The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 09, 1958, Page 9, Image 9

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Thiele’s Dairy Cattle
TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle
on hand at all times Wiscon
sin bred, fresh and heavy
springers, first and second
calf heifers.
Arnold Thiele
2Vi miles southwest of Clear
water, Phone 17 on 12 tf
FOR SALE: Used Sewing mach
ine (electric i, good condition,
take over five payments of $5.
Can be seen locally. For infor
mation write credit manager.
PO O. box 24, Sioux Fall, S D.
CAFE FOR SALE: Good going
business Selling due to ill
health.—'Ted s Cafe, Verdigre.
Used Machinery
Farmall B
Farmall 12
Farmall Regular
Farmall 20
Snow bucket for Duncan
Snow Inicket for IHC
8-ft. Dempster mill and 20-ft.
IHC loader
Twin Draulic leader
D1C No. 10 mill
IHC sheller
IHC spreader
Tumble bug
Soil mover
Good used washers your choice
Gas refrigerator
Rinse tubs
Combination gas and wood range
Used electric refrigerator
We trade for farm equipment on
Shelhamer Equip. Co.
FOR SALE: Kenmore space neat
er, heavy duty brick-lined wood
and coal heater, used one seat
son, $120 new; firstcomer $55 —
Coast-to-Coast, O’Neill 36-37c
FOR SALE: 3 Hereford bulls, 1
2-yr-old, 1 4-yr-old, 1 5-yr-old.
Ed Trennepohl, 26 miles south
O'Neill, phone 2621, Chambers.
3 -37p
FOR SALE: Angus bulls.—Musil
Bros., O’Neill. 36-41pd.
FOR SALE: Three overstuffed
booths, also 110 volt light plant
with 2 wheel trailer—Pete
Peterson, O’Neill, ph. 491-W.
SEE US or white us If interested
In Sprinkler Irrigation. We will
be glad to figure your system
for you, with the help of qual
ified irrigation engineers, at no
Wm. Krotter Co.
"Dealers in A - M Sprinkler
FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire
boars.—Henry Stelling, 2 mi.
south, Vi west of Orchard. 23tf
FOR SALE: Farmall M with
wide and narrow front end; AV
40 J-D mounted lister-Harry
Thomsen. 3Vis miles south, 1 Vi
west of Page. 37-38p60
KOU SALK: 12-ft lx>at with trail
er, will sell together or separ
ately. Call 351-M after 5 o’clock
or see Thomas Schoberg, O’
Neill. 37-38c75
YOU OWE it to yourself and
your family to let CURTISS
build you a better herd for the
future. For efficient service
call 469-J—
FOR SALE: Twenty high grade
Hereford breeding cows, good
ages —C. C. Nelson and son,
Bristow, phone Spencer 3632.
FOR SALE: 1947 International
truck with 12-ft. stock and
grain box. Will trade for oats
or corn. — Lincoln Hamilton,
Stuart. 37-38pd
Used Furniture
Dining room suite $39.50
Living room suite $19.50
Desk S'®
Radio and Record Player $29.j0
Occasional chair 512 50
Bed, Spring, Mattress - 529.50
Davenport $9-50
Midwest Furniture
and Appliance Co.
209 West Douglas
O’Neill, Nebr.
FOR SALE: New Norge oil burn
ing floor furnace. 50,000 BTU
Oil barrels and copper tubing —
Richard Knapp, Orchard, phone
TW 3-3635 37-38c
SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolis
$16.50 a ton; American $20 50
traffic light. Everett Gorgen,
a ton; white block 75c—Located
3 blks east, 4 blks. north of
Ph. 524-M, O’Neill. 51 tf
FOR SALE: Yorkshire sows for
sale, will farrow in Febr., Mar
ch and April. Double vaccina
tion.—Glenn Gillogly, Inman.
MONEY TO LOAN on farms,
ranches and homes. Long term,
low interest rates — bonds and
insurance of all kinds_ bee
Virgil L. Laursen at The O
Neill Company. 27-ltrtic
WHY RENT when you can own
your own home?
A LARGE selection on hand in
15 to 48 ft., 8 & 10 ft. widths,
equipped with the fabulous
alarm-o-matic fire alarm. See
it demonstrated
SPECIAL PRICES on all units on
WE TRADE for furniture, cars,
trucks or what-have-you.
WE FINANCE up to 5 years.
