussion of purchasing
road equipment will be held.
Township Clerk
Hospital Notes
Admitted: January 6: Frank
Soifermoser of Atkinson, medical;
T—Mrs Anna Rossman of Atkin
son, medical; 8—Henry Ludeman
of Newport, medical; Mrs. Har
old Dobrovolny of Stuart, med
ical; Mrs. Henry Keuter of Stuart,
medical; Melvin Meals of Atkin
son, medical; Harold Burkinshaw
ot Newport, surgical; 9—Henry
Claussen of O'Neill, medical; Alex
Forsythe of Atkinson, medical;
Dorothy Wilkenson of O'Neill, sur
Dismissed; January 6; Mrs.
Donald Cleveland of O'Neill; Mrs.
Robert Hanjm of Stuart 8 Mrs
Harold Dobrovolny of Stuart; Mrs.
Ray Flsbury and daughter of At
kinson; 9 Mrs Vernon Tielke and
son of Atkinson; Harold Burkin
shaw of Newport; 11 Mrs. Billy
Farr and so nof Newport.
Hospitalized: Mike Schaaf of At
kinson, Henry Ludeman of New
port, Frank Soifermoser of Atkin
son, Mrs Henry Keuter of Stuart,
Mrs. John Kenny of Atkinson,
Mrs. George Doyle of Newport,
Miss Dorothy Wilkenson of O’Neill,
Melvin Meals of Atkinson, Mrs
Henry Hamik of Stuart, Mrs. An
na Rossman of Atkinson, Henry
Claussen of O'Neill Alex Fogsy
the of Atkinson.
Adimtted: Mrs John Kucera
of Center. Mrs. Floyd Neumann of
I Creighton, Mrs. Lottie Kruse of
Winnetoon, Mrs. Guy James of
Creighton, Ronnie Finke of
Creighton, Blanche Risinger of
Orchard, Mrs. Charles Randolph
of Niobrara, Sandra Rees o f
Creighton, Mrs. Frank Bartos of
Verdigre, Audrey Beckmann of
Winnetoon, Mrs. Marvin Ruzicka
of Verdigre.
Dismissed: Mrs. Stanley Mont
gomery of Royal, Mrs. A. W
Hengstler of Creighton, E. M.
Gardner of Creighton, Jeanine
VValdman of Niobrara, A. W.
Hengstler of Creighton, Joseph
Beran of Verdigre, Mrs. Lottie
Kruse of Winnetoon. Mrs. Adda
Hill of Niobrara, Roy Woods of
Creighton, Mrs. Floyd Neumann
of Creighton, Ronnie Finke of
i Creighton, Charles Hoferer of
Creighton, Mrs. Joseph Sokol of
Verdigre, Hans Larsen of Verd
! igre.
i First pub. Jan. 16, 1958>
Julius D. Cronin, Attorney
Estate No. 4178
Notice is hereby given that a
petition has been filed for final
settlement herein, determination
of heirship, inheritance taxes,
fees and commissions, distribution
of estate and approval of final ac
count and discharge, which will
be for hearing in this court on
February 11, 1958, at 10 o’clock,
A. M.
County Judge.
Thursday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Preston Jones were Mr. and
Mrs. I. B. Crumley of Page, Levi
Hull and Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Devall. Friday guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Walters of
Ch ambers.
Attend Kirschinan
Rites at Scottsbluff
Three car loads of folks from
the Assembly of God church hore
in O'Neill attended the funeral
services of Revo Egon Kirsch- j
man, 32, at Scottsbluff
Services were conducted from
the Assembly of God church at
Scottsbluff Friday, January 10, at !
2:30 P. M.
Rev. Lester W. Dickinson dis
trict superintendent of die Assem
blies of God churches in Nebras
ka. officiated. Rev. Clyde King,
pastor of the Scottsbluff church
was soloist.
O'Neill people attending the
services were Mr and Mrs. Don
Lineback, Mrs. Elizabeth Jones.
