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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1958)
Leo Miller Again Heads Church Group EWING—Annual business meet ing of the United Presbyterian church was held Friday evening, December 27 The following officers were elected Deo Miller, re-elected chairman; Archie Johnston, Bible school superintendent, with Dale Napier as the assistant; Mrs. Vearl Tuttle. primary Bible school superintendent, assisted by Mrs. Archie Johnston; Eddie Shrader, secretary-treasurer. The Frontier for printing! JANUARY LIVING ROOM R*‘K. Price Sale Price 69.5° 9ft eft Swivel Rocker. Save 30 00 . 3 Pc. Sectional 3I9'5?0 ()() 269.50 Foam Rubber have 50 00 121__ «• 219.50 169.50 2 Pc. Living Room Suite ^ave 30.01) 79.50 CftM Studio Couch _Save 20.00 ..-..L_ S29 580 00 149.50 2 Pc. Sectional 80 00 49.50 9ft Cft Platform^RockeM^^^^__ DINING ROOM ReK. Price Sale Price Drop Leaf Table (Walnut) 269.50 ?19 50 4 Chairs & China _Save 50.00 Dropleaf Table (Gray) 299.50 ?39 50 6J2hairs^^^JLainge^hina^^^ KITCHEN R.‘K. Price Sale Price 89 5° cqcn 5 Pc. Chrome Dinette Save 20.00 - Chrome Drop Leaf Table 89.50 Cq Cf| 4 Chairs _Save 40 00 7 Pc. Dinette—Bronze 1 19.50 oq rn 2 Leaves—-6 Chairs Save 30.00 - Chrome Dinette 1 59.50 qq Cft 2 Leaves—6 Chairs Save 60.00 -- Admiral Deep Freeze 549.50 90q rn 20 Ft. Save I 20.00 _OaM | 229 50 yqrq Electric Range Save 80.00 BEDROOM llcg. Price Sale Price 3 Pc. Bedroom Suite 199.50 ICQ rn Gray Mahogany Save 40.00 1 69.50 loocn : 2 Pc. Lime Oak Suite _Save 40.00 14J.JU 139.50 cq rn Box Spring & Mattress Save 69.50 Uj.t/U Foam Rubber Mattress 169.50 IQQCft & Box Spring Save 30.00 - IOj.JU Bunk Beds -Complete 129.50 on rn Maple or Blonde Save 40.00 Oj.Dv MISCELLANEOUS Rcr. Price Sale Price 36” x 40” Mirrors 29.50 in rn Plate Glass Save I 0.00 _lJLdv ? 9x12 Reversible 59.50 on rn Rugs Save 20.00 _ Necchi Sewing Machine 349.50 orn rn Fully Automatic Save 80.00 Domestic Sewing Machine 199.50 1/IQCH Console Cabinet Save 50.00 14JJ.DU Special During Sale! Samson Card Tables_4.95 Free Delivery Convenient Terms Quality Merchandise MIDWEST Furniture & Appl. O’Neill, Nebr. 209 West Douglas % Men’s Club Sponsors New Year’s Eve Party EWING — United Presbyterian Men's club invited the congrega tion to be their guests at the church annex for a New Year's eve party. A large crowd was in attendance Festivities began at 7 o'clock with an oyster and chili supper, followed by group singing with Miss Sandra Shrader as leader. Accompanists were Miss Sharon Johnston, pianist; Archie John ston, on the accordian, and Paul Gunter, on the trumpet Program numliers were: Solos Mr. and Mrs Ebon Grafft, with Mrs. Wilbur Spangler, accom panist; trumpet solo-Paul Gun ter; piano solo- "The Storm”, | by Mrs. Spangler; selections by the men's quartet, Leo Miller, Paul Gunter. Douglas Shrader and Archie Johnston. A travelogue was shown by Dr. and Mrs. William H. Ross of their trip in 1954, returning to the United States from the mission field in Pakistan. The evening’s entertainment ! came to a close at 12 o’clock with a watch service conducted | by Dr Ross. Other Ewing News Mr and Mrs. Hans Peterson and family had as their guests on New' Years eve, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schilousky, sr., and fam ily, and Mrs. Keith Biddlecome and son, Milton Biddlecome, U. S. navy. Pinochle was played for entertainment. Lunch was serv ed at a late hour by Mrs. Peter ! son Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller of Omaha are spending their vaca tion with his mother, Mrs. Anna Miller, and other relatives in the Ewing vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. John Tomjack and family of Melbeta spent the Christmas vacation with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tomjack. Friday Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee entertained the following guests at dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tom iack and their crnestc anH Mr and Mrs. John Tomjack and fam ily of Melbeta. Mi's. Caroline Sanders of Ew ; ing, Mrs. Harold Brown, Merle ; Lee of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. j Curly Sanders and children of j Laurel were dinner guests Sun | day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tomjack were hosts for the family Christ mas dinner. Present were Mr and Mrs. Allxu't Kallhoff and family of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawk and family of Ew ing, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Herley and family of Clearwater, Mr. and Mrs. John Tomjack and fam ily of Melbeta. Mr and Mrs. Ray Butler had as their guests on New Year's day for a turkey dinner and all the trimmings his hister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hall, all of Royal, and Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Harris and daughter, Bertha. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Peterson were Neligh visitors Monday, De cember .30 Keith Biddlecome, who spent the holiday season with his wife and family in Ewing, left Tues day to return to Chicago. On New Year's eve Mr. and Mrs. William Spence entertained the pitch club. Guests were Mr and Mrs. Everett Ruby. High score winners were Mr. Ruby for the men and Mrs. Charles Rotherham for the ladies. Low score winners were Waldo Davis and Mrs. Archie Tuttle. Refresh ments were served at a late hour. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rother ham went to Omaha on Thursday to take their daughter, Rowena, who had spent her holiday va cation with them. Miss Rowena is a student at Creighton univer sity. Milton Biddlecome, U.S. navy, who has been home on a 15-day leave, left Thursday to return to San Diego, Calif. Elwood Peterson employed at at Randolph was a guest on New Year’s day at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Pet erson. Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Grafft and j family of Omaha were holiday j guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eben Grafft, and also his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Spangler, and family. Miss Vaulda Welke spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. I Harriet Welke, in Ewing She ( teaches at Newman Grove. Mr. and Mrs Floyd Butterfield, sr., and Kenny of Atkinson spent new year’s day at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Floyd Butterfield, jr., and family Other guests were Homer and Ollie Mat ing of Em met Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Butterfield, j jr., and family went to Atkinson Saturday. December 28. to join his parents, Mr. and Mrs Floyd Butterfield, sr., in celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. Guests on new year’s day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van Conet and family were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Tomjack who reside in the Goose Lake area. Plans are being made by Miss Clare Tomjack and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Tomjack, to move to O'Neill Thursday (today) A new, all modern residence, re cently completed, will lie their home. Sunday evening guests at the j home of Mr. and Mrs. Telford Grim were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Caskey and daughter of Orchard and Mr. and Mrs Bernard Butter field and daughter of Niobrara. Mr. and Mrs. Telford Grim and children were Sunday dinner j guests at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Masolier of Verdigre. Mrs. Minnie Larson returned home Saturday after spending the* holidays at Norfolk with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Peters and Mr. and Mrs 1 Cressel Anderson and family at Bloomfield. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Sehroeder and daughters were guests Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Good at Inman. ^ Miss Shirley Leahy of Denver, Colo., visited Friday at the home if the Misses Anna and Theresa Bauer. Mrs Deloris Tellander of Kan sas City, Mo., spent the holiday vacation with her mother. Mrs. Josie Seivers, and her daughter, Sandra Tellander. She made the trip both ways by plane. Thursday, January 2. Mrs. Del oris Tellander of Kansas City. Mo., was the honored guest at a wmuci ai mi* nome oi nor mother, Mrs. Josie Seivers. Guests wert' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sievers and Donald, Mr. and Mrs Ken neth Schuelter, all of Neligh, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sievers and fam ily of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Ral [>h Clyde of Ewing. Mrs. Victor Vandersnick, Greg gory and Kent arrived in Ewing Sunday from Absorkee, Mont., to visit at the home of her mother, i Mrs. Kittie Fry, and other rela tives in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doud were entertained at a new year’s din ner at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Lillie Meyers, of Clearwater. Guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doud were Mr. and Mrs Tony Rothleunter and daughter of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pruden and family entertained on new year's day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urban. Ray Magwire returned home Saturday from Des Moines, la , where he transacted business for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Magwire and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Diettrich at Tilden. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grim, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rexine of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomsen of Page were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Carter Sunday, December 29. Miss Artha McClure, a former student of Mrs. Carter’s, was a | caller at the Lewis Carter home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fluent of ; Oakdale were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Car ! ter, Wednesday, January 1. Mr. Fluent is superintendent of schools | at Ericson. Miss Helen Rotherham came i home on the early morning train to spend the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs James Rotherham. She returned to Lincoln Sunday. Merton Dierks, who is spending his holiday' vacation at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks, returned to Manhattan. Kans., Sunday to resume his stu dies at the college there. During the holidays, Miss Mary Alys Dierks enjoyed a week's vacation at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks Their daughter, Miss Sandra Dierks, of Omaha also spent the weekend at the parental home. --i LADY BOWLERS! League bowling is now being organized and anyone interested in joining should contact— TEN PIN LANES or MRS. VIRGIL LAURSEN, President or MRS. MARIE GRAHAM, Secretary TO BE certain of getting the night and time best suited for you and your team, drop in right away, look over the schedule. Out-of-town teams, farm, club, lodge and church groups especially welcomed. NOTICE TO LADIES: Special help for beginning bowlers will be offered Thursdays, 2 to 4 p.ra., through January; 25c per line; instruction FREE! TEN PIN LANES RAY BAKER, Mgr. — WEST O’NEILL New balls, bags, shoes for sale! Deloit News Mr and Mrs Howard Temple and daughter were guests ihi Christmas day at the Claude Temple home in Lincoln. Don Larson dug a pail of po tatoes from his garden Tuesday, 1 iecember 24 for Christmas din ner The potatoes had been mul ched and were in perfct condi tion Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harpster iuid Mr and Mrs. Roy Johnson, Winifred and Neil of Neligh were guests Wednesday, January 1 at the Reimer home in Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. IXwald Fuller and family have moved to St Louis. Mo., where IXuiald is at tending diesel automotive school. Guests at the Ralph Tomjaek home Christmas day were Mr and Mrs. Ralph Beaudin and family of Buffalo, N Y., Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Tomjaek and sons of Hastings. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Beaudin, Jan and Dona flew to Pittsburg, Penn., where Mr. Beaudin was to begin his new job as vice president of a radio station. Mr and Mi's. lX>n Starr and Elizabeth went to Colorado City. Tex., Thursday, December 26 where they visited the home of Mr and Mrs Tom Christon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjaek were overnight guests at the Gene Ray home tn Omaha re cently. Jack Rosono has been employed at the Tomjaek home Mrs. Myrtle Jewell, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jewell and son of Dallas, S. D., and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Borg and three children of Washington were guests at the Johnny Bauer home for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Mor row and family and Mr. and Mrs. Donohoe all of O'Neill were also there. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pohl and daughter of Oakland. Mr. and Mrs. Don Starr and daughter of West Point, Lary Larson of Oma ha, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Larson and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ketrner and Klayne were guests on Christinas day at the Don 1 .arson home. Betty Bolhvit is employed in Gold's store in Lincoln. Mrs. Myrtle Jewell is visiting in the Ralph Tomjaek home. 11i«' HEO club will meet Thurs Schtniser home for a covered day. January 9, at the Clarence dish luncheon O’Neill Locals Christmas dinner guests of Dr and Mrs Rex M Wilton and fam ily were her mother. Mrs. Ben Hanlon, sr , and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hanlon, ir., and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Wells and two children of Montecello, Wise visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wells of Bristow, her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Ander son of Redbird, and Mr. and Mrs DANCE — AT — Ash Grove Hall Saturday, Jan. 11 MUSIC BY: Bud Van Fleet and his Sandhills Troubadours Admission: 80c Kivil Wells of O'Neill Miss Carolyn Lind ben* returned to Nebraska Wesleyan university Suridav after spending the holi days ith her parents. Mr. and Mrs H L. landherg, Mr and Mi*s lawrence John son and family spent Christmas in Royal with her parents, Mr and Mrs Oscar Bartseh. Mr and Mrs. Roliert Allendor fei and children of Omaha spent Sundav with friends and relatives The Allendorfers formerly lived here. DANCE American Legion Ballroom O’Neill Saturday, Jan. 11 ROCKETEERS Featuring rock and roll music Admission 75o Our racks are loaded with crisp new day-timers, every single one priced at just $2,791 Print*, stripes, plaids, and polka dots, all styled in crisp 80-square percale. Easy, on-in-an instant styles . . . step-ins, zip fronts, pull overs, shirtwaists, many with useful jumbo-size pockets. Dozens of be coming styles in misses' sizes 12-20, half sizes 14,/2-241/t, and plus sizes 46-56. Come in tomorrow while selection is best I UO-SPBOA4.