Dewey Miller Trailer
Phone 460 Albion, Nebr
FOR SALE: Just unloaded top
Minnesota Holstein and Guern
sey dairy heifer calves at the
farm 4ȣ miles south of Clear
water. Also a few springers to
freshen real soon. — Wilbert
Thiele, phone 13 on 7 37c
FOR SALE: Extra choice Duroc
Registered boars, vaccinated,
guaranteed and blood tested.—
L. V Gant & Sons, 4 miles nor
th, 3 east, 1 north of Atkinson,
phone 7845 32-37p
For Sale
Hampshire and spotted Polands.
Bred for March farrow t o
Hampshire boars. Double vac
New Deal Oil Co.
Tony Asimus
West O’Neill 37-39c
FOR SALE: Purebred Spotted
Poland China fall boars, weight
130-lbs. out of Goff boar.—Al
fred A Straka, Stuart, phone
5825, Atkinson. 37-38pd
FDR SALE: 1942 II Farmall, good
shape, good tires, good paint.—
Lyle Watson, Chambers. 37-39p
FDR SALE: Terriflex vinyl tile.
Now carried in stock. Select
your color.—Spelts-Ray Lbr.
Co., O'Neill. 47ctf|
FOR SAI.F’: Minnesota Holstein
heifers and cows, TB and bangs
tested.—Rudy Juracek, Ewing.
FDR SALE: Registered Hamp
shire bred gilts for February
and March farrow.—Alfred Han
sen, 5 miles west, 4 south and
% west of Plainview. 37tf
Purebred Boxer Dog
1 yr. old to be sold to highest
bidder, ideal for children. Will
trade for farming equipment.
Shelhamer Equip.
O'Neil, Nebr.
FOR SALE: Registered Hereford
bulls, 12 mos. coming 2 years
old in spring.—John Niewoh
ner, 2V6 miles west of Drive
In, O’Neill. 34-52p4.85
the greatest battery of bulls in
the nation. There is no shorter
or cheaper way to build econ
omy in your herd than to breed j
to plus proven sires. Call 469J!
Duane Gray, O’Neill 29tf
Midwest F urniture
& Appliance Co.
209 West Douglas
O’Neill, Nebr.
FOR SALE: 1956 2-ton Ford
truck, with or without dump
box, excellent condition.—Phone
434 26tf
?EE US for new SPARTAN or |
SAFEWAY mobile houses, 25%
down, 5% int.; up to 84
months to pay. Write or phone.
—Contois Motor Co. Neligh. 30tf
FOR THE FORD in your future
see Del Robertson at Lohaus
Motor Co., phone 33. 37 tf
FDR SALE: Beer equipment, to
be moved. Reasonable. Modern
location available in O’Neill.— j
Ralph McElvain, O’Neill. 26tf
FOR RENT: Furnished apart
ment. 4 rooms and bath, heat
ed. close in.—Elmer Hagensick,
O’Neill, phone 556-R. 34tf
FOR RENT: January 15 modem
duplex 4 rooms with bath and
basement. Automatic oil fur
nace. 5 blocks from school.—
Harry E Ressel, O’Neill. 37tf
FOR RENT: 3-room modem
apartment.—Tony Asimus, O'
Neill. phone 510. 33tf.
FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — ;
Phone 537, O’Neill. 16tf
FOR RENT: Two 2-bedroom
homes. See or call—Anna Bell
Asimus. phone 364 . 37tf
FOR RENT: Streeter house, gas
heat. Phone 126 O. E. Davidson.
O’Neill. 37tf
FOR RENT: Storage space.—
Phone 565. O’Neill. 37tf
LOST: Black barrel Shaffer pen.
i Additional on barrel Reward
for return.—L. G. Gillespie. 36tf
Ed I„. Bussinger
BASSETT — Ed L. Bussinger,'
54, of Bassett, died Saturday. De
| cember 28. Funeral services were
I held Tuesday. December 31. at
2 p.m.. at the Methodist church.
i Survivors include: Widow: son—
| Micael. 17; daughter—Sharon, 15. |
Any make and size up to 100 h.p.
1/40 through 10 h p. single phase
V< through 100 h.p. 3 phase
Appliance, Portable Tools. Controls
Commercial & REA WIRING
Distributors for
and Pumps
Allen Bradley Controls
Gates Belts & Pulleys
Also many other types of
Electrical Equipment & Supplies
24-Hr Service
Northwest Electric
Motor Service
No job is too small or too big
No job is too close or too far
No service or time too great that
will not take care of you
Sewing Center
WE REPAIR all makes. We un
dersell anybody in price and
outsell anybody in quality.
