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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1958)
Future Subscribers CLARK Mr. and Mrs Thomas Clark of O’Neill, a son, William Joseph, weighing 7 pounds 7% ounces, born Wednesday, January 8, at at. Anthony's hospital. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark of Inman are the paternal grandparents and Mr and Mrs. Gill»ert Wine hell of O'Neill are the maternal grand parents. DAVY Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Davy of Lynch, a daughter, weigh ing 8 pounds 9 ounces, ix>rn Fri day, January 10, at Sacred Heart hospital in Lynch. RUZICKA Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Rusieka of Verdigre, a dau gnter, weighing 9 pounds 7 oun ces, burn Saturday, January 11, at Lundiierg Memorial hospital in Creighton. D1X Mr. and Mrs. William Dix of Butte, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 14 ounces, bom Wednes day, January 8, at Sucred Heart hospital at Lynch. STESKAL Mr. and Mrs. John Steskai, jr., of Inman, a daughter, weighing 6 pounds 3 ounces, lx>rn Monday, January’ *>. at Tdden Community hospital. Mr and Mrs. John Steskai, sr., of Ewing are tire paternal grandparents. ALLEMANG Mr. and Mrs. Merle Allemang ol Clearwater, twin daughters, weighing 5 pounds 7 ounces and 5 pounds 9 ounces, born Tuesday, January 7, at Til den Community hospital. HILL Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Hill of San Jose, Calif., a son, Steven Howard, weighing 8 pounds 4 ounces. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart of Page and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hill of Orchard. BARTAK Mr. and Mrs. James IJartak of Omaha, a son, Terry Owen, born Friday, January JO. airs. Bartak is tiie former Jane Parks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Parks of Page. MITCHELL Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell of Atkinson, a son, Kelly Leroy, weighing ti pounds 9 oun ces, born Tuesday, January 14, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. HERBERT Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Herbert of Winnetoon, a dau ghter, Beverly Ann. weighing 7 pounds 15 ounces, Itorn Wednes day, January 15, at Lundberg Memorial hospital at Creighton Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S (O’Neill) • Admitted: January 8-Harold Miller of O'Neill. Mrs. Mary Zas trow of O'Neill, Mrs. Thomas Clark of O'Neill; 9—Wayne Black ot St>encer, Marie Campbell of Kilgore; 10 Gregory Allen Klab enes of Chambers, Miss Teresa Finley of O'Neill. Garnet Gillogly ol Inman, Sharleen McClellan of O’Neill 11—Mrs. C. A. Van Val kenborg of Ewing, Ronald Ressel of South Gate, Calif.; 12 Mrs. Francis Musil of O'Neill, Felix Sullivan of O’Neill, Mrs. Maurice Cavanaugh of O’Neill; 19—Mrs. Otto lvrupicka of Spencer, Larry Tellier of O’Neill, Karlie Hansen of Ewing, Mrs. LeRoy Kirwin of Butte. Mrs. J. E. Smith of Page; 14 Mrs. Richard Copes of Page, lUe Marie Grutsch of O’Neill. Dismissed; January 8 —Mrs. Merle (Max) Farrier of O’Neill, Mrs Clifford Sobotka of O’Neill; 9 Mrs. Laura Myers of O’Neill, Carol Ann Drueke of O’Neill; 10— Mrs. l >onald Vanderbeek of O Neill, Louis Nelson of Chambers, Frank Fallon of O’Neill; U—For est Henderson of Orchard, Larry Davis of O’Neill, E. J. Revell of O'Neill, Mrs Thomas Clark and baby noy of