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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1958)
Students Reorganized at Page Church PAGE A student recognition day was obcerved Sunday at the Page Methodist church with a special prograrti arranged. It has become the custom for those who have G en in college during the year ami service men home on leave to give an account of their years activities Each individual introduced himself with his college or unit of service and gave on interesting breief account of the highlights of the past year. Those taking part were the Misses Brenda Beelaert, Linda Cronk, Margie and Helen Finch, Bette French, Lois Salt/, Lyle Heiss. Lionel Ickes, Elmer Salt/ and Eddy Walker. Mrs. N, L>. Ickes, sr., is sec retary of ctudent work. Other Page News Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes, Mrs. Bertha Reed and Misses Marie Heiss and Viola Haynes, both of Hastings, were Wednesday evening, January 1, guests of Mrs. Louise Heiss. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wood of Omaha were Tuesday, December 31 to Thursday, January 2, guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs I. O Wood and other relatives. Miss Alice French entertained at the Town House Friday eve ning, and the group went to her home after dinner and spent the evening together. Guests were the Misses Marie Heiss and Viola Haynes, both of Hastings, Miss Effie Stevens of O'Neill and Mrs Alton Braddoek of Page. A late lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Neven Ickes, jr., and children accompanied Mr. and Mrs R. F. Park to Carroll. Sunday where they were guests in the home of Mrs. Park's brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baird in honor of Mrs. Ken neth Baird and children of Honu lul, Hawaii who are spending the holidays there. Afternoon guests were the Misses Gladys and Thel ma Wood and Elmer Wood The six sons of Mrs. Freida Asher and their families. Mrs. Asher and Mrs. Hester Edmisten were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher for their Christmas get-to gether. The sons are Richard of Powell, Wyo., Bob of Rapid City. S.D., and Harold, Ben, Jerry and Kenneth, all of Page. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Har vey and sons were Saturday eve ning dinner guests of her grand mother, Mrs. Hester Edrmsfen Mr. ana Mrs. Kenneth Asher and family and Mrs Freda Asher were evening guests. The occasion was the seventy fourth anniver sary of Mrs. Edmisten's birthday Ice cream and cake were served for lunch. Mrs. Emma Kemper returned to Page Friday after a month's vist with her son-in-law and dau ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Lud dington, at rand Island. She spent Thursday night with her son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Winkler at Emet. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nelson of Lin coln were weekend visitors in the home of her mother, Mrs. Jud Russell. Mrs. Russell returned to Lincoln with them for a visit Mrs. Anton Nissen was hostess Friday afternoon to members of (he GGG&G club. At cards Mrs Hert Finley held high score, Mrs. Frieda Asher low and Mrs. Hes ter Edmisten received the tra 1 veling award. Mrs. Melvin Held 1 invited the group to be her guests Friday, January 17. The hostess served lunch. Rev. Burl Baty and son, Mich ael, went to Atkinson Saturday where he attended the session of the Elkhorn Valley Holiness as sociation. Mrs. Belle Mott returned to Page Thursday from South Dak ota where she spent Christmas at Flandreau and New Year’s at Sioux Falls with nieces. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Terrill left Saturday for Lincoln where they were to visit little David Terrill at the hospital and I heir son and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Terrill From there they will go to Lau rens, la , on business. Postmaster and Mrs. Raymond Stevens of Orchard. Mr. and Mrs C. M. Stevens and Mrs. Ethel War ing. all of Page, w-ere last Thurs day evening gtiests of Postmaster and Mrs. Bryan Stevens. Mrs. Flossie Held of Orchard and her sister, Mrs. Ruby Johns of Seotsbluff were last Thursday guests of the former’s son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs Melvin Held. The ladies left Sat urday for Omaha where they will visit their brother, Roy Sigman. Charter No. 5770 Reserve District No. 10 Report of the condition of the O’Neill National Bank of O'Neill. In the State of Nebraska, at the close of business on DECTMBER 31, 1957 Published in response to call made by the Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U.S, Revised Statutes' ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve bal ance, and rash items in process of collection $ 651,111.93 United States Government obligations, direct and guar anteed 2.325.480.03 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 302,869.94 Other bonds, notes, and debentures 150,000.00 Corporate stocks (including $4,500.00 stock of Federal Reserve BankL ’ Loans and discounts (including $657.90 overdrafts) 5.1,231.3( Bank premises owned 'JJk Other asses 105106 Total Assets $3,858,244.33 liabilities Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and cor- ^ ^ ^ {x>rations . Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) ^ ,« Deposits of States and political subdivisions " Deposits of banks IK,1" Total Deposits ..$3,611,82-2.83 _ Total Liabilities $3,611,822 83 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital Stock: Common Stock, total par $50,000.00 — — * ^00000 Surplus _ . j. Undivided profits 13M-i'au Total Capital Accounts * 34.,421.50 Total Liabilities and Capital Accounts $3,959,244.33 MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 5 5UU.UUU.UU I j b. Grady, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. j B GRADY. Cashier Correct — Attest: F. N. Cronin, E. F. Quinn, Julius D. Cronin, Directors. STATE OF NEBRASKA, COUNTY OF HOLT, ss: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of January, 1958, and I hereby certify that I am not an officer or director of this bank. DOROTHY ENRIGHT, Notary Public My commission expires March 7, 1961 O’Neil! News I _ Mr. and Mrs. Keith Anspach and family and Mr. and Mrs. i Charles Marstcn and family of Lincoln spent the Christmas hol idays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harden Anspach. Keith Anspach and family returned to Lincoln on Monday. , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Asher of Rapid City, S. D., spgnt from Tuesday, December 24, until Sun day, rtecemlxT 29, visiting Harry Appleby of Inman and other rel atives. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Baker are his mother, Mrs. 0. W. Baker of Casper, Wyo, and sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Edison and son, Faye, of Douglas, Wyo. They arrived Saturday, December 28. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bridge of Or chard spent the Christmas holi days with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Bridge. Dr. and Mrs. L A. Burgess and Mrs. Walker spent the Christmas holidays in Fremont and Omaha Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clauson and C. H. Shaw were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shaw and family of Bassett. Mike Smith of Lyons arrived Thursday, December 26, and is guest of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Gale Dierberger and family spent the Christmas holidays visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Dierberger, of Seward, her mother, Mrs. Lillian Ogden and her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hutchins of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Berner and Suzanne spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Clara Berner, in Norfolk. Christmas dinner and gift ex change of the Engdahl family was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claire Engdahl Monday, December 23. Guests were K. C. Engdahl of Uheling; Mr. and Mi’s. Harold Engdahl of Craig; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Engdahl of Craig; Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Eng dahl of Oakland; Mary Engdahl of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Engdahl of Peru. Duane Weier. a student at Way ne State Teachers college, spent the holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weier. Gary Waller returned to Wayne State Teachers college Sunday af ter having spent his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Waller. Rev. and Mrs. D. V. Olmstead and Ixjys spent the Christmas holi day with her mother. Mrs. Gert rude Lowe, and her brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lowe, and family, all of Robinson, Kans. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tellier and boys were Christmas guests of her mother. Mrs. Edna Sutton of Silver Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Miller and •hildren spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F Blattert of Stanton and with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Bruce ! Dickerson of Fremont. New Luxury JlMtAnAAorin/L^ "■ff-jrTtS-SIi pushbutton features. Try « Fined Car Ever Paced SSl!hHp'^,ne th,t giv« you the very top m \ -8 So Close lo (he lowed “ See marefcr T«ney. ^ ^ „„ fa we™ Come In sod see OSCAR’S RAMBLER SALES 125 WEST DOEGLAS — O’NEILI, Three-Generation Group on Market Everett M. Jarman of Chambers last week was at the Omaha livestock market with his father, W. O. Jarman. He sold some