Watch Repairing
McIntosh Jewelry
Phone 166 O’Neill
L. Guthmiller
Half Block East of
Texaco Station
SPECIALIZING in all kinds of
automobile, truck and tractor
repair. Acetylene welding.
Wick’s Body Shop
Complete Body and Fender
Repairs and Painting
Glass Installed—Towing Service
Phone 211W
for Any Job 25tf
Bulk Gas Deliveries
Norge Appliances
Gas Heating Systems
Dearborn, Seigler, Coleman
Universal Hunt
Dankert’s Propane
3 6
Months to Repay
on Real Estate
$ 1,000 or less
$25.00 to $1,000
Made on our regular monthly
repayment plan and on a Spec
ial Plan for Farmers.
Central rinance Corp.
Phone 14 O'Neill
Real Estate Broker
Private Listings and
Farm Sales a Speciality
Phone 207 — O’Neill
Phone 775-W for Pickup
and Delivery!
Generator and Motor Winding
Spends Holiday In Missouri—
Mr and Mrs. Roland Miller and
son. Freddie, spent Christmas at
Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., with their
daughter and son-in-law, CWO and
Mrs. Earl Slattery, and girls. They
arrived there Christmas day and
remained until Friday. Enroute
home they visted with the Ed!
Howe family at Humboldt and
with friends at Tecumseh.
Try FRONTIER want ads for I
quick results.
Income Opportunity
RELIABLE man or woman from
this area to service a route of
cigarette machines. Will take 5
hrs. a week of your spare time
and can net as high as $275
monthly and can be built to full
time tmsiness with our help,
which could eventually net $20
000 annually No experience or
selling necessary, route is es
tablished for the operator. To
qualify you must have $900 to
$1,800 cash immediately avail
able, which is secured, and a
serviceable automobile. If sin
cerely interested write for per
sonal' interview giving phone
number and brief outline of
background to Box 5182, St.
Paul, Minn. 37-38c
WANTED: Serum pigs. Loading
days, Monday, Tuesday and
Thursday each week.—Dwaine
Lockman, Stuart, phone 3741.
Invitation to a Career
IF YOU are interested in know
ing how to become an Agency
Manager with a Health & Ac
cident Company working ex
clusively through banks, write
C. B. FABER, 216 Strand Build
ing, Sioux Falls, South Dakota,
for personal interview. 37-38c
WANTED: Will care for child in
my home for working mother.
—Mrs. Gerald Monk, O’Neill
room home in O’Neill. Want
permanent residence. Call 80 or
81, Cousumers Public Power.—
Orville Sindelar. 37p35
WANTED: Experienced married
man for year-around ranch
work.Apply in person if possib
le.—M. M. Kellar, Newport.
WANTED: Man between age of
23 to 45 This could mean full
time job for right party with
selling experience. No limit
to the amount of earnings for
ambitious party. Must have
good car, for work in Holt
county. Married man prefer
red with references. — Write
box 334, Neligh, Nebr., for date
to be interviewed. 26tf
WE WISH to take this opportunity
to say a special thank you to
all who sent flowers and cards
to our loved one during his fi
nal illness. Aso, we wish to
thank each and everyone for
and expressions of sympathy,
as well as the cards, floral of
their kindness, understanding
ferings and memorials. We
wish to express our deep ap
preciation to those who brought
in food and assisted with the
work at home, the ladies who
furnished food at the American
Legion Hall and those who ser
ved the meal. May God bless
you all. Mrs. R. E. Kriz, Mr.
and Mrs. Andy Classen and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Nordby
C. Larsen. 37c
I WISH to extend my sincere ap
preciation to all who sent cards,
gifts, and came to visit me
while I was a patient at St. An
thony's hospital. A special
thanks to Drs. Wilson and Sucha,
the hospital staff and to the
blood donors, Mrs. Ed Rausch.
Marvin Rouse, and Bernard
Dusatko. Your thoughtfulness is
deeply appreciated.—Mrs. Mil
ton McKathnie, Atkinson 37p50
I WANT to express my thanks to
Dr. Finley and Father Kucera,
Sisters, nurses and nurses aides
for their wonderful care while
I was in St. Anthony’s. Also
thanks to everyone for the mass
es, prayers, gifts and cards and
all who came to see me. Your
kindness will always be remem
bered. God Bless you all.—Mrs.