O'Neill, Mrs. Don Lyons of O’Neill, Mrs. Mary Zas traw of O’Neill; 12-Mrs. Jim Me Dermott of O’Neill; IT Sharleen McClellan of O’Neill, Ted Kyster of O'Neill. Marie Campbell of Kil gore. Gregory Allen Klabenes of Chambers, Mrs. Otto Krupicka ot Spencer; 15—Mrs. Francis Musil of O’Neill. Hospitalized: Karlie Hansen of Ewing, Mrs. H. B. Black of Spen cer, Harold Miller of O'Neill, Way ne Black of Spencer, Mrs. J. E. Smith of Page, Mrs. Maurice Cavanaugh of O'Neill, Miss Tere sa Finley of O'Neill, Ronald Res sel of South Gate, Calif., Mrs. C A. Van Valkenborg of Ewing, Mrs. Richard Copes of Page, Rae Marie Grutsch of O’Neill, Larry Tellier of O’Neill, Garnet Gillogly of O'Neill, Mrs. Garrett Janzing of O’Neill, Norman Gonderinger of O’Neill. Felix Sullivan of O’ Neill Mrs. LeRoy Kirwin of But te. SACKED HEART (Lynch) Hospitalized: Mrs. George Clas >en of S|>encer, Joseph David, sr, ot Rushville, Alvin Davis of Spen cer Mrs. Alfred Davy and baby girl’ of Lynch, Mrs Carl Gncwuch of Norfolk, Miss Shirley Hargens oi Spencer, Joseph Hausmann of Bonesteel. S.D., William Jordan of Butte, Albert Looek of Spencer, Josephine Mahlendorf o f Lynch, Henry Maly of Spencer, Frank Mashek of Fairfax, S.D., Arlo Pinkerman of Lynch, Harry Seaston of Spencer, Mrs. Jesse Veich of Spencer, Mrs. Cliffoid Bush of Fairfax. S-D., William Schmitz, jr.. of Bonesteel, S.D. Dismissed: Mrs. Melvin Ander son of Bristow. Mrs. Louis Klasna Spencer. Reinhold Bryer of Nap er. Herbert Hahrstedt of Lynch, Mrs. Pauline Fuhrer of Butte (ex pired!. Mrs. Wlat Wesche of Lynch, Mi's. Oliver Ross of O Neill. Mrs. Gerald Hansen of O - Neill. Charles Scott of Verdel, Mrs Eliza Cooper of Lynch, Mrs. William Dix and baby girl of But te. PRICE DIES EWING—Wilbur Price of Albion died Saturday. Funeral services were held WTednesday at Albion and burial was made there. Mrs. John Wunner is a sister-in-law of Mrs. Price. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Boelter of Creighton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Waring. o o o e „ o Sick & injured O'NEILL Mrs. V. J. Towle cam" down with mumps Monday. . Little Larry Tellier, four-year old son of Mr. and Mrs Edward Tellier. was taken to St. An thony's Monday with pneumonia. . Little Donald Donohoe. infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dono hoe. came home from Children's Memorial hospital in Omaha Sat urday. He was a patient there a couple of weeks. ■ • Harold John son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Johnson, jr., has mumps. . . Mrs. Tom Donlin is recuperating from the flu at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs John Murray in Spencer. . . , William ("Bill”) Miller re turned Saturday from St. Joseph's hospital, Omaha, where he had d a two-week’t checkup. . . Ronali* Ressel of South Gate, Calif., »is recovering from a gall bladder operation in the hospital here. He returned to 0 Neill for the surgery. He is a son of Mr. and Ms Harrv E. Ressel. EWING—Mrs. Andrew Qlsori, who spent ultout 10 days at the Antelope Memorial hospital, was able to come home Saturday. . . . Mrs. Ed Yelli mid son, Ed ward, came home Friday from the Antelope Memorial hospital at | Neligh. . . Jun Good, who had his j hand injured in a compicker Fri day afternoon, is a patient at the Antelope Memorial hospital at Neligh. The hand was broken and some fingers mangled. There is hope of saving a part of the lin gers. . . Forest Henderson, who has been a patient at St. Anthony's hospital in O'Neill, is now back at his home. VENUS Mrs. Guy Ernest is taking care of her mother, Mrs. Sarah Evan, who has been bed last since November- Mis. Ernest went to her home at Creighton Monday, January ti, and returned the same day. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hannerman of Brunswick (U LUIIipaiUCU IV. uimmuwu ser, visited their sister-in-law and aunt, Mrs. Frank Sokol, of Verd | igre and Miss Blanch Risinger at the Creighton hospital. . . William Crosse entered the Veterans hos pital at Lincoln Monday, January 6, with an eye aliment. LYNCH Mrs. Hazel Endicott of O’Neill is staying at the home of Mrs. Nata Bjornsen to be near her mother, Mrs. Eliza Cooper, who is a patient in Sacred Heart hos pital. . . Virgil Pinkerman of O’ Neill is a pneumonia patient in the local hospital. . . Mrs. Martin Jehorek returned home Friday af ter a week's stay at the Bob Con nelley home in Lincoln assisting in the care of little Jay Connelley, who is now being hospitalized in a Lincoln hospital. CHAMBERS—W. A. Smith is a patient at the Tilden hospital. . . . James Platt submitted to sur ger at the Tilden hospital Mon day. . . Louis Neilson returned ! Friday from St. Anthony's hos j pital in O'Neill where he had been a patient since Tuesday. . . Wil- j liam Lehman is home after having submitted to surgery at St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha. CELIA Alex Forsythe entered j Atkinson Memorial hospital Thurs day, January 9, for medical treat- j ment. . . Mrs. Blanche Rouse has I been staying at the Milton Me-1 Kathnie home helping care for her ' daughter, Mrs. McKathnie, who J recently underwent surgery in J St. Anthony’s hospital at O’Neill. | DELOIT W. E. Wulf of Ewing suffered an illness Saturday and was taken to the O'Neill hospital. Later he was moved to the Neligh hospital. He was a long time resi dent of the Deloit community be fore moving to Ewing. . . Mrs. Minnie Reimer has been ill with pneumonia at her home in Ewing. RIVERSIDE Mrs. Leo Miller returned home Sunday from the Antelope Memorial hospital where she has been since Tuesday Jan uary 7. Mrs. Ora Switzer has been hepling at the Miller home during her absence. INMAN M. L. Harkins spent Monday and Tuesday in Sioux City receiving medical care. . . Mrs. James Sobotka was released Mon da yfrom St. Anthony’s hospital w'here she had been a patient for one week. Mrs. Howard Head Is Honored— INMAN -Mrs. Howard Bead,' ] the former Miss Irene Kopejtka, j ' was honored at a post-nuptial j shower at the Latter Day Saints j ! church annex Saturday afternoon by a group of friends. About 50 1 guests were present. The Misses Bonnie Banks, Brenda Colman and Lorraine i Butterfield were in charge of the 1 program. Refreshments were! served at the close of the after- J noon. Nine Families Gather to Work— AMEIJA- Nine families gather ed at the Clyde Burge home Wed ! nesday, January 8, for a work . day. The Women’s Missionary society sewed for missions and the men folks sawed wood for the | church and a neighbor. Dinner and supper were served by the ladies. Entertain— Mr. and Mrs. Joe Slvesind had | as their guest several days this I week her mother. Mrs. John Sch leusener of Orchard. Too Late to Classify WE WISH to thank each of the | merchants of O’Neill who do-1 nated a gift to our daughter for the first baby of the new year and to us as parents. Also a special thanks to the Frontier for sponsoring this event.