Mrs. Mary Wetzler. Miss Lorene
Wetzler. Roger Rosenkrans. Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Krogh, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Walters. Mr. and
Mrs. Fritz Brockman, Connie and
Jerry, Joe Seivvert, Reuben Red-!
linger, and the local pastors, Rev.
and Mrs. Robert Paul.
Reverend Kirschman, father of
three and former pastor of the!
Assembly here, died Monday.
January li, in a Milwaukee, Wise., |
YMCA swimming pool. Exact j
cause of his death is not known.
No autopsy was performed
Barn in Orchard
Destroyed by Fire
ORCHARD The bam at the
Lee Skallierg place in Orchard
was destroyed by fire Sunday, plus
the hay contents.
Firemen prevented the blaze
from spreading to nearby houses
and other buildings.
:ill Present for
Rebekah Meeting—
CHAMBERS Winona Rebekah
lodge 361 met Friday evening, |
January 10 There were 30 pre
Mrs. Dorothy Nissen, district
deputy president, and staff from
Page, installed the following of
ficers: Grace Newhouse, noble
grand; Anna Hertel, vice grand;
Lillian Catron, secretary; Susie
Hubbard, treasurer.
At the close of the meeting a
covered dish luncheon was ser
Cronin Family
Moves Here—
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cronin
moved into the Roy Sauers home
recently. They have four children:
Karen, 9, Sally, 7. Patty, 6, and
Mlichael, 5.
Mr. Cronin is the manager of
the new Safeway store. The Cron
ins lived in Neligh before coming
Circles Meet—
Today (Thursday) Mrs. L. A
Beckenhauer is entertaining Cir
cle I of First Presbyterian church.
Mrs. Harold Young is entertaining
Circle n, and Mrs. Harry Peter
sen and Mrs. Earl Hunt are hos
tesses for Circle IH.
Mrs. Moler Hostess—
NTTF Bridge club met Wed
nesday evening with Mrs. Russell
Moler as hostess. The club met at
the home of Mrs. Motor’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Simonson.
Winners Named—
Pitch club winner Tuesday, i
January 7, held at the home of
Mrs. Francis L. Holtz was Mrs.
A. Harnik.
Mrs. P. B. Harty toft Tuesday
for Los Angeles, Calif., to visit
her sister, Miss Geraldine Cronin.
and you'll go
Speciality (pJiiatd. aL ^ 19750 Installed
No matter what the weather, you’ll enjoy modern, convenient clothes
drying indoors with a new ROPER “DRY-AIRE.” You’ll have no prob
lems with snow, rain or soot ... no cumbersome pins or poles. A
ROPER “DRY-AIRE” is fast. It dries your clothes fluffy or damp
dry in minutes.
set it . . . forget tt!
Pampers every load of clothes!
Maintains rapid rate of drying!
STAT: Temperature stays Just
sures efficient drying!
Costs less ... only a few cents
per wash!
safety protected!
Try the New Roper “DRY-AIRE” 30 Days Free
Your Kansas-Nebraska Manager wants you to try the Roper “DRY-AIRE”
in your own home . . . free. Just call him and have him bring one out. NO
, ii:Va k | 4:1 if U ]
1! J
For Dependable GAS Service
Redbird News
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fernau
and Mr. and Mrs Verne Harding
returned Thursday even in, Jan
uary 9. from California where
they had spent the houiays visit
ing with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Searles,
Rhonda and Joyce were guests at
tiie Clarence Ernst home Friday,
January 1U.
Mr. and Mrs Perry of Colum
bus, O., are spending a few days
visiting at the Delbert House home
and getting acquainted with their
new grandson.
New year's dinner guests at
the Merrill Anderosn home were,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Krogh and
family. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wells.
Danny and Roberta, Mr. and Mrs.
Merlyn Anderson and Debra and
Kenny Plessel.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wells and
family of Monticello, Wise., ar
rived at the Merrill Anderson
home new year's day to spend a
week, they also visited at the Wal
ter Wells home near Bristow.