Dave Moler. 37c;
WE WANT to thank the Sisters,
nurses and Dr McKee for the
wonderful care given to Jay
while he was in the Atkinson
hospital. Especially do we want
to thank each and everyone for
any help given to our family.—
WE WISH to express our heart
felt thanks to our many friends
and neighbors for their masses,
flowers, cards and expressions
of sympathy and acts of kind
ness during the recent illness
and death of our beloved moth
ILY. 37p
MANY THANKS to all who sent
cards, letters, flowers and gifts
while I was in St. Anthony’s
hospital. A special thanks to
Pastor Roten for his visits and
prayers — Mrs. Walter Jutte
WE WANT to thank our neighbors
and friends and the O’Neill fire
department for helping put out
the fire in our home—Karen
and Roy Boshart. 37p50
New Year’s Guests—
Dinner guests on new year’s at
the home of Mrs. Rosa Bowers
were her son-in-law and daughter,
Mr and Mrs. Marion Woidneck
and daughters and Mr. and Mrs
Paul Woidneck. Loyal Hull called
during the afternoon. Monday visit
ors at her home were Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Klasna of Spencer.
FOR SALE: Resident property.
Large modern house, san be used
as duplex or one family resi
dence with 4 liedrooms, base
ment. Full city block (16 lots>
garage, small barn and chicken
house. Garden patch, strawber
ries. Inquire Joe Sobotka, O'
Neill or Mrs. Dorothy Simmons.
1014 N. Burlington, Hastings
IS YOUR insurance costing too
much? Are you properly in
sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt.,
O'Neill, Nebr. 34tf
FOR SALE: To the highest bid
der, small house and six lots —
W. b. and L. J. Lamb, O'Neill, 1
phone 568-R 36-40pd j
Inman News
Kay Coventry and IV>n Kelley,
students at Wayne State Teach
ers college, returned to Wayne
Sunday to resume classes.
Mrs. Cora Caldwell returned to
her home in Utica last Thursday
after spending a couple of weeks
in the Tompkins home. Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. Tompkins took her to
Bill Fernandez of Chicago, HI.,
was a weekend guest in the home
of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Alexander.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Smith and
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Halstead
were Sunday, Dec. 29, dinner
guests in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Park at Page.
Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Moore of
O'Neill entertained Mr. and Mrs.
K. F. Smith, Bert and Beverly
Smith and Mrs. Anna Smith and
Ernest Trowbridge Christmas
eve. Dinner was served.
Mrs. Anna Smith and brother,
Ernest Trowbridge, were Christ
mas day dinner guests in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Cronk at Page.
Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Hutton
and family of Creston and Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Hutton and dau
ghter of Bassett were Christmas
day guests in the home of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hut
ton. Others who called at the Hut
ton home Christmas afternoon
were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tjessem
and daughters of‘Maywood, 111,
Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Clark and son
of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Burger and family of Neligh.
Mrs. James M. McMahan at- j
tended a meeting of the Past
Matrons club at the home of Mrs.
John Osenbaugh in O’Neill Mon
day afternoon, December 23.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A Tomp
kins of Omaha came Saturday,
Dec. 28 and spent until Sunday
in the home of Charles parents,
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins. All
were Sundav dinner guests in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A.
Tompkins and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony
and children were Dec. 29 dinner
guests in the home of Mrs. An
thony’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Matschullat of Page. They
also visited their uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. William Matschul
lat of Lincoln guests in the Otto
Matschullat home.
Star News
Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson and
family spent new year’s eve at
the Ewalt Miller home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hibbs and
family spent Sunday evening, De
cember 27, with the Nels Linquist
family. , _ ..
New years guest at the Ewalt
Miller family home were Mr. and
Mrs Wayne Boelter and Alien,
Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson Wyn
and Larry, Miss Ardith McElhose
and Larry Oetter.
Irma Juracek spent new years
with Marlene Soucek.
Mr. and Mrs. Nels Linquist and;
family were new years guest of
Mrs. Anna Sorensen at Page.