-MR. | AND MRS. GEORGE SYFIE. JR., AND FAMILY. 38c FOR RENT: At once, modem 2-! bedroom home with full base ment and attached garage. Au tomatic oil furnace. Harry E. Ressel. 38tf FOR RENT: Modern 3-bedroom home. — Anna Brown, phone 323-.T, O’Neill. 38p35 /-dfyrfk { (fa ag ufat s& tp5 ft#, b&ft/ Ird&fcz •«, .»• •*. »,*• *••••*»••• *••••••••* FOREMOST’S BIG DSP HALF GAL. 59c CHASE & SANBORN INSTANT COFFEE 6 OZ. JAR 99' DELSEY BATH ROOM TISSUE 4 ~ 53' KLEENEX CLEANSING TISSUE 9 BOoVs 5 7c JLI 400 f I_ SPRING VALLEY ECONOMICAL SPREAD . FINE FOR BAKING. COOKING AND FRYING | 4 1 LB. CTNS. T| OUR FAMILY FRESH CALIFORNIA STRAWBERRY PRESERVES GLASSES GOLDEN VALLEY SALAD PEARS IN SYRUP NO. 303 TINS GOLDEN VALLEY 4 SIEVE - FRESH GARDEN FLAVOR NO. 303 TINS PLEASMOB CHOCOLATE CANDY PECAN DELIGHTS.-79' PLEASMOB SOFT WHITE MARSHMALLOWS.-18' DUNCAN HINES CHIFFON CAKE MIX.-49' DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIX ANGEL FOOD.- 43' DUNCAN HINES BUTTERMILK PANCAKE MIX.-19' GOLDEN VALLEY SALMON 5QC ^H^.FULL POUND TIN ... SupA&JWL CHOCOLATE PENGUIN COOKIES U COUNT Jk r” pko 4Dc PREMIUM SALTINES - 29c USDA Choice Qcef ROUND STEAK.u. 79* Fresh Lean Tender and Meaty PORK SPARE RIBS.u. 35* Delicious Served with Bacon BEEF LIVER .u. 29* Wilson's • Rich - Smooth - Spready BRAUNSGHWEIGER.u.39* Fresh Made Expertly Seasoned PORK SAUSAGE.u. 35* ^-JOiagL (BaomL CRACKER m Full of Health from Milk ■ *#*■#** \ VELVEETA.Y.‘89‘ JACKS K Prize in Every Package K Salad Dressing J MIRACLE WHIP .*..59' 3 jf KRAFT DINNER..2 31c kotbc now In thle new LOW CALORIE SALAD Kraft SOFT GREY Dressing._80*29* rnnniCQ package FRENCH SALAD Dressing_8«*25* chocolate CASINO SALAD 1* OZ. O l ^0SY. CRISP, ™E ^ Bfl!UHC DrAcsina . 33* 1 V«c V 4jC „ my fairly bursting idaho uressmg ->«<• w PEG. J v Feminine, ^ % WITH JUICE minOTT Beautiful. Refined I WINESAP RUSSET : GOVT GRADED BEEF QUARTERS SALE! APPLES POTATOES [ Good Both for Eating cn in a Aft FRONTS lb 43c 1 HINDS lb 49c 0 “oor $1 a® FULLY PROCESSED — READY FOR YOUR LOCKER OR DEEP FREEZE 1 JLm * TftfTI **■ “25^“ ■ 2='33: 1 _•<» i - 25c| GALLON [ c Special! 2Aqc J ro«»im! ' J3C —--18-OZ. PKG.V^y SweetHeart BUmPS GLASS WAX TOILET SOAP I 4, REli. 0*1% *' jlV i*<K VTJjie C:! j 4 au 29* ,U wip.oa» * SweetHeart BUHIjWII P1NT 4^41- ■W 27 ■■B Armour’s Sliced Jk Bacon found Pkg-39c Fryers Er~d:_ 39c Ground Beef 2^. $1 B ■ Tender Hens Chickens t« u>...29c Bacon Squares r« u>. 25C ----- GOLDEN VALLEY — FRENCH’S — CATSUP 214-02Ms.39c [ MUSTARD'^ iOc COMPLETE LINE OF NUTRENA POULTRY ■ HOC - CATTLE FEEDS Comp. Egg Crums. 27% Grain Bal. White Block Crushed Rock Cwt. . . S3.95 Cwt. S4.70 Salt 79c Salt 99c toTmarket prices for your cream, eggs poultry * CREAMERY — BUTTER_per lb. 69c GOLDEN VALLEY — / PORK ’N BEANS_ 5 No. 2i tins $ 1.00 GOLDEN VALLEY — PEACHES_3 No. 21 tins $ 1.00 OCR FAMILY — BEETS, fancy cut.3 303 tins 33c OCR FAMILY — SPINACH_ 2 303 tins 31c AMERICAN REALTY — TOMATO JUICE_tall tin He TARKAV — POPCORN_2-lb- bag 31c PLEASMOR — LICORICE PASTELS_pkg. 29c PLEASMOR — PEANUT CLUSTERS_pkg. 39c —1 —1—■' "■ ' —1 ■—1 111 [ WE DELIVER PHONE ft»8