Mr. and Mrs Ted Crawford and
Pamella were new year’s guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bern
ard Miller.
Vic Pickering and Irene Boelter
were Sunday supper guests at the
John Hurd home in Lynch .
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters ac
companied Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Krogh to Scottsbluff where they
attended the funeral of Rev.
Kirschmnn, which was held on
Mr. and Mrs. Boh Wells were
supper guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Merlyn Anderson Satur
day evening, after which lioth
couples attended the basketball
game in O'Neill.
Mr. and Mrs Austin Searles at
tend the Sandall-Dicks wedding
at Bassett, new year's day.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Anderson
ami family of Culumbus, arrived
early Monday morning, January
6, and accompanied the Merrill
Andersons to dinner at the Walter
Wells home at Bristow.
O’Neill News
Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Burgess and
Miss LaVeta Lehn attended dental
club meeting in Sioux City Mon
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Holz and Mr.
and Mrs. Deraid Graham were
Saturday evening guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Francis Holz.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Boelter
of Creighton were Monday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnson.
Mrs. Marvin Johnson spent Fri
day and Saturday in Lincoln vis
iting daughter, Miss Carol, who
is attending Lincoln School of
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones and
Esther Morgan attended a direct
ors and stockholders meeting of
Central Finance Corp., held in
Norfolk Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Keller and
family of Beemer were weekend
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
METHODIST (Page Inman)
Rev Lisle E. Mevvmaw, pastor
Thursday, January 16 (today):
Woman's Society of Ouistian Ser
v ice all-day meeting with study
class at 10 a m., on the Gospel of
Mark 3:7 through 7 .23 ami cover
t'll dish dinner at noon. Junior
choii practice. 4 p.m.
Sunday, January 19: Cliurch
school. 10 a m.; morning worship.
11 a.m. and School of Mission for
children: School of Missions, 7:30
p.m., for youth and adults.
Monday, January 20: Commiss
ions will meet at 7 30 p.m., follow
ed by official board meeting.
Wednesday, January 22: Chan
cel choir practice, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, January 16 (today):
Official board meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
in L. R. Tompkins home.
Sunday, January 19; Morning
worship, 9:45 a.m.; church school,
10:45 monthly church-wide bas
ket fellowship supper, 6:30 p.m.,
followded by School of Missions
study on the “Lands of Witness
and Decision, " including Belgian
Wednesday, January 22: Parish
prayer hour, 9 to 10 a.m. Read
Luke 8; 26-36. District Steward
ship clinic at Neligh. Chruch
treasurer, benevolence treasurer,
and other members of finance
commission and any others interes
ted should attend. Those from In
man should attend the morning
session at 10 a m Those from Page
should attend the afternoon session
at 2 p.m.
Mrs. Mullen Entertains—
Marti'/, and Delta Dek clubs
a r e being entertained tonight
(Thursday) by Mrs. Homer Mul
Mrs. Homer Mullen spent the
weekend in Scribner with Mr. Mul
Beauty Salon
Phone 5ltft for appointment
laicated across street from
For Auto Liability
& Property Damage
Town 5-10-5 17 20; Farm, 13.60
Town 10-20-5 19.00; Farm, 15.00
Town 25-50-5 20.20; Farm, 16.00
Fire and Extended
5 year Annual Pay Town Dwel
ling $2.60 per $1,006.00.
Farm: $8 00 per $1,000.00 first
year and $3.50 each subsequent
year. No renewals required.
See, Write or Phone
Insurance Agency
O’Neill Phone 818 * 114
up to ■
L/ —
seamless stockings
annual sale
Thursday — Friday — Saturday
January 16-17-18
Sheer heel, demi-toe. 15 denier
S1 35 (regularly $ 1.65) 3 prs. $3.90
Reinforced sheer. 15 denier
11.25 (regularly $ 1.50) 3 prs. $3.60
ifiorf, medium and long
Colors: South Pacific, Bali Rose. Shell
The Apparel Shop