Back to school again are Misses
Kay Hibbs, Tom Zakrzewski, Nor
ma Timmerman, Barbara Miller,
Judy Juracek. Glen Miller, Bever
ly Linquist, Diane and Barbara j
c?_r>nt Zakrzewski. Veldon
Tomlinson and Bob Revell, at
tending either high school or col
Mr. and Mrs. Nels Linquist
and family were Sunday afternoon
visitors with the Soren Sorensen,
ir., family. . , ,
Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson
and family visited with Mr and
Mrs. Dave Johnson in Creighton
Sunday afternoon. Other visitors
were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ha
and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hale
and family. . , ,
Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Mdler had
Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs
Gerald Waring and Axlee.
Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller spent
Sunday evening at the Nels Lin
quist home.
Ewing News
Miss Wilda Carr, Connie and
Pat returned to their home at
Holdrege on new year’s day, al
ter spending a few days with h
father, M. H. Dierks. Miss
Mary Carr remained until sun
day, returning to Omaha where
she is taking nurse’s training.
Mrs. Faulhaber 111—
VENUS— Mrs. Fred Faulhaber
was taken to Orchard Tuesday
December 24, for medical aid.
She was much improved by the
end of the week. Mrs. Faulhaber,
is 85 years old. _j
Dr. Donald E. David
Eyes Examined
Glasses Fitted
Phone 2101 Spencer
Riverside News
The Archie Johnston and Willie
Shrader fannies ate supper Fri
day evening at the Will Shrader
iiiiim The occasion was the Will
Shrader's 42nd wedding anniver
Mr. and Mrs, S. S. Schlotman
were in Norfolk on business Satur
Mr. and Mrs Lionel Gunter and
Paul ate Sunday dinner and sup
per at the Alfred Napier home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fry. Mr. anil
Mrs. Dale Napier and the Lynn
Fry, Willie Shrader, Wayne Fry,
Lee Fink and Ralph Murin fam
ilies ate dinner ney year's at the
Richard Napier home.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Napier ate j
dinner Sunday, December 23, at
the Lynn Fry home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wetlauffer
and Gary of O'Neill and the Arch
ie Johnston family were Sunday
v isitors at the Will Shrader home.
Paul Gunter was a supper guest
on new year's of Rev. and Mrs
William Ross.
The John Napier and Kenneth
Hill families visited Friday eve- •
ning at the Alfred Napier home.
Rachel Shrader returned to her j
home in Ewing Sunday after
spending a few da vs visiting at
the Wilbur Bennett home.
The Willie Shrader family ate
Sunday dinner at Lynn Fry home
in the evening Mrs. Victor Van
dersnick and sons, Gregory, and
Kent, of Absarokee, Mont , Mr. and
Mrs. Lynn Fry and family, Kitty
Fry and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink
and sons were supper guests at the
Willie Shrader home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and
Shelia and Mrs. Kitty Fry were in
Neligh Friday. Mrs. Lynn Fry also
attend a Women's council meeting
for the presidents of the extension
project clubs. Mrs. Fry is presi
dent of the Seek and Share project
ivil , UUU mis. mum
and granddaughters, Gail and Kay
Fleming, ate Sunday dinner at the
Earl Pierson home. In the after
noon both families visited Mrs
Edith McClanahan at Brunswick.
Betty Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Way
ne Fry and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Napier and girls and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emsick and
family were dinner guests Satur
day at the Bill Fry home. The
Emsick family stopped to visit
awhile. They were enroute to their
home in Omaha and had spent
Christmas with the Stanley Rick
ert family and other relatives in
Lucille, Valonda and Milton Bid
dlecome, Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt
Hoke, Mr. and Mrs. George Mont
gomery and Paul Gunter were
diner guests new year's at the
Rol Hord home.
Milton Biddlecome left last
Thursday for San Diego, Calif.,
where he is stationed, after spend
ing the holidays with home folks.
Russel Napier left Sunday for
Sterling, Kans., to continue sch
ool Paul Gunter returned to Nor
folk Sunday evening where he at
tends Norfolk Junior college. Both
boys spetn the holidays visiting
home folks.
Sunday dinner guests at Ora
Switzers were Alberta, Ruby, and
Cleo Butler of Omaha, Jay Butler
and the Wendell Switzer and Leo
Miller families, Mr. and Mrs. A
mos Switzer called in the after
Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke were
supper guests Wednesday, Jan
uary 1, at Alvin Nelson home near
Plainview. Clayton returned home
with them from a visit with rela
tives at Naperville and Ronoke,
both in Illinois. He also went sight
seeing in Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter re
turned home Friday evening, Jan
uary 3. They visted the Verl Gun
ter at Springfield, 111., over Christ
mas and the Alton Gunter family
at Garland, Tex., over the new
year’s. Paul Gunter was chore
boy and news correspondent dur
ing their absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Good of
Clearwater were dinner and sup
per guests at the George Mont
gomery home Sunday .