of his Hereford steers weighing 1,147 pounds for $25.50. Forty-three steers were in the package. W. O Jarman started shipping cattle to Omaha in 1903. Douglas Jarman, grandson of W. O and son of Everett, last week was on the Omaha market with his first consign ment. In the photo (left-to-right): W. O., Everett and lxmglas. SMA Students Prepare for Exams It did not take long for St. Mary’s academy students to set tle back into the routine of school life. Classes resumed Monday, January 6, after the holiday re cess. Both teachers and students are beginning to prepare for sem ester exams. The first basketball game after the holidays was played Tuesday night on the O’Neill floor. The Cardinals took on the Lynch Tig ers, their second Niobrara Valley conference foe during this season. Friday night, the Cards play host to the Verdigre Hawks, another NVC team. The traditional January dance, sponsored by the freshmen, was given Wednesday night. This year the affair was semi-formal, and the title was “The Jingle Bells Hop”. Pupils attended the presentation of the movie, “Bamboo Prison”, Monday morning. This weekend, C. Ann Arbuth not, senior, will go to Omaha to take the scholastic aptitude test for the national merit scholar ships. The test will be given at Central high school Saturday mor ning. Open-House Planned on 25th Anniversary— A open-house will be held at the Paul Cihlar home on Sunday, January 12, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Cihlar’s 25th wedding anni versary. They are extending an invita i lion to all of their relatives and friends to join them between 2 and 4 p.m., that day. Meet Daughters— Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beha return ed Thursday, January 2, from a | visit to New York city between \ Christmas and new year's with their daughters, Miss Nancy, who lives there, and Miss Marilyn, who came from Fond du Lac, Wise., where she is employed. Mr. Kaulhaber Feted— Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Sidney Faulhaber to help cele brate his birthday anniversary were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zastrow and family, Mrs. Mary Zastrow and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baker of Omaha. Rollin'rs Observe Plowing In South— DELOIT Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roimer and Elayne made a southern trip following Christmas. They visited St. Joseph, Excel sior Springs, Kansas City, Lake of the Ozarks and Chilliciothe, all in Missouri. They were over night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Olmsted and daughter, Jeanie, at Golden City, Mo. While in the South they observ ed a number of farmers plow ing but upon returning home Monday, December 30, they en countered a snowstorm north of Columbus. Robert Miller was at the Reim er home in their absence. Miss Bentzen Plans Summer Wedding— NAPER Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bentzen, jr., of Naper announce the engagement of their daugh ter, Miss Nina Marie, to Jerome C. Bahm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Bahm of Ewing. Miss Bentzen attended Norfolk Junior college last year and is now employed at S&S Wholesale supply in Norfolk. Mr. Balm is a sophomore at Norfolk Junior college. The couple plans a summer wedding. Celebrates Birthday— Mrs. Chares Fox, Raymond and Carrol, Mrs. George Bosn and children, Mrs. Fritz Belzer and children, Mrs Bill Kelly of O’Neill and Mrs. George Brain ard and children of Douglas, Wyo., spent Monday afternoon, December 29, in Emmet at the home of Mrs. Wayne Fox cele brating her birthday anniversary. Move to Bassett— Mrs. Goldie Wells and Albert Hepburn of Bassett, who were married Saturday, December 28, at the Assembly of God church Monday moved to Bassett. O’NEILL LOCALS Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Sherbahn spent Christmas with Mrs. Sher bahn’s mother, Mrs. Gertrude Mc Callum at Wauneta. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baker of Omaha came Friday to spend the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Faulhaber and Mrs. Mary Zastrow. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Contois left Monday on a business trip to Grand Rapids, Mich. REPORT OF CONDITION OF Farmers State Bank of Ewing, Nebraska, Charter No. 1600 at the close of business on DECEMBER 31, 1957 ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve bal ances, and cash items in process of collection $ 153,262.62 United States Government obligations, direct and guaran ty->1 652.543.65 Other bonds, notes, and debentures 4,000.00 Loans and discounts (including $334.17 overdrafts) 292,185.25 Bank premises owned $950.00, furniture and fixtures $3,520.00 4,470.00 TOTAL ASSETS _ $1,106,461.52 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and cor porations $ 815,952.72 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 412.06 Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 21,193.63 Deposits of States and political subdivisions .._. 150,507.62 Other deposits (certified and officers’ checks, etc.) _ 13,620.00 TOTAL DEPOSITS .. $1,001,686.03 TOTAL LIABILITIES.. $1,001,686.03 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ! Capital* 25,000 00 Surplus 50,000.00 Undivided profits 26,775.49 Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital) . 3,000.00 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $ 1(M,775.49 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $1,106,461.52 •This bank's capital consists of: Common stock with total par value of $25,000.00 MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes (including notes and bills rediscounted and securities sold with agreement to repurchase) $ 342,000.00 I, Richard D. Edwards. Cashier, of the above named bank, do hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. RICHARD D. EDWARDS, CORRECT — Attest: M. B. Huffman. Maud M. Brion, Richard S. Brion, L J. Spittler, Mary B. Huffman, Directors. Page News Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Iekes, sr., and Danny . James MeClung, N. D. Iekes. jr., and children, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Woodhalm and child ren and Lionel Iekes. who is a student at the Colorado A&M at Ft. Collins, w e r e New Year guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sorensen, jr., and daughters in observance of the N. D. Iekes, si's., wedding anniversary which occurred Thursday, January 2 Mr. and Mrs. Duane Dorr and children left Thursday morning for their home at Lapeer, Mich., after spending the holidays here with their parents. Mr. and Mrs Henry Dorr, and Mr. and Mrs Merwyn French, sr., and with other relatives and friends. Mr and Mrs. Harold Asher en tertained Mrs. Freida Asher and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and fam ily in honor of the Richard Asher family of Powell, Wyo., who left Monday for their home. Mrs. Freida Asher and Mrs. Bertha Reed were New Years day guests of Mrs. Hester Edmisten. Wednesday evening, January 1. guests of Mrs. Frieda Asher were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher and Ronnie of Page and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Asher and family of Powell, Wyo. The Matschullats left Monday for San Diego, Calif., to spend several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Stollier and family and Mrs. Alice Clark and children. From there they will go to Por tersvile to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ver non Chase and family. They ex pect to be gone about two months. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt Thompson and son tixik Mrs. Anna Thompson to Grand Island Thursday where she proceeded by train to Rainier, Ore., where she will spend the j winter months with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch and Clarence, jr., entertained the following guests for Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch and family, Mrs. Alta Finch, Mrs- Et hel Waring. Ixirry Taylor of Way ne, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gentzler of Neligh, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sufficool of Shelton, Phyllis Jb ink and Kenneth Tyler of Fremont and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waring of O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heiss and family of Page and Glen Waring and Kevin were af ternoon guests. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch took Miss Margie hack to Center Sun day where she began the regular school session Monday. Miss Hel en resumed her teaching obligat ions Monday also. Duane Finch returned to Os mond Sunday after a week's vaca tion. He is employed at the John Blunck farm. Mrs. Louise Heiss entertained at an oyster supper New Years eve in honor of Miss Mane Heiss of Hastings and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Dorr of Lapeer, Mich. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mer wyn French, sr., Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French, jr., and Miss Bette French of Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rakow and daughter, Lori, of Goldendale Wash., who have spent the holi days with her mother, Mrs. Hazel Kimes, at Neligh, were callers ai the N. D. Ickes sr., N. D. Ickes jr., and the Alfred Conner homes Thursday. They left Tuesday for their Washington home after visit ing a few days with her sister at David City. Mr. Rakow is pract icing law at Goldendale. New Year’s supper guests ol Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Held were Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Held. Cards furnished the evening's interest A late lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Asher and sons spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Ethel Park and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Snell. They returned to their Logan, la., home taking Mrs. Park home with them where she will divide her time during the winter months with them and with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Walter Asher, at Wood bine The Walter Ashers spent Christmas eve with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Friday, at Orchard joining the above group for the Christmas festivities. Linda Fisher marked her birth r-=-. day anniversary with a theater party at O Neill followed by lunch at her home. Guests, were the senior girls, the Misses Myrna Heiss, Kathleen Walker, Leona Mudloff. Carol Heiss and Janice and Luranne Crumly. Saturday, Dec 28, dinner guests at the Cordes Walker home were Mr. anti Mrs. Virgil Chase and son. Humid Hunta and Mrs Eve lyn Gray. Mrs. Celia Terrill returned to Alice’s Beauty Sho SLIMLINER REDCCENO MACHINE Phone MS-O’Neil! her home at Page after a month's visit with relatives at McQxik. Money to Loan — on — A l TO MOBILES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance C. E. Jones, Manager O'Neill Nebrtaka Man or Woman Wanted __________ y To Take Over Candy Distributorship and Service Stores in Spare Time r Wo are looking for a reliable person in this area and other towns within 500 miles who Is capable of handling our Candy Route and will give stores prompt service. The man or woman selected will find this a highly profitable operation which can be handled in your SPARK TIME. (No selling' or (Soliciting). We establish your accounts for you. Large territory available for prosperous full time business. Experience not necessary. This is a steady year-around non-seasonnl business. If you are sin cerely interested in handling Ibis territory and running a busi ness of your own, we want to tiear from you E1ANC1AL RK SPONSIBIIJTY REQUIRED FOR INVENTORY For personal interview write, GIVING PHONE NUMBER, TO: NATIONAL SERVICE COMPANY l 539 New England Building Topeka. Kansas DISPERSION SALE On the premises 9 mi. east of Lynch on Hwy. 12 and 1 mi. south; OR 2 mi. east of Monowi and 1 mi. smith; OR 5 mi. west of Verdel on Hwy. 12 and 1 mi. south, on— Saturday, January 11,1958 I Sale Starts at 12:30 p.m. Lunch on grounds 48 — HEAD OF CATTLE — 48 Including 26 Aberdeen-Angos breeding cows, 7 yrlg. Angus breeding heifers; 2 Angus cross yrlg heifers; 7 Angus heifer calves; 5 Angus steer calves and 1 dairy steer calf. 40 — HOGS — 40 One purebred Tamworth hour, 12 spotted Poliuid-tkilna gilts and 27 York-S|M>t cross pigs. HAY AND GRAIN Consisting of 1,600 bales of brome and alfalfa; 2,300 balee alfalfa; 3(H) hales oals straw; 150 bu. mllo; 60 Ions sorghum I silage and some cornstalk and mllo roughage. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT Consisting of ’53 Ferguson ‘30’ tractor; '57 Ferguson 3-bot. plow; ’57 Ferguson 4-sec. harrow; '56 Ilearborn 12-ft. disc, '56 Dearborn 2-row planter; '56 Danuser heavy duty posthole digger; dirt scoop; cultivator; rotary hoe; (all before mentioned mach inery has 3-point hookup for Ford, Ferguson, Oliver 55 tractors), endgate seeder, 7-ft. mower; grass seeder; twine tie baler; side delivery rake; comfort cover for Ferg, tractor; chains for 11-28 tires; feed bunks; 320 gal. gas barrell etc. j * HOUSEHOLD GOODS Chrome dinette set, living room suite; bed room suite, m nerspring mattress and matching box spring, desk and chair (all new last spring). Servel gas refrigerator. TERMS: CASH WILMER E. SEDIVY, Owner Lester Pierson & Marvin I .arson O’Neill Nal. Hank, Auctioneers Clerk Announcement I AM PLEASED to announce that I am the new CONOCO | AGENT in the O’Neill territory, and my aim is to continue with j friendly, top-notch service as well as to bring you the very finest in petroleum products. Having originated in the nearby community of Ewing, where I i had onsiderable CONOCO experience, I do not consider myself I a stranger among you . . . but will be hopeful of meeting more of you and having an opportunity to serve. —ROGER BENNETT Phone 606 Thank You I TAKE this means of expressing my sincere thanks for the fine patronage accorded me during the more than two years 1 had the privilege of being CONOCO AGENT at O’Neill. It was a genuine pleasure serving you, and I have returned to my home town—Winner—to work in the same capacity. I heartily recommend Mr. Roger Bennett, who, be assured, will be a fine representative for CONOCO and a fine asset to your community. —JAMES STORMS