The Darrol Switzer family
spent new years at the Leo Miller
home, Wendell Switzers, Ora
Switzers and Jay Butler were also
guests. Darrol and son, Jerry, re
turned home by train Thursday
morning as roads were too icy U>
travel by ear. Mrs. Switzer and
girls returned home by car on
The Darrel Switzers spent Tues
day night with her parents. Mr.
and Mrs Ralph George, and other
relatives north «>{ O'Neill
Wayne Fry w as happy for a sun
ny Sunday when the electricity
went off with 25 heat lamps go- ’
mg on 175 little pigs Chester
Smith of Neligh was called and
soon had the trouble fixed
Mr. and Mrs, John Napier and
Tommy were supper guests Sun
day at the Ed Walters home in
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller
were supper guests at the Bill Lof-,
quist home Wednesday, January
Mrs. Edna Lotquist visited in
Neligh Saturday.
Saturday evening the Leo Mil
ler family had as supper guests i
Alberta, Ruby and Cleo Butler of {
Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Ora
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock
v isited at the Rollie Snell home in
Page Sunday.
Tuesday evening. December 31.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller etner
tained the following with home
made ice cream, the Iak> Miller
and Bob lofquist families and Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Miller and Lou.
Edna Miller spent new year's
day at the Daisy Miller and Mel
vin Napier homes.
Mr. and Mrs. John Napier had
as their guests new year’s day,
Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier and
Russel, the Glen Harpster and
Alfrer Napier families. Mr. and
Mrs. EM Walters of Chambers,
Vi on a Buret and Jerry Cuddy of
Grant Mott and Dewitt Hoke
helped at the George Montgomery
home Monday. Mrs. lloko and
Phyllis and girls were also guests.
Roberta Montgomery returned
home Sunday evening. She has
been visiting a few days at the
Milford Wehenkel home in Neligh
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lofquist and
two children visited nis mouicr,
Mrs. Edna Lofquist, and the Bill
Lofquist family enroute to their
home in Fremont, coming from
visting relatives in California. The
youngest daughter was cared for
lit the Reuben Meyers home in
Sunday. Decemlier 29, the Bill
Lofquist family were guests at
the William Hobbs home, it being
Mrs. lxifquist s birthday anniver
sary. The Lxifquists were guests
Sunday at the Charles Rotherham
home in Ewing.
(Chambers and Amelia)
Rev. Harold D. Bonath, pastor
Thursday, January 9 (today):
Women’s Society of Christian Ser
vice at the church, 2 p m.
Sunday, January 12: Sunday
school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.;
morning message "Perils of Noon
day”; senior MYF, 7:30 p.m.
Monday, January 13: Junior
choir, 7:30 p.m.; junior MYF.
8 p.m.; senior choir, 8 p.m.
Wednesday, January 15: Parish
prayer time, 8-9 p m. Read 1
Kings 18.
Friday, January 10: Young
adults meet at the church for fel
lowship supper and study of Acts.
Sunday, January 12: Worship,
9:30 a.m.; Sunday-school, 10:30
a m. Morning message "Perils of
Tuesday, January 14: Official
board meeting and tour commis
sions, 8 p.m.
Wednesday, January 15: Parish
prayer time, 8-9 p.m. Read I
Kings 18.
Thursday, January 16: Choir
and MYF, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, January 22: Stew
ard ship school at Neligh.
To Omaha.—
Mr. and Mrs. George McCarthy
and daughter, Lynn, and sons,
James and Edward, went to Oma
ha to spend new year’s with the
Misses Beverly and Barbara and
the John McCarthy family. They
returned home Thursday night
and Edward remained in Omaha
until Sunday.
kwing Prayers
for Polio Drive
KWING Events for the polio
drive in the community are well
underway for the month, Mrs
Richard Edwards chairman and
Mrs. Jerry Tomjaek co-chairman.
Candidates drawn ha- polio
queen, four to eight years of age
t>y the business places are: Cathy
Reifort, by the K. It. Market;
1 Vine Buxton, Ralph's store;
Hindu Yelli. Gambit1 store; Mary
Sanders. Hill's store; anti Julie
Fry for Eda's cafe.
Each of the above places will
have a hank In which all contrib
utions for the March of Dimes
may be placed Each penny will
count ns a vote for the candidate.
In the high school, names were
also drawn for a candidate queen
in each grade. Judy Tinsley rep
resents tilt" freshmen class; Ann
Rotherham the sophomores; Jean
ette Noffke. the juniors, and Pat
ricia Halil heck the seniors. Each
penny given In schtxil to the Mar
ch of Dimes, will also count as a
vote for the candidate.
The Firestone store is featuring
a guessing contest at 10 cents a
guess. The winner will lie present
ed free passes to the Eldorado
theatre for the month of February
by Mrs. Wayne Pollock.
All contests will come to a close
at a home talent show, to be pre
scented Sunday afternoon at 2 o’
clock, January 26. at the public
school auditorium. Winners will be
announced at this time. All con
tributions will go to the March of
Anyone interested in participat
ing in the home talent show may
contact Mrs. Edwards or Mrs.
Emmet News
Mi's. Mary Lewis was hostess
to a Christmas supper held Thurs
day, Dec. 26. Guestes were Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Gene Claussen
and family of Fairfield, la., Mrs.
Ed Claussen and Kenny, Mr. and
Mrs. Billy Claussen, Mr. and Mrs.
1,a Vein Claussen and Wauneta,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler and
Mary Alice, Rudy Claussen and
Eddie Ethington. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Winkler called later in the eve
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sivesind and
family of Sidney were Sunday,
Doc. 29, visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Alder and
Christmas day guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Skopec, sr.,
were Mr. and Mrs. George Sko
pec, Dwayne and Donald, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Skopec, jr., of
Stuart and their daughter, Miss
Carolyn, of Lincoln.
Mrs. Bob Cole attended a wed
ding shower Friday, Dec. 27, for
Mrs. Marty Harris. Hostess for
the shower was Mrs. Marilyn Seh
aaf of Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrington
and Robin of Omaha came Christ
mas eve to spend Christmas with
her father, Frank Foreman, Jean
nie and Merle.
| 4-LONO tirm- I
NFLA, owiwd by farmer*—tor
term era, Mvei you money whew
you borrow. Low interest rote*.
Dependable. Loan* for moot any
oomtructiva purpose.
For fuO Information about a
loan wa your land, plaa*«
•an tarti
Elkhom Valley
Momlier Federal Land Bank
Complete Dispersal AUCTION
One-half mile west of Stuart on Highway 2© 1:30 P. M.
Saturday, January 18th
In ca*w‘ of stormy weather, sale wtU be held on Saturday, January 25, same time, same place
38 — HEAD OF CATTLE — 38
8—Guernsey Cows, fresh; 5—Guernsey Cows, fresh by sale time; 10—Guernsey flows, to fresh
en Febr. & Mar.; Holstein Cow, fresh; 3—Guernsey Yearling Heifers; Holstein Yearling Heifer;
4—Curtiss Candy Heifer Calves. These are all good, young producing rows. All cattle are TB
and Bangs tested. Cows are all bred by artificial insemination to Curtis Candy Bulls.
3 unit DeLaval Magnetic milking machine, l-yr.-old; electric hot water heater, l-yr.-old;
International self-washing separator; 1950 Massey-Harris 44 diesel tractor; super A Farmall trac
tor; F-20 Farmall tractor; Massey-Harris 7-ft. combine with motor and pickup attachment; In- j
ternational pull-type lister; 2-row go devil; 8-ft. hydraulic dozer; manure loader; 300-gal. fuel
tank; 8" Burr grinder; branding iron heater, new; winch; hammer mill; dehorning chute; 8’x8'
granary; some small tools; GI compickor; 4 International hay rakes, 3 nearly new; International
power mower; truck sweep new Ford V-8 motor; International trail mower; 3-rake hitch for F-20
Farmall tractor; 2—box wagons; hay rack; heavy duty underslung and cable; 2—Sets of tractor
chains, 12x38; 20’x8’ leanto on chicken house; lb-ft. disc; Massey-Harris cultivator; M-M pull-type
lister; 2-section harrow; 3-section harrow.
TERMS: Cash or make arrangements with the clerk. All property must be settled for before
being removed from the premises.
Band Mothers will serve lunch on grounds
L. 0. RHODES, Owner
C. E. McCECRG, Auctioneer TRI COUNTY BANK